We regulate management accounting at the enterprise. Regulatory regulation of management accounting Maintaining management accounting at an enterprise is

The essence of management accounting

Management accounting enables its users to make rational and informed management decisions by eliminating the shortcomings inherent in accounting (financial) accounting. It must be recognized that a huge share of management information is based on the information that was obtained on the basis of enterprise accounting data. Data from accounting registers (grouped in a certain way and transformed for management purposes) allow us to make estimates financial risks, prepare accounting and management reports of the enterprise. Requirements for accounting, financial and management accounting are contained in the regulatory system legal regulation.

Levels of management accounting regulation

Currently, there is no single view not only on the definition of management accounting, but also on its regulatory regulation. Some researchers identify three levels of regulation of management accounting standards:

  • state level (Law No. 129-FZ dated November 21, 1996 “On Accounting”),
  • industry level, which contains provisions on the principles of organizing management accounting;
  • internal level (accounting policies and various standards - organizational, methodological, technical).

Broadly speaking, this structure distinguishes two subgroups of regulations:

  • regulations related to the process of organizing management accounting;
  • regulations applied in the process of management accounting.

From the point of view of applicability, the regulatory regulation of management accounting systems is structured as follows:

  • norms of civil legislation (the basis of legal regulation of management accounting);
  • legislation on administrative offenses;
  • tax law;
  • regulations in other areas of legislation that influence the formation of management accounting.

Most modern scientists consider the system of legal regulation of accounting as the basis for the regulatory regulation of management accounting registers.

Composition of legal acts regulating management accounting

System of normative legal acts Russian Federation Today it includes seven levels:

  1. Constitution of the Russian Federation.
  2. Federal legislation.
  3. Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation.
  4. Decrees of the President of Russia.
  5. Regulatory framework of ministries and departments.
  6. Regulations of local and government agencies authorities of the Russian Federation.
  7. Local acts of organizations.

To local regulations enterprises regulating the rules of management accounting include:

  • statement on accounting policies (in the section regarding management accounting);
  • key regulations of enterprise business processes;
  • financial structure regulations;
  • organizational and administrative documents that approve the forms of internal management reporting and primary documents;
  • chart of accounts for management accounting;
  • management accounting classifiers.

Thus, today scientists do not have a consensus on the regulatory regulation of the management accounting system.

Management Accounting is an orderly system for collecting, registering, summarizing and presenting information about economic activity organization and its internal structural divisions necessary for adoption management decisions.

Information requirements for management accounting

There are a number of specific requirements for information for internal management. She must be:

    operational, formed according to the principle “the faster, the better.” Minimum term financial statements one month is unacceptable for most management tasks. If there is a choice between accuracy and speed of obtaining data for management, the manager, as a rule, will prefer the latter;

    target, i.e. aimed at solving specific management problems;

    targeted, oriented towards a specific consumer - manager and the tasks he solves. Targeting should take into account the level of service hierarchy of officials in the organization’s management apparatus;

    sufficient. Management accounting information should not be redundant, but quite sufficient for making appropriate decisions. Its sufficiency is largely ensured by the analytical nature of the data or the possibility of using it in economic analysis. This allows, given a certain limitation of the initial indicators for management, to widely use their derivatives, the results of analytical calculations, groupings, comparisons, etc.;

    economical to obtain and use;

    flexible, adapted to the possibilities of changes in business. A market economy is distinguished by the dynamism of development, the uncertainty of many economic situations, and their versatility. Accordingly, the management accounting system should not be stable or unchanged for many years. On the contrary, it should be subject to constant updating, improvement and development in form, scope and content.

What does management accounting provide?

Well-constructed management accounting:

    contributes to the successful operation of enterprises;

    ensures high rates of their strategic development;

    allows management to quickly obtain the necessary accounting and analytical information;

    provides organization competitive advantages through cost management, commercial activities and organizations general management;

    structures different types and areas of activity of the enterprise;

    provides an assessment of the contribution to the final result of various structural divisions.

Strategic and current management accounting

According to the intended purpose, management accounting systems can be divided into strategic accounting for top management of enterprises, companies, firms and current accounting for internal management.

Objectives of management accounting

The main goal of management accounting is the preparation of planned, actual and forecast information about the activities of the organization and its external environment to make the necessary management decisions.

Users of management accounting information

The main users of management accounting information are senior managers, heads of structural units and specialists.

Senior managers are generally provided with:

    management information in the form of reports on the results of production, financial and investment activities organization and its structural divisions for a specific period of time and for the past;

    analysis of the impact of identified internal and external factors on the results of the activities of the organization and its main structural divisions;

    planned and forecast indicators for future periods.

Heads of structural divisions are provided with:

    management reports on the activities of departments at a specific point in time;

    planned and forecast information about divisions, as well as the necessary information about the organization’s counterparties.

Specialists receive the necessary information about the activities of the organization and its structural divisions, as well as forecasts of the influence of identified internal and external factors on the results of the enterprise’s economic activities.

Objects of management accounting

The objects of management accounting include:

1. Costs of the enterprise and its structural divisions.

2. Results of economic activities.

3. Internal pricing.

4.Forecasting future financial transactions.

