How to open your own furniture salon. How to promote a furniture business based on a workshop, store, factory. Location and premises for a furniture store

Furniture belongs to that group of goods mass demand, without which the existence of modern man is impossible. In addition, existing furniture production technologies, a variety of styles and designs, as well as logistics, have made available to the majority of the country's population types of furniture that were previously the privilege of wealthier citizens.

When developing this business plan as economic justification The project used two main trends existing in the furniture market in Russia:

  • Among Russian consumers, over the past 20 years of a free economy and market, a European culture of choosing a style and standard of living has developed, where not the least place is occupied by the arrangement of one’s home and its interior. People have become more picky in choosing furniture, its design, and quality. Moreover, the majority of Russians no longer consider the purchase of furniture as something capital in terms of investment and do not intend to inherit the purchased furniture to their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Those. There is a purely practical approach to furniture, and, for example, when changing place of residence or purchasing an apartment, preference is given to purchasing completely new furniture. Thus, the existing diversity in the market encourages clients to change their furniture interior more frequently, which directly translates into the fact that the Russian furniture market is growing at approximately 5% per year.
  • The second point is related to the fact that new opportunities for inexpensive delivery of high-quality furniture from almost any country in the world allow entrepreneurs working in the furniture market not only to quickly adapt to consumer preferences buyers, but also to some extent to create demand for different types furniture products. A clear confirmation of this trend is that almost 45% of the Russian furniture market is occupied by foreign-made furniture.

In addition, working in the furniture market is also supported by the fact that the import substitution policy is bearing certain fruits and there are already quite a few furniture factories and companies working entirely on Russian market using domestic forest raw materials.

The payback period is 10 months.

The initial investment will be equal to 1 720 000 rub.

The break-even point is reached at 3 month of store operation.

Average profit per month 195 000 rub.

2. Description of the business, product or service

This project examines work in the local furniture market with a primary focus on middle-class consumers, as well as work with furniture suppliers for commercial companies, state and municipal institutions.

Buyers are offered an assortment of the following furniture products:

  • Living room furniture (cabinet furniture) is predominantly an imported product. The average price of a check is 24,000 rubles. for one set.
  • Upholstered furniture for bedrooms and living rooms. 50% of the goods are expected to be purchased from domestic producers. The average bill for each set is 22,000 rubles.
  • Kitchen sets and dining room furniture. It is assumed that purchases from domestic manufacturers will be at the level of 40%. The average bill for a set is 20,000 rubles.
  • Office furniture - 70% of the assortment is expected to be from domestic manufacturers. Average bill for a set of office furniture ( workplace) - 16,000 rub.

Cumulative discount systems and delivery of purchased furniture within the city are being considered for clients.

As an additional service, customers are offered the selection of furniture for individual orders.

Strengths of the project:

Weaknesses of the project:

  • constant demand for furniture;
  • a large selection of sales and product supply channels;
  • quick adaptation to a changing market
  • the ability to form an individual approach to customer requests in terms of assortment and scope of supply.
  • competition from chains, branded furniture showrooms, companies - dealers of imported furniture;
  • poor staff work
  • risks of damage to furniture during transportation;

Project capabilities:

Project threats:

  • business expansion by increasing the range and model range furniture;
  • opportunity to work with corporate clients, state and municipal organizations;
  • the possibility of creating related types of business - organizing wholesale supplies, working on exclusive orders;
  • High competition in the market;
  • Increase in prices for furniture and accessories on the market;
  • Rent increase/lease termination;
  • Declining purchasing power of the commercial sector and decreasing demand for furniture products.

3. Description of the sales market

To conduct a comprehensive analysis of the local product market furniture store(data analysis - average number of potential buyers, total market capacity, market segmentation of competitors), in this business plan it is proposed to use the following parameters.

Today, the Russian furniture market contains mainly products from Italian, German, Swedish and domestic furniture manufacturers. There are a lot of products from China and other countries in Southeast Asia on the Russian furniture market (especially in the part located in Siberia and the Far East). For example, furniture sets made of bamboo and cheap varieties of mahogany (Malaysia and Indonesia) are very popular.

If we take into account the price parameter, then the most expensive furniture is German. Its quality is very high. Italian manufacturers are next. Their products are cheaper, but in the field of design they have no equal. Russian furniture is mainly middle class. It is still slightly inferior in design style, but in some cases the quality is superior to its Swedish and Italian counterparts. In Russia, the furniture market, starting from the early 2000s, began to actively develop and in the last ten years (since the crisis of 2008) the growth rate has averaged 5% per year. The ratio of Russian and foreign manufacturers is 60% to 40%.

In Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian large cities of the country, the ratio is 70 to 30% in favor of imported manufacturers.

The market capacity is approximately 8 - 10 billion dollars annually. Average annual furniture consumption is 4,500 rubles. per person, which is 6–8 times lower than European indicators. For our country, this figure is too small, but given the rapid growth of market capacity and the gradual improvement in the well-being of Russian citizens, we can hope for a rapid increase in this indicator.

The main share of demand in Russia is for cabinet furniture. The second position is occupied by upholstered furniture. An honorable third place is kitchen furniture. Today, office furniture occupies a serious position - a sector in which domestic manufacturers are steadily leading. Along with the growing demand for office furniture, there is an increase in sales of furniture for home offices.

Furniture for cafes and restaurants takes up no more than 5% of the market. Today in Russia there are about 6,000 furniture manufacturers, including medium and small enterprises. And competition in the market is quite high. The leader in furniture production is the Central District, where more than 50% of all Russian furniture is produced.

Taking the data presented as a basis, the following conclusions can be drawn.

