Staff turnover: pluses for the employer, minuses for the employee. Staff turnover: causes and solutions Staff turnover pros and cons

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Annex 1


to select candidates for existing vacancies


Position, specialty, direction of work __________________________________________________________

The main functions that the employee will have to perform, the content of the work ______________________________________________________________

Qualification requirements for the employee __________________________________________________________

Operating mode and working conditions



Desirable business and personal qualities of an employee ____________


Notes __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Department head

Job title ______________________

FULL NAME ______________________

Date ______________________

Annex 2

Rice. 1. Organizational structure shop 2422

Appendix 3


The following list of questions is a tool for studying employee satisfaction with their work in the enterprise. It will help the management of the organization to determine the state of labor motivation of the staff.

Your responses are completely confidential, so please be honest.

Motivating factors Grade
5 4 3 2 1
1 Labour Organization
2 The content of the work you have to do
3 Sanitary and hygienic working conditions
4 Level wages
5 Bonus system
6 Relationships in the team
7 Relationship with management
8 The relationship of the administration to the requests of employees
9 Growth prospects
10 Objectivity of work evaluation by management
11 Opportunity for training and advanced training
12 The degree of their awareness of the state of affairs in the company and the prospects for its development
13 The degree of provision with everything necessary for work
14 Solving social issues

YOUR ANSWERS (mark in the table)

5 - high score

4 - good score

3 - average score

2 - bad rating

1 - very bad rating

You can mark additional details about your work


Appendix 4

job applicant

(Job title)

1. Surname, name patronymic _____________________________________

2. Year and place of birth ______________________________________

3. Home address and telephone _________________________________

4. Education ( educational institution, specialty, year of graduation)


5. Specialty


6. General work experience


7. Work experience in the specialty (3 last jobs)


8. Foreign language


(fluent, with dictionary)

9. Practice working on the computer


10. Having a driver's license


11. Marital status, children ______________________________

12. additional information about yourself (hobbies, character traits, etc.) __________________________________________________________________

13. Contact phone _________________________________

Signature ________________ "____" ____________ 2008

Looking through various job search and employee sites, you will notice that the same companies post the same vacancies, periodically offering jobs to the same specialists. Staff turnover is one of the key and painful problems for any modern organization. To say that a large “turnover” negatively affects the business is an understatement. High rate staff turnover does not allow the formation of a permanent and well-coordinated team, and, accordingly, the corporate spirit in the company. What are the reasons for such an unpleasant phenomenon? Are there ways to avoid it altogether, or at least significantly reduce it?

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What is staff turnover?

Staff turnover- movement work force, due to the dissatisfaction of the employee with the workplace or the dissatisfaction of the organization with a particular specialist. This indicator is also called "revolving door index" and it displays how long the specialist has been at his job.

Figure 1 - The main types of staff turnover

1. Intraorganizational- associated with labor movements within the organization.

2. External- between organizations, industries and sectors of the economy.

3. Physical staff turnover covers those employees who, for various reasons, quit and leave the organization.

4. Hidden (psychological) staff turnover occurs among those employees who do not outwardly leave the company, but actually leave it, are excluded from organizational activities.

5. Natural turnover (3-5% per year) contributes to the timely renewal of the team and does not require special measures from the management and personnel service.

Based on the last definition, we can say that a small turnover rate is even useful for the organization, as it carries with it the renewal of the team with fresh thoughts and forces. Learn more about staff turnover calculation

Staff turnover can also be classified according to the position and period of work of the employee. A real disaster can be considered a large "turnover" of management personnel with some baggage of work experience in the company (and the more it is, the more it affects the financial and emotional health of the company). In connection with the frequent change of the head, not only temporary stagnation and low performance are possible, but also a ripple effect - the dismissal of his subordinates, who may leave after him.

Also, for some organizations, layoffs of new staff can become a real problem if new employee quit before he worked out the funds that were invested in him.

Causes of staff turnover

Everyone knows perfectly well that in order to cope with the disease, it is necessary to treat not the symptoms, but to eliminate the source. What are the sources of the disease called "staff turnover"?

