Methodology for measuring staff satisfaction (loyalty). Assessing staff loyalty: review of basic methods State of employee loyalty in an organization social survey

Regular assessment of employee loyalty will allow the company to achieve success in business activities and strengthen the position of the employer brand in the labor market. Read more in the material of our colleagues from System Personnel.

To understand the mechanisms and tools of staff loyalty, it is necessary to know the main attributes of loyalty, levels of its development, as well as external factors that influence staff loyalty. This information will allow you to understand what exactly needs to be assessed: what parameters and in what areas of personnel management. At the same time, regardless of the choice of method for assessing employee loyalty and job satisfaction, it is necessary to obtain answers from them to the following questions:

  • Do employees know the parameters and conditions for determining their salary, that is, do they know which of their actions will lead to an increase and which will lead to a decrease in wages;
  • whether the level and lifestyle of employees correspond to the level and lifestyle of employees in the same field of activity in other organizations (higher, lower or commensurate);
  • whether the organization has created excessive privileges for management, which increase the distance between him and other employees;
  • do employees know about their chances for career growth;
  • whether the criteria for assessing the success of the organization’s personnel are fair.

This review is devoted to loyalty levels and six effective methods for assessing staff loyalty. What is loyalty? This is a parameter that shows us how much your employees want to work in your company, how willing they are to give you their abilities, accept limitations and do their job in the best possible way. If it is high, then employees do not leave you without some very compelling reasons, your processes are effective, your culture is productive, and if it is low, then you do not earn as much as you could, you lose profits, people and management.

Researchers have found that staff/employee loyalty to a company consists of three components: emotional, forced and normative.

  • Emotional loyalty- this is devotion to the company at the call of the heart, because you like working, being here, the team, etc.
  • Forced Loyalty- is based on the need to work here, because there is no opportunity to improve qualifications, change jobs or get a different profession, etc.
  • Normative loyalty is based on a person’s habits and values, on his beliefs; it is reinforced by behavioral stereotypes formed since childhood. For example, a person was raised to be devoted to the business he is engaged in, people, place, etc.

To assess loyalty and these indicators, various questionnaires and questionnaires are mainly used. The main condition for identifying an adequate level of loyalty is anonymity. It is enough to know the department, gender and age of the interviewee. What are the employee loyalty tests?

1. The simplest and effective method- this is a survey.

There is no need for scales, keys or interpretation algorithms. To correctly evaluate the results, it is enough to have sound logic. Below approximate sample such a questionnaire:

First you need to distribute the questionnaire, and when it is filled out, collect and process the data received. To interpret the data, the arithmetic mean of the first column is used; the closer it is to 5 points, the higher the loyalty of employees; the lower it is, the lower it is.

The second, third and fourth columns assess which areas are important to the employee and whether he sees a positive trend in their development in the company. For example, in this questionnaire, an employee indicated that the level of organization of work in the company is important to him and, in his opinion, its level has improved over the last code; if half of the employees in this column indicated the same, then the dynamics are positive, otherwise - vice versa. The interpretation of dynamics can be limited only by the mathematical fantasies of the interviewer. You can build graphs and diagrams in accordance with the data obtained, you can calculate the sum of points, you can multiply points by the importance of aspects and add them after multiplication. You will still get an objective result in the end.

2. Second method: assessing loyalty on the Thurstone scale. This scale can be used for assessment specifically in your company, because its compilation is accessible to any researcher. It allows you to evaluate any social setting that is relevant specifically for your enterprise. Below is an example according to which you can develop your own.

You will need instructions for completing the score sheet, a judgment card and a response sheet.

Instructions for filling can be compiled as follows:

Dear employee of (company name)!

Here is a card with judgments that demonstrate various aspects of the company where you work. The score sheet indicates points from 11 to 1, where 11 will indicate maximum satisfaction, 6 - neutral attitude, and 1 - dissatisfaction with one or another condition.

Please evaluate each judgment based only on its content.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Cards with judgments to assess an employee’s loyalty to the company