5.Internal reporting.

Objectives of management accounting

The main task of management accounting is the preparation of internal reports, the information of which is intended for the owners of the enterprise (organization) and the management staff.

These reports must contain information about the general financial position of the enterprise, the state of affairs in production activities.

Information that is necessary for making management decisions, monitoring and regulating management activities includes, for example:

    sales prices;

    production costs;

    demand, competitiveness, profitability of goods produced by their enterprise.

The main objectives of management accounting are:

    analysis of the state of material, labor and financial resources and compilation of information on these resources;

    analysis of costs and income and deviations therefrom from established standards and estimates;

    calculation of various indicators of the actual cost of products (works, services) and deviations from standard and planned indicators;

    calculation of financial results of the activities of individual structural divisions by responsibility centers, products sold, work performed and services provided;

    control and analysis of the financial and economic activities of the organization, its structural divisions and other centers of responsibility;

    planning the financial and economic activities of the organization as a whole, its structural divisions and other centers of responsibility;

    presenting information about the impact of expected future events based on an analysis of past events;

    presentation of management reporting for making necessary management decisions in the future.

Management accounting requirements

Information generated by the management accounting system must meet the following requirements:

    reliability. Reliability is understood as the ability for a competent user to draw correct conclusions based on accounting and reporting data;

    completeness. The completeness of management accounting means the sufficiency of information for managing the enterprise and its divisions, the ability to ensure this sufficiency. The most complete are management accounting systems, including the use of accounts and double entry, providing control not only over costs and results current activities, but also behind production reserves, investments, efficiency functional management business;

    relevance. Relevant from the standpoint of making a management decision are data and information that take into account the conditions in which the decision is made, its target criteria, which have a set of possible alternatives and characterize the consequences of the implementation of each of them;

    integrity. This means that management accounting must be systematic even in cases where it is carried out without using primary documentation, accounts and double entry. Consistency in this case means the unity of principles for reflecting accounting information, the interrelation of accounting registers and internal reporting, ensuring, if necessary, the comparability of its data with accounting and reporting indicators;

    clarity. The clarity of management accounting information is ensured by reflecting in the accounting registers the results of the analysis of the obtained indicators, presenting data in the form of analytical tables, graphs, time series, etc.;

    timeliness. Timeliness of management accounting means its ability to provide managers with the necessary information by the time decisions are made;

    regularity. It is also important that internal reporting is regular, i.e. repeated over time.

Thus, data from well-organized management accounting makes it possible to identify areas of greatest risk, bottlenecks in the organization’s activities, ineffective or unprofitable types of products and services, places and methods of their implementation.

They are used to determine the most profitable range of products and works for given conditions, prices and tariffs for their sale, limits of discounts under different conditions of sales and payment, to assess the effectiveness of additional costs and the rationality of capital investments.

Only according to management accounting data can you choose the best option for solving problems such as: “produce it yourself or buy it”, “in what quantity is it profitable to buy and sell”, “what equipment should you place an order for”, “in what cases is repairing equipment better than buying new machines” and etc.

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Management accounting: details for an accountant

  • Management accounting of the cost of paid services

    Practices and methodological solutions for management accounting of institutions. Management accounting (reflection in accounting... the most important in the organization of management accounting, since it also establishes the rules... of material reserves), in the management accounting system it is necessary to consolidate the persons responsible... policies that reveal the features of management accounting in terms of providing paid... note that the problem of organizing management accounting has been successfully solved by many educational institutions...

  • How to speed up the release of reporting in retail by automating transformational adjustments

    Management accounting can, for example, be based on IFRS. Sector retail no exception... according to IFRS according to Russian legislation); Management accounting and the budgeting system are based on... such detail is needed, for example, for management accounting. Availability of specialists Transformation of the group of companies...

Methodology is usually understood as methods, methods and strategies for researching a particular subject. Management accounting is the direction of accounting in a company that informationally supports the management system of its business activities. The subject of management accounting is analysis, accounting and planning necessary to increase the performance of the organization.

Management accounting, along with the budgeting system, production and commercial planning, is an important part strategic management enterprise, as carefully and competently as possible.

Objects of management accounting:

  • expenses of the FRC (financial responsibility centers);
  • their income;
  • achieved results of their activities.

The objects listed above are divided into:

  • enabling the implementation labor activity personnel of the enterprise production resources, including:
  • means of production, including industrial premises, equipment, etc., their condition and use - fixed assets;
  • long-term investment objects, including rental of premises and land, standards, licenses, etc. - intangible assets;
  • objects of labor intended for processing using means of labor in production process- material resources;
  • the volume of living labor that the company has, its use in business activities and the results - labor resources.
  • Economic processes and their results, which together constitute production activities.