  • The furniture market in Russia is in a growing trend, adding approximately 5% per year. This will lead to a doubling of furniture sales in 10 years.
  • The average market share, where there is relatively stable demand from wealthy citizens, is about 20 - 30%.
  • The volume of the Russian furniture market lags behind its European counterpart several times, which gives confident hope that with the improvement in the quality and standard of living of Russians, the furniture market will be one of the first favorites in increasing market demand.

For a city with a population of 300-400 thousand people, the maximum market volume will be approximately 1.35 - 1.5 billion rubles per year. If you cover only 1% of this entire market, then a furniture store can count on its share in the amount of at least 15 million rubles (competing only with the same small shops). This is a fairly convincing incentive to develop furniture business, despite short-term crises and downturns in the economy.

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

A distinctive feature of organizing a furniture store business is that such activity does not require going through the procedure of obtaining licenses from various licensing and regulatory authorities (this will significantly save not only time, but also money).

At the initial stage, it is optimal to use organizational legal form IP. This will allow, on the one hand, to reduce the workflow for maintaining various reports, and on the other hand, to choose the most optimal taxation regime. In this case, the option of the tax regime according to the simplified tax system with a 6% tax burden (according to the scheme: “income - expenses”) was chosen.

In addition, when submitting an application for registration the best option is an indication in addition to the main code OKVED activities- 52.44.1 - “Retail trade in furniture” as well as similar codes associated with the sale of furniture to retail and wholesale consumers. Such codes, in particular, can be:

  • 52.12 - Other retail trade in non-specialized stores;
  • 52.44 - Retail trade of furniture and household goods;
  • 52.48.1 - Specialized retail trade of office furniture, office equipment;
  • 52.48.11 - Retail trade of office furniture
  • 51.15 - Activities of agents in the wholesale trade of furniture, household goods, hardware, cutlery and other metal products;
  • 51.15.1 - Activities of agents in the wholesale trade of household furniture;
  • 51.47.1 - Wholesale household furniture, flooring and other non-electrical appliances;
  • 51.47.11 - Wholesale trade of household furniture;
  • 51.64.3 - Wholesale trade of office furniture.

Such foresight will make it possible in the future, when expanding the business of a furniture store, to operate freely on the market without additional registration and paperwork with the Federal Tax Service.

By the time the store opens, you must have the following documents:

  • Official permission from Rospotrebnadzor authorities for trade in consumer goods.
  • Positive conclusion from local departments of the SES and Rospotrebnadzor on the readiness of the store premises to serve customers.
  • Drawing up contracts for deratization, pest control, and disinfection work, which involves performing sanitary work to exterminate pathogens, rodents, and insects.
  • Certificates of conformity and quality for each batch of imported furniture. Special attention attention should be paid to obtaining phytosanitary certificates for imported furniture arriving on the Russian market from the countries of Southeast Asia and China.
  • Permits obtained from the local unit of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - (fire supervision) for compliance of the furniture store premises with accepted standards fire safety. Since the store premises are supposed to be used on a lease basis, the owner of the premises (lessor) is obliged to provide a certified copy of such a certificate.

Based on the existing Russian practice, for complete legal registration of a furniture store business, it will take about 70,000 rubles and 2-3 months of time.

6. Organizational structure

The full calculation of the payroll, taking into account the bonus part and insurance premiums, is presented in the financial model.

7. Financial plan

8. Risk factors

Typically, when considering the risks of a business operating in the consumer market, it is customary to put the systemic risk of competition first. This is a little strange, since at its core, all commerce is competition. There are, of course, risks of unfair competition, but in practical terms, the degree of its danger for most businesses is not so critical. Most worthy of attention are other types of risks that a furniture store business may face.

Risk one- risks of damage to goods and furniture due to utility accidents. This risk is more likely to be present for those furniture stores that are located on the ground floors of residential buildings or office centers. In case of any utility accident (breakdown of water supply, heating systems), damage to furniture in trading floor or in warehouses can lead to significant losses for the store. Moreover, demanding compensation from the owners of the rented premises will not bring results and you will have to take legal action against the direct culprits of such accidents. The best measure to counteract such risks is to insure the premises of a furniture store and the goods found in it.

The second risk is poor quality logistics. Despite the fact that more than 65% of the country's furniture market is provided by furniture supplies from domestic enterprises, more than 1/3 of the goods come to the market under import contracts. Furniture is often delivered from abroad via complex logistics routes, which significantly increases the risk of damage to furniture along the way (in railway cars, car trailers or sea containers). So, for example, if furniture is delivered from the Chinese city of Guangzhou or Foshan (the furniture “capitals” of China) by sea, then along the route the sea container crosses a number of climatic zones until it arrives at Russian ports. Naturally, such changes in humidity and temperature can significantly affect the quality of furniture. Such risks are neutralized either by reducing the logistics burden, buying furniture from wholesale or customs warehouses in Russia, or by insuring the cargo.

At the moment, all areas of small business are developing very actively. Businesses related to furniture production are considered especially productive and profitable. In order to be aware of all the intricacies of this production, you do not need to undergo special training. To successfully conduct business, you must have basic knowledge, concepts and some experience in this area. Luck and patience are not the last components of your success in this business.

Furniture business today

Not only mass production, but also piece manufacturing of furniture today has become a simple matter, accessible to everyone. Assembly processes are sometimes called construction for adults. If you have basic understanding of what and how to do, then assembling modern furniture that is sold in expensive stores will not be difficult for you.

