Where and how to rent an office. How much does it cost to open a coworking center? Financial business in the office

Renting office space is one of the main expenses of any business. If we are talking about a startup, then the cost can be critically expensive, so the choice of a “second home,” as an office can rightfully be called, should be approached as thoughtfully as possible.

It might seem absurd, but the first thing you need to consider when choosing an office is its intended purpose.

Managing partner of EVANS Anna Levitova believes that it is necessary to clearly decide on the location. Thus, a separate entrance is needed by companies that, due to the nature of their activities, receive a large number of visitors. In this case, the display window and location in a walk-through area can attract additional clients. Such tenants are notaries, travel agencies, mass segment real estate agencies, banks, etc. But a business that sells goods and services to other businesses (B2B) rarely receives clients and does not need a separate entrance.

Maxim Zhulikov, director of development of the office real estate department at Penny Lane Realty, in turn, notes that each company that decides to rent an office has its own goals. “Someone needs the first premises for a business that is focused on goods - a show room, an offline point of an online store. In this case, for example, the requirements for office accessibility are low, since visitors will come by prior agreement. , say, about a travel or legal company, where the flow of clients is quite dense, then the requirements are completely different. Still others for business generally need a quiet, calm office where they can set up desks and start working. So you need to immediately highlight important criteria and focus on them ", the expert emphasizes.

Check availability

Very important factor One thing that many people forget is limiting access to the office. Many office centers or buildings restrict access to offices on weekends or late in the evening and early in the morning, at non-standard times. work time. “If a business provides services or involves working in different time zones, this can interfere with the normal conduct of business. This can also be a significant limitation for startups, whose employees can literally live in the office, spending 16 hours a day there,” says Anna Levitova. If a building has a strict access control system and visitors are required to show their passport at the entrance, this can also upset customers who are concerned about privacy issues.

Purity of the transaction

Particular attention should be paid to the office lease agreement - this is a necessary and important stage of the transaction.

“Legal purity is what unites all rental transactions in all segments. It is necessary to rent the premises from the owner, in addition, it is better to consult a lawyer regarding the lease agreement. Some landlords, through the terms of the agreement, can influence the tenant, change the terms of the transaction, for example, increase the cost. In general, it’s useful to look at reviews about the landlord, fortunately there are quite a lot of them on the Internet,” emphasizes Maxim Zhulikov.

The agreement comes into force from the moment state registration. If the contract term is less than a year, then it is not necessary to register it. Sometimes, some landlords specifically enter into contracts for 364 days or for an indefinite period in order to avoid registration.

What should be included in a standard contract:

Detailed description indicating address, area and location on the floor plan.
- Duration of the lease agreement. If it is not specified, the contract is automatically recognized as unlimited. In this case, either party to the contract may terminate it with three months' notice.
- Rental period. It is important to remember that if the signing of the acceptance certificate does not coincide with the effective date of the agreement, the validity periods of the agreement and the lease will not coincide.
- The obligation to register a lease agreement by one of the parties to such an agreement, if the lease agreement for non-residential premises is concluded for a period of more than one year.
- Rights of third parties to the rental object.
- Rent (utilities or other expenses may also be taken into account).
- The procedure for returning the premises to the landlord.
- Responsibility of the parties to the contract for failure to fulfill its terms.

Another important point is the conclusion of a sublease agreement for non-residential premises.

Such an agreement requires the owner’s consent to be documented. Moreover, if the owner of the premises is any legal or individual, in a contract for a period of up to a year, a visa from the owner with a signature and seal in the upper right corner: “I do not object” or “Agreed” is sufficient. But all long-term (one year or more) lease agreements must be registered with the appropriate authorities, regardless of the form of ownership. The fact is that a sublease agreement executed without a visa or registration deprives the tenant of the right to obtain a license or place a sign. Expenses for paying bills under such an agreement cannot be credited to cost accounts and charged to cost.

