Specifics of conducting PR activities in healthcare institutions. Development of “Public Relations” services in the healthcare sector of the Russian Federation Organization of PR campaigns in the healthcare sector

In connection with the market transformations in Russia, accompanied by the emergence, development and increased competition among business entities involved in treatment, preventive and medical production activities, they have to master new methods of working in the market of medical goods and services in order to more efficiently use resources, increase profit, to more fully satisfy the growing demands of consumers.

Compared to the recent past, the number of product names has increased by several orders of magnitude. As a result, it has become difficult for specialists, and especially consumers, to navigate the market for medical and pharmaceutical services.

The need for constant analysis of the state of the medical product market, monitoring dynamics and identifying trends in the relationship between supply and demand has led to the reorientation of medical organizations - both public and commercial - to use the concept of marketing as a systemic philosophy for managing a set of factors in market activity.

Speaking about the need to use the concept of a marketing mix in public health care, the following argument can be made: despite the fact that the main activity of non-profit institutions is to provide medical care to the population under the compulsory health insurance program, they can also carry out entrepreneurial activities.

There are several cases in which a non-profit institution can provide paid medical services:

· lack of appropriate medical services in the city compulsory health insurance program and targeted comprehensive programs of the Department of Health;

· the desire of the patient who applied for a medical service to receive it for a fee, incl. provision of medical services with an increased level of comfort;

· provision of paid medical services to non-residents and citizens of foreign countries within the framework of voluntary medical insurance.

When positioning paid medical services, determining the level of their quality and ensuring it is one of priority tasks medical institution. But quality must be considered not only from a professional, but also from a consumer perspective.

It has been established that consumers evaluate the quality of a service by comparing the expected and received results, the discrepancy between which is usually called the “quality gap.” As a consequence, the main task in the quality management process from the perspective of marketing and PR comes down to narrowing this gap. Very important factor- timeliness of medical care provided. The politeness and attentiveness of medical workers plays an important role. In general, the patient needs the symptoms of the disease to be eliminated and the disease itself to be prevented or stopped.

For practical assessment of the work results of medical workers, it is recommended to use the following characteristics of the qualitative parameters of their professionalism and work success:

· Professional competence;

· Reputation;

· Degree of accessibility;

· Efficiency;

· Interpersonal relationships;

· Efficiency;

· Continuity;

· Safety;

· Convenience.

Professional competence reflects the knowledge and skills of medical and support staff and is determined by how staff in their activities follow evidence-based clinical guidelines, protocols and standards for the implementation of preventive work, diagnosis and treatment of the patient.

Reputation is a positive public opinion about an organization.

Access to health care means the ability of a patient to receive quality health care, regardless of geographic, economic, social, cultural, organizational or language barriers.

Effectiveness is a fundamental component of quality care. Performance assessment answers the following questions:

1. Is it possible to obtain the results set forth in guidelines and clinical protocols when using this or that medical technology for prevention, diagnosis and treatment?

2. Will the selected technology lead to results in specific conditions?

In clinical practice, it is necessary to use technologies whose clinical results have been confirmed (proven) in the country's leading clinical centers.

Interpersonal relationships are the relationships between medical personnel and patients, between healthcare workers, medical institutions, healthcare authorities and the population. Good relationships create an atmosphere of trust, responsiveness, and mutual respect, which greatly contributes to the positive attitude of both patients towards the treatment being carried out, and the attitude of medical staff towards the success of the treatment and preventive measures being carried out. The patient likes the polite, tactful, and attentive staff.

Efficiency is measured as the ratio of results obtained to resources expended. Efficiency analysis is most often performed to compare alternative technologies. Based on an analysis of effectiveness, it is necessary to select the optimal treatment technology that ensures the achievement of results at acceptable costs.

Continuity means that the patient must receive all necessary medical care without delays or interruptions, in accordance with the standards of diagnosis and treatment. In this case, the patient is managed by one doctor, interacting with the emergency medical service, hospitals, and medical rehabilitation organizations. Failure to maintain continuity negatively affects performance, reduces efficiency and worsens interpersonal relationships.

Safety means minimizing the risk of possible injury, infection, treatment side effects, and other undesirable consequences of medical care. When deciding on the choice of a particular medical technology, the doctor must proceed from the minimum risk of harm to both the patient’s health and his own.

Convenience means that the patient has the opportunity to receive medical care in conditions as close as possible to home, depending on the severity of the disease. These conditions include: neat appearance personnel and material facilities, comfort, cleanliness, confidentiality and so on.

Some of the factors presented are related to the quality of the final service, others - to the quality of the process of providing it. Thus, the creation of a medical service occurs through direct interaction between the patient and the doctor. Based on this, service marketing requires both internal, so double-sided marketing.

Internal marketing involves effectively motivating and training employees who have direct contact with patients. To provide a service highest quality, the medical institution must sufficiently motivate the doctor and focus him on the consumer. One of the main levers of influence in motivation theory is financial incentives. For Russian healthcare, due to inadequate remuneration of medical workers, this lever is of paramount importance.

In turn, two-way marketing assumes that the quality of the service largely depends on the quality of interaction between the doctor and the patient.