  1. In most cases, the interests of the company's management and its employees do not coincide.
  2. As a rule, the additional efforts of an employee are not properly appreciated by management.
  3. A manager should not discuss his problems with subordinates, as this does not help maintain authority.
  4. If a leader keeps his subordinates at a certain distance, then they are more responsible in carrying out his orders.
  5. To successfully lead people, you need to be aware of their problems.
  6. A manager must constantly monitor the work of his subordinates.
  7. The manager can forgive employees for deviating from rules that they consider unreasonable.
  8. Conflicts between employees, if they do not concern the business sphere, do not affect the work of the organization.
  9. At work, it is much more important to be liked by influential people than to achieve success by doing a great job.
  10. People who live only for work often harm their business with their excessive zeal.
  11. The company must fulfill its obligations to employees, despite financial difficulties.
  12. Company management should not make decisions with which the majority of employees do not agree.
  13. The salary of a company employee should depend on the economic situation in his family.
  14. One employee of a company cannot receive a salary that is 10 times higher than the salary of other employees.
  15. The speed of promotion depends primarily on relationships with management, and then on qualifications.
  16. High-quality execution job responsibilities is a necessary and sufficient condition for career growth.
  17. A manager may accommodate a good employee’s request in violation of general rules.
  18. It is pleasant to work in a friendly team, but it is more difficult to manage.
  19. If, in the employee's opinion, the manager's order may harm the business, the employee must warn him about this.
  20. Work should not bring satisfaction, but money.

The answer sheet looks like this:

Profession______________ Gender____ Age____________


In order to process the results, it is necessary to evaluate only No. 1, 3, 4, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. The remaining judgments are used to mask the main purpose of the survey. Depending on how the employee makes these judgments, he is awarded a certain amount of points, namely:


The results should be assessed as follows:

54-90 points - the employee shows a high degree of loyalty to the company.

18-54 points - indicates its average level

18 - +18 - low level of loyalty

18 -+90 - the employee has an extremely negative attitude towards the place where he works.

3. Third method: method of projective questions to assess staff loyalty

A very interesting method, but it will require you to have basic psychological knowledge and an objective approach to assessment. It will be more effective to ask employees to answer questions in writing. Besides this method obtain a minimum percentage of socially desirable responses. To organize such a study, you can explain to employees that you have been asked to help conduct a social survey. Questions need to be asked at a fairly fast pace, because what first comes to mind will be what the interviewee really thinks.

  • Why do people go to work?
  • What do you think determines the quality of work?
  • What qualities should a leader have in order to work well with him?
  • How to achieve success?
  • What conditions should be created for good employee to make it work even better?
  • What is an ideal team?

Method of interpretation: if the question “Why do people go to work?” the candidate answers that size comes first wages, a leader who allows him to act without unnecessary red tape, then for him these factors are undoubtedly decisive. And if they are satisfied with this place work, it is unlikely that he will strive somewhere else.

4. The fourth method of assessing an employee’s loyalty to the company: interview. This method is used to assess the loyalty of personnel who are especially valuable to the business, as well as to obtain Additional information about divisions, both with the highest level of loyalty and with its lowest level. It will also help to accurately identify not only the reasons for low levels of loyalty, but also to determine its causes.

In order to obtain the most objective result, all department employees should be divided into three categories:

  • Newbies (less than a year on the job)
  • Those with more than three years of work experience
  • Those leaving

From each group you need to select 2-3 typical representatives of this group and interview them. You need to use open and projective questions. The latter will help not to embarrass the employee.

Examples of open questions:

  • What are you most dissatisfied with about the company? Why?
  • What were your expectations when joining us? Which of them were not confirmed?
  • What do you dislike most about the organization of work in our company? How do you think these shortcomings can be eliminated?
  • How can you increase your work efficiency?

Among other things, you need to ask the employee whether his colleagues share the experience and news with him, whose help he expects if he faces a difficult task, how much his salary corresponds to his investment in the business company, what he likes and what bothers him in the team, what opportunities for your own professional development in company.

5. Fifth method: surveying candidates when applying for a job regarding their past experience and inclination/readiness to be loyal.

Here are several main indicators (signals) of loyalty:

  • interest in the company and its activities;
  • sincere dedication to your business, your work;
  • desire to improve your professional level, their subordinates, concern for their development;
  • the goals of the employee and the company coincide;
  • initiative and an inclusive approach to ideas and innovations coming from management;
  • interest in changes in better side, desire to improve the situation in the company;

Questions that can help you evaluate these indicators:

  • "Why did you choose your previous job?"
  • “Please describe your relationships at your previous place of work - with managers, subordinates, colleagues?”
  • “What suited you and what didn’t suit you at your last job?”
  • “What should be the relationship between colleagues, in your opinion? Employees and the company?”
  • “What would you never allow in relationships within the department or within the company?”
  • "Describe a few key principles that guide your life?" and etc.
  • “Describe any changes that you clearly resisted or supported in the company.”
  • “Describe a number of cases when you realized that your qualifications were not enough, what were your actions?”

This assessment of the loyalty of potential employees will allow you to guess the employee's potential and his propensity to be loyal. If at his previous place of work he trusted the company and management, then in a new place it will be easier for him to reproduce this than if it was the other way around.

