Thank you for participating in the conference. Sample text of a letter of gratitude to an organization. An analogue of a thank you letter for help in organizing an event

Gratitude plays big role In human life. Of course, you shouldn’t demand praise for every action you take, but everyone still wants to be rewarded for their efforts. What can you present to a person for participating in an event? What kind of gratitude would be appropriate? Read about all this below.

Verbal thanks

The easiest way to reward a person is to praise him. Warm words spoken from the heart will sometimes be much nicer than the most expensive gift presented with a gloomy face. For what kind of event can you reward a person with such a modest gift?

Most often, this method of encouragement is used in educational institutions: schools, colleges and institutes. Teachers cannot give gifts to the whole class at once, but every teacher is capable of sincerely thanking students for their help in organizing or holding, for example, a concert.

When expressing verbal gratitude, do not forget to look the person in the eyes. Otherwise, the impression will be created that the speaker is insincere. For greater expressiveness, you can enliven your speech with gestures and, of course, a smile. It is better to write a thank you text for participating in the event in advance. Otherwise, from excitement, you may forget the main idea of ​​the statement or, in general, not find the right words.

Letter of thanks

If you need to express gratitude not to the entire team, but to its individual members, then the easiest way to do this is in writing.

A thank you letter would be a great option. You can buy its template at Rospechat, or you can draw it yourself. Gratitude to the children for participating in an event of this format will be kept long years and delight not only their owners, but also their parents.

What to write in a letter? The first thing that should catch your eye is the name of the person who will be the owner of the memorial leaf. Next should come warm words expressing sincere feelings and, of course, it is worth mentioning the event itself, gratitude for participation in which is expressed. Next should be listed the names of those who composed the letter. So that this paper can serve a person well in the future, you can put a stamp on it. And in order for the thank you letter to definitely show off on the wall and not gather dust in a desk drawer, you need to frame it under glass.

Material reward

Gratitude for participation in an event is not always verbal or written. If a person has put in a lot of effort and time, then he can be presented with a valuable prize. For children, encouragement in the form of technology will be a good incentive to participate and help organize quizzes and competitions.

If the congratulations take place at school, then there is no need to give mobile phones; it is better to use an electronic or paper book. If an adult is being awarded, then he can be presented with a cash prize or small-sized equipment: a blender, mixer, vacuum cleaner. But usually everyone likes the money option better. When giving a material gift, it is difficult to guess what the recipient already has at home and what he really needs.

A certificate would be an excellent form of gratitude for both children and adults. It's simply impossible to get into trouble with him. The recipient will purchase exactly what he needs in the store. You can give a person entertainment. For example, going to the cinema or theater, or maybe something more pleasant, such as visiting a spa center or swimming pool.

Symbolic gift

If you don’t have money for expensive gifts, then you can get by with some kind of souvenir. An example of gratitude for participating in an event could be a chocolate medal, a box of chocolates or a bag of good tea. Anything can be presented to a person. The main thing is not to forget to use the tips from the first paragraph of this article.

A symbolic gift as a thank you for participating in an event can be unique. For example, you can order mugs with the names of the recipients from local ceramicists. This will be a useful gift that can be used daily. You can also present a towel embroidered with the name of the participant or the name of the event itself as a souvenir. It is not necessary to embroider by hand; these towels can be made to order. More banal, but also correspondingly cheaper options for gratitude can be souvenir pens and notepads. Although such a small thing may seem trivial, it is still used by each of us every day.

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Letter of thanks - This business letter, which contains words of gratitude for some reason: for professional work, quality services provided, etc.

A letter of gratitude can be addressed to the organization as a whole or to a specific person. It can be a letter in response to an initiative letter: a letter of congratulations, a letter of invitation, or an initiative letter written on the originator’s own initiative.

How to write a thank you letter

A thank you letter has the same form and structure as a regular business letter:

  1. Document header.
    An optional element of a thank you letter - written if necessary. The header is placed in the upper right corner of the sheet. It indicates the details of the person or organization to which gratitude is expressed: position, name of the organization, surname and initials of the person.
  2. Appeal.
    The person's full name is indicated if the letter is addressed to a specific person.
  3. Text of the thank you letter.
    Words of gratitude. Template phrases: “Let me express my sincere gratitude,” “We express our deep gratitude...”, “We express our gratitude...”, etc.).
  4. Signature.
    In the lower left corner of the sheet, the signature of the person who expresses gratitude is placed, his position and full name are indicated.

