Marketing and where it originated. History and stages of development of marketing. The history of marketing marks three main stages of development

The term "marketing" comes from the English "marketing" - trade, sale, sale, which in turn is derived from "market" and means the market, and in a broader modern meaning– market activity 9 . The analysis shows that marketing as an economic category has a very capacious content.

The history of the development of marketing abroad is divided into the following stages:

First stage development of marketing was a kind of basis for marketing in its modern sense. It is worth noting that at that time there was still no science called marketing, but there were methods and principles of doing business, which we can rank among the fundamental foundations of marketing. The peculiarity of the first stage is its division into three successive periods:

    1860-1920 against the general background of the excess of demand over supply, they are characterized by the improvement of production, the main purpose of which was to increase the volume of products;

    1920-1930 are characterized by the fact that, taking into account the successes achieved in the field of growth in production volumes, manufacturers were forced to focus on improving their products by improving their quality and correspondingly changing the product range;

    in 1930-1960 the organization of sales becomes a priority due to the intensification of commercial efforts, since this period was characterized by an excess of supply over demand. Therefore, more and more attention in marketing is paid to research and active modeling of consumer behavior in the market.

Second phase The development of marketing is characterized by a new qualitative turn in the 50-60s. XX century, when, having overcome post-war difficulties, economically developed countries entered a new stage of development. Marketing began to be seen as a process broader than intra-firm planning, and was called period of customer orientation.

All this led to the formation of the so-called consumer market A market characterized by an excess of supply over demand.

Cyrus McCormick (1809-1884) was the first to suggest that marketing should be the central activity of the enterprise, and working with one's own circle of consumers - the task of the manager, was Cyrus McCormick (1809-1884). He was the first to fully recognize the unique role of the marketing function as a specific management task.

Third stage The evolution of marketing has turned it into the doctrine of modern business, its philosophy, the main means of communication between the company and its environment, into a complex systemic activity.

It is also worth noting a rather interesting hypothesis expressed by an American scientist of Austrian origin, Peter Drucker. He believed that Japan was the birthplace of marketing. There is even documentary evidence that in 1690 Mr. Matsui opened the first department store in Tokyo. For the first time in the history of trade, the store owner focused on his customers, buying only what was in demand, providing a system of guarantees for the quality of the goods and constantly expanding the range of goods.

It is also worth noting the fact that the evolution of marketing fits into the evolution of the development of the management concept, which has gone through the following 10 stages:

1. Production era.

Until 1925, most companies, even those operating in the most developed countries Western Europe and North America, mainly focused on manufacturing. Manufacturers focused on producing high quality products and then looked for people to sell them. During this period, the prevailing view was that a good product(having a high physical quality) will be able to sell himself. A manufacturing orientation has set the business philosophy for decades; indeed, the success of a business was often measured only in terms of production achievements. The era of production ended before it even reached its peak, and this happened already at the beginning of the 20th century.

The history of marketing development begins its way from the time of the creation of markets. At that time, the first concepts appeared, such as:

  • mediation;
  • wholesale and retail;
  • price formation.

Even in ancient Greece and Rome, there were intermediaries, and in those ancient civilizations they were different types. At the same time, with the emergence of the market, such a concept appeared. like pricing policy and advertising.

If you have your own store, then you need to take care of its security. You can order store security here at affordable prices.

The history of the emergence of marketing began to become more active towards the end of the 17th and beginning of the 18th centuries. American scientists concluded that some marketing concepts were used by merchants in England in the 17th century, after which the colonists transported them to the United States.

American scholar Peter Ferdinand Drucker, a respected management theorist, was convinced that marketing originated in Japan. This was found documentary evidence. In 1690, a resident of Tokyo opened the first store, which focused on the demand of customers, increased the range of goods. The first guarantees of product quality appeared there.

The history of marketing marks three main stages of development

Stage one. This time is different in that the competition among buyers was greater than between manufacturers. Historians distinguish three main periods:

Lasts throughout 1860 and 1920. Given the high level of demand, manufacturers have set their sights on the volume of goods produced, and not on its quality.

from 1920 to 1930. After achieving high volume productivity, manufacturers began to pay more attention to the quality of their products and adjust the product range according to its popularity.

In the period from 1930 to 1960, due to a decrease in demand, supply began to prevail. Thanks to this, a new branch in marketing began to actively develop, modeling the behavior of the buyer in the sales market.

The second stage is considered the period of 50–60 years of the XX century, during this period marketing was recognized as a science of management. The first to make this statement was not a little-known American inventor, Cyrus Hall McCormick, who was also the founder of the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company, which in 1902 became part of the International Harvester enterprise.

The developed countries, having overcome the difficulties of the post-war period, they began to develop market economy, therefore this page of history is also called the consumer orientation period.

In the third stage, the marketing philosophy was established. This has become the basis of communication between the company and the consumer.

Moments of development of foreign marketing

There are a number of historical episodes in the development marketing policy abroad. Here are some of them:

  • 1902 US universities began to teach marketing courses;
  • between 1934-36, the first publications in the direction of marketing were published;
  • 1990 was distinguished by the appearance of marketing terms.

Development of marketing in the Russian Federation

Marketing development in Russia also has several stages:

The first stage is considered the period from 1880 to 1917, the industrial potential in Russia on entrepreneurial basis rapidly gained momentum. At this time, marketing elements were widely used in domestic business. The most common among them were:

  • advertising techniques of a different nature;
  • communication between the enterprise and the public was established in every possible way.

But there was no integral system marketing.

The beginning of the twentieth century was marked by the active development of industry, so it is considered the second stage of development. But because of the attitude of the Soviet economy to marketing as a science, it was not recognized and was not subject to study.

The mid-70s was the third stage of development for marketing. It was recognized as a market concept of production management, sales of goods and services. But the central control mechanism did not allow to apply all the principles of marketing in the domestic market. Economic entities were prohibited from free realization of market opportunities.

In the 90s, after the adoption of the property law, marketing gained momentum in development, which became the fourth stage of evolution.