A city clinic can provide paid medical services, while also providing additional services, for example: a doctor visiting your home, a reminder about the need for a visit, etc. A service with reinforcement has a greater chance of being in demand in the market.

Methods for distributing a medical service are predetermined by one of its main properties - the coincidence of the time of provision and consumption, that is, the only distribution channel is direct sale.

In addition to the coincidence of the time of provision and consumption of the service, when determining marketing strategy in the healthcare sector specialists should take into account its other (area) features:

1. Typically those who pay for health care services ( Insurance companies), have limited control over the purchase or cost of services (in some cases they may set a limit compensation payments for medical services or to exclude or limit the use of certain types of services);

2. The choice of hospital and the decision to prescribe procedures is usually made not by the client, but by the service provider - usually the attending physician;

3. Paid medical services can be painful and unpleasant procedures, clearly indicating the differences between what is wanted and what is needed.

4. Potential consumers do not need to be convinced that they need hospitals, doctors and nurses. Consumers just need to be assured that they will have it all when they need it. What consumers care most about is how to pay for their healthcare needs. Compared with financial issue all others are secondary.

In the process of implementing any marketing strategy, the need inevitably arises to create effective system promoting the product to the market. To successfully sell even competitive products, it is not enough to simply offer them to potential consumers at an attractive price.

It is necessary, using appropriate means in the form of public relations, advertising and sales promotion, to ensure that the most important distinctive features of this product become known to the target group of buyers.

Due to the practical intangibility or limited tangibility of services provided to the population, means play an important role in their promotion to consumers. mass media, public relations. To attract the attention of paying patients, medical organizations must take care of maintaining their image. Establishing and strengthening connections between a medical organization and the public is carried out through targeted information impact on various audiences. In order to create an atmosphere of mutual understanding and, as a result, increase the level of consumer confidence in the organization’s activities, most medical organizations use the capabilities of television, the press and other means of influencing the consciousness of consumers.

It should be noted the rapid growth of the revolutionary influence on the promotion of medical services and medical products globally computer network Internet. By the beginning of 2000, more than 500 medical production structures had their own websites or web pages.

PR without panties, or 400 bold ways to “blow up” the Internet Maslennikov Roman Mikhailovich

Specific PR in medicine

Specific PR in medicine

Medical PR in its modern manifestation appeared relatively recently. Previously (now too, but to a lesser extent), favorite traditional tools were used in this area: advertising and word of mouth. However, in current market conditions, when there are more than 5,000 medical institutions in Moscow (and these are only commercial organizations), methods of promoting services require much more sophisticated methods. The emphasis is shifting to PR technologies. As in any market sector, medical PR has its own characteristics and adapted approaches.

Characteristic features and difficulties of PR support in medicine:

1. Work of a PR specialist with doctors of the clinic

Unlike other areas of activity, PR specialists will not be able to do without close interaction with doctors. Information may come strictly from medical worker. It should be as correct as possible. The slightest mistake can cost the reputation of both the doctor and his organization, and the entire professional community.

2. Professional ethics

If a doctor is asked to evaluate the failure of his colleague, you need to be prepared that he will absolutely refuse. Similar comment

even if it is independent, it is regarded as criticism, which is unacceptable in professional circles.

3. Lack of time

Doctors are always extremely busy: operations, appointments, consultations. They are sorely short of time, so there is no need to talk about the urgency of providing information. It may take 2 to 4 days to process your request.

4. Mistrust of medicine

Our population has always been wary of medicine in general. The patient often comes to the doctor at a late stage of the disease. But if one doctor fails, then a shadow automatically falls on the reputation of all medical institutions. And you need to be prepared for this.

5. It’s not customary to talk about yourself and your innovations.

Doctors are fanatics of their work. For them, the only goal is to get their client back on his feet, to cure him, to make him beautiful, to give him life. Therefore, they perceive all their successes and developments only as part of their duty.

What's on the client's mind?

Marketers say that most purchases are made by a person on an emotional level, and only then does he resort to logic to justify his choice. This often works with simple purchases of the FMCG sector (everyday goods) and status items. But when it comes to your own health, the analytical mechanisms in your head immediately turn on.

The medical field has always been associated with certain health risks, and we also offer to buy it. Therefore, the client cares who and where to buy wellness. First of all, a person chooses a doctor for himself, and a good cook will prepare delicious jam from nettles.

So, specialists (doctors) are selected already at the stage of collecting information. The Internet, newspapers, television, magazines, radio - these are all sources of information and intermediaries between you and the client.

In practice, there have been cases when the decision to choose a doctor changed radically after reading an interview with another specialist in the newspaper in favor of the latter.

How to choose the right media? After you answer the questions: “Who is our target audience?”, “What is their social status?”, “What do they read?”, “What are our goals?” - you can compile an initial database of publications by comparing your target audience with the media audience. There may be several target groups - partners, authorities, clients, professional community - and, accordingly, the media groups will be different, just as the information for each media should be presented differently.

When choosing media, do not forget to take into account the status of your organization and the price category of the services provided. That is, if the clinic is elite with high prices, working with the publications “Women’s Health”, “Liza”, “Relax”, etc. is completely useless. The target audience of these magazines will not come to you - they simply cannot afford it!