Additional factors

When evaluating a property, do not blindly follow the landlord's offer. Remember that the price is influenced by many factors, and some of them may be in your favor - point this out to the landlord. Consider as many criteria as possible: location of the premises, its readiness for occupancy, renovation, condition of the administrative building in which the office is located, floor, availability of communication networks, security, parking.

TO general requirements To good office This may include the availability of communications and the Internet. If the company is large enough, you should think about how easy it is for employees to get from the metro and whether there are cafes or canteens nearby.

Personal experience

Development Director of Navigator Real Estate LLC Svetlana Arkhipova spoke about how she managed to solve the problem of renting the first office. “The fact is that not far from their place of residence, any person is guaranteed to have a certain amount of business centers,” says the aspiring businesswoman. “I collected their contacts and systematically called to see if they had a room suitable for me. It was important for me that the office was located in a decent place, and not in an industrial zone on the territory of the plant, so that it had its own infrastructure. But the issue of parking, by the way, was not critical, although for many it is extremely important. Communication and Internet access are available in 99% of office and business centers, the only question is the number of providers, in some places there are two, in others there are ten. As for the possibility of staying at work after a certain time, this issue is resolved by an additional agreement. Actually, based on the results of clarifying all the details, we signed a lease agreement and an acceptance certificate. The problem was solved quite simply, although it took some time. However, the result is worth it."

Ksenia Alieva

Beginning entrepreneurs believe that having an office is simply a must-have for business. On the one hand, this is true, because it is in the office that we meet clients, and the office is the place where employees interact. But not every business needs an office. In this article we will look at whether an office is needed for business.

It will be useful: learn how to arrange your workplace under the guidance of curators free business game “Your Start”

Do you need an office for business?

There can be many reasons why an office is necessary for a business.

1. Workplaces of employees. Of course, when hiring staff, it is important to know and control how employees work. There is an idea that without control people will not do anything themselves. But that's just personnel issue, how much the right people are you recruiting for your team and what is your motivation system. Today, a large number of people work remotely outside the office, and yet do their job well.

2. Meeting place with clients and partners. If you ask the question whether an office is needed to meet clients and partners, of course, yes. After all, you cannot constantly advise clients only by phone; people will want to meet with you to conclude a service agreement. Therefore, in this case, an office is necessary.

Let's say you have a travel company. You need an office, at least so that clients can come here and receive detailed information about countries and resorts of the world, conclude an agreement, pay and collect documents.

Of course, all this can be done remotely, we are sure that this will not make the work any less efficient, but since people tend to be wary of working with fly-by-night companies, people need guarantees, so they will prefer a personal meeting with you.

The same goes for partnerships.

3. Official registration of the company. Another reason for the need to rent an office is the place of registration of the company.

4. Control of employees. Beginning entrepreneurs, as a rule, do not have a well-functioning system of business operation and employee control. Therefore, they need an office to see who is doing what during working hours and to be able to direct the company's activities.

  1. Real estate agency. You can turn to realtors for help if you are not sure of your choice. Choose an agency that specializes in commercial real estate.
  2. Independent office search- this is the most the best option, because you understand exactly who your clients are and why you need an office. If you just need an office for employees and managers, then most likely you can rent a room on the outskirts of the city, while saving on costs. Many entrepreneurs believe that having a business requires renting a high-status office. But this is not always justified. It is important for clients to have an office so that they feel comfortable staying in it. But good and high-quality service is much more important than an expensive company office.
  3. Office in a shopping and entertainment complex. Today, shopping centers where office space is rented are places where there is a lot of foot traffic. If your business is related to customer service, then you can safely consider this option. But you should be prepared for high rent.
  4. Lease contract. When you decide on an office, you will have to sign a lease agreement, and you need to be very careful in this matter. If disagreements arise between the tenant and the landlord, the agreement will be the most important document to resolve the conflict in court. After all, if you do not carefully study the contract, then you may have to constantly coordinate the smallest actions with the landlord, or you will not have access to all the rented areas.
  5. State registration of the agreement. After concluding an agreement, if it was concluded for a period of more than one year, you should register it with the executive authorities of the local government.
  6. Sublease agreement for non-residential premises. If you enter into a sublease agreement, then you need the consent of the owner of the premises, documented.