6. Sixth method: surveying employees who quit. Whoever will tell you or write the truth is definitely them. But keep in mind that you may encounter a wave of negativity. Therefore, I recommend developing a questionnaire to assess staff loyalty that you can ask everyone who quits to fill out. You can make both paper and electronic form. And pick up the questions from the previous paragraphs, but adapt them.

Many are of the opinion that loyalty is a relative concept and it is better not to raise this issue at all. You can agree, but only if you want to do everything formally, for show. But if you still decide to figure out why people are leaving you, then the above information is for you.

Questionnaire Assessment of staff loyalty The company management and the personnel service conduct a survey of employees in order to optimize personnel policy our company. Your opinion will be taken into account when increasing the efficiency of the personnel management system. The questionnaire is anonymous; closed questions are offered in which you need to mark the answer that corresponds to your position. 1. Are you satisfied with your work in our company? --- ¦ ¦ Yes. --- --- ¦ ¦ Most likely yes. --- --- ¦ ¦ I find it difficult to answer. --- --- ¦ ¦ Probably not. --- --- ¦ ¦ No. --- 2. Rank the factors presented below in order of importance (on a 7-point scale): --- ¦ ¦ content of the work; --- --- ¦ ¦ working conditions; --- --- ¦ ¦ career prospects; --- --- ¦ ¦ increasing professionalism; --- --- ¦ ¦ wages; --- --- ¦ ¦ relations with management; --- --- ¦ ¦ atmosphere in the team. --- 3. Please mark the statement that matches your position. --- ¦ ¦ I am satisfied with my work in the company and would not like to change my place of work. --- ¦ ¦ I am satisfied with my work in the company, but I would like to change my place of work due to objective circumstances. --- ¦ ¦ I am not satisfied with the work in the company, but I would not like to --- change my place of work. --- ¦ ¦ I am not satisfied with the work in the company and would like to change --- my place of work. --- ¦ ¦ I have not thought (have not thought) about this question. --- 4. If you would like to speak, please write your wishes to improve our company’s business (You can skip the answer to this question). ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. If you think it necessary, write your last name, first name and patronymic (You can skip the answer to this question) ___________________________________ Thank you for your answers!

Source - "", 2010, No. 9

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Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education"BAIKAL STATE UNIVERSITY"

Department of Human Resource Management

Abstract on the topic:

« Assessment of staff satisfaction and loyalty »


Student UP 14-1

Zhigulina Daria


Bakhmatova T.G.

Irkutsk - 2016


A review of the existing literature on personnel management showed that the problem of loyalty and trustworthiness (honesty) of personnel is relevant for both foreign and Russian managers and specialists in the field of business psychology. Despite the fact that staff loyalty has more than once attracted specialists as a related problem when studying leadership, management styles, the formation of highly effective teams and industrial conflict management, there is not enough work devoted to this issue. It is safe to say that issues of loyalty are raised when studying the “manager-staff” relationships. This is one of the important, albeit hidden, factors influencing the success of any organization. Disloyalty of employees can lead to serious consequences, compromise safety, and reduce the competitiveness of the enterprise. At the same time, skillful management of staff loyalty will improve the efficiency of production activities.

loyalty employee staff satisfaction

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects concept of “staff loyalty”

What is loyalty? Usually, each of us, on an intuitive level, without much difficulty distinguishes a person’s loyal behavior from disloyal one. In a general sense, loyalty is a feeling of devotion towards something.

I would immediately like to differentiate the concepts of “loyalty” and “reliability”. By reliability we mean adherence to the norms, rules, and laws of the organization. Loyalty means the employee’s fidelity and dedication to the company’s goals and values, carrying out activities that support and help realize these goals. That is, an employee’s trustworthiness indicates the degree of normativity of his behavior in relation to the company, and loyalty indicates the degree of acceptance of the company by the employee and tolerance towards it.

Loyalty involves the desire to perform at your best, the desire to live up to the company's principles, to unconditionally contribute to the achievement of its goals, humility with some requirements and the ability to accept others - those that were not previously part of the company's understanding.

You will feel the importance of loyalty more clearly if you imagine what loyalty, that is, fidelity, means in a human relationship situation, for example, with your friend or spouse. Loyalty to a loved one-- means reliability, confidence that no matter what happens, you will still be in the same “bundle.”

What about loyalty to your own principles, which you have developed over time? Today they determine your life positions; you are guided by these principles and trust them.