One of the important areas of PR functioning is giving comments to the media. The client must be familiar with a competent and highly professional specialist. But what to do if such people are a dime a dozen?

We go further and strive to provide prompt comments. What does it mean? The information field is constantly changing; medical events occur every day. You can give your assessment of what is happening and thereby get on the information agenda. To do this, you need to constantly monitor news related to your field, that is, medicine. You can create so-called “Google Alerts” or “Yandex. Subscription” are functions that allow you to receive on your email news for specific requests. Key words may be: “medicine”, “aesthetic medicine”, “plastic surgery”, etc.

A news item can collect over 100 messages. As soon as interesting and large-scale events occur, you can provide comments day after day for several media outlets, including radio and TV. It is worth using various channels to express your expert opinion: in writing, over the phone, and also on camera.

However, this form requires efficiency and the ability to always be in touch, since the information field is constantly changing: today and at this very second this event is news, but an hour later it is no longer there.

But it is always necessary to adhere to the golden rule - to respond to all requests coming from the media, of course, if they are not provocative.

Heroes must be rewarded

Awards are always prestigious; they look solid and respectable. Celebrity doctors are always more trusted by clients than an ordinary doctor, even a good specialist.

There are not many professional awards in Russia, but you can and should participate in them. “Profession – Life”, “Vocation”, “Grace” - these are awards not only of Russian, but also of international scale. Leading doctors and medical institutions may not be “titled”, but becoming nominees is also worth a lot. And presence in the information field will only benefit the company’s image.

However, you can establish your own award. First within my own clinic, and then for everyone else.

It is possible to build a serious reputation for the clinic through initiating information events and regularly sending out press releases. The greatest response can be received by news that contains some kind of social significance, be it a new technique with which several hundred patients were served, or the organization of a seminar for the professional community, clients, and partners.

Medicine has always proclaimed a healthy lifestyle and the prevention of various diseases. So why not support social projects! For example, take part in a health marathon, sponsor a sports competition, or organize a charity event!

These and other PR methods can be effective if you seriously and continuously engage in activities to promote a medical institution and its doctors. By constantly being in the information environment, in the hearing of your clients, you can create and further maintain your image, accumulating intangible capital and increasing the value of your brand in the market.

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And in the world, doing medical PR for personal brands: doctors, surgeons, neurosurgeons, oncologists, narcologists, public figures in the field of medicine, as well as private clinics.

Today, the medical services market is extremely competitive. Medical institutions must have a good reputation because this is very important for the client. - this is communication with the company’s clients and establishing trust in this institution. PR services in the field of medicine can be such as:

  • promotion in the media;
  • writing materials;
  • interaction with patients and more;
  • This also includes the development of a strategy and plan for the promotion of medical services.

How do we do medical PR?

  • We hold regular meetings with expert groups - bloggers, journalists, politicians, officials, show business stars, doctors. We receive expert assessments and publish them;
  • We integrate a personal brand as a sponsor on best events Moscow;
  • We do a photo shoot with the stars and bring the stars to your clinic;
  • we negotiate barter cooperation with bloggers and magazines, TV and outdoor advertising;
  • We work actively on Instagram (we make from 50,000 contacts per month);
  • We place the brand on all press walls in the country;
  • We integrate the brand into all press releases of social events;
  • fill Instagram with the best images;
  • We analyze competitors on Instagram and work with their audience.

Every month you receive:

  • 20 publications in the media guaranteed;
  • from 1 to 5 reviews from bloggers with high audience coverage;
  • more than 50 hashtags with your brand;
  • from 2 or more publications in the press;
  • from 1 or more publications on TV via barter (sometimes small budgets for video production are required). Everything depends on you. If barter allows, then the number of publications can easily be increased to 30 per month!
  • we flood social networks with publications about you;
  • We guarantee 2 participations in social events as a VIP guest;
  • more than 50 photographs of famous people with you;
  • 5 mailings to the media database (5000 contacts). We send out your news, which we ourselves create for you;
  • you get the development of your USP, image correction, a legend about you;
  • work with journalists and requests from journalists - a professional press center.

Cost of the “medical PR” service

  • 100,000 rubles monthly;
  • + barter;
  • payment – ​​cash/bank transfer, electronic money, gold, silver;
  • we work under a contract;
  • bitcoin.

Our permanent clients

  • Alpha Insurance Clinic
  • MEDSI clinic
  • TRIUMPH clinic
  • Clinic HEIRS
  • Clinic Health 21st Century
  • Clinic Genolier
  • Altra Vita Clinic
  • GDerm
  • Milaveya Clinic
  • Doctor Malakhov

medical market public promotion

In Russia there is a growing understanding that public relations are necessary. In order to win consumer loyalty, it is not enough just to have a high-quality product or service; it is necessary to correctly position the organization and build a strong brand.

Author N.G. Malakhova writes: “The formation of public opinion should be based on the idea that a medical institution provides services in the interests of the patient, and not for the sake of making a profit.” Malakhova N.G. Marketing in healthcare.-Rostovn/D.: Phoenix, 2010.-P.56. This is done through various forms of appeals to the public (newspaper articles, radio and television reports, various public events), which do not contain direct appeals typical of advertising, but show the company’s activities, its product and market offer in a favorable light, creating consumer confidence. a good attitude towards them, not directly related to the company’s profile and the services it provides.

