Classification and levels of automated systems. Classification and levels of automated systems What is the category of complexity of an automated control system

Automated systems today are increasingly used in various fields of activity. The possibility of implementing automated systems management for small and large industries.

General concepts of an automated system

An automated system, abbreviated as AS, is a system that includes a control object and control systems; some functions in such systems are assigned to human performance. AS is an organizational and technical system that guarantees the development of solutions based on the automation of information processes in various fields of activity (production, management, design, economics).

All functions of automated systems are aimed at achieving a specific goal through certain actions and activities. The fundamental goal of the AS is the most effective use of the capabilities and functions of the control object.

The following goals are distinguished:

  • Providing relevant data needed for decision making.
  • Faster and higher quality information collection and processing.
  • Reducing the number of decisions that the decision maker (DM) must make.
  • Increased control and disciplinary level.
  • Operational management.
  • Reducing the costs of decision makers for implementing processes.
  • Clearly informed decisions.

Classification of automated systems

The main distinguished characteristics by which the classification of automated systems is carried out:

  • The sphere in which the management object operates: construction, industry, non-industrial sphere, agriculture.
  • Type of work process: organizational, economic, industrial.
  • Level in the public administration system.

Categories of automated systems

The classification of structures of automated systems in the industrial sector is divided into the following categories:

Decentralized structure. A system with this structure is used to automate independent control objects and is the most effective for these purposes. The system contains a complex of systems independent from each other with an individual set of algorithms and information. Each action performed is carried out exclusively for its own control object.

Centralized structure. Implements all necessary management processes in unified system, which collects and structures information about management objects. Based on the information received, the system draws conclusions and makes an appropriate decision, which is aimed at achieving the initial goal.

Centralized distributed structure. The structure operates according to the principles of a centralized management method. Control actions are developed for each control object based on data about all objects. Some devices may be shared between channels.

The control algorithm is based on a set of general control algorithms, implemented using a set of related control objects. During operation, each control element receives and processes data, and also transmits control signals to objects. The advantage of the structure is that the requirements regarding the performance of processing and control centers are not so strict, without causing damage to the control process.

Hierarchical structure. Due to the increase in the number of tasks assigned in the management of complex systems, the algorithms being developed are also becoming significantly more complex. As a result, there is a need to create hierarchical structure. Such a formation significantly reduces the difficulties in managing each object, however, it is necessary to coordinate the decisions they make.

Types of automated systems

Depending on the functions performed by AIS, the following types of automated systems are distinguished:

  • ASUP– enterprise management systems.
  • APCS– technological process control systems.
  • ASUPP– production preparation systems.
  • OASU– industry management systems.
  • organizational and administrative.
  • ASK– product quality control systems.
  • GPS- flexible production systems.
  • CNC– machine control systems with numerical software.
  • groups of systems or integrated systems.

Automated information systems

An automated information system is a complex of hardware and software, necessary for the implementation of data storage and management functions, as well as for computing operations.

The main goal of AIS is to store data, ensure high-quality search and transfer of data depending on requests to best suit user requests.

The most important principles of process automation are highlighted:

  1. reliability;
  2. payback;
  3. flexibility;
  4. safety;
  5. compliance;
  6. friendliness.

The classification of automated information systems has the following structure:

  1. A system covering one process in an organization.
  2. Several processes are carried out within the organization.
  3. Normal operation of one process in several interconnected organizations at once.
  4. A system that organizes the functioning of several processes in several interconnected systems.

Classification by degree of automation

Information systems are also classified according to the degree of automation of the operations performed:

  • manual;
  • automated;
  • automatic.

Manual - they do not have modern means for information processing, and all operations are carried out manually by humans.

Automatic - absolutely all information processing operations are carried out using technical means without human intervention.

Automated Information Systems operations are performed both with the help of technical means and with the help of humans, however, the main role is transferred to the computer. Information systems are classified by degree of automation, as well as by scope and nature of activity.

Levels of automated systems

There are three levels of automated control systems:

Lower level. Equipment. At this level, attention is paid to sensors, measuring and actuating devices. Here, signals are coordinated with device inputs and commands with actuators.

Average level. Controller level. Controllers receive data from measuring equipment and then transmit signals for control commands, depending on the programmed algorithm.

Top level– industrial servers and control stations. Here production control is carried out. For this purpose, communication with lower levels, collection of information and monitoring of the flow of technological process. This level interacts with a person. The person here controls the equipment using a human-machine interface: graphic panels, monitors. Control over the machine system is provided by a SCADA system, which is installed on dispatch computers. This program collects information, archives it and visualizes it. The program independently compares the received data with the specified indicators, and in case of discrepancy, notifies the human operator of the error. The program records all operations, including operator actions that are necessary in case of an emergency. This ensures control of the operator's responsibility.

There are also critical automated systems. These are systems that implement various information processes in critical control systems. Criticality represents a probable risk of disruption of their stability, and system failure is fraught with significant economic, political or other damage.

What about critical automated processes? The following control systems are considered critical: hazardous industries, nuclear facilities, space flight control, railway traffic, air traffic, control in the military and political spheres. Why are they critical? Because the tasks they solve are critical: the use of information with limited access, the use of biological and electronic means information processing, complexity of technological processes. Consequently, automated information systems become an element of critical control systems and, as a result, received membership in this class.


To summarize, we can note the importance of automation of control systems in various fields. Today, the implementation of such systems ensures better production management, minimizing human participation in these processes and thereby eliminating errors associated with the human factor. The development and development of automated control systems makes it possible to improve many areas: production, economics, energy, transport and others.

Table 1

System characteristics

(structure and composition of CPTS or CTS)

System complexity factor

Single-level information, control, information-control systems, characterized by the fact that as components of the CTS to perform the functions of collecting, processing, storing information and generating control commands, they use measuring and control devices, electromagnetic, semiconductor and other components, signal fittings and etc. instrument or hardware types of execution.

Single-level information, control, information-control systems, characterized by the fact that they use programmable logic controllers (PLC), intra-system communication devices, microprocessor interfaces as components of the CPTS to perform the functions of collecting, processing, displaying, storing information and generating control commands operator (display panel)

Single-level systems with automatic mode of indirect or direct (direct) digital (digital-analog) control using object-oriented controllers with programming of settings parameters and the operation of which does not require the development of design software and software.

Information, control, information-control systems in which the composition and structure of the CTS meet the requirements established for classifying systems as category I of complexity and in which fiber-optic information transmission systems (FOIS) are used as communication channels

Measuring and (or) automatic control systems chemical composition and physical properties of matter

Measuring systems (measuring channels) for which the project requires metrological certification (calibration)

Multi-level distributed information, control, information-control systems, in which the composition and structure of the local level CPTS meet the requirements established for classifying the system as the IInd category of complexity and in which process (PCS) or operator (OS) are used to organize subsequent control levels stations implemented on the basis of problem-oriented software, connected to each other and to the local control level via local computer networks.

Information, control, information-control systems in which the composition and structure of the CPTS (CTS) meet the requirements established for classifying systems as category II of complexity and in which fiber-optic information transmission systems (FOIS) are used as communication channels

Notes: 1. Systems II and III categories of technical complexity may have one or more features given as characteristics of the system.

2. In the event that a complex system contains systems (subsystems) that, according to the structure and composition of the CPTS or CTS, are classified into different categories of technical complexity, the complexity coefficient of such a system is calculated in accordance with clause 2.2.

1.10. Estimated standards have been developed for systems I, II and III category technical complexity depending on the number of communication channels generating input and output signals.

The communication channel for the formation of input and output signals (hereinafter referred to as the channel) should be understood as a set of technical means and communication lines that ensure the conversion, processing and transmission of information for use in the system.

The Collection takes into account the number of:

Information channels (including measurement, control, notification, address, status channels, etc.);

Control channels.

The composition of information channels and control channels, in turn, takes into account the number of channels:

Discrete - contact and non-contact on alternating and direct current, pulsed from discrete (signaling) measuring converters, for monitoring the status of various on-off devices, as well as for transmitting command signals such as “on-off”, etc.;

Analogue, which includes (for the purposes of this Collection) all others - current, voltage, frequency, mutual inductance, natural or unified signals of measuring transducers (sensors) that change continuously, coded (pulse or digital) signals for exchanging information between various digital information processing devices, etc.

How to correctly use the collection GESNp-2001-02 “Automated control systems” to determine the number of information channels during commissioning of fire alarms. Our organization, guided by table. No. 8 of the Technical Part to the Collection GESNp-2001-02 “Automated Control Systems”, “Manual for the preparation of estimates (estimates) for commissioning work on automated process control systems (APCS), namely Chapter II “Comments on individual provisions of the collections” GESNp-2001-02, FERp-2”, Chapter III “Examples of determining the total number of information and control channels and labor costs”, Example No. 11 “Determination of labor costs in the production of commissioning works on a fire alarm system based on the receiving control panel”, calculates the number of information channels fire alarm systems based on the number of smoke, heat and manual call points.

Is this true?

Answer: Magazine No. 1 (53), 2009 “Consultations and clarifications on issues of pricing and estimate standardization in construction”

KTsTS LLC, whose specialists are the developers of Collections for commissioning works GESNp (FERp)-2001-02 “Automated control systems” and “Instructions for the use of federal unit prices for commissioning works” (MDS 81-40.2006), “Manuals for the preparation of estimates calculations (estimates) for commissioning work on automated control systems (APCS)", on the essence of the question asked, reports: In the absence of actuators in the fire alarm system, the number of channels is determined by the 2nd group of information channels according to the number of sensors-detectors, according to the principle of one sensor - one discrete information channel. The number of signal lines (loops) is not taken into account in the calculation of discrete information channels. When setting up (testing) and acceptance testing of the system, it is necessary to check the operation of each sensor in the signal lines (loops) along with other tests:

measurement of line insulation resistance;

ohmic resistance measurement;

measurement of electrical parameters of operating modes (“standby”, “break”, “fire”, “alarm”);

measurement of electrical tests, including interaction with related systems, ensuring stable and stable operation of the substation (“without false alarms”) in accordance with the requirements of the project.

If there are related automation systems (automatic fire extinguishing systems, ventilation automation, etc.) carried out on separate projects, information communication channels (interactions) through the 5th group of channels. technical ...

  • Program requirements for sampling 50 > general requirements for the program 57 III. Primary measurement of social characteristics 63 > construction of a measurement standard

    Software Requirements

    Check their correspondence with reality. In conclusion, let us briefly formulate what is... connections between compared characteristics, i.e. coherence of qualitative classifications. Coefficient Chuprova (T- coefficient) will allow according to...

  • Biology system of levels of life organization


    Demonstrates technical possibilities of “reading... categories self-organizing dissipative systems. An important feature of the latter is their...Specified complexity By- ... characteristics their ... presented V table. 8-1. ...for example, coefficient heritability of height...

  • V. P. Solovyova Doctor of Economic Sciences


    Due to migration influx. Characteristic gender and age structure of the population presented V table. 13. Table 13 ... 0.20 3 Quality of service Coefficient satisfaction with the state of material technical base (available to the consumer) 0.41 ...

  • Inactive

    FERp 81-05-Pr-2001



    IV. Applications

    State estimate standards. Federal unit prices for commissioning work (hereinafter referred to as FERp) are intended to determine the costs of performing commissioning work and drawing up estimates (estimates) for the performance of these works on their basis.

    Approved and entered into the federal register of estimate standards to be applied when determining the estimated cost of capital construction projects, the construction of which is financed with funds from the federal budget by Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated January 30, 2014 N 31/pr (as amended Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 02/07/2014 N 39/pr).

    Electrical devices

    Electrical devices

    Appendix 1.1. Structure of commissioning works

    Appendix 1.1

    Stages of work

    Share, %, in total costs (price)

    Preparatory work

    Adjustment work carried out before individual tests technological equipment

    Adjustment work during individual testing of process equipment

    Comprehensive testing

    Preparation of working and acceptance documentation

    Appendix 1.2. Terms and definitions used in FERp part 1

    Appendix 1.2



    Switching device

    An electrical device that cuts off the load current or removes the voltage from the supply network (circuit breaker, load switch, separator, disconnector, circuit breaker, package switch, fuse, etc.).

