Where to look for a student’s electronic diary. Electronic diary - what is it? How to report that your child will not be at school

Today we will try to answer the most common questions that concern parents regarding the electronic analogue of the traditional gradebook.

Internet and digital technologies They are increasingly becoming an integral part of all spheres of life of a modern person. The education system is no exception, in which electronic textbooks are gradually replacing regular books, and laptops and tablets are replacing traditional notebooks. The paper version of the school diary still occupies a relatively strong position. But this is only because, firstly, not all Russian schools use electronic diaries(but these are mainly rural schools), and secondly, many parents simply do not trust electronic magazines and do not know about all its features and advantages.

And if we can’t do anything about the first without the intervention of the authorities and relevant bodies, then we can talk about the possibilities of an electronic diary. That is why today we will try to answer the most common questions that concern parents regarding the electronic analogue of the traditional gradebook.

What is an electronic diary?

Electronic diaryelectronic services or software designed to provide:

  • accounting of schoolchildren's performance curriculum(including attendance and academic performance);
  • awareness of all participants educational process (in particular, students and their parents) about the progress and results of training;
  • streamlining document flow and reducing the administrative burden on educational organizations;
  • the ability to create a student portfolio and an internal social network, as well as maintain news feed educational organization and personal blogs of teachers.

Are an electronic journal and an electronic diary the same thing?

Essentially, this is the same electronic service, but with different capabilities.

  • Electronic journal– an accounting tool that allows you to monitor the progress and attendance of students, as well as the implementation of educational and teaching loads, increase the ICT competence of school staff, accumulate and systematize educational and methodological developments, ensure transparency of the educational process, and inform all interested parties about the progress of training.
  • An electronic diary is an individualized selection of data from an electronic journal about the progress and results of a particular student’s education. Both the student and his parents have access to the student’s personal “page”.

Why do parents need an electronic diary?

Implementation electronic diaries at school allows parents to:

  • have round-the-clock access to the most reliable, accurate and up-to-date information about your child’s progress (both from a PC and a mobile phone);
  • receive timely information about the lesson schedule and events planned at school;
  • promptly monitor the child’s attendance at lessons and his behavior at school;
  • carry out interactive communication with the student’s teachers and the administration of the educational institution.

Why do schoolchildren need an electronic diary?

Thanks to the implementation in Russian schools electronic diaries, students no longer need to worry about what they forgot to write down homework or changes in the schedule of subjects - you just have to go to the page of the classroom electronic magazine, and the student will see the most up-to-date information. This is especially convenient for those schoolchildren who, for one reason or another, missed classes at school. In addition, the electronic diary allows you to:

  • track your grades for any period of time;
  • view performance ratings;
  • be aware of how school life in general, and class life in particular.
  • Why do teachers need an electronic diary?
  • For teachers, the electronic diary has become a good help in their work. With it you can:
  • communicate with parents of students and quickly solve current problems and tasks with them;
  • calculate student ratings;
  • generate reports on student progress;
  • track work analytics educational organization in various directions;
  • communicate with colleagues on issues professional activity and exchange of experience;
  • organize virtual consultations and additional classes.

Can a student independently correct grades in an electronic diary?

Theoretically, such a possibility is excluded. In practice, anything can happen, since the human factor is not excluded in the operation of the system. For example, a school employee responsible for entering grades into an electronic journal can leave the system open and leave the office, and a resourceful student will take advantage of the moment and make the changes he needs. Of course, sooner or later third-party interference will be discovered and the culprits will suffer the deserved punishment, but, as they say, “the sediment will remain.”

In addition, we must not forget that modern youth are advanced users, unlike many school employees, for whom electronic systems and virtual space are a familiar habitat. Therefore, a situation may arise when a teacher asks a student to look, for example, why a video cannot be played on his computer, and the student, while solving this problem, at the same time looks into the electronic journal and corrects his grades there. By the way, most teachers either do not care about protecting electronic journal data and use the most primitive passwords, or even leave the system unprotected throughout the day.

