Abstract: Commercial information and its protection. Definition of trade information media Types of commercial information

The store where the practice took place belongs to the Tander retail chain. The directorate of this network is located in Krasnodar. JSC "Tander" was founded in 1994 as a wholesale supplier household chemicals and cosmetics, and since 1997 began to develop the food segment of the market, becoming one of the five largest distributors in Russia. In 1998, the first self-service store was opened. Within a year, the company reached a leading position in the south of Russia, after which the company began promoting to other regions. 2000 is a significant year in the history of the company. All stores are being converted into a discounter format and united under the Magnit brand. In the period from 2001 - 2005. The chain showed rapid regional growth and took first place in Russia in terms of the number of stores - 1,500 and became the second in terms of revenue in the country. In April 2008, as part of a secondary offering, the Company entered the London Stock Exchange. According to unaudited data, the net revenue of the Magnit network as of December 31, 2009 amounted to 169,604.53 million rubles. The number of stores in the Magnit chain, as of December 31, 2009, was 3,228 (3,204 “convenience stores” and 24 hypermarkets. As of December 31, 2009, the company operated 58 branches, in which, as of December 31, 2009, about 76 thousand employees. The company has 9 of its own distribution centers, which account for about 78% of the total turnover. The company also has its own fleet of 1,453 vehicles, which allows reducing transport costs and almost completely eliminating losses during transportation. As of December 31 In 2009, the assortment of the Magnit chain of stores included about 530 items of goods under its own brand, which is 15.00% of the assortment and 12.28% of total sales. automated system inventory management, thereby increasing inventory turnover. “Magnit” is the owner of the largest network in Russia in terms of the number of stores and their coverage area, which allows purchasing on special terms. Much attention is paid to cooperation with local producers and suppliers, which allows us to quickly resolve issues of providing store chains with fresh locally produced goods. Since 2006, the company has been developing in all cities of Russia new format retail- chain of hypermarkets "MAGNIT". The hypermarket is an object of a new format for each city: modern functional architecture, spacious layout, large and convenient parking, sale of a complete set product range for the whole family in one place, organizing a zone Catering- all this is in great demand today in the service market of every city where our hypermarkets operate or are under construction. As of December 31, 2009, 24 hypermarkets were opened. Currently, more than 18 objects are under construction. The trading area of ​​hypermarkets varies from 2000 - 12,500 sq.m. The assortment includes up to 15,000 items of goods, of which on average about 78% are food products. Hypermarkets are located within the city, which makes them possible to visit not only by car owners.

The object of the internship is the Magnit store, which was opened in March 2003. Carries out its activities on the basis of current legislation Russian Federation and the Charter of the enterprise. The main goal of the Magnit store is to make a profit. The main activity is retail trade. The Magnit store has a retail area of ​​250 m2. The store layout is in Appendix 1. The store sells food and non-food products of everyday use. There are two ways to place equipment - linear and boxed. The racks are located parallel to the checkout points, which allows inspectors to monitor the aisles. For ease of movement, the minimum width of passages is 1.4 meters. In front of the refrigeration equipment (slide, islands, cutting department) with products, aisles 1.80 meters wide are provided to avoid crowding and unhindered selection of products by the buyer. The passage in front of the ticket office occupies a 2.10 meter long area, where a queue forms during peak hours. In the entry-exit area, baskets, tables for packaging, and storage lockers are conveniently placed, which allows the flow of customers to intersect to a minimum extent.