Important Points

In Russian marketing there are a number of important events and the dates assigned to them, stages such as:

  • in 1967 the creation of a marketing section;
  • 1980 was distinguished by the introduction of marketing courses in economic universities;
  • in 1990, it was decided to organize an institute systems studies and marketing;
  • in 1992 he started the issue of the magazine "Marketing";
  • in 1995, the Russian Marketing Association was created.

Based on the analysis marketing development in Russia it can be seen that the formation takes place episodically in a series of meaningless impulses, as marketing tasks arrive and the search for a method to solve them. As a rule, they are associated with the sale of goods and were perceived as excessive imposition of products, through psychological processing and manipulation of consumer behavior.

The number of companies that have access to post-industry society marketing is not large enough. Most entrepreneurs work within the strict confines of industrial marketing. They are inaccessible to such methods as customer orientation, quality improvement or updating the product range. The marketing principle of an industrial society is product orientation.

Due to the high level of monopolists and oligopolists, the situation with socially responsible marketing is even more difficult.

Monopoly enterprises do not work on a long-term policy either with consumers or with products. For them, the concept of making money from turnover does not exist.

The principle of their policy is to get a quick income by maintaining a high price while limiting output.

History of marketing. Marketing in Russia - development and formation

The history of the development of marketing in Russia is of interest primarily because, having begun to develop successfully at the end of the 19th century, and continuing to develop at the beginning of the 20th century, marketing in Russia, then, on long years, was thrown into the backyard by the planned Soviet economy, was considered harmful and dangerous science. But, despite all the prohibitions, marketing in Russia in one form or another has always existed, always made its way.


Marketing in Russia, as in other countries, has gone through several stages of its development. But, if the boundaries of the stages of marketing development in most countries are blurred, the stages succeeded each other gradually, then in Russia, due to reasons independent of marketing itself, the boundaries of the stages are clearly distinguished. And they pass according to certain periods of the life of the state itself.

I have already mentioned the first steps in the development of marketing in Russia in the article. Therefore, in this article we will consider the stages of formation and development of modern marketing.

Marketing in Russia - pre-revolutionary period

At the end of the 19th century, the economy and industry of Russia developed rapidly. Entrepreneurship began to play a leading role in the country's economy. And the development of marketing during this period was no different from its development in other countries.

In practice Russian entrepreneurship During this time many elements of marketing were used. Prominent place in the promotion of goods and services was occupied by advertising. Special printed publications of an advertising nature began to be published.

PR methods were widely used.

Exhibitions and fairs occupied a special place in the promotion of goods and services. Many industrial exhibitions and fairs, international, domestic and provincial, were organized in Russia.

A special place was occupied by the regularly held Nizhny Novgorod fair, which has become very popular. At the Nizhny Novgorod Fair, a lot of goods from all over the world have always been presented, numerous deals have been made.

It determined European prices for a number of goods, such as grain.

Russian entrepreneurs should also be noted, who made quite successful marketing moves. It should be noted their success in advertising and PR. I will give only two examples, although many more could be given.

Marketing from Shustov

To promote his alcoholic drinks in the market, and then capture the alcoholic drinks market, he came up with a sophisticated marketing ploy. Shustov hired people (for a penny, and these were all the costs of this advertising campaign), who went to taverns, restaurants, drinking establishments and demanded Shustov alcoholic drinks.

If those were not available and they were refused, they began to quarrel. Naturally, information about the causes of the scandals very quickly got into the press and after a short time all drinking establishments were selling Shustov alcoholic drinks. Another advertising find of Shustov was the use of trams.

Cars began to travel all over Moscow, on the sides of which advertisements with Shustov were placed.

Marketing idea of ​​Carl Faberge

A successful marketing idea came to Carl Faberge in 1883. He decided to create Easter Egg as a gift for Empress Maria Feodorovna. After that, Faberge received an order to make an egg every year.

Faberge already in those years was distinguished by the fact that he produced his products for the client, doing only what the clients liked and was in demand. His staff were among the first artist-designers in the modern sense.

Here are the words of Faberge, very applicable to the modern marketing approach:

“I am not much interested in an expensive thing if its price is only that a lot of diamonds or pearls are planted.”

Many Russian entrepreneurs successfully used sales promotion and customer acquisition techniques. Much attention was paid to the beauty and convenience of packing goods.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the first educational institutions began to appear, where elements of marketing were taught.

Some knowledge and skills in marketing could only be obtained in the general course of economics, which was taught in some commercial schools.

As you can see, everything developed, as in other countries, until 1917 came and what happened happened.

In the Soviet stage, three periods can be noted in the history of marketing in Russia.

The first period is the period from 1917 to 1928, from the revolution to the end of the NEP.

October coup and beyond Civil War interrupted not only the development of marketing in Russia, but also destroyed the economy and industry. Production was either stopped or destroyed. Within five years, the country needed most of the industrial and food products. Of course, there was no question of any marketing approach.

But in 1922, with the advent of the NEP, everything quickly changed. Entrepreneurship began to develop again in Russia, industry began to recover, trade was resurrected. In practical economic activity, elements of marketing that had taken place before 1917 were quickly restored. Advertising and PR have become widely used again. Marketing in Russia has risen.

During the years of the NEP, private capital occupied a particularly strong position precisely in trade. Trade has become an important source of the local budget. For example, in Moscow, up to 95% of trade turnover was in the hands of private capital.

Competitions with the private trader of the state and cooperative trade are very characteristic of this period. Attempts were made to expand state trade, increase its turnover, improve the range and quality of customer service.

At the same time, the Market Institute appeared in Moscow, the first institution in Soviet Russia to study marketing.

Economist Nikolai Kondratiev created in the 1920s the theory of "Business Cycles", in which he argued that the changing ups and downs of the world economy occur in cycles, with a cycle duration of 45-55 years. It was one of the first scientific works, including elements of marketing.

The second period is the period from 1929 to the end of the 50s.

Since 1929, with the abolition of the NEP, the development of marketing in Russia again comes a long break. A rigid command and distribution system is introduced in the country, the economy becomes planned, the market and competition are completely destroyed.

Appears accompanying this general shortage of goods. Marketing in Russia, under these conditions, becomes a dirty word.

The period during which even the word marketing was dangerous to pronounce, and leading, thinking economists were repressed, lasted until the end of the 50s.

