The goods are distributed. Promotion of goods and services - achieving your goal in a couple of steps. List of used literature

Companies use hundreds of different tricks to attract customers and get them to notice their products. We see advertising on beautiful signs and on TV, we hear about different products on the radio, we regularly come across promoters who organize tastings, give gifts and hand out leaflets. We have all attended events to promote goods and services, attended promotions, exhibitions and sales. In all these ways, manufacturers ensure the promotion of their products.

Promotion of goods and services: goals and functions

As many have already realized, promotion of goods and services in marketing, it is a set of actions of an organization that stimulate potential consumers to buy its products. Companies these days are armed with a huge arsenal of passive selling techniques (aka lazy marketing) that allow them to influence the client.

The American company HubSpot found out which first sentences do not inspire the reader, but, on the contrary, force them to delete the letter.

In our article we have collected 5 such phrases and ways to correct mistakes.

System for promoting goods and services in the market includes a variety of activities, efforts, actions taken by those who produce and those who resell products. They all work to increase demand, increase sales and expand the scope of their market influence.

This process has two main goals. The first of them is to activate consumer demand for this product. The second is to maintain a favorable image of the manufacturer in the eyes of consumers.

We can name the following functions promotion of goods and services:

1. Inform

With the help of various promotions, the manufacturer informs the consumer about the features of the product. The buyer must inquire about competitive advantages, new formulas, unique parameters of the product to want to buy it. The task of an organization interested in promoting its goods and services is to explain to the buyer why its product is the best and to support this with examples.

2. Create a positive image

The manufacturer must form an idea among buyers of its product as prestigious, affordable, innovative, and unique. The image of a product that is created as a result of promotion may exceed reality. Its goal is to distinguish the product from competitors (for example, “the lightest cottage cheese”, a loan “according to the simplest rules”, etc.).

3. Maintain popularity

Promotion of goods and services reminds the buyer that this product is not just a product for them, but something important and necessary. There is no way to allow the buyer to meet New Year without Coca-Cola, so the company’s marketers convince the buyer that a holiday is possible only with this drink.

4. Change negative stereotypes

A special strategy for promoting goods and services is necessary when the buyer has a negative opinion or idea about a product or service. For example, the South Korean company Samsung needed to show its target audience that their equipment is no worse than Japanese in quality, but compares favorably in price and service. To do this, Samsung marketers proposed building promotion on increasing the warranty period of equipment to 3 years.

5. Incentivize intermediaries

Participants in the distribution system, through which suppliers sell their goods, focus their purchases on what the final consumer demand will be. Increasing final demand to increase purchases is another function of promotion.

6. Promote a more expensive product

The purpose of promoting goods and services with a high price is to make customers understand that the price is justified. It will cease to influence the buyer’s choice of product if this product is presented as unique, superior to competitors, and therefore worth the money spent.

This function of promoting goods and services is performed by “hidden advertising” ( different kinds sponsorship events, donations, etc.). But with low quality, high price and negative perception of the product, “hidden advertising” practically does not help to improve the situation.

    • Promoting a new product on the market: how to increase the chances of success

Main types of promotion of goods and services and their means

Marketers talk about four types of promotion of a company's goods and services.

According to modern theories, advertising is a set of non-personal forms of communication that are carried out by paid means of disseminating information and financed from an explicitly specified source. Advertising in marketing is a special subtype of this phenomenon, advertising to promote goods and services.

At the same time, the product must initially be in demand in the market, otherwise, no matter how much money the company spends on advertising, it will not be able to sell it.

Advertising is made effective by two components: positive information about the product and a set of arguments justifying the benefits of purchasing it. If advertising lacks these two components, its effectiveness as a way to promote goods and services is reduced. You can speak about two types arguments in favor of the product: objective, which appeal to logic when revealing the features of the product (as in Dirol advertising); subjective, which evoke pleasant feelings and associations (as in the “Orchard” advertisement).

Between advertising offer and there should be a radical difference in the competitors' proposals.
If supply is not unique, it will not lead to unique demand. Uniqueness can be in the product, in the target market, or in the advertising message itself.

  1. Necessary and informative. This is an advertisement that the consumer quickly remembers because it touches on something that he always needs. Such advertising does not require expensive means of promoting a product or service; it “shoots” in any case. Examples include advertising of tutoring services or “help” for students with assessment papers.
  2. Random and not always relevant. Such advertising is difficult to remember until the buyer has a need for a certain product or service. Therefore, it is important for the seller to make sure that the buyer knows where to find his advertisement if necessary. For example, most potential buyers of plastic windows know that advertising for this product should be sought in free advertising publications.
  3. Unnecessary and annoying. This is intrusive advertising of goods and services that the consumer does not always need. Advertising information is either ignored by them or causes irritation. It is important that advertising reaches those for whom it is relevant and in demand.
    First, the consumer needs to realize that he needs the product from the advertisement - that is, to face his need. Then he will be ready to make a decision to purchase the product.

Planning the promotion of goods and services through advertising begins with identifying the target audience and the means of informing them about the product. Advertising as a means of marketing does not seek to force the consumer to buy; its task is to lead him to the fact that he needs this particular product right now.

II Personal (direct) selling

This type of promotion of goods and services consists of their oral presentation in a direct conversation with a potential buyer, the purpose of which is sale. This form of promotion is also called direct marketing or direct marketing. As a level of business organization, direct marketing is higher than ordinary retail or provision of services. At the same time, it does not require special financial investments.

To carry out direct sales, the seller (and sales staff in general) must have an excellent understanding of the features of the product that needs to be sold, as well as provide quality and professional service to customers. The seller must master the communication techniques of advertising and product presentation. Then it will fully fulfill its function and provide the buyer with exactly those arguments thanks to which he will make a purchasing decision.

Sales can drop significantly if the promotion of a company's products and services does not include direct marketing methods, even if other marketing conditions are met. If an ideally located store sells high-quality, advertised products in a huge assortment at affordable prices, but the salespeople are rude and do not try to captivate customers, this outlet will most likely not be effective.

In personal selling, the sales agent not only takes orders from customers, but actively solicits them. Personal sales are organized on the basis two approaches.

  1. Aggressive selling is a method of focusing on sales at any cost, based on criticism of products of competitive brands or lines, exaggerated praise of one's products, discounts for consumers who buy the product immediately.
  2. Collaborative selling is a buyer-centered and interaction-oriented method in which the salesperson helps the buyer understand a problem or need for a product and then offers a way to solve the problem or satisfy the need.

Talking about main advantages of direct marketing, the following should be mentioned first:

  • Individual treatment of the client, effective information about the product;
  • absence of large stranded costs typical for advertising;
  • the ability to receive feedback from consumers and rebuild the work and advertising process based on it.

TO weak points direct marketing has to include high distribution costs, which owe their appearance to the fact that a “pyramid” of hierarchical relationships arises within the marketing network.

In addition, direct marketing is most effective in cases where the product that the seller is promoting with its help is exclusive and is sold only through direct sales. If it is sold by both traveling salesmen and retail sellers retail outlets, then the former inevitably turn out to be less competitive, because the product no longer seems exclusive to consumers.

With the help of personal selling, you can extremely effectively solve many problems that the department for promoting a product or service faces: identifying the target audience of a product, collecting information about the state of the market, effectively contacting the buyer, quickly changing with the market, etc.

III Propaganda (PR, publicity)

PR is a subtype of public relations of an organization, which consists of disseminating information of commercial or image importance. This distribution contributes to demand stimulation, which is impersonal and not paid for by sponsors. Propaganda can be carried out independently or through intermediaries. Its goal is to attract consumer attention to the product without spending money on advertising campaigns.