  • Let's start from the very beginning of the employment process - selection. Often the reason for dismissal is laid already at the first stage, during poor-quality selection. There are many reasons for such an unprofessional selection: a banal rush to close the free vacancy on the part of the employer, the desire to quickly receive their fee as a recruiter, to finally find at least some work as an applicant, or simply insufficient informing the parties. In 99% of cases, this approach will sooner or later lead to dismissal.
  • After the selection of the employee is expected adaptation process. Poor adaptation or, in general, its absence causes early dismissal probationary period. Even when new employees stay and work in the company for a long time, their decision to leave can be made already in the first weeks. labor activity in this company.
  • Successful process adaptation is not yet a guarantee of success in the fight against staff turnover. The employee spends most of the daylight hours at work and on how comfortable working conditions created for him, his decision on his future stay in the company depends.
  • Dissatisfaction with management- in any form, whether it be personal dislike, dissatisfaction with professional qualities or management methods, can also cause the dismissal of an employee. The last two points are not limited to time frames, since in this case it all depends on the nature of the person.
  • After working for some time, an employee with some ambitions and professional qualities will begin to think about the possibility of growth and development. Absence career development , professional development and training can cause an employee to leave. The following reason for the dismissal of an employee is immediately traced - the prospect of obtaining a higher position in another place, the opportunity to apply their abilities more widely there and, accordingly, higher wages. This practice is commonly observed at all levels of personnel. Although often money is not the root cause. Salary is not a direct determinant (determinant) of job satisfaction. Many employees are not satisfied with the psychological climate that has developed in the team, they are not loyal and not motivated, and money in this case is a convenient excuse to leave the company.
  • Employee leaving after his colleague, friend, girlfriend, wife, etc. is also common. After all, humans are emotional beings.
  • And finally manager's dissatisfaction with the employee. The incompetence of an employee or his inability to work in a team is the cause of dissatisfaction with the manager and, accordingly, the reason for dismissal.

It is impossible to unambiguously determine the reason for the dismissal of all employees, therefore it will be useful to introduce into the company, for example, an interview upon dismissal, during which an employee of the personnel department or the manager must find out the motive for dismissal.

Problem Solving Methods

Having found out the reason for the dismissal of employees, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate it. For example, if the wage level is to blame, it is necessary to find out whether there is a financial opportunity to increase salaries, bonuses or introduce other options for financial motivation of staff. If some of the employees were not satisfied with the working conditions, then it is necessary to make a decision on the possibility of improving them.

Figure 2 - Reasons and methods for solving staff turnover

If it turns out that the majority of those who quit have a work experience of up to 6 months, this indicates errors in the selection of personnel and its adaptation. In this case, it is necessary to revise the selection criteria for specialists, improve the adaptation process, introduce the supervision of an experienced employee, control the adaptation process of everyone, conduct training, etc. employees, train them good governance and interaction with the team. You can learn more about the calculation of staff turnover in your company and get a basic set of recommendations in this section.

HRM Assistants for HR

Of course, there are many reasons for dismissal that are almost impossible to predict, but most of them can be monitored and eliminated before the very fact of dismissal takes place. To help the personnel officer exists great amount ready-made testing complexes, developed methods and instructions for creating your own tests. Thanks to them, you can regularly conduct various surveys, tests and staff assessments. The purpose of such events may be to analyze the psychological climate in the team, the process of adaptation of new employees, work efficiency various services in terms of personnel management, the level of satisfaction with working conditions in the company and much more.

1C: Payroll and personnel management

To effectively combat staff turnover, it is necessary to constantly monitor its coefficient and study the situation in the company. In today's market there are automated systems for personnel accounting, containing modules for planning the work of personnel, monitoring the effectiveness of the work of the personnel service and the state of personnel in the organization. One of the most popular and functional HRM information systems is "1C: Payroll and HR 8". The system contains the report "Staff turnover rate", which allows you to control the current rate of staff turnover both throughout the organization and in a specific individual unit.

This indicator is the following ratio, taken over a certain period: (number of dismissed employees / average headcount employees) * 100%.

Figure 3 - Report: staff turnover rate in "1C: Salary and personnel management"

The program contains functionality for testing employees, automatic payroll, tax and personnel records. "1C: Salary and personnel management" will allow not only using standard questionnaires, but also developing new ones, sending them to employees, receiving answers and processing the results.

1C: Personnel assessment

A useful tool for a manager or a personnel officer in testing and evaluating personnel will be another HRM automation system - “1C: Personnel Assessment”. This solution gives the personnel officer a wide range of opportunities for analyzing candidates when hiring and employees in the process of working, monitoring the socio-psychological climate in the team. The program enables an individual approach to testing and evaluation due to the possibility of designing new tests.