The main method of service is self-service. Self-service selling is one of the most convenient methods for customers to sell goods. Self-service allows you to speed up operations for selling goods, increase throughput stores, expand the volume of sales of goods. This method provides customers with free access to goods laid out on the sales floor, the ability to independently inspect and select them without the help of a seller, which allows for a more rational distribution of functions between store employees. Payment for selected goods is carried out at payment centers served by cashier controllers. The store is a separate building, located in a convenient location for customers, since there is a bus stop nearby and the store has a parking lot. The store has retail premises, premises for reception, storage, there are also utility rooms (for storing containers and washing rooms). These include receiving, unloading, cooling chambers for storage, and packaging. There are no facilities for preparing goods for sale. Administrative premises in this store: manager's office, rest room, dressing rooms, toilets for staff. In the Magnit store, the location of the premises helps to rationally organize the trading and technological process. The premises for receiving goods communicate freely with trading floor, the aisles are wide, allowing goods to be easily transported into the sales area. Retail and warehouse premises are located on the same level, which allows for timely and prompt replenishment of inventory in the sales area. Administrative premises are directly connected to the premises for receiving goods, and household and utility rooms are directly connected to the sales floor.

Thus, we can conclude that the store premises fully satisfy all the requirements that are presented to it and correspond to the assigned tasks. We can also conclude that the entire chain of Magnit stores is a well-developed chain and CJSC Tander is a successful organization and is the first in Russia in size and plans to enter the markets of the CIS countries in the near future.

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Information means information (messages, data) regardless of the form of their presentation (Article 2 Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ “On information, information technology and on information protection"). Information is considered not only as a result of intellectual activity, but it can also exist in the form of a wide variety of knowledge of a scientific, technical, technological, managerial and other nature. However, not all information is subject to commercial legal regulation, but only that which has actual or potential commercial value due to its unknownness to third parties and the lack of free access to it legally, and the owner of which takes measures to maintain its confidentiality.

A trade secret is a special type of information that is specifically highlighted in Art. 3 of the Federal Law of July 29, 2004 No. 98-FZ “On Trade Secrets”. In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 3 of this Law, “a trade secret is a regime of confidentiality of information that allows its owner, under existing or possible circumstances, to increase income, avoid unjustified expenses, maintain a position in the market for goods, works, services, or obtain other commercial benefits.” Such information includes data on ongoing negotiations, concluded transactions, counterparties, the property status of the parties, as well as information regarding the use of technologies, scientific and technical decisions, methods of organizing production, i.e. everything that is usually covered by the concept of a production secret (“know-how” - “know how”).

As we can see, this concept has a pronounced economic orientation, namely, obtaining benefits due to the possession of information that is not available to third parties. Previously, a trade secret was equated to an official secret and was defined through such characteristics as unknown to third parties, lack of free access, and the adoption of measures to protect it. Now main feature to recognize information as a trade secret - the possibility of generating income.

Realization of the right to trade secret is of a limited nature. In fact, the copyright holder of commercial information can only prevent the illegal acquisition of his trade secret by third parties (for example, industrial espionage, bribery of a competitor's employee). Other powers of the copyright holder are exercised, as a rule, within the framework of relative legal relations, i.e. by including in assignment agreements or licensing agreements provisions on the confidentiality of information constituting the content of a trade secret.

However, classifying information as a trade secret will have legal significance only if it is properly formalized, i.e. an order was issued, an order was made, responsible officials were identified, and organizational measures were determined. Moreover, in order to become the object of legal relations, information constituting a trade secret must be recorded on a material medium (paper, magnetic medium, film-photo negative and other material objects, including a physical field) and provided with details that allow it to be identified. In accordance with Art. 10 of the Federal Law “On Trade Secrets”, measures to protect the confidentiality of information taken by its owner must include, inter alia: application to tangible media containing information constituting a trade secret, or inclusion in the details of documents containing such information, stamped “Trade secret” indicating the owner of such information (for legal entities- full name and location, for individual entrepreneurs - last name, first name, patronymic of the citizen who is individual entrepreneur, and place of residence).

Commercial law protects information that constitutes a trade secret. Therefore, its disclosure against the will of the entrepreneur entails for the persons who allowed its disclosure, as well as those who received it through illegal methods, the obligation to compensate for the losses caused by this. They may be brought to disciplinary, civil, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with Art. 14 of the Federal Law “On Trade Secrets”.