Automation solution:


The ITAN project team completed a project to automate the generation of management reporting in retail network Girlfriend. The implementation project was carried out according to the methodology standard project and ended after 4 months. As a result, the management reporting system based on “ITAN: PROF Management Balance” has undergone trial operation, and allows you to quickly receive reports such as: OBDR, OBDS, Father

The ITAN company has begun work on the implementation of a standard management accounting model of the ITAN: Management Balance subsystem for the 1C: Trade Management 11.1 configuration in the AMARE company. The ITAN company has begun work on the implementation of a standard management accounting model of the ITAN: Managerial Balance subsystem "for configuration "1C: Management torus

The Mircon company previously worked on the ITAN: Wholesale Trading House 7.7 program, which comprehensively automated operational and management accounting trading enterprise. more detailsThe Mircon company previously worked on the ITAN: Wholesale Trading House 7.7 program, which integrated the operational and management

The Design-Moda company contacted us in September 2014. The company had a task to automate the management accounting of a group of companies. The company's management decided to automate the management accounting system based on software

The accounting department of Sberbank NPF turned to ITAN company to solve the problems of creating a complex balance sheet “Calculation own funds" Read more. The accounting department of Sberbank NPF turned to ITAN to solve the problems of creating a complex balance sheet “Calculation of own funds”. There was a report

In July 2016, Sberbank NPF carried out a planned transition to new edition accounting program: 1C: Accounting 3.0 + 1C: NPF Management 4.0, which has a built-in subsystem "ITAN: Management Balance Sheet", this system is used for budgeting,

The ITAN company begins work on a project to automate consolidated management accounting and budgeting for the AGAMA group of companies. The ITAN company begins work on a project to automate consolidated management accounting and group budgeting

The ITAN company has completed work on setting up a management accounting system for the Museum company. The implementation project lasted two months, and as a result, a management accounting model was customized to meet the Customer's needs. The ITAN company completed work on setting up a management accounting system for the Museum company. The implementation project lasted two months, and as a result, we

The ITAN company and the Regent holding are launching a joint project to automate management accounting, budgeting and management in cash. The implementation will be carried out mainly by the IT department of the Regent holding with the participation of ITAN consultants for training and&n

Specialists of the ITAN company have completed work on setting up the ITAN: Management Balance system in terms of maintaining management accounting in accordance with the accounting policy of HOMAX GROUP. The product “ITAN: Management Balance” is integrated into the work base “1C: Management manufacturing enterprise" As part of setting up the control model

The ITAN company has completed work on the development of the “Contract Management” subsystem for the tasks of “NPF Sberbank” in accounting for business contracts. The ITAN company has completed work on the development of the “Contract Management” subsystem for the tasks of “NPF Sberbank” in accounting for business contracts

The ITAN implementation team began work on automating operational cash management in the Aktion group of companies. The implementation will be carried out according to the methodology of a standard project, guaranteeing successful implementation. The ITAN implementation team has begun work on automating operational cash management in the Aktion group of companies. The implementation will be carried out according to the standard project methodology, gar

ITAN company specialists have completed work on setting up the cash management model to suit the specifics of HOMAX GROUP. As part of setting up the model, the following work was carried out: DDS analytics and payment priorities were configured. The DDS budget model has been set up. The types of payment transactions and applications are highlighted. The org is set up. structure and routes for approval of payment applications. Levels of access to applications and sections of the DDS budget have been determined. On

The company "ITAN" and "Ginza Project" begins work on the implementation of the program "ITAN: Management Balance" to improve the efficiency of financial management. The management of the holding "Ginza Project" decided to introduce a comprehensive system of budgeting and management accounting

The ITAN company has completed the implementation of a standard IFRS model of the ITAN: Management Balance Sheet subsystem in the QUEENGROUP company. The IFRS model was installed in the working database "1C: Accounting 8", user training was conducted, and initial balances were entered. "QUEENGROUP" is successful Russian company, working in the field wholesale sales cars, transport services, automobile parts and accessories.

The ITAN company won the competition to automate the management accounting system in the Yellow, Black and White holding. More details. The ITAN company won the competition to automate the management accounting system in the Yellow, Black and White holding. The management of the Yellow, Black and White Group of Companies was looking for a solution on the market that could solve the short time the following tasks: Load accounting data from current systems 1C. Implement complex meth

In October 2015, the management of NTZ Volkhov decided to introduce automated system from the company "ITAN". more In October 2015, the management of NTZ Volkhov decided to introduce an automated system from the ITAN company. The project as a whole was planned to be completed in 6 months. In March 2016, NTZ Volkhov launched the second stage of the project: automation of consolidated reporting. As part of this stage, ITAN specialists will configure the software

At the beginning of 2013, the Megalex group of companies decided to automate the management accounting system based on software product"ITHAN: Managerial Balance Sheet." The main tasks are automation of management accounting, cash management and budgeting. management system

Sberbank NPF has been working fruitfully with the ITAN: Management Balance system since 2013. “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet” has been implemented and is successfully used for the purposes of budgeting, contract management, treasury, and accounting for the location of contracts. Sberbank NPF has been working fruitfully with the “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet” system since 2013. “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet” has been implemented and successfully used for budgetary purposes

The ITAN company configured and finalized the cash management system for the Terra Auri holding. The following settings have been made to the projects: “ITAN: Management Balance” system in “1C: Accounting 3.0” of the Customer. A cash flow budget model has been set up. The document “Monthly payment plan of the Central Federal District” has been finalized for the Customer’s business processes. Types of applications and routes for their approval have been configured. Payment reports have been improved