    Local government

    Control in which controls and switching devices are structurally located on one panel or panel.

    Remote control

    Control in which controls and switching devices are structurally located on various panels or panels.

    Secondary switching connection

    A secondary circuit of control, alarm, voltage transformers, etc., limited to one group of fuses or a circuit breaker, as well as a secondary circuit of current transformers for one purpose (protection, measurement).

    Primary commutation connection

    An electrical circuit (equipment and buses) of one purpose, name and voltage, connected to the buses of a switchgear, generator, switchboard, assembly and located within an electrical station, substation, etc.

    Electrical circuits of different voltages (regardless of the number) of one power transformer.

    All switching devices and buses by which a line or transformer is connected to a switchgear.

    Section of a two-, three- or four-wire electrical network


    A set of elements in a product made in a single design (for example: a cabinet or control panel, relay protection panel, cell, power supply, etc.).

    The device may not have a specific functional purpose in the product.

    Signaling section

    Signal implementation device.

    Any element of an electrical circuit (potentiometer, resistor, capacitor, etc.), the parameter value of which requires regulation according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

    Functional group

    The set of elements that perform in the system automatic control or regulation of a certain function and not combined into a single structure (for example: a relay-contactor circuit for controlling an electric drive, a setting unit, a regulator unit, a dynamic compensation unit, a linearization unit, a unit for generating a parameter of a certain functional dependence, etc.).

    Control device consisting of relay-
    contactor functional group

    A relay element that performs the function of setting a coordinate or changing it according to a given control law (for example: a button, a control key, limit and limit switches, a contactor, a magnetic starter, a relay, etc.).

    Automatic control system

    An automatic control system in which the control goal in static and dynamic modes is achieved by optimizing closed control loops.

    Automatic control system

    A set of functional groups that ensure automatic change of one or more coordinates of a technological control object in order to achieve specified values ​​of controlled quantities or optimize a certain control quality criterion.

    Element of an automatic control or regulation system

    A component of a circuit that has a single design, a detachable connection, performs one or more specific functions in a product (amplification, conversion, generation, signal formation) and requires testing on a bench or in a specially assembled circuit for compliance with the technical specifications or requirements of the manufacturer.

    Technological object

    A set of technological and electrical equipment and the technological production process implemented on it.

    Technological complex

    A set of functionally interconnected means of technological equipment (units, mechanisms and other equipment) for performing specified technological processes and operations in production conditions in order to carry out all stages of obtaining the quantity and quality of the final product established by the project.


    A set of movably connected parts that perform specified movements under the influence of applied forces.

    A set of two or more mechanisms operating in a complex and ensuring a given technological production process.

    Dispatch control area

    A set of mechanisms or electrical devices connected by a single technological cycle and a common control circuit.


    The application of current or voltage to an object for the duration of the test, regulated by a regulatory document.

    Test object

    An independent current-carrying part of a cable, busbar, apparatus, transformer, generator, electric motor and other devices.

    Cable penetration

    A conductive device designed to transmit electrical energy through special power and control cables through sealed rooms or tight boxes of nuclear power plants.

    Automated control systems

    Appendix 2.1. Categories of technical complexity of systems, their characteristics and coefficients (part 2 department 1)

    Appendix 2.1

    Characteristics of the system (structure and composition of the CPTS or CTS)

    system complexity

    Single-level information, control, information-control systems, characterized in that measuring and control devices, electromagnetic, semiconductor and other components, signal fittings, etc. are used as components of the CTS to perform the functions of collecting, processing, displaying and storing information and generating control commands. .P. instrument or hardware types of execution.

    Single-level information, control, information-control systems, characterized in that programmable logic controllers (PLC), intra-system communication devices, microprocessor operator interfaces (panels) are used as components of the CPTS to perform the functions of collecting, processing, displaying and storing information and generating control commands display).

    Single-level systems with automatic mode of indirect or direct (direct) digital (digital-analog) control using object-oriented controllers with programming of settings parameters, the operation of which does not require the development of design software and software.

    Information, control, information-control systems in which the composition and structure of the CTS meet the requirements established for classifying systems as category I of complexity and in which fiber-optic information transmission systems (FOIS) are used as communication channels.

    Systems for measuring and (or) automatic control of the chemical composition and physical properties of a substance.

    Measuring systems (measuring channels) for which metrological certification (calibration) is required by the project.

    Multi-level distributed information, control, information-control systems, in which the composition and structure of the local level CPTS meet the requirements established for classifying the system as the IInd category of complexity and in which process (PCS) or operator (OS) are used to organize subsequent control levels stations implemented on the basis of problem-oriented software, connected to each other and to the local control level via local computer networks.

    Information, control, information-control systems in which the composition and structure of the CPTS (CTS) meets the requirements established for classifying systems as category II of complexity and in which fiber-optic information transmission systems (FOIS) are used as communication channels.


    1. Systems II and III categories of technical complexity may have one or more features given as characteristics of the system.

    2. In the event that a complex system contains systems (subsystems) that, according to the structure and composition of the CPTS or CTS, are classified into different categories of technical complexity, the complexity coefficient of such a system is calculated in accordance with clause 2.2. Calculations of work volumes.

    Appendix 2.2. Symbols for the number of channels (part 2 department 1)

    Appendix 2.2



    Number of information analogue channels

    Number of discrete information channels

    Number of analog control channels

    Number of discrete control channels

    Total number of information analog and discrete channels

    Total number of analog and discrete control channels

    Total number of information and control channels, analog and discrete

    Appendix 2.3

    Appendix 2.3. Coefficient of "metrological complexity" of the system (part 2 department 1)

    Characteristics of the factors of “metrological complexity” (M) of the system


    "metrological complexity" of the system (M)

    Measuring transducers (sensors) and measuring instruments, etc., operating in normal environmental and technological environments, accuracy class:

    less than or equal to 1.0

    below 0.2 and above 1.0

    greater than or equal to 0.2


    If the system contains measuring transducers (sensors) and measuring instruments belonging to different accuracy classes, the coefficient is calculated using the formula:


    Appendix 2.4. Coefficient of "development of information functions" of the system (part 2 department 1)

    Appendix 2.4

    Characteristics of the factors of “development of information functions” (I) of the system


    functions" of the system (I)

    Parallel or centralized control and measurement of state parameters of a technological control object (TOU).

    The same as in paragraph 1, including archiving, documenting data, drawing up emergency and production (shift, daily, etc.) reports, presenting parameter trends, indirect measurement (calculation) of individual complex indicators of the functioning of the technical equipment.

    Analysis and general assessment of the state of the process as a whole according to its model (recognition of the situation, diagnosis of emergency conditions, search for a bottleneck, forecast of the progress of the process).


    If the system has different characteristics of “development of information functions”, the coefficient is calculated using the formula:


    Appendix 2.5. Coefficient of “development of executive functions” (part 2, department 1)

    Appendix 2.5

    Characteristics of the factors of “development of executive functions” (U) of the system

    Designation of the number of channels

    Coefficient of “development of control functions” of the system (U)

    Single-circuit automatic control (AR) or automatic single-cycle logical control (switching, blocking, etc.).

    Cascade and (or) software AR or automatic program logic control (APLC) on a “hard” cycle, multi-connected AR or ALC on a cycle with branches.

    Control of fast processes in emergency conditions or control with adaptation (self-learning and changing algorithms and system parameters) or optimal control (OC) of steady-state modes (in statics), OC of transient processes or the process as a whole (optimization in dynamics).


    If the system has different characteristics of the “development of control functions”, the coefficient is calculated using the formula:


    Appendix 2.6. Structure of commissioning works (part 2 department 1)

    Appendix 2.6

    Name of commissioning stages

    Share in total cost of work, %

    Preparatory work, checking PTS (PS):

    incl. preparatory work

    Autonomous system adjustment

    Comprehensive system adjustment


    1. The content of the work stages corresponds to clause 1.2.4. general provisions of FERp.

    2. In the event that the customer engages one organization (for example, a project developer or equipment manufacturer who has the appropriate licenses to perform commissioning work) to perform commissioning work on software and hardware, and another commissioning organization for technical means, the distribution of the volumes of work performed their work (within the total cost of work on the system), including the stages in Appendix 2.6, is carried out, in agreement with the customer, taking into account the total number of channels attributed to PTS and TS.

    Appendix 2.7. Channel groups (part 2 department 1)

    Appendix 2.7

    Symbol for a channel group


    Control channels are analog and discrete ( and ) for transmitting control actions from the CPTS (CTS) to the TOU. The number of control channels is determined by the number of actuators: membrane, piston, electric single- and multi-turn, motorless (cut-off), etc.


    Channels are analog and discrete information (and) transformation of information (parameters) coming from the technological control object (TOU) to the CPTS (CTS). The number of channels is determined by the number of measuring transducers, contact and non-contact signaling devices, position and condition sensors of equipment, limit and limit switches, etc., while the combined fire alarm sensor (POS) is taken into account as one discrete channel.


    Analog and discrete information channels ( and ) used by the operator (Op) to influence the control system (CTS). The number of channels is determined by the number of influence elements used by the operator (buttons, keys, control dials, etc.) to implement the functioning of the system in automated (automatic) and manual modes remote control actuators without taking into account the impact organs of the CPTS (KTS) used for tuning and other auxiliary functions(except for control): keyboards of terminal devices, information and control panels, buttons, switches, etc., panels of multifunctional or multi-channel devices, POS control panels, etc., as well as voltage switches, fuses and other auxiliary organs of influence of the above and other technical means, the adjustment of which is taken into account in the prices of FERp part 2.


    Analog and discrete channels (and) for displaying information coming from the CPTS (CTS) to the OP are not taken into account when determining the number of system channels, except in cases where the project provides for the display of the same technological parameters (equipment status) on more than one terminal device (monitor, printer, interface panel, information board, etc.). Setting up information displays on the first terminal device is taken into account in FERp part 2.

    In this case, when displaying information on each terminal device in addition to the first, the displayed parameters ( and ) are taken into account with a coefficient of 0.025, with a coefficient of 0.01. Indicators (lamps, LEDs, etc.) of state and position built into measuring transducers (sensors), contact or non-contact signaling devices, buttons, control keys, switches, as well as voltage indicators of devices, recorders, terminals are not taken into account as channels. devices of switchboards, consoles, etc., the adjustment of which is taken into account in FERp part 2.

    N 1, N 2, …, N

    Communication (interaction) channels are analog and discrete information (and) with related systems implemented on separate projects. "The number of physical channels through which communication signals (interactions) with adjacent systems are transmitted is taken into account: discrete - contact and non-contact direct and alternating current (except for encoded ones) and analog signals, the values ​​​​of which are determined on a continuous scale, as well as, for the purposes of the FERp part 2, coded (pulse and digital)". Different kinds voltages of the electrical system used as power sources for automated process control equipment (boards, consoles, actuators, information converters, terminal devices, etc.) are not taken into account as communication channels (interactions) with adjacent systems.

    Appendix 2.8. Scheme of an automated technological complex (ATC)

    Appendix 2.8

    Appendix 2.9. Categories of AS complexity, taking into account the number of functions of the AS software (part 2, section 2)

    Appendix 2.9

    Number of speaker functions

    St. 1 to 10

    St. 10 to 49

    St. 49 to 99

    Appendix 2.10. Coefficients taking into account the number of remote NPP locations (part 2, department 2)

    Appendix 2.10

    Number of geographically remote NPP sites


    Appendix 2.11. Coefficients taking into account the specific features of the NPP commissioning work

    Appendix 2.11


    Table number (prices)


    Availability of individual external battery emergency power sources.