The third period - 60 - 80 years of the 20th century.

In the early 1960s, Soviet economists began to take an interest in marketing. But, because Since the official Soviet ideology rejected marketing, economists in their writings gave a negative assessment of marketing as a completely alien phenomenon.

In the 1970s, the USSR began to more actively go to foreign market, and ignorance of the basics of marketing by domestic specialists complicated the conduct of business negotiations. And in the country, as a matter of urgency, they began to revive marketing by introducing its study into some elite universities. Each year, these universities trained up to 200 specialists in the field of marketing.

Some specialized publications on international marketing have appeared. In 1974, the first systematized collection of translated articles in Russian was published under the name "Marketing". However, presenting this collection to Soviet readers, the author of the preface made the following reservation:

“Of course, this is not about using the principles of bourgeois marketing, which are completely unacceptable for socialist enterprises due to the fundamental difference between capitalist and socialist production relations, but about the fact that foreign trade and other organizations of our country, carrying out their activities in the foreign economic sphere, should know all those new forms and methods used by firms in capitalist countries.

In practice, the experience of countries with developed market economies was copied in the foreign trade activities of Soviet organizations. To develop the theory of marketing, marketing departments began to be created in a number of state scientific organizations. The All-Union Scientific Research Institute (VNII) of market conditions and demand was created.

In the early 70s, a marketing section appeared at the USSR Chamber of Commerce and Industry, where quite heated discussions periodically took place about the compatibility or incompatibility of marketing with socialism.

Of course, it was not the supporters of market relations who won the dispute, but the fact that they could express their opinions despite harsh criticism can be considered achievements of this period.

With the beginning of perestroika, a new stage in the development of Russian marketing begins. But practically this stage in the development of marketing began in the early 90s of the last century. The economic reforms of those years are estimated differently, but they led to the formation of market relations and stimulated the development of marketing. Marketing in Russia has risen again.

Today, the importance of marketing in Russia is recognized by all those involved in the market and economic activity. Marketing in Russia began to be studied.

Marketing is taught as a separate discipline in colleges and universities. Marketing has become an independent specialty, marketing graduates are becoming sought-after specialists in any enterprise.

Marketing knowledge can be obtained in various business courses.

Marketing literature appeared and became widespread, first translated, and then by Russian authors. Several have been published periodicals for marketing. But marketing activity in Russia also has many flaws.

In most cases, it is carried out haphazardly and sporadically in the form of solving individual marketing tasks, most often associated with the sale, and often, simply with vparivanie, goods.

And the majority of the population is perceived as a rude imposition of goods, psychological treatment and manipulation of consumer behavior.


As you can see, marketing in Russia, despite the assertion of many economists, was, and today it is increasingly becoming part of everyday life. Even when it was considered pseudoscience, marketing had to be studied and used.

It should be noted that despite the complete ban on marketing in Soviet times, the marketing approach could be observed in the USSR as well. This was especially expressed in the creation of brands of popular goods. Only no one called them brands, it was called trademarks. and many popular trade marks eg confectionery, sausages or alcohol have become successful brands today.

The history of marketing. Key Marketing Concepts

The emergence of marketing occurred simultaneously with the formation of the market and market relations. The most famous forms marketing activities- advertising and pricing - were used by the merchants of Sumer and Ancient Egypt. The origin of the oldest forms of marketing should be considered the emergence of public division labor.

Definition 1

The social division of labor is a form of organization of production in which products are produced at the lowest cost for exchange through purchase and sale.

However, he began to acquire modern form marketing at the end of $XVII$ – beginning of $XVIII$ centuries. According to some sources, the United States of America is considered the birthplace of marketing, where some marketing concepts were brought by colonists from England.

Remark 1

Management guru P. Drucker considered Japan to be the birthplace of marketing, citing as evidence the appearance of the first department store in the history of trade, the owner of which focused on the needs of its customers when selling and provided guarantees for the quality of the goods.

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The formation of marketing abroad

Significant development of marketing as a science and business practice begins in the $XX$ century.

Evidence of the widespread use of marketing practices can be considered the publication in the United States in $1901 of the report of the Industrial Commission on Agricultural Sales - the world's first study that was of a marketing nature and contained market analysis.

At the same time, the formation of marketing science began - specialized marketing courses appeared at American universities (Michigan, Berkeley, the University of Illinois), the first works in the field of marketing were published (W. Scott "Theory and Practice of Advertising").

An essential stage in the development of marketing was the emergence in $1926 of the National Marketing Association (later the American Marketing Association, AMA), on the basis of which the American Marketing Society was formed. In the $30s of the XX$ century, the first specialized journals began to be published - American Marketing Journal, National Marketing Review, Journal of Marketing.

As early as $1960, management experts proclaim the "era of marketing" by talking about the marketing concept of doing business. After that, the active development of individual areas of marketing continues, for example, marketing non-profit organizations, consumer behavior, elements of the marketing mix, relationship marketing, etc.

The rise of marketing in Russia

In Russia, marketing began mass distribution much later. At the end of $XIX$ - beginning of $XX$ centuries.

Russian entrepreneurs actively used elements of marketing in their activities - print and wall advertising, some types of PR, but a single systems approach to marketing activities did not exist.

The existence of an administrative-command system of reference economic activity and the negative attitude towards marketing as a science in the Soviet economy hampered its development and study.

The adoption of the Law on Property in $1990 brought the Russian economy into the sphere of free market relations and contributed to the active development of marketing. The following facts testify to this:

  • Introduction of a marketing course in economic universities;
  • The beginning of the publication of the magazine "Marketing";
  • Creation of the Russian Marketing Association (RAM).

The later development of marketing in Russia led to the fact that now marketing activities Russian companies and entrepreneurs are not implemented systematically, outdated and ineffective marketing tools are used, and consumers perceive the marketing actions of sellers as attempts to manipulate and impose goods.

Conceptual development of marketing

At the first stages of its development (the end of $XIX$ - the beginning of $XX$ centuries), marketing acquired its modern meaning.

The improvement of marketing tools at that time was due to the gradual transition from a simple increase in production volumes to an increase in sales efficiency through the application of commercial efforts.

It was the need to organize a productive sales system that led to increased business attention to the study of consumer behavior and market conditions.