Thank you letter samples and templates

Letter of thanks for cooperation
Gratitude to the partner company for fruitful cooperation, for the high-quality supply of products, work performed or services provided.
1 sample of gratitude to the organization
Gratitude to the organization for the meeting, for the time spent, the hospitality provided, etc.
1 sample Thank you letter to employee
Words of gratitude to the employee for his professionalism and responsible attitude to work on behalf of the company management in honor of the anniversary, professional holiday, etc.
1 sample thank you letter to teacher
Gratitude to the teacher for raising and educating children on behalf of the director of the educational institution or the parents of the students.
2 samples of gratitude to the teacher
Gratitude to the kindergarten teacher on behalf of the children's parents.
2 sample thank you letter to doctor
Words of gratitude to the doctor from patients.
1 sample letter of gratitude to parents of graduates
Gratitude to the parents of a school or kindergarten graduate for the good upbringing of their son or daughter, for the assistance provided to the institution on behalf of the director, head teacher, class teacher or a teacher.
1 sample Thank you to the student
Gratitude to the student for his conscientious attitude towards educational process on behalf of the school director.
1 sample

It is advisable to draw up a letter of gratitude on the organization’s letterhead or on a special printed form, on holiday paper.

In the course of correspondence between officials, gratitude and letters of appreciation can be compiled and sent. What are the features of both?

What is gratitude?

Under with gratitude in official correspondence we mean a document:

  1. addressed by one person to another (who holds a position in the same company or another firm) in order to express sincere gratitude towards the action of his colleague or partner;
  2. addressed by the management of an organization to one of the employees who has achieved significant success in their work (for example, implemented a complex project).

Gratitude is a document that contains wording presented in a fairly free form. There are no generally accepted norms that can be used as a guide when drawing it up. The most important thing is to convey to the person the fact that his action was pleasant or useful to someone, and also that another person (colleague, partner or manager) experiences positive emotions regarding the actions performed by the recipient of gratitude.

What is a thank you letter?

Under letter of thanks V business correspondence refers to a document that is almost always sent from one organization (for example, on behalf of its management) to another.

Templates for certificates and diplomas for the autumn holidays

The letter of gratitude is addressed directly to the partner company or one of its representatives.

According to another interpretation, a letter of gratitude is a document that is a reward (along with certificate of honor or, for example, a diploma). In many regions of the Russian Federation, such regalia have an official status - like letters of gratitude from the head of a subject, legislative, or executive authority. Corresponding awards are no less common in municipalities of the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that in commercial firms letters of gratitude can be given official status. For example, by issuing a separate local regulatory act regulating the procedure for delivering these letters.

Thus, writing thank you letters is often standardized. The rules for writing them may be reflected in official legal acts or local standards within the company. In this case, employees of departments or private firms are guided by the relevant rules when drawing up letters of gratitude.


The main difference between a letter of gratitude and a letter of gratitude is that the first type of document can be transferred from one employee of the company to another (most often from management to subordinates). The second, as a rule, is drawn up by one organization for another or addressed to a specific citizen (if the letter is an award document).

Gratitude is usually written in free form. Letter of thanks - often in accordance with official regulations.

Having studied the difference between gratitude and a letter of gratitude, we will record the conclusions in the table.



about holding a festive event for Guardian's Day

in the Atbasar district for the 2014-2015 academic year.

Guardian's Day is a special holiday, a holiday for people who have taken on the heavy burden of raising children, children for whom warmth, affection, parental kindness and love have become lacking, since for various reasons their parents are not near them.

On October 29, 2014, a ceremonial event was held in the Atbasar district at the base of secondary school No. 3 dedicated to the Day guardian.

The purpose of this event is to express gratitude to families who have accepted a child into their family, to encourage those people for whom other people’s children and other people’s misfortunes do not exist, to popularize alternative forms of placing children in a family (guardianship, foster care, adoption).

It has become a good tradition to say words of gratitude to those people who became parents for orphans. They became their family. And every year we honor the best guardians, this year there are 27 guardians who created a family for 31 children.

The festive program consisted of training for caregivers and children, concert program and tea drinking.