So, loyalty is characterized by the following important points:

1. Unconditional sharing of values ​​with the object of loyalty;

2. Honesty and loyalty to the object of loyalty;

3. A feeling of pride towards the object of loyalty and an open demonstration of such attitude;

4. Willingness to provide support, warn about something, assist.

Loyal employees use all their strengths, capabilities and knowledge in order to achieve maximum results within the company's activities. If you have loyal employees, you can count on the manifestation of initiative, on innovative proposals, with the help of which problematic issues become solvable. Security of secret information, tolerance for the costs of organizing activities, adherence to discipline, readiness for training and development - all this for loyal employees is not a consequence of fears of losing their job, money, or punishment, but a consequence of loyalty to the company and a sense of unity.

Determining the level of loyalty of an employee, establishing what exactly can motivate him and contribute to the formation of a loyal attitude towards the company is much easier than predicting exactly what a disloyal employee will do.

The more expressed the level of loyalty, the more reliable the employee is. We can talk about several levels of loyalty that you can easily identify among employees. Each subsequent level provides a higher degree of commitment to the company.

The first level of loyalty lies in external attributes that indicate belonging to the company. This is a formal, material level that speaks only about the expected behavior of a person who owns or uses one or another company attribute. There is no talk of any loyalty here yet.

Accordingly, for the initial stage of loyalty formation, the presence of external characteristic differences is simply necessary. Branded clothing, badges, corporate goods with a brand name (pens, calendars, ashtrays, booklets, diaries) - all this creates a feeling of belonging to a certain community, a sense of involvement on an external level.

Loyalty at the level of behavior implies the fulfillment of certain norms and rules governing such actions of employees, such as, for example, the obligatory discussion of the organizational events of the past day during the morning smoke break or collective congratulations to the head of the department on the presentation of a valuable gift.

All this is directly related to the corporate culture of the company and the acceptance by employees of its principles. Therefore, it is very important to ensure a favorable psychological climate in the organization, to promote the formation of organizational traditions, informal rules, to support this in every possible way and to encourage employees to display such behavior.

Loyalty at the ability level implies a stronger commitment to the company than at previous levels. Let's start with the fact that the degree to which a particular professional's abilities meet the company's requirements should be determined when hiring, that is, by you. Therefore, loyalty largely depends on how competently you approached the selection of personnel. Loyalty at the ability level implies that a person has skills and abilities that meet the goals and requirements of the organization, adheres to certain principles, and therefore can reproduce the expected and required behavior.

To ensure this level of staff loyalty, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to professional and personal qualities candidates for employment and current employees who are decisive for your organization. An employee who is loyal at the ability level is valuable to the organization. He is always well versed in the changes taking place, he is proactive, as he has necessary knowledge and is interested in achieving the company's goals. You can expect effective innovative proposals from him; his gaze is always aimed at the prospect of the company's achievements. This is exactly the kind of employee you need, isn't it?

The highest levels of loyalty are loyalty at the level of beliefs and loyalty at the level of identity. Belief loyalty implies full acceptance of the organization's beliefs and principles. The values ​​of the organization become the personal values ​​of the employee, therefore the stability of these positions is the highest. Formal obedience and adherence to rules here is replaced by open commitment. This level of loyalty is possessed by managers, employees occupying senior and key positions in the organization, employees who are satisfied with their work, pay, conditions, and also who have extensive experience in this place. However, if a company changes its previous ideals, it may lose such valuable employees. Reorientation of employees will not happen quickly and easily if these ideals-beliefs determine their way of life. Now everything will depend on how patient the management is, how loyal it is to its employees and how ready and willing the employees themselves are to change.

Loyalty at the identity level is demonstrated to the highest degree by the company owner himself. He invests all his strength, savings and time in achieving excellence and development of the company. Moreover, if he was at the very beginning and took the first steps in establishing his business mainly on his own. This loyalty to the company is no longer just unconditional - it is taken for granted.

Let's try to determine what factors contribute to employee loyalty to the organization.

First of all, this is past experience. The model of relationships at the previous place of work, the degree of trust in the company is the main point on which you should dwell when interviewing a candidate. If at his previous place of work he quite clearly experienced a sense of trust and belonging to the company, then the manifestation of such an attitude in the new organization is more likely (of course, under favorable conditions). If the level of loyalty was low, then in order to form this employee loyalty to the company, you will have to put in much more effort.

Therefore, during the interview, it is advisable to ask the candidate the following questions:

· “What were your relationships with colleagues and management at your previous job?”

· “What satisfied you and what were you not happy enough with, that is, what did you want to change?”

· “What do you think the relationship between colleagues should be like? Employees and manager? Employees and organization?

Directly related to past experience is a factor such as a system of personal values. Formed over time in direct interaction, in specific life situations beliefs now determine a person's attitudes and the nature of his relationships. In other words, if a person is firmly convinced that professionalism and diligence do not determine the success of achievements, and in professional growth, the main importance is personal connections and the ability to be in the right place at the right time, then you can hardly expect behavior from him that confirms the opposite.