To be fair, it is worth noting the fact that the furniture market in Russia today faces great competition. About three thousand large medium-sized enterprises are actively fighting for their potential clients. Is there even the slightest chance for small businesses to occupy their niche in this market segment? In this article we will try to address issues related to this topic.

If the company is not very large, it should pay great attention to development production base, otherwise it may lose its competitiveness and go bankrupt.

In big cities, people are picky and very demanding about the quality of furniture. They are not satisfied with low quality products. Consumers are increasingly making complaints about poorly made furniture. He looks not only at appearance goods, but is also interested in how long the furniture will last.

It is very difficult for small manufacturers to compete with large firms, which have much more opportunities to produce products best quality and in a larger assortment.

Many experts are inclined to think that the share of small and medium-sized enterprises in the furniture business will increase every year. This trend is quite understandable and predictable. In a few years, the share of small enterprises is expected to increase to 75–80%.

One of the most promising directions– production of kitchen and office furniture. There is a real excitement in this industry. Over the past 10 years, profits in this sector have increased by 20% every year. Small businesses are increasingly turning their attention to built-in furniture - it is a top seller. Inexpensive, high-quality furniture, costing almost half as much as similar furniture made abroad, has high demand among the population of our country.

It is worth knowing that investors are happy to invest their money in this type of business, because they know that with a successful investment they can count on 40% profit.

For small and medium-sized furniture businesses, the main task is to occupy a specific niche. This means producing a specialized product. Increasingly, companies are appearing on the market that produce unusual furniture made of glass, plastic, and rare wood.

Don't forget that in Lately It has become very fashionable to make custom-made furniture that will have non-standard shapes, colors and designs. Manufacturers of wicker furniture have virtually no competition. Their goods are sold out with pleasure.

Instructions for those who decided to open a pawnshop, but do not know how best to do it:

Furniture business from scratch: we purchase equipment

It is possible to organize the production of furniture of various types and purposes. This could be a business producing built-in furniture, cabinet furniture, upholstered furniture, kitchen furniture, office furniture, garden furniture and specialized furniture.

Choosing a room and purchasing the necessary equipment for furniture production is one of the most important components of the entire process. At first labor activity An inexpensive tool will be enough for you. Sample list what you can't do without:

  • electric drill;
  • screwdrivers;
  • jigsaw;
  • grinding machine;
  • hand router;
  • perforator;
  • industrial dryer;
  • tools for manual carpentry;
  • miter box;
  • clamps.

After production moves to a new, high level, it will be possible to take care of purchasing a higher quality and more expensive tool. The cost of purchasing a tool can range from 40 thousand rubles and more. Professional machines are expensive, and you need to buy them only when sales volumes and the number of orders reach an economically justified level.

How to promote a furniture business?

The main role in implementation belongs to retail trade. You can negotiate the sale of your products in large shopping centers and stores. Large manufacturers create their own branded showrooms in which they sell goods of their own production.

Retail outlets should have a large area so that furniture is placed freely and is clearly visible. In small towns, furniture sells well in markets. To sell specialized furniture, you need to send booklets and leaflets to company managers.

Selling furniture online is currently popular. The only disadvantage of promoting a product in this way is the buyer’s inaccurate understanding of the product.

Profitability of this type of business

To open store medium scale you will need from 2.5 to 3 million rubles. The main amount will go towards renting premises, purchasing goods and wages to the staff. The business will pay off in 1.5 - 2 years with a markup on the goods of 20 - 40% of the cost.

Budget and profitability of a furniture workshop:

  • premises rental – 60-70,000 rubles per month;
  • purchase of equipment, arrangement of production – 1,000,000 -1,300,000 rubles;
  • purchase of necessary raw materials and materials – 250,000 rubles;
  • wages for workers - 100,000 -120,000 rubles per month;
  • expenses for other needs - 30,000 - 40,000 rubles.

A furniture workshop can pay for itself in 2 – 2.5 years. Profit per month will be about 80,000 rubles.

Furniture factory– ideal profitability is 10 – 25%.

  • premises rental – 2.5%,
  • staff salaries - 8 - 10%,
  • purchase of materials – 70%,
  • public utilities and equipment maintenance – 3.5%,
  • transport – 2%,
  • advertising – 2%.

This is a calculation for a factory that specializes in the production of cabinet office furniture made from chipboard. In this case, the sales volume must be at least 10,000 products per month.

The furniture manufacturing business has always been and remains promising. People have changed and will continue to change furniture according to the degree of wear and tear. Manufacturers will never be left without work. And you can safely plunge into manufacturing process. The main thing that needs to be done is to plan everything exactly and organize it correctly.

The average person prefers to change the kitchen, hallway, sofas, living room and other furniture as they become obsolete or physical wear and tear- every 8-10 years. The article will help a novice entrepreneur choose the direction to open a furniture business. Among other advantages, this direction is characterized by the ability to choose a format based on capital intensity and complexity of organizing activities:

  1. At small investments they entrust the processing of materials to large furniture workshops and assemble products to order.
  2. Expenses within the range of 1.6 million rubles will allow creating furniture workshop in the garage and perform basic technological operations. Complex parts are purchased externally.
  3. An investment of 3–4 million rubles is the path to creating a full-fledged enterprise that produces tens and hundreds of products of any complexity per month.
  4. Add half a million rubles to the last one - and you’ll open furniture salon. The workshop will supply him with goods at cost, and therefore the profit will be higher.

Relevance and vectors

The Russian market is overflowing with furniture from both local and foreign manufacturers. The stores offer intricate items of all shapes and colors to suit every budget.

Importers and domestic factories prefer to work with products that are produced in large batches: it is simply not profitable for them to spend time processing individual orders. But many private clients and small businesses want to buy furniture that will suit their apartments and offices in configuration, color, size and style.

