“Reckoning” of the “Super Friends” team. “Reckoning” of the “Super Friends” team Transfer of the right to destroy

Things to do?

There are many ways to achieve fame in the EVE universe using different playstyles, but the choice is ultimately yours. EVE is an extremely open game, where levels matter less than know-how, and quests matter less than goals. Setting these goals may be difficult at first, but they will help you with your career choice.

These professions are not like the traditional "Classes" of other MMOs, and there is nothing stopping you from jumping from one activity to another in the course of one evening. There is only one "Class" in EVE - the pilot (officially called "capsuleer"). And our goal is to help you find a way to make a living...

There are two ways in which we can look at occupations: specializations and professions. They overlap to a large extent, but generally you can treat professions as subcategories of a particular specialization. For example, piracy, mercenary and bounty hunting are different professions, but they are all subcategories of the PvP specialization; if you add agent running, the specialization expands to combat.


Player vs Player (PvP)
Player vs. environment(PvE)
Not combat

Production aka Manufacturing


Specialization: Combat or non-combat
Level: Each profession is described by level. The beginner level means that any beginner can try this (with the caveat that an experienced player can do the same thing more efficiently, hopefully this isn't a big surprise to you). Intermediate means that you should spend several weeks, even a month or more, learning some of the necessary skills and gaining experience in EVE universe before you should (or can) try this. The advanced level hints at several months before you can start practicing this profession. Please note, again, that some professions can take years to master.
Relevant to: Basic concepts in the game
Key Skills: Required for basic activities in this profession
Related Professions: This profession is often mixed with those, or characters in this profession often interact with those.
Description of the profession: The actual description of the profession.

Unlike some other MMORPGs, which limit you to developing certain skills from character creation, in EVE your character can potentially learn any skill in the game at max level. However, a jack of all trades is not really a master of any profession; in order to effectively compete with other players in EVE, you must specialize in one or more professions (or groups of related skills). Professions are basically a concentration of skills and skill points. Roughly speaking, this system is roughly analogous to the concept of a character class in other MMORPGs, but there are no hard-set restrictions, you can do everything with any character - but keep in mind that learning any skill takes time, and deep learning takes even more time.

Your choice during character creation does not limit further specialization in any way (pilots of different races differ only in their portrait and some initial skills that do not affect the game). The old character creation guides are outdated, there is no point in creating a character using templates, there are no pre-specialized templates for certain professions.

Please note that many players have several additional characters (alts) created to engage in one or more of these professions. Some players like to own many specialized alts across multiple accounts, others go the "jack of all trades" route.


Specialization: Combat
Level: Beginner
Relevant to: Agents, missions, PvE
Key skills: Combat skills and the “Social” branch
Related professions: -
Job description: There are many factional NPC corporations in EVE (not owned by players) and they all have their own interests in space. When own strength busy elsewhere, or when there is work to be done that clearly requires someone from outside, they hire members of the capsuleer community through their agents and pay well for the result.

Agent missions form the majority of PvE combat in EVE and are a good way to shoot spaceships at will. Agents also offer courier missions (a transport ship may be required), and some conduct research, with the ultimate goal of producing valuable blueprints for production.


How to get started: Open the star map with the “my agents” filter. Select a nearby green system with a corporation agent that you like, dock at the station and start a conversation with the agent. The agents' attitude towards you improves with each completed mission.

Income: Mission reward, fast completion bonus, reward for killing NPCs and income from selling/refining loot.
Further development: Important “Storyline” missions (every 16th, marked with the marker “Important Storyline mission”) affect factional relations, by completing missions you improve the attitude towards you of the factions for which you work, but also worsen the attitude of those against whom you perform missions . To work with agents different levels remember this simple list: level 1 missions can be done on a frigate, 2 - on a cruiser, 3 - on a battle cruiser and 4 - on a battleship (the list rather gives a general idea of ​​​​possible enemies, there are ways to complete level 4 missions even on a frigate, but such tactics can be carried out by a person who is familiar with both the mission and the capabilities of his ship). In addition to in-depth study of combat skills for your ship, you will also need skills from the “Social” branch (they will increase the reward for completing missions and improve the attitude of agents and corporations towards you, and with improved relations you will gain access to agents of a higher level).

Solo or in a group: Any missions can be completed alone, but remember more ships, the faster the passage.

Pros of the profession: Fast fights, good stable income, good propositions in LP shops (faction items with meta level 8–9, with improved characteristics).

Cons: Requires a lot of skill to be effective, changing standings may affect your game.

Anti-Pirate/Bounty Hunter

Specialization: Combat
Level: Possible from beginner level, but intermediate or advanced skills are highly recommended
Related to: Pirates, PvP
Key skills: All combat skills, PvP specialization
Related professions: Bounty Hunter, Pirate
Job Description: A bounty hunter is someone who hunts down and kills players with a large bounty on their heads. The reward is obtained after destroying the egg (pod) of the player with the announced reward for killing (in most cases you will have to destroy his ship first).