Well, one last thing. Electronic magazines, like other software, are developed by talented programmers who provide different levels of protection in their product. However, even the most reliable protection can be “bypassed”, and no one can guarantee that your child will not be the same hacker who can “hack” an electronic journal without leaving his room and interfere with the operation of the entire system: change how your grades and the grades of your classmates, gain access to the teacher’s personal information, “infect” files with a virus, etc.

How reliable and timely is the information in the electronic journal?

Here, again, a lot depends on the human factor. If a school employee responsibly takes his responsibilities to fill out the electronic journal, then participants in the educational process receive up-to-date and reliable information. Otherwise, grades may not fully reflect student performance and information about school activities may be out of date.

Unfortunately, we have to admit that after studying various forums where parents share their impressions about electronic diaries, we made a disappointing conclusion: in the vast majority of Russian schools, the issue of filling out electronic diaries is treated negligently. And all because this responsibility was assigned either to subject teachers or to class teachers. Moreover, this duty is not paid. Well, teachers who already have enough work either simply don’t have time, or simply don’t want to regularly update information in the electronic journal.

But not everything is as pessimistic as it might seem at first glance. Increasingly, school management is hiring a specialist who is solely responsible for maintenance and content. school electronic resources . This fact allows us to hope that in the very near future all electronic journals will contain only reliable and up-to-date information, and the electronic systems themselves will be reliably protected and safe.

The Electronic Schoolchildren's Diary is a system for interaction between schoolchildren, their parents, teachers and school and city administration, via the Internet and SMS. Everyone benefits from the system.
With the help of electronic diaries, parents will be able to monitor their child’s progress: their class schedule, homework, grades, absenteeism, and find out in time about upcoming events. parent meeting(for example, by subscribing to the SMS diary service), as well as communicate online with teachers and school administration. The system will remind students of their schedule and homework. It will also give you the opportunity to view statistics and ratings of your ratings by week, month or year. Teachers will have a convenient and quick way to communicate with parents; in addition, the electronic journal will help in preparing progress reports, ratings of students by performance, and will also allow them to conduct electronic tests for students, even in their absence from school.

Why do you need an Electronic Student Diary?

The main advantages of this system can be formulated as follows:
1. The diary is now impossible to forget at home or lose!
2. Parents have constant and easy access to their child’s diary. All you need is the Internet!
3. The student has full access to the system and feels responsible for the results of his studies; in addition, even if he got sick or for some other reason could not write down his homework, he just needs to go online to get it.
4. The electronic diary allows you to promptly notify parents about important events and send them urgent messages even on their mobile phone.
5. An electronic diary allows the teacher to keep attendance and progress records in one place.
6. The electronic diary system greatly simplifies the accumulation of all information about the school and its analysis.
7. Connecting to the electronic diary system is a very simple procedure and does not require additional equipment. A regular computer and Internet access are enough.
8. The electronic diary system is developed on a powerful modern software base, which eliminates any possibility of hacking or unauthorized access to the system.
9. System maintenance is a popular and democratic service, available to absolutely any educational institution and is widely used in Russian schools.
10. Great attention is paid to confidentiality. Each user has their own login and password. The teacher fills out information only for the classes in which he teaches; parents receive information only about their children.

What is DEVNIK.RU?

Dnevnik.ru is a school social network, uniting all schools in Russia;
this is unique school project, which has no analogues in the world.
Basic goals:
Create a unified information environment for teachers, students and their parents.
Make the learning process at school easier and more interesting.
Dnevnik.ru creates a modern communication environment for real participants in school life.
On the school page, teachers, students and parents have access to remote communication functions: the ability to send and receive messages, create groups and announce events, and share news. The school administration can place detailed information about school.
Each Diary user has his own personal page where he can talk about himself, his interests, publish photos and maintain his own blog.
Diary users communicate with each other, with their classmates and teachers.
The diary allows you to completely transfer the learning process online.
Digital library
The Diary presents all literary works that are studied as part of the school curriculum.
All textbooks that are recommended or approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation are also presented. Based on user reviews and ratings in the Diary, an overall rating of textbooks is formed.
Works wherever there is Internet
In any part of the world, if you have access to the Internet, you can access the Diary at any time of the day.
Absolutely free
Diary users are not charged any fees: neither installation nor subscription.
Connecting the Diary requires absolutely no costs. You just need to use it: freely and without obligation.
You can find out more on the website Dnevnik.ru.