Figure 4 - Program "1C: Personnel assessment"

Methods of dealing with staff turnover, in principle, can be very individual in the same situation, but with different people. The main thing is a clear definition of the root cause and its prompt elimination. Untimely understanding that the turnover needs to be dealt with can be too expensive for the company. Constant monitoring and analysis of the reasons for the dismissal of employees and, of course, the search and implementation of methods to combat them - all this will bring great benefits to your business. Financial results will not keep you waiting.

System integration. Consulting


Causes of employee turnover and ways to prevent it

The price of staff turnover for the company is sometimes very high. The employer affected by this problem needs to analyze the causes of its occurrence and find effective ways preventing employee layoffs. In this article, we will take a closer look at what causes employee turnover and how to deal with it.

The analysis of employee turnover can be divided into several parts: measuring, identifying its causes and developing employee retention strategies. Let's look at each of these parts in more detail.


In order to understand whether there is a staff turnover, it is necessary to measure it correctly. There are several ways to determine the employee turnover rate. The simplest and most common formula is the ratio of the number of people laid off for a certain period (usually a year) to the average number of employees for the same period, multiplied by one hundred:

(number of people laid off per year) x100

(average number of employees per year)

The number of layoffs includes everyone who left the company for any reason: both own will as well as at the initiative of the employer.

It is worth noting that the level of turnover varies depending on the specifics of the department. For example, among low-skilled personnel there is a high turnover of personnel, in contrast to employees of the administrative and managerial level. In this regard, the measurement should be divided into sections, departments, divisions.

The rate of staff turnover can be called from 3 to 7%. It is important to pay attention to the scope and age of the organization. So for a young company, the normal turnover is 20%, for restaurant service and retail sales this figure can reach up to 30%. In addition, to determine how much the turnover indicator goes beyond the norm, you can compare it with the indicators of enterprises in the same field (competitor companies). If this ratio is much higher in your company, it's time to sound the alarm and take the necessary measures.

Causes of staff turnover

Everyone knows that if we are faced with any problem, then it is not the symptoms that need to be treated, but its source. Therefore, to begin with, it is worth conducting an internal study and find out why people leave the organization. To do this, you can begin to conduct an exit interview - a conversation with retiring employees. It is preferable that the interviewer not be former leader employee or the person providing the employee with references. An alternative option would be a questionnaire survey. Explain to employees the purpose of the above procedures and ensure complete confidentiality.

The main reasons that can cause staff turnover:

Poor selection

Sometimes the desire of recruiters to fill a vacancy as quickly as possible can lead to hiring the wrong employee. Or, during the selection, the applicant did not receive full information about the job and subsequently his expectations were not justified.

Dissatisfaction with management and their attitude

This may be a personal dislike for the leader and disagreement with management methods. Staff turnover can be high in an environment with poor communication and a poorly developed system of incentives and rewards. In such an atmosphere, employees feel undervalued, ignored, helpless and insignificant.

Lack of career and professional development and training

On the one hand, employers appreciate the ambition of employees. But, on the other hand, it can become a reason for leaving if employees do not see career opportunities within the organization. Also, dissatisfaction with the profession and the desire to change specialty encourage employees to look for a new application on the side, if they do not find it in this company.

Layoffs of other employees

For example, mergers of companies are not without layoffs. There are very common cases when, after the dismissal of the head of the department, after him all the employees of this department leave the organization. In addition, layoffs that are unfair in terms of personnel reduce the loyalty and motivation of working employees.

Unfavorable working conditions

We spend a significant part of our lives at work, so it is natural to want to spend this time in comfortable conditions. Cramped, dimly lit rooms, poor climatic conditions, low-quality equipment or lack of it are just some of the examples that cause dissatisfaction with the workspace.

Poor adaptation or lack of it

causes early dismissal on probation. Even when new employees stay and work in the company for a long time, their decision to leave can be made already in the first weeks of employment in this company.

The prospect of earning a higher salary elsewhere

This practice is observed at all levels of personnel. Although often money is not the root cause. Salary is not a direct determinant of job satisfaction. Many employees are not satisfied with the psychological climate that has developed at work, they are disloyal and unmotivated, and money in this case is a convenient excuse to leave the company.