Questions and tasks for self-control

  • 1. What is the classification of commercial objects according to natural properties?
  • 2. Give general classification valuable papers.
  • 3. What is the legal regime for securities in commercial circulation?
  • 4. What is meant by documents of title?
  • 5. Name the results of intellectual activity and certain types of information that may be the objects of commercial legal relations.


1. Commercial information and its protection 3

1.1 The concept of commercial information and its types 3

1.2 Types of closed documents and information 6

1.3 Product information 10

2. Commercial information and its protection in Mustang LLC 13

Literature 18


Transition to market economy, the emergence of a wide variety of organizational - legal forms enterprises, widespread private initiative and entrepreneurship contributed to the development of wholesale and retail trade. During the time of market transformations, a truly competitive environment has developed in trade.

Every day wholesalers and stores receive great amount goods, containers, Money. The diversity of trading enterprises and their high saturation of goods contributed to the creation of a large number of jobs.

IN modern conditions In market relations, only those companies whose management and specialists have complete, reliable and timely information, which represents a special kind of product that has a certain value, can operate successfully. For an entrepreneur, the most valuable information is often the information that he uses to achieve the company’s goals and the disclosure of which may deprive him of the ability to realize these goals, that is, creates security threats entrepreneurial activity. Of course, not all information can, if disclosed, create these threats, but there is a certain part of it that needs protection.

1. Commercial information and its protection

1.1. The concept of commercial information and its types

Commercial information is information about the current situation on the market for various goods and services.

All companies and enterprises create information base, which stores and takes into account data contained in scientific reports, research organizations and universities, in statistical materials of various departments, in the results of marketing market research, etc. Marketing market research is understood as a targeted study of individual elements of the market: a system for planning the assortment and volume of products products; price determination; distribution of goods between selected markets and promotion of their sales in order to satisfy needs. In progress marketing research identify a market problem and develop a research plan. Then they organize the collection of information using such methods as: experiment, observation, survey, research. Analyze the collected data and summarize the results in a general report, which is used in marketing and commercial activities firms

Types of commercial information

· information about the potential capabilities of a trading enterprise, its competitiveness.

It is necessary for assessing strengths and weaknesses activities of the enterprise, correct definition directions of development. The goal is to ensure a sustainable economic situation. The results of the enterprise's economic activities and its economic potential are analyzed.

When assessing the competitiveness of an enterprise, they take into account the use of advanced technology and new technology, financial stability, the presence of a competitive product on the market. All this and much more determine the competitiveness of the enterprise in the market and plan to strengthen its position.

· information about market conditions.

Includes information about supply and demand in the market, its segments, capacity, nature, price level, market competition etc. Market conditions mean the state of market relations in a certain period, a certain state of supply and demand for a product, i.e. actual retail prices for them.

When studying information about supply and demand, you need to take into account their correspondence. When demand increases above supply, unsatisfied demand arises. When there is a lack of demand, surplus goods accumulate. They also take into account the geographical position and location of the market, its borders and regional differences, capacity and degree of openness, degree of saturation of goods and price level.

· information about customers and purchasing motives.

A framework for making business decisions. It includes: population size, composition, traditions and customs, income level, types of buyers, etc. Analysis reduces the risk of releasing or purchasing slow-moving goods, ensures an increase in the volume of sales of goods, and strengthens the financial stability of a trading enterprise.

· Information about competitive environment.

Contains data about competitors – suppliers of goods and competitors – buyers. Information about the competitive environment allows commercial structures objectively assess their real position in the market. By studying competitors - suppliers, they identify their position in the market, the characteristics of the goods they offer, financial position, reliability and guarantees of contractual obligations, etc. By studying competitors - buyers, they identify their strengths and weaknesses, and evaluate the position of their enterprise in the market.

· information about market requirements for the product.

Necessary for the correct selection of goods and services. Commercial services must have a good knowledge of the consumer properties and features of goods, their composition, production and use. Consider products in dynamics, take into account customer demand and sales volume throughout the entire period when the product is purchased on the market.