    02-02-004, 02-02-005

    Carrying out commissioning works with the technical guidance of the chief staff of the enterprises that manufacture the speakers.

    02-02-006, 02-02-007

    Fail-safe speakers. In the case of performing commissioning on computer systems that have a classification characteristic of complexity as fault-tolerant systems.

    02-02-004, 02-02-007

    Disaster-resistant speakers. In the case of carrying out commissioning work on computer systems that have a classification characteristic of complexity as disaster-resistant complexes.

    02-02-004, 02-02-007

    When repeating preliminary tests after upgrading the NPP.

    Factor for taking into account the architecture of the plant, taking into account the specifics of the commissioning work:

    For commissioning systems using two or more processor servers based on any architecture;

    For commissioning systems using a cluster of servers based on any architecture.

    The coefficient for taking into account the architecture of the speakers is for commissioning of the speakers performed on Risc-architecture servers.

    * total-share coefficient

    Appendix 2.12. Terms and definitions used in FERp part 2

    Appendix 2.12



    Automated system

    1. A system consisting of personnel and a set of automation tools for their activities, implementing information technology to perform established functions.

    2. A set of mathematical and technical means, methods and techniques that are used to facilitate and speed up the solution of labor-intensive problems associated with information processing.

    Automated process control system

    An automated system that ensures the operation of an object through the appropriate selection of control actions based on the use of processed information about the state of the object.

    Automated technological complex

    A set of jointly functioning technological control object (TOU) and the automated process control system that controls it.

    Automatic indirect control mode when performing the process control system function

    The mode of performing the automated process control system function, in which the complex of automated process control automation tools automatically changes the settings and (or) configuration parameters of the local automation systems of the technological control object.

    Automatic mode of direct (direct) digital (or analog-digital) control when performing the control function of an automated process control system

    The mode of performance of the automated process control system function, in which a complex of automated process control systems produces and implements control actions directly on the actuators of the technological control object.

    Autonomous adjustment of speakers

    The process of bringing the NPP functions as a whole, their quantitative and (or) qualitative characteristics into conformity with the documentation for commissioning.

    Basic software configuration

    A set of software functions determined by the requirements of design solutions.

    Basic software setup

    The process of bringing software to its basic configuration.

    Measuring transducer (sensor), measuring device

    Measuring devices designed to obtain information about the state of a process, designed to generate a signal carrying measurement information both in a form accessible to direct perception by the operator (measuring instruments), and in a form suitable for use in automated process control systems for the purpose of transmission and (or ) transformation, processing and storage, but not directly perceptible by the operator. To convert natural signals into unified ones, various normalizing converters are provided. Measuring transducers are divided into main groups: mechanical, electromechanical, thermal, electrochemical, optical, electronic and ionization. Measuring transducers are divided into converters with a natural, unified and discrete (relay) output signal (signaling devices), and measuring instruments are divided into devices with a natural and unified input signal.


    The process of installing (transferring) software to hardware.

    Interface (or I/O interface)

    A set of unified constructive, logical, and physical conditions that must be satisfied by technical means so that they can be connected and information exchanged between them.

    In accordance with its purpose, the interface includes:

    List of interaction signals and rules (protocols) for the exchange of these signals;

    Modules for receiving and transmitting signals and communication cables;

    Connectors, interface cards, blocks.

    The interfaces unify information, control, notification, address and status signals.

    Information function of an automated control system

    ACS function, including receiving information, processing and transmitting information to ACS personnel or outside the system about the state of the technical equipment or external environment.

    Information support for the automated system

    A set of document forms, classifiers, regulatory framework and implemented decisions on the volume, placement and forms of existence of information used in the AS during its operation.


    Actuating devices (ED) are designed to influence the technological process in accordance with the command information of the KTS (CTS). The output parameter of the IU in the automated process control system is the consumption of substance or energy entering the TOU, and the input parameter is the KPTS (KTS) signal. In general, control units contain an actuator (AM): electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic and a control unit (RO): throttling, dosing, manipulating. There are complete IUs and systems: with an electric drive, with a pneumatic drive, with a hydraulic drive and auxiliary IU devices (power amplifiers, magnetic starters, positioners, position indicators and control devices). To control some electrical devices (electric baths, large electric motors, etc.), the controlled parameter is the flow of electrical energy, and in this case the role of the amplifier is played by the amplification unit.

    Actuating mechanism

    Regulatory Authority

    Disaster-proof AC

    An AS consisting of two or more remote server systems operating as a single complex using clustering and/or load balancing technologies. The server and supporting equipment are located at a considerable distance from each other (from a few to hundreds of kilometers).

    Comprehensive setup of speakers

    The process of bringing the NPP functions, their quantitative and (or) qualitative characteristics into conformity with the requirements of technical specifications and design documentation, as well as identifying and eliminating deficiencies in the operation of systems. Comprehensive setup of the speaker system consists of working out the information interaction of the speaker system with external objects.

    Configuration (computer system)

    A set of functional parts of a computer system and connections between them, determined by the main characteristics of these functional parts, as well as the characteristics of the data processing tasks being solved.


    Configuration setup.

    Indirect measurement (calculation) of individual complex indicators of TOU functioning

    Indirect automatic measurement (calculation) is performed by converting a set of partial measured values ​​into a resulting (complex) measured value using functional transformations and subsequent direct measurement of the resulting measured value, or by direct measurements of partial measured values ​​with subsequent automatic calculation of the values ​​of the resulting (complex) measured value according to results of direct measurements.

    Mathematical support of the automated system

    A set of mathematical methods, models and algorithms used in AS.

    Metrological certification (calibration) of measuring channels (IC) of automated process control systems

    IR must have metrological characteristics that meet the requirements of accuracy standards and maximum permissible errors. IC automated process control systems are subject to state or departmental certification. The type of metrological certification must correspond to that established in the technical specifications for the automated process control system.

    IR automated process control systems are subject to state metrological certification, the measurement information of which is intended for:

    Use in commodity and commercial transactions;

    Accounting for material assets;

    Protecting workers' health, ensuring safe and harmless working conditions.

    All other ICs are subject to departmental metrological certification.

    Multi-level automated process control system

    Automated process control system, which includes automated process control systems as components different levels hierarchy.

    General automated system software

    Part of the AS software, which is a set of software developed independently of the creation of this AS.

    Single-level automated process control system

    A process control system that does not include other, smaller process control systems.

    Optimal control

    A control that provides the most advantageous value of a certain optimality criterion (OC), characterizing the effectiveness of control under given restrictions.

    Various technical or economic indicators:

    Transition time (performance) of the system from one state to another;

    Some indicator of product quality, costs of raw materials or energy resources, etc.

    Op-amp example: In furnaces for heating billets for rolling, by optimally changing the temperature in the heating zones, it is possible to ensure the minimum value of the standard deviation of the heating temperature of processed billets when changing the rate of their advance, size and thermal conductivity.

    Experimental operation of the AS

    Putting the NPP into operation in order to determine the actual values ​​of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the NPP and the readiness of personnel to work in the operating conditions of the NPP, determining the actual efficiency of the NPP, and adjusting (if necessary) documentation.

    Fail-safe AC

    AS, providing the ability to operate application software and/or network services of systems with medium criticality, i.e. such systems, the maximum recovery time for which should not exceed 6-12 hours.


    An analogue or discrete quantity that takes on different values ​​and characterizes either the state of the ATK, or the process of functioning of the ATK, or its results.

    Example: temperature in the working space of the furnace, pressure under the furnace, coolant flow, shaft rotation speed, voltage at the terminals, calcium oxide content in raw flour, signal assessing the state in which the mechanism (unit) is located, etc.

    Preliminary tests of the speakers

    The processes of determining the performance of the NPP and making a decision on the possibility of accepting the NPP for trial operation. They are carried out after the developer has debugged and tested the supplied software and hardware of the system, as well as NPP components and provided them with the relevant documents on their readiness for testing, as well as after the NPP personnel have familiarized themselves with the operational documentation.

    Acceptance tests of the AS

    AC compliance determination process technical specifications, assessing the quality of trial operation and resolving the issue of the possibility of accepting the NPP for permanent operation, including checking: the completeness and quality of the implementation of functions at standard, limiting, critical values ​​of the parameters of the automation object and in other operating conditions of the NPP specified in the technical specifications; fulfilling each requirement related to the system interface; staff work in an interactive mode; means and methods for restoring NPP performance after failures; completeness and quality of operational documentation.

    An error has occurred

    The payment was not completed due to a technical error, cash from your account
    were not written off. Try waiting a few minutes and repeating the payment again.


    FERp 81-05-2001-I2




    Moscow 2010

    “Changes that are being made to state budget standards. Federal unit prices for commissioning work" contain changes and additions to the federal unit prices approved by order of the Ministry of Regional Development Russian Federation dated August 4, 2009 No. 321 “On approval of state estimate standards for installation of equipment, major overhaul of equipment and commissioning work.”

    DEVELOPEDFederal Center for Pricing in Construction and Industry building materials

    APPROVEDby order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated December 21, 2010.№ 747


    To the section " I . General provisions» make the following changes and additions:

    Clauses 1.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3, 1.2.4, 1.2.5, 1.2.6, 1.2.7 shall be stated as follows:

    1.2. FERp Part 2 “Automated control systems” are intended to determine the costs of commissioning work to commission automated control systems.

    1.2.1. FERp Part 2 applies to:

    automated process control systems (APCS);

    centralized operational dispatch control systems;

    automatic fire and security fire alarm systems;

    control and automatic control systems for fire extinguishing and smoke protection;

    telemechanical systems;

    computer hardware and software, in terms of installation and configuration of software.

    FERp parts 2 of department 1 are not intended to determine direct costs in the estimated cost of work:

    on precision in-line analyzers of the physical and chemical properties of media and products circulating in the technological process: refractometers, chromatographs, octanometers and other similar single-use analyzers;

    for video surveillance (security) systems using television installations, public address systems (alerts), etc., the direct costs of which are determined according to FER Part 10 “Communication Equipment”.

    1.2.2. Part 2 prices are based on the following conditions:

    complexes of software and hardware (CPTS) or complexes of technical means (CTS), transferred for adjustment - serial, complete, loaded with system and application software, provided with technical documentation (passports, certificates, etc.), their shelf life is the warehouse does not exceed the standard;

    commissioning work is carried out on the basis of customer-approved working documentation, if necessary - taking into account the work execution plan (PP P ), programs and graphics;

    By the start of the work, the customer transferred the working design documentation to the commissioning organization, including parts of the automated process control system project:

    software (MS), Information Support(IO), software (SW), organizational support(OO);

    commissioning work begins if the customer has completion documents installation work. If there are forced breaks between installation and commissioning work for reasons beyond the control of the contractor, commissioning work begins after checking the safety of previously installed and installation of previously dismantled technical equipment (in this case, the completion certificate for installation work is drawn up again on the date of start of commissioning work);

    switching of operating modes of technological equipment is carried out by the customer in accordance with the project, regulations and during the periods provided for by the agreed programs and work schedules;

    detected defects in the installation of software and hardware (PTS) or hardware (TS) are eliminated by the installation organization.

    1.2.3. FERp parts 2 were developed in accordance with the requirements of state standards, rules for the construction of electrical installations, inter-industry rules on labor protection (safety rules) during the operation of electrical installations, safety rules for gas distribution and gas consumption systems, general explosion safety rules for explosion-hazardous chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries and other rules and standards of state supervision bodies, technical documentation of manufacturers of PTS or vehicles, instructions, technical and technological regulations, technical guidelines and other technical documentation for the installation, commissioning and operation of PTS and vehicles.