Automation of budgeting and treasury in the consulting company "Redl and Partners" based on "ITAN: PROF Management Balance" A budgeting subsystem has been introduced for planning and controlling income and expenses. The cash management subsystem is undergoing trial operation. Redl and Partners is a multidisciplinary consulting company specializing in providing professional

In just 2 months, literally from scratch, our ITAN specialists wrote a subsystem for the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management configuration. Now the system allows for correct allocation of accounting items, with convenient scenario planning of the budget for the year. Additionally, we have included a double check method for the reliability of correct calculations, and therefore for the efficiency of financial management. Employees of STS Eventim ru are already successfully working

Start of a joint project to automate management accounting in the Museum company based on “ITAN: Management Balance”. Integration of the management system is planned to be carried out with 1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7. The main activities of the Museum company are tea and coffee for enterprises in the HoReCa segment.

The ITAN company completed a project to stage financial accounting and reporting in accordance with IFRS in the branch of the company "Alpen Pharma" - "Alpen Pharma Ukraine". read more The ITAN company completed a project to establish financial accounting and reporting in accordance with IFRS in the branch

The IT department of Management Company Raiffeisen Capital has started the process of transferring the company's existing 1C: Accounting 2.0 to 1C: Accounting 3.0. more detailsThe IT department of Management Company Raiffeisen Capital has started the process of transferring the company’s existing “1C: Accounting 2.0” to “1C: Accounting 3.0”. In this regard, in order to maintain the current accounting system according to IFRS based on “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet”, it also needed to be updated. But at the same time keep

Specialists of the ITAN company are implementing a standard management accounting model of the ITAN: Management Balance subsystem for the 1C: Trade Management 10.3 configuration in the TelecomInvest company. Specialists of the ITAN company began to carry out joint work with the Customer on the implementation of a standard model of management accounting of the ITAN: Management BA subsystem

Company JSC "V.I.P. Service" increased the efficiency of financial management at the enterprise by introducing modern technologies automation of management accounting based on the ITAN: Management Balance software. The implementation was carried out by the Customer’s own IT service, with consulting support from ITAN company specialists. Client: JSC “V.I.P. Service" / "V.I.P.

The Ethan company has begun work on the implementation of a standard management accounting model of the “ITAN: Management Balance” subsystem for the “1C: Trade Management” configuration in trading house"Red Triangle". Trading House "Red Triangle" offers a wide range of rubber-fabric conveyor belts (conveyor belts), as well as other rubber products (sleeves,

The Millhouse company has already implemented a standard IFRS model for generating IFRS reporting in USD. The Millhouse company has already implemented a standard IFRS model for generating IFRS reporting in USD. Due to a different functional currency from the regulated IFRS, discrepancies in the amounts arising in the application of the provisions under IFRS arose in accounting. To solve this problem

As part of the project to automate financial management by ITAN, the first stage has been completed - automation of mutual settlements in management accounting. Next, it is planned to refine operational accounting, comprehensive implementation of management accounting, budgeting and treasury. "Ali

The ITAN company and the BI Partner company have entered into a cooperation and partnership agreement. As part of the cooperation, the BI Partner company will promote the ITAN: Management Balance software product. At the moment, negotiations are underway on joint participation in projects to automate management accounting in several companies, based on software

IMPLEMENTATION OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING AND “ITAN: MANAGEMENT BALANCE” IN “SUMOTORI GC” Independent implementation of the “ITAN: MANAGEMENT BALANCE” system in “SUMOTORI GC” has been successfully completed. Tasks of automation of financial accounting of Sumotori Group: Automation of the process of preparing individual and consolidated financial statements based on

The ACCOR company contacted us at the beginning of 2016. The main task was to automate the accounting and reporting system according to IFRS. more detailsThe ACCOR company contacted us at the beginning of 2016. The main task was to automate the accounting and reporting system according to IFRS. The company's management decided to automate accounting according to IFRS based on the “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet” configurations. The ITAN: Management Balance system improves accuracy and timeliness financial plans, budget

TatSotsBank held a tender to automate the bank's treasury. The bank needed modern instrument on problem solving. More details. "TatSotsBank" held a tender for the automation of the bank's treasury. The bank needed a modern tool to solve problems: Budgetary control of BDDS by limits. Formation and approval of applications for payments and checking them for limits. Building a payment calendar. Control

The Avtobau company turned to the specialists of the ITAN company on a recommendation to solve the problems of creating accurate and prompt management reporting. The Avtobau company turned to the ITAN company specialists on a recommendation to solve the problems of creating an accurate and prompt management

Specialists of the ITAN company have completed the implementation and configuration of the standard model "Data Consolidation" of the ITAN: Management Balance system and the standard model "Data Consolidation" for 11 information bases companies included in the banking group CB "Energotransbank" (JSC). Specialists of the ITAN company completed work on the implementation and configuration of the standard model "Data Consolidation" of the "ITAN: Management Balance Sheet" system and the standard model "Data Consolidation" for 11 information databases of companies , entering