And specialization in single and small-scale products will become successful strategy for the owner of a small workshop, where changing the model range is not a problem.

Decide on the direction of your furniture business:

  • Production of kitchen furniture. Serial models often do not correspond to apartment layouts.
  • Manufacturing of wardrobes. They are adjusted to the size of the rooms.
  • When competition is high, consider specialty furniture. Trade and advertising equipment is expensive, but can be easily assembled in a garage.
  • Furniture for schools and kindergartens. This niche is difficult to master, but the reward will be a virtual absence of competition and transparent participation through a tender.

Regardless of the direction, the furniture business has one significant advantage - the ability to scale. And when assembling products at home, an entrepreneur who pays attention to their quality and organization of sales will soon be able to purchase additional machines and equip a workshop, and in the future - a full-fledged factory.

Custom furniture assembly business

  1. The master discusses the product design with the client and creates a three-dimensional model of it in a special program. To do this, use software such as:
    • PRO100;
    • "Basis furniture maker";
    • "Astra Constructor";
  2. Afterwards, cutting plans for sheet materials for the furniture body are drawn up. To do this, use the programs:
    • Cutting 3;
    • “Open the Astra.”
  3. The client makes an advance payment. Part of the funds is used to purchase sheets of MDF, laminated chipboard and fiberboard, which the master takes to a large workshop for processing.
  4. In the workshop, materials are sawed on machines, and then the ends of the parts are covered with melamine or PVC edges.
  5. The remaining money is used to buy other components - ready-made facades, countertops, fittings and fasteners, mirror and glass inserts.

The entrepreneur receives the parts of the designer, and they can be connected to each other without difficulty. After control assembly, the product is disassembled and delivered to the client, where it is installed in the specified location.

How much profit will producing furniture at home bring? According to Russian manufacturers, the retail price for such a kitchen reaches 35,000 rubles. When selling 8 products per month, the entrepreneur will receive revenue of 280,000 rubles. Net profit will be 91,000 rubles, and - 52%.

To start a business in this format, you don’t need a large workshop: a room or garage with an area of ​​25–30 m² that is dry and warm is suitable for setting up a workshop: humidity and temperature changes will ruin the wooden parts.

Since all labor-intensive operations are performed by third-party contractors, one person is required for the job. hand tool. Transport is useful for delivering materials to the workshop and finished products to customers. The list of equipment includes:

  • power tools - drill, screwdriver, jigsaw, router, miter saw;
  • cutting tools - drills, crowns, milling cutters;
  • measuring - tape measures, rulers, corners;
  • hand tools - hammers, pliers, wrenches, screwdrivers;
  • laptop with design and cutting programs;
  • freight transport.

To organize a business from scratch, an entrepreneur needs an assistant: it is difficult to unload heavy laminated chipboard sheets or assemble a kitchen from them on your own.

Producing furniture at home from cut parts does not require major investments (not counting the purchase of transport). The entrepreneur will only have to stock up on tools and register an individual entrepreneur:

Start-up costs

If an entrepreneur specializes in kitchens, in a month it is possible to assemble 8 sets of 2.5 m in length with purchased facades from MFD. Considering that the cost of each product is around 14,500 rubles, it will be possible to estimate the current expenses of the business:

Monthly expenses

Mini furniture production workshop in the garage

Once you've figured out how to start a furniture business at home, think about expanding your small business. Purchasing a basic set of processing machines will allow an entrepreneur to:

  • reduce time for transporting materials;
  • avoid chips and scratches on parts during transportation;
  • reduce costs by 10–15% by performing operations independently.

Assembling furniture with your own hands as a business requires a spacious room. The transition to independent cutting of materials is accompanied by the purchase of machines, each of which will require an area of ​​6–8 m². Therefore, to set up a workshop, a regular garage is not enough; the entrepreneur needs to rent or buy a double box.

To implement a business plan for such production in a garage format, you will need both the listed hand tools and equipment - machines:

  • drilling;
  • format-cutting;
  • drilling and filler;
  • edgebanding.

It is unrealistic to serve them alone. To increase labor productivity, they hire assistants - a measurer, a driver and an auxiliary worker.

Setting up a furniture manufacturing workshop in a garage is a capital-intensive business than assembling products from pre-cut parts. And when buying used machines you will have to invest 1.7 million rubles in it:

Start-up costs

When using special equipment, a furniture assembly shop in a garage will produce more products. In a month, the entrepreneur and assistants will have time to assemble and ship 15 kitchens. The expenses will be:

Monthly expenses

Selling such a quantity of products is more difficult. Therefore, a businessman will have to attract furniture stores that provide them with wholesale discounts. For the kitchen you will receive 32,000 rubles, which will bring 480,000 revenue per month. Net profit will be 144,500, and profitability will be 46%.

Opening of a full-fledged furniture workshop

A full-fledged furniture workshop is an enterprise that performs all technological operations - from cutting laminated chipboards to milling MDF facades. A production business plan with calculations shows that conducting activities in this format allows you to:

  • reduce costs due to conveyor flow;
  • organize sales to retail chains.

How to set up a furniture workshop

Rent and renovate a space of 350–400 m². There will be a production area, warehouses for materials and products, an employee rest room and administration offices. Premises requirements include:

  • distance to residential buildings 300 m;
  • heating and ventilation;
  • access to utility networks;
  • presence of a fire extinguishing system.