In the $50$-ies. $XX$ century world economy, recovering from the war, moved to a new stage of development. This led to the activation of the business community and the expansion of the concept of "marketing" from an intra-organizational to an external consumer orientation. Then for the first time the concept of the consumer market appeared.

Definition 2

Consumer market - market conditions, the specificity of which is the excess of supply over demand.

The figure below shows the key concepts of marketing in the context of its historical development:

Remark 2

Currently, leading experts consider marketing as a fundamental element of the activity of any organization, setting the main direction of its strategic development. Marketing has become a philosophy of modern business.

History of marketing and its development

Today, marketing has become ubiquitous, no production or service sector can do without promotion. The history of marketing goes back to ancient times. Consider the main stages of the emergence and development of marketing, its evolution and state of the art.

Concept of marketing

It is impossible to consider the history of marketing without a definition of this concept. Literally translated, the term means market activity, work with the market. But in the course of using this word, it acquires additional meanings.

Today, marketing is understood as an activity to meet the needs of people through the production of goods and services, it is a management process for organizing a mutually beneficial exchange between a consumer and a producer.

Since marketing is an integral component of market activity, its appearance dates back to very ancient times.

Early stages of the history of marketing development

The first rudiments of marketing activity arose when a person learned to produce as many goods as he could not consume. Surplus goods had to be sold somehow, and then the first signs of marketing appear.

This happened already in the days of Ancient Egypt, there are examples of advertising messages on clay tablets. Already in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome merchants begin to focus on consumer demand, advertising and public relations appear.

With the advent industrial production the methods of marketing products become more complicated. For the first time in the history of marketing in Japan, a general store appeared in the 17th century, operating strictly in accordance with the demand for goods. It provided guarantees for the goods, used the beginnings of merchandising.

However, all these were single achievements of individual sellers, there was no meaningful system for using these techniques, everything was applied at the level of intuition.

There is a history of marketing in Russia too. As far back as the 18th century, domestic merchants understood that it was necessary to form a pool of regular, loyal customers.

And established close, trusting relationships with their customers, selling only quality goods, giving guarantees, selling goods “with a trip”, that is, with a small weight, giving small souvenirs for a purchase, conducted product tastings.

The Emergence of Marketing

In the 19th century, the prerequisites for the emergence of system marketing were formed. The reasons for its appearance were the saturation of the market with goods, the concentration of commercial and industrial capital, the development of in-line, mass production, unorganized competition, state regulation markets, monopolies.

All this led to a critical situation, which became the beginning of the history of marketing. Theorists are beginning to comprehend the current situation, to offer their own options for getting out of it. In 1901, the discipline "marketing" was introduced for the first time at US universities. In 1908, the first research laboratory dealing with marketing problems was opened.

Theorists formulate the concepts of marketing, which later add up to the evolution of this phenomenon.

The first concept in the history of marketing is traditionally called production. It develops and dominates the markets from 1860 to 1920. Its basic position is the requirement to improve production in order to increase productivity and reduce production costs.

It is believed that the market can consume any quantity of goods at reasonable prices. During this period, the markets are not yet crowded with goods, and it is enough to set affordable prices for people to start buying more.

But by the beginning of the 1930s, it became clear that the purchasing power of people is not infinite, and it is not enough just to produce a product, you need to think about how to sell it.

Commodity concept

In the early 1920s, the following concept appears in the history of marketing. It is designed to solve the problem of overproduction of goods, and the way out is seen in the improvement of goods. Consumers are expected to buy the product best quality Therefore, manufacturers devote all their efforts to improving their products, to increasing the functionality of the product.

At the same time, all improvements are related to the vision of the manufacturer, the interests of the consumer are in no way taken into account when introducing innovations. Manufacturers are focusing their efforts on creating the "ideal product", on the introduction of new technologies. However, it quickly became clear that even this approach cannot force people to buy endlessly.

At a certain stage, this approach bore fruit, but it quickly exhausted its possibilities.

Sales concept

In the early 1930s, the markets of developed countries were swept by a wave of overproduction, so the idea of ​​intensifying marketing efforts arose. The idea arises that the consumer needs many times in different forms tell about the product, push him to buy. This is how the marketing mix begins.

Manufacturers understand that one promotion tool is no longer enough, and complex communication programs are needed.

This approach leads to the fact that an avalanche of advertising falls on the consumer, annoying, aggressive, offering him an unnecessary product, which repels him from buying.

This leads to a negative reaction of consumers, to the refusal of repeat purchases and, as a result, to a decrease in sales.

consumer concept

The next stage in the development of marketing is an approach related to the needs and requirements of the consumer. This concept is also called traditional marketing. Because it declares the main goal - to meet the needs of the consumer, by releasing a product that meets the needs of the consumer.

The manufacturer, before launching the release of goods, now conducts research on the consumer, his interests and needs. Now it is not what the company can and wants to produce, but what the consumer wants and can buy. The need to establish long-term relationships with the consumer, the formation of consumer loyalty is recognized.

The goal of the manufacturer is now customer satisfaction.

Socio-ethical marketing

In the 1980s, the concept of traditional marketing began to be linked to the demands of society. The product must now not only meet the needs of an individual, but also comply with ethical and environmental standards. In this concept, the marketing mix complex becomes the main promotion tool.

The manufacturer is now obliged not only to study the consumer, but also to take into account the conditions for saving resources, protecting environment. A modern consumer will buy a product that fully satisfies his needs, and also meets all safety requirements and contributes to the well-being of society as a whole.

Interaction Marketing

In the 1980s, a new concept appeared, aimed at establishing relationships with the consumer. Its appearance is due to the fact that it is not the product that comes to the fore, but the service. Also, a prerequisite for the emergence of this concept was the global expansion of the service market.

The manufacturer must now build a customer service program, the service becomes a tool in the fight against competitors. Products have already reached their peak quality, it is difficult to improve them much, so attention is shifted to communication with the consumer, the importance of the brand increases.

The spread of this concept is facilitated by the emergence of Internet marketing. The history and development of marketing are moving to a new level, as communications with the consumer are now becoming closer, more interactive, and more effective.