In two spacious, festively decorated offices of teacher of self-knowledge I.V. Dementieva. and Kragel L.N. conducted a training to unite the team-family, using the color therapy technique, where all participants together decorated the heart, filling it different color with stickers, they built an impromptu house of bricks, where each brick is a piece of the foundations of the family. At the end of the training, each participant received a greeting card made by the students primary classes Secondary school No. 3.

The event was attended by invited guests: head of the department for working with people with disabilities Gulshat Amangeldinovna Shulakova, consultant of the department for working with people of the State Institution “Department of Employment and social programs Atbasar district" Potanina Anastasia Andreevna, correspondent of the regional newspaper "Prostor, Atbasar", journalist of the Salem shopping and entertainment company Mikhail Korotin. All of them came to congratulate the guardians and expressed sincere admiration and gratitude for the subtle impulses of the soul, for courage, kindness and wisdom.

Having congratulated everyone on the holiday, the head of the State Institution “Department of Education of the Atbasar District” Seksenbayeva Zhanat Beketovna presented memorable souvenirs to the children and letters of gratitude to the guardians, dear and good people who, regardless of the difficulties of our modern life, accepted orphans and children left without parental care into their families. They live next to us and are united by one goal - to help children, decorate their lives, give warmth to their little hearts.

The chief specialist of the guardianship and trusteeship body, Kulbaeva Bibigaisha Dosmagambetovna, delivered a congratulatory speech, who cut a birthday cake in the shape of a big heart with the little guests of the event.

During the festive event, students of secondary school No. 3 performed songs, dances, stage numbers, read poems about mother, family, Kazakhstan and loved ones who give love and care.

The event was hosted by the head teacher of secondary school No. 3, Yu.A. Ionina. and 10th grade student Alpyspaev Adil, during the event they held games for children and guardians in which everyone, including invited guests, wanted to take part. As a result, an impromptu alley was planted, where each family was able to plant their own tree.

The fairy-tale gnomes asked riddles and played the game “Broken Heart”, where each family collected their heart on which proverbs and sayings about the family were written. They wished everyone Have a good mood, smiles, laughter and joy, and at the end of the celebration, the children were presented with a huge wish balloon filled with confetti and small balloons with wishes.

A creative exhibition of drawings by children under guardianship was presented to the guests. Throughout the event, those present were presented with video material and slide presentations about the lives of children in foster care and guardianship families.

Certificate templates

P.S. Dear guardians, your work is invaluable. It may not be noticeable today, but it will be noticeable later. This work is hard, but the happy eyes of a child more than make up for it. Health to you and your children. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Methodologists for the protection of children's rights

Isaseitova A.T.

Zavyalova E.V.

thank you templates

Letter of gratitude for help in organizing City Day

Letter #1:
I express my deep gratitude to you for your active participation in organizing the anniversary events celebrating the anniversary.

Thanks to your dedication and professional work, this holiday became an unforgettable celebration.

I congratulate you on the holiday of our city, I wish you health and prosperity.

Petr Petrov

Letter #2:
expresses his heartfelt gratitude to the director for many years of cooperation in holding holidays, for the unique fireworks shows, for the clarity and precision in the work, and for the warmth of relations between our organizations.

Petr Petrov

Letter #3:
expresses gratitude for the assistance provided in organizing and holding the City Day.

Thanks to your support, the holiday was held at a high level, and residents and guests of the city received a lot of joyful, unforgettable impressions.

WITH Best wishes and reliable for further cooperation.

Petr Petrov

Letter #4:
appreciated by every resident and guests of the city.

We wish your team success and prosperity, and hope for long-term collaboration for the benefit of our hometown.

Petr Petrov

Letter #5:
th anniversary of the founding of the city.

Your active participation in the life of the city makes an invaluable contribution to development and prosperity, preserving the best city traditions.

Peace, goodness and prosperity! Good luck in all your endeavors for the good!

Petr Petrov

Letter #6:
expresses my heartfelt gratitude to you for your active participation in the preparation and holding of events dedicated to the anniversary of the formation of the city.

City Day has become a holiday for all citizens who sincerely love their city. IN holidays The city has noticeably become prettier and younger.

Thank you very much for your help in organizing the holiday, which turned out to be fun, hospitable, and bright.

I wish you happiness, prosperity, and inexhaustible optimism in life!

Petr Petrov

Letter #7:
thanks you for your great personal contribution and invaluable assistance in preparing and holding events dedicated to the celebration of City Day.