The workshop is equipped with a full-fledged production line, which allows the production of two to three kitchens per day. To complete the furniture, the business plan provides for the purchase of such machines and equipment as:

  • drilling and filler;
  • crosscut;
  • milling and copying;
  • format-cutting;
  • edgebanding;
  • thermal vacuum press;
  • sandblasting machine (for matting glass and mirrors);
  • hand tool;
  • office equipment and furniture for the office;
  • computers and software for design and cutting;
  • cargo minibus.

The workshop staff includes: machine operators, support staff - designer, driver, accountant and sales manager.

Business plan for a furniture workshop

To draw up a business plan, you need to analyze all cost items, which includes: preparing the premises, purchasing equipment and creating a supply of materials for the first month of work.

Start-up costs

Enterprises of this scale assemble 50 kitchens per month. Taking into account the need to purchase raw materials, expenses for this period will be:

Monthly expenses

To organize sales, the help of wholesalers is needed. Therefore, the price of the kitchen will drop to 28,000 rubles. When producing 50 products per month, the business will bring in 1.4 million rubles in revenue. Net profit will reach 275,000, and profitability will be 25%.

Growth point: opening a store

Furniture production - small business, weakness it includes a sales organization. It is not difficult to produce 50–80 kitchen sets per month, but you will have to try hard to find buyers for them.

It is possible to increase the level of sales by showing the product to potential clients not only on the screen of a designer laptop, but also in the form of a sample. To do this you need your own furniture showroom.

How to organize a business selling furniture

Opening a company store is not organizing a business producing furniture from scratch: the entrepreneur has a production workshop. But this does not mean that the issue of arrangement point of sale You can't approach it responsibly.

It is important to choose a good location for the salon. To sell premium furniture, you need premises in the city center, while budget furniture is in demand in residential areas and areas of new buildings. The area of ​​the hall must exceed 300–350 m², otherwise it will not fit even two dozen products.

Showcases, racks and other commercial equipment are not needed for a furniture showroom. The list of necessary equipment includes:

  • bright illuminated signboard;
  • cash register equipment;
  • furniture for workers' rest;
  • office equipment.

We'll have to start looking for sellers. These employees must understand furniture production technology and be able to captivate the client and convince them of the feasibility of the purchase. Fire passive and lazy workers.

In order for woodworking to be waste-free, it is opened for solid fuel boilers.

When you have it furniture production, it is possible to open a store with moderate investments: the owner does not need to invest money in stocking the goods. But when you create both enterprises, there will be expenses:

Start-up costs

Why is it profitable to open your own salon? With its help, sell products at the same retail price without discounts to wholesalers. Sales of 50 kitchen sets per month will bring 1.7 million rubles in revenue. The net profit of the salon at the workshop is 355 thousand, and the total profitability is 26%.

What kind of furniture is profitable to produce?

And in a small enterprise. when there is necessary equipment It is possible to produce any product - from soft ottomans to carved tables. But keep in mind that manufacturing exclusive products is an unstable income. Give preference to goods that are needed by mass buyers.

  • Cabinet furniture. Kitchens, living room sets, hallways, wardrobes, shelving made from MDF, laminated chipboard or solid wood.
  • Furniture for children's rooms, educational institutions. It is made from the same materials, but with constant safety monitoring. Products must be certified.
  • Cushioned furniture. In the manufacture of sofas, ottomans, armchairs and beds, frames made of metal or wood, synthetic fillings, leather, and fabrics are used.
  • Office furniture. Products for institutions do not require sophistication and flashy design. But they must be durable, practical and ergonomic.
  • Trade furniture. This category includes products for shops, catering establishments, and pharmacies. The main requirements for it are strength and hygiene.
  • Country furniture. To withstand heat, cold and humidity. That’s why it is made from stabilized wood, metal, plastic, and rattan.

materials for furniture production

Materials for furniture production

A modern wall or kitchen set is a high-tech product that combines metal, composite panels, polymers and glass. When planning to open a furniture manufacturing business, an entrepreneur must imagine what he will have to deal with:

  • MDF. A material with a dense fibrous structure that can withstand cutting, milling and carving. Covered with polymers or veneer.
  • Chipboard. Laminated boards are now used to make furniture. A durable film gives them their appearance and protects them from damage.
  • Fiberboard. The material is not durable, but it handles cutting well. Fiberboard sheets are used to cover the back walls of cabinets and drawers.
  • Array. Glued board made of oak, beech or maple is an expensive, but strong and durable material. Premium furniture is made from it.
  • Glass. In production, glass and mirrors with a clean surface or sandblasted are used. Stained glass is found in expensive products;
  • Accessories. To reliably connect parts and increase the functionality of furniture, various components are used:
    • handles, gas lifts, hinges, drawer guides, adjustable supports;
    • screws, corners, ties, confirmations;
    • polymer films, PVC and melamine edges;
    • chrome and plastic accessories, roof rails;
    • lighting systems.

How to find clients for a manufacturer

Faced with the activity of competitors, a novice entrepreneur will inevitably think about how to promote a furniture business. It’s easier for experienced craftsmen: for them, the main source of orders is people’s recommendations. A beginner will have to try hard to find his target audience and organize the sale of products. Which sales channels are effective:

  • Advertising in the press. Glossy publications offer luxury furniture, and newspapers with free advertisements- budget.
  • Specialized hypermarkets. Large construction stores dedicate entire sections for household furniture and accept it for implementation.
  • Corporate clients. For manufacturers of retail, pharmacy or office furniture, direct mailing of offers to potential customers is suitable.
  • Government clients. The official company has the right to furnish furniture for schools, hospitals, and administrative institutions.
  • Affiliate sales. When looking for buyers on the recommendation of interior designers and construction and repair teams.
  • Social media. Promotion of the enterprise group on the Instagram and VKontakte networks brings two to three orders weekly.
  • Notice boards. To sell furniture on Avito and similar resources, they perform attractive photos products and come up with vivid descriptions for them.
  • Own website. Attracting traffic to the enterprise website in search engines and through contextual advertising will help .
  • Own store. For an enterprise that produces different types of furniture, it is more profitable to sell products at retail prices through a company showroom.