With the penetration of the Internet into sales, new platforms for contact with the consumer appear, the regional boundaries of markets are erased, all this leads to improvement marketing communications.

The current stage in the development of marketing

Interaction marketing is the dominant concept around the world today. But the peculiarity of the current state of marketing is that several progressive concepts coexist at the same time. Today, manufacturers use not only interaction marketing, but also integrated, strategic, innovative, modeling marketing.

Marketing is a concept, a history of development. Stages of marketing development in Russia

Marketing is one of the foundational disciplines for market professionals such as retailers, advertisers, marketing researchers, new and branded product managers, and the like. The listed professional market players need to know:

  • how to describe the market and break it into segments;
  • how to assess the needs, requests and preferences of consumers within the target market;
  • how to design and test a product with the consumer properties necessary for this market;
  • how to convey to the consumer the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe value of the product through the price;
  • how to choose skillful intermediaries so that the product is widely available, well presented;
  • how to advertise and sell a product so that consumers know it and want to buy it.

According to the founder of marketing theory, American scientist Philip Kotler, marketing is a type of human activity aimed at satisfying needs and requirements through exchange.

The role of marketing in the economy is to increase its trade and operational efficiency.

At the present stage, marketing is understood as an expression of a market-oriented managerial style of thinking that can not only respond to the development of the market environment, but also change the parameters of the environment itself, ensuring market entry, market expansion, and ensuring market security.

The history of the emergence and development of marketing. Four eras of marketing

Most scientists define marketing as a type of human activity that is aimed at meeting emerging needs and requirements through exchange. And although exchange relations arose almost simultaneously with the emergence of mankind, the formation of marketing as a separate science began to occur only after the "great depression" that reigned in the West in 1923-1933.

American scientist, economist Peter Drucker believed that Japan became the birthplace of marketing. In 1690, the founder of the famous Mitsui family settled in Tokyo and opened the first department store.

In this store, Mr. Mitsui spent trade policy which was ahead of its time by about 250 years.

For the first time in the history of trade, the store owner focused on his customers, buying only what was in demand, providing a system of guarantees for the quality of the goods, constantly expanding the range of goods.

In the West, marketing has only been talked about since the middle of the nineteenth century.

Cyrus McCormick was the first to suggest that marketing should be the central activity of the enterprise, and working with one's own circle of consumers should be the task of the manager, was Cyrus McCormick.

This person is better known as the inventor of the first combine, but it was he who created such marketing directions as price policy , market research, after-sales service.

As an academic science, marketing originated in America. Marketing courses were first taught at the University of Illinois and Michigan in 1901. Therefore, the birthplace of modern marketing is considered to be the United States.

There are four main eras in the history of marketing.:

  • era of production;
  • era of sales;
  • the era of direct marketing;
  • era of relationships.

Production era lasted until 1925. At that time, even the most developed companies in Europe focused only on the production of quality goods, and they hired third-party people to sell them. It was believed that a good product is quite capable of selling itself.

The most prominent representative of the business of those years was Henry Ford, whose famous phrase: "Consumers can have the color of the car they want, as long as it remains black" perfectly describes the attitude to marketing of that time. Most industrialists believed that it was enough to produce the best product in order to outperform competitors. However, this was not entirely true, and the production era ended before it reached its peak.

Sales era(since 1925) - in Europe and the USA, production methods were improved, production volumes grew. Manufacturers already had to think about more effective ways marketing of manufactured products.

It was a time of great discoveries, and goods that were completely unusual for consumers appeared on the market, the need for which the population still needed to be convinced.

IN large companies sales people began to appear, but they were still given a secondary role.

The era of marketing itself started after the Great Depression. The need of the population for goods began to grow, the importance of sales departments too. Only those companies that were able to take into account consumer demand and focus on it survived. During the Second World War, there was a pause in the development of marketing relations.

After the war, marketing was no longer seen as an additional or secondary activity. Marketing began to play a leading role in product planning.

Marketers, together with product engineers, identified consumer needs and tried to satisfy them.

Market orientation helped to quickly achieve financial success, consumers were very eager to accept new products. This is how consumer-driven marketing was born.

Relationship Era appeared towards the end of the twentieth century and continues to this day. Her salient feature- the desire of marketers to establish and maintain stable relationships with consumers.

The main goal in the face of fierce competition is to maintain and increase sales, to stay afloat.

History of marketing development in Russia

Periodization of marketing development in Russia has significant differences. The first period of marketing development began in 1880 and lasted until October 1917.

It was a time of active development of Russian industry on the basis of large-scale entrepreneurship.

Even then, various marketing tools were used, in particular the formation public opinion by issuing print and wall advertisements, participating in international exhibitions and fairs, patronage.

Domestic entrepreneurs have successfully used sales and staff promotion techniques. There was an industry for the production of packaging for goods. But united marketing system was not there yet.

Whereas at large universities in Europe and America, marketing was already taught as a separate discipline, in Russia, individual knowledge of marketing could only be obtained in a general course. economic theory which was taught in commercial schools.

The revolution interrupted the development of marketing in Russia. Within five years, the country needed most of the industrial and food products. Production was stopped and destroyed. Civil and first world war relegated the problem of marketing far into the background.

With the advent of the NEP era, a new round of marketing development in Russia is taking place. The Market Institute appeared in Moscow, the first institution in Soviet Russia to study marketing. N.D.

Kondratiev created the theory of "Business Cycles", the first scientific work on marketing.

However, with the advent of 1929 and the tough distribution system goods, the development of marketing again freezes until the Khrushchev thaw.

Under Khrushchev, Soviet economists became interested in marketing, giving a negative assessment of marketing as a phenomenon completely alien to the economy of Soviet Russia.

In the 1970s, Russia began to enter the foreign market, and the ignorance of the simplest basics of marketing by domestic specialists led to the failure of trade relations. Realizing their mistake, the country's leadership urgently rehabilitated marketing by introducing a new academic discipline at a number of universities in the country.

A new stage in the development of domestic marketing began in 1992-1993. The economic reforms of those years are estimated differently, but they led to the formation of market relations and spurred the development of marketing.