Providing attention to an employee on the part of the company is an important factor for the formation of employee loyalty. The feeling of importance for the company contributes not only to a favorable attitude towards it, but also to the desire to “repay” it with trust. The role of the human factor cannot be overestimated - we work with people who, in addition to performing their duties, are also included in the system of relationships. An employee will never be initially loyal to the organization he just joined. He becomes loyal if the company demonstrates that it is worth it, if it creates all the conditions for such a relationship and it deserves this trust.

Moreover, it should be remembered that for each person different moments and factors will be significant for the development of a trusting attitude towards the organization. For one, it will be important that the management always personally congratulated him on his birthday, for another - drawing up a work schedule taking into account his wishes or always receiving wages on time and regular material incentives, for a third - the closeness of the leader “to the people”, his charm and the ability to always cheer up with a subtle compliment or energetic parting words. With such treatment, the employee himself will strive to justify it. There must be a mutual exchange of favor, acceptance of each other. The employee must be as cooperative as the company, in which the company must take care of him.

If the organization is dominated by a steely atmosphere of strict rules with a disregard for everything that does not relate to work, and the desire to achieve the goal at any cost, even at the cost of the employee himself, it is unlikely that the employer will be able to count on the dedication of his team and the readiness to rush “both into the fire and into the fire.” water." And loyalty to the company means just that.

The next condition for the emergence of trust in the company is the necessary feeling of pride on the part of the employee in connection with belonging to this particular organization. The feeling of pride in the company's achievements and its prospects is always accompanied by the desire to belong to this particular group and not to another, as well as the desire to possess the same potential that is contained here and not elsewhere.

Researchers have found that there is a direct relationship between job satisfaction, pay, working conditions and loyalty to the company. In addition, satisfaction with each component of the “company-employee” system (management, team, nature of relationships, organization of work and its intensity, professional growth and others) is a condition for the emergence of loyalty.

Chapter 2. Assessing staff loyalty

Staff loyalty is a consequence of their job satisfaction. The assessment of employee job satisfaction is based on needs and expectations (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Types of job satisfaction

As shown in Fig. 1, types of job satisfaction depend on the assessment of working conditions, i.e. comparing your own expectations and actual situations. If, at a certain point in time, the actual work situation meets the employee's needs and expectations, then he will have a stable sense of satisfaction. A positive assessment confirms previous decisions and behavior, stabilizes or even increases the level of expectations. On the contrary, a negative assessment does not relieve the tension between expectations and the actual situation, while previous actions and decisions are called into question - an increase in the level of expectations, as a rule, does not occur. The resulting dissatisfaction gives rise to problems and requires some kind of solution. One of them is the abandonment of previous goals and expectations, expressed in dismissal. If expectations remain, constructive attempts are made to meet them. If the possibilities for solving a problem lie beyond personal efforts, then disappointment appears, which can become the beginning of the development of pseudo-satisfaction with work, in which the problems of the real situation exceed the permissible level of a person’s disappointment. At the same time, problems grow, and the picture of the situation is distorted.

Empirically, it is possible to measure five of these six types of job satisfaction among employees by asking them to choose one of their assessments of their work situation. The results can be presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Assessing employee job satisfaction

Job satisfaction type

Estimation of work effort

Number of employees who selected the appropriate assessment


specific gravity (in%)

Stable satisfaction

Since I found in my work what I expected, I am satisfied

Growing Satisfaction

I achieved my goals, but I am not satisfied because I expected more from my work

Persistent dissatisfaction

I haven’t achieved my goals at my job and I think it’s impossible to change anything.

Constructive dissatisfaction

I haven't achieved any of my goals at my job yet, but I'm sure I will achieve them someday

Complete dissatisfaction

I haven't achieved my goals at work, but I'm satisfied with what I have

In the context of internal marketing, E.V. Novatorov suggests using another method for assessing staff satisfaction with their work. This technique is a combination of the “importance-performance” analysis, developed by foreign scientists in the late 1970s to measure customer satisfaction, and F. Herzberg’s theory of work motivation. In this case, the most complete list of motivational job attributes developed by Herzberg is used, including two groups of factors (Table 2):

· “hygiene factors” that lead to a state of lack of dissatisfaction;

· “motivation factors” that lead to a state of satisfaction with one’s work.