The ITAN company won the tender for automation of the financial module in the Vipservice holding. The ITAN company won the tender for the automation of the financial module in the Vipservice holding. Within the framework of the “Financial Module” project, the following functional blocks will be introduced: Management accounting Budgeting&

The implementation of a management accounting system based on 1C trade management 11 and the management balance sheet in KPI has been completed. The implementation by Ethan specialists was completed in 4 months. As a result, I got the KPI modern means on maintaining management accounting and generating management reporting. "Coil Products International

The company had a task to automate management accounting and budgeting. To implement these tasks, the company's management decided to purchase the ITAN: Management Balance software product. Cooperation with the company MIR GAZA began in November 2014. The company had a task to automate management accounting and budgeting. To achieve these tasks, management

ITAN company specialists have completed work on setting up the management accounting system to suit the specifics of the Terra Auri company. As part of the project, the following settings were made: The “ITAN: Management Balance” system in the Customer’s “1C: Accounting 3.0”. The chart of accounts for management accounting has been set up. The management accounting analytics has been set up (6 features: CFS, CZ, Project, Article, Counterparty, Agreement), and the rules for filling it out. The correspondence between the RBSU and ex. accounts has been completed. accounting. Nastro

The implementation of an automated accounting and reporting system in accordance with IFRS was carried out using the standard project methodology. The project lasted 4 months, as a result, employees prepared reports for 2013 in a new program. The implementation of an automated accounting and reporting system in accordance with IFRS was carried out using the standard project methodology. The project lasted 4 months, resulting in reporting for 2013

The European Legal Service improves the efficiency of financial resource management by introducing the ITAN: PROF Management Balance system. The European Legal Service is a significant player in Russian market legal services and today is recognized as one of the most

Specialists of the ITAN company completed a project to automate plan-fact analysis of revenue in the company STS Eventim RU based on the configuration "1C: Enterprise Accounting 2.0" more details Specialists of the company ITAN completed a project to automate plan-fact analysis of revenue in the company STS Eventim RU" based on con

Specialists of the ITAN company successfully completed a project to install and automate a financial management system at AKTION-DEVELOPMENT and launched the systems into commercial operation. Specialists of the ITAN company successfully completed a project to install and automate a financial management system at AKTION-DEVELOPMENT and launched systems in production

In October 2015, the management of NTZ Volkhov decided to introduce an automated system from the ITAN company. More details. The financial department of NTZ Volkhov has long considered the ITAN: Management Balance system as a good option solving auto problems

Affiliated undertaking Liebherr Russland initiated a comprehensive project to automate financial management. The project will begin with the formalization of accounting policies in accordance with IFRS. Currently, the group of companies includes ten industry divisions. The holding company of the Liebherr group of companies is Liebherr-International AG in Bühl (Switzerland), which is wholly owned by members of the Liebherr family.

Specialists of the ITAN company completed the translation and adaptation of the management accounting and budgeting model performed on ITAN: Management Balance Sheet and 1C: Accounting 2.0 to the 3.0 edition of the 1C: Accounting configuration in the Taber Trade company (chain of stores " Girlfriend"). The Podruzhka chain of stores is an active and successful Russian network shop

The ITAN company won the tender for “Treasury automation and transfer of accounting to a single database” held by the VIKIMART company. The accounting system is based on the “1C: Integrated Automation” configuration, with the “ITAN: Management” subsystem introduced into it

In 2011, we began cooperation with the Edil-Import company. The company had a task to automate management accounting, in connection with which the software product “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet” was purchased. Read more In 2011, we began cooperation with the Edil-Import company. The company had a task to automate management accounting, and therefore acquired software

The ITAN company and the Baltis company entered into an agreement on the implementation of management accounting based on 1C: Trade Management and ITAN: Management Balance Sheet. The main implementation work has been completed, the system is undergoing trial operation. "Baltis" is a supplier of canned goods from Latvia and wholesale food products.

The Ethan company has completed the stage of trial operation of an automated cash management system at JSC Ostek Enterprise. The system has been put into commercial operation and is functioning stably. All cash movements are reflected in the system, and payment requests are routinely entered and approved. Forecasting payments and creating a payment calendar is carried out

In 2012, the Lendor company acquired the software product “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet” in order to automate the accounting and reporting system according to IFRS. In 2012, the Lendor company acquired the ITAN: Management Balance software product in order to automate the system

The design department of the ITAN company has completed the first stage of installing a management accounting system at the Nevsky Transformer Plant Volkhov. moreThe design department of the ITAN company has completed the first stage of installing a management accounting system at the Nevsky TR

Sberbank NPFs use ITAN: Management Balance Sheet for budgeting, contract management and treasury purposes. The accounting service needed a tool to record the location of contracts. more details Sberbank APFs use “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet” for budgeting, contract management and treasury purposes. The accounting department needed a tool

Automation of budget management is carried out using the “Budgeting” subsystem, which is an important component of the software and methodological system “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet”. Implemented: 1. Automatic calculation of the cash flow budget based on the profit and loss budget, taking into account coefficients, VAT calculation, calculation payment schedules and cash gap planning.