  • Administrative regulations of the Gorodetsky district administration for the provision of municipal services “Providing information on the current progress of a student, maintaining an electronic diary and an electronic grade book”

Manuals and instructions

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Our life does not stand still; something new is constantly appearing in different areas. Education has not been left out either - an electronic diary is an innovation that is designed to improve our education and bring the school, parents and students closer. Let's take a closer look at this interesting innovation...

Digital technologies and the Internet have become an almost integral part of many areas of activity of modern people. The education system is no exception. Here, electronic textbooks are confidently replacing traditional books, and tablets and laptops are replacing standard notebooks. However, the paper version of the school diary remains relatively strong. The reasons for this may be the lack of electronic diaries in most Russian schools (mostly rural ones). And also the distrust of many parents who do not have full information about the benefits of this kind of gadgets.

The first problem can be solved centrally by the relevant authorities, and the second can be dealt with by thoroughly understanding the capabilities of the electronic diary. The article will help answer the most FAQ Regarding the analogue of a regular diary, many parents are concerned.

What are electronic diaries?

An electronic diary is one of the electronic services or software that provides:
recording and monitoring the implementation of the curriculum by schoolchildren.

The tasks of the electronic diary include:

  • progress monitoring;
  • monitoring class attendance;
  • high-quality informing of participants in the educational process about its results. including students and parents;
  • streamlining document flow;
  • reducing the administrative burden on educational institutions;
  • creation of an intra-school social network;
  • creating student portfolios;
  • creating and maintaining personal blogs for teachers;
  • maintaining the educational institution's news feed.

The functions of the electronic diary become clear after watching the video instructions for its use:

Electronic diaries and electronic magazines - what is the difference?

In principle, these are very similar electronic services, but with different capabilities.

Electronic journals are accounting tools that allow

  • monitor student progress and attendance;
  • fulfillment of teaching and learning loads;
  • carry out the accumulation and systematization of educational and methodological developments;
  • ensure that all interested parties are informed about the progress of training;
  • significantly increase the ICT competence of almost all school employees.

Electronic diaries – individual samples from electronic magazines about the process and results of learning for specific students. Students and their parents have access to personal diary pages.

After introducing electronic diaries at school, parents will always be able to:

  1. Get 24/7 access to the most accurate, up-to-date and reliable information regarding your child's progress through your mobile phone and computer.
  2. Have full information about all school events and lesson schedules.
  3. Promptly monitor children's behavior at school and class attendance.
  4. Carry out interactive communication and interaction with the child’s teachers.
  5. It is possible to have connections with the administration of the educational institution.

After the introduction of electronic diaries, Russian schoolchildren will not have to worry about timely and complete recording of homework, as well as changes in the lesson schedule. All this information and other up-to-date information can be seen on the cool e-zine page. This is especially convenient for schoolchildren who missed classes for various reasons. Also, the electronic diary will allow you to:

  1. Track your grades over different periods of time.
  2. View performance ratings.
  3. Have information about events in the classroom and school.

An electronic diary can be a wonderful help in their work, with the help of which they can:

  1. Communicate with parents of students, promptly solving current tasks and problems.
  2. Calculate student ratings.
  3. Generate reporting data on student performance.
  4. Analyze the work of the educational institution in certain areas.
  5. Communicate with teachers from other schools regarding the exchange of experience and the specifics of professional activities.
  6. Conduct virtual advisory and additional classes.

Theoretically, such possibilities are not excluded. In practice there may be different situations related to the human factor. In particular, school employees who are responsible for grading in the electronic journal can leave the system open and leave the office. At the same time, a resourceful student, taking advantage of the moment, will be able to make the changes he needs. Naturally, at a certain time, such interference will most likely be discovered, and the perpetrators will be punished accordingly.

It should also be taken into account that some advanced young people are well versed in electronic systems and virtual space. And much better than most school employees. Therefore, it is possible that a teacher asks a student to help understand certain computer functions, and the student, while providing assistance, also corrects grades.

By the way, many teachers often use very primitive passwords. And in general, they do not care enough about the security of the system and electronic journals, periodically leaving them unprotected.

