Campaigning for the settlement to select a management company. Campaigning for the creation of an HOA: the ideology of the owner. Competition rules

Russians do not drink tap water; it is not for nothing that all kinds of filters, bottled water, and even home delivery of clean water are in stable demand. To understand that the water in the tap is not suitable for drinking, it is not necessary to conduct an examination. Taste, smell and color indicate an insufficient degree of purification. But while drinking water can be pre-filtered, for cooking and washing you have to use what flows from the tap.

The quality of tap water affects your health. The condition of your teeth depends on it, because you brush your teeth and rinse your mouth every day, and mineral impurities can ruin the enamel. It affects the condition of hair and skin: washing with poorly purified tap water causes dryness, flaking and rashes. Water can also affect the health of other organs, so the requirement for clean water is not a whim, but yours legal right. Utilities are required to provide the service of proper quality, and if they violate their obligations, you have the right to seek compensation.

What affects water quality

City services take water for domestic needs from the nearest source: it can be a river or lake, and if there is nothing of the kind nearby, then from underground reservoirs. The quality of water directly depends on the source, as well as the treatment technology and the condition of the water supply networks.

In some villages, mineral water flows from the tap: it is taken from underground springs, similar to those from which it is extracted. mineral water for medicinal purposes. Therefore, the liquid is not only pure, but also enriched with useful minerals. If the water supply network is in acceptable condition, the original quality of the water does not decrease, and as a result, clean and tasty mineral water flows from the tap. But there are few such lucky ones, and these are, as a rule, residents of small villages and towns. City residents have to make do with water from the nearest river, which is rarely crystal clear.

But the quality of the water at its source is only the first factor. Pre-treatment is no less important: before entering the water supply system, water undergoes analysis, purification and preparation. First, the composition of natural waters is checked, trying to identify impurities that affect humans. Based on the analyses, a cleaning method is selected, and the turn of preparatory activities begins:

  • mechanical filtration: removal of large particles;
  • settling: water is left in the tank to get rid of sediment;
  • filtration using fine-grained filters: removal of small impurities;
  • disinfection: this can be chlorination, ultraviolet irradiation or silver cleaning.

All of the above steps are mandatory, but how does it happen that the water from the tap smells like sludge? It can become contaminated while moving through the pipeline: there may be kilometers of pipes between the water treatment site and your home. If the pipes are old and clogged, silt settles on their walls and the water becomes polluted.

How to check water quality

To find out the cause of contamination, an analysis is carried out: the concentration of different components is checked, checking with the maximum permissible values ​​specified in GOST 2874-82 and SanPin Theoretically, the quality of drinking water in the central pipeline is controlled by government agencies, which carry out planned and external scheduled checks- the latter are arranged at the request of consumers.

Regulatory authorities carry out scheduled inspections, but you can also request an unscheduled analysis of the composition of the water if you notice a change in its color, smell or taste. One of the most common reasons for unscheduled inspections is fecal contamination. It occurs when sewer and water pipes located close to each other become damaged. In addition to the fact that such pollution is unpleasant and unhygienic, it is dangerous, because many pathogens of dangerous diseases enter the water with feces.

To conduct an unscheduled inspection, you need to contact an accredited laboratory. However, you can check the basic indicators yourself: you won’t be able to use the test results as judicial evidence, but you will know for sure that the water does not meet sanitary requirements, and your contact to the laboratory is not in vain.

To assess the concentration of chlorine and salts, apply a drop of water to glass or a mirror. When it is completely dry, look at the remaining trace: if there are white circles and stripes on the glass, the salt content in the water is exceeded, and if a whitish residue remains, the permissible chlorine content is exceeded. Pure water should not leave any marks on the glass surface.

Another way to assess water quality at home is by boiling. Find a saucepan with a dark bottom and walls and boil water for 20 minutes. If a light coating appears on the walls, the composition of the water is far from meeting sanitary standards, and unscheduled tests may be required.