Retention strategies

So, we found out that there are a sufficient number of reasons for staff turnover. If among them are global causes (economic situation, labor market conditions) or personal circumstances (moving, caring for children, illness of a family member), then it will be almost impossible to cope with them. However, the above internal reasons for multiple layoffs can be managed. Responsibility for retaining employees should lie with department heads and HR managers. Here are some tips to help reduce employee turnover in your company:

1. Provide . Hire the right people who fit the organization's culture. Their values, principles and goals must be consistent with the goals of the company. At the selection stage, provide applicants with as much information as possible about the job and the employer. Do not overestimate and do not overdo it with promises. Also use all necessary methods selection to identify suitable professional qualities future employee.

2. Develop programs for the professional and career development of staff. Training programs go a long way in building loyalty and retention. For example, such as continuing education courses, improving existing skills and gaining new knowledge at the expense of the employer.

3. Ensure employee ownership. "Open politics" does not involve meetings behind closed doors. Employees must realize that they have a voice and are recognized for their contributions. Consult with them on work issues, introduce the practice of collective decision-making. Provide staff with regular information about updates in the enterprise: about financial position, changes in policies and procedures.

4. Provide employees with work. Employees must feel that something really depends on their work. Permanent employment causes a feeling of stability, which is fundamental not only in work, but also in other areas of life.

5. Develop a competitive compensation package that includes awards and bonuses for special achievements, a system of benefits that supports the health of workers and their families. The needs of employees should be taken into account. Don't be prejudiced against some employees. Be fair and consistent in setting compensation. Employees will be less likely to leave an organization that cares about them.

6. Don't force yourself to work overtime or on weekends. For most, rest is of great importance, so you should not reduce it to the already few hours. If necessary, be prepared to provide changes to the work schedule and make it more flexible. The work should be evaluated not by the amount of time worked, but by the specific results achieved.

7. Protect your organization from headhunters. For example, save internal phone numbers and addresses Email confidential.

If your company follows these strategies and shows a genuine concern for the welfare of employees, you won't have to pay the highest high salary in the city to have the lowest turnover rate.

In the fight to minimize employee turnover, companies create almost a greenhouse environment for their employees. The result of this struggle is only one - stagnation in the company.

Japanese corporations are the only example in the world practice of almost zero movement of personnel between companies. The tradition of management in this country is associated with lifetime hiring of employees. Staff turnover in Japan does not even reach 1%. Yes, and this percentage is retired or other employees in the world. The rest of the civilized world is struggling with the constant migration of workers between companies in search of a better life in every possible way.

Ukrainian leaders also seek to minimize the level of staff turnover, realizing the costs associated with the constant change of personnel. Some organizations manage to achieve incredible success - people hold on to their seats with all their might. However, our experts advise: "Don't dream, otherwise it will come true." Ukrainians are not Japanese after all, and low staff turnover in Ukrainian organizations leads to stagnation in the company.

Hold on at all costs

“My opinion: the complete absence of fluidity is a utopia. We live in a constantly changing environment, it is necessary to respond adequately and make choices all the time,” says Christina Kayer Beck, Executive Director of Resta Corporation (restaurant business, staff - 550 people).

Of course, zero turnover is unlikely as people move, retire, and so on. We are talking about a situation where employees become so attached to the company in which they work that they absolutely stop striving for career growth, for changing employers. Let's put it simply - they stop the natural search for a "better life".

The experience of our experts shows that this happens quite often. “I think the low turnover is twofold. On the one hand, people are kept by suitable working conditions - financial, social, fullness with interesting content. And on the other hand - what is called corporate culture. If people are united by common values, then their mutual attraction is very strong. In the presence of a developed corporate culture working conditions may even fade into the background for a while,” says Margarita Korotkova, director of the HR department at Kvazar-Micro (1,500 employees).

Valentina Kravets, business consultant, candidate of psychological sciences, in turn, argues that the main reason that employees "cling their teeth" to their workplace, - thoughtless generosity of the owner of the company. “I happened to participate in the development of a personnel assessment system for a domestic manufacturing company. I must say right away that no one needs the results of the assessment according to this system, - says Ms. Kravets. - Our assessment of the personnel showed that the level of qualification of employees does not correspond to the remuneration offered by the company. For such a salary, which was clearly higher than in the general labor market, the company could hire more qualified employees. But our arguments were not heard by the leadership. Although the company clearly did not have enough stars from the sky, even with its production facilities and the right approach to personnel management could have significantly higher incomes. It turned out that for the head of the main indicator of the success of the company is precisely the low turnover of staff. He was very proud and boasted of this figure to his business colleagues. To achieve this, the company not only raised salaries, but also unofficially reduced the working day. Naturally, people did not want to leave such an organization.