Unfortunately, when the bounty on someone's head exceeds the price of their new clone, often asking one of their friends to kill them, collect the bounty and split the money, this makes the bounty system almost meaningless in EVE. In addition, the costs associated with hunting down dangerous criminals will most likely never be covered by the random bounty on their heads. Full-time bounty hunters are rare in EVE because the profession is extremely dangerous compared to higher-paying missions, but not very lucrative. However, the way the bounty system works is that if a character doesn't take the money for himself, others will be more motivated to work harder to catch or destroy him than someone without a bounty on his head.

A career as a bounty hunter may be low-paying, but the adrenaline gained from the job outweighs the downsides. No other “job” requires so much cunning in tracking down prey. In addition, ridding the world of scoundrels and receiving a reward for it is a very enviable task, you will be hated by criminals and adored by law-abiding players.

As mentioned above, bounty hunting as a sole activity is extremely rare.

Some anti-pirates consider themselves to be following the ideology of the anti-piracy code rather than pursuing a reward. This is the difference between these two professions. The text below briefly talks about this ideology and describes the anti-piracy code.

The anti-piracy profession carries enormous risks. Doing the right thing is always so damn hard! Why do so few of us find the courage to fight the unpunished injustices of our Universe? If I fail in my task, the tragedy will not only be my own death, but that my prey will continue their miserable, despicable existence.

Anti-Piracy Code

The pirate is a common enemy;
The pirate is the one who shoots first;
Once fired, the pirate is considered a threat to all those who agree with the anti-piracy code.

Anti-pirates who agree with this code can open fire first only if:

The contents of the container were stolen;
War has been declared, and the state of war is “combat resolved”;
Someone shot the rookie pilot first and is marked as a global criminal;
Someone has a history of criminal activity and has a security status below -5.0.

Under no other circumstances should you or any of your newbie friends go against these rules.


Specialization: Non-combat
Level: Medium difficulty
Related to: Intelligence, COSMOS
Key Skills: Archeology
Related professions: Hacker, Scout
Description of the profession: Archeology is a new occupation that was introduced, but not fully developed. At the moment, only two systems out of thousands of constellations in EVE can support this activity. This is, of course, the COSMOS constellation. Archeology will be used more in the next expansion, Revelations. The Archaeologist's Roadmap provides unique access to high-tech manufacturing components (a very lucrative market position). The skill requirements required for archeology are quite high, archeology requires high scientific and industrial specialization and more than advanced combat skills, since sites of interest to archaeologists are often in disputed or dangerous areas.

The skills in this profession are used exclusively in COSMOS constellations to open certain containers and obtain information specific to each mission. This is not a frequently requested activity, and may not best idea if you want to earn a lot of money.

POS owner (player owned structure, structure owned by the player)

Specialization: Non-combat
Level: Intermediate

Key Skills: Anchoring
Related professions: Manager, investor
Job description: Player owned station (POS) owner who manages dock fees and grants permissions to use the POS. POS are needed in both highsec and lowsec, in highsec with constantly busy stations, POS offer additional research capacity, and in lowsec, where there are very few stations, POS play a very important role in alliance wars.

Mineral Thief/Ninja Salvager

Specialization: Something in between
Level: Beginner
Related to: Miners, Pirates, Agentrunners
Key skills: -
Related professions: -
Job description: The mineral thief is a criminal who uses the asteroid mining system for his own benefit. In EVE, most miners store the excavated minerals in containers for later collection by the carrier ship (after the introduction of the Orca, it is possible to immediately ship the excavated minerals to the Orca’s corporate hangar, so it will not be possible to steal minerals from the team with the Orca leader). Such a system makes it possible to rob a miner; the thief can simply transfer the contents of the container to his hold; keep in mind that after the theft, the owner of the container and members of his corporation (unless of course he is in the NPC corporation) can attack the thief within 15 minutes.

The theft of minerals is a controversial issue, many people believe that without thieves there would be no risk of digging in the systems under the protection of Concord, and miners digging in these systems believe that this is dishonest, since they have no way of protecting themselves from thieves without damaging their property. main activity. The best way to deal with it is to find an empty system, or a carrier that takes the minerals right away.


Specialization: Non-combat

Relevant to: EVE Economics
Key skills: Trade groups
Related professions: Trader, POS owner, Manager
Job description: Money makes money. Invest, become a sponsor, hire. Although not everyone realizes it, there is a financial market in EVE, and there are players who play "financial PvP". If the stock market is your game, consider this profession. Keep in mind that a serious game will require billions of ISK, and investors who cannot invest at least 100 million in the project will be out of business. For additional information, read the Market Discussions sub-forum on the official EVE website.


Specialization: Non-combat
Level: Intermediate
Related to: Research, COSMOS
Key Skills: Hacking
Related professions: Archaeologist, Scout
Job Description: The skills of this job are used exclusively in COSMOS constellations to open certain containers and obtain information specific to each mission.


Specialization: Something in between
Level: Intermediate or advanced skills recommended
Related to: Bookmarks
Key skills: ?
Related professions: Scout

Job description: A cartographer specializes in creating safespots and other bookmarks. Cartography is a career that requires a lot of time, but does not require a lot of skills (although knowing exactly where to put a bookmark and why it is necessary is extremely necessary).