    1.2.4. In the prices of part 2 department 1 the costs of performing a set of works for one technological cycle of commissioning work for putting into operation the automated process control system are taken into account in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation, including the following stages (stages): Preparatory work, verification of KTS (KTS) automated systems:

    study of working and technical documentation, incl. pre-design stage materials ( technical requirements to the system, etc.), carrying out other activities for engineering and technical preparation of work, examining the technological control object, external inspection of equipment and completed installation work on the automated process control system, determining the readiness of systems adjacent to the automated process control system (power supply, etc.), etc. d.

    checking compliance of the main technical characteristics of the equipment with the requirements established in the passports and instructions of the manufacturers (the results of testing and adjustment are recorded in the certificate or passport of the equipment, faulty PTS or vehicles are transferred to the customer for repair and replacement). Autonomous adjustment of automated systems after completion of their installation:

    checking the installation of PTS (TS) for compliance with the requirements of manufacturers’ instructions and working documentation;

    replacement of individual defective elements with serviceable ones issued by the customer;

    checking the correct marking, connection and phasing of electrical wiring;

    phasing and control of characteristics of actuators (AM);

    setting up logical and temporal relationships of alarm, protection, blocking and control systems, checking the correctness of signals;

    checking the functioning of application and system software;

    preliminary determination of object characteristics, calculation and adjustment of equipment parameters of automated systems, configuration of measuring transducers and program logic devices;

    preparation for switching on and putting into operation measurement and control systems And control to ensure individual testing of process equipment and adjustment of control system equipment settings during their operation;

    preparation of production and technical documentation. Comprehensive adjustment of automated systems:

    bringing the settings of the PTS (TS), communication channels and application software to values ​​(states) at which automated systems can be used in operation, while being carried out in a complex:

    determining the compliance of the procedure for testing devices and elements of alarm, protection and control systems with the algorithms of working documentation, identifying the causes of failure or “false” activation, setting the required response values ​​of positional devices;

    determining the compliance of the throughput of shut-off and control valves with the requirements of the technological process, the correct operation of limit and limit switches, position and condition sensors;

    determining the flow characteristics of regulating bodies (RO) and bringing them to the required standard using the adjustment elements available in the design;

    clarification of the static and dynamic characteristics of the object, adjustment of the values ​​of system settings, taking into account their mutual influence during operation;

    preparation for putting systems into operation to ensure comprehensive testing of process equipment;

    testing and determination of suitability automated systems to ensure the operation of technological equipment with productivity corresponding to the standards for developing design capacities in the initial period;

    analysis of the operation of automated systems;

    preparation of production documentation, systems acceptance certificate;

    introduction of changes agreed with the customer into one copy of the schematic diagrams from the set of working documentation, based on the results of commissioning work.

    1.2.5. In the prices of part 2 department 1 the costs of: commissioning work are not taken into account, the prices for which are given in

    relevant sections of FERp Part 1 “Electrical Devices”: on electrical machines (motors) of electric drives, switching devices, static converters, power devices, measurements and tests in electrical installations;

    testing of automated systems beyond 24 hours of their operation during the period of comprehensive testing of technological equipment;

    drawing up a technical report and estimate documentation;

    submission of measuring instruments to state verification;

    configuration of components and screen forms, adjustment and refinement of design mathematical, information and software, defined based on standards for design work;

    audit of PTS (TS), elimination of their defects (repairs) and installation defects, including bringing the insulation of electrical equipment, cable communication lines and the parameters of installed fiber-optic and other communication lines to standards;

    checking the compliance of wiring diagrams circuit diagrams and making changes to wiring diagrams;

    drawing up schematic, installation, detailed diagrams and drawings;

    partial or complete reinstallation of cabinets, panels, consoles;

    carrying out physical, technical and chemical analyzes, supply of sample mixtures, etc.;

    drawing up a program for comprehensive testing of process equipment;

    training of operating personnel;

    development of operational documentation;

    technical (service) maintenance and periodic inspections of the KTS (KTS) during operation.

    1.2.6. Part prices 2 departments 1 designed for automated systems (hereinafter referred to as systems) depending on the category of their technical complexity, characterized by the structure and composition of the CPTS (CTS).

    1.2.7. Part prices 2 department 1 designed for systems I, II and III categories of technical complexity depending on the number of communication channels generating input and output signals.

    The communication channel for the formation of input and output signals (hereinafter referred to as the channel) includes a set of technical means and communication lines that provide conversion, processing and transmission of information for use in the system.

    The prices take into account the number of channels:

    information (including measurement, control, notification, address, status channels, etc.);


    The composition of information and control channels, in turn, takes into account the number of channels:

    discrete - contact and non-contact on alternating and direct current, pulsed from discrete (signaling) measuring transducers, for monitoring the status of various on-off devices, as well as for transmitting “on-off” signals, etc.;

    analogue, which include (for the purposes of FERp part 2 department 1) all the rest - current, voltage, frequency, mutual inductance, natural or unified signals of measuring transducers (sensors) that change continuously, coded (pulse or digital) signals for exchanging information between various digital information processing devices, etc.

    In the following presentation, the symbols for the number of channels given in Appendix 2.2 are used.

    Add section “ I . General provisions" clauses 1.2.8, 1.2.9, 1.2.10, 1.2.11 as follows:

    1.2.8. The prices for part 2 of department 2 take into account the costs of performing the following independent completed commissioning processes:

    installation and basic configuration of general and special AS software;

    functional configuration of general and special software of the speaker system;

    autonomous adjustment of speakers;

    comprehensive installation of speakers;

    carrying out preliminary and acceptance tests of the nuclear power plant.

    1.2.9. The prices for part 2 of department 2 do not take into account the costs of:

    work on auditing hardware, eliminating their defects and installation defects, deficiencies in construction and installation work;

    design and engineering work;

    repeated tests;

    development of operational and estimate documentation;

    trial operation;

    submission of measuring instruments to state verification;

    coordination of work performed with supervisory authorities;

    technical maintenance and current repair of vehicles during commissioning.

    1.2.10. Prices for Part 2 of Division 2 are developed for systems I, II, IIIAndIVcategory of technical complexity, depending on the number of software functions used to create the speaker system.

    1.2.11. The terms and definitions used in FERp Part 2 are given in Appendix 2.12.

    The following changes and additions should be made to the Federal unit prices for commissioning works:

    Price numbers

    Name and technical specifications equipment

    Direct costs (commissioning personnel remuneration), rub.

    Labor costs person-hours


    supplement with department 02 tables 02-02-001, 02-02-002, 02-02-003, 02-02-004, 02-02-005, 02-02-006, 02-02-007


    Table 02-02-001. Installation and basic configuration of general and special software

    Meter: 1 installation


    Installation and basic configuration of general and special software



    Table 02-02-002. Functional setup of general speaker software

    Meter: 1 function


    Functional setup of the general speaker software, number of functions - 1


    Table 02-02-003. Functional setup of special speaker software

    Meter: 1 function


    Functional setup of special AC software, number of functions - 1



    Table 02-02-004. Autonomous adjustment of speakers

    Meter: 1 system

    Autonomous adjustment of speakers:


    I difficulty categories




    II difficulty categories




    III difficulty categories




    IV difficulty categories



    Table 02-02-005. Comprehensive setup of speakers

    Meter: 1 system

    Comprehensive setup of speakers:


    I difficulty categories



    II difficulty categories




    III difficulty categories




    IV difficulty categories



    Table 02-02-006. Preliminary tests of the speakers

    Meter: 1 system

    Preliminary tests of the speaker:


    I difficulty categories




    II difficulty categories




    III difficulty categories




    IV difficulty categories



    Table 02-02-007. Acceptance tests of the AS

    Meter: 1 system

    Acceptance tests of the AS:


    I difficulty categories




    II difficulty categories




    III difficulty categories




    IV difficulty categories



    To the section " IV . Applications" the following changes and additions have been made:

    Appendices 2.1-2.7 should be stated as follows:

    Automated control systems

    Appendix 2.1

    Characteristics of the system (structure and composition of the CPTS or CTS)

    System complexity factor

    Single-level information, control, information-control systems, characterized in that measuring and control devices, electromagnetic, semiconductor and other components, signal fittings, etc. are used as components of the CTS to perform the functions of collecting, processing, displaying and storing information and generating control commands. .P. instrument or hardware types of execution

    Single-level information, control, information-control systems, characterized in that programmable logic controllers (PLC), intra-system communication devices, microprocessor operator interfaces (panels) are used as components of the CPTS to perform the functions of collecting, processing, displaying and storing information and generating control commands display)

    Single-level systems with automatic mode of indirect or direct (direct) digital (digital-analog) control using object-oriented controllers with programming of settings parameters, the operation of which does not require the development of design MO and software

    Information, control, information and control systems in which the composition and structure of the CTS meet the requirements established for classifying systems as category I of complexity and in which fiber-optic information transmission systems (FOIS) are used as communication channels

    Measuring systems (measuring channels) for which the project requires metrological certification (calibration)

    Multi-level distributed information, control, information-control systems, in which the composition and structure of the local level CPTS meet the requirements established for classifying the system as the IInd category of complexity and in which process (PCS) or operator (OS) are used to organize subsequent control levels stations implemented on the basis of problem-oriented software, connected to each other and to the local control level via local computer networks

    Information, control, information and control systems in which the composition and structure of the CPTS (CTS) meets the requirements established for classifying systems as category II of complexity and in which fiber-optic information transmission systems (FOIS) are used as communication channels


    2. In the event that a complex system contains systems (subsystems) that, according to the structure and composition of the CPTS or CTS, are classified into different categories of technical complexity, the complexity coefficient of such a system is calculated in accordance with clause 2.2. Calculations of work volumes

    Appendix 2.2

    Symbols for the number of channels (part 2 department 1)



    Number of information analogue channels

    Number of discrete information channels

    Number of analog control channels

    Number of discrete control channels

    Total number of information analog and discrete channels

    Total number of analog and discrete control channels

    Total number of information and control channels, analog and discrete

    Appendix 2.3

    The coefficient of “metrological complexity” of the system (part 2 department 1)

    Characteristics of factors of “metrological complexity” (M) systems

    Coefficient of “metrological complexity” of the system (M)

    Measuring transducers (sensors) and measuring instruments, etc., operating in normal environmental and technological environments, accuracy class:

    below or equal 1,0

    below 0,2 and higher 1,0

    higher or equal 0,2


    If the system has measuring transducers (sensors) and measuring instruments belonging to different accuracy classes, the coefficient M is calculated using the formula:



    Appendix 2.4

    Coefficient of “development of information functions” of the system (part 2 department 1)

    Characteristics of the factors of “development of information functions” (I) of the system

    Designation of the number of channels

    The coefficient of “development of Information functions” of the system (AND)

    Parallel or centralized control and measurement of state parameters of a technological control object (TOU)

    The same as in paragraph 1, including archiving, documenting data, drawing up emergency and production (shift, daily, etc.) reports, presenting parameter trends, indirect measurement (calculation) of individual complex indicators of the functioning of the technical equipment

    Analysis and generalized assessment of the state of the process as a whole according to its model (recognition of the situation, diagnosis of emergency conditions, search for a bottleneck, forecast of the progress of the process)


    If the system has different characteristics of “development of information functions”, the coefficient I is calculated using the formula:



    Appendix 2.5

    Coefficient of “development of executive functions” (part 2, department 1)

    Characteristics of factors of “development of executive functions” (U) systems

    Designation of the number of channels

    Coefficient of “development of control functions” of the system (U)

    Single-circuit automatic control (AR) or automatic single-cycle logical control (switching, blocking, etc.).

    Cascade and (or) software automatic control system or automatic program logic control (ALCU) in a “hard” cycle, multi-connected automatic control system or automatic control unit in a branched cycle.

    Control of fast processes in emergency conditions or control with adaptation (self-learning and changing algorithms and system parameters) or optimal control (OC) of steady-state modes (in statics), OC of transient processes or the process as a whole (optimization in dynamics).