You can also collect water in a 3-liter jar and place it in a dark place for 3 days. Clean water will remain clear in 3 days, it will not have any smell, much less sediment. The appearance of sediment indicates a high concentration of salts and chemical impurities, and a marshy, muddy odor and turbidity indicate the presence of bacteria. One of the worst options is the formation of an oil film on the surface, which indicates a high content of dangerous chemical components.

You, of course, can contact an independent laboratory and order an analysis of the composition of the water, but this will only be of use if you are preparing a lawsuit. If the goal is to influence public services, Rospotrebnadzor needs to intervene.

Where to file complaints

Laboratory tests are carried out by Rospotrebnadzor employees - contact them there with a written request. The complaint and demand do not have to be submitted in paper form; you can leave an electronic message on the official website of the organization or the portal of the regional office. There is no need to collect water yourself and take it for analysis.

In your application, describe the problem: the water smells bad, is cloudy, or has an aftertaste. Specialists should respond in approximately 5-7 business days. Representatives of Rospotrebnadzor will come to you and collect water for analysis. This is a separate procedure for which special sterile containers are used. If necessary, samples are taken not only in the apartment, but also at the source or at the water pumping station. This is necessary to understand what the problem is: in the water supply, filters or source.

The test results will be available in 2 weeks, after which the regulatory authorities will issue an order. management company or city services depending on who is violating sanitary requirements. Later, Rospotrebnadzor is obliged to conduct another inspection, the results of which are reported to consumers.


If you are not satisfied with the water quality, find out which organization is responsible for cold and hot water supply in your city, and first file a written complaint with the management company. The dispatcher must give not only his data, but also the number of your request. If you do not receive an explanation immediately, insist on a technician coming to check or contact Rospotrebnadzor. Examination government agencies free. If it has confirmed poor water quality, the costs of correcting the problem fall on the responsible organization.

Unfortunately, the inspection takes 2 weeks, and together with the wait for water collection - 3-4 weeks. It is impossible to put up with the unpleasant smell and taste of water for so long, so while the inspection is underway, complain to the water utility. His address and telephone number can be found on the Internet or payment documents, this usually helps to speed up the resolution of the problem. Even if the intervention of Rospotrebnadzor does not solve the problem, go to court or to a commission to control the water supply.

Before you can go to court, you need to obtain the results of tests and examinations, including the involvement of independent organizations. Your task is to prove the poor quality of the water, after which you can demand compensation. Also, the court must be presented with a contract for water supply services, notarized copies of acts of application to the relevant authorities, expert opinions. You can demand not only moral compensation, but also reimbursement of expenses for household filters and the purchase of bottled water. Don't count on own strength, involve lawyers: if you win the case, the defendant will pay all legal costs.

Additional Information

Sanitary rules for water are regulated by the following SanPiNs

Drinking (cold water)

Hotline numbers of ROSPOTREBNADZOR, to receive advice regarding violations of consumer rights, including in case of violation of water supply standards, you will find on this page:

Online services through which you can file a complaint to the relevant authorities if your apartment (house) has poor quality water, low hot water temperature, low pressure and other problems with water supply

Many residents apartment buildings We are familiar with the situation when water flows from a tap so much that it is not something to use, it is disgusting to look at: it is dark in color with an admixture of sand or milky in color with foam - which causes no less bewilderment.
Cold water in the summer is sometimes not cold at all, but like fresh milk that has not completely cooled down. Maybe this is not a completely terrible drawback, but in a situation where you need really cold water, it has to be drained. For an apartment where there is a meter for cold water supply, constant waste of water turns into quite a noticeable penny in receipts for payment.
The same applies to hot water supply, when due to poor circulation you have to drain lukewarm water in anticipation of hot water.
The upper floors of high-rise buildings often face the problem of low pressure in the pipes. This interferes with the operation of some equipment, for example, automatic washing machine. The water does not have enough power to ensure its normal operation. Taking a shower in such a situation is also impossible. People are forced to wait until nightfall, when most of those living on the floors below stop using water to simply wash themselves.
There are enough problems that disrupt normal life to cause people to become indignant and seek either troubleshooting or demand recalculation of current payments. You can see about recalculation for low-quality services here:;base=LAW;n=69851;p=1