Old patches greatly changed the career of a cartographer, but even now you can create safespots and other bookmarks and sell them (or give them out for free within your corp or alliance), they are still useful.

Specialization: Non-combat
Level: For Beginners
Relevant to: Courier contracts, mining, trading
Key Skills: Management spaceship, Navigation
Related professions: Miner, trader
Job description: English-language transportation guide

Transporting goods or other things of interest (modules, minerals, etc.) from one part of the galaxy to another, in search of profit.

In general, a courier is a carrier. Your character may specialize in piloting industrial ships, but at some point in your career you will want to upgrade your skills to pilot carrier ships.

Note that some couriers who specialize in transporting small expensive items will often use frigates and interceptors rather than Indians.

Specialization: Combat
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Relevant to: PvP, gangs, fleet
Key skills: Group leadership
Related professions: All combat
Job description: Player owned station (POS) owner who manages dock fees and grants permissions to use the POS. POS are needed in both highsec and lowsec, in highsec with constantly busy stations, POS offer additional research capacity, and in lowsec, where there are very few stations, POS play a very important role in alliance wars.

With the Revelations expansion, skills based on player charisma were introduced, affecting combat and loot in the group.

By choosing this career you must become useful guide for a combat or mining group. A player on a team studded with bonus links is limited in the ability to shoot or dig himself, but can significantly increase the productivity of the gang, and from this increase receive a share of the profits. Remember, improving the technical or protective characteristics of a ship should not come at the expense of its basic functions. Miner leaders must have the skill of managing gang time (this skill must be trained in your head, not in the character's skilllist). Competent leaders with the equipment and skills for the job are rare and are of great value to a group of miners due to the measurable improvement in production. Please note that leader skills are of no value for solo play; a high initial investment in equipment is required, which will only pay off if you start mining.

In a combat group, the leader distributes bonuses for various combat characteristics to his comrades. Please note that the successful distribution of bonuses depends on the skills of your character, but the successful leadership of a fleet depends much more on your personal qualities and skills.

Specialization: Combat Level: Intermediate
Relevant to: Corporations, alliances, PvP
Key Skills: All Combat
Related professions: all combat
Description of the profession: Mercenaries serve for murder, mainly in the role of employers of other corporations or alliances that have significant weight in alliance politics.

Everyone knows mercenaries, there are few of them, they are the elite and they are feared. The mercenary receives money for his brutal services. The quiet disappearance of a political opponent or the annihilation of a station with a thousand inhabitants, all this is subject to mercenaries.

Successful mercenary corporations are a motley bunch, there are tacklers: suicidal speed freaks whose only goal is to delay enemy ships until the allies arrive, there are assassins and damage dealers: players skilled in combat who destroy ships in their path, often with the help of tacklers, there are also pilots of electronic warfare ships: busy turning the enemy ship into an incapacitated pile of metal without destroying the latter. Electronic warfare is often used when more subtle tactics are needed, such as in cases of kidnapping, extortion or theft.

The role of mercenary corporations is enormous; they often deliver the final blow, killing entire alliances. Or, at least, they introduce unrest into the alliance’s defense system.


Specialization: Combat
Level: Intermediate
Related to: PvP, Factional Warfare
Key Skills: All combat skills, PvP specialization, some agent runner elements
Related professions: no
Job Description: With the Empyrean Age expansion, a system of factional wars was introduced to promote PvP to the masses. Now you can join the militia and participate in PvP even in highsec, feeling even more roleplaying than in alliance clashes in the zeros. Ammar and Caldari militias fight the Gallente and Minmatar, complete special missions, receive rewards for doing so, and participate in many PvP battles for control of frontier systems.

Specialization: Combat
Level: Beginner to Advanced
Related to: PvP
Key Skills: Combat Skills,
Related Professions: Anti-Pirate, Bounty Hunter, Mercenary, Agent Runner, Miner
Profession Description: Every community has its criminals. This cross-section of society in EVE is represented by pirates. A pirate is a pilot who hunts (and/or ambushes) other pilots in low security (Security Status 0.4 and below), and attacks them for fun and/or profit. Some pirates also operate in the nullahs, although the definition of raiding in the nullahs as "piracy" is controversial. Some pirates search for other players in asteroid belts, others use probes to find agentrunners or set up ambushes on stargates. Systems with two gates (bottle necks) through which a large flow of pilots pass are a favorite place for such ambushes.

Like historical piracy, piracy in EVE is different from other types of PvP; it has no political motivation, piracy is not sanctioned by system owners, and there are no commissions or business arrangements.

In other words, piracy is PvP without much choice.

Some pirates hunt for income by demanding ransoms and/or killing and looting their victims, others do it for the love of PvP, and some simply enjoy being the "low-sec bad guy."

Most pirates have a low security status, in many cases below -5.0, which marks them as criminals (blinking red in the overview), while some try to maintain a high status to create a false sense of security among other players.