Propaganda is carried out using the following tools:

  • speeches (appearances of company officials in public to accompany various events);
  • events (these include press conferences, meetings, seminars, various exhibitions, competitions, etc., which are organized and conducted by the company);
  • news (press releases that are provided to the media and contain positive information about the company, product and employees);
  • publications ( annual reports, newsletters, brochures, articles in print media that help influence the audience);
  • sponsorship (investments of temporary, material and human resources in organizing events of public importance);
  • means of identification (emphasizing corporate symbols on the emblem, internal documentation, office for employees, business cards, website, in the style and design of company premises, in employee uniforms, in brochures about the company, etc.).

Any recipient of propaganda can be conditionally classified as one of four types:

  1. Consumer. The goal of consumer propaganda is to create a positive image of the product (most often from an environmental point of view) and the company. Here, promotions, public events, image publications in the media space, etc. work as tools for promoting a product or service.
  2. Counterparty. Propaganda focused on him helps expand trading network and increase the number of company customers. Such propaganda is carried out through exhibitions, presentations, mailings, etc. The effectiveness of these events doubles if they include product presentations and personal meetings with potential partners.
  3. Journalist. Contacts with key journalists in all types of media through press conferences and specially prepared press releases allow you to quickly promote free information about product development.
  4. Authority. In order to attract state and municipal authorities to the development of the company, the company can participate in projects of social significance, finance public events together with authorities and management, etc.

In a market that is not monopolized, propaganda turns out to be a much less effective means of promoting goods and services than advertising. However, in a monopolized market, propaganda brings much greater commercial benefits.

IV Sales promotion

Sales promotion includes activities not yet listed that can help promote the organization's goods and services.

Activities that stimulate sales are always tied to the consumer properties of the product, its price or sales system. TO main recipients sales promotions include:

  1. A buyer who needs to be encouraged to buy more. Companies stimulate customers in various ways: through competitions, games and lotteries, through loyalty programs (discount cards, discounts for repeat purchases); shares; demonstration of goods carried out by promoters; free samples, benefits, etc.
  2. A counterparty who needs to be encouraged to increase the volume of transactions and actively promote the company’s product. For this purpose, contractors are usually provided with: Propaganda materials, sales equipment; Corporate training sellers; Competitive sales motivation, the possibility of authorized dealership and other bonuses; Related services (legal, information and others). For example, the Coca-Cola company supplies retail outlets with refrigerators free of charge, and companies that supply complex household appliances, at their own expense, train and certify contractors’ personnel involved in its service maintenance.
  3. Sales staff. To promote goods or services, it is necessary to motivate the seller to try to improve the quality of service and attract customers. Forms of stimulation for sellers include: introducing a competitive element into work; material and moral incentives; services for training, treatment and retraining of personnel provided at corporate expense; vouchers for the best workers, etc.

Creating a strong connection with sales personnel, intermediary partners and consumers does not necessarily require the use of coercion. You can always find techniques that will allow you to form strong relationships based on common interests and mutual satisfaction of needs.

Example 1. An expensive smartphone is not as advanced as its Chinese counterpart, as it might seem when looking at the difference in their prices, sometimes twentyfold. But, thanks to the positioning of branded smartphones, the consumer has become convinced that owning one of them is much more prestigious than using a Chinese-made smartphone.

A communication policy aimed at forming an image of a product in the consumer’s head has helped companies producing branded smartphones earn super profits. This clearly shows that not only production costs affect the price of the product.

Example 2. Stimulation of the sales staff of the McDonald's chain in St. Petersburg is given Special attention: Depending on their performance, employees receive bonuses. Thanks to this, the motivation of employees and the quality of service for restaurant customers increases, which is why the popularity of the McDonald’s chain is growing. With a simple recipe and a small range of products that can be copied by any catering establishment, McDonald's remains the most popular restaurant chain. This is explained by the fact that the work of sales personnel in many other networks is not stimulated.

  • Promoting products on the market: how to win the love and recognition of consumers

Ways to promote goods and services in real business conditions

Modern companies have an extensive arsenal ways, with the help of which they force the consumer to pay attention to their products. This arsenal includes:

  • active use of the Internet as a channel for promoting goods and services;
  • creation and development of a brand (branding);
  • various forms of franchising;
  • telemarketing;
  • organization of exhibitions;
  • use of merchandising rules in trade.

Let's consider each way to promote goods and services in order.

Internet is a relatively new platform for promotion, but its possibilities are extremely wide. Virtual space is used for disseminating mass information, for communication, for online trading, and for establishing monetary relations. All this makes it a promising field for the development of commerce.

Branding represents the first step in promoting any unique product or service. In order for this product or service to begin to be recognized and respected, it must have a memorable “face”. This “face” becomes a personal trademark, or brand. A brand combines a trademark or symbol and the figurative content of this symbol. The result of good branding is that consumers begin to perceive the product exclusively through the prism of the brand. Due to this, the product can occupy its market niche and outperform competitors.

A company that owns a brand may transfer some of the rights to trade under its brand to another company in order to make the brand more popular and increase trade coverage. This process is called franchising, and the company that buys the right to use an already formed brand is the franchisor.

Methods of effective promotion also include various techniques for manipulating the retail space that allow you to attract customers - merchandising. Buyers show interest in a product that is beautifully laid out, interestingly designed, equipped additional information, with which you can interact interactively.

The best way to present an organization and a brand, evaluate the achievements of competitors, show your strengths, communicate directly with consumers, and establish new partnerships is through exhibitions. Each company organizes its own stand there, trying to make maximum use of the allocated space to attract the attention of buyers.

  • Strategy for promoting a foreign brand unknown on the Russian market

Speaks CEO

Olga Seryakova, General Director of SumUp Russia, Moscow

Our story began in 2013. We had mini-terminal technology that could be connected to a smartphone to read information from bank cards and send a check via mobile or electronic network. This new product could allow every private entrepreneur and every small company to accept non-cash payments. The technology was very simple and safe, but we still had to convince our future clients – small business owners – of this. And this is what we did for this.

With the help of a marketing agency, we invented a fictional character - a granny who sells sunflower seeds and pickled cucumbers, but despite the traditional nature of her product, she is open to innovation: she uses a smartphone and a bank card reader to accept non-cash payments. The character now has a face (she was played by a professional actress) and a name – Aybabulya. Then we launched a multi-promotion campaign.

First, we began posting videos of our Aybabulya on the company website and corporate pages on social networks. On videos she told the audience the secrets of her enterprise.

After that we held a series of street presentations. Specially selected using " word of mouth“grandmothers-promoters settled in crowded places to sell seeds. They attracted people because they could only pay for a bag purchased from them cashless through our reader.

Results. We used conventional Internet marketing tools to collect statistics on the effectiveness of the campaign. We monitored traffic, recorded referral sources, the amount of time during which visitors studied the resource, and the depth of immersion on the site. In addition, we have seen the number of friends and followers of our corporate accounts increase in in social networks as the number of likes grows. Aybabuli’s video presentations posted on Youtube received more than two hundred thousand views in a week. Several thousand people registered on the official website. This way we were able to attract exactly the audience we needed.

Evgeniy Skrinnik, General Director of the company "SuryaRam" ("Discount Boom"), Moscow

Services are, in principle, more difficult to promote than goods, and partly (but only partly) this is probably why City service funeral services was one of the difficult clients for us. But we came up with three techniques that clients have used with success.

1. Coupon service. The funeral service took a risk and decided to coupon discounts on its services. Through our service, the client organized the sale of discount coupons for private users. The coupons had a wide range of values ​​(from 7.5 to 868 thousand rubles), and with their help it was possible to get a discount of up to 73% in order to bury 1-3 people.

2. Provocative action. To boost coupon sales, we developed a scenario for a theatrical provocative event. It consisted of our promoters, dressed in black robes and masks, like in the movie “Scream,” appearing on the streets near metro stations, attracting people’s attention and distributing leaflets for the funeral home. The action caused different reactions from people: some tried to distance themselves, others began to threaten. But everyone was interested. This was confirmed by the almost threefold increase in the number of email openings via the newsletter.