In addition, electronic magazines, like any software, are developed by programmers who provide their products at different levels protection. Moreover, almost every protection can be “bypassed”. It is possible that among the students there may be a talented hacker who will “hack” the electronic journal. You don’t even need to be physically at school to do this. This can be done using your home computer. In this case, he can easily change grades, gain access to confidential information of teachers, and even “infect” certain files with viruses.

The human factor also plays an important role here. If a school employee is responsible for filling out and maintaining an electronic journal, all participants in the educational process will have up-to-date and reliable information. Otherwise, the information in the log may be out of date. And grades do not accurately reflect the real level of student achievement.

Unfortunately, according to reviews from parents posted on the relevant forums, the vast majority of domestic educational institutions are extremely negligent in filling out electronic diaries. The reason for this may be the assignment of these responsibilities to computer science teachers or class teachers, and to free of charge. As a result, teachers received new responsibility, but no incentive to do it. However, most teachers often do not have enough time to regularly update information in electronic journals. This happens due to being busy with other priority matters.

To solve this problem, a number of schools have begun to introduce positions of specialists who are solely responsible for maintaining and maintaining school electronic resources. This fact gives hope that in the future the situation with maintaining, filling out, ensuring security and servicing electronic journals in educational institutions will radically change for the better.

Welcome to website. In this article we will tell you how to access the electronic diary through the State Services portal. To date modern technologies made people's lives much easier. Now you don't have to wait in long lines to see a doctor or go to the post office to pay various bills.

The innovations did not spare parents either; now the child will not be able to hide bad grades or homework. Now the student’s electronic diary has begun to operate in full force, with entries in which parents can review at any time. But not all users know how to enter the electronic diary through State Services. Let's look into this issue.

Modern parents are now very busy and they don’t always have time to go to school to find out their child’s behavior and academic performance, but this project helps solve most of these problems. For this, parents need to have a device with Internet access, and they will be able to see at any time how their child is studying and whether there are any complaints about him. This service is provided absolutely free of charge.

Before viewing the electronic diary through State Services, you must complete 3 main steps:

  • Register on the State Services portal if you do not have a personal account.
  • Take your login and password to enter the electronic diary.
  • Log in to the required diary page.

But these steps need to be reviewed in more detail.

Advantages of an electronic school diary

The student's electronic diary has a large number of benefits, these include:

  • Functionality. The user can customize the entire portal according to his preferences; several tabs can be removed or added.
  • Control over the child. Children do not always talk about what is happening at school, but parents can monitor all learning remotely.
  • Appearance The portal itself is not at all different from a simple diary or school magazine.
  • Responses to necessary questions occur in a very short time.
  • The database is constantly updated, as the teacher must enter information about the student daily.
  • Since the notification system is set up perfectly, you won’t have to constantly check notifications; they will happen automatically.

What documents will be needed to receive the electronic diary service?

Before logging into the electronic diary through gosuslugi.ru, you must provide the school administration with a package of necessary documents, after which they will register on the diary’s website. TO necessary documents relate:

  1. Passport of the parent or his legal representative.
  2. Child's birth certificate.
  3. Application for the provision of this service.
  4. Consent to the processing of the provided data.

It is worth remembering that you need to be very responsible when filling out the application, since if any corrections are made, it will not be accepted by the secretary.

Register on the State Services website

State Services is a convenient website. Since with the help of this site you can significantly save time, which can be spent on visiting authorities. On this portal you can use the following services:

  • Put the child in kindergarten to the queue.
  • Register the marriage.
  • Arrange for various benefits and payments.
  • Submit an application for the production of passports, both Russian and foreign.
  • Pay taxes, fines and other services.

This means that registration on this portal can help every resident of our country. To register on the portal and find out how to register in an electronic diary through gosuslugi.ru, you must complete the following steps:

  • Log in to the portal.
  • After that, on the page, find the “Login to State Services” window, which is located on the edge and click on the “Register” button.

  • The next window requires you to enter your first and last name, as well as mobile number or email address.

  • After all the data has been entered, you need to click on the “Register” link, after which a window will open in which you will need to enter a verification code for your mobile phone, which will come in an SMS message. Then confirm your account.
  • In a new window, you will need to create a password in accordance with the requirements of the site and click on the “Finish” link; the password is entered twice.