Public relations (PR) is a set of communications aimed at forming an image of an object (product, service, personality) and introducing this image into consciousness to achieve specified goals

The characteristic features of PR are:

Reputation and image are formed, not demand;

PR is focused on long-term work; it almost never gives quick results;

It is inherently open and credible (at least consumers and reference groups must be convinced of this);

Its consequences are often unpredictable. See: Razumovskaya A.L. PROmovement. Technologies effective promotion services.-SPb.:Peter, 2009.- P.201.

A more complete and generalized definition is given by the author M.R. Dushkina: “PR is a special management function that contributes to the establishment and maintenance of PR - communication, mutual understanding and cooperation between the company and the public, decisions various problems and tasks; helps company management to be informed about public opinion and respond to it in a timely manner; defines and places special emphasis on main task management - to serve the interests of the public; helps management be prepared for any changes and use them most effectively; acts as an “early warning system” about danger and helps cope with undesirable trends; uses research and open, based ethical standards communication as the main means of activity.” Dushkina M.R. PR and promotion in marketing. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010. - P. 27.

Public relations helps to maintain an open dialogue with the public and correctly position a medical institution.

The main task of a PR specialist becomes the need to show and prove to a potential patient that the medical institution puts care, and not profit, in the first place. This fact is described by many authors of books on health care. Among them is the author of the book “Building a Customer Base,” Lee Kendra, who notes that the first thing you need to do is earn the trust of your target market. See: Kendra Lee. Creating a client base.-M.: Vershina, 2008.- P. 227.

To achieve PR goals, a commercial medical structure uses PR technologies that include a number of tools, Philip Kotler calls them “PR pencils,” which help draw attention to the company and its activities and make people talk about them. This:




Participation in public life;

Special media projects;

Investing in social projects. See: Kotler F. Marketing from A to Z. - M.: Alpina Publishers, 2003. - P. 162.

These tools are leading in the promotion program of a medical institution. The use of these tools is designed for targeted work with all groups of the public. Promotion will become much more effective when using these tools.

Promotion of a medical institution through public relations

Here we can draw a parallel between promotion and PR goals. The connection is that when promoting a medical institution, it is necessary to use PR tools to generate and stimulate interest on the part of patients. PR is a promotion tool.

There are goals and objectives of PR in the market of products produced by the company - services:

Creating a corporate identity and positioning the service under a specific brand;

Gaining patient trust;

Forming a favorable attitude government agencies, investors, suppliers and partners to the establishment;

Maintaining employee loyalty to the medical institution and an optimal psychological climate in the team;

Creating long-term partnerships with the media and forming a pool of journalists friendly to the institution;

Creating a positive reputation for the institution;

Ensuring awareness of the activities of the institution;

Forming a positive public perception of the institution’s activities and trusting relationships with it;

Taking measures against unfavorable environmental factors;

Constructing a positive image of the company’s management in the minds of external and internal audiences;

Integration of public relations in a complex marketing communications institutions;

Participation in the formation corporate culture as one of the elements of the institution’s corporate identity;

Attracting and retaining valuable employees within the framework of internal corporate PR;

Introduction into promotion activities of all the most modern species marketing communications;

Evaluate the institution's relationship with the public and the results of promotional activities. See: Dushkina M.R. PR and promotion in marketing. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010. - P.28-29.

All of the listed PR goals and objectives are carried out using certain tools.

The first promotion tool. MASS MEDIA.

The main media for medicine include television, radio, newspapers, magazines, specialized publications, mailing lists, telephone and the Internet.

1. Radio and TV. They are among the most effective channels for delivering information (possibility of music and noise accompaniment, reaching a large audience).

Radio broadcasting reaches people faster and more quickly target audience than, for example, newspaper forms. The effect of the subconscious influence of radio on the mass consciousness is created by the fact that the very perception (listening) of radio messages occurs casually, “without interruption” from a person’s production and other activities. But, due to the lack of visualization, informing about promotions aimed at already known services will be effective. Television is capable of displaying images, text, music on the screen, this helps to quickly form the viewer’s opinion and attitude towards the message. The secret of such an impact is the use of close-ups, intimate action (a small number of characters), a long frame (close observation, continuous monitoring , the watchful eye of a TV lens). Television speech is close to the forms of interpersonal PR communication, which also increases the effectiveness of the PR message. Heads and chief doctors of medical institutions make television messages in which they talk about the most common diseases and methods of their treatment and prevention. At the same time, they demonstrate paraphernalia or verbally emphasize a certain medical center or clinic, emphasizing that treatment and diagnosis must be obtained from them.

2. Print media (newspapers, magazines, specialized publications). Perceived by the audience as an authoritative source of information. Printed texts lend themselves to repeated reading and study. PR texts are often subject to criticism and commentary, so repeated repetition of the message is necessary to overcome the skepticism of the target audience. There are different types of written PR texts: See: Dushkina M.R. PR and promotion in marketing. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010. - P. 108.