How to Get Started: Find a legitimate specialty to provide the material base for your initial forays as a space swashbuckler. Learn how to fit a ship and the basics of PvP. The lure of robbery and profit is one of the most attractive features of piracy.

Income: Destroyed ships leave behind wrecks full of modules and cargo, which, after being sold or processed, will turn into tidy sums in your account.

Further development: Concentrate on combat skills, thoroughly learn your ship.

Solo or in a Group: Life on the other side of the law can be lonely, however, there are many pirate groups that work as a team (a team introduces many combat tactics that are not available to a solo player).

Pros of the profession: High potential income. You create your own game. Fan. Rarely repetitive or boring situations.

Cons: Requires a large initial capital, constant battles can lead to significant losses, at some point a low security status can severely limit your travel options.

Production worker

Specialization: Non-combat
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Related to: Manufacturing and Science
Key skills: Groups “Industry, Science”
Related professions: Investor, Scientist

The universe is a changing place, and more and more new pilots are entering the capsuleer community. The demand for industrial goods, ranging from a single scout drone, to the largest Titans and outposts, is constantly increasing. Manufacturing is everywhere.

Everyday production of small objects, ammunition, modules and small ships, mainly takes place at stations, under short-term rental agreements. Capital and permanent structures, on the other hand, are typically built in space, taking advantage of the opportunities provided by POS systems. Manufacturers operate through these methods, and are often also responsible for the main supply chain of raw materials and distribution of finished products.

Many combat pilots with no interest in serial production learning the basics of the process to achieve some degree of self-sufficiency in small-scale ammunition from recycled materials, or to build a single battleship as a "hobby project".


How to start: Get the blueprints (preferably researched), find a free plant, determine the list of ingredients needed to complete the task. Prepare necessary materials at the station and use the plant to complete the task.

Income: You will receive income from the sale of manufactured equipment and vessels, minus the cost of materials and drawings.

Further development: Various industrial skills will help reduce production time, reduce wastage of materials and allow you to run multiple jobs at the same time. Social skills can help with standings, reducing further costs. Transportation and/or marketing skills will make it easier to get raw materials to one location, and will also help you get better prices on finished products.

Solo or in a group: In fact, production is a one-man job, but additional ships helping with supplies are always useful, and many small and medium-sized corporations provide daily activities to ensure the factories are running smoothly, and the market with the necessary goods.

Pros of the profession: Your presence at the plant is not required, allowing you to get busy with other things. Production good way getting more money for unnecessary loot.

Cons: The need for long and expensive transportation, also keep in mind that in the production of T1 modules

Production T2

A significantly more advanced and more involved branch of the profession, the production of T2 modules and ships requires access to rare blueprints with very limited editions, as well as specific sub-components produced as the end result of a complex interaction between Lunar mining, POS reactor production, ice mining and etc. This is somewhat impractical for all but the wealthiest players, and such operations typically require corporate or even alliance involvement.

However, if we assume that the manufacturer has access to rare T2 drawings, and has the necessary skills to produce T2 modules or ships, the process of producing T2 is almost no different from producing T1.

Scout / Scout

Specialization: Combat
Level: Intermediate
Related to: PvP, Exploration
Key Skills: Combat
Related professions: -
Job description: With the Revelations expansion, a scout career became necessary. With the help of scan samples from the launcher and the samples themselves, you can find many new objects in space. Scout skills can help in both PvP and PvE.

Guide to scanning from eve-wiki translation
Learning to look for Cosmic signature In the realities of Apocrypha

A scout is also a name given to a rearguard scout who leads the way for a group. Such scouts drive ships equipped with cloka and are the first to pass through the stargate, reporting to the group what awaits them on the other side.


Specialization: Non-combat
Level: Beginner, but intermediate recommended
Relevant to: Trade, economics EVE
Key skills: Trade groups
Related professions: Investor, Courier
Job description: Knowing the market in different regions of Europe is a difficult task, but also an excellent source of income for those who understand it. Thousands of worlds, each with its own supply and demand, and in each of them both supply and demand are formed by capsuleers who live there, naturally for money.

Trading in EVE works with three markets: the market for NPC goods, in which there is a small but predictable profit, the market for equipment for players, where there is huge competition, but also corresponding profits, and the contract market (“Escrow” in the past), where you can find almost everything . To put it very simply, trading is buying something cheap at one station, taking it to where this “something” can be sold at a higher price, but later it turns into a complex game of long-term planning, three-month purchase orders and organizing logistics.


How to start: Check the market, find a product selling at a price below the regional average, buy it and take it to the station where they sell at a price above the regional average.

Income: The difference in price will be your income.

Further development: Focus on the skills from the "Trade" group for more flexible work with the market. Learn to drive industrial ships and freighters, this will increase the amount of goods transported at a time. Time is money, so download your navigation (increases the speed of ships). Always maintain a minimum account balance as operating capital.

Solo or in a group: Trading is a solo activity, although subcontracting freight may be a good idea. Trading with zeros requires combat escort and scouts (otherwise you need to fly on a shred ship, or have allies in the regions where your path lies).

Pros of the profession: Huge final income, a relatively safe way to increase income.