3. Posts on social networks. We didn’t even think about actively developing this channel, but social network users decided otherwise. They were so amazed by our provocation that they referred to it for discussion, if we count across all social networks as a whole, more than 400 times.

Grand total. We spent a week of our time, 1 hour of promoters’ working time and 10,000 rubles to prepare the provocative action. (to pay for promoters, costumes and flyer printing). Immediately after the promotion, they started calling us actively, and out of fifty calls they received one order. He immediately covered all our expenses. But over the next few days, the effect continued: in three days, more than one and a half thousand new users registered on our website, which is five times more than the usual norm. We received two more orders, totaling 20,000 rubles. Users attracted by our bold action came to the site and studied it carefully. As a result, they did not order funeral service coupons, but something else, and the total amount of orders “launched” by the promotion amounted to 70-100 thousand rubles. The action simply played the role of a shill. We were able to understand this when we tracked which pages people came to our site from.

Procedures and strategies for promoting goods and services

Strategic promotion planning is carried out differently in each company. But the entire set of unique methods for promoting goods and services can be combined into two main strategies:

1. Attraction is a strategy that is based on the premise that the consumer is the target of promotion, so he must be actively attracted in order to stimulate demand to such an extent that sales of a product or service jump sharply and the interest of counterparties increases.

2. Pushing is a strategy that focuses not on the consumer, but on the intermediary. The manufacturer gives the intermediary the initiative in finding channels to promote the product or service to the end consumer, but he himself does not participate in this.

Let's move on to consider stages promotion.

Stage 1– Goal setting

Any process of communication between a company and a client begins according to some about: either with the advent of a new product, or with the company’s entry into new market sales

If the company does not have “news,” it means that it is trying to correct the current unfavorable situation through, for example, repositioning or rebranding. In this case, the steps below do not apply. They require consideration in another article.

Stage 2– Formation of target audience

The size and scope of your target audience can vary greatly. Their establishment is influenced by the characteristics of the company, the goals of promoting a product or service, and the budget. The target audience can vary from a very broad and vague one (for example, “All solvent women over ... years”) to an extremely specific group of people (with a given gender, age, profession, communication characteristics, hobbies, etc.).

If the widest possible audience is chosen for a campaign, you need to appeal to as many people in it as possible at the same time. To do this, the message compiled by the marketer is made universal and simple, and ceases to take into account any characteristics and consumer groups. Of course, such simplification does not require any effort from the marketer and allows saving financial investments in the campaign. But it will most likely have a negative impact on the effectiveness of communication.

Sometimes such a strategy turns out to be effective or the only possible one. For example, consider the fact: a certain brand of cosmetics is advertised on the pages of a mass newspaper. Such a step is justified only if the marketing campaign has a small budget, its time frame is limited, and/or the main focus in promoting a product or service is not on advertising communications, but on some event or event where this cosmetic brand will be presented. On the contrary, if we are talking about a consumer product that is functional and needed by everyone, it is best to promote it through the media and communication.

Stage 3– Target audience analysis

In order to correctly construct a communication message, you need to very clearly understand who it will be addressed to. Any audience has its own stereotypes regarding ways of obtaining information, high-quality and low-quality products, good and bad, reasonable and unreasonable in general. Audience analysis allows us to identify these stereotypical ideas and present the message in such a way that the audience perceives and responds to it.

Stereotypes are a tenacious thing. Therefore, marketing plays on them - on the similar views of representatives of certain groups on what you can and cannot want, watch, read, see, hear and buy. The maximum goal of any marketing and communication campaign is to ensure that the promoted product becomes stereotypically consumed. Then he will have his loyal customers who use him out of habit, and this will reduce advertising investments.

For example, the target audience of videos is quite broad, both genders are represented, and it is characterized by a wide age range. At the same time, BMX bicycles are of interest to a much narrower group, which consists mainly of young men. BMX belongs to the stereotypes of this group.

Stage 4– Communication tasks

Communication can accomplish a number of tasks related to promoting a product or service.

  1. It informs consumers about the brand.
  2. It creates a positive attitude towards the brand.
  3. Communication makes consumers prefer the product of the advertised brand over competitors.
  4. It removes all the barriers that prevent the consumer from buying a new, complex, unfamiliar product.

You can easily move from the logic of tasks to the logic of a step-by-step structure communication process between a company and the buyers of its product or service.

But the objectives determine not only the algorithm of the marketing strategy, but also how, in what way, through what channels, in what environment and even with what probable impact the communication message will be transmitted.

Stage 5– Selection of communication means

A communication tool, or a means of promoting a product or service, is any of the ways in which information can be conveyed to the addressee. In order for the target audience to receive a ready-made message, you should use the most effective communication channel.

They talk about two radically different types of channels: personal and non-personal.

As the name suggests, personal channels involve the personal participation of the seller and consumer in the transmission of a communication message. We are talking about exhibitions, training seminars, advertising presentations, press conferences and expert product testing. Successful development of personal channels allows you to collect positive feedback from experts, and also provides the product with a good reputation among professionals.

Non-personal channels include all means of promotion that transmit a communication message to the audience as a whole, without focusing on specific members. This group contains interiors, special events, media of all types, the Internet, mailings, etc.

Interiors they call everything that is not directly related to a product or service, but creates a positive image and encourages them to buy it. For example, a chic and functionally furnished office of a law firm and a successful-looking manager lead the client to believe that the company is doing well and implicitly inspires trust.

Common name " special events" is used when talking about charity events, thematic meetings and forums for professionals, as well as other occasions to convey to the audience the image that the company is actively involved in a social or other important mission.

The leading communication channel is selected based on the audience the campaign is addressing, the format in which the message will be conveyed, and the financial capabilities of the organization.

Stage 6 – Communication message concept

The most obvious way, even though this involves some simplification, is to explain the process of creating a communicative message using the example of a slogan. Formulating a clear and concise message that can be conveyed through the chosen communication channel and will be actively received by the audience is the most important task of a marketing campaign.

Tagline is the crystallization of the key messages of a marketing campaign. It describes and arranges all the figurative characteristics of the company and its product that need to be conveyed to the audience. A good slogan, according to professionals, should be easy to remember and have an impact at the level of associations. However, it is important not only to come up with a good slogan, but also to build marketing communications in such a way that there are as few obstacles as possible on its way to the audience.

Stage 7– Marketing communications budget

Depending on the industry of the organization, the budget allocated to manage the promotion of goods and services can vary significantly. In perfume companies it makes up 30-50% of the sales plan, and manufacturers of industrial equipment allocate only 10-20% of the budget for marketing.

Assessing promotion opportunities, fixing the budget as a percentage?

Any businessman knows that correct evaluation and understanding of his products by customers leads to increased sales revenue. Communication task marketing policy– promotion of goods of a manufacturer or entrepreneur. How are products distributed on the market and through whom? What are the ways to successfully market a product?

Promotion– an action that is focused on increasing sales performance through a certain communicative stimulation of clients, contractors, partners and employees. It pursues the following goals: increasing consumer demand and maintaining a positive attitude towards the company. Product promotion carries out such important functions, How:

  • creating an attractive image of the enterprise: prestige, innovation, low prices;
  • bringing information about products, including their characteristics, to end consumers;
  • maintaining the relevance of the product (service);
  • motivating all participants in the product distribution chain;
  • transformation of the usual perception of products;
  • dissemination of information about the reliability of the company;
  • promotion of expensive goods.

The combination of all these functions can be called a complex. That is, a complex for promoting trade items is a certain generalization of marketing tools and techniques that guarantee the delivery of information about the entrepreneur’s products to end consumers. This set of actions consists of different methods of promoting a product.

Promotion methods– these are certain marketing techniques, means and tools that are used to achieve the goal of increasing sales. They are considered an integral part of a well-formed and competent product advertising strategy or company communication policy. There are a sufficient number of methods for promoting a product in marketing, among them there are some that are particularly popular.