What's normal?
What standards should be taken into account to understand whether real indicators correspond to reality?
So, if according to the rules the hot water temperature between 60 and 75°C in open water supply systems and at least 50°C in closed ones is considered the norm. Not lower and not higher. An open system is when the same water is used for heating the apartment and for hot water supply. The quality of this water is lower than in a closed system. Because in it hot water is heated in special boiler rooms and flows through different pipes. A closed water supply system is quite rare due to the high cost of use.
In this case, the deviation of hot water in the period from 23.00 to 6.00 is allowed by no more than 5°C. From 6 to 23 pm - no more than 3°C. In case of deviations from normal temperatures, you must follow the recommendations described below.
The time during which a forced interruption in water supply may be made or the water may be at insufficient temperature is also regulated by law. According to the rules, for every three degrees below the norm of permissible daily deviations, the amount of payment should be reduced by 0.1% hourly (calculated per month - billing period). If the water coming from the hot tap is below 40°C, you will be charged according to the cold water tariff. But this still needs to be proven and do not forget to take into account the temperature difference between day and night when taking measurements.
It happens that with temperature characteristics everything is normal, but the hygienic composition and Chemical properties water leaves a residue not only on the soul, but also on the dishes. If frankly dirty water flows from the tap, then you definitely need to complain and seek a solution to the problem. After all, water is the most necessary resource for humans, without which it is impossible to live. To confirm deviations from the norm in the quality characteristics of water, it is necessary to conduct appropriate laboratory tests. Chemical and bacteriological analysis of water will show the impurities present in the water and their quantity. This is very important indicators, because they have a direct effect on the body and can cause many serious diseases. You can read about how substances in water affect humans here: - really interesting and a little scary.

How to fight?
A full laboratory analysis is not carried out very often, because city residents are already accustomed to the fact that tap water should never be drunk. The only exceptions are permanently installed filters and other water purification systems. Many people use pitcher-type filters. That is, we somehow understand the poor quality of drinking water and are ready not to sort things out with its suppliers. Therefore, this issue will not be resolved now.
Another thing is the lack of hot water or the shutdown of the water supply for unknown reasons for periods exceeding the permissible ones. Here you need to defend your rights:
First, we make a call to the emergency dispatch service and report the inadequate quality of water or its absence. Let's find out if there are any requests for disconnection. We find out if there are any problems at this address, and if there are, then we ask how long it might take to fix them and look at the clock.
Important: you can not only call dispatchers, but also write a statement (even better). Just be sure to require registration of a telephone or written application, because it constitutes the contractor’s consent to poor quality services. Then you need to wait for the specialist to arrive in order to draw up a report on the actual fact of providing substandard services. An example is here:
If the situation has not improved, then you need to re-draw up the report (in two copies), only this time involving official representatives of the State Housing Inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor in this matter. This act will become an ironclad basis for recalculating payment for services and even payment of penalties. Which, unfortunately, is quite rare.
And then - to the highest authorities with the firm intention of getting what is rightfully yours.

Alexander Grigoriev(TIN: 720304084519) is going to deceive his voters for the second time as a deputy of the Tyumen Duma, and the owner of the Management Company "Universal". On June 3, the entrepreneur passed the primary procedure organized by the city party organization "United Russia". He plans to run in the 21st single-mandate electoral district of the city of Tyumen. Previously, Grigoriev had already been elected as a deputy of the Tyumen Duma in the fifth convocation of the city assembly in the same district. However, it is unlikely that Grigoriev’s deputyship brought real benefits to the townspeople who voted for him.