Disadvantages: Transportation is time-consuming, requires secure delivery routes, and requires money to make money.

Here are some good sources of information for traders to assess supply and demand for miscellaneous goods in different regions:
EvE central
EvE market data
EvE tools

Understand the differences between those who transport NPC goods from sellers to buyers and those who trade on open market players.
Trade NPC goods

NPC goods are mostly useless to players (the only benefit is that you can make money from them). For a complete list, open the market and look at the “trade goods” category. Trading them can be an activity for a solo player. You just need to find a station where one of the goods is sold cheaply, find another station where the same product is bought at a higher price, transport it, sell it. This means: find a trade route and drive along it several dozen times on autopilot (be careful, there is a category of suicidal players who will not be stopped by the presence of a Concorde in highsec; they can destroy your ship to get the contents of your hold). So if you are transporting expensive goods, use a scout to get through stargate ambushes).

The larger the hold of the ship you fly on, the greater your income. Keep in mind that even the NPC market has a rudimentary system of supply and demand. When an NPC buys a product at a station, its price rises, and when sold, it falls. These changes are reset after DT, which has given rise to a special group of players who have compiled tables of the most profitable trade routes and are trying to fly along them immediately after DT.

Sometimes NPC goods are offered by agents as a reward for completing a mission, or as part of courier missions.

Some NPC goods (for example, "nexus chips", industrial and radioactive goods) are used for production or are needed to maintain a POS. Others (tokens and badges) are needed to complete some missions, or for LP shops.

In theory, you don’t need skills to trade NPC goods, however, in practice you need to fly at least on an Indian (the larger the hold, the better), and if this is not possible (it is impossible to study Indians on a trial account), choose a frigate or cruiser with a large hold.
Trade with players

You can trade with players in two ways: the first method, when you are at one station, right-click on the player’s portrait and you can trade directly, the second method, using buy and sell orders, trade on the market (being at the station is not necessary).

While the demand for many NPC goods is generated only by NPC corporations, the demand for many other goods (minerals, ships, ship equipment, rigs, ammunition, drones, original blueprints, skills, etc.) is created by the players themselves. These goods, however, are not evenly distributed throughout the EVE universe, some of them can be bought from NPCs, some can be obtained from missions, some are made by players, some are obtained from scratch. Buying, transporting and selling can be a lucrative activity, but requires even more knowledge of the game.

When trading in lowsec or zero, in addition to the above-mentioned dangers in highsec, new ones appear and the risks increase radically. Indians and similar ships are tasty prey for pirates, and if you're thinking about trading in the zeros, but don't know how to avoid bubbles (mobile ambushes that prevent you from warping), you're just a flying corpse.

You don't need to learn many skills to manage multiple orders, but if you plan to get deeper into trading, you'll need them to manage hundreds of orders and manipulate orders from afar. The ability to control an Indian will be useful, but for low-level or zero-sum operations you may need more advanced skills, even managing your own fleet of carriers.

  • Both supply and demand in the zeros are very low. In zeros you can sell a small amount of goods, but with a high income;
  • Each region has its own NPC pirates, pirates of each NPC faction drop certain types of modules, and not all possible ones. So in each region there is a type of cheap (they drop from NPCs there) and expensive goods (they don’t drop);
  • Most goods are sold at trade hubs. Competition in hubs tends to drive prices down. The merchant himself decides what he needs: to sell in a trading hub quickly but cheaply, or to try to sell in a less populated place for more money;
  • The lower the security status of the place where you trade, the smaller and faster your ship should be (or the larger and more well-armed the escort group should be);
  • Buy orders are your friends if they are yours, and your enemies if they are not yours. Thoroughly study the price of each module before selling it, noobs can lose a lot of ISK by joyfully clicking on the “sell” button for each item they get, sometimes not realizing that they are selling the product for 0.001% of its actual value;
  • Click on “View Market Details” before EACH transaction.


Specialization: Non-combat
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Related to: Corporation
Key skills: Groups "Corporation Management"
Related professions: Investor
Job description: This job requires skills to create and manage corporations.

CEO is undoubtedly one of the most powerful and demanding professions in EVE. Like a head executive power, the player is responsible for growing a corporation into a thriving community, moving the corporation up the hierarchy until an alliance is formed around it. Such powerful alliances are usually represented by the heads of the most powerful corporations in the alliance. Even without an alliance, the CEO has incredible power over other members of the corporation. The CEO can grant roles, grant access to the corporate hangar, collect taxes, and provide general management of the corporation. A corporation is nothing without a dynamic and helpful CEO, so choose wisely who to follow or how to lead.

Specialization: Non-combat
Level: Intermediate
Related to: R Agents, Manufacturing and Science
Key skills: Science groups
Related professions: Manufacturing
Job description: The technologies used in the design, construction and operation of ships are, to put it mildly, puzzling. But even the most complex and advanced capital ship began its life as a sketch on someone's drawing board, and such sketches are not often perfect from the first version.