    If the system has different characteristics of the “development of control functions”, the coefficient Y is calculated using the formula:



    Appendix 2.6

    Structure of commissioning works (part 2 department 1)

    Name of commissioning stages

    Share in the total cost of work, %

    Preparatory work, checking PTS (PS):

    incl. preparatory work

    Autonomous system adjustment

    Comprehensive system adjustment


    2. In the event that the customer engages one organization (for example, a project developer or equipment manufacturer who has the appropriate licenses to perform commissioning work) to perform commissioning work on software and hardware, and another commissioning organization for technical means, the distribution of the volumes of work performed their work (within the total cost of work on the system), including the stages in Appendix 2.6, is carried out, in agreement with the customer, taking into account the total number of channels attributed to PTS and TS.

    Appendix 2.7

    Channel groups (part 2 department 1)

    Symbol for a channel group



    Control channels are analog and discrete transmissions of control actions from the CPTS (CTS) to the TOU. The number of control channels is determined by the number of actuators: membrane, piston, electric single- and multi-turn, motorless (cut-off), etc.



    Transformation of information (parameters) coming from the technological control object (TOU) to the CPTS (CTS). The number of channels is determined by the number of measuring transducers, contact and non-contact signaling devices, position and condition sensors of equipment, limit and limit switches, etc. in this case, the combined fire alarm sensor (POS) is taken into account as one discrete channel



    Analogue and discrete information channels used by the operator (Op) to influence the control system (CTS). The number of channels is determined by the number of influence elements used by the operator (buttons, keys, control dials, etc.) to implement the functioning of the system in the modes of automated (automatic) and manual remote control of actuators without taking into account the influence elements of the KTS (KTS) as channels. used for configuration and other auxiliary functions (except for control): keyboards of terminal devices, information and control panels, buttons, switches, etc., panels of multifunctional or multi-channel devices, PIC control panels, etc., as well as voltage switches, fuses and other auxiliary organs of influence of the above and other technical means, the adjustment of which is taken into account in the prices of FERp part 2.



    Analog channels and discrete displays of information coming from the CPTS (CTS) to the OP are not taken into account when determining the number of system channels, except in cases where the project provides for the display of the same technological parameters (equipment status) on more than one terminal device (monitor, printer, interface panel, information board, etc.). Setting up information displays on the first terminal device is taken into account in FERp Part 2.

    In this case, when displaying information on each terminal device in addition to the first, the displayed parameters are taken into account with a coefficient of 0.025, with a coefficient of 0.01.

    Indicators (lamps, LEDs, etc.) of state and position built into measuring transducers (sensors), contact or non-contact signaling devices, buttons, control keys, switches, as well as voltage indicators of devices, recorders, terminals are not taken into account as channels. devices of switchboards, consoles, etc., the adjustment of which is taken into account in FERp part 2.


    № 1, № 2, ..., № i

    Communication (interaction) channels are analog and discrete information with related systems implemented on separate projects. “The number of physical channels through which communication signals (interactions) with adjacent systems are transmitted is taken into account: discrete - contact and non-contact direct and alternating current (except for encoded ones) and analog signals, the values ​​​​of which are determined on a continuous scale, as well as, for the purposes of the FERp part 2, coded (pulse and digital)". Various types of voltage of the electrical system used as power sources for automated process control equipment (boards, consoles, actuators, information converters, terminal devices, etc.) as communication channels (interactions) with adjacent systems are not taken into account.

    Appendix 2.9 should be stated as follows:

    Appendix 2.9

    Add appendices 2.10-2.12:

    Appendix 2.10

    Coefficients taking into account the number of remote NPP locations (part 2, department 2)

    Appendix 2.11

    Coefficients taking into account the specific features of the NPP commissioning work


    Table number (prices)


    Availability of individual external battery emergency power sources.

    Carrying out commissioning works with the technical guidance of the chief staff of the NPP manufacturers.

    Fail-safe speakers. In the case of performing commissioning on computer systems that have a classification characteristic of complexity as fault-tolerant systems.

    Disaster-resistant speakers. In the case of carrying out commissioning work on computer systems that have a classification characteristic of complexity as disaster-resistant complexes.

    When repeating preliminary tests after upgrading the NPP.

    Factor for taking into account the architecture of the plant, taking into account the specifics of the commissioning project

    For commissioning systems using two or more processor servers based on any architecture;

    For commissioning systems using a cluster of servers based on any architecture

    The coefficient for taking into account the architecture of the speakers is for commissioning of the speakers performed on servers of the Rise architecture.


    (*) total-share coefficient

    Appendix 2.12

    Terms and definitions used in FERp part 2



    Automated system


    1. A system consisting of personnel and a set of automation tools for their activities, implementing information technology to perform established functions

    2. A set of mathematical and technical means, methods and techniques that are used to facilitate and speed up the solution of labor-intensive problems associated with information processing.

    Automated process control system


    An automated system that ensures the operation of an object through the appropriate selection of control actions based on the use of processed information about the state of the object

    Automated technological complex

    A set of jointly functioning technological control object (TOU) and the automated process control system that controls it

    Automatic indirect control mode when performing the process control system function

    The mode of performing the automated process control system function, in which a complex of automated process control systems automatically changes the settings and (or) configuration parameters of the local automation systems of the technological control object.

    Automatic mode of direct (direct) digital (or analog-digital) control when performing the control function of the automated process control system

    The mode of performance of the automated process control system function, in which a complex of automated process control systems produces and implements control actions directly on the actuators of the technological control object.

    Autonomous adjustment of speakers

    The process of bringing the NPP functions as a whole, their quantitative and (or) qualitative characteristics into conformity with the documentation for commissioning.

    Basic software configuration

    A set of software functions determined by the requirements of design solutions

    Basic software setup

    The process of bringing software to its basic configuration

    Measuring transducer (sensor), measuring device

    Measuring devices designed to obtain information about the state of a process, designed to generate a signal carrying measurement information both in a form accessible to direct perception by the operator (measuring instruments), and in a form suitable for use in automated process control systems for the purpose of transmission and (or ) transformation, processing and storage, but not directly perceptible by the operator. To convert natural signals into unified ones, various normalizing converters are provided. Measuring transducers are divided into main groups: mechanical, electromechanical, thermal, electrochemical, optical, electronic and ionization. Measuring transducers are divided into converters with a natural, unified and discrete (relay) output signal (signaling devices), and measuring instruments are divided into devices with a natural and unified input signal.


    The process of installing (transferring) software to hardware.

    Interface (or I/O interface)

    A set of unified constructive, logical, and physical conditions that must be satisfied by technical means so that they can be connected and information exchanged between them.

    In accordance with its purpose, the interface includes:

    a list of interaction signals and rules (protocols) for the exchange of these signals;

    modules for receiving and transmitting signals and communication cables;

    connectors, interface cards, blocks;

    The interfaces unify information, control,

    notification, address and status signals.

    Information function of an automated control system

    ACS function, including receiving information, processing and transmitting information to ACS personnel or outside the system about the state of the technical equipment or the external environment

    Information support for the automated system

    A set of document forms, classifiers, regulatory framework and implemented solutions on the volume, placement and forms of existence of information used in the automated system during its operation


    Actuating mechanism

    Regulatory Authority




    Actuating devices (ED) are designed to influence the technological process in accordance with the command information of the KTS (CTS). The output parameter of the IU in the automated process control system is the consumption of substance or energy entering the TOU, and the input parameter is the KPTS (KTS) signal. In general, control units contain an actuator (AM): electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic and a control unit (RO): throttling, dosing, manipulating. There are complete control units and systems: with electric drive, with pneumatic drive, With hydraulic drive and auxiliary devices of the control unit (power amplifiers, magnetic starters, positioners, position indicators and control devices). To control some electrical devices (electric baths, large electric motors, etc.), the controlled parameter is the flow of electrical energy, and in this case the role of the amplifier is played by the amplification unit.

    Disaster-proof AC

    Speaker consisting of two or more remote server systems operating as a single complex using clustering and/or load balancing technologies. The server and supporting equipment are located at a considerable distance from each other (from a few to hundreds of kilometers).

    Comprehensive setup of speakers


    The process of bringing the NPP functions, their quantitative and (or) qualitative characteristics into conformity with the requirements of technical specifications and design documentation, as well as identifying and eliminating deficiencies in the operation of systems. Comprehensive setup of the speaker system consists of working out the information interaction of the speaker system with external objects.

    Configuration (computer system)

    A set of functional parts of a computer system and connections between them, determined by the main characteristics of these functional parts, as well as the characteristics of the data processing tasks being solved.


    Configuration setup.

    Indirect measurement (calculation) of individual complex indicators of TOU functioning

    Indirect automatic measurement (calculation) is performed by converting a set of partial measured values ​​into a resulting (complex) measured value using functional transformations and subsequent direct measurement of the resulting measured value, or by direct measurements of partial measured values ​​with subsequent automatic calculation of the values ​​of the resulting (complex) measured value according to results of direct measurements.

    Mathematical support of the automated system

    Totality mathematical methods, models and algorithms used in AS

    Metrological certification (calibration) of measuring channels (IC) of automated process control systems

    IR must have metrological characteristics that meet the requirements of accuracy standards and maximum permissible errors. IC process control systems are subject to state or departmental certification. The type of metrological certification must correspond to that established in the technical specifications for the process control system.

    IR automated process control systems are subject to state metrological certification, the measurement information of which is intended for:

    use in commodity and commercial transactions;

    accounting of material assets;

    protecting workers' health, ensuring safe and harmless working conditions.

    All other ICs are subject to departmental metrological certification.

    Multi-level process control system

    A process control system that includes as components a process control system of different levels of the hierarchy.

    General automated system software

    Part of the AS software, which is a set of software developed independently of the creation of this AS

    Single-level process control system

    A process control system that does not include other, smaller process control systems.

    Optimal control


    A control that provides the most advantageous value of a certain optimality criterion (OC), characterizing the effectiveness of control under given restrictions.

    Various technical or economic indicators can be selected as KO:

    transition time (performance) of the system from one state to another;

    some indicator of product quality, costs of raw materials or energy resources, etc.

    Op amp example: In furnaces for heating pre-rolling workpieces, by optimally changing the temperature in the heating zones, it is possible to ensure the minimum value of the standard deviation of the heating temperature of processed workpieces when changing the rate of their advance, size and thermal conductivity.

    Experimental operation of the AS

    AC input into action in order to determine the actual values ​​of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the NPP and the readiness of personnel to work in the operating conditions of the NPP, determine the actual efficiency of the NPP, and adjust (if necessary) documentation.

    Fail-safe AC

    AS, providing the ability to operate application software and/or network services of systems with medium criticality, i.e. such systems, the maximum recovery time for which should not exceed 6-12 hours.


    An analogue or discrete quantity that takes on different values ​​and characterizes either the state of the ATK, or the process of functioning of the ATK, or its results.

    Example: temperature in the working space of the furnace, floor pressure, coolant flow, shaft rotation speed, terminal voltage, calcium oxide content in raw flour, signal assessing the state in which the mechanism (unit) is located, etc.

    Preliminary tests of the speakers

    The processes of determining the performance of the NPP and making a decision on the possibility of accepting the NPP for trial operation. They are carried out after the developer has debugged and tested the supplied software and hardware of the system, as well as NPP components and provided them with the relevant documents on their readiness for testing, as well as after the NPP personnel have familiarized themselves with the operational documentation.

    Acceptance tests of the AS

    The process of determining the compliance of the NPP with the technical specifications, assessing the quality of trial operation and resolving the issue of the possibility of accepting the NPP for permanent operation, including checking: the completeness and quality of the implementation of functions at standard, limiting, critical values ​​of the parameters of the automation object and in other operating conditions of the NPP specified in TK; fulfilling each requirement related to the system interface; staff work in an interactive mode; means and methods for restoring NPP performance after failures; completeness and quality of operational documentation.


    A set of programs on storage media and program documents intended for debugging, functioning and testing the functionality of software.

    Working software configuration

    A set of software functions determined by the requirements of agreed documentation

    Software regulation

    Regulation of one or more quantities that determine the state of an object according to predetermined laws in the form of functions of time or some system parameter.