Merchants must take into account the correspondence of the price of a product with its quality, and also take into account the prestige of the product - the degree of its recognition in the market, positive public opinion about the product, the price is correspondingly high. Depending on the buyer’s income, he purchases goods that correspond to his social status. Therefore, the enterprise must have an understanding of the upper and lower limits of prices. Product packaging and advertising design should emphasize the benefits of the product and help speed up its sale.

Based on the analysis of commercial information, trading enterprises make commercial decisions related to the purchase and sale of goods.

1.2. Types of closed documents and information

The following types of commercial information are distinguished:

1. Business information:

  • information about counterparties;
  • information about competitors;
  • information about consumers;
  • information about business negotiations;
  • commercial correspondence;
  • information about concluded and planned contracts.

2. Scientific and technical information:

  • content and plans of research work;
  • “know-how” content, rationalization proposals;
  • plans for the introduction of new technologies and types of products;

3. Production information:

  • technology;
  • product plans;
  • volume of work in progress and inventories;
  • investment plans.

4. Organizational and managerial information:

  • information about the management structure of the company not contained in the charter;
  • original methods of organizing management;
  • labor organization system.

5. Marketing information:

  • market strategy;
  • plans advertising activities;
  • provision plans competitive advantages compared to products from other companies;
  • methods of working in markets;
  • product sales plans;
  • analysis of the competitiveness of manufactured products.

6. Financial information:

  • profit and cost planning;
  • pricing – calculation methods, price structure, discounts;
  • possible sources of funding;
  • financial forecasts.

7. Information about the company’s personnel:

  • personal files of employees;
  • plans to increase (reduce) personnel;
  • content of tests to check new hires.

8. Software:

  • programs;
  • passwords, access codes to confidential information located on electronic media.

As a rule, it is the information listed above that is of most interest to competitors, partners, banks, and criminal structures.

The process of ensuring the safety of documents containing commercial information is carried out in accordance with the main stages of the document’s “life” cycle. These stages are:

1. Receiving (sending) a document. A document arriving at the company and containing a stamp (the degree of confidentiality of information) must be transferred only to the assistant secretary or closed records inspector and registered. Next, it is transferred to the manager, and the latter determines the direct executor for this document, who has access to this category of documents, and addresses the document to him. A similar procedure when sending a document is preparation of the document, signature of the manager, registration in a special journal by the secretary-assistant and sending.

2. Document storage. All documents containing confidential information must be stored in specially designated, locked rooms, locked cabinets, tables or drawers. Documents that constitute a trade secret are only kept in metal safes equipped with an alarm system. All premises must be sealed. It should be borne in mind that when determining the degree of confidentiality of a document, the period during which it is valid is also determined. After the expiration of the period, various actions are possible: 1) the stamp can be extended, 2) the stamp can be removed and the document becomes open, 3) the document is destroyed.

3. Use of the document. The system of access for employees who do not have the appropriate rights by position to confidential documents must be of a permissive nature. Each issuance of such documents is registered (both employees sign - both the one who takes the document and the one who issues it) and the procedure for working with them is checked (for example, leaving these documents on the table during lunch, handing them over to other persons, taking them outside is considered a violation). office premises).

4. Destruction of the document. Confidential documents that have lost practical significance and do not have any legal, historical or scientific value, the storage period of which has expired (or has not expired), are subject to destruction. For this purpose, a commission (at least 3 people) is created in the presence of which the destruction is carried out. Then the commission members sign the destruction act. Paper documents are destroyed by burning, crushing, turning into a shapeless mass, and magnetic and photographic media are destroyed by burning, crushing, melting, etc.

Company employees who work with secret documents and are responsible for their safety, use and timely destruction must be protected from temptation in a simple but reliable way - high wages.

Monitoring compliance with the rules for storing and using documents containing confidential information is carried out through inspections. They can be either regular (weekly, monthly, annual) or irregular (selective, random). If violations are detected, a report is drawn up and measures are taken to prevent such violations in the future.