There are two types of scientists. Some try to invent, creating new drawings from old ones (these are researchers, having skills in working with Ragents, they buy copies of drawings of T1 modules for research and obtaining T2 drawings from them), others improve existing drawings, reducing the time required for production and the loss of minerals. They also make copies of the drawings, allowing others to produce a limited amount of the original product.

How to start: Buy an inexpensive original blueprint from the market (you can start with ammunition). Take the blueprint to a station with free laboratories, and using the “production and research” tabs, start the corresponding work there.

Income: You will receive income from the sale of well-designed copies or original drawings through contracts (detailed originals and copies cannot be sold on the regular market).

Further Development: Focus on scientific skills related to laboratory work. Please note that original blueprints are usually expensive, and you will need additional investment funds (complete missions, trade, mine ore, etc.).

Solo or Group: Researching one blueprint can only be done by one person at a time; corporations can benefit from working with a specialist scientist, but this position requires a lot of trust.

Pros of the profession: High demand on the drawings of many modules, this style of play does not require every minute attention, no raw materials are required.

Cons: Requires large initial investments, busy laboratories at stations, profession is more suitable for the role of an auxiliary occupation than the main one

Specialization: Non-combat
Level: Beginner
Related to: Mining
Key Skills: Mining
Related professions: Manufacturer, carrier
Job description: Even your first frigate is made of metal and is the size of the Eiffel Tower, thousands of such ships are destroyed per day. All this metal has to get to market from somewhere, and it is the miners who provide the main supply of raw materials to the market. Mining is both a single frigate digging on the asteroid belt in system 1.0, and an organized group digging up the entire belt, with a clear distribution of the roles of miner, carrier and guard, and even an alliance expedition for rare minerals with well-established workarounds for minerals getting to the market.

All you need to start a mining career is to equip your ship with a special mining laser, find an asteroid, dig it up, and return to the station to process the excavated minerals. You will receive income from the sale of minerals. If you decide to continue in this profession, learn skills for special mining ships, barges and miners. Digging and processing skills, as well as having a leader with digging bonuses, also increase the final income. Please note that you can mine ore alone, but a group with distributed roles will do it much more efficiently. The advantages of the profession are a low barrier to entry, good access to minerals, high demand for minerals, it is great for players who just want to hang out in the game and talk. The disadvantages are the slow pace of the game, difficulties in extracting valuable minerals, the profession is not for the impatient.


With the Revelations expansion, two subcategories were introduced in this profession. While they do not require mining skills, their use and methodology clearly define them as branches of the mining profession.

Salvager is engaged in processing the remains of destroyed ships, from which the so-called “Salvag” is obtained, which is needed for the production of expensive rigs for ships.

Gas producer

The gases are used to make military drugs. Gas production is actually the second subcategory. It is not like salvage and mining in that not everyone can easily do it. This is mainly due to the location of gas clouds only in systems with a zero security status, the main clouds are located in the following constellations: E-8CSQ, 09-4XV, 9HXQ-G, OK-FEM, Pegasus, Assilot, I-3ODK and 760-9C. There is a small chance of a gas cloud appearing in other nulls, or low-quality clouds appearing in a lowsec. Gas extraction requires the following skills: Gas Cloud Harvesting, Drug Manufacturing. Please note that modules for gas production, Neurotoxin Recovery and Nanite Control skills can only be obtained in the above-mentioned regions, most of them are under strict control by alliances.

15 2012

Hello capsuleers! You've probably already heard that the name of the new update coming in December is Retribution. The members of the Super Friends team were happy to take part in the creation of this hilarious mixture of revenge, anger, payback and anthem to the winners. We have prepared a delicious dish - revenge (which, as you know, is served cold) - and are ready to tell you everything we know about it.

Revolution in the system of searching and punishing criminals

Let's open little secret: the system of searching and punishing criminals is broken! Surprised? All this is connected with upcoming changes. We're going to eliminate all the advertisers, poker stars and attention seekers, remove the rotten system and add some lube to the creaking mechanism so that real players can grind each other's sides the way they were destined to do so.

Why do people put a bounty on someone's head and are willing to give hard-earned money for it? Yes, because they want their victim to suffer and cry.

Also, we want to expand the connections between actions and their consequences, so that you are not indifferent to who you cooperate with. Finally, we want to give bounty hunters a chance for career growth like never before. All of these changes will appear in Retribution, but we are ready to implement some of them right now. I'll explain this a little later.

Reward 2.0 - fewer opportunities for cheating!

The main idea is to pay the reward in parts, and not pay the whole jackpot for a one-time kill. Here are the highlights new system:

  1. The reward is issued in proportion to the damage caused;
  2. Now it is planned to give out 20% of the total bounty at a time;
  3. Thus, players with a large bounty will be targeted many times before the bounty wears off;
  4. Currently the reward is given for killing the capsule. We plan to expand the reward payment system and pay part of it also for killing a ship;
  5. The killing system in the fleet does not change - all participants will receive a reward;
  6. Also, the system with a minimum bet and the ability to place a reward for any player remain unchanged;
  7. The list of the most dangerous criminals will also undergo some improvement;
  8. Bounty hunter statistics will be added;
  9. Billboards and space posters will not disappear from the game;
  10. Important: After the new system is put into effect, all old unclaimed awards will be canceled - a kind of amnesty.