    Example. A hardening furnace in which the temperature, as a function of time, varies during the hardening process according to a predetermined program.

    Automatic control system (AR) multi-connected

    AR system with several controlled quantities interconnected through a controlled object, regulator or load.

    Example: Object - steam boiler: input quantities - water supply, fuel, steam consumption; output values ​​- pressure, temperature, water level.

    Systems for measuring and (or) automatic control of chemical composition and physical properties substances

    Measured medium and measured quantity for determining the chemical composition of substances:

    examples of measured quantities for gaseous environments are:

    concentration of oxygen, carbon dioxide, ammonia, CO+CO2+H2 (exhaust gases from blast furnaces), etc., for liquid Wednesday:

    electrical conductivity of solutions, salts, alkalis, concentration of aqueous suspensions, salt content of water, pH, cyanide content, etc. The quantity being measured and the medium being studied to determine the physical properties of a substance:

    Example measured quantity for water and solids: humidity, for liquid and pulp- density, for water- turbidity, for consistency oils- viscosity, etc.

    Special software automated system

    Part of the AS software, which is a set of programs developed during the creation of this AS.

    Telemechanical system

    Telemechanics combines vehicle automatic transmission over a distance of control commands and information about the state of objects using special transformations for effective use communication channels. Telemechanics means ensure the exchange of information between control objects and the operator (dispatcher), or between objects and the control system. The set of control point (CP) devices, controlled point (CP) devices and devices intended for exchanging information through a communication channel between the CP and CP forms a complex of telemechanics devices. A telemechanical system is a set of telemechanical devices, sensors, information processing tools, dispatch equipment and communication channels that perform the complete task of centralized control and management of geographically dispersed objects. To generate control commands and communicate with the operator, the telemechanical system also includes information processing tools based on the CPTS.


    1. A device for interaction between a user or operator and a computer system. The terminal consists of two relatively independent devices: input (keyboard) and output (screen or printing device).

    2. In a local area network - a device that is a source or recipient of data.

    Technological control object

    Control object, including technological equipment and the technological process implemented in it

    Remote property

    A separate building in which modules of the software and hardware complex are installed, physically located remotely from the location of other modules of the software and hardware complex

    Control function of an automated control system

    ACS function, including obtaining information about the state of the technical equipment, assessing information, selecting control actions and their implementation

    Information display devices


    Technical means used to transmit information to a person - the operator.

    IOIs are divided into two large groups: local or centralized presentation of information, which can coexist in the system in parallel (simultaneously) or only centralized presentation of information is used.

    IOI are classified according to the forms of information presentation into:

    signaling (light, mnemonic, sound);

    indicating (analog and digital);

    recording for direct perception (numeric-alphabetic and diagrammatic) and with encoded information (on magnetic or paper media);

    screen (display): alphanumeric, graphic, combined.

    Depending on the nature of the formation of local and target screen fragments, tools of this type are divided into universal (fragments of an arbitrary fragment structure) and specialized (fragments of a constant form with an intermediate carrier of the fragment structure).

    In relation to automated process control systems, fragments can carry information about the current state of the technological process, the presence of problems during the functioning of the automated technological complex etc.

    Functional software setup

    The process of bringing software into a working configuration


    Function - a software function used to achieve the requirements for the AS and aimed at performing a specific AS task described in the design solutions.

    The calculations take into account only the functions achieved by targeted manual intervention in the process of setting up the AS software described in the design solutions.

    Functions that are implemented automatically when setting up the speaker (during the software installation process or present by default) and do not require the participation of an installer are not included in the calculations

    Human operator

    Personnel directly involved in facility management



    On amendments to the order of the Ministry of Regional Development
    Russian Federation dated August 4, 2009№ 321 "About approval
    state estimate standards for equipment installation,
    overhaul of equipment and commissioning work"

    In order to update state estimate standards in the field of estimate regulation and pricing in the field of urban planning activities in accordance with the Regulations on the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 26, 2005.№ 40 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, No. 5, Art. 390; No. 13, Art. 1169; 2006, No. 6, Art. 712; No. 18, Art. 2002; 2007, No. 45, Art. 5488; 2008, No. 22, Art. 2582; No. 42, Art. 4825, No. 46, Art. 5337; 2009, No. 3, Art. 378; No. 6, Art. 738; No. 14, Art. 1669; No. 38, Art. 4497; 2010, No. 9, Art. 960; No. 22, Art. 2776; No. 25, Art. 3190; No. 26, Art. 3350; No. 28, Art. 3702; No. 31, Art. 4251), by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated April 11, 2008№ 44 “On approval of the Procedure for the development and approval of standards in the field of estimate regulation and pricing in the field of urban planning activities” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 12, 2008, registration No. 11661, Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive bodies, 2008, No. 22) and order Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated August 20, 2009№ 353 “On approval of the classification of estimated standards to be applied when determining the estimated cost of capital construction projects, the construction of which is financed with funds from the federal budget” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 2, 2009, registration No. 14940, Bulletin of regulatory acts of federal executive authorities, 2009 , No. 42), I order:

    1. By order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated August 4, 2009.№ 321 “On approval of state estimate standards for installation of equipment, major repairs of equipment and commissioning work” (Bulletin of Pricing and Estimated Standardization, 2009, No. 9) make the following changes:

    a) in Appendix No. 1 in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this order;

    b) in Appendix No. 2 in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this order;

    c) in Appendix No. 3 in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to this order;

    d) in Appendix No. 4 in accordance with Appendix No. 4 to this order.

    2. To recommend that the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, within two months from the date of publication of this order, bring territorial unit prices into compliance with this order.

    3. Control over the implementation of this order is assigned to the Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation K.Yu. Royal.

    And about. MinisterV.A. Tokarev



    FERp 81-04-02-2001

    Approved And introduced V de th effect With 16 April l I 2003 G.
    resolution Gosstroy Russia from
    16 . 04 . 2003 G . 35

    N A L A L D O C T I O N S WORK


    Collection No.2


    State Committee of the Russian Federation
    for construction and housing
    n o-comm n al complex
    (Gosstroy of Russia)


    Federal unit prices for commissioning O major works FERp-2001-02 Automated control systems.

    (Gosstroy of Russia) Moscow, 2003G.

    Designed to determine direct costsT in the estimated cost, as well as for payments for completed commissioning work of automated control systems.

    The collection is developed in price level1-th territorial district as of January 1, 2000.

    DEVELOPEDFSUE TsNIIEUS Gosstroy of Russia (Zh.G. Cherns Shova, L.V. Razmadze), JSC "Association Monta zhavtomatika" (B.Z . Barlasov, M.I. Logoyko), LLC “Coordination Center for Pricing and Estimated Standardization in Construction” (A.N. Zhukov) with the participation of the Interregional Center for Pricing in Construction and the Building Materials Industry (ICCC) of the State Construction Committee of Russia (V.P. Shuppo).

    CONSIDEREDDepartment of Pricing and Estimated Standardization of the Gosstroy of Russia (Editing Committee: V.A. Stepanov - head, V.G.Kozmodemyansk, T.L. Gr ischenkova).

    INTRODUCEDDepartment of Pricing and Estimated Standardization of the Gosstroy of Russia.

    APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT from 16 . 04. 200316. 04. 2003 No. 35


    Collection 2

    Automated control systems



    1. General provisions

    1. 1. These federal unit prices (hereinafter referred to as prices) are intended to determine direct costs in the estimated cost of commissioning palm trees x work on automated control systems at existing enterprises, buildings and structures being commissioned, as well as those being reconstructed, expanded and technically re-equipped.

    1. 2. Prices reflect the industry average level of technology and organization of commissioning s works.

    Prices are mandatory for use by all enterprises and organizations, regardless of their departmental affiliation and forms of ownership, carrying out capital construction at the expense of the state budget of all levels and targeted extra-budgetary funds.

    For construction projects financed from the own funds of enterprises, organizations and individuals, the prices in this collection are advisory in nature.

    1. 3. Prices are based on:

    Collection of state elemental estimate standards for commissioning l and daughters e work - GESNp-2001-02 “Automated control systems”, approved and put into effect from July 15, 2001 by the resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated July 23, 2001 No. 84;

    Starter's wage levell adequate personnel hired on the basis of the state statistical reporting in construction in the first territorial region as of January 1, 2000.

    1. 4. When applying this collection, in addition to the provisions contained in this technical part, it is necessary to take into account the requirements general given in the Guidelines for the application of federal unit prices for commissioning works, approved and put into effect by the State Construction Committee of Russia.

    1. 5. This Collection applies to:

    Automated process control systems (APCS);

    Centralized operational dispatch control systems;

    Automatic fire and security fire alarm systems;

    Control and automatic control systems for fire extinguishing and anti-smoke protection;

    Telemechanical systems.

    The collection is not intended to determine direct costs in the estimated cost of work:

    For precision in-line analyzers of the physicochemical properties of media and products circulating in the technological process: refractometers, chromatographs, octanometers and other similar single-use analyzers;

    For complexes of software and hardware of computer centers for economic or other information not related to technological processes;

    For video surveillance (security) systems using television installations, public address systems (alerts), etc., the direct costs of which are determined according to the Collection for the installation of equipment No. 10 “Communication equipment”.

    (Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

    1. 6. Prices are developed based on the following conditions:

    Complexes of software and hardware (CPTS) orTo complexes of technical means ( TO Vehicles) transferred for adjustment - serial, complete, loaded with system and application software, provided with technical documentation (passports, certificates, etc.), their shelf life in the warehouse does not exceed the standard;

    Commissioning work is carried out by organizations that have a license to carry out these types of work, when performing work at facilities supervised by state supervisory authorities, additionally there are licenses and / or permits from these departments. Workers performing the work have qualifications corresponding to the technical complexity of automated systems, have undergone the necessary training, certification or certification, are provided with the necessary equipment, measuring instruments, test benches, instrumental software, programmers, calibrators, tools, personal protective equipment, etc. .;

    Puskona l hello us e work is carried out on the basis of working documentation approved by the customer, if necessary - taking into account the work project (P P P), programs and graphics;

    By the start of commissioning workd The customer transferred working design documentation to the full-time organization, including parts of the automated process control system project: software (MS), information support (IS), software (SO), organizational support (OO);

    For start-up production l adochn y x work begins if the customer has documents confirming the completion of installation work provided for by the Construction Norms and Regulations P (acts, protocols, etc.). If forced breaks occur between installation and commissioning work for reasons beyond the control of the contractor, the commissioning palm trees m work begins after checking the safety of previously installed and installation of previously dismantled technical equipment (in this case, the completion certificate for installation work is drawn up again on the date of start of commissioning work);

    Switching of operating modes of technological equipment is carried out by the customer in accordance with the project, regulations and during the periods provided for by the agreed programs and work schedules;

    Detected defects in the installation of software and hardware (PTS) or hardware (TS) are eliminated by the installation organization.

    (Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

    1. 7. Prices are developed in accordance with the requirements state standards, in particular, GOST 34. 603- 92 « Information technology. Types of testing of automated systems", standards " State system industrial devices and automation equipment", "State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements", 3th part of SNiP “Organization, production and acceptance of work”, Rules for the construction of electrical installations (PUE), Interindustry rules for labor protection (safety rules) during the operation of electrical installations (POTRM- 016-2001) RD 153-34.0-03.150-00,“Safety rules for gas distribution and gas consumption systems” (PB-12-529-03. About general rules for adults s safety for adults fire hazard x chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries (PB 09-540-03) and other rules and regulations of state supervision bodies, technical documentation of manufacturers of PTS or vehicles, instructions approved in the prescribed manner, technical and technological regulations, technical guidelines and other technical documentation for the installation, commissioning and operation of PTS and vehicles.