Basic methods of product promotion - 4 components of a marketing campaign

Promotion method 1. Advertising

Advertising is a specific type of communication achieved through the commercial dissemination of information with a clear indication of the source of funding. You need to understand that advertising in general and it as a means of marketing are two different techniques.

An important function of advertising in the second case is to provide potential consumers with information about the manufacturer’s new products. An entrepreneur can spend a lot of money on various campaigns to promote a product, but if it is not popular among buyers, then it is quite difficult to implement it.

  • validity;
  • analysis of the proposed item of trade.

When a person does not find the specified provisions in the information about a product, then the benefits from advertising will most likely come to naught. The arguments with which an entrepreneur can interest consumers in his product are divided into the following types.

  • Subjective– this is the emotional mood that appears from watching an advertisement (for example, after a video about “Fruit Garden” juice).
  • Objective– this is the specificity of the product (for example, advertising of Mezim tablets).

Communication with customers through advertising should be exclusive and different from the presentation of information about competitive products. Uniqueness can be associated with the product, the script of the communication block, or the target audience using this product. The consumer must be provided with a special product, otherwise one should not count on successful sales.

If a potential buyer remembers your advertisement, then it conveyed certain information to him, which expresses the value and effectiveness of the campaign undertaken. Based on the level of perception, three types of information used to promote a product can be distinguished: .

  • In-demand information that is accessible, understandable and quickly remembered. You don't have to spend a lot of money to distribute data like this. Advertising will work even if you submit an ad in the newspaper in several lines. Thus, information about writing abstracts and coursework will find the target audience in the form of students without much difficulty.
  • Random information that is not remembered or is stored in memory with great difficulty. This type of information is associated by consumers with the advertising medium. That is, the future buyer must understand that even if he needs this or that product or service, he can find it somewhere. For example, most clients who decide to replace old windows with new ones understand that they will find many offers in free advertising publications. Accordingly, the task of the window seller is to regularly submit advertisements to newspapers that are freely distributed among consumers.
  • Unnecessary information that the consumer ignores or is irritated by. There are products intended for a narrow target audience; an overabundance of advertising for such items can irritate other people. Sometimes the seller does not know which buyer needs his product, and which will be dissatisfied with the information about him that often comes across.

When a person consciously comes to the understanding that he needs the advertised product, he makes a decision and buys it. The goal of marketing is to correctly identify the target audience and create a tool for communicating information about a particular product.

You don’t need to make every effort to force people to buy your product; you need to take the right approach to creating a communication campaign that leads the consumer to a conscious purchase. Advertising methods for promoting products are quite effective if marketing principles are correctly applied.

Promotion method 2. Direct sales

Conducting a dialogue between the seller and the buyer, the purpose of which is to provide assistance in purchasing products, is called direct sales. This method of promoting a product does not require financial investments and is considered a higher level of business activity than the provision of any services or regular retail trade.

Even if all marketing conditions are met, if there is a careless attitude towards direct sales, the manufacturer will not be able to effectively promote its product. The secret of this type of implementation is that an ordinary seller does not just accept orders, but becomes an proactive deal-getter.

We do not recommend ignoring direct sales, as this can significantly reduce profits. For example, an entrepreneur chose a good location for a commercial outlet and purchased a sought-after product for sale. High Quality, but the sellers communicate rudely with customers, are not interested in revenue, and, as a rule, the level of trading operations will be extremely low.

The primary function of personal selling is to transform the sales agent into a deal getter. The formation of this type of product sales consists of two main aspects.

  • Customer Focus. This method is aimed at identifying customer needs and recommended ways to implement them.
  • Sales orientation. The method is considered offensive, as it is aimed at aggressively obtaining deals by any means.

Pros of personal selling:

  • personal attitude towards the consumer and the ability to provide all information about the product;
  • minimum expenses that do not bring financial effect;
  • feedback from the consumer, allowing you to make changes and additions to advertising events.

The disadvantage of this method of product promotion is the high level of turnover costs. The more exclusive the product being sold, the more effective personal selling is.

This method of implementation brings good result when resolving the following marketing tasks: searching for potential consumers and information about the market, etc. Relying on competent product sales personnel, the entrepreneur has the opportunity to effectively communicate with customers and quickly respond to changes in the market situation.

Promotion method 3. Propaganda

Propaganda is a procedure for forming reliable relationships with society through the free use of space and time in the media. The purpose of this tool is to create a favorable attitude towards the company in order to make the most effective communication actions in the future. Propaganda concerns the entire enterprise, and to conduct public advertising it is necessary to have a large amount of information about the company, including confidential information.

The most important propaganda mechanisms:

  • speeches: representatives of the company should be active when opening various events, making welcoming speeches at them;
  • Events: holding and participating in seminars, round tables, online meetings, press conferences, competitions, exhibitions, competitions.;
  • news: bringing good news about the company, its products, and personnel to the media;
  • publications: newsletters, brochures, reports, articles in newspapers and magazines and other materials that can be used as a means of influencing markets to promote goods;
  • sponsorship: provision of material and monetary assistance to support various events: sports, charitable and other significant for the public;
  • means of identification: application of the company logo, business cards, uniforms for staff, uniform office interior style, promotion of advertising materials about the enterprise, development of forms with its logo, etc.

The focus of propaganda is addressed to the following subjects:

  • consumers: to create a trustworthy business card products (including environmental friendliness of the product) and the company’s reputation, using the method of holding public events, promotions, advertising in the media, etc.;
  • counterparties: for the growth of the trading network, attracting new customers and partners through organizing presentations, exhibitions, distributing advertising, etc. Through activities such as product presentation and contacting customers, the company can gain double benefits;
  • key journalists(radio, TV, Internet, press): for free promotion of information about new products, important events in the life of the company, using the method of holding press conferences, as well as distributing press releases, etc.;
  • state and municipal authorities and management: for participation in public social projects and sponsorship of cultural events, etc.

Propaganda activities are developed and implemented in several stages.

  1. Definition of tasks.
  2. Selection of means of communication.
  3. Organization of requests.
  4. Implementation of activities.
  5. Analysis of results.

One pattern can be identified: propaganda prevails over advertising at a high level of market monopolization. Otherwise, the commercial results of the first campaign will be less effective than the second campaign. In any case, propaganda loses to advertising in promoting goods.

Promotion method 4. Sales promotion

The use of certain means that are designed to stir up the interest of the target audience in response to various activities within the boundaries of marketing and communication strategies is called sales promotion. This is another tactic to revitalize the business process.

Sales promotion is a tool for short-term stimulation of the market, which is not able to guarantee either stable demand for products or attracting new regular consumers. But an entrepreneur can get results from such a maneuver much faster than from other methods of promoting a product.

Stimulation tools include: prospectuses, diagrams, presentations, posters, souvenirs, advertising inside product packaging, calendars, exhibitions, catalogs, stickers, tables, etc.

The focus of this sales activation tactic is addressed to the following subjects.

  • How to attract buyer attention: statistics on main channels





To purchase more goods

promotions aimed at promoting new products;

various competitions;

distribution of free samples (samples);

games, lotteries;

demonstration of products by the promoter;

loyalty programs (discount card, discount for repeat purchase, etc.).


To influence the number of transactions towards their increase

competent staff training;

provision of promotional materials and appropriate equipment for trade;

provision of information, legal and other services;

implementation of a competition based on sales results.

Sales staff

to motivate employees to actively attract customers, as well as to improve the quality of service

financial motivation in the form of bonuses and bonus payments;

moral encouragement in the form of awards with certificates and thanks;

holding competitions among sales managers;

payment for travel packages for employees who do not have any comments from the company administration;

conducting training, retraining, advanced training, and treatment of employees at the expense of the enterprise.

12 product promotion techniques that will increase even “dead” sales

Are you already using additional and cross-selling, regularly holding promotions, offering “locomotive” products, but the average check is not growing? Try to implement non-trivial techniques, which will attract the attention of even indifferent customers and motivate them to purchase. You will learn them from the article electronic journal"Commercial Director".