Sometimes the reason for the low staff turnover is not the personality of the top manager, but the preserved "Soviet" approach to enterprise and personnel management. “First of all, such a phenomenon is typical for large domestic industries, - says Inna Mokrovolskaya, head of the personnel management department of Astelit LLC (life: mobile operator, staff - more than 1700 people). - Such trends characterize clumsy, bureaucratic organizations, where, perhaps, not the highest salary, but a guaranteed job. This phenomenon will be observed where there is low competition and, accordingly, there is no need to ask each employee how much profit he brings.

According to our experts, regardless of the reasons, companies with minimal employee turnover are doomed to fail. And employees who have lived in such greenhouse conditions for a long time become uncompetitive.

Punishment for generosity

If the company is only retired, this may be due to the extremely comfortable and pleasant atmosphere created in the organization, however, there is one “but”: “We all know that if the plant is watered very abundantly, rotting processes are inevitable. It should be comfortable to work, but not too much, - says Inna Mokrovolskaya. “There must be a constant incentive, discipline, high standards and requirements for the work performed.”

“Experience shows that such companies are less likely than others to become customers of all kinds of training programs for personnel, in such firms it is extremely rare to see such a position as a personnel development specialist,” says Valentina Kravets. In her opinion, the absence of “new blood”, new personnel, and hence new ideas, new experience and lack of development for already working specialists will lead to a sharp decrease in the competitiveness of the entire company.

Unfortunately, irreversible changes occur in the minds of the employees themselves. “The creation of greenhouse conditions for employees leads to a general degradation of personnel. People working in such companies, especially feeling the manager's personal interest in low staff turnover, begin to work half-heartedly, they do not develop, because they are understated requirements, and they do not feel external competition, - says Oksana Doroshenko, HR director of the marketing agency CMG (staff - 60 people). - When such employees come to us for interviews, they are immediately visible. Firstly, they do not read additional specialized literature, and therefore do not know about new developments and approaches in their specialty. Secondly, they are motivated only to search for comfortable conditions - this is easy to identify. Naturally, we simply do not take such employees. They are obviously doomed to failure. They simply cannot survive in the face of intense domestic competition.”

Personnel audit

It is possible to avoid such consequences. To do this, firstly, the manager should evaluate whether employees stay in his company for too long. To do this, you need to take into account the specifics of the company.

"IN certain types business structure stability can be a sine qua non for success; in some cases, low staff turnover can indeed cause some stagnation, ultimately leading to degradation. At the moment, there are no unambiguous criteria and indicators of the “correct” level of staff turnover. For one enterprise, a figure of 5% will be normal, for another, even a 70% turnover is acceptable, - Margarita Korotkova.

HR specialists offer average indicators by which you can navigate. Yes, for manufacturing enterprises The staff turnover rate is considered to be 10%. In the restaurant business and insurers, this figure is about 30%. In retail chains, it can reach 80%.

Of course, we must also take into account that this figure is higher in million-plus cities, and much lower in small towns, where workers hold on to work more tightly.

If your company's performance is below average, it is worth conducting an audit of the personnel. Margarita Korotkova advises: “If the need for change is visible, then it is important not to take hasty and thoughtless steps, especially since HR technologies provide tools for professional support of such management decisions. In particular, if the manager considers it necessary to dismiss part of the staff and invite new people, then before dismissal it is better to evaluate the staff, and to recruit new employees use modern technologies recruiting.

Inna Mokrovolskaya, in turn, believes that the process of employee movement will be inevitable if you introduce a system for evaluating the performance of employees, accompany it with payment according to the result, and demand compliance work discipline. In a word, to build a system aimed at efficient work. “Constant change also does not contribute to the fact that the organization is “covered with mud”. There will definitely be someone who will not go along with the chosen strategy, and he will decide to change jobs. Thus, only those who will really support it and work for the implementation of the tasks set remain in the organization,” says Ms. Mokrovolskaya.