    (Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

    1. 8. The prices take into account the costs of performing a set of works for one technological cycle of commissioning work for putting into operation the process control system in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation, including the following stages (stages):

    1. 8.1.Preparatory work, verification of KTS (KTS) automated systems:

    Study of working and technical documentation, incl. materials of the pre-design stage (technical requirements for the system, etc.), implementation of other measures of engineering and technical preparation of work, inspection of the technological control object, external inspection of equipment and completed installation work on the automated process control system, determination of the readiness of systems adjacent to the automated process control system (power supply, etc.). etc.) etc.

    Checking compliance of the main technical characteristics of the equipment with the requirements established in the passports and instructions of the manufacturers (the results of testing and adjustment are recorded in the certificate or passport of the equipment, faulty PTS or vehicles are transferred to the customer for repair and replacement).

    (Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

    1. 8. 2. Autonomous adjustment of automated systems after completion of their installation:

    Checking the installation of PTS (TS) for compliance with the requirements of manufacturers’ instructions and working documentation;

    Replacement of individual defective elements with serviceable ones issued by the customer;

    Checking the correct marking, connection and phasing of electrical wiring;

    Phasing and control of characteristics of actuators (AM);

    Setting up logical and temporal relationships of alarm, protection, blocking and control systems, checking the correct passage of signals;

    Checking the functioning of application and system software;

    Preliminary determination of object characteristics, calculation and adjustment of equipment parameters of automated systems, configuration of measuring transducers and program logic devices;

    Preparation for switching on and putting into operation measurement, monitoring and control systems to ensure individual testing of process equipment and adjusting the settings of control system equipment during their operation;

    Preparation of production and technical documentation.

    (Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

    1. 8. 3. Comprehensive adjustment of automated systems:

    Finishing the settingsP TS (TS), communication channels and application software to values ​​(states) at which automated systems can be used in operation, while the following are carried out in a complex:

    Determining the compliance of the procedure for testing devices and elements of alarm, protection and control systems with the algorithms of working documentation, identifying the causes of failure or “false” activation, setting the required response values ​​of positional devices;

    Determination of Compliance bandwidth shut-off-adjustercozy to the requirements of the technological process, the correct operation of limit and limit switches,position and condition sensors;

    Determining the flow characteristics of regulating bodies (RO) and bringing them to the required standard using the adjustment elements available in the design;

    Clarification of the static and dynamic characteristics of the object, adjustment of the values ​​of system settings, taking into account their mutual influence during operation;

    Preparation for putting systems into operation to ensure comprehensive testing of process equipment;

    Testing and determining the suitability of automated systems to ensure the operation of technological equipment with productivity corresponding to the standards for developing design capacities in the initial period;

    Analysis of the operation of automated systems;

    Preparation of production documentation, systems acceptance certificate for operation in accordance with the requirements of SNiP;

    Introducing changes agreed with the customer into one copy of the schematic diagrams from the set of working documentation, based on the results of commissioning d full-time work.

    1.9. The prices of this Collection do not take into account the costs of:

    Puskona l and daughters e work, prices for which are given in the relevant sections EPp-2001-01 “Electrical devices”: for electrical machines (motors) of electric drives, switching devices, static converters, power devices, measurements and tests in electrical installations;

    Testing of automated systems over24hours of their work during the period of comprehensive testing of technological equipment;

    Drawing up a technical report and estimate documentation;

    Submission of measuring instruments to state verification;

    Configuring components and screen forms, adjusting and finalizing design mathematical, information and software, determined on the basis of standards for design work;

    Audit of PTS (TS), elimination of their defects (repairs) and installation defects, including bringing the insulation of electrical equipment, cable communication lines and parameters of installed fiber-optic and other communication lines to standards;

    Checking the compliance of the wiring diagrams with the schematic diagrams and making changes to the wiring diagrams;

    Drawing up schematic, installation, detailed diagrams and drawings;

    Partial or complete reinstallation of cabinets, panels, consoles;

    Coordination of completed work with supervisory authorities;

    Carrying out physical, technical and chemical analyses, supplying sample mixtures, etc.;

    Drawing up a program for comprehensive testing of process equipment;

    Training of operating personnel;

    Development of operational documentation;

    Technical (service) maintenance and periodic inspections of the KTS (KTS) during operation.

    (Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

    1.10. The prices of this Collection are developed for automated systems (hereinafter referred to as systems) depending on the category of their technical complexity, characterized by the structure and composition of the CPTS (CTS),taking into account the difficulty coefficient.

    Table 1

    Characteristics of the system (structure and composition of the CPTS or CTS)

    System complexity factor

    Single-level information, control, information-control systems, characterized in that measuring and adjusting devices are used as components of the CTS to perform the functions of collecting, processing, displaying and storing information and generating control commands. at power devices, electromagnetic, semiconductor and other components, signal fittings, etc. instrument or hardware types of execution

    Single-level information, control, information and control systems, characterized in that programmable logic controllers are used as components of the CPTS to perform the functions of collecting, processing, displaying and storing information and generating control commands PLC ), intrasystem communication devices, microprocessor operator interfaces (display panels)

    1, 313

    Single-level systems with automatic mode of indirect or direct (direct) digital (digital-analog) control using object-oriented controllers with programming of settings parameters, the operation of which does not require the development of design MO and software

    Information, control, information and control systems, in which the composition and structure of the CTS comply with the requirements established for classifying systems as I categories of complexity and in which fiber-optic networks are used as communication channels To information transmission systems (ITS)

    Systems for measuring and (or) automatic control of the chemical composition and physical properties of a substance

    Measuring systems (measuring channels) for which the project requires metrological certification (calibration)

    Multi-level distributed information, control, information-control systems, in which the composition and structure of the local-level CPTS meet the requirements established for classifying the system as II -th category of complexity and in which processes are used to organize subsequent levels of management s (PCS ) or operator ( OS ) stations; implemented on the basis of problem-oriented software, connected to each other and to the local control level via local computer networks

    1, 566

    Information, control, information and control systems, in which the composition and structure of the CPTS (CTS) meets the requirements established for classifying systems as II categories of complexity and in which fiber-optic information transmission systems (FOIS) are used as communication channels

    Notes: 1 . Systems II and III categories of technical complexity may have one or more characteristics,given as characteristics of the system.

    2. In the event that a complex system contains systems (subsystems), according to the structure and composition of the CPTS or CTS classified into different categories of technical complexity, the complexity coefficient of such a system is calculated in accordance with paragraph. .

    1.11.Prices are developed for systems I, II and III categories of technical complexity depending on the number of communication channels for the formation of input and output signals.

    The communication channel for the formation of input and output signals (hereinafter referred to as the channel) should be understood as a set of technical means and communication lines that ensure the conversion, processing and transmission of information for use in the system.

    The Collection takes into account the number of:

    Information channels (including measurement, control, notification channelss x, address, status, etc.);

    Control channels.

    The composition of information channels and control channels, in turn, takes into account the number of channels:

    Discrete - contact and non-contact on alternating and direct current, pulsed from discrete (signaling) measuring transducers, for monitoring the status of various two-positions x devices, as well as for transmitting signals such as “on-off”, etc.;

    Analogue, which includes (for the purposes of this Collection) all others - current, voltage, frequency, mutual inductance, natural or unified signals of measuring transducers (sensors) that change continuously, coded (pulse or digital) signals for exchanging information between various digital information processing devices, etc.

    In the following presentation, the symbols for the number of channels given in table are used. .

    Table 2



    K a i

    Number of information analogue channels

    K d i

    Number of discrete information channels

    K a u

    Number of analog control channels

    K d u

    Number of discrete control channels

    To general and

    Total number of information analog and discrete channels

    To the general

    Total number of analog and discrete control channels

    Ktot = (Ktot + Ktot)

    Total number of information and control channels, analog and discrete

    2. The procedure for applying unit prices

    2.1.The price tables in the Collection show basic prices ( R b) for commissioning s e works for systems I, II and III categories of technical complexity ( R Ib, R IIb, R IIIb), depending on the total number of information and control channels, analog and discrete(To general) in this system.

    (Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

    2. 2. For a complex system consisting of subsystems of different categories of technical complexity, the components of the price - the amount of funds for wages (WFP) and the standard of labor costs (N) - are calculated as follows:

    at 1< С < 1,313 , where C is the complexity coefficient, calculated by the formula:

    Where: - the total number of analog and discrete information and control channels attributed to subsystems, respectively, I, II, III complexity categories;


    where is the basic wage according to table. 02-01-001 for the system I categories of technical complexity (C=1);

    Basic rate of labor costs according to table. 02-01-001.

    at 1.313< С < 1,566


    where is the basic wage according to table. 02-01-002 for the system II category of technical complexity (C=1.313).

    where is the basic rate of labor costs according to table. 02-01-002.

    (Changed edition. Change No. 1 )

    2. 3. When preparing estimates (estimates) for commissioning palm trees e work to take into account the characteristics of a specific system to the base price ( R b) the following coefficients should be applied:

    2. 3. 1 . Coefficient F m i, taking into account two factors: “metrological complexity” and “development» information functions" of the system

    Coefficient F m icalculated by the formula:

    F m i = 0 , 5 + K a i : To general × M × I, (3)

    Where M - coefficient of “metrological complexity”, determined according to table. ;

    AND - coefficient of “development of information functions”, determined according to table. .

    Table 3

    Item no.

    Characteristics of factors of “metrological complexity” ( M) systems

    The coefficient of “metrological complexity” of the system ( M)

    Measuring transducers (sensors) and measuring instruments, etc., operating in normal environmental and technological environments, accuracy class:

    less than or equal to 1 , 0

    K a iM1


    below 0 , 2 and above 1, 0

    K a iM2

    1, 14

    greater than or equal to 0 , 2

    K a iM3

    1, 51

    Note : If the system contains measuring transducers (sensors) and measuring instruments belonging to different accuracy classes, the coefficient M calculated by the formula:

    M = (1 +0.14×K a iM2: K a i) × (1 +0.51×K a iM3: K a i),(4)


    K a i = K a iM1 + K a iM2 + K a iM3 ;(4. 1)

    Table 4

    Item No.

    Characteristics of the factors of “development of information functions” ( AND) systems

    Designation of the number of channels

    The coefficient of “development of information functions” of the system ( AND)


    Parallel or centralized control and measurement of state parameters of a technological control object (TOU)

    To general iI1


    Same as for p . ,including archiving, documenting data, drawing up emergency and production (shift, daily, etc.) reports, presenting parameter trends, indirect measurement (calculation) of individual complex indicators of the functioning of the technical equipment

    To general iI2

    1, 51

    Analysis and generalized assessment of the state of the process as a whole according to its model (recognition of the situation, diagnosis of emergency conditions, search for a bottleneck, forecast of the progress of the process)

    To general iI3

    2, 03

    Note : If the system has different characteristics of “development of information functions”, the coefficient AND calculated by the formula:

    And = (1+0.51× To general iI2: TOgenerally) × ( 1+1, 03 × To general iI3: TOgenerally) ,(5)


    To general and = To total iI1 + To total iI2 + To total iI3 ; (5.1 )

    (Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

    2. 3. 2. Coefficient Ugh, taking into account the “development of executive functions”, calculated by the formula:

    Ugh= 1+ (1.31 × K and y+0.95×K d y ) : To general × U,(6)

    Where: U- coefficient of “development of executive functions”, determined from table.

    Table 5

    Item No.

    Characteristics of factors of “development of executive functions” ( U) systems

    Designation of the number of channels

    Coefficient of “development of control functions” of the system(U)

    Single-circuit automatic control (AR) or automatic single-cycle logical control (switching, blocking, etc.).

    To general uU1


    Cascade and (or) program AR or automatic program logic control (AP LU) on a “hard” cycle, multiply connected AR or APLU on a cycle with branches.

    To general yU2

    1, 61

    Management b fast leaking their processes in emergency conditions or control with adaptation (self-learning and changing algorithms and system parameters) or optimal control (OC) of steady-state modes (in statics), OC of transient processes or the process as a whole (optimization in dynamics).