Many enterprises found themselves on the verge of bankruptcy and were forced to resort to marketing tools in order to establish sales against the backdrop of a rapidly changing economic situation in Russia. Some urgently re-profiled their activities, focusing on consumer demand, others closed, declaring bankruptcy.

Today, the importance of marketing in Russia is recognized by all those who are connected with the market and are engaged in economic activities. Marketing is taught as a separate discipline in colleges and universities. Marketing has become an independent specialty, marketing graduates are becoming sought-after specialists in any enterprise.

List of sources used

Formation and development of marketing

The concept of marketing is a system of goals, principles and methods of managing the production, marketing and trading activities market oriented business. It is based on the theory of individual choice, based on the principle of consumer priority and reflects the ongoing changes in approaches to the organization of production and marketing activities of an enterprise in new conditions and a new market environment. Modern concept marketing is that all the activities of the enterprise (production, scientific and technical, marketing, in the field of capital investments) are based on knowledge of consumer demand and its changes in the future.

Marketing is a complex, multifaceted, dynamic phenomenon, covering a huge range of the most various kinds human activity - from industry to political struggle, from sports to social movements. In one universal definition specialists have not yet been able to give a complete, adequate description of its principles and functions. Currently, there are many definitions of marketing, each of which considers one or another side of this science or makes an attempt to its complex characteristics.

Modern marketing activity within the enterprise is considered as a complex system management decisions to study the market, meet the needs and requests of customers, based on the capabilities of the enterprise and aimed at making a profit and competitive advantages. When using marketing, the profit for the products sold must cover all the costs of the enterprise, provide an opportunity for its further development and satisfaction of other needs, otherwise marketing is ineffective. Marketing is changeable, dynamic and depends on the scope, time of action, parameters of the surrounding market environment, consumer interests.

Translated from English, marketing means market. In the most general view this concept implies market activity, the main purpose of which is to make a profit by the producer of goods (services) through satisfying the needs of buyers. As a result of the exchange between the producer and the consumer, there is a mutual satisfaction of needs and mutual achievement of goals. Marketing means the development, production and marketing of a product for which there is a real consumer demand. The marketing activity of the enterprise makes the production of goods dependent on the needs of customers and requires the production of goods in the range and volume required by the consumer. Thus, marketing is a process of planning and managing the development of goods (services), pricing policy, promotion of goods to customers and marketing, so that the products produced meet the needs of both individuals and organizations.

As a business philosophy, marketing requires an enterprise to view consumption as a process in which consumers have the right to buy only the product they need. To do this, the enterprise must first study the nature of the needs of buyers, then satisfy them as fully as possible with the help of the goods (services) necessary for the buyer, while receiving a certain profit necessary for its existence and better satisfying the needs of consumers in the future.

Historically, the process of formation and development of marketing took place in several stages and was the result of the development of market relations. The origin of marketing theory dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. The first stage (1920 - 1930) was characterized by the orientation of efforts towards production. At that time, for the developing production concept of enterprise management, the main thing was the manufacturer and the increase in the output of the existing range of goods. Demand for goods significantly exceeded supply, almost all goods were quickly sold on the market, even if they did not fully meet the requirements of consumers. There was little or no competition. The focus was on increasing production volumes and reducing costs.

At the next stage in the development of marketing, which lasted from 1931 to 1950, there is a further focus on sales. During this period, the problems of marketing are significantly exacerbated. Manufacturers, who previously were mainly concerned with production, and tried to sell their goods to the buyer in any way, begin to think about the problem of selling products. In practice, various methods of influencing buyers are used in order to interest them in making a purchase. There is an urgent need to ensure a higher level of management of sales activities, advertising, credit. Competitive struggle for commercial success began to intensify. As a rule, those entrepreneurs who were able to persuade buyers not only to one-time purchases, but also to orient them towards long-term contacts with the enterprise, won this fight. This could be done only in the case of a thorough study of buyers, demand for goods, the use of advertising, sales promotion, etc. The activities of businessmen at that time were based mainly on personal intuition and experience practical work, since there were no strictly scientific principles of market activity. However, soon a number of US universities began to give lectures on these topical topics and introduce the teaching of an independent course in marketing, separated from the economy. Some time later, as a result practical application Theories of marketing at large enterprises began to create departments whose main purpose was market research. In addition, specialized commercial organizations for the provision of marketing services.

Further development of the market, commodity production and needs led to the transition of sales marketing to functional. For this period economic development characterized by the development of the buyer's market, the intensification of competition, the intensification of the struggle for the consumer. At this stage of marketing development, the main conditions were not only the sale of the produced goods, but also the impact on the consumer in order to form his needs, taking into account the increasing production capabilities to create new and differentiate existing goods. Marketing began to influence the entire process of economic activity of the enterprise, and not just its marketing function.

From 1951 to 1980, functional marketing was replaced by managerial marketing, which becomes integral part management activities business structures. The main efforts of managerial marketing are directed to the development and promotion of products to consumers and the creation of favorable conditions for the purchase of goods. At this stage, marketing is considered as a market management concept that focuses all the economic functions of the enterprise on meeting the demand of specific target consumers, taking into account changing market conditions, and studying the needs of customers. The object of the marketing concept was the development of new products and technologies, planning and implementation production programs, financial and marketing activities. The main goal of market management theory is profit by satisfying consumer demand.

Since the beginning of the 70s of the twentieth century in the United States, the use of macroeconomic analysis has become widespread in marketing theory, as a result of which a new direction has been formed - macromarketing. Macromarketing is based on the understanding of marketing as a social process that ensures the formation and satisfaction of consumer demand for goods and services through production, sales promotion, trade and customer service. In a functional system, the consumer becomes the main one, to the various needs and interests of which companies subordinate their activities. Under these conditions, in order to achieve success in the competition, it is necessary to match the product to the needs of buyers, which requires a thorough preliminary study of the market.

As a result, in marketing theory, the emphasis was placed on a specific consumer with his real needs and requirements. The concept of marketing was formulated, according to which all activities of the enterprise should be carried out with constant consideration of the state of the market, based on accurate knowledge of the needs and requirements of consumers, their assessment and consideration of possible changes in the future. An important condition for this marketing concept is not only the ability to adapt to market requirements, but also the formation of customer requests.