Alexander Grigoriev

Propaganda grid of Alexander Grigoriev

In this matter, one should take into account the professional specifics of the activities of Alexander Voldemarovich Grigoriev, which fits perfectly into the campaign process. The thing is that Grigoriev is the 100% owner of an ordinary city management company. And this means that he has a ready-made propaganda grid at hand. Moreover, Grigoriev has worked in the housing and communal services sector almost his entire adult life, and is well versed in the intricacies of managing apartment buildings and the specifics of relationships with people. Alexander Grigoriev became the director and owner of Universal Management Company eight years ago, having worked his way up from an ordinary plumber to the company’s commercial director in 2003. Having headed the Universal Management Company LLC in 2010, he was almost immediately elected to the Tyumen Duma with the help of gullible voters and administrative resources.

First, about the administrative resource. In any city or region, the housing and communal services industry is considered strategic direction in the economy and people's livelihoods. Which is very important for the authorities. Therefore, any enterprise operating in this area is an important tool for the authorities not only in economic matters, but also important politically. It is no coincidence that Alexander Grigoriev, in addition to being the owner of the company, is also a member of the United Russia party, and in general a “valuable” person for the city. Its value is partly explained by the fact that in his hands is a reliable propaganda tool, which he has already successfully used once, and plans to use again. And the party in power in this case will get its own person in the City Duma, and will increase the percentage of its “success” in the elections, which will then allow it to report to the party leadership. And in order for this to happen, both the ruling party and Grigoriev himself are going to use ordinary citizens whose houses are serviced by the company.

This is the same propaganda grid. As a rule, it consists of ordinary “management” employees - mechanics, plumbers, and operational site foremen. But the most valuable thing is the activists of the building councils, the elders in the entrances and simply active residents who expect to receive some preferences from the management company for their activity. At the same time, being leaders public opinion in your house, entrance, or landing. Preferences, as a rule, relate to issues of managing a house, carrying out repairs in entrances, etc. But it also happens that some particularly active citizen will have their loggia glazed or their plumbing repaired free of charge.

“And some, especially trusted persons, have the authority to sign acceptance certificates for any home improvement work (for example, roof repairs). In this case, funds collected from residents are debited from the house’s account, and a specially trusted person receives a bonus from the management company. Only others don’t know about this, say, if the work was not completed completely, or not completed at all,” said the Charter. there is no interlocutor from among the owners of the house, which is served by the Universal Management Company, Alexander Grigoriev.

Some of these people are campaigning for professional basis. Because management companies, in conditions of constant competition for the right to manage the housing stock, simply hire “special people” for money to campaign in their favor. All of them form the backbone of Alexander Grigoriev’s campaign network.

"The fruits of agitation"

If you consider that the company currently manages 169 apartment buildings with a total area of ​​67,557,705 square meters, then you can imagine what a huge propaganda force this is. However, any propaganda also has the opposite effect. Especially when you consider that the majority of management companies in Tyumen, included in the list of the ten largest, can hardly be called bona fide companies providing housing and communal services. Management Company "Universal" occupies 8th place in this ranking. Users of social networks speak extremely negatively about her. House maintenance is accompanied by huge additional charges in the form of illegal charges, a large number of accidents, and poor quality work of employees. In 2016, LLC “UK “Universal” topped the list of 20 companies debtors for consumed heat to heat supply organization"Warmth of Tyumen". In 2017, the debt amounted to 58 million 013 thousand 979 rubles. In 2017, 14 apartment buildings refused the company’s services. Here are just a few reviews from consumers of the services of the Universal Management Company, and, by the way, from voters in the city:

Owner Ilya: “In January 2018, a line appeared in the receipt for general household needs for 2,000 rubles, supposedly a debt for 2015. How can there be a debt if I monthly pay for water for general house needs of 17,18,12 and 5 cubic meters. None repair work they don’t produce, there is a leak in the basement, the hot water and hot water risers constantly break down, flooding the lower floors.