Bad Corporation

Our main focus is on improving the performance of the individual rewards system, but we also believe that developing a similar system for corporations and alliances would be an excellent addition. So we are working on that too.

Setting a reward will work almost the same as individually. Each corporation and alliance has its own prize account/bounty amount. And as soon as the pilot of this organization is destroyed, part of the total amount will be transferred to the hunter’s account. Thus, the reward can be paid from three sources: individual, corporate and alliance. However, next to the pilot icon you will see only one amount - the result of their addition.

Please note that payment will also be given for the destruction of any corporate or individual property - POS, for example.

Minimum remuneration rate: per corporation - 50 million ISK; for the alliance - 500 million ISK.

The corresponding categories will also be added: “Most Wanted Corporation” and “Most Wanted Alliance”.

Transfer of the right to destroy

Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, and I will kill you - by right of blood feud. Get ready to die!

We want to expand the framework within which the bounty system works. True, some innovations will only be available in future updates. So, one of them is the ability to outbid the rights to kill from other players. Of course, this does not directly relate to the system of searching for criminals, but it complements the general trend. For example, this will make it possible to hunt criminals even in systems with a high level of security.

The right to kill is component criminal world. So, we are collaborating with Team Five O to improve it. We plan to develop it in two directions:

  • The right to destroy will not appear in all cases where the player becomes a criminal - only in cases where the offender illegally attacks ships in high-security space, or destroys capsules in low-security space. Providing assistance to a criminal (in the form of siphoning off their shield or armor) will not result in that assistant becoming eligible for destruction, although he will still receive the criminal's mark in this case.
  • The new rules for using the rights to destroy violators will be very different from the previous ones. For example, if you have the right to destroy a criminal, you can activate it in such a way that any player will have the right to kill him (the suspect flag “Suspect Flag” will be set on the victim, as described in the dev blog dedicated to the crime recording system).

Additionally, you can sell the right to kill. To do this, you set the price for which you are willing to sell this right (any amount, even zero), and anyone can buy it by simply clicking on the criminal’s icon). When using this opportunity, the victim will become “outlaw” for 15 minutes and can be destroyed. If the criminal escapes, his status will return to its original state. And so on until the right to kill is reactivated. The validity period of this right is 30 days.

Further work

A little about modules

The new modules have received little attention this time, but there is news on this front as well.

  • Ancillary Shield Booster modules will undergo a slight rebalance.
  • “Micro Jump Drive” modules allow you to “flicker” here and there across the battlefield (with certain restrictions, of course). We will try to release them on the test server within a few weeks so that players can get to know them.
  • Dismantling drones (aka salvager drones). These are drones. They can dismantle it. If we move from obvious things to a detailed description, we can say that these drones will be light-sized, and their performance will be slightly worse than that of the corresponding modules, which, however, will be compensated by their ability to move closer to the object being dismantled. They will soon also be available on the test server.

Professions in EVE Online - one of the features of the game that gives it a special charm. Real sandbox the project allows each player to do what they love and be a full participant in the gameplay. This article describes the most profitable earning opportunities for a capsuleer.

Open world, freedom of choice and opportunities

First, you need to clarify that the concept of profession in EVE Online differs from its analogues in WoW, Lineage and other popular games. You do not choose a specific class from an NPC, which comes with a clearly limited list of skills. Each capsuleer can learn absolutely every skill in the game. A profession is a spectrum of combinations that allows you to successfully carry out a certain type of activity: mining, producing, destroying enemies, etc.

Professions in EVE can be divided into two large categories - those related to industry and those related to the combat sphere. The main activities for each segment are described below. All this can only be realized in practice - try playing EVE Online and find your own path.

Peaceful professions in the world of EVE Online: a sure path to success

The professions of industrial capsuleers include the following:

  • Miner - specialist in handling barges/exhumers from the corporation Outer Ring Excavation (ORE), extracts resources from asteroid rings;
  • A planetologist is a capsuleer who has connected his activities with planetary construction. Rich deposits of valuable minerals can be found on and below the surface;
  • Manufacturer - transform raw materials into finished products: modules, rigs, ships, infrastructure facilities;
  • Transport - speculators (in in a good way this word) and logisticians large corporations. They use freighters and jump freighter’s to transport large loads between remote locations New Eden;
  • Salvager- “space orderly”, collects debris from wrecked ships. Despite the unsightly role, this type of activity is no less profitable than the above listed professions in world of EVE Online.

Range of combat professions in EVE Online

Specializations of "militants" can be as follows:

  • PvE- engaged in shooting NPC for loot and agent assignments;
  • PvP— destroy ships of other players;
  • Logistician - support on the battlefield, restores shields and energy reserves, repairs the hulls of battle cruisers, dreadnoughts, marauders, titans and other strategically important ships.