Alternative options for renting an office

If you do not want to spend money on maintaining an office, then there are alternative options for doing business.

  1. Virtual office suitable for companies that can carry out their activities exclusively with the help of communication tools and Internet connection capabilities. The main thing here is to create the right employee motivation system and reporting system.
  2. Coworking It is also suitable for those who do not want to rent an expensive office, but cannot work at home or in a cafe. Coworking centers have become very popular and bring together people such as freelancers, photographers, programmers, designers, and Internet entrepreneurs.
  3. Business incubator. Young companies that work in the high-tech sector can try to get into a business incubator and get space to rent on preferential terms.


You can rent an office at a profit on the outskirts of the city in an office building. But this option is not suitable for those who work directly with clients and need a room to meet with clients.

But if your business allows the project to be carried out remotely for at least some employees, then it is better to take advantage of this opportunity. After all, consultants, workers, and designers do not have to be in the office; they can work on the road, at home, or even in a cafe. You are required to create a clear system for employee interaction in this format.


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For a new entrepreneur working alone, own office is an unaffordable luxury. But an apartment, alas, is not the best place to do business. To say the least, conducting business negotiations at home is inconvenient. New York startup In Good Company (literally, “in good company”) offers aspiring businessmen workspaces for meetings, training, and actual office work. Moreover, the founders of the company decided to find their own specific niche, since their offer is aimed exclusively at women.

The company's office, located in one of the prestigious areas of Manhattan on the top floor of the Flatiron Building, provides participants with all the conditions to impress a client or just get on with work. The offices are decorated in accordance with the target audience - the floor has wooden flooring, the brick walls are decorated with artwork, cushioned furniture, Natural flowers.

The office space includes: a large conference room, rooms for business meetings, open hall with separate work desks and a small library. Conducted conferences and practical seminars will help expand the professional knowledge of participants. You will have to pay a membership fee to use the workspace - the basic rate starts at $300 per year (one workspace with a time limit). The price includes wireless Internet access points, printer, fax, drinking water and coffee. If you wish, you can pay extra for extra space in the warehouse, reception services and training seminars. According to the company's own estimates, there are more than 10 million women businesspeople in the United States today. So the unusual business incubator will find someone to accommodate.

Naturally, in Russia there are much fewer than 10 million businesswomen, according to a general estimate there are no more than 250 thousand in all of Russia, so for our country this start-up needs to be changed to another target audience– beginning businessmen and entrepreneurs with a specific business, where having a permanent office is not a necessary condition for success or an unaffordable luxury. For example, when office space is needed 1-2 times a month, then few people will agree to pay office rent for the entire month, when it will be possible to pay only for the time that the office is rented. Moreover, in times of crisis, it is more profitable to rent out offices on a daily basis than on permanent basis– the landlord’s revenue will be more, and the tenant will pay less.

How to find non-residential premises, how to make sure that renting an office in Moscow is inexpensive, but its parameters best suit the needs of the company? First of all, it would be a good idea for potential tenants to find out the base rental rates for Moscow commercial real estate.

Average prices will help you navigate and outline your range of interests based on the financial component.

Leading real estate search services offer analytics that provide comprehensive information on a number of indicators:

  • saturation of the rental services market – volumes of apartments put into operation. m;
  • availability of vacant square meters with distribution by class of premises;
  • comparison of indicators relative to previous periods;
  • market dynamics - monthly charts taking into account real estate categories;
  • base price indicators (usually the price of 1 sq. m per year).

Similar analytical reviews a starting point in search - studying them does not take much time, and the interested person receives reliable information.