Each factor is rated by employees on a five-point scale and the averages are plotted on a map for analysis. To achieve complete job satisfaction among staff, the organization's management needs to ensure, first of all, the presence of hygiene factors, and then motivation factors. More details about this type of analysis in.

table 2

Importance-Performance Analysis

Attribute Description



Position on the map

Hygiene factors

Have more freedom at work

Have good relationships with your boss and co-workers

Have the opportunity for professional growth

Have good working conditions

Get a good salary

Help your company achieve its goals

Have a promotion

Be part of your work group

Have a stable and reliable job

Be informed about the results of your work

Motivation factors

Be a leader in your group

Do worthwhile, interesting and high-quality work

Achieve personal work-related goals

Gain new skills and knowledge

Be appreciated by your boss

Participate in decision making

Source: revised

In the literature, there are different points of view on the concept of loyalty of the organization’s personnel (concepts such as “devotion”, “loyalty”, “attachment”, “patriotism”, “commitment” are often used as synonyms); the complexity of this concept can be presented in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Components of the concept of staff loyalty

Source: revised

The personnel aspect of loyalty includes work on the formation corporate culture, resolving issues regarding the relationship between wages and the actual level of physical and mental costs and the practical significance of the specialist’s activities, selection, placement and training of personnel.

The socio-psychological aspect of loyalty includes taking into account personal factors when selecting personnel, monitoring the state of the psychological climate in the team, developing team spirit, etc.

The security aspect includes identifying and suppressing cases of personnel disloyalty, monitoring information systems and resources in order to identify unauthorized actions of individual employees within the company, suppress attempts by external contractors to cause economic damage to the organization using its human resources.

Taking into account the above, we can distinguish the following points of view on the concept of “loyalty”:

1. The loyalty of the organization’s personnel is considered from a security point of view (A. Kovrov). In this context, the criteria for loyalty (disloyalty) are reliability, professional suitability, the presence or absence of reprehensible or undesirable actions: theft, information leakage, drunkenness, tardiness, cases of absenteeism, etc. At the same time, a person is considered as a resource, and a wide range of enforcement measures are applied to him (from video surveillance to polygraph tests).

2. M.I. Magura considers the concept of “employee commitment to their organization,” which is a psychological state that determines the expectations, attitudes of employees, the characteristics of their work behavior and how they perceive the organization.

Commitment to an organization involves identification, involvement and loyalty:

and identification is pride in the organization, the appropriation of organizational goals by employees; it depends on the extent to which people are informed about the state of affairs in the organization and about the prospects for solving problems that are significant to them, see the unity of their own goals and the goals of the organization, are proud of the very fact of their work in this organization, and consider the organization’s assessment of their work to be fair;

b involvement is the desire to make personal efforts, to contribute as a member of the organization to achieve its goals; work should make employees willing, if the interests of the organization require it, to make additional efforts, not limited to job descriptions; a sense of self-esteem based on satisfaction with one's professional achievements and your work; interest in achieving work results that are significant for the organization, responsibility for the results of one’s work;

in loyalty - this is an emotional attachment to the organization, the desire to remain a member of it; implies satisfaction with the content of the work performed in the organization, a feeling of attention and care from the organization, satisfaction with one’s career in the organization, confidence in the advisability of long-term work in this organization.

Commitment to an organization can be of three types:

-- true, manifested in the maximum manifestation of all these elements without promotion special conditions in relation to the organization;

- pragmatic, which is based on the employee’s desire to weigh and compare what he gives to the organization and what he receives in return;

-- forced, which is based on the employee’s inability to find another job.

Of the foreign ones, the most famous and widespread at present is the concept proposed by American specialists John Mair and Natalie Allen. They describe loyalty as a mental state or attitude towards work, characterized by the following concepts:

- emotional attachment to the organization;

-- the cost of leaving the organization;

- a sense of obligation to the organization.

Depending on the dominance of one of these characteristics in the employee’s attitude to work, three components of loyalty are distinguished.

1. Affective (or emotional) loyalty represents the degree of employee identification with the organization, involvement and emotional attachment to the organization. Emotionally committed employees believe in the organization's goals and values ​​and are excited to be members. Thus, employees with a strong affective component remain in the organization because they want to.

2. Continuing (calculated, calculating) loyalty represents the degree to which an employee is aware of the price he will pay for leaving the organization. Employees with a strong continuation component realize that the price will be high. Thus, such employees remain in the organization because they already work there (either it is beneficial for them, or the opposite is not beneficial).

3. The normative component represents the degree of awareness of duty to the organization. Normatively committed employees continue to work because they believe they are doing the right thing and morally. Thus, such employees remain in the organization because that is what they are supposed to do.

All three forms of loyalty have a direct bearing on whether an employee will stay with the organization. The consequences of high employee loyalty include reduced employee turnover, reduced absenteeism, increased productivity, civic organizational behavior of the employee, as well as a reduced likelihood of stress in the workplace and reduced conflict between family and work.