Thanks to the coordinated and constructive work of all services during the event, a precedent was created for a completely new attitude of citizens towards the festive events, which were performed against a bright positive emotional background. All events were held at the highest organizational, technical and creative level, in a surprisingly friendly environment, receiving a positive response and enormous resonance. Through joint efforts, comfortable and safe conditions during the holidays.

We hope for further equally fruitful cooperation.

Petr Petrov

Letter #8:
was no exception for you, and you provided great help and support in organizational and festive events.

Only by uniting together, we were able to create a single whole - a real holiday, and please the townspeople, guests and even ourselves.

Sincerely thank you for the work done!

Petr Petrov

A letter of gratitude is not included in the list of mandatory documents that make up the document flow system of the enterprise. But issuing thank-you letters is necessary to show your respect and gratitude to employees, managers, and business partners. The article describes the rules for designing and composing a letter of gratitude.

From the article you will learn:

  • how to write a thank you letter;
  • how to write a thank-you letter to an employee, manager or business partner.

Formatting a thank you letter

It is a mistake to think that only money or valuable gifts are regarded as a worthy reward for conscientious work or partner services provided. Social recognition and gratitude are also among the basic human needs. Of course, you can express your gratitude to your manager, employee or business partners verbally, but a letter of gratitude would be preferable.

It shows that you not only feel gratitude, but that you took the time to put it on paper in a beautiful way to please the recipient.

A letter of gratitude is perceived by those to whom it is addressed as:

  • showing personal respect and fair assessment of merit;
  • a motivating factor confirming that the efforts expended and a conscientious attitude to responsibilities did not go unnoticed;
  • competitive advantage.

The latter is especially important. After all, if we are talking about gratitude expressed to business partners, after you formalize it in a letter, you can well count on receiving additional preferences. As psychologists note, expressed praise and gratitude force a person, albeit unconsciously, to try not to disappoint the person thanking.

If a thank you letter is drawn up for “internal use”, for example, when a manager wants to express gratitude to one of the employees or vice versa - employees express gratitude to the manager, you can use special thank you forms.

Registration of the form

This artistically designed form of thank you letter, colored, on thick paper, can be purchased at stationery store. As a rule, the central field of such a form is left empty so that the text for the thank you letter can be placed in it.

Such a form will need to be filled out by hand in beautiful, clear handwriting or selected from text editor font resembling handwriting. But, of course, the person or persons on whose behalf the gratitude will be written will have to put their own signature under the text.

In the case when a letter of gratitude is drawn up on behalf of an organization and sent to an individual or other enterprise, a corporate letter is used to format it. In this case, the letter of gratitude is drawn up in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the preparation of documents”, which came into force on March 3, 2003.

The rules for executing a letter of gratitude on the organization’s letterhead imply filling out such mandatory details as:

  • full and short name of the organization;
  • information about the addressee - the name of a specific company or the last name, first name and patronymic of the individual to whom gratitude is sent;
  • address to the addressee: “Dear sirs!” or “Dear colleagues!”, if the addressee entity or “Dear Ivan Ivanovich!”, if the addressee is individual;
  • text for a thank you letter;
  • signature of the head of the organization and its transcript.

To avoid excessive officialdom and emphasize personal affection, you can choose an artistically designed envelope to send such a letter.

Thank you letter text

You can compose the text of a thank you letter using the following algorithm.

  1. Indicate on whose behalf gratitude is being expressed, for example: “Limited Liability Company “Alfa”, “Management of LLC “Alfa” or “On behalf of the team of LLC “Alfa” and on my own behalf I would like to express my gratitude to you for...”;
  2. Indicate to whom gratitude is expressed: “On behalf of the Alpha company, I would like to thank the entire team of your organization...” or “Alpha LLC expresses gratitude to your company...”;
  3. Be specific about what exactly gratitude is being expressed for, trying to avoid generalizations and general, non-binding phrases;
  4. Celebrate successes or professional competencies the addressee, his experience and knowledge;
  5. Express your wishes and hope for further cooperation.

Read the finished text of the thank you letter and, if necessary, adjust it. Please note that its volume should not be large, as a rule, no more than half a standard sheet. It is advisable to check the text for grammatical and lexical errors. If you are not very confident that you were able to convincingly and sincerely express your feelings of gratitude, you can show the letter to your colleagues and adjust the text in accordance with their comments.