Press releases inform the public about an event, for example, a seminar on a new service. A press release is created as an official message to the media. See: Public relations as social engineering / ed. V.A. Achkasova - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2005.-P.331. In the first case, its goal is to attract attention and inform, in the second, it is also to invite journalists and possibly other persons.

Background - information of a basic nature, tells about the profile of the organization, its history, plans. Background information is distributed mainly to journalists at any event, in addition to a press release.

Case history - a case-story about a consumer’s favorable use of an organization’s service or resolution problematic situation. In medical centers, when complaints, patient dissatisfaction, or scandalous situations arise, it is necessary to respond adequately and quickly. Author Barlow Janelle notes that effectively resolving a complaint can be a powerful source of positive feedback. See: Barlow Janelle. A complaint as a gift.-M.: Olympus Business, 2006.- P.54. Therefore, coverage of the problem and its timely decision, will prove to the reader about the care and attention to each patient.

A personal or authored article, often called a buy-liner, is signed by an official. The use of such articles gives the publication prestige. In medicine, these are articles by chief doctors and heads of medical centers. See: Barezhev V.A., Malkevich A.A. Organization and implementation of PR campaigns.-SPb.:Peter, 2010.-P. 119.

An image article serves to create and maintain the image of a medical institution. It can be published either in a specialized publication or in the general press. Typically dedicated to a news event. Such an article must contain facts and conclusions that will be clearly argued.

3. Direct mail. Mail connects the company with potential consumers with 100% accuracy (especially after trial mailings, which allow you to compare the number of items sent and rejected). V.V. Ivanov and P.V. Bogachenko note that the effectiveness of direct mail depends on its content. For example, including discount cards or the right to first preferential treatment in the mailing list can increase consumer interest significantly. To maintain consumer interest among existing clients of a health care institution, materials sent out should contain words of gratitude and emphasize the importance of the person for the institution. Their topics should include new service opportunities, information about the expansion of medical insurance programs, the provision of new services and the benefits of purchasing them. Thanks to the targeted nature of the materials sent, the client can be offered exactly those medical products that are of most interest to him. See: Ivanov V.V., Bogachenko P.V. Medical management.- M.: Infra-M, 2011.- P. 176-177.

Second tool. Internet promotion.

The Internet as a medium and as a means of communication has enormous potential for conducting PR events. The Internet as a PR promotion environment provides the following opportunities:

“- focus the impact on a specific narrow-profile target audience in which the medical institution is interested.

Identify subgroups of audiences within this group to compose more personalized PR messages;

Take into account the individual characteristics and characteristics of each visitor (for example, when using online mailing);

Enter into direct interactive dialogue with a potential patient;

The ability of audience members to communicate with each other, etc.” Dushkina M.R. PR and promotion in marketing. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010. - P. 175.

Most often, the concept of “PR on the Internet” refers to the following types of activities:

1. Creation and maintenance of a website, among other functions of which image and communication play an important role;

2. Interaction with the media on the Internet;

3. Monitoring the web forum and participation in it;

4. Creation of events and their coverage. See: Kretov I.I., Karyagin N.B. Product strategies and brand technologies in modern marketing. - M.: Economist, 2005. - P. 125.

As for the first type, to promote an organization on the Internet, the basic element of its virtual representation is a corporate website. From a marketing point of view, a website is a set of information blocks and tools for interacting with the target audience. The Internet as a medium and tool for implementing public relations [ Electronic resource] //http://www.sovetnik.ru/pressclip/more/?id=1066 10/14/2002 Its target audience is defined as a group of consumers who are fundamentally ready to contact a medical institution.

M.R. Dushkin and V.V. Galkin identifies the following goals of a corporate website:

1. influencing the target audience to create confidence in the need for cooperation;

2. increasing general awareness of the company; See: Dushkina M.R. PR and promotion in marketing. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010. - P. 175.

3. attracting patients from various regions and foreign countries;

4. creating a good reputation and increasing the fame of doctors or medical center. See: Galkin V.V. Medical business. - M.: KnoRus, 2010. - P. 169.

As the authors note, the predisposition of Internet users to quickly access information contributes to the high digestibility of PR material. Therefore, along with offline PR methods of product promotion, it is necessary to use online PR:

1. banner campaigns - a banner is an element of branding, that is, it contains the company’s corporate symbols;

2. electronic mail (e-mail). This tool allows you to send mailings for any reason to an almost unlimited number of recipients. It is very important here Feedback. Dushkina M.R.PR and promotion in marketing. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010.- P.175-176.

As for interaction with the media on the Internet, this active interaction is as important as cooperation with traditional media. Print and electronic media are interconnected.

Monitoring a web forum, as a type of activity on the Internet, is the next type of PR communications. Firstly, this will allow you to promote services and the company by discussing and justifying the benefits of going to a medical facility. Secondly, it allows you to track and study the needs of patients. And if problems arise, solve them quickly.

Creating events is an effective way to engage the public. Often events are associated with some holidays. Describe discussions and information in blogs and in social networks, which is relevant in modern society.

The third promotion tool. Conducting PR events

Carrying out PR events contributes to the formation of a positive attitude of society towards a medical institution. Therefore, such events are organized for target groups public.