GZHI closes his eyes as usual (write, we will answer). How much can you steal? The entrance and landing are in terrible condition. Olimpiyskaya st., 12a.”

Owner Lyubov: “February 12, 2018 at 1:10 p.m. Quality of service: “Ul. 30 Let Pobedy 115 And for water supply for general house needs, they regularly charge as much as 375 rubles in the month of January, and in the corridors and garbage chutes they only put up posters to monitor the sanitary condition looked, but cleaning was not done for months. It’s not even swept, let alone washed.”

Owner Alexander: “The company is very bad. I've been calling the housing and communal services billing department for a whole week. Nobody picks up the phone. I decide to contact the housing inspectorate of the Tyumen region,” homeowners report on the website of Universal Management Company LLC.

Meanwhile, the revenue of Alexander Grigoriev’s company for the last reporting year alone amounted to 339 million rubles. Its cost is 9 million 400 thousand rubles with the authorized capital amounting to 10 thousand. So it turns out that the candidate for deputy of the Tyumen Duma, and the owner of the Universal Management Company, Alexander Grigoriev, is robbing consumers of the company’s services, and is going to deceive his voters, as he already did during his first deputy term.


The best choice is inaction

Temptations and dangers of managing multi-family residential buildings

As you know, the owners of apartments in a large apartment building are now faced with a choice - should they create an HOA? Or choose a management company? Or maybe it’s better not to do anything at all, entrusting the solution of all housing maintenance problems to the municipality?

The truth about HOAs

The option of creating an HOA, in my opinion, is the most inappropriate, because... its appeal rests solely on a few ingrained myths.

  • An owners' partnership is supposedly the most profitable form of home management. Propaganda for the creation of HOAs has been carried out by authorities at all levels for many years and is aimed at shifting the burden of responsibility for maintaining housing onto the shoulders of the population. At the beginning of this propaganda campaign, the form of management through management companies was not tested, which is why the HOA became the subject of praise. HOAs are created for 1-2 houses, because with more houses, they become unmanageable and lose their only advantage - personal acquaintance of all members as the basis of trust in the organization. At the same time, such a small size of HOAs makes them economically unprofitable. Management costs, divided among a small number of apartments, turn out to be unreasonably high.
  • Homeowners associations, supposedly, can work better than management companies, because... management is carried out by the people who live in the house, “they live here themselves and will not do anything bad to their home.” In practice, this means that management is carried out by amateurs. Many HOAs have realized this danger and have essentially turned into professional management companies. Those who could not do this should seriously think about liquidating the HOA.
  • HOAs are supposedly more responsive to the needs of residents. However, unlike management companies, the factor of personal preferences of the HOA management plays a significant role in the work. In HOAs, there are often cases when the manager openly discriminates against individual residents whom he for some reason does not like. With management companies, for example, this simply cannot happen, because the parties are guided by the agreement. The truth about management companies

    The process of selecting management companies is now actively underway in almost all buildings in the city. Apartment owners are invited by several companies at once. It seems that the process is taking place in conditions of fair competition, and residents can only make a choice. In practice, everything is more complicated.