The addition of additional categories A+, A-, B+, B- makes the grading more flexible and adapted to metropolitan conditions. The most prestigious categories of premises A+, A, A- are chosen by foreign tenants, and from Russian ones - large companies. The average annual rental rate for them at the end of the 2nd quarter of 2014 was $750 per sq. m. m.

Other categories of offices are more affordable, but inferior in terms of quality characteristics. Data for the same period indicate that fees for category B+ commercial properties reached $530 per sq. m. m, category B- – up to $440 per sq. m.

Rent a small office in Moscow

Category A includes those objects that are adapted to business class already at the design stage. A way out for those wishing to locate in such areas is to rent small offices in Moscow, where space will be allocated for a representative office.

Another part of the company may be located in buildings and premises with lower rents.

Characteristics and parameters of real estate by type A and A+. attracting tenants:

  • space in the new building;
  • legal purity of documents on property rights;
  • completed documents for the operation of the building;
  • rational layout, providing good lighting and the ability to decorate the premises according to modern standards;
  • availability of engineering systems, ranging from split systems to professional ventilation;
  • communication tools;
  • security systems;
  • parking areas;
  • own infrastructure (catering establishments, various salons, etc.).

The usual location of such facilities is the Central Administrative District, within the ring line of the metro, with convenient access roads. A small office in category “B” will be located in a less favorable location or will have an inferior range of services.

More often, business premises of this type are located in reconstructed buildings rather than new ones.

Renting inexpensive offices

It is relatively inexpensive to rent premises that are inferior not only in location. It is cheaper to rent space in buildings without an elevator, with interior finishing with high-quality, but not elite, materials - these are objects of categories B and B+.

Geographically, the buildings are located in the area of ​​the Third Transport Ring and can be reached by ground transport without any particular difficulties. IN in general terms they are slightly inferior to category A and fully satisfy the needs of economy class.

By the way, some owners of business centers offer developed infrastructure that compensates for disadvantages such as distance from the center of the capital and metro stops. And jointly renting an office in Moscow gives you even more chances to find suitable premises and beat the cost factor.

Cheapest office rent

If none of the above options are affordable, then objects of a lower class - C and D - will probably be suitable.

Geographically, they are remote from the center and may be in different areas and environs of Moscow.

Their design and design features do not meet the latest office standards.

There will be means of communication, some kind of security and engineering systems that are inferior to progressive trends.

The facades of the buildings have hardly undergone reconstruction, the level Maintenance depends on the wealth and desire of the landlord.

Category D will suit the rest who decided not to spend too much money on rent and use premises located in buildings or non-residential areas of administrative type. These are buildings with old engineering systems and all their equipment absolutely does not meet international standards.

You should be wary of very low payments for square meters - it is recommended to check the ownership of the rental property, the absence of encumbrances and the rules for payment of rental services indicated in the clauses of the contract.

Profitable mini-office rental

It is more difficult for small companies to find premises in the center, since they do not need large areas, which does not suit rental business owners. However, there are building owners who are willing to accommodate entrepreneurship and small businesses, offering properties from 5 sq. m. – mini-offices.

Mini-format premises are chosen by companies that employ 1-2 people. The office is designed as an isolated box, there is enough work space and the tenant enjoys all the other advantages of a business center located in the center and designed for business class.

Initially, the high status of the company is guaranteed, and high attendance is ensured due to the prestige of the facility.

Small offices are considered to be objects with an area of ​​up to 100 square meters. m with workplaces and meeting rooms, they can easily accommodate larger companies.

It is also possible to rent offices in Moscow on an hourly basis, equipped with office equipment and equipment.

What to look for when choosing mini-offices: to a transport interchange, evaluate the external presentability of the building, the traffic flow of visitors, the proximity (of other tenants), check the availability of communications and layout features, on which comfort and productivity depend.