Media events:

- press conference is the most effective form of interaction between the company and journalists. Like a press release, it is intended to inform journalists about events in the company “first-hand.” Precisely journalists, and not the “public”, “consumer” or management. Without the good will of journalists to prepare an interesting, from their point of view, publication about a medical institution, no public and no consumers will see the information. A.N. Chumikov in his work “Public Relations. Theory and practice,” writes: “The conference organization business has only one significant drawback - it is impossible to hold more than 365 conferences a year.” Chumikov A.N., Bocharov M.P. Public relations. Theory and practice. - M.: Delo, 2006. - P. 364.

Conditions for a successful press conference:

1. Information occasion (a message formulated in the past tense about a past event, a completed stage of activity, the decision taken etc.)

2. Careful processing of information (integrity, consistency, novelty, relevance, richness, persuasiveness, completeness, high-quality presentation)

3. Selection of a newsmaker (a person or organization that has the opportunity and right to report news)

4. Selection of media and journalists for invitation (who have the duty, right and opportunity to cover news in this industry) 5. Sufficient preparedness of speakers (competence, authority to disclose information, readiness for questions, speaking plan, unambiguous statements, goodwill)

6. Availability of information materials (where, how quickly and how much they can be obtained)

7. Clear interaction with journalists (get interested in a timely manner, be able to answer any question)

8. Availability of the press conference venue (convenient time and location, transport, route)

9. Correspondence of the atmosphere of the press conference to its holding (style of presentation and presentation, design, location, pace of the press conference)

10. Clear organization and management of the stages of the event (distribution of responsibilities, compliance with regulations, logical sequence of stages)

11. Respectful attitude towards the work of journalists (not to ask, but to interest; strive to help them do their work with minimal expenditure of time and energy). Shamin I. Organization of a press conference. [Electronic resource] //http://www.btpr.ru/articles/1

- briefing or a short operational presentation to the press with new news is of a warning nature. The difference between a press conference and a briefing is in the time periods. The briefing can last no more than 20-30 minutes. Briefing structure: speech, blitz - the speaker's answers to journalists' questions. Medical centers can carry out this event in the event of an emergency (scandals, poor care, deterioration of the patient’s well-being, etc.) See: Dushkina M.R. PR and promotion in marketing. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010. - P. 126 .

Events for the media and public:

- presentation. This public speech informs about the emergence of something new, recently created, or emerging. What is presented is something that can be seen, touched or read. In medicine, presentations can be made about the emergence of a new service, a new treatment method, the introduction of a drug, etc. A presentation is arranged for a potential patient, the media, and partners.

- round table, discussion and seminars. One of the forms of discussing an idea or problem among representatives of science and business. Carrying out this event increases the image and popularity of the medical institution. In medicine, it is very prestigious to cover the fact that issues related to science are discussed. This could be the introduction of a new treatment method or equipment. Thus, this demonstrates the medical institution’s interest in improving its activities.

- Exhibitions play big role in promoting and creating a favorable image. Exhibitions provide an opportunity for personal contact with the public. Participants of the 15th international specialized exhibition on healthcare, for example, note that this good way find potential patients, promote services, find new contacts in the medical environment. 15 international exhibition on healthcare [Electronic resource] // http:/hospital.primexpo.ru/ The exhibition is one of the leading forms and means of integrating the efforts of public relations services. Author of the book “Public Relations” F.I. Sharkov notes that the exhibition is a convenient place to get acquainted with competitors, attract new partners to mutually beneficial cooperation. In a free environment, talk about the company’s activities and its plans - effective method promotion of a medical institution. See: Sharkov F.I. Public Relations.- M.: Dashkov i K, 2009.- P. 222.

- anniversaries, corporate events, anniversaries, public holidays. Events that help both retain regular patients and attract new ones, also motivate staff to work, improve the quality of work, and much more.

The fourth promotion tool. Loyalty program.

The loyalty of clients of a medical institution is an important factor in its financial well-being and development. By making patients who once seek medical care from the company its adherents, the medical institution expands its customer base and ensures sustainable advancement in the market. It is known that a company spends more on attracting a new client than on retaining an old one.

The most common way to increase loyalty is to implement discount programs. As a rule, the desire to obtain price preferences forces buyers of medical services to switch to long-term cooperation with the company.

“The discount system is an element of the company’s pricing system, which allows for a stable increase in customers and an increase in demand for goods or services.

A convenient accounting tool for a company is discount cards.

Discount card is a special card issued commercial organization, providing a discount on the price of a product/service.” Razumovskaya A.L. PROmovement. Technologies for effective promotion of services.-SPb.: Peter, 2009.-P. 187.

Discount programs for medical services are aimed at increasing the volume of services provided. To attract clients, experts recommend setting reduced prices not for the entire range of services, but only for the key ones, which the client will already focus on when choosing a company. See: Ivanov V.V., Bogachenko P.V. Medical management.- M.: Infra-M, 2011.- P.161-172.

Souvenir products also build loyalty. This is both a reminder of the company and a demonstration of attitude towards the client.