  • The campaigning of management companies is carried out under the attractive slogan: “You yourself will determine what your money will be spent on.” Many residents melt at the mere mention of this. But no one sees the most serious problem: this approach, at a minimum, means that the management company shifts responsibility for maintaining the house onto the shoulders of the residents themselves. Imagine that you came to the post office to send a letter, and they told you: “Now you yourself will determine how to deliver your letter.” Previously, you put a stamp on the envelope, threw the letter in the mailbox and no more problems - you were sure that the letter would be delivered even if the train on which it was going to be transported was canceled. Will you consider it an advantage that you will have to independently resolve all issues related to letter delivery? Hardly. Then why does everyone consider it attractive to independently solve the issues of managing a residential building?! Isn’t it a great achievement that after paying the required amount of utility bills, no one thinks about why there is hot water in the tap, the light bulbs are on and the gas is flowing?
  • Previously, apartment owners paid a housing maintenance organization for maintaining a certain condition of the house, established in sanitary and other norms and rules: engineering systems are in working order, the yard is clean, the roof does not leak, etc. Now, instead of maintaining housing in proper condition, payment is offered individual species works The difference is cardinal! According to the draft agreements proposed by management companies, residents (customers) are forced to negotiate with the management company (contractor) to carry out work for the money already paid. It is impossible to get an intelligible answer from the management of the management company to the question of what will happen if the apartment owners consider the estimate proposed by the management company to be too high, because they have nowhere to go - the money has already been paid.
  • Homeowners are very positive about the availability of separate personal accounts for each house. It is not clear why, but the residents of each house believe that the neighboring houses lived off their payments. Many republics within former USSR They also thought so... However, a “common pot” for payments for home repairs is economically justified and simply necessary! Indeed, if tomorrow, due to some emergency circumstances, your house requires repairs (a tree fell and damaged the roof), then you will have to wait until the house’s personal account accumulates required amount. The “common cauldron” allows us to at least somehow resolve these issues, although it also has flaws. But refusing it imposes great risks on apartment owners. There are no other methods, for example, special forms of insurance. And most importantly, if the guardians of personal accounts counted the amounts that they protect from attacks, they would shed tears...
  • In practice, the decision to choose a management company is usually made by pensioners. They have free time, they are used to trusting the authorities, who repeat: “Don’t be late! Tomorrow it will be late!” But these people, as a rule, are incompetent, they are easily deceived and forced to make the “right” choice in favor of the management company, which uses professional agitators for these purposes.
  • The draft agreements proposed by companies have many flaws and pitfalls, including limiting the liability of the management company to the amount of funds collected from the house. Draft agreements are sometimes difficult even for a lawyer to understand, they are so superficial and do not contain real obligations. The attitude of management companies towards them can be judged even by the fact that the owners are rushed to make a choice right at a meeting in the courtyard of the house, saying that changes to the contract can be agreed upon later in the working order.
  • The very attempt of management companies to enter into contracts with each house on individual terms is suspicious. So one house will have a better deal than the other? Even the most qualified manager will get confused in 70 contracts with different conditions, and this is precisely the volume of housing stock managed by an average company. Only standard service conditions for all houses can be economically calculated and implemented.
  • The authorities provide tacit support individual companies. However, after the choice made by the residents, all responsibility lies with the residents themselves and there will be no one to complain about. The conclusion from all of the above suggests itself: there is no need to create an HOA or choose a management company now. We, homeowners, do not yet have the experience, knowledge, or information to make the right choice. Our business is to pay and use public utilities, and not to check calculations and adjust contracts. Surely, in the future, homeowners will learn all this, the terms of standard contracts will become established, and management companies will stop treating residents as if they were selling Herbalife. In the future we will choose, but not now...

    Let the municipality make the first choice: it has both specialists and capabilities. We chose the government so that it solves our problems and bears responsibility for it.

  • Initially, the issue of home ownership management is dealt with by the developer.

    He receives permission to put the house into operation, then within 5 days from this moment he, at his own discretion, chooses a management company with which for 3 months.

    At the same time, the local government, within 20 days from the moment the apartment building is put into operation, notifies that the house is being put up for an open competition to select a management company. Within 40 days from notification of the event, the local government body must hold this competition and inform all shareholders about its results within 10 days from the date of its completion.

    Management activities are assigned to the company or by the local government, since not all apartments are occupied and there are few owners to vote for the management company.

    Grounds for holding the competition

    The first basis for holding an election competition is the passing of apartment building for direct use or exploitation.