Furniture production is a business that, with a responsible attitude towards business, will allow you to switch to new level. Gradually, the entrepreneur will acquire a client base and useful connections with designers, builders, repair teams, large municipal and corporate customers in his city and from neighboring regions. This will help increase productivity and expand the range without worrying about sales.

The article describes the features of compiling business plan for opening a furniture store. Furniture is an integral attribute in an apartment, house, offices, shops. There is a wide variety of types and areas of business specialization in this area, ranging from sales commercial equipment, ending with expensive items made from solid wood.

In any case, to create a successful furniture store will need to be drawn up business plan, which is based on detailed market analysis, study target audience and their preferences, identifying main competitors. Business plan for a furniture salon will allow not only to calculate the efficiency and feasibility of investments in this project, but will also become an assistant in negotiating with banks and investors to obtain additional financing.

Key Features business plan for opening a furniture store

Starting a furniture store business

Opening any business requires preparatory measures and opening furniture store is no exception.

Firstly, within business plan it is necessary to analyze the following information:

  • Study the demand for different kinds goods;
  • Determine consumer preferences;
  • Identify main competitors;
  • Find suppliers.

Secondly, carry out everything financial calculations and decide on the future format furniture showroom. It is best to do this within business plan.



Furniture store in accordance with business plan may specialize in the following types of goods:

  • For business - exhibition shelves, registration and reception desks, tables and chairs for the office, display cases, etc.;
  • For home;
  • For the dacha - sun loungers, wicker tables and chairs, benches, deck chairs, sandboxes, rocking chairs.

The most popular direction is furniture designs for the home, which include:

  • Kitchen;
  • Sofas and armchairs;
  • Walls;
  • Cabinets;
  • Wardrobes, chests of drawers, shelving;
  • Beds;
  • Hallways;
  • Children's furniture, etc.

According to business plan you can consider options for selling in furniture store both economy class interior items and luxury products made from natural materials.

Selected concept furniture showroom is reflected in business plan and is fully justified, including with the help of calculations.

1 – Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. Investment volume for a furniture store showroom

1.3. Results of work

2 – Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 – Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market dynamics

4 – Staff

4.1. Staffing table

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 – Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Financing plan

5.3. Sales plan for a furniture store

5.4. Spending Plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 – Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. The financial analysis

6.3. Risks of a furniture store

7 – Conclusions

The business plan for a furniture store is provided in MS Word format - it already contains all the tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it is already ready to use. Or you can adjust any section to suit you.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, this can be easily done in the “Project Concept” section.

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - the parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all the tables, graphs and diagrams.

For example: if you need to increase your sales plan, then just change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and immediately all the tables and diagrams will be ready: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A special feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model to suit themselves.


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Konstantin Savushkin, Moscow

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We received a loan from Sberbank in the amount of 13 million rubles to open a store. Loan for a period of 5 years. The business plan drawn up by the Plan-Pro company included enough detailed description market conditions, full calculation of income and expenses, assessment of the break-even point. The business plan was accepted, after making minor adjustments after negotiations with the bank.

Svetlana Nazarova, Cinderella LLC, Voskresensk

Feedback on a business plan for a perfume and cosmetics store

A carefully written business plan made it possible to attract investment for our cosmetics and perfumery store (15.9 million rubles). The professionalism and attention to detail of the specialists allowed us to positively resolve the issue of financing.

Boris Ignatievich G., Izhevsk

Feedback on a business plan for a furniture store

To obtain a loan from Sberbank in the amount of 20 million rubles for opening a furniture store downloaded the finished one business plan on Plan-Pro. Easily received approval the required amount. The document was also actively used during the preparation of the opening; the sequence of actions was spelled out in detail and all the nuances were taken into account. I was especially impressed by the financial model, which can be used to predict profits.

Shchepkina Nina Egorovna, Director, Izhevsk.

Furniture market analysis

On the market furniture stores there is a high level of competition, which is presented in accordance with business plan by the following companies:

  • Home hypermarkets;
  • Construction markets;
  • Manufacturers' sales points;
  • Online stores;
  • Large network companies;
  • Similar specialized retail outlets.

It is difficult to limit the target audience, since most people regularly purchase such a product. The main division according to business plan goes to individuals and legal entities.

Among individuals visit furniture showroom relevant during renovations. In most cases, women are responsible for selecting interior items.

Legal entities are represented various companies who purchase structures for an office, for conducting trade, for equipping premises where certain services are provided.

To attract both groups of consumers to business plan the competitive advantage of the future is formulated furniture store, which could be:

  • Good quality;
  • Wide range, variety of types;
  • A delivery system has been organized;
  • Possibility of ordering online;
  • Departure of a surveyor;
  • Made to order;
  • Cooperation with the largest manufacturers;
  • Low prices;
  • Constant discounts and promotions, the presence of a bonus system;
  • Interesting design, modern solutions;
  • Free consultations with an interior designer, etc.

By the way, you can also check out. Despite the fact that there is quite strong competition in this area, there is always the opportunity to develop your own unique niche.

How to advertise a furniture showroom?