The management of the Kholodilnik.ru company decided to introduce budgeting and cash management subsystems based on the ITAN: Management Balance system. The implementation will be carried out by Kholodilnik.ru specialists based on standard models of the ITAN company. Kholodilnik.RU is a Russian online store specializing in the sale of all types household appliances domestic and foreign production. Project open

The implementation of an automated accounting and reporting system in accordance with IFRS will be carried out by specialists from the ITAN company using the standard project methodology based on the software product ITAN: Management Balance Sheet. Read moreThe company "PARTER.RU" contacted us on the recommendation of our clients. The company has a task to automate accounting and reporting according to IFRS. Implementation of an automated accounting and reporting system for&nb

ITAN specialists have completed work on automating cash management and transferring accounting to a single database for the VIKIMART company. During the implementation project the following work was performed: Written technical task according to the rules for converting 4 databases "1C: Accounting

The ITAN company has completed the first stage of work on setting up a management accounting system and developing a property management unit for Voentorg OJSC. The ITAN company has completed the first stage of work on setting up a management accounting system and developing a property management unit

Management is the process of coordinating and regulating activities to achieve a set goal. The effectiveness of management of economic activities and the formation of financial results of an organization largely depends on information support: any service and management employee needs information to perform their functions. It is necessary to create a system of flexible, reliable and timely economic information capable of holistically satisfying the requests of management bodies of an economic entity. Under these conditions, the role and importance of accounting as a provider of the most comprehensive and reliable information about the economic activities of an organization increases.

At the same time, accounting as a source of information includes two important information systems: external - in the form of financial accounting and internal - in the form of management accounting. The basis for their differentiation is the difference in the tasks they solve. Financial accounting generates the information necessary for the preparation of financial statements: data on the income and expenses of the organization in an element-by-element context, on the size of receivables and payables, the amount of financial investments, the state of sources of financing, etc. Maintaining financial records is strictly regulated and mandatory for each business entity carrying out activities, while the issue of creating and operating a management accounting system is the responsibility of the administration of a particular organization. Management accounting is carried out according to the rules established by the organization itself, taking into account the specifics of its activities and the peculiarities of solving certain management problems. It covers all significant areas of the organization’s activities, combining unified system planning, accounting and analysis of costs by types, places of formation and objects of calculation, regulatory accounting on the basis of full and reduced cost, methods of its calculation, planning, accounting and analysis of investments. Each of components the system must provide a methodology for analytical assessment of the information received from the point of view of the possibilities of use for management purposes.

It can be said that in conditions market economy management methods are being integrated into a unified management accounting system.

Management accounting in its content and purpose is future-oriented. At the same time, it also takes into account circumstances that may change during the planning period. The management goal is realized in the expected business results. Using accounting data, it is necessary to anticipate these results and ensure their achievement. Management accounting data allows us to identify areas of greatest risk, bottlenecks in the organization’s activities, ineffective or unprofitable types of products and methods for their implementation. They are used to determine the most profitable range of products for given conditions, their selling prices, discount limits under different sales and payment conditions, to assess the effectiveness of additional costs and the rationality of capital investments.

Differences between financial and management accounting, grouped according to a number of characteristics, help to better understand the essence of the latter.

1. Purpose of record keeping.

The purpose of financial accounting is to prepare and present financial statements to external users. By preparing financial statements, the administration of the organization proves to shareholders, potential investors and creditors the validity and advisability of investing capital in a given business entity.

The purpose of management accounting is to provide managers of an organization with the information necessary to make effective management decisions. At the same time, management accounting is subject to requirements that are different from the requirements for financial accounting.

2. Mandatory record keeping.

Maintaining financial records is mandatory for all organizations. The obligation to maintain accounting records is defined Federal Law"About accounting". The rules and principles that guide financial accounting, reporting methods and practices are based on regulations and regulations, such as the “Regulations on Accounting and Reporting in the Russian Federation” and the Instructions for the Chart of Accounts, and are determined by accounting standards based on generally accepted accounting principles on an international scale.

Management accounting is not mandatory for application. The methodology and organization of management accounting are not regulated by law. The decision to introduce it into the practice of the organization is made by management. At the same time, the collection and processing of information is considered appropriate if its value for management is higher than the costs of obtaining the relevant data.

3. Users of information.

Financial accounting is designed to satisfy the needs of external users, i.e. stakeholders outside the organization. These include: shareholders, creditors, investors, representatives of authorities state power and others.

Management accounting is aimed at satisfying the information needs of internal users - the organization's management, and for each level of management the volume and content of information may be different.

4. Publicity of information.

Financial reporting is open and accessible to users (public). Financial accounting results may be published in the media.

Management accounting data is not subject to disclosure and represents trade secret organizations. Moreover, maintaining confidentiality of information concerns not only external users, but also employees of the enterprise itself who are not directly related to solving this problem.

5. Accounting information meters.

Financial accounting mainly uses cost (monetary) measures; they are universal.

In management accounting, along with monetary indicators, natural indicators are used: the number of hours, raw materials, amount of revenue, etc. In addition, if necessary, it is possible to use relative indicators.