From 1981 to 1995 there was a focus on social and ethical marketing. The main thing in the concept of social and ethical marketing is the needs of buyers, their requests, problems, interests, desires, not only current, but also promising, potential, which allows the company to focus on the long term. The characteristic features of socio-ethical marketing are a comprehensive consideration of consumer problems, the formation of a set of goods that most fully and effectively solve them, as well as individualization - focusing on small groups of consumers and on an individual buyer. The essence of socio-ethical marketing is the promotion to the market of only those goods and services that benefit society and satisfy healthy human needs. At this stage, the main principles were developed that determine the relationship of the producer to the consumer: the consumer is the king; it is necessary to produce only what is bought; production must anticipate the desires and needs of the buyer. Socio-ethical marketing takes into account the requirements of economical use of resources and environmental protection, as well as solving other problems of the world community.

It is believed that marketing is currently at a new stage of development, which is called interaction marketing. The basis of the new concept is the principle of satisfaction of consumers, partners and the state. The need for marketing modern conditions It is determined by the fact that its application allows the manufacturer to solve market problems in the most rational way, to make the most of its capabilities and market opportunities for profit, to plan its activities in the market, taking into account the expected trends in its development. Modern marketing has absorbed the latest achievements of world practice and science, including computer science, management and economic sciences, sociology, psychology, etc. The most important task of the marketing activity of an enterprise is to determine the most successful set of marketing tools that are harmoniously interconnected and allow maximum impact on the market.

Marketing activities at the enterprise in modern conditions should provide: reliable, reliable and timely information about the market, the structure and dynamics of specific demand, the tastes and preferences of customers, that is, information about the external conditions of the enterprise; the creation of such a product or a set of products (assortment) that most fully satisfies the requirements of the market than the products of competitors, as well as the necessary impact on the buyer, demand, market in order to ensure control over the scope of sales. The production of goods is made dependent on the needs of buyers, and profit is achieved through the satisfaction of needs.

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Today, marketing has become ubiquitous, no production or service sector can do without promotion. The history of marketing goes back to ancient times. Consider the main stages of the emergence and development of marketing, its evolution and current state.

Concept of marketing

It is impossible to consider the history of marketing without a definition of this concept. Literally translated, the term means market activity, work with the market. But in the course of using this word, it acquires additional meanings. Today, marketing is understood as an activity to meet the needs of people through the production of goods and services, it is a management process for organizing a mutually beneficial exchange between a consumer and a producer. Since marketing is an integral component of market activity, its appearance dates back to very ancient times.

Early stages of the history of marketing development

The first rudiments of marketing activity arose when a person learned to produce as many goods as he could not consume. Surplus goods had to be sold somehow, and then the first signs of marketing appear. This happened already in the days of Ancient Egypt, there are examples of advertising messages on clay tablets. Already in ancient Greece and ancient Rome, merchants begin to focus on consumer demand, advertising and public relations appear. With the advent of industrial production, the methods of marketing products become more complicated. For the first time in the history of marketing in Japan, a general store appeared in the 17th century, operating strictly in accordance with the demand for goods. It provided guarantees for the goods, used the beginnings of merchandising. However, all these were single achievements of individual sellers, there was no meaningful system for using these techniques, everything was applied at the level of intuition.

Russian experience

There is a history of marketing in Russia too. As far back as the 18th century, domestic merchants understood that it was necessary to form a pool of regular, loyal customers. And they established close, trusting relationships with their consumers, selling only high-quality goods, giving guarantees, selling goods "with a hike", that is, with a small weight, giving small souvenirs for a purchase, and conducted product tastings. The history of advertising in Russia of this period is also interesting: merchants competed in the art of designing signs and shop windows, using touts, which in an original form invited customers to the store.

The Emergence of Marketing

In the 19th century, the prerequisites for the emergence of system marketing were formed. The reasons for its appearance were the saturation of the market with goods, the concentration of commercial and industrial capital, the development of in-line, mass production, unorganized competition, state regulation of markets, monopolies. All this led to a critical situation, which became the beginning of the history of marketing. Theorists are beginning to comprehend the current situation, to offer their own options for getting out of it. In 1901, the discipline "marketing" was introduced for the first time at US universities. In 1908, the first research laboratory dealing with marketing problems was opened. Theorists formulate the concepts of marketing, which later add up to the evolution of this phenomenon.

production concept

The first concept in the history of marketing is traditionally called production. It develops and dominates the markets from 1860 to 1920. Its basic position is the requirement to improve production in order to increase productivity and reduce production costs. It is believed that the market can consume any quantity of goods at reasonable prices. During this period, the markets are not yet crowded with goods, and it is enough to set affordable prices for people to start buying more. But by the beginning of the 1930s, it became clear that the purchasing power of people is not infinite, and it is not enough just to produce a product, you need to think about how to sell it.

Commodity concept

In the early 1920s, the following concept appears in the history of marketing. It is designed to solve the problem of overproduction of goods, and the way out is seen in the improvement of goods. It is assumed that consumers will buy a product of the best quality, so manufacturers devote all their efforts to improving their products, to increasing the functionality of the product. At the same time, all improvements are related to the vision of the manufacturer, the interests of the consumer are in no way taken into account when introducing innovations. Manufacturers are focusing their efforts on creating the "ideal product", on the introduction of new technologies. However, it quickly became clear that even this approach cannot force people to buy endlessly. At a certain stage, this approach bore fruit, but it quickly exhausted its possibilities.

Sales concept

In the early 1930s, the markets of developed countries were swept by a wave of overproduction, so the idea of ​​intensifying marketing efforts arose. There is an idea that the consumer needs to tell about the product many times in different forms, to push him to buy. This is how the marketing mix begins.

Manufacturers understand that one promotion tool is no longer enough, and complex communication programs are needed. This approach leads to the fact that an avalanche of advertising falls on the consumer, annoying, aggressive, offering him an unnecessary product, which repels him from buying. This leads to a negative reaction of consumers, to the refusal of repeat purchases and, as a result, to a decrease in sales.

consumer concept

The next stage in the development of marketing is an approach related to the needs and requirements of the consumer. This concept is also called traditional marketing. Because it declares the main goal - meeting the needs of the consumer, by releasing a product that meets the needs of the consumer. The manufacturer, before launching the release of goods, now conducts research on the consumer, his interests and needs. Now it is not what the company can and wants to produce, but what the consumer wants and can buy. The need to establish long-term relationships with the consumer, the formation of consumer loyalty is recognized. The goal of the manufacturer is now customer satisfaction.