As practice shows, customer attitudes towards a company are influenced not only by economic forces and the quality of purchased medical services - the impression received by the patient when visiting a medical institution is of no small importance. The attitude and attention of the staff, the decor, the interior, the general atmosphere are the components of this impression.

Additional effective method maintaining the customer base - providing guarantees. But this method can be applied to certain types of services.

Employee loyalty plays an important role in the promotion of the institution. Various mechanisms for stimulating employees to promote the company can not only increase the employee’s loyalty to his employer, but also make him actively promote the company’s services in the foreign market.

Loyalty programs are aimed at building a motivational system for personnel in which employees are involved in the process of external distribution for a long time and are personally interested in the results of their activities - both their own and the company as a whole.

A.L. Razumovskaya identifies the most common employee loyalty programs: See: Razumovskaya A.L. PROmovement. Technologies for effective promotion of services. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. - P. 194.

1. creating a corporate culture;

2. providing employees with information on new services and price promotions on a regular basis;

3. a system for inviting clients (through company employees) to ongoing promotions;

4. individual payment systems for goods and services provided to employees and referred clients.

With the proper development and implementation of loyalty programs aimed at both external and internal communities, the company gains trust. In the future, this trust becomes one of the components of creating the image and reputation of the company.

The fifth promotion tool. Creating a corporate culture.

Another important tool in promoting a medical institution is the creation of a corporate culture. The founders of the business strive to make the company’s personnel a team united by common values, professional ethics and culture. See: Galkin V.V. Medical business. - M.: KnoRus, 2010. - P. 131. Internal corporate culture shapes the reputation of the organization. The more effective and stronger the internal culture of a company, the more favorable the public image is, and, consequently, the trust of potential consumers grows.

It is important to note that corporate culture influences relationships with staff, patients, insurance companies, and government agencies.

The first thing to consider is the fact that the fundamental element of corporate culture is the philosophy of the company. This is a detailed statement of moral, ethical and business standards, principles that guide the company's employees. See: Rezepov I.Sh. Psychology of advertising and PR.- M.: Dashkov i K, 2008.- P. 188.

Philosophy includes a mission, that is, a strategic goal that expresses the meaning of the organization’s existence, and certain values ​​and principles that, firstly, determine the hierarchy of the organization’s priorities for a given period of life, and, secondly, help to reveal the meaning that is invested in designated values. Right there. P.186-190. The main tenets of corporate culture are enshrined in the corporate code. Corporate Code a medical institution may include the following information blocks: See: Ivanov V.V., Bogachenko P.V. Medical management. - M.: Infra-M, 2011. - pp. 214-215.

Medical institution mission, vision and strategic goals activities;

The values ​​of the medical institution and the principles it adheres to in its work;

Norms and rules of conduct for company employees in various situations;

Norms of interaction between managers and subordinates;

Social responsibility of the company;

Rules of interaction between staff and patients;

Norms of interaction with the external environment;

Corporate principles and priorities in interrelation " work time- personal life";

Responsibility and consequences of non-compliance with the code.

The second thing that is important in corporate culture is working with personnel, namely:

Informing about possible changes, innovations, complete information about the activities of the organization;

Motivating staff for more efficient work. This is carried out through the introduction of incentives, bonuses, benefits, gifts, etc.

Thirdly, part of the corporate culture is - form style organizations. Corporate identity can otherwise be thought of as the individuality of a company. It is one of the components of the image. When promoting a medical institution, the development of a corporate identity plays a big role. The benefits it provides are recognition, standing out from competitors, building patient trust and promotion. In other words, corporate identity is the “face of the company.”

A concentrated exponent of the corporate style of a medical institution or medical company, its “calling card” is trademark. A trademark is an originally designed, special combination of numbers, letters and words with which a company or medical institution supplies its products. In other words, a trademark is a complex concept that may include:

Verbal name of the organization. This is the first thing people pay attention to potential consumers. IN medical business The name of the medical institution performs an important function. Successful names contribute to the expansion and increase in the flow of patients, while unsuccessful ones negatively affect the image of the institution; See: Galkin V.V. Medical business.- M.: KnoRus, 2010.- P.90.

A brand name, that is, a graphic component that represents a special style or color combination;

A slogan is a special short motto that reflects the purpose of the company or its ideological position. F.I. Sharkov identifies the main criteria for a good slogan: brevity, memorability, originality, compliance with the company's goals, targeting the target audience, appealing (but not aggressive) nature. See: Sharkov F.I. Goodwill constants. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2009. - P. 65.

So, the main requirements for corporate identity are:

1. It must be memorable. To do this, a logo that is understandable to the target audience must be developed. The logo must be significantly different from other logos in order to differentiate it from competitors. For medicine it is necessary to study suitable images. For example, you can use a variant of the logo with a shamrock - this is relevant in medicine, as it is a powerful symbol of well-being, just like the white clover plant, which has been known for its medicinal properties since ancient times. The same trefoil, but more non-trivial - it’s like a circle within a circle, that is, a symbol within a symbol, a trefoil within a trefoil.

2. The corporate identity should be easily recognizable. It should look the same and be readable on all advertising media and media.

3. Corporate identity must be scalable. The logo image can be very small, for example on business cards, or large on billboards, so the task of designers is to develop a corporate style that is well copied in both cases. Right there. P.63-70.