It is necessary to control not only documents containing confidential information, but also papers with seals, stamps, and forms. Form – a sheet of paper with an imprint of a corner or central stamp, or with text (or a picture) printed in any way, used to draw up a document. Special attention care should be taken to protect the so-called forms strict reporting, containing a number (series), registered in one of the established ways and having a special mode of use.

1.3. product information

Product information is information about a product intended for users - commercial entities.

Manufacturers are the primary sources of product information, and production information can be supplemented by the seller.

Based on their purpose, I divide product information into types:

· Fundamental, has basic information about the product, which is crucial for identification and intended for all subjects of market relations. Fundamental product information includes: type and name of the product, net weight, release date, grade of product, name of the manufacturer, shelf life or expiration date.

· Commercial, has information about the product that supplements the basic product information. Intended for manufacturers, suppliers and retailers. It is not very accessible to the consumer. Commercial information contains data on intermediary enterprises, regulatory documents, quality of goods, and bar coding.

· Consumer, has information about the product intended for creating consumer offers. It is intended directly for consumers, contains information about attractive consumer properties, nutritional value, composition, purpose, methods of use, warranty, etc.

Product information media: markings, technical documents, regulations, reference, educational and scientific literature, advertising and propaganda.

Marking- text, symbols or a drawing applied to the packaging or product, intended to provide buyers with information about the quality characteristics of the product. Marking must comply with the requirements of standards and other regulatory documents.

Marking is divided into two types: production and trade.

Manufacturing markings– text, symbols applied by the manufacturer to the product and packaging. Production marking media: labels, inserts, labels, tags, control tapes, stamps.

Trademark– text, symbols or drawings applied by the manufacturer not to the product, but to the media.

Carriers trademark– these are price tags, sales and cash receipts.

Labeling structure

Marking may include three elements:

· Text 50-100% ( specific gravity);

· Figure 0-50%;

· Symbols – information signs 0-30%.

Information signs are symbols intended to identify individual or collective characteristics of a product. Information signs are characterized by brevity, expressiveness, clarity and quick recognition.

There are 4 forms of product information:

1. Verbal information placed on the packaging or on the product itself. The most accessible information for the buyer.

2. Digital information – contains quantitative information about the product, such as volume, length, net and gross weight, production date and shelf life. Supplements verbal information.

3. Visual information is artistic or graphic images of the product itself or reproductions from other images. Supplements verbal and numerical information.

4. Symbolic information contains information about the product transmitted using information signs. Information signs are symbols intended to identify individual or collective characteristics of a product; they are typical for production labeling.

Exists a large number of ways to obtain information, including not entirely legal ones:

1. collection of information contained in the tools mass media, including official documents such as court reports;

2. use of information disseminated by employees of competing companies;

3. stock exchange documents and consultants' reports; financial reports and documents held by brokers; exhibition exhibits and prospectuses, brochures of competing companies; reports of the company's traveling salesmen;

4. studying the products of competing companies; use of data obtained during interviews with employees of competing companies (without violating laws);

5. disguised surveys and “extracting” information from employees of competing companies at scientific and technical congresses (conferences, symposiums);

6. direct observation carried out covertly;

7. conversations about hiring with employees of competing companies (although the interviewer does not intend to accept this person into his company);

8. so-called “false” negotiations with a competing company regarding the acquisition of a license;

9. hiring an employee of a competing company to obtain the required information;

10. bribing an employee of a competing company or a person involved in its supply;

11. using an agent to obtain information based on the payroll of a competing company;

12. eavesdropping on negotiations taking place in competing firms;

13. interception of telegraph messages;

14. eavesdropping on telephone conversations;

15. theft of drawings, samples, documentation;

16. blackmail and extortion.

2. Commercial information and its protection at Mustang-Jeans LLC

Mustang Jeans LLC is located in the city of Novosibirsk, in the Sibirsky Mall shopping center, at st. Frunze 238.