Meyer proposed that all factors contributing to the development of loyalty be divided into four groups:

1) work experience;

2) correspondence of values;

3) organizational support;

4) organizational justice.

Internal marketing is aimed at enhancing the effect of these factors and should contribute to the development of a sense of comfort (through role certainty, good interpersonal relationships) and competence (through the establishment of appropriate levels of task complexity and personal responsibility) (in Fig. 3, the “+” sign indicates a positive impact, the sign "-" -- Negative influence).

Rice. 3. Structure of factors influencing staff loyalty

Using the example of banking personnel, S. Garmaeva points out that staff loyalty is determined by a number of factors, both subjective and objective:

1 the objective factors of loyalty of banking personnel include the following - the state of the bank at a certain stage of its development (improvement of structure, internal corporate relations, etc.); mission and development strategy of the bank; the bank's position in the market and its competitive advantages; external conditions; established organizational culture and others;

2 subjective factors include such factors as the leadership style adopted in the bank; the personality of the leader himself; efficiency of the management system (quality management decisions, work organization labor collective and so on.); social relations a team; the moral position of the employee himself; the opportunity to realize one’s professional interests, aspirations, and others.

The organization's management must adhere to management principles that take into account the goals and interests of employees and ensure their broad involvement in the process of solving corporate problems.

In order for the majority of an organization’s employees to show true loyalty to it, it is necessary to create appropriate working conditions for personnel using internal marketing methods, i.e. implement a system of measures and activities that influence the level of loyalty in positive side, with two main strategic goals-- creating an atmosphere of honesty, openness and mutual assistance in the team and eliminating elements of personnel policy that contribute to employee disloyalty. To track changes in the level of loyalty and evaluate the results of internal marketing, periodic measurement of staff loyalty is necessary.

One of the most well-known methods for measuring staff loyalty - Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ) - was developed by foreign scientist R. Mowday and his colleagues (Table 3).

Table 3

Questionnaire to measure loyalty


I completely disagree

I don't agree

Rather disagree

I have no definite opinion

I rather agree

Absolutely agree

1. I am ready to work overtime for the benefit of the organization

2. I tell my friends about how good it is to work in...

3. I am not very committed to the organization.

4. I agree to almost any job in order to stay in...

5. I find that my values ​​and the organization's values ​​are very similar.

6. I am proud to say: “I am part of the organization.”

7. I can do similar work in another organization just as well.

8. For the sake of the organization, I am ready to increase my productivity

9. Even a small reduction in my salary would be enough to leave the organization.

10. I am glad that I chose this particular organization from those that I considered when applying for a job.

11. Loyalty to the organization is unlikely to promise many benefits.

12. I often find it difficult to agree with the organization’s policies regarding certain issues.

13. I really care about the organization

14. For me, this is the best of all the organizations I have worked for.

15. The decision to work for the organization was a mistake on my part.

The methodology uses a 7-point scale from 1 - “absolutely disagree” - to 7 - “absolutely agree” (for points 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 13, 14); and from 7 - “absolutely disagree” - to 1 - “absolutely agree” (for items 3,7,9, 11, 12, 15). The average value for all items is calculated.

The loyalty indicators obtained during the survey are analyzed according to various parameters, such as age, gender, job status, length of service of employees in general and in a given organization in particular, as well as using intra-organizational segmentation of employees. Loyalty indicators are compared with similar indicators of previous periods.

In addition, V. Dominiak, for a more detailed study of loyalty, suggests assessing the staff’s expectations of the organization for the implementation of fifteen motives professional activity at the time of entry to work (ORM - assessment of expectations for the implementation of motives) and the organization’s ability to implement these same motives at the present moment (BRM - assessment of the possibility of realizing motives at the present moment) on a 10-point scale (Table 4).

Table 4

Motives for professional activity

Material wealth

Feeling of stability, reliability

Communication with colleagues

Respect from others, social prestige

Promotion, career growth

Increasing your own professional competence

Satisfaction with the activity process

Satisfaction from achieving a goal or result of an activity

Management, leadership of other people

Feeling of freedom and independence in decision making

Feeling of success

Feeling useful, serving people

The excitement of competition

Satisfying non-work interests (family, friends, hobbies, etc.)

The opportunity for the most complete self-realization in this particular field of activity

A comparative analysis of loyalty indicators, fulfillment of expectations and opportunities for realizing motives is carried out for the organization as a whole, for individual structural divisions and for specific employees (if necessary). Based on the findings, a program to increase staff satisfaction and loyalty is developed and improved over time within the framework of internal marketing.


1. the main task internal marketing of any service organization - achieving and increasing the loyalty of the personnel of this organization.

2. Staff loyalty is directly dependent on their job satisfaction, which in turn depends on meeting the needs and meeting staff expectations related to work.