What determines the methods used to promote a company’s product?

  1. Promotion campaign goals

The impact of promotion goals on the methods selected can be as follows. If an enterprise is faced with the task of generating information about new products, then priority should be given to advertising over other types of marketing.

If the goal is to convey the detailed characteristics of a product of long-term use, then it is preferable to use personal selling and the sales promotion method to additionally attract customers to retail outlets; advertising should be used in moderation.

  1. Characteristics of the target market

The choice of product promotion methods is influenced by the prevalence economic relations enterprises, as well as their geographical and socio-economic characteristics. If the market is small, then it is better to choose personal selling as a sales method. If products are sold within a limited region, then your method of promoting the product is local media. If on a national scale - national mass media.

  1. Product characteristics

The promotion method is also influenced by the characteristics of the product. To promote technical products, it is better to use personal selling; products intended for mass buyers - advertising campaigns; seasonal products - enhanced sales and sales promotion techniques.

It is sometimes impractical to have a full staff of sales managers throughout the calendar year, since it is not always necessary to use the personal selling method.

  1. Product life cycle stage

The choice of methods for promoting a product depends on what stage of the life cycle a particular product is at. It is good to accompany the stage of introducing a new technical product to the market with personal sales and sales promotion, and for everyday items - with advertising campaigns.

At the stage of stagnation, marketers, as a rule, reduce activities to promote old products. Communication information blocks are no longer so effective tool, what they were at the time of product introduction. In this case, it is better to use the direct sales method and sales promotion.

  1. Price

The cost of goods has a significant impact on the choice of promotion method. Increasing personal sales will require products with a high price, and for inexpensive products the tactic of using advertising is perfect.

  1. Possibility of using the method

The choice of using one or another method of promoting a product depends on how it reaches the target audience. For example, at the state level there may be a ban on advertising of a particular product (alcohol, tobacco). The problem worsens when promoting goods for export.

Effective modern methods of promoting goods and services

Promotion method 1. BTL events

Concept below the line (with in English- “below the line”) carries a full complex practical activities. The term arose by chance: the director of an American company had to approve a budget for an advertising campaign, which included classic information in the media.

The manager considered that such events would not be enough and, under the existing costs, added by hand additional costs for the distribution of free product samples, promotional coupons for participation in competitions and receiving gifts.

In modern reality, the buyer enjoys having a wide range of options when purchasing the things he needs, as he has unlimited access to a wide range of goods and services. For man important has the opportunity to choose, satisfy needs, personal positioning, the need to participate in the creation of new public goods.

If the manufacturer’s target audience consists of similar buyers, then each time it becomes more and more difficult to develop an effectively sold product. That is why when promoting a product in order to ensure consumer loyalty big role new methods are playing. After all, they guarantee that a unique product will reach a specific buyer. BTL services have all of the above qualities, and therefore they are actively developing in the Russian Federation.

The main tools used in the BTL field:

  • competition - a procedure for promoting a product, as a result of which buyers perform a specific task, show their knowledge and skills in order to win a competition prize;
  • presentation - presenting a product with a demonstration of its characteristics and specifics;
  • tasting - providing an opportunity for future consumers to taste the product;
  • distribution of advertising and information materials (leaflets, discount coupons) - offering special tools to stimulate sales or designing advertising at retail outlets, which would allow active sales of the promoted product directly in the store.
  • sampling - distribution of samples (samples) of the advertised product;
  • lottery - an event during which a winner is randomly determined;
  • premium (present for purchasing a product) - promotion of products through the introduction of a special offer.

Promotion method 2. Telemarketing

One of the new methods of product promotion, used in addition to advertising or direct sales, can be used both as programs for searching information and for distributing it. This method performs the following tasks:

  • networking with regular customers ;
  • highlighting real “hints” from publicly available mailing lists;
  • direct sales to future buyers by telephone;
  • using relationships for the production of a new product;
  • hosting an event after implementing direct sales programs;
  • further work with sales leads who were attracted through advertisements, direct sales events or through intermediaries;
  • establishing contacts with customers within the boundaries of the relationship marketing program;
  • Attracting Reluctant Consumers through offering them new products that arouse their interest;
  • carrying out marketing research, and the use of various surveys and surveys to further evaluate customer reactions to new products.

Based on this method of product promotion, it is possible to obtain a variety of information from participants, analyze it, and also use information bases for the development and implementation of further marketing programs.

Promotion method 3. Event marketing

This is a set of implemented measures to support the image of the enterprise and the product produced, to promote the brand through unforgettable and exciting events. That is, through certain actions, an enterprise comes into contact with its customers, which, in turn, creates a favorable image of the company and consumer interest. Types of event marketing activities are presented below.

  • Special Events(special events): advertising tours, festivals, sports competitions, organization of city holidays, awards, promotions for the media. Such events are favorable for creating the company’s image, as well as for building the reliability of the brand. As a rule, after a successful event, a positive response from the target audience follows in the form of increased loyalty to the company and a pronounced interest in the product produced by regular and potential customers.
  • Events for partners, dealers and distributors(trade events). Such events are both business and entertainment in nature, for example: presentation, round table, reception, seminar, congress, conference, forum. The purpose of such actions is to clearly demonstrate the positive qualities of products, convey the latest goods or services to consumers, exchange experiences, find new partners, etc.
  • Corporate events(corporate events): celebration of state and professional holidays, company anniversary, employee birthdays, joint weekend with the team. Such events allow the director of an enterprise to become a more authoritative and respected leader for his subordinates, to effectively convey the ideas of the company administration to each employee, and to show the care and attention of management to the staff.

Promotion method 4. Children's marketing

Children have long been recognized as full-fledged and special consumers, and, as a result, such a method of product promotion as children's marketing has emerged. To develop such strategies aimed at the audience of the younger generation, it is necessary to deeply study its specifics.

A manufacturer of children's goods must focus on the needs of schoolchildren and younger children, as well as on the perception of the world through the eyes of a small person. For such marketing it is important not only quality and appearance products, but also packaging, as well as the methods used to promote and distribute the product.

Children's needs change as the child grows psychologically and physiologically. This category of the population gives an instant reaction to any social changes; marketers successfully use this feature when developing and promoting children's products. Let's look at why the younger generation is an extremely attractive target audience for marketing:

  • children are very emotional when buying goods that are interesting to them, they easily say goodbye to money;
  • Children often manage their pocket money independently;
  • children have influence on their parents, who buy many items for them;
  • a child, as a rule, remains interested in a certain brand of a product for a long time;
  • Children spend a lot of time watching TV, and therefore advertising.

The children's audience is often represented not by buyers, but by users. Products for children are purchased by elders, but the role of the child in making purchasing decisions is significant. Parents listen to the child’s wishes and provide assistance in choosing a particular brand. As a result, when the final purchase decision children's goods voiced by a child, it is adopted under the influence of the opinions of adults. Manufacturers and trading companies that rely on children's marketing must understand this.

Promotion method 5. Promotions

To become more famous, companies organize various show programs and presentations, sponsor socially beneficial events, city holidays, competitions, festivals, where they widely conduct advertising campaigns and distribute free product samples.

The manufacturer is interested in a quick response from the consumer to actions to stimulate the sale of a new product. Today, promotions are the most effective method of promoting a product; it is not surprising that the number of advertising events has increased.

It is important not just to show the buyer new product, you need to do it brightly, boldly, efficiently. Such promotions should be approached responsibly; it is necessary to purchase materials, arrange transport support, order souvenirs, invite the media to view the event, prepare price lists, catalogues, brochures, leaflets, business cards, invitation cards, etc. in advance.

Decide which staff will actively offer your product to customers. Promoters are specialists who advertise products and must have cultural communication skills with potential consumers. The activity of product promotion directly depends on their professionalism.

Promotion method 6. Merchandising

Merchandising refers to new methods of promoting goods. Techniques of this kind can completely replace a regular salesperson. This technique attracts the buyer to the product directly at the point of sale.