Renting offices in Moscow JSC, features of choice

As for the choice of offices outside the center, each administrative district has nuances that affect both positively and negatively the development of business. For example, the rental of offices in the Northern Administrative District of Moscow and in the Closed Administrative District differs in a number of indicators.

Northern Administrative Okrug is a district with developed infrastructure, second only to the central district in this indicator. There is a low crime rate here. The disadvantages are transport tension and poor environmental conditions.

In a closed joint-stock company, rent is more expensive, but the nature of the district’s location and a significant amount of commercial real estate have their effect. The increased rental rate pays off due to clients who are ready for premium service. The largest number of proposed objects belong to categories B+ and B.

Review of office rentals in Moscow City

How to rent an office in Moscow City?

Moscow City is a complex of multifunctional high-rise buildings in the center of the capital, belonging to the international category. It is designed for residential and non-residential premises.

To buy or rent commercial space, contact management company, acting as an intermediary between building owners and tenants.

How does the Moscow City office rental price compare with the expectations of company management? The rental rate includes both utility bills and the provision of office furniture, household appliances, office equipment, communication capabilities, security services.

Rental services include registration at the legal address of a business center, subscription services, provision of a separately equipped workplace, coworking space, rental of meeting rooms and mini-offices.

The rental business has been and remains popular for many years, since many people do not have the opportunity to purchase housing, and companies seek to reduce the level of one-time investments in development activities. The range of objects that can be provided for rent is constantly growing: at the moment you can even rent out such things as roller skates, skis, etc. - everything that is not in constant demand, but is an object of seasonal use.

However, the most common option is still renting a property. In order to receive a certain income from the provision of a particular premises for rent, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances that will be discussed in this article.

It is necessary to understand that real estate is usually classified into 3 groups – land, housing and non-residential premises. The most common types of services in this market are the provision of rental housing and non-residential premises.

Among non-residential properties, commercial real estate is usually rented. At the same time, all reputable analytical agencies identify the following types of it:

  • office rooms;
  • trading;
  • warehouse;
  • industrial.

In addition, some organizations rent separate species premises – category “for special purposes”. Here buildings are allocated for kindergartens, schools, hospitals, churches, etc.

In addition to real estate, you can rent out land, gazebos, equipment, cars, special equipment, inventory and much more. However, this is a rarer and more complex form of business.

What's the best deal?

If we talk about residential real estate, the average cost of a one-room apartment 10-15 minutes from the metro in residential area in Moscow it will cost 5-6.5 million rubles. At the same time, the average rental rate for such rooms is about 25-30 thousand rubles. As a result, when calculating, it can be obtained that the minimum payback period for a one-room apartment will be about 15 years.

Accordingly, this option cannot be called very profitable from an investment point of view: the only case in which this can really pay off is when the housing is inherited.

If we talk about office premises, they are somewhat more expensive than residential ones, since their location should be in more accessible places, and their area is larger. In Moscow, a small office space will cost 6.5-7.5 million rubles, provided that the area is about 60-70 square meters. In this case, the rental rate will be calculated per 1 square meter.

According to the Knight Frank agency, at the end of 2015 the rental rate for class A offices was about 25 thousand rubles, and for class B office premises - about 15 thousand rubles per year. Accordingly, the maximum payback period will be about 8 years.

Retail premises are even more profitable to rent out than office premises - their payback period is 5-6 years. But there is an important limitation: for such real estate, location is one of the key factors. The premises should be located in a central area, in an area with high traffic levels. Finally, it must be well executed.

In general, commercial real estate is inferior to residential real estate in only one parameter: the level of risk, since it is dependent on economic situation in the country and in a particular city.

To learn where to start and how to develop such activities, watch the following video:

How to organize such a business from scratch?