Mustang Jeans LLC is a retail trading network, engaged in the sale of denim clothing. In addition to the department in the Siberian Mall, there is also a department in the Mega shopping center, in Kemerovo and in other cities of Russia. "Mustang" is a concept store designed to sell denim clothing, as well as knitwear and related accessories. In the sales area there are sales assistants and a cashier who help customers with product selection, size, calculation, etc.

Building shopping center“Sibirsky Mall”, where this store is located, meets all the requirements for commercial buildings:

technological: support rational organization trade - technological process;

· architectural and construction: the building of the shopping center has an aesthetic appearance, convenient design, there is a large parking lot;

· sanitary and technical: the system is followed fire safety, water supply, lighting, etc.

Acceptance of goods at Mustang-Jeans LLC is carried out by a financially responsible person who checks the quality of goods, their quantity, fills out documents and accepts goods for subsequent sale.

The transport document at Mustang-Jeans LLC is the consignment note. The accompanying documents are: waybill (issued in 2 copies, used for the arrival of goods); invoice – invoice (for payment for goods).

Mustang Jeans LLC follows fire safety rules and techniques.

The work procedure of Mustang Jeans LLC corresponds to the work schedule of the shopping center. The cash register is removed at the end of the working day. Mustang Jeans LLC is responsible for the quality of goods sold, in accordance with civil code RF "On the protection of consumer rights". In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, cash settlements with customers are made through the Minika cash register.

Mustang Jeans LLC has the following types of commercial information:

1. information about customers and purchasing motives– the basis for making commercial decisions, this includes the size of the service population, its composition, income level, etc. Such information is used for more targeted work with customers, to increase sales volumes and obtain high profits.

2. information about market requirements for a product necessary for the correct selection of goods to be offered to customers. When studying the stages of the life cycle of each type of product, changes in customer demand, seasonality and fashion are taken into account throughout the entire period.

3. information about market conditions- This is information about supply and demand in the market. This determines the product supply using information about volumes, structure, dynamics of production and inventory.

4. information about the competitive environment– this is data about competitors - suppliers of goods. Such information allows you to objectively assess the current situation on the market.

5. information about the potential capabilities of a trading enterprise and its competitiveness. It is necessary to assess the strengths and weaknesses of his activities and correctly determine directions for development.

When assessing the competitiveness of Mustang Jeans LLC, it takes into account the use of advanced technologies, new equipment, the availability of competitive products, financial stability and its image. This allows us to determine the potential capabilities of Mustang Jeans LLC and plan measures to strengthen its competitive position in the market.

Types of confidential documents and information.

Business information of Mustang - Jeans LLC:

1. summary reports on financial activities(balance sheet, profit and loss statement, tax deductions);

2. large agreements with banks (for servicing current accounts);

3. purchase and sale agreements, contracts for the supply of goods;

4. data on the price (cost) of goods;

5. business plans and plans for the production of new goods (business plan, strategic plan);

6. lists of personnel, information about employees.

Product information

Mustang Jeans LLC has the following types of product information:

· fundamental product information, contains basic information about the product intended for all subjects of market relations:

Name of product;

Name of the manufacturer;

Release date, warranty period;

Retail price.

· Commercial product information contains information about the product that supplements basic information and is intended for manufacturers and sellers.

· Consumer product information contains information about the product intended for creating consumer offers. They show the benefits resulting from the purchase of a specific product.

Product information forms at Mustang Jeans LLC

1. verbal – placed on the price tag or on the product label. It is most accessible to the population.

2. digital – quantitative characteristics of information about the product (sizes, dates and terms).

3. symbolic – contains information about the product, transmitted using information signs (information on product care).

Mustang - Jeans LLC uses both production markings (labels on jeans and knitwear, labels, labels) and trade markings (product price tags contain information about the product). The marking also contains information signs.

While undergoing commercial practice at Mustang Jeans LLC, I came to the conclusion that for more efficient work businesses need to do the following:

Expand the sales area;

Place the device on non-cash payments;

Expand the range of products in accordance with customer demand;


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