3. Loyalty is considered from a personnel aspect, socio-psychological and from the point of view of business security.

4. Loyalty can be true, pragmatic or forced, depending on the dominance of one or another component in it: affective (emotional), continuous (calculated) or normative.

5. To track changes in the level of loyalty and evaluate the results of internal marketing, staff loyalty should be periodically assessed, for example, using the Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ) technique.

Internal marketing provides intra-organizational socio-psychological conditions necessary for efficient work personnel and increasing their loyalty to the organization.


The formation of loyalty in a company should be based primarily on intangible factors. Of course, you can slightly increase employee salaries or increase bonuses. But it is worth remembering that loyalty, like any emotions, cannot be bought. It can be grown gradually, without forcing things. And the main thing in this process is the partnership between employee and employer.


1. Garmaeva S. Loyalty of banking personnel: the problem of regulation // Personnel-mix. -- 2002. -- No. 1.

2. Dominyak V. The phenomenon of loyalty in the developments of foreign researchers // Personnel-mix. -- 2003. -- No. 1 (14). -- P. 107--111.

3. Dominiak V. Measuring loyalty: the current model // Personnel-mix. -- 2004. -- No. 2 (21).

4. Dominyak V.I. The concept of staff loyalty: a literature review. //

5. Selected proceedings of the 40th Congress of the European Organization for Quality. -1997. -- P. 34--36.

6. Magura M.M. Organizational culture as a means of implementation organizational changes// Personnel Management. -- 2002. -- No. 1.

7. Novatorov E.V. Audit of internal marketing using the “importance - execution” analysis method // Marketing in Russia and abroad. -- 2000. -- No. 1.

8. Prasolov V.I. Technologies for ensuring personnel loyalty in the structure of a company’s security policy // Proceedings of the conference “Creating a corporate security system. Practical approaches."

9. Liljander V. The Importance of Internal Relationship Marketing for External Relationship Success //

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We invite you to take part in the study conducted by JSC “N”.

One of the main goals Strategic plan The development of JSC “N” is the formation of a strong corporate culture, a high level of professionalism and staff loyalty.

Target this study- obtaining information about the organization of your work and the socio-psychological climate in the team.

This study is anonymous and its results will be used in aggregate form only.

Thank you in advance for participating in the study!

Personnel Department

Please read the questions and mark the answer that you think is most correct using the following scale:

1 - disagree

2 – moderately disagree

3 – neutral attitude

4 – rather agree

5 – completely agree

Attitude to the company

1.I am familiar with the company’s development strategy and clearly understand it

2. I share and support the company’s development strategy

3. I agree with the main directions of the company’s policy towards employees

4. I am familiar with the mechanisms for implementing the company’s development strategy

5.I agree with the measures being taken to implement the company’s development strategy

6. I feel like an organic part of the overall corporate culture

7. Managers and employees strictly adhere to corporate standards and ethical principles of the company when making serious decisions and in daily activities

Assess what, in your opinion, influences staff loyalty to the company to a greater extent:


3.Personal beliefs and values

4. Manager's management style

5. Colleagues’ behavior style

6.Career growth opportunity

7.Opportunity for professional growth

8. Interesting, varied work

9. Opportunity to demonstrate independence and initiative in professional activities

10.Self-affirmation and recognition

11. Remuneration

12. Motivation and social package

Please rate your structural unit

1. The objectives of our structural unit, the achievement of which is expected this year, are clearly defined and known to everyone

2. Each employee feels responsible for common successes and failures

3. Employees of our structural unit interact effectively with each other

4.In our structural unit friendly, trusting relationships have developed

5. I receive enough attention and support from colleagues

1. Competent on all professional issues

2. Attends to the needs of employees and improves their social and living conditions

3. Carries out general monitoring of the implementation of assigned tasks, provides assistance in resolving problematic issues

4. Initiative, takes responsibility for the implementation of the tasks of his structural unit

5. Successfully plans and organizes the work of the department, correctly distributes responsibilities, sets clear and specific goals and objectives

6. Feedback established with the immediate supervisor

deliberative and supportive

paternal and protective

formal and bureaucratic

Please rate the opportunity for career growth in the company

1. I will agree to any appointment as long as I remain working in this company

2. The best employees are always recognized and have prospects for further growth

3. I'm happy with how my career is going.

4. I am informed about the prospects for my further growth (including training)

2. Company employees are given every opportunity for improvement professional knowledge and skills

3. My colleagues are ready to help me develop my professional skills at any time.

Personal Information:

We ask you to provide some personal data for statistical processing of the questionnaire.

Age _____ years


Work experience at JSC “N” ____years ___months.