  1. First of all, you need to find a suitable premises for rent. In the case of inheriting living space, the procedure will begin with the preparation of documents confirming that the entrepreneur is the owner of the property.
  2. In a situation of searching for a ready-made premises, it is best to turn to the services of professional agencies who will help assess the real cost of housing or commercial real estate: an inexperienced businessman can easily miscalculate.
  3. Next you need to fill out necessary documentation on property. If this is commercial real estate and it is planned to rent it out to special organizations (for example, those working in the field of Catering), it is necessary to take care of obtaining additional permits and opinions from some services.
  4. After registration primary documentation it is necessary to carry out redevelopment and repairs: in the case of residential real estate, it is important to purchase a certain set of furniture and household appliances, since apartments in which you can live immediately after moving in can be offered at a higher cost. In the case of commercial real estate, it is important to focus on increasing the free space and the possibility of subsequent redevelopment to suit the client’s needs.

IN Russian practice Many people rent out residential real estate without concluding a contract - this allows them to get rid of the personal income tax of 13% and reduce the payback period. However, this is associated with certain risks - in particular, those associated with the unreliability of clients. Therefore, both in the case of non-residential and residential real estate, it is necessary to formalize the relationship with the tenant.

Where to look for clients?

Finding clients through standard advertising options (placing ads in public places or print media) is not effective within the rental business. Advertising can be carried out through social media(this is especially true for the situation of renting out residential real estate) – here the “word of mouth” effect will work.

In addition, posting on thematic sites and forums is suitable. For retail premises, especially those located in shopping centers, it is possible to post a “for rent” ad with the owner’s phone number. This will expand the circle potential clients to all visitors to the shopping center.

Finally, there are 2 more fairly effective ways to find clients - maintaining a thematic website or blog with unobtrusive advertising of services as a landlord, as well as distributing brochures and business cards.

Necessary costs

If an entrepreneur is going to engage in such a business, he must understand that among the main cost items it is necessary to include redevelopment costs: in this case, clients are ready to enter into rental agreements at much higher rates (the difference can be up to one and a half times). This happens because after redevelopment, the percentage of usable area most often increases, in addition, the room can be changed to suit your own needs.

Among the costs it is also necessary to highlight:

  • Expenses for construction or acquisition of premises.
  • The cost of services of a specialist who can estimate the market price of real estate.
  • Expenses for maintenance and security of the premises.
  • Costs for electricity, water supply, etc.

Underwater rocks

One of the pitfalls is determining the optimal investment of money. Often, inexperienced entrepreneurs incorrectly assess the value of a particular premises, thereby investing in illiquid objects, losing a large amount of money.

In addition, it is important to pay attention to the legality of the business, changes in legislation and the process of paperwork (primarily this applies to commercial real estate).

Please note that tax law The rental business is constantly changing.

When calculating costs and the level of payback, it is necessary to determine several development options - optimistic, most realistic and pessimistic in order to determine the approximate payback period of the object, as well as the fact of how to diversify risks. It is imperative to have other sources of income in order to insure yourself against a situation of lack of money.

Pros and cons of this area

U similar business, like others, there are a number of advantages and disadvantages that arise from its features. Among the disadvantages, the main one can be identified - the search for a tenant can take many months (this primarily concerns industrial facilities and commercial real estate in impassable areas). As a result, even a high rental price will not be able to compensate for the financial costs that the lessor will have to bear during the entire period of downtime.

Also among the disadvantages are:

  • a fairly long payback period;
  • not very high level of profitability;
  • high level of initial costs.

In this situation, the only rational option is to purchase liquid property (one for which there is always a certain level of demand). To do this, it is important to have a good understanding of this area or seek the services of a specialist.

Among the advantages of business are:

  • long-term contracts for a period of one year or more;
  • stable level of profit;
  • the income will be received by the lessor constantly;
  • passive nature of making a profit (the landlord does not need to expend any effort after signing an agreement with the tenant);
  • the possibility of organizing a business without registering as a legal entity.

Thus, the rental business is quite an attractive area for earning money. However, it is best to combine it with other sources of income in order to insure yourself against possible risks.