EVE Online Professions related military sphere, suggest the presence not only material resources, but also the real skills of the player. A capsuleer who has connected his life with space battles must know the characteristics of all classes of weapons and understand the electronic “stuffing” of the ship. Ability to navigate outer space and making split-second decisions are vital to survival.

Depending on the goals in the game, capsuleers who have chosen a combat profession in EVE Online can be:

  • Corporate fleet pilots - any large organization relies primarily on its power unit in resolving controversial issues. " Zeros"It's the Wild West" New Eden and power here belongs to the strongest;
  • Pirates are nothing new in deep space. There will always be people who want to make money at the expense of peaceful capsuleers. Robbery attacks on merchant transport ships, demands to transfer money to an account under the threat of destroying the barge are common occurrences in the world of EVE;
  • Pirate hunters - for every action there is a reaction. A capsuleer who has been attacked can place a reward on the head of an ill-wisher - tens of billions are promised for the destruction of the worst offenders ISK’ov.

The presentation section of the new EVE-online add-on greets us with a slogan that instantly attracted the attention of the MMO-science department of our resource: “Justice for all: if not according to their laws, then according to ours.” The presence of a certain mythical force, “others,” indicates an early stage of paranoid schizophrenia, the prevention of which lies in a simple explanation of the basic axioms of the world order, as well as cause-and-effect relationships. Let's get started.

Let's start with a simple quote, a statement from the developers, which reveals the philosophy of the main innovation:

CCP believes in allowing the gaming community to make their own decisions about what is and is not acceptable in the dark world of space. EVE is too complex a social game, so we can't dictate to others who is bad here.

Wait, CONCORD has already been cancelled? The entire empire, protected precisely by laws, unshakable axioms about who is bad, and the immediate execution of sentences, is abolished? Let's. No one can decide what is “good” and what is “bad”. It's so complicated here social structure games. Let's abolish the empire and its laws. Let's give the players the opportunity to decide for themselves.

The most interesting thing is that I'm not joking. The existence of a safe empire, the most “non-sandy” element of this cosmic sandbox, a territory in which all civilized activities can be carried out, is the main reason for the savagery of its outskirts. Any scoundrel, no matter what he does, can easily acquire everything he needs himself or through intermediaries. Sit back, lie down, catch your breath. Anything. And this whole idyll is based, I repeat, on strict automatic compliance with the laws established from above.

So let's smile and hope that this is just marketing madness and not a suspected disease. But we will still make an appointment for the patient’s follow-up appointment.

However, removing the sarcasm and understanding that no developer can change the foundation of the game, let’s consider what CCP offers us in the new addition, which is clearly called “Retribution.” That is, it will mainly be devoted to a set of measures, the tasks of which, one way or another, include an attempt to change the system of relationships between the players.

Despite the fact that all the details of the innovations have not yet been covered in detail, there are several known key positions that really radically change and expand the impact of destruction rewards.

First, the system clearly changes its ultimate goal. If earlier the absurdity of a reward for murder was understandable, since, by the inertia of human thinking, it was turned to the life of the pilot, which, in fact, is worth nothing, now the blow is aimed at what hurts the most, if not the only thing significant place: pilot's wallet.

I’ll explain the problem to a wider audience. Obviously, in games without permanent death, death itself is just an annoying obstacle, nothing more. Any of us in such a world is immortal. The pilot in EVE is represented by a capsule in which his fragile body is stored. This capsule can move between ships. But in fact, a pilot in EVE is a ship. The previous system ignored this fact. Because of this, any reward for murder was easily taken into one’s pocket in a simple way. The one for whom the reward was assigned left the ship and flew out in the capsule, after which the capsule, not the ship, was destroyed. And the pilot was reborn again. I won’t bother you with the cloning system, just believe that the potential victim could easily take the money offered for her capture with the help of friends or alts. As a result, the entire system was discredited and has been in this state for many years.

But let's get back to the innovations. Secondly, now a bounty can be placed on the head of any pilot’s safety status. No matter how pleasant and law-abiding this citizen may be from the point of view of the Empire, anyone else can assign a reward for causing him pain and suffering in the form of the systematic destruction of part of his property. This means that, for example, it becomes unsafe to be rude in a chat. But to the same extent it becomes unsafe for any other resident of the empire. We'll see what comes of this.

Third: the reward can be set not only for a specific person, but for the whole community, formally united within the game. Is it a corporation or an alliance. Now what your friend does is not his personal problem. Ideology, norms of behavior, and general image become more important attributes of the game. It will be interesting to see what rewards will now fall on the Goonswarm pilots, who have been terrorizing the empire with their actions for several years now.

In EVE there is such a concept: “the right to kill” or “killright”. It is given to the victim after a successful attack to give him the opportunity to get even without getting into trouble with the police. So, fourthly, killrights can now be transferred. There will be a whole market, as far as I understand. As a result, the inexperienced victim will be able to entrust revenge to a more professional comrade.

How it all usually ends became known from the old real story O Hatfields and McCoys. Justice based on revenge and the infliction of “similar suffering” has never achieved balance. Only to unwind the spiral of violence. But you always want to experience everything in your own skin. That's why games exist. And then, maybe that was the idea?