The main goal of merchandising is to make products easily accessible and attractive, as well as to simplify the procedure for purchasing them. The functions of the method are:

  • monitoring the availability of goods on the shelves of retail outlets, taking into account the popularity of certain items;
  • organizing sales points and supplying them with all necessary materials;
  • ensuring the display and location of products, i.e. presentation of specific products.

It is first necessary to create a commensurate stock of goods, and then they are placed in retail outlets in a certain assortment and volume. In merchandising, it is extremely important to correctly select and arrange promotional materials, such as:

  • price tags,
  • stands,
  • booklets,
  • coin boxes,
  • posters,
  • hanging and floor models of products.

Display of goods (exposition) is considered one of the most important methods merchandising.

Exhibition is the procedure for placing products on a specialized trade equipment. If the product is displayed in places that catch the eye of a potential buyer, and the packaging of the items itself has a presentable appearance, then sales of such products grow quite quickly.

Promotion method 7. Packaging

The appearance of products should not be underestimated, as it plays a large communicative role in marketing.

Packaging is a kind of product shell, which is a progressive and independent form of promotion. It can be used as a tool to present and convey information sent through marketing communications. In modern reality, packaging is a significant means of influence through which the manufacturer communicates with customers.

Due to the fact that most retail outlets are focused on self-service, the role of the outer shell is large and has a significant impact on the degree of promotion of the product in the market. Packaging should attract the buyer to the product, convey its features and characteristics, assure the consumer of the quality of the product, create a good impression, etc.

An important role is played by increasing the income of buyers. If consumer wealth becomes higher, then the willingness to pay for quality, reliability, brand, convenience and, among other things, improved packaging also increases.

The manufacturer himself understands that good packaging helps in advertising the product and in brand recognition. A creative and innovative approach to packaging development also brings benefits to the manufacturer in promoting the product, and allows the company's designer to realize his creative ideas.

Promotion method 8. Film merchandising

When designing and developing packaging, the manufacturer often focuses on a particular movie or cartoon character, as well as on any items that are widely used by them. It is extremely effective to use film brands on the product market.

Against the backdrop of a certain figure of a character from a film, product promotion gives a certain advantage to the manufacturer. This reduces the cost of launching new products and significantly reduces the time to market for new products.

Due to the fact that screen characters are widely known and recognizable, consumers remember faster trade marks, using film brands to promote their products.

An example of film merchandising (Hulk figure in a shopping mall, Bangkok)

Expert opinion

Features of promotion using event marketing

Sergey Knyazev,

general producer of the Knyazev group of companies, Moscow

When there is a need to increase sales throughout Russia, then you need to hold a mega-event in the capital of the country, which would cause a resonance in the federal media, or organize a series of events in the largest cities of Russia. The budget for measures to stimulate sales of products in the country will be 25-100 million rubles, for promoting goods in a specific region - 2-20 million rubles.

Main cost items: coordination of events with the city administration, finding a site for them, developing a script, technical support (lighting, sound, monitors, special effects, etc.), preparing props, costumes, scenery, inviting the media, artists, famous public figures people, etc. We must not forget about secondary expenses that depend on the specific theme of the action.

The result is not at all difficult to determine and record: set the sales level before and after the event. The results can be calculated as in percentage, and in units of goods sold. A good indicator are applications; estimate the number of orders for a product (service) before and after the event.

Carry out a survey of your company's sales representatives and dealers; they, like no one else, will see changes in the increase in demand for your product. For example, our company organized a fireworks festival in order to consolidate the Sharp brand in the market.

The festival attracted an audience of half a million, and various media outlets covered the event in their publications. After the holiday, held on a grand scale, many retail chains selling products from this manufacturer observed a sharp increase in sales of Sharp products. The result of this event lasted for quite a long time.

Basic methods of promoting goods on the Internet

  1. Creating your own website

Almost every company has its own web resource, the address of which it actively distributes on the Internet. On the website you can find a full amount of information about the work of the enterprise, prices for products or services, contact information, etc. Often a web resource is made in the form of an online store. Within its framework, a potential client is invited to choose one or another product, look at its declared characteristics, consumer reviews, and buy products with home delivery. Modern websites are equipped with a service for ordering a call back.

  1. SEO optimization

SEO optimization is a set of actions that are used to increase the ranking of a company’s website when its content is indexed by well-known search engines such as Google, Yandex, Rambler and others. The goal of this technique is to increase the number of visits to the company’s website and, accordingly, the number of future buyers.

  1. Banner advertising

Banner and contextual advertising is a fairly effective method of promoting a product on the Internet. An advertisement in the form of a banner, i.e. a graphic drawing with a link to a company’s web page, placed on resources with a large number of visitors, is extremely effective for promoting a product.

Such popular and active sites, in addition to delivering useful content to people, are major advertising platforms used by various companies to promote your products. Such information attracts potential consumers, arouses interest in a new unique product, thereby provoking them to purchase it.

  1. contextual advertising

This type of advertising is also widely used to promote a product. It works effectively and quite simply: information about your company or new product is displayed on specialized sites whose target audience coincides with the topic of the advertised product.

  1. Viral Marketing

Viral marketing is the active dissemination of the information you need via the Internet. In a couple of hours, a company can find out about your product or a planned event. great amount users. This method of product promotion is widely used by entrepreneurs.

The effectiveness of this technique does not need to be proven. The main advantage of the method: the absence of monetary costs, since the information goes to the people without the involvement of specialized advertising agencies. A person who receives such an advertisement is predisposed towards it favorably due to the fact that it came from the same user.

  1. Social media

SMM promotion is an excellent method of popularizing a product on social networks. These Internet platforms contain a huge number of users, therefore, by advertising itself and its products using SMM, the company will definitely find a target audience that will increase its sales of certain products. You can do social media marketing for a long time and for free.

  1. E-mail newsletter

E-mail newsletter is also popular and effective method product promotion. Messages advertising the product are sent to addresses Email Internet users. Such emails contain information about planned events, competitions, discounts, promotions, bonuses, etc.

Companies using this method of product promotion should not forget that users must first agree to receive such mailings.

  • How to avoid getting into spam: 10 secrets of competent e-mail marketing

Expert opinion

Free advertising may be better than paid advertising

Kirill Redin,

General Director of the trading and production company "Octopus-DV", Khabarovsk

In 2011, our company developed high-quality selling texts and distributed them on such free advertising platforms as “From Hand to Hand”, “Price Pulse”, “Goods and Services”, etc. Sales increased 3-4 times, which amounted to about thirty doors per month. During this experimental period we did not advertise other than in free publications.

Previously, we searched for buyers in the chats of construction sites, where users shared with each other successes and failures in repairs, choice of materials, evaluation of brands, etc. The manager of our company began a correspondence and talked about high-quality inexpensive doors that he installed at home . By entering into similar dialogues on 25–30 specialized sites, we managed to sell 4–8 doors in a week.

Flaws. Time costs. At least one supervisor is required.

What are the methods of promoting a product to the market at minimal cost?

Method 1. Exhibitions

A great way to advertise your company among competitors and consumers is to participate in an exhibition. To do this, you don’t need to rent an expensive site or set up a stand. Think about how you can take part in the exhibition creatively and effectively, while getting the maximum amount of information on potential partners and clients, and also making yourself known.

Carefully review the invitation of the exhibition organizers and its location, look for a low-budget way to demonstrate your activities. It is enough to simply place the company name in the event catalog or on the website. You can rent a couple of square meters at the entrance to the exhibition, hire a teenager who will hand out tasty or healthy little things, accompanying them with business cards with your company’s contact information.

Method 2: Press releases

A good method of promoting a product would be to issue weekly press releases about the work of your company. You shouldn’t make them very voluminous; half an A4 sheet of text is enough, accompanied by a few key phrases about the company.