Socio-ethical marketing

In the 1980s, the concept of traditional marketing began to be linked to the demands of society. The product must now not only meet the needs of an individual, but also comply with ethical and environmental standards. In this concept, the marketing mix complex becomes the main promotion tool. The manufacturer is now obliged not only to study the consumer, but also to take into account the conditions for saving resources and protecting the environment. A modern consumer will buy a product that fully satisfies his needs, and also meets all safety requirements and contributes to the well-being of society as a whole.

Interaction Marketing

In the 1980s, a new concept appeared, aimed at establishing relationships with the consumer. Its appearance is due to the fact that it is not the product that comes to the fore, but the service. Also, a prerequisite for the emergence of this concept was the global expansion of the service market. The manufacturer must now build a customer service program, the service becomes a tool in the fight against competitors. Products have already reached their peak quality, it is difficult to improve them much, so attention is shifted to communication with the consumer, the importance of the brand increases. The spread of this concept is facilitated by the emergence of Internet marketing. The history and development of marketing are moving to a new level, as communications with the consumer are now becoming closer, more interactive, and more effective. With the penetration of the Internet into sales, new platforms for contact with the consumer appear, the regional boundaries of markets are erased, all this leads to an improvement in marketing communications.

The current stage in the development of marketing

Interaction marketing is the dominant concept around the world today. But the peculiarity of the current state of marketing is that several progressive concepts coexist at the same time. Today, manufacturers use not only interaction marketing, but also integrated, strategic, innovative, modeling marketing.


The history of marketing development begins its way from the time of the creation of markets. At that time, the first concepts appeared, such as:

  • mediation;
  • wholesale and retail;
  • price formation.

Even in ancient Greece and Rome, there were intermediaries, and in those ancient civilizations they were of different types. At the same time, with the emergence of the market, such a concept appeared. like pricing policy and advertising.

If you have your own store, then you need to take care of its security. is available at reasonable prices.

The history of the emergence of marketing began to become more active towards the end of the 17th and beginning of the 18th centuries. American scientists concluded that some marketing concepts were used by merchants in England in the 17th century, after which the colonists transported them to the United States.

American scholar Peter Ferdinand Drucker, a respected management theorist, was convinced that marketing originated in Japan. This was found documentary evidence. In 1690, a resident of Tokyo opened the first store, which focused on the demand of customers, increased the range of goods. The first guarantees of product quality appeared there.

The history of marketing marks three main stages of development

Stage one. This time is different in that the competition among buyers was greater than between manufacturers. Historians distinguish three main periods:

Lasts throughout 1860 and 1920. Given the high level of demand, manufacturers have set their sights on the volume of goods produced, and not on its quality.

from 1920 to 1930. After achieving high volume productivity, manufacturers began to pay more attention to the quality of their products and adjust the product range according to its popularity.

In the period from 1930 to 1960, due to a decrease in demand, supply began to prevail. Thanks to this, a new branch in marketing began to actively develop, modeling the behavior of the buyer in the sales market.

The second stage is considered the period of 50–60 years of the XX century, during this period marketing was recognized as a science of management. The first to make this statement was not a little-known American inventor, Cyrus Hall McCormick, who was also the founder of the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company, which in 1902 became part of the International Harvester enterprise.

Developed countries, having overcome the difficulties of the post-war period, began to develop a market economy, therefore this page of history is also called the period of consumer orientation.

In the third stage, the marketing philosophy was established. This has become the basis of communication between the company and the consumer.

Moments of development of foreign marketing

There are a number of historical episodes in the development of marketing policy abroad. Here are some of them:

  • 1902 US universities began to teach marketing courses;
  • between 1934-36, the first publications in the direction of marketing were published;
  • 1990 was distinguished by the appearance of marketing terms.

Development of marketing in the Russian Federation

Marketing development in Russia also has several stages:

The period from 1880 to 1917 is considered the first stage. The industrial potential in Russia on an entrepreneurial basis quickly gained momentum. At this time, marketing elements were widely used in domestic business. The most common among them were:

  • advertising techniques of a different nature;
  • communication between the enterprise and the public was established in every possible way.

But there was no integral system marketing.

The beginning of the twentieth century was marked by the active development of industry, so it is considered the second stage of development. But because of the attitude of the Soviet economy to marketing as a science, it was not recognized and was not subject to study.

The mid-70s was the third stage of development for marketing. It was recognized as a market concept of production management, sales of goods and services. But the central control mechanism did not allow to apply all the principles of marketing in the domestic market. Economic entities were prohibited from free realization of market opportunities.

In the 90s, after the adoption of the property law, marketing gained momentum in development, which became the fourth stage of evolution.

Important Points

In Russian marketing, there are a number of important events and dates assigned to them, such stages as:

  • in 1967 the creation of a marketing section;
  • 1980 was distinguished by the introduction of marketing courses in economic universities;
  • in 1990, a decision was made to organize an institute for system research and marketing;
  • in 1992 he started the issue of the magazine "Marketing";
  • in 1995, the Russian Marketing Association was created.

Based on the analysis of marketing development in Russia, it can be seen that the formation takes place episodically in a series of meaningless impulses, as marketing tasks arrive and the search for a method to solve them. As a rule, they are associated with the sale of goods and were perceived as excessive imposition of products, through psychological processing and manipulation of consumer behavior.

The number of companies that have access to post-industry society marketing is not large enough. Most entrepreneurs work within the strict confines of industrial marketing. They are inaccessible to such methods as customer orientation, quality improvement or updating the product range. The marketing principle of an industrial society is product orientation.

Due to the high level of monopolists and oligopolists, the situation with socially responsible marketing is even more difficult. Monopoly enterprises do not work on a long-term policy either with consumers or with products. For them, the concept of making money from turnover does not exist. The principle of their policy is to get a quick income by maintaining a high price while limiting output.