In order to attract the maximum flow of potential clients, marketing company in accordance with the strategy defined in business plan. For furniture showrooms It is advisable to carry out the following activities:

  • Creation online furniture store, website and groups in in social networks;
  • Distributing leaflets nearby shopping centers, construction markets;
  • Cooperation with construction teams, design bureaus, home goods stores;
  • Building a loyalty system for regular customers;
  • Conducting master classes on construction and interior design, meetings with famous furniture manufacturers, etc.

Procedure for opening a furniture store

IN business plan the following sequence of stages has been determined opening a furniture store:

  1. Registration as legal entity or an individual entrepreneur;
  2. Tax registration and choice of taxation system;
  3. Selection of premises, conclusion of a lease agreement;
  4. Repair work;
  5. Purchase of equipment and its installation;
  6. Reaching agreements with suppliers, purchasing the first batch of goods;
  7. Hiring employees;
  8. Launch of an advertising campaign;
  9. Organization of the opening.

Funds are allocated for each of these stages within the framework of financial plan furniture salon business plan.

Calculation of starting investments in a furniture showroom

Opening furniture store will require according to calculations business plan investments in the amount of 20 to 100 million rubles. They are carried out under such items as:

  • Business registration - xxx rub.;
  • Purchase of equipment - xxx;
  • Rent of premises - xxx;
  • Repair work - xxx;
  • Marketing and advertising - xxx;
  • Purchase of the first batch of goods - xxx;
  • Stock Money- xxx.

The final amount of investment required depends on the scale furniture showroom in accordance with business plan.

For financing furniture store can be used as own funds, and take a loan from a bank or seek help from investors. In this case, you will need a professionally compiled business plan. We created for you ready-made business plan for a furniture salon, in which they structured all necessary information and made calculations. He will demonstrate your professional approach to the point. Download link below.

Furniture suppliers

Special attention when opening furniture showroom is paid to the selection of suppliers, since the quality of the products directly depends on them, and therefore the client’s satisfaction with cooperation with you.

IN business plan It is possible to purchase both from manufacturers directly and through intermediaries - large wholesale centers.

Manufacturers can be both Russian and foreign companies. Benefits of work furniture store directly through them according to business plan are:

  • Lower prices;
  • No commission for mediation;
  • Possibility to make an individual order;
  • Accelerated delivery times;
  • Order any items you like, etc.

Premises requirements for a furniture store

In accordance with business plan optimal location furniture store is one of the following options:

  • Central part of the city;
  • Newly built residential area;
  • Construction market;
  • Shopping mall.

The area must be sufficient to display all positions, as well as to organize a warehouse and administrative area.

To equip furniture showroom you will need to purchase the following equipment according to business plan:

  • Cash register and acquiring terminal;
  • Exhibition stands;
  • Trolleys;
  • Loader;
  • Delivery truck;
  • Computers and furniture for administrative premises;
  • Security system and video surveillance system;
  • Fire extinguishing system.

Financial side of the issue

Financial plan for the future furniture showroom It is an integral part business plan.

Furniture store monthly expenses

IN business plan The current costs of a furniture store are divided into the following main items:

  • Rent – ​​xxx rub.;
  • Utility payments – xxx;
  • Taxes and fees – xxx;
  • Contents of equipment – ​​xxx;
  • Purchases of goods – xxx;
  • Employee salaries – xxx;
  • Advertising - xxx.

Total from xxx rub. per month.

Furniture store monthly income

Revenue furniture showroom is formed by paying the cost of the goods. She agrees business plan can reach up to xxx rub. per month with an average product price of xxx rub. In this case, the monthly profit will be from xxx rub.

Store staff

  • Director;
  • Shop assistant;
  • Cashier;
  • Security guard;
  • Loader;
  • Driver;
  • Cleaning woman.

In addition to this, for furniture showroom You will need to hire an accountant, purchasing manager, merchandiser, and marketer. Their labor costs are also included in business plan.

The financial model is a separate file in MS Excel format - essentially it is
a separate product designed for business planning and calculation of all its
indicators. Each of the parameters of the financial model can be changed manually.
There are no macros in the financial model. All formulas are transparent and accessible to

In the process of working on a business plan, we review dozens of different sources
information. This includes data from equipment suppliers, industry portals, interviews with market experts, and data official statistics– such a systematic data analysis provides a complete picture of all project parameters: prices, equipment costs, premises costs, costs, etc.

Download a ready-made business plan for a furniture store with financial calculations and an Excel financial model

Despite the high level of competition, furniture salon You can find your niche in the market if you study the demand in detail before opening and identify the most popular positions. Based on the data obtained, build a company concept in business plan.

In order to speed up the process of implementing your idea, we have already created ready-made business plan for a furniture store, which can be downloaded right now by clicking on the link below. We included in it detailed information And necessary calculations. In addition, there is an easy-to-use financial model in Excel format. Such a document will help attract financing from banks and investors. If you want to take into account any specific features, it is possible to draw up an individual “turnkey” business plan.

According to business plan selection of a suitable assortment, its constant updating and adherence fashion trends in the field of interior design allow furniture showroom do not lose relevance for a long time.

The furniture business is an excellent choice for a young entrepreneur to start. People always buy furniture, regardless of the season and weather. Even a crisis will not change anything in your business, except that it will reduce the class of furniture from elite to classic. Therefore, open a furniture workshop a good and promising idea that will surely bring you excellent profits.

Studying the market

Furniture production can be divided into three main areas:

  1. Production of classic office furniture (cabinets, partitions, cabinets, tables). The main emphasis is on functionality and strict appearance.
  2. Production of kitchens and furniture. The kitchen is the face of the home, it is where people spend most of their free time, so it should be equipped with comfortable and high-quality furniture. Every year the demand for kitchen sets is growing by an average of 15%.
  3. Production of furniture to order. This is the most promising type of business. Furniture is created depending on the client's requirements, according to individual sizes and drawings.