6. Scope of information.

Financial accounting is carried out for the entire organization, considering it as a single economic complex. Costs and results of activities, calculations, reserves and target revenues are taken into account in amounts generalized for the organization, without being subdivided by type of activity, structural divisions and so on.

Management accounting, in addition to summary performance indicators, involves grouping information by market sectors, places where costs are generated, centers of responsibility, causes and culprits of deviations, by orders and products, etc.

7. Time reference.

All information reflected in financial accounting relates to already accomplished facts, i.e. it is retrospective and does not include forward-looking indicators.

Management accounting is primarily future-oriented. The most important component of management accounting is planning, which, although it uses information of a “historical” nature, but necessarily includes the calculation of forecast values. If financial accounting shows “how it was,” then management accounting shows “how it should be.”

8. Degree of information accuracy.

The information reflected in financial accounting is subject to the requirement of maximum accuracy.

In management accounting, approximate estimates and indicative indicators are possible for the purpose of prompt presentation of information. We can say that management accounting is more inaccurate compared to financial accounting.

9. Timing and frequency of information submission.

In financial accounting, reporting is presented based on the results for the month, quarter, and year. The deadlines for submission are established by law.

In management accounting, there is no strict time frame for submitting information. However, if necessary, information can be presented at any desired frequency. The deadlines for the presentation of information in management accounting are established directly by the management apparatus of the organization.

10. Accounting principles.

Financial accounting is based on such principles as the principle of double entry, the principle of isolation of the organization, integrity, continuity of activity and others.

Management accounting is based on the principles of expediency, data comparability, and prompt provision of information. As for the double entry principle, it may or may not be used in this accounting.

11. Responsibility for the correctness of accounting.

The legislation provides for liability for violation of financial accounting methodology. If facts of distortion of information provided in the financial statements are revealed, the organization may incur certain sanctions from representatives of government authorities, shareholders, creditors and others.

Since management accounting is not regulated by law, responsibility for the correctness of its maintenance is also not provided. In other words, the reason for bringing to responsibility can only be the management decisions themselves, and not any accounting data.

Within the framework of the management accounting system, the tasks of planning pi resource allocation, as well as communicating to employees at various levels strategic plans organizations. That is, management accounting should be structured in such a way that the general tasks facing the organization’s management system are distributed between at different levels management, where each manager bears his share of responsibility for solving a certain part of these tasks. At the same time, the accounting system must ensure the conjugation and interconnection of various information flows as the basis for the interaction of all management functions. The presence of clearly developed plans and schedules for solving problems over time allows you to change the course of things and determine when deviations from the planned progress of work occur.

The following basic requirements for management accounting can be identified:

focus on achieving the set goal of entrepreneurship;

providing alternative options for solving the problem;

participation in the selection optimal option and in calculating the regulatory parameters of its implementation;

focus on identifying deviations from specified performance parameters;

interpretation of identified deviations, their analysis and development of corrective actions.

The objects of management accounting are: on the one hand, the material, labor and financial resources of the organization, on the other hand, directly the totality of economic processes and their results, which constitute the financial and economic activities of the organization.

Objects of management accounting are reflected in information system organization through certain techniques and methods, which together form the method of management accounting.

Specific methods of management accounting include: planning, rationing, budgeting, variance analysis, a system of control accounts and some others.

Planning is a decision-making process within which information about the past financial and production activities of an economic entity is analyzed, potential resources are assessed and the organization’s goals for the future are developed, as well as the priority of solving problems to achieve them.

Rationing is the process of scientifically based calculation of optimal norms and standards aimed at ensuring effective use all types of resources.

Budgeting is the process of developing and drawing up budgets in accordance with the goals of economic and financial activities organizations.

Analysis of deviations of actual costs and obtained financial results from planned indicators is carried out on the basis of identifying the reasons that caused these deviations.

Control accounts are final accounts that act as a link between financial and management accounting. Entries in these accounts are made based on the total amounts of transactions for the reporting period, systematized according to a certain criterion in the accumulative sheet.

1. Management accounting for organizations:

a) required;

b) optional;

c) not required, but desirable.

2. Management accounting:

a) covers all activities of the organization;

b) used to measure costs and performance;

C) includes everything that is considered useful to the organization, including accounting.

3. Management accounting is a subsystem:

a) financial accounting;

b) operational accounting;

c) accounting.

4. The main purpose of management accounting is to provide information:

a) government agencies;

b) internal users;

c) external users.

5. Management accounting:

a) is of an operational nature;

b) retrospective;

c) is primarily aimed at the future.

Management accounting is the intra-company operational management of financial and economic activities, aimed at satisfying the information needs of the company's managers, not necessarily at the highest, but at the middle level, who solve problems in a large enterprise. This is achieved by comparing actual results with calculated ones. Management accounting also generates quite extensive information to support planned management decisions, not only current, but also strategically perspective, therefore it cannot be reduced only to the accounting system.