Informative reasons for press releases about the company must be sought throughout the week. Organize a data collection and processing scheme. Post articles about the company in all possible ways: websites, corporate publications for regular consumers, newsletters, advertisements in trading floor and so on.

You can register your message for free in press release directories. Actively distribute company news to various publications in your area, both print (newspapers, magazines) and online media.

Method 3. Cases

Cases are called success-story or case-study, they differ from each other in nature, but the essence is the same - to demonstrate to people in your target audience a specific example of solving their difficulties. It is better to write the narrative according to the following schemes: “problems solutions effectiveness", "unsatisfactory BEFORE great AFTER.” Such stories are interesting to users.

Plots should not be presented automatically and dryly; they should be humanized. You need to write stories in simple language, imagine that you are addressing the story to your friend. The main thing in such narratives is not to set the goal of increasing sales, you simply report some events and show how you got out of a particular situation, while another person is suffering. In this case, you do not impose information, you share it with her.

Method 4. Reviews

It is imperative to collect feedback from your customers from the moment you first start doing business. If your client is famous company, then use it as an example in your advertising campaigns.

Since we small company(limited funds and production capabilities) and enter the market with an existing product, then there is no need to create a network of stores to sell our product. It would be most advisable to distribute our product through existing stores (we have already negotiated with stores of the Detsky Mir chain and various large and not so large stores specializing in children's clothing, and after looking at our samples, they agreed to take them for sale with a minimum volume batches of 10-50 pieces and an extra charge of 10%). Thus, we will have a one-level distribution channel for goods - through retail. In the future, we plan to distribute our product not only in the city of Khabarovsk, but also in surrounding areas, expanding our distribution channel.

Since our production volume is small and we cannot increase it quickly, we need the fastest possible turnover of money. To do this, we will first need to conduct test sales (in small batches to as many stores as possible) in order to find out where to sell faster, perhaps obtain some soft data on consumer preferences, and adjust our distribution policy. As for stores, taking into account our pricing policy, it is better to choose both universal and specialized ones, with an average or low price level.

The volume of inventories must be at the level necessary to ensure uninterrupted operation. Regarding storage locations (such as finished products, and production inventories), then the director’s dacha can be used in this capacity at first, and then, in the event of a significant increase in production volumes, it will be necessary to rent warehouse space. Regarding the transportation of goods: our company has two minibuses that can be used as delivery vehicles.

In principle, clothing is one of the goods that does not sell out very quickly. And if our children's clothing sells out too slowly, then in the future we can use a different distribution scheme for the product (however, if we take it as the main one, then it is necessary to draw up a different marketing plan with this in mind). The essence of this scheme is as follows: we sell some of the goods through the distribution network (see above) in order to have money for current expenses, and the rest we circulate “in circles” to ensure production. That is, by barter we exchange clothes for raw materials for them (for example, cotton in Birobidzhan), then we give it to a spinning (later weaving) factory for processing (we don’t pay them anything for this, since the raw materials will be tolled for them they just keep part of the raw materials as payment). Then we take the fabric from them and use it to produce our own children's clothing. The following speaks in favor of this scheme:

  • a) they don’t buy raw materials from producers of raw materials (processing enterprises have no money), they are cheaper than finished products, producers are ready to barter supplies with clothes, i.e. there is a real agreement;
  • b) there will be no delays in raw materials, production will be stable and can be expanded, and the problem of non-payments will be eliminated;
  • c) the problem of selling a certain part of the product is solved;
  • G) working capital in the form of a commodity it does not depreciate in value like money.

Main disadvantages:

  • a) it takes time to conclude agreements with all participants in the scheme;
  • b) you will have to control the entire chain yourself.

The totality of interdependence of organizations or individuals for the transfer of goods from the manufacturer to the final consumer is called the marketing channel of product distribution. The role of the marketing channel is to move goods from producer to consumer. Distribution channels can be very diverse. However, all of them can be reduced to three: direct (zero level), traditional and modern (see Appendix 2).

Intermediate levels in the chain of movement of goods are called intermediaries. Typically, channels range from two-level (direct), in which there are no intermediaries, to five-level with three intermediaries. Intermediaries in multi-level channels are needed to facilitate the delivery of goods, but in addition, they additionally advertise the product.

There is no need to think that an organization cannot use several channels to distribute a product. A type of marketing in which an organization creates multiple distribution channels to serve one or more market segments is called multichannel marketing. For example, the sale of construction products is carried out both directly to construction organizations and through wholesalers or retailers.

The organization concerned should select channel members accordingly, train and motivate them.

Promotion remains one of the four main elements that make up a firm's marketing mix. The primary means of promotion—advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and personal selling—have both distinct and overlapping functions, and their effective coordination requires careful determination of the firm's communication objectives.

When preparing specific marketing communications A marketer needs to be able to understand the nine components of any communication process, which are: sender, recipient, encoding, decoding, circulation, media, response, feedback and interference. The primary task of a marketer is to identify the target audience and its characteristics. Then he must determine the desired response, be it awareness, knowledge, favor, preference, conviction or purchase. After this, it is necessary to develop an appeal with effective content, effective structure and effective form. Next, you need to select media for disseminating information to conduct both personal and non-personal communication. The message must be delivered to the recipient by someone who is trustworthy, namely someone who is professional, conscientious, and attractive. Finally, the marketer must constantly monitor the growth of market awareness, the growth in the number of people who tried the product, and the number of those who were satisfied with the product during the trial process.

The company will have to decide what funds should be spent on promotion as a whole. The amount of allocations is determined using the following most popular methods: the cash cost method, the percentage of sales method, the competitor cost method, the goal-based communication method.

The company will need to distribute its promotion budget according to the main means of promotion it uses. When allocating allocations, a firm focuses on the characteristics of each individual promotional vehicle, the type of product or market, its own predisposition to use a push strategy or a strategy to attract consumers to the product, the degree of buyer readiness and the stage of the product life cycle.

Advertising, that is, the use by the seller of paid means of disseminating information to convey persuasive information about goods, services or organizations, is a powerful means of promotion. American marketers annually spend over 61 billion dollars on advertising, and advertising itself comes in many varieties (national, regional, local; general consumer, industrial, retail; product advertising, brand advertising, prestige advertising, etc.). P.). Advertising decision making is a five-step process consisting of setting objectives, making decisions about budget, messaging and media, and then evaluating the results of the advertising program. Advertisers must clearly define the purpose of their advertising, whether it is to inform, exhort or remind. Decisions regarding an advertising message involve the formation of the idea of ​​​​this message, the evaluation and selection of options for the message, and its effective execution. Decisions on the means of disseminating information involve establishing the breadth of coverage, frequency of occurrence and strength of the impact of advertising: selection of the main types of means of disseminating information; selection of specific advertising media and development of a schedule for using advertising media. And finally, evaluating the results advertising campaign involves measuring the communication and sales effectiveness of advertising before, during and after the campaign.

Sales promotion is a variety of short-term incentives - coupons, bonuses, competitions, purchase credits - designed to stimulate consumer markets, the trade sector and the company's own sales personnel. IN last years the growth rate of sales promotion costs exceeds the growth rate of advertising costs. Incentive activities. Sales involves setting goals, selecting incentives, developing, preliminary testing and implementing the appropriate program, as well as evaluating the results achieved.

Public relations, that is, getting free editorial space and time, is used less often than other main means of promotion, although these activities have enormous potential for creating awareness and preferences in the market. Formation public opinion involves setting objectives, selecting information messages and their media, implementing a public relations plan and evaluating the results obtained.


In business practice, immediately after the creation of a small and medium-sized business, problems inevitably arise related to the organization of accounting and tax accounting, as well as with insufficient awareness of citizens and legal entities relatively. In this regard, it is advisable to create a consulting center for the provision of accounting and legal services, aimed at a wide range of consumers.

High-quality service is expected, guaranteed by the presence of highly qualified specialists and an individual approach to each client.