  • After this, the user will see a page on which he will need to enter all the data. The page indicates the user’s full name, gender, date and place of birth, citizenship, passport and SNILS data, after which the “Save” button is pressed.
  • Once all the data has been entered, it will be sent for automatic verification by the system, which may take a certain amount of time. At this time, the user can fill in other information.

After completing these steps, you can start using personal account. If you wish, you can create a verified account using a letter by mail, in specialized centers or using electronic signature. Such confirmation opens up many more opportunities on the portal.

We receive a login and password to enter the electronic diary

Before logging into the electronic diary through State Services, you must obtain a login and password to enter this site. Login information can be obtained in two ways:

  1. Personal appeal to the school administration.
  2. Obtaining data from State Services.

Sometimes data can be obtained in both ways at the same time, but sometimes only one of the options is available.

Obtaining a password at school is a very simple and accessible option, but through state portal may cause corresponding difficulties. To obtain login information and access the student’s electronic diary through State Services, you need to perform several important steps:

  • Log in to the state portal and enter your personal account login information.
  • On the open page, type “electronic diary” in the search bar and click on the “Search” button.

  • In the list provided, you need to find the region in which the service is provided.

  • After this, start receiving the service using the link “Obtaining access to the student’s electronic diary.”

  • After this, a page will open that will display the timing of this service and its cost, reasons for refusal and much more.

As a result, it turns out that there are two ways to obtain data for an electronic diary.

In the end, the user will receive a login and password for the required site, the application is reviewed within 72 hours.

How to register a student’s electronic diary on State Services

Logging into the electronic diary through the State Services portal for parents does not have a single link for the entire country; each region has its own services to provide such a service. To log into the service through State Services, you need to perform several actions:

  • In the search field in any search engine you need to specify “Electronic diary” and the required site will be in the first place.
  • When you log into the site using the link, the user will see a page for logging into the state portal.

  • On this page at the very bottom there is a button “Log in using government services.”
  • After the user clicks on this link, a page for logging into the portal will open, you need to provide data and click on the “Login” button.
  • After this, a new page will open on which you will need to enter your login and password for the electronic diary itself.

  • You must provide all the required login information and click on the “Go to diary” link. That's all. Now you know how to view an electronic diary in government services.

After parents register on the electronic diary, they can always find out what is happening with their child at school.

What additional services are available on the school portal

In addition to all the listed services and how to register for government services for an electronic diary, on this portal you can use other services that are also important for parents, these include:

  1. Progress table. That is, for each student a special table is created on the portal, which is created from the grades that he received for the quarter. Also in the table you can see the absences and final grades that the child receives. Quite recently, a function began to work that allows you to calculate the average score, thanks to which a high school child will be able to focus on the necessary passing scores for admission to higher education. educational establishments. You can also see grades given by teachers and comments on your average score. The function can be used not only by teachers, but also by parents. You can monitor your child’s progress throughout the entire quarter.
  2. Progress chart. Now you can monitor your child’s progress not only according to the grades given, but also according to the schedule. According to the graph, you can see the comparison for all criteria and categories.
  3. Lesson schedule for both students and teachers.
  4. Schedules of calls to and from lessons.
  5. Personal information about each registered student on this site.
  6. Special chat for school communication.

To use all these services, the portal user needs to know how to find an electronic diary in the State Services and register in it.

For what reasons may a service be refused?

A future user of an electronic diary may be denied this service if the application is filled out incorrectly. If errors were made in the last name, first name or patronymic or in other specified data, the application will have to be rewritten.

If the portal is used by a teacher, then he needs to provide the journal directly for the class to which he wants to access, only under this condition the teacher will be able to use the service.

The user may be refused for other reasons, these include:

  • The application was submitted by a person who is not the applicant.
  • The child about whom they want information is not studying at this school.
  • The documents do not meet all the necessary requirements.
  • There is conflicting information in the documents.
  • Application for refusal to provide this service.

So, we figured out how to link an electronic diary to State Services and make the link in order to have access to the diary using this portal and use all the capabilities provided by the service.