    When the construction stage is completed, and the owners have received their documents and the long-awaited keys, the law allots a certain period for the residents to choose a management method.

    The second basis arises due to failure to fulfill the will of the legislator. If, within the allotted period of one month, the residents do not choose a management method, the local administration takes control of this issue and helps residents decide on a management method.

    If the owners refused the services of one management company, they will need a new organization that services the common property. Thus, a change in management organization apartment building can also be considered a basis.

    Reference! The law provides for situations where she breaks the contract. In this situation, it is also necessary to select a new management company for the apartment building.

    Competition rules

    Regulatory acts

    If representatives of the local government body are present at the meeting and competition, then big role in the regulation of the event, it is assigned to local regulations . Each municipality has its own, but they do not contradict the basic law.

    To get acquainted with the acts of your municipality, you should go to the city administration website.

    In addition, when holding a competition, it is important to be guided by the articles of the Housing Code, as it says. Rules for holding a competition to select a management company, adopted by Government Decree No. 75 of February 6, 2006 – main source, in accordance with which the entire procedure takes place. Read in advance all the nuances specified in this act.

    IN last years The legislative system of our country is being reformed more and more often, and the Housing Code has not been spared innovations. Some articles reveal themselves more fully in Federal Law No. 38 of April 5, 2013. The act talks about the changes that have been made to the Housing Code, and also provides some comments on the articles.


    The participants in the competition are, on the one hand, voters, that is, residents of the house and the local government body (SRO), and on the other hand, an applicant or applicants for mandatory management of the entire house.

    The number of applicants is not limited, the main thing is to familiarize residents in advance with your participation in the auction.

    Subject of the competition

    The subject of the competition is the right to manage the house and common property, which will be expressed in the conclusion of an agreement between the parties for a limited or unlimited period.

    The subject may also include cash, which will be managed by the management company, providing reporting to residents.

    Subject of the auction

    The subject of bargaining is payment for the activities of the management company, as well as its capabilities in property management. So, if one management company has valued its services and work at a certain amount, another may lower the bar and thus be more interesting to the owners.

    Reference: During the bidding, management companies introduce owners to the results of their work in other areas, talk about possible prospects for cooperation and the program of action for the first time.

    How is the winner determined?

    If the initiators of the competition are the owners of an apartment building, then the winner is determined by voting.

    The competition can be:

    In both cases, the results obtained are summarized and a management company is appointed. But there is one “but”.

    If the sum of votes cast for the winner still does not reach the fifty percent mark, the company with the most votes does not pass the competition. Unanimity of owners is required, which manifests itself in voting, where more than half of all votes are cast for one candidate.

    All or more than two thirds of all owners must be present during the competitive selection. If 2/3 of all residents of the house are absent, the competition cannot be considered objective and the management company cannot be elected.

    If the initiator of the competition is a local government body, it itself appoints the management committee or adds its vote to the votes of residents.

    Selection deadlines

    The management company must be elected within a month from the moment the house is put into operation. If this does not happen, the self-government body has the right to help residents make their choice for another month. Thus, The entire procedure for appointing a management company should not take more than two months.

    Who has the right to initiate a tender?

    Initiate a competition to select a management company for an apartment building according to the current Housing Code can only:

    1. Residents who choose a management company immediately after the completion of a new building.
    2. Local government - within a month the administration must receive information about the organization servicing the house. If this does not happen, the local government independently initiates the election of a management company through a competition.

    Herself The management company does not have the right to call residents to meetings, arrange meetings and sessions.

    How to choose a management company for an apartment building?

    Homeowners need to be critical when choosing a management company so that the organization suits all owners.

    All residents of the apartment building must be notified in advance about the choice., the most suitable for this is an evening walk-through of apartments (when all residents return from work) or information by phone/SMS/announcement at the entrance to the house.

    Application for participation

    Applications for participation are submitted on behalf of management companies. They must indicate the name of the management company, the responsible person, the program under which the cooperation should take place, conditions and contact information. You can accept an unlimited number of applications.