Thank you letter to employee

Such a letter should contain as much personalized information as possible so that its text does not look like a formal unsubscribe. In addition to a personal address, an informal approach can be demonstrated by mentioning specific achievements, personal qualities employee. There can be several reasons to express gratitude in a letter to an employee; they can also be mentioned in the text:

  • for many years of conscientious work;
  • for special achievements in professional activity;
  • for participation in any event as a company representative;
  • due to retirement.

A sample text of a thank you letter to an employee is presented below.

You can download the sample.

Thank you letter to the manager

A letter expressing gratitude to the manager is usually written on behalf of the team of the enterprise or one of its divisions. In this case, the letterhead is no longer used, so the text should be written on a beautiful, but strictly designed special artistic form.

The fact that a letter of gratitude is written to the manager should not mean that its text should be dry and official. It all depends on the management style of the company and its organizational culture. But at the same time, no familiarity should be allowed.

Letter of thanks to partners

This type of thank you letter also implies a formal, business style presentation. Most often, such letters are sent as a sign and confirmation of fruitful cooperation. The general meaning of the document is gratitude for services rendered or work performed, an offer and hope for further mutually beneficial partnership.

The letter will need to refer to specific services or work, mention situations or circumstances that most clearly characterize the mutual benefit of cooperation. Naturally, you should not mention any misunderstandings, even if they happened.

A thank you letter is considered a type of business document. It is drawn up at the favorable end of an enterprise, event, interaction, and so on. Also, a letter of gratitude can be sent before any special event. In the first case, it will be of an initiative nature, and in the second, it will serve as a response to an invitation or congratulations. Let's look further at how to compose the text of a thank you letter.

In what cases is such paper needed?

The reasons for drawing up this document may vary. So, for example, they often write a thank you letter kindergarten. This could be on the occasion of the team’s participation in some cultural event, competition, competition. It is not uncommon to write a thank you letter to the teacher. The time a child spends at school is of particular importance to him. Of course, many parents strive to express their gratitude to teachers.

As a rule, the paper is prepared for the graduation ceremony, at Last year stay at school. At the same time, the teaching staff can write a letter of gratitude to the parent for his active participation in the life of the class or school. In business circles it is also customary to send such documents. This is considered a sign of good manners, a sign of respect for partners. The head of one enterprise can send a letter of gratitude for cooperation to the director of another organization. In addition, it is customary for companies to notice achievements and Good work specialists. In such cases, the manager can write a letter of gratitude to the employee, noting and encouraging his work.

Content Features

How to write a thank you letter correctly? First of all, pathos should be avoided. When writing a letter, there is no need to be hypocritical or exaggerate the actions of the addressee. It is also advisable not to use empty and loud phrases. The greatest value in this case will be sincerity and simplicity of presentation. For example, if a letter is being written to a teacher, then it should be noted that his activities have left good memory One can also say about him as a person that he contributed to the formation of the personality of his students.

The teacher will also be pleased to read about specific instructions that helped him make an important decision at the right time. The letter should be thanked for the knowledge that the teacher gave, for his reverent attitude towards the students. At the same time, when expressing your thoughts, you should avoid arrogance - it will give a negative reaction. In the letter, it is important to make it clear to the teacher that only warm feelings and respect remain for him.

Important point

It should be remembered that a thank you letter is always welcome. Not many people find the time to note the activities of this or that person or enterprise in this form. For example, an employee of an organization will be very pleased to receive a letter of gratitude for his contribution to the development of the company. This will indicate that the specialist’s activities did not go unnoticed and actually contributed to the achievement of some important results. In general, a thank you letter is not that long and voluminous in content. But even a few lines will give the recipient strength and make him happy.

Thank you letter: sample

Usually the presentation is carried out in any form. But at the same time, it is worth remembering that this is a business document. In this regard, certain standards should be observed when drawing up. The company may have its own form for such documents. For example, if the management of a preschool educational institution or school decided to send a letter of gratitude to the family of the pupil. In such cases, the form contains the details of the organization. The structure of the document should be:

  • A cap. It should indicate the addressee. This can be an enterprise or a specific person to whom, in fact, gratitude is expressed. However, this item is considered optional.
  • Appeal.
  • Content. The essence of the letter should be reflected here.
  • Information about the compiler.

Let's consider these points in more detail.