Starting a furniture business is not difficult - a minimal investment is enough

Note: in metropolitan areas you will face serious competition, so this business It’s best to start either in small cities or enter the market with an original and promising offer.

Be sure to find out if there are similar furniture manufacturing workshops in your city, what services they offer, what the real furniture production times are and the price range of your competitors. Think about what you can do better to win over customers.

Premises requirement

To organize a full-fledged factory, you need three full-size premises. This:

  1. Furniture production workshop. Its area must be at least 100 m2.
  2. Office. Managers will work here, concluding contracts for the purchase of raw materials and accessories, as well as for the sale of finished products. Often the office has a small exhibition stand with samples of materials and furniture, or even a small shop.
  3. Stock. This room will be used for storing material and finished products. It should be spacious (about 70-100 square meters) and dry.

These premises may be located in the same building or scattered throughout the city. For example, the workshop itself will be located on the outskirts, and the office with samples will be in the city center or in a convenient location. This will significantly increase the number of possible clients. The warehouse can also be located on the outskirts of the factory. This will allow you to reduce rental prices several times and avoid complaints from residents about the constant noise from cutting material.

The premises for furniture production should be spacious

Purchase of necessary equipment

Start production upholstered furniture As a business, you should have enough money to purchase the appropriate equipment. You can, of course, cooperate with other workshops for cutting furniture sheets, but this will significantly increase the lead time for orders and the cost of finished products, which will reduce all your competitive advantages to no. Therefore, it is definitely necessary to buy machines. To save money, you can buy used equipment - its price can be 30-50% lower than that of new one. But you need to have a good understanding of the machines so as not to buy ones that have already been written off.

Read also: How to clean seeds from husks in production

To work you will need the following types of machines:

  1. Band saws. Such equipment is used for precise cutting of wood, MDF or chipboard to the ordered sizes.
  2. Dryers. These machines are used if you plan to work with natural wood and it will need to be dried to a certain humidity.
  3. Machines for decorating and fine processing of wood. Used for shaping wood, processing edges, cutting various chamfers, and other milling and drilling machines.
  4. Devices for working with glass. This includes sandblasting machines, drilling machines, engraving machines, cutting machines, etc.
  5. Devices for working with metal. This includes welding, drilling, cutting, and polishing metal.
  6. Sewing equipment for creating upholstery, covers and various soft furniture elements.
  7. Tools. These include hand drills, screwdrivers, staplers, screwdrivers, planes, hammers, etc.

Also, for the production of furniture you will need a variety of fiberboard and chipboard sheets, MDF boards, high-quality fittings and a large number of fasteners. Consumables: various varnishes, paints, adhesives, etc.


A lot in the furniture business depends on the staff. To build a furniture business from scratch, you need skilled and responsible employees, which will accompany the product at all stages from design to sale and installation at customers. You will definitely need:

  1. A manager who will be responsible for accepting orders, drawing up contracts for the supply of necessary fittings and materials, and providing project support.
  2. Director of operations. The responsibilities of this person include control over every stage of furniture production. This is a foreman who monitors the workers, organizes their work and accepts ready-made orders.
  3. Workers. For a small workshop, 3-4 people are enough; for a medium one, up to 8 specialists may be needed. Their responsibilities include the entire cycle of work on the production of furniture from raw materials.
  4. Driver. This person will be responsible for delivering furniture to customers from the warehouse. Also ensures the delivery of necessary materials.

Qualified personnel are the basis of your business

This is the minimum possible staff for operating a mini-factory that produces furniture. You can play the role of manager and accountant in the first stages - there is nothing difficult about it. If you don’t want to waste time, you can hire people, but this will reduce the payback period due to salaries.


You can start creating a marketing plan even before you open. The purpose of this plan is proper organization various events to sell the maximum possible quantity of finished products. How to sell furniture correctly?

  1. Open in the office Exhibition Center or a mini store.
  2. Conclude an agreement with furniture stores and offer products for sale to them.
  3. Start working with tenders created budgetary organizations. Very often, schools, kindergartens, hospitals and various municipal institutions become regular customers bringing in serious money.
  4. Interest several large private clients. These could be banks that periodically open new branches, various offices, etc.
  5. Create your own website on which you need to post detailed information about the furniture, telephone numbers for contact and a detailed price list.
  6. Create groups on social networks and support them.
  7. Launch classic advertising: banners, leaflets, banners, signs, billboards.
  8. Advertising in the media: radio, TV, newspapers, magazines.

How much money do you need to open?

It is impossible to accurately calculate how much money is needed to start furniture production as a business from scratch without knowing the specifics of your region: everything greatly depends on the level of rent, the chosen work profile, the number of workers and equipment. We will provide national average prices, which will be fair in almost 80% of cases.

  1. Purchasing premises for running a business will cost approximately 1 million rubles. If you rent a building, you will spend about 50-70 thousand a month, that is, it is still more profitable to buy a building.
  2. Purchase of equipment for the factory, its delivery and installation – 600,000.
  3. Repair of the building, paperwork – 300,000.
  4. Consumables – 250,000.

Never skimp on fittings and tools

Now let's calculate fixed costs. These will include:

  1. Utility fee – 30,000.
  2. Salary – 180,000.
  3. Fixed costs for maintaining the website, social networks, advertising and marketing – 20,000.
  4. Other expenses, incl. and taxes - 30,000.