    Notice of a selection competition management organization must meet a number of rules, and first of all, be available to every owner.

    Here main ways to notify owners:

    • personal notification to each owner by visiting the property;
    • publication of information about the meeting in local media;
    • publication on the website of a local government body;
    • notification by invitation to the mailbox;
    • placing information on stands at each entrance;
    • calling each of the owners.

    Voting procedure when choosing a management company

    The first step is for the owners to familiarize themselves with all the applicants for the position of management company before voting begins.

    For this The time and date of the meeting are determined, and the information is posted on a common stand, where all owners have access. It is also possible to personally invite each owner to the meeting.

    All management companies, without exception, can introduce the terms of their cooperation to owners through personal communication, distributing leaflets, and publishing articles on Internet resources.

    On the day of the competitive selection, representatives of management companies, as well as most of the residents of the house, must appear. Representatives of organizations once again familiarize residents with their conditions, proposing certain clauses in the contract. Next, voting begins, which can be either open or closed.

    If the initiator open competition according to the selection of the managing organization is a municipal body, then information about the meeting should also be conveyed to the owners, but the presence of representatives of local government bodies will also be required at the meeting.

    Important! In the absence of unanimity in the vote, it is the representative of the local government who appoints the management committee.

    Opening envelopes and reviewing applications

    Applications are reviewed carefully and discussed directly at the meeting. From these, a list of the most worthy and trustworthy candidates is formed, from which the winner is selected.

    The moment of opening the envelopes with applications is recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Owners can ask questions of representatives in an attempt to obtain the most complete information.

    Conducting the competition and summing up its results

    A competition to select a management organization for an apartment building is held immediately at the meeting, after all candidates have been presented.

    When all votes are recorded in the protocol, the result is announced. If the voting took place in the format of ballots, the papers are not thrown away, but remain in order, if necessary, to confirm the legality of the victory of a particular management company.

    When the winner is announced, the prospects for the future contract are discussed with him, a document is drawn up and signed. The remaining candidates who do not receive the required votes leave the meeting.

    Sample minutes of the general meeting

    Examples of protocol preparation general meeting at the choice of the management company are presented below.

    How does the administration choose a management company?

    Reference: if the residents did not independently elect a management company within the specified period (one month), then the selection and appointment of a manager is the responsibility of the district administration.

    In this case, specialists appoint a competition among management companies (both parties are required to be notified of the competition - the owners of the apartment building and all management organizations that may participate in it).

    Actions of the administration in this process:

    The developer can enter into a building management agreement with the management company no later than five days after the apartment building is put into operation. Residents of the house have the right to leave the same company within a month after putting the house into operation.

    Conclusion of a management agreement for an apartment building

    The final stage of the competition is. As a rule, it is drawn up in the presence of representatives of the owners and management company.

    Once again all the details, the duration of interaction, possible reasons termination of the contract. After this, the agreement is certified by a notary and signed by the parties.

    The agreement is signed in two copies— one will be kept by the management company, the other by the owner’s representative.

    Residents can register their wishes for property management, but be sure to coordinate this with a representative of the organization. As soon as the agreement is signed, the management company can begin its direct responsibilities.

    What types of violations are there?

    Violations of the selection of the management company are associated with the election process itself:

    Any violation of the selection process entails not only dissatisfaction of residents with the selected management company, but also jeopardizes financial side cooperation.

    To appeal detected violations, apartment owners do the following::

    1. statement of discovery of a violation;
    2. collect signatures from residents indicating consent and participation in the accusatory process;
    3. collect the necessary evidence. This could be video recording of the voting process, ballots, irregularities in the work of the management company, etc.

    Persons who discover violations must contact the prosecutor's office or the district court.

    The competition for selecting a management organization for an apartment building is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. Remember your rights as an owner, and then no one will be able to infringe on them.

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