    To general uU3

    2, 39

    Note : If the system has different characteristicsR development of executive functions”, coefficient U calculated by the formula:

    Y = (1+0.61× To general yU2: To the general) × (1+1.39× To general uU3: To the general); (7)


    To the general = To total yU1 + To total yU2 + To total yU3 ; (7.1)

    2. 4. Estimated price ( R) for a specific system is calculated by applying to the base price established in accordance with paragraph. .,coefficients F m i , Ugh, which multiply with each other I:

    R = R b ×(F m i × F y).(8)

    2. 5. When performing startup la daughters x work in more difficult production conditions, compared to those provided for in the collection, as a result of which labor productivity decreases, the coefficients given in the Guidelines for the application of federal unit prices for commissioning should be applied to prices fencing work.

    2. 6. When performing repeated commissioning work (before putting the facility into operation), a coefficient must be applied to prices 0, 537. Repeated commissioning work should be understood as work caused by the need to change the technological process, the operating mode of technological equipment, in connection with a partial change in the design or forced replacement of equipment. The need to repeat the work must be confirmed by a justified assignment (letter) from the customer.

    2. 7. In the event that the automated process control system is created as part of an automated technological complex (ATC), included in the pilot or pilot construction plan, or in the list of unique or particularly important (critical) objects (constructions), or the automated process control system includes experimental or experimental software and hardware (technical) means, a coefficient is applied to prices 1, 2.

    2. 8. In the event that the launch palm trees If the work is carried out under the technical supervision of the personnel of the manufacturer or equipment supplier, the coefficient should be applied to prices 0, 8.

    2. 9. Specified in paragraphs. ÷ coefficients are applied to the cost of those stages of work (the corresponding number of information and control channels) for which the above conditions apply. When using several coefficients, they should be multiplied.

    2. 10. Reducing factor for similar automated technological complexes (ATC) in accordance with clause 2.5. MDS 81-40.2006 is taken into account by the norms of this Collection, subject to a special calculation procedure, in which the price is initially determined as a whole for several ATKs of the same type in accordance with the project and, if necessary, a price is allocated for one ATK of the same type.

    When determining estimated prices, it is not allowed to artificially, contrary to the design, divide the automated system into separate measurement systems, control (regulation) loops, and subsystems.

    For example: For a centralized operational dispatch control system for ventilation and air conditioning, which includes several supply and exhaust ventilation subsystems, the estimated price is determined as a whole for the centralized control system, and the costs for individual subsystems, if necessary, are determined as part of the overall price for the system as a whole , taking into account the number of channels assigned to subsystems.

    (Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

    2. 11. If intermediate payments are necessary for completed commissioning work, it is recommended to use the approximate structure of the cost of commissioning work by its main stages (unless the contract provides for other conditions for mutual settlements between the parties), given in Table. .

    Table 6

    Item No.

    Name of commissioning stages

    Share in the total cost of work, %

    Preparatory work, checking PTS (PS):


    incl. preparatory work


    Autonomous system adjustment


    Comprehensive system adjustment





    2. In the event that the customer engages one organization to carry out commissioning work on software and hardware (for example, a project developer or equipment manufacturer who has the appropriate licenses to carry out commissioning palm trees x works), and for technical means - another commissioning I'll finish it organization, distribution of volumes of work performed by them (within the total cost of work on the system), including by stages of Table. , produced in agreement with the customer, taking into account O the total number of channels attributed to PTS and TS.

    (Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

    3. The procedure for preparing initial data for drawing up estimates

    3.1.Preparation of initial data for drawing up estimates is carried out on the basis of design and technical documentation for a specific system.

    When preparing initial data, it is recommended to use the “Scheme of an automated technological complex (ATC)» given in the appendix .

    The preparation of initial data is carried out in the following sequence:

    3.1.1.As part of the ATK, according to the scheme, the following groups of channels are distinguished according to table. .

    Table 7

    Item No.

    Symbol for a channel group

    Contents of a channel group



    Control channels are analog and discrete (K A at and K d u )transmission of control actions from K P TS (KTS) on TOU . The number of control channels is determined in count actuators: membrane, piston, electric single- and multi-turn, motorless (shut-off), etc.



    A And and K d and )transformation of information (parameters) coming from the technological control object (TOU) to the CPTS (CTS) . The number of channels is determined quantity measuring transducers, contact and non-contact signaling devices, position and condition sensors of equipment, limit and limit switches, etc. wherein combined fire sensorn no alarm ( POS) is taken into account as one discrete channel


    Op→K PTS (CTS)

    Analog and discrete information channels (K A And and K d and ), used by the operator (Op) to influence the CPTS (KTS) .

    The number of channels is determined number of impact organs, used by the operator ( buttons, keys, control knobs etc.) to implement the functioning of the system in automated (automatic) and manual remote control modes of actuators excluding organs as channels impact KPTS (KTS), used for configuration and other auxiliary functions (except for control): keyboard of terminal devices, information and control panels, buttons, switches, etc., panels of multifunctional or multi-channel devices, POS control panels, etc., as well as voltage switches, fuses and other auxiliary organs of influence of the above and other technical meansthe adjustment of which is taken into account in the prices and standards of this Collection


    KPTS→O p (KTS)

    Analog and discrete channels (TO a and and K d i) display of information coming from the KTS (KTS) to the Op when determining the number of system channels are not taken into account, except for cases when the project provides for the display of the same technological parameters (equipment status) on more than one terminal device (monitor, printer, interface panel, information board, etc.). Setting up information displays on the first terminal device is taken into account in the prices of this Collection.

    In this case, when displaying information on each terminal device beyond the first, the displayed parameters ( TO A And and K d and ) are taken into account TO A And with coefficient0, 025, K d i with coefficient0, 01 .

    Not taken into account indicators (lamps, LED) as channelss etc.) states and positions built into measuring transducers (sensors), contact or non-contact signaling devices, buttons, control keys, switches, as well as voltage indicators of devices, recorders, terminal devices of boards, consoles, etc., the adjustment of which is taken into account in the prices of this Collection



    1, № 2, … , № i

    Communication (interaction) channels are analog and discrete information (CA and K d and) with related systems implemented on separate projects. “The number of physical channels through which communication signals (interaction) with adjacent systems are transmitted is taken into account:

    discrete - contact and non-contact direct and alternating current (except for coded ones) and analog signals, the values ​​of which are determined on a continuous scale, as well as, for the purposes of this Collection, coded (pulse and digital).” Different types of voltage electrical systems used as power sources for automated process control equipment (boards, consoles, actuators, information converters, terminal devices, etc.) as communication channels (interaction) with adjacent systems are not taken into account.

    (Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

    3. 1. 2. For each group of channels table. the number of information channels (analog and discrete) and control channels (analog and discrete) is calculated, as well as e total number of information and control channels ( TO generally) for the system as a whole.

    3.1. 3. Based on table the category of technical complexity of the system is established and, depending on TO generallyThe base price is determined according to the corresponding price table (R b), if necessary, a basic price for a complex system is calculated(R sl b)- using formulas ( ) And ( ).

    3. 1. 4. To link the base price to a specific system, correction factors are calculated F and mAnd F atin accordance with paragraphs. And , then the estimated price is calculated using the formula ( ).


    Pricing code

    Name and technical characteristics of the equipment

    Direct costs (commissioning personnel remuneration), rub.

    Labor costs, person-hours

    Table 02-01-001 Automated control systems of category I technical complexity

    Meter : system (prices 1 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 9 , 11 , 13 , 15 , 19 ); channel (prices 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 , 10 , 12 , 14 , 16 , 18 , 20 )

    02- 01- 001- 02

    TO generally ):

    190, 07

    13, 4

    02- 01- 001- 02

    for each channel St. 2before 9add to price 1

    6, 45

    02- 01- 001- 03


    921, 99


    02- 01- 001- 04

    for each channel St. 10before 19add to price 3

    6, 3

    02- 01- 001- 05



    02- 01- 001- 06

    for each channel St. 20before 39add to price 5

    87, 23

    6, 15

    02- 01- 001- 07


    3560, 31


    02- 01- 001- 08

    for each channel St. 40before 79add to price 7

    6, 03

    02- 01- 001- 09


    6978, 77


    02- 01- 001- 10

    for each channel St. 80before 159add to price 9

    83, 40

    5, 88

    02- 01- 001- 11


    13645, 49


    02- 01- 001- 12

    for each channel St. 160before 319add to price 11

    78, 72

    5, 55

    02- 01- 001- 13


    26241, 32

    02- 01- 001- 14

    for each channel St. 320before 639add to price 13

    73, 62

    5, 19

    02- 01- 001- 15


    49787, 59

    02- 01- 001- 16

    for each channel St. 640before 1279add to price 15

    62, 55

    4, 41

    02- 01- 001- 17

    89787, 88

    02- 01- 001- 18

    for each channel St. 1280before 2559add to price 17

    49, 50

    3, 49

    02- 01- 001- 19 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 , 10 , 12 , 14 , 16 , 18 , 20 )

    02- 01- 002- 01

    System with number of channels (TO generally ):

    260, 59

    17, 6

    02- 01- 002- 02

    for each channel St. 2before 9add to price 1

    125, 41

    8, 47

    02- 01- 002- 03


    1258, 51


    02- 01- 002- 04

    for each channel St. 10before 19add to price 3

    122, 89

    8, 3

    02- 01- 002- 05


    2487, 41


    02- 01- 002- 06

    for each channel St. 20before 39add to price 5

    119, 93

    8, 1

    02- 01- 002- 07


    4885, 98


    02- 01- 002- 08

    for each channel St. 40before 79add to price 7

    117, 12

    7, 91

    02- 01- 002- 09


    9564, 68


    02- 01- 002- 10

    for each channel St. 80before 159add to price 9

    7, 71

    02- 01- 002- 11


    18699, 98

    02- 01- 002- 12

    for each channel St. 160before 319add to price 11

    107, 94

    7, 29

    02- 01- 002- 13


    35978, 58

    02- 01- 002- 14

    for each channel St. 320before 639add to price 13

    100, 83

    6, 81

    02- 01- 002- 15


    68255, 66

    02- 01- 002- 16

    for each channel St. 640before 1279add to price 15

    5, 78

    02- 01- 002- 17

    123037, 86

    02- 01- 002- 18

    for each channel St. 1280

    Meter : system (prices 1 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 9 , 11 , 13 , 15 , 19 ); channel (prices 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 , 10 , 12 , 14 , 16 , 18 , 20 )

    02- 01- 003- 01

    System with number of channels (TO generally ):


    341, 85


    02- 01- 003- 02

    for each channel St.2before 9add to price 1


    10, 1

    02- 01- 003- 03


    1660, 41


    02- 01- 003- 04

    for each channel St.10before 19add to price 3

    159, 53

    9, 8

    02- 01- 003- 05


    3255, 70


    02- 01- 003- 06

    for each channel St.20before 39add to price 5

    156, 76

    9, 63

    02- 01- 003- 07


    6397, 45


    02- 01- 003- 08

    for each channel St.40before 79add to price 7

    153, 67

    9, 44

    02- 01- 003- 09


    12534, 44


    02- 01- 003- 10

    for each channel St.80before 159add to price 9

    149, 76

    9, 2

    02- 01- 003- 11


    24515, 42


    02- 01- 003- 12

    for each channel St.160before 319add to price 11

    141, 62

    8, 7

    02- 01- 003- 13


    47175, 09


    02- 01- 003- 14

    for each channel St.320before 639add to price 13

    132, 18

    8, 12

    02- 01- 003- 15


    89482, 91


    02- 01- 003- 16

    for each channel St.640before 1279add to price 15

    112, 32

    6, 9

    02- 01- 003- 17


    161368, 77


    02- 01- 003- 18

    for each channel St.1280before 2559add to price 17

    89, 04

    5, 47

    02- 01- 003- 19


    275350, 81


    02- 01- 003- 20

    for each channel St.2560add to price 19

    72, 11

    4, 43