The responsibility centers that are possible in an enterprise are presented. Cost centers, as the initial stage of development of management accounting, represent only one type. There are other centers (for example, income centers). This means that this structural unit incurs expenses, but they are so insignificant that there is no point in controlling them, and the income that the center generates far exceeds the expenses that this object incurs. Profit centers are a symbiosis of a cost center and a revenue center where this can be organized.

Let's consider the necessary conditions to create and allocate responsibility centers. Among them are:

  • - the formation of a set of responsibility centers to which a certain part of the overall responsibility for costs, income or profits is delegated, to create a system of responsibility centers so that each lower level (center) is accountable to the corresponding upper one;
  • - determination of the circle of responsibility. It should not repeat the functional management structure of the enterprise, which exists for other purposes; it can be used only partially and where appropriate.

Well-established information is essential for intra-company management at UAZ OJSC feedback. The experience of implementing management accounting in an organization indicates the need for a systematic approach to obtaining this information. Systems approach to organize feedback information requires at least three system blocks: management accounting accounts, internal reporting, document flow plan.

Management accounting accounts at UAZ OJSC are methodically and organizationally separated from other accounting accounts, since they create information for in-plant management, and also, unlike other accounts, reflect not only actual, but also planned and budgetary information in a detailed breakdown by center responsibility, calculation objects, other sections. Reflection of planned and actual data on accounts allows you to obtain deviations from planned and budgetary indicators in the form of account balances.

Separate information for management accounting can and should be obtained in the accounts section III Chart of accounts, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n (as amended on November 8, 2010). Their content should be expanded in order to obtain all necessary information for internal management in a closed system of accounts. The expanded list of management accounting accounts at UAZ OJSC includes, preserving the names of those accounts that are already in effect in the approved Chart of Accounts, and occupying free account numbers, other necessary management accounting accounts, the following accounts:

  • 20 "Main production";
  • 21 "Semi-finished products of own production";
  • 22 "Product release";
  • 23 "Auxiliary production";
  • 24 "Finished products";
  • 25 "General production expenses";
  • 26 "General administrative and commercial expenses";
  • 27 "Reflection of costs and income";
  • 28 "Investments in non-current assets";
  • 29 "Service industries and farms";
  • 30 "Sales".

Another option for a more consistent arrangement of these accounts is possible, since management accounting is internal matter any company.

Let's look at some accounting entries in management accounting accounts.

Accounting for calculation objects, sales nomenclature, responsibility centers, business processes, activity segments and other grouping grounds is organized on separate sub-accounts for each account. The classification of subaccounts should be uniform and end-to-end for all management accounting accounts.

Since management accounting accounts are separated into a separate system that has an internal balance, usually with a zero balance, it is necessary to allocate independent cost accounting accounts in the accounting (financial) accounting system. In these accounts, it is advisable to organize accounting by elements of expenses in order to combine in single registers the receipt of information on expenses in the interests of both accounting and tax accounting. For this purpose, UAZ OJSC uses the following accounts from Section III of the Chart of Accounts:

  • 31 "Material costs";
  • 32 "Labor costs";
  • 33 "Depreciation";
  • 34 "Other costs";
  • 37 "Reflection of costs."

It is advisable to close the balance on accounts 31, 32, 33, 34 only based on the results of work for the year. This will make it possible to reflect actual costs on an accrual basis throughout the year, from the beginning of the year according to account balances with a detailed breakdown of actual costs by element, which significantly increases the visibility of the information received. The total amounts of expenses reflected in accounts 27 and 37 must be equal. The computer data processing program should automatically transfer them and reflect them on account 27 in the management accounting system.

Cost of produced finished products is reflected without general business expenses.

Accounting accounts used in a separate system for managerial analytical accounting, as evidenced by the experience of implementing management accounting:

  • - create a complete information structure that allows you to obtain internal management information with the reliability and accuracy inherent in accounting, but in a closed mode, replacing the accounting department in in-plant management;
  • - allow you to accumulate information on analytical management accounting accounts in real time, reflecting deviations from planned and budgetary indicators, which increases the efficiency of control and management, and reflect, along with actual planned data, through accounting records, which increases internal planning discipline and eliminates unreasonable changes in budgets and estimates of responsibility centers;
  • - allow you to quickly summarize indicators that are significant for senior management and orderly present information to all levels of management.

The structure of management accounting accounts acts as the fundamental core that consolidates the entire management accounting system without violating its necessary flexibility and efficiency.

Effectively current system in-plant accounting should include:

  • - a justified structure of in-plant management by financial reporting centers, business processes, and activity segments;
  • - estimates and budgets for the entire management structure with instructions to performers on their preparation and implementation;
  • - chart of accounts for management accounting, adapted to the structure of in-plant management;
  • - methodological instructions for maintaining management accounting accounts in accordance with the agreed chart of accounts;
  • - forms of in-plant reporting and guidelines for their preparation, presentation and analysis;
  • - methods of cost rationing, accounting and analysis of deviations from norms with the necessary instructions to performers;
  • - methods of calculating direct and full costs with the distribution of costs by function, instructions to performers;
  • - transfer pricing methods, instructions to contractors;
  • - document flow plan.

Modern approaches management accounting involves its complex organization. Individual elements of management accounting cannot solve the problem of improving in-plant management.