Enterprises traditionally use the wording “Dear...”. Such treatment indicates a respectful attitude towards the addressee. When composing a letter, it is not recommended to use the phrases “Dear” or “Madam (Mr.)”. If, for example, an employee is being encouraged, then such an appeal will look somewhat awkward and even insincere.

In the end, such wording does not correspond to the norms of official business style accepted today. First name and patronymic after the address “Dear” will be appropriate for personal gratitude. If the document is addressed to the team of the enterprise, then the phrase “Dear colleagues” is more suitable here. Further in the content it will be possible to clarify which team the appeal is addressed to. If the letter is sent to another company, it is addressed to the manager. The content expresses gratitude to the entire company or a specific team.

Information about the compiler

It is more advisable to indicate who exactly expresses gratitude after the appeal. The initiator can be both the management of the enterprise and a structural unit. For example:

  • "LLC (name) thanks...".
  • "Management of the company (name)...".
  • “Accounting of the company (name...”, etc.

In this case, it should be taken into account that on behalf of the enterprise they usually thank another organization as a whole for providing any opportunity, supplying a product or providing a service. If the document is sent to the team or an employee of your own company, then you need to state the essence on behalf of the management:

  • "We sincerely thank..."
  • "We are grateful..."
  • “On behalf of the entire enterprise I would like to express my gratitude...”

The following phrase will look very solemn and unconventional:

“As the director of the company, I would like to express my gratitude with all my heart...”

This option is used in exceptional cases. For example, if you should note a contribution that was of great importance to the enterprise.


You can thank one person, a team, a department, or an enterprise. Individual appreciation sets an employee apart from the entire staff. This is how management notes his professionalism, skills, abilities, and achievements for the benefit of the organization:

  • "Thank you…".
  • “On behalf of the entire company I would like to express my gratitude to you...”

If the letter is addressed to the manager with gratitude to the entire enterprise for services provided, goods supplied, and so on, then the content needs to clarify to whom exactly it is expressed:

  • “Company (name) expresses gratitude to your organization...”
  • “We sincerely want to thank the team of your company...”

If a manager addresses the team of his company, it would not be superfluous to list the employees:

“Dear colleagues! I, as a director, am sincerely grateful to the team of the accounting department of our enterprise, namely...”

If in structural unit there are many employees, it is not worth listing their names. Here it is better to contact the head of the department:

"Dear colleagues! I, as a director, express my deep gratitude to the accounting department under the leadership of...".

What are they expressing gratitude for?

Always thank you for something. The message should not express gratitude “for everything.” In this case there is nothing specific; it will be somewhat unclear to the addressee. A person should know what exactly he is grateful for. You can be grateful for various things. For example, if an appeal is sent to an employee, then one can note his professionalism, vigilance, and perseverance shown in some situations:

“We express our gratitude for your creative work, dedication to the company for 20 years, loyalty in your work, and we also want to note your high professionalism, dedication, and leadership qualities, which contributed to the achievement of significant successes and allowed the company to take a leading position in the market among its competitors.”

Business partners can be expressed gratitude for timely support, provision of equipment, services, and so on:

"OJSC (name) sincerely thanks LLC (name) for the opportunity to participate in the exhibition dedicated to...”.


It would not be superfluous to detail in the letter what specifically turned out well. It is this moment that gives individuality to the entire appeal. You should also remember that a thank you letter conveys positivity. Therefore, it is advisable to look into the future when addressing:

"We wish your enterprise prosperity."

Before the traditional conclusion, one should also express hope for continued cooperation. At the end of the address they usually write: “With respect (position, full name).”

Gratitude from the director of the BU “Center for Adaptive Sports of Yugra” M.P. Vtorushin for close and fruitful cooperation and in connection with the celebration of Athlete’s Day. August 10, 2019

Mayor of Surgut
behind successful work on preparation for the presidential elections Russian Federation in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra

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"Gerontological Center" for preparing and holding the event
“The soul does not want peace” as part of the volunteer project “Wisdom and Youth”


budgetary institution higher education
Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra
"Surgutsky State University»
for many years of cooperation in educating the younger generation

Gratitude of the Regional public organization Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra for assistance to children and adults with developmental disorders of the autism spectrum "Children of the Rain" for assistance in organizing events dedicated to World Day dissemination of information about the problem of autism, for active participation in solving socially significant issues. 2016