The sixth promotion tool. Analytical

The competence of a PR specialist also includes conducting research. In particular, conducting surveys, questionnaires, and interviews.

Survey - obtaining information from respondents through personal contacts, mail, telephone. Survey forms - questionnaire; interview.

Questioning involves developing a questionnaire that the respondent must fill out. Typically, questionnaires are a list of questions, united by one topic, and aimed at identifying the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the object and subject of analysis.

In medicine, the patient’s reaction to the questionnaire will depend on how competently and professionally they are compiled. They may make the patient irritable, surprised, or smile. Patients most often do not spend much time filling out questionnaires. Before receiving a certain medical service, they already fill out a questionnaire regarding their health status, so a questionnaire that has marketing goals, should not be very voluminous and intrusive, but for certain issues, it should realize the specialist’s goals.

The survey makes it possible to cover quite a a large number of people, and, accordingly, receive voluminous information. See: Malakhova N.G. Marketing in healthcare.-Rostovn/D.: Phoenix, 2010.-P.100. In particular, information about the values, interests, preferences, inclinations of people, motives for their activities, moods and opinions. See: Chumikov A.N., Bocharov M.P. Public relations. Theory and practice. - M.: Delo, 2006. - P.87.

Interview is one of the methods marketing research, with the help of which you can obtain information of interest by interviewing the respondent in personal communication. The interview can be conducted in different forms: documentary and opinion interviews. Documentaries aim to study events that have already happened. Opinion interviews are designed to reveal existing assessments, views and judgments of experts. See: Dushkina M.R. PR and promotion in marketing. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010. - P. 350.

In-depth interviews predominate in the medical business. This is a free interview option. It is carried out to clarify beliefs, motives, attitudes, values, feelings and attitudes towards a given topic. The in-depth interview method is based on direct personal communication between the interviewer and the respondent. An in-depth interview is conducted one-on-one and recorded on audio or video media. The duration of the in-depth interview ranges from 30 minutes to one and a half hours. The interviewer builds a conversation following a pre-developed script, but actively brings the respondent to an open, “live” discussion of the topic. Types of interviews during personnel selection [Electronic resource] //http://www.rb-service.ru/article10.html

An analytical tool is necessary when promoting a medical institution. Its main advantages:

Obtaining information about the work of a medical institution and its personnel;

Obtaining information about the modernity of the services provided and the wishes of patients;

Informing the public about the activities of the organization, its principles and goals, etc.

Seventh tool. Printed handouts

There is a certain set printed products, which remains in the hands of clients: business cards, brochures, leaflets, booklets, prospectuses, etc.

Brochure. One of the means of disseminating information about the organization. This printed publication usually consists of several bound pages. According to its purpose, a brochure can be advertising, presentation, technical, or artistic. Brochures showcase the benefits an organization has to offer. Briggs S. Promotion tools [Electronic resource] // http://tourlib.net/books_tourism/briggs44.htm In medicine, the main functions of brochures are to attract attention, inform about treatment methods, and encourage people to go to a specific medical institution. For a more vivid presentation, illustrations are used, usually multi-colored, showing the product in operation under various conditions of use.

Leaflet. A non-folded or single-fold publication, published in large quantities, usually dedicated to one service. Its task is to quickly disseminate information about a new service or promotion for the provision of any service. The content of the text is information about the advantages of the service, or the terms of the promotion. See: Malakhova N.G. Marketing in healthcare.-Rostovn/D.: Phoenix, 2010.-P.121.

Business card. A traditional medium for contact information about an organization. Made from paper, cardboard or small plastic. A business card includes the owner's name, company (usually with a logo), and contact information (address, phone number, and/or email address).

In her book for businessmen, “The Laws of Business,” Christy Lee writes: “A business card is an important component of business. This is an effective and also inexpensive form of advertising.” A good business card will give a brief introduction to the establishment. And a very good one can play an irreplaceable role in business. Quote by: M. Gudkova. Story business card. //Personnel Management. [Electronic resource]// http://www.smolinter.ru/stati/182.html

Thus, summing up the above, it should be noted that the medical business is developing at a rapid pace. New medical services are emerging, which means that it becomes possible to implement different ways of positioning and promoting medical institutions. Many private medical institutions resort to the services of advertising companies, but it is necessary to understand that the use of medical services is, first of all, an opportunity to satisfy the main human need - improving his health, therefore it is necessary to create a trusting relationship between the institution and the patient. Public relations is essential when promoting a healthcare facility. It is possible to create a favorable communication atmosphere with the help of various instruments. Which PR tools are the most effective for promoting medical services can be determined taking into account the specifics of the medical institution. That is, tools always need to be adapted and applied selectively to the location.

Today, unfortunately, not many managers understand this. For them, the main thing is making a profit. As a result, their activities do not find their rapid development. Having won over not only potential patients, but also establishing mutually beneficial relationships with all participants in the medical environment will be the key to the success of the promotion and prosperity of the institution. The manager will be able to assess the development trend of the medical market, monitor the public’s attitude towards his institution, increase the client base, find and retain professional staff, create a favorable image and reputation, and become a competitive participant in the medical business.

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