Our business consultant Valentina Kravets offers several psychological tricks, which will help get rid of the most "unreliable" employees without firing them personally. “A very effective way is to spread the rumor about the reduction of staff salaries. The next move is to announce the restructuring and preliminary assessment work of employees. Employees who are focused on comfort and material wealth, but are not “fans” of their company, will start looking for new places, says the psychologist. - Find out why employees "cling their teeth" to your company, and promise to deprive them of these benefits. Staff turnover will immediately reach the level you need, and you will be able to attract new, more promising employees.”

An underestimated level of staff turnover leads to a sharp decrease in the competitiveness of both the company itself and each of its employees in the labor market.

Employees do not want to leave the company for years in three cases: overpayment, too loyal working conditions, underestimated requirements for personal results.

An extremely low level of staff turnover is typical for enterprises of the "Soviet" type, where people of the older generation get along well, striving for stability and old management traditions.

Having identified an underestimated level of personnel movement, it is necessary to assess the personnel, introduce changes in the structure of the organization, or use some psychological tricks that will make the work of “grown-in” employees uncomfortable.

One of the factors of successful business is the constancy of personnel and, as a result, the well-functioning mechanism of the enterprise. Therefore, each founder tries to bring the level in his own organization closer to the number "0". But is there a need for this? And what is the lack of employee turnover in the workplace - a potential threat or a utopia? We will deal with this controversial issue in this article.

General information

Staff turnover is an "indicator" indicating a change in the composition of the enterprise's employees in connection with their dismissal or transfer to another job of their own free will. This index indicates the duration of work in the organization of a specialist.

A high level of staff turnover indicates the presence of problems in the enterprise. But the lack of fluidity does not at all indicate its successful work.

If the company has just begun its thorny path to successful business, low staff turnover is quite justified. This is due to the fact that each new employee reveals all his potential and works for the future good of the company.

However, when an enterprise has taken a “stable position” in the business field, the outflow of specialists becomes a direct condition for its work, leading to success. In the absence of personnel replacement, the company becomes stagnant due to the lack of professional development of its employees, and, accordingly, stagnation in the development of the company itself.

The lack of staff turnover, in the end, can lead the company either to further rapid development, or to.

Reasons for low turnover

  1. Working conditions. Decent material and social working conditions contribute to low staff turnover. The work process should be comfortable not only for the employees of the enterprise, but also for its manager and the organization as a whole.
  2. "Noble image" of the founder. Often, low staff turnover is associated with the inability of the director of the company to communicate with subordinates, as a result of which, instead of the “boss-subordinate” relationship, a more friendly atmosphere arises in production, which does not allow both sides of the dialogue to adequately assess official positions and responsibilities of each, to set a subordination framework in relation to each other.
  3. "Soviet" thinking. Most specialists hold on to a place in the company not at all because of the possibility of career growth, advanced training and high earnings. Cadres simply hold on to the workplace, afraid not to find an alternative solution to this problem.
  4. Lack of internal competition. The lack of competition in the enterprise leads to the fact that its employees are no longer interested in innovations in the field of the company's work in order to achieve big goals and its development as a whole.

Yield rates

The staff turnover rate does not depend on the profile of the enterprise and reaches no more than 6% annually. Although qualified specialists involved in IT production believe that the annual outflow of a developed company should be up to 15% per year due to a serious struggle for a job in this market.

A churn of 50% or more is not always considered a fatal verdict for a company. It may be related to the lack of investment Money for personnel training in connection with non-repayment and unprofitability. Accordingly, it is cheaper for an enterprise to let a large flow of specialists through the firm than to invest large sums in them.

Optimization of the company's work

Optimization of the enterprise with low staff turnover is achieved through:

  • Hiring a Human Resource Development Specialist.
  • Accounting for the specifics of the enterprise.
  • Accounting (in case of non-compliance with the standards, the manager is recommended to audit employees).
  • Use of modernized recruitment technologies.
  • Implementation of a system for evaluating the activities of employees with bonuses for good results and discipline.
  • Identification of the real motives of work at the enterprise of each employee.
  • Creating a competitive situation between employees of the organization.
  • Defining boundaries between management and subordinates.
  • Professional development of personnel, including managers.

In addition, the person responsible for the selection of personnel must pay attention to the age, qualifications and length of service of the employee.

So the conclusion is not obvious. On the one hand, persistence personnel better than its endless renewal. On the other hand, the lack of staff turnover in the future will lead the company to degradation and is a potential threat for it. The balance depends on many factors, but the main thing is that it be achieved.