The purpose of creating an organization is to make a profit, gain and maintain its market share.

The initial costs for opening the center will be …. rubles that will be invested by the founders.

Founders of the enterprise:

The payback period of the project will be …. (from the date of commencement of work). For the first year, the net profit will be equal to rubles. Monthly costs will be rubles.

Description of services

The company's specialists will provide consulting support in the form of one-time consultations or subscription services on issues of accounting, taxation, and law. Service list:

Accounting and tax accounting;

Consulting on taxation, law and accounting;

- filling out tax returns for individuals. individuals and organizations, submission and protection of reports to the tax authorities;

Registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs;

Submission of zero reporting;

Drawing up applications and letters for the Federal Tax Service;

Liquidation of IP, LLC.

Advantages and disadvantages compared to competitors are presented in Table 1:

Table 1

The location of the company and all its closest competitors is presented on the map (Appendix 1).

To work with a client, it is necessary to conclude an Agreement for the provision of accounting services, which specifies the rights and obligations of the parties, the cost of services and the payment procedure, the procedure for delivery and acceptance of services, the responsibility of the parties, dispute resolution, validity period, procedure for changing and terminating the contract, other provisions. (Appendix 2.)

Prices for the services provided are shown in Table 2:

Service Price, rub.)
Financial statements 1. Balance sheet for the quarter 2. Profit and loss statement 3. Monthly service depending on the volume of document flow (for individual entrepreneurs) 4. Monthly service depending on the volume of document flow (for legal entities) 5. Zero reporting 400 (1 page) 800-4700 8800-50000 2000-4000
Tax reporting 1. Unified (simplified) tax return 2. Tax return for a single tax paid in connection with the application of a simplified taxation system 3. Tax return for a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities 4. Tax return for VAT 5. Notification of using the right to exemption from VAT 6. Tax return for personal income tax (form 3-NDFL) 7. Tax return for personal income tax (form 4-NDFL) 8. Certificate of income of an individual (2 -NDFL) 9. Application for a property deduction, etc. 10. Notice of the creation (reorganization, liquidation, closure) of a legal entity. persons or individual entrepreneurs 11. Notice of opening a current account 100-350 250-400
Legal services 1. Preparation of documents for opening an individual entrepreneur or LLC. 2. Registration of individual entrepreneur, LLC. 3. Liquidation of individual entrepreneur, LLC. 200 rub./doc 2000/3000 rub. 5000/30000 rub.
Consultations: 1. Tax consulting 2. Accounting consulting 3. Legal consulting 350 (1 hour) 350 (1 hour) 400 (1 hour)

table 2

Market analysis

Today in Perm there are 230¹ firms offering accounting services.

Share of consulting centers (accounting firms) by districts of Perm

Potential clients: individuals and legal entities (small and medium-sized businesses).

¹Data on the number of firms is presented according to Double-GIS.

²Data presented by the Department of the Federal Tax Service for the Perm Territory (2013).

Competitor analysis

Currently, the company's main competitors are the accounting companies M-Profit, Megalit, and Aste-M. The choice of these companies is determined by geography (they are located in the city center, in the Leninsky district). Characteristics and analysis of the main competitors in the provision of accounting and legal services are presented in Table No. 3.

Table 3

Marketing plan

The organization's market penetration strategy:

1. Selecting a product distribution system.

Choosing a product distribution system

(Direct sales)

Pricing Method

The organization uses a price-to-competitors strategy. At the same time, the price fully reflects costs, demand and competitiveness of services. Price policy The company is consistent with the goal of attracting a wide range of clients.

Over time, it is planned to introduce a system of flexible discounts, cooperation with business centers, feedback from clients, and provision of handouts for clients on specific topics of interest to them. Also, the attention of consumers will be attracted through personal contacts through participation in exhibitions, fairs, and visits to business seminars. Every month it is planned to conduct monthly monitoring of marketing activities by tracking indicators such as:

2. Total number of clients per month.

3. Cost of attracting 1 client.

4. How much does 1 client bring from 1 acquisition channel?

At the end of each reporting period, identify ineffective channels and replace them with others, thereby maintaining the effectiveness of marketing activities.

Marketing budget

Events How it is implemented in the company Provider Expenses
Distribution of advertising letters of offer Carried out 2 times a month through social media. networks and e-mail. - -
Advertisements in newspapers "Pochto-Ring", "Va Bank", "Komsomolskaya Pravda" -
Publishing brochures One-time distribution of brochures by promoters Central Printing House (1500 pcs.)
Advertisements on the street Once a month (printed independently) at bus stops, houses, shops and shopping centers in Leninsky district. - -
Business cards - Central Printing House (150 pcs.)
Placing advertisements on the Internet Post monthly on the board free ads(Avito,, - -
Advertising in transport Routes: 10,11,14,41,32,68 Central Printing House (20 pcs.)
Website Creating a website with a convenient and clear interface that attracts attention, where all necessary information for clients and partners. - -
Page on social networks Creation of a page on a social network for the purpose of quick and effective contact with clients, which will also provide all the necessary information. - -

Personnel plan

For efficient work The company plans to form a professional team of highly qualified specialists:

Job title Requirements Functions
Director - higher education; - Experience from 2 years; - responsibility, initiative, communication skills. External and internal organizational activities: - recruitment; - image development; - representative functions; - interaction with partners; - advise clients on the company’s services; - calling the existing client base; - answer incoming calls.
Accountant - age from 28 – 60; - higher economic education; - work experience of 3 years; - responsibility, organization, attentiveness, communication skills. - accounting, tax reporting; - consulting clients on accounting and taxation.
Lawyer - age from 28-60; - higher legal education; - work experience of 5 years; - responsibility, organization, attentiveness, communication skills. - preparation of documents for registration and liquidation of LLC, individual entrepreneur; - advising clients on legal issues.

Payroll calculation

Staff work schedule

This graph does not contradict labor legislation. The director's working day may be free.

Legal plan

The legal form of the business being organized - a limited liability company will be registered in accordance with the procedure for state registration of LLC, which is determined by Federal Law No. 14-FZ dated 02/08/1998 “On Limited Liability Companies” and the Law “On State Registration of Legal Entities and individual entrepreneurs"(Federal Law No. 129-FZ).

This legal form chosen due to a number of advantages:

The participants of an LLC are not liable for its debts and obligations with their property;

The charter of an LLC may provide for restrictions on the admission of new participants into the company, as well as on the alienation of participants’ shares to third parties;

Bear only the risk of loss;

In the event of bankruptcy, if the company's property is not enough to pay off its debts, the founder will be obliged to pay creditors only an amount that will not exceed the authorized capital.

The following documents will be provided for state registration:

Completed form P11001;

Articles of association;

Foundation Agreement;

Protocol general meeting founders;

Document confirming payment of the state fee for LLC registration;

Documents for legal address in the form letter of guarantee owner.

The simplified taxation system (Simplified Taxation System) was chosen as the taxation system. Under this taxation system, an organization is exempt from such types of taxes as:

Income tax;

Organizational property tax.

This will allow the organization to reduce its costs during the first time of its existence.

The object of taxation is chosen: “Income - Expenses”.

The transition to the simplified taxation system is carried out at the time of filing documents for registration of an LLC with an application form No. 26.2-1 attached.

After submitting documents for registration, the LLC will be registered within 5 working days and the Federal Tax Service will issue a package of documents: state certificate. registration, registered Charter, Certificate of registration, extract from Unified State Register of Legal Entities, notification from Pension Fund and Rosstat.

After issuing the package of documents, you must place an order for printing for the LLC. You can order a seal from any company that produces seals and stamps. Upon acceptance of an order for the production of a seal, the following will be provided:

TIN certificate;

Certificate from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;


Print production time is from 1 to 3 working days. The cost of round printing is from 500 to 1500 rubles. depending on the quality of the equipment.

Opening a current account at JSC VTB Bank

Required documents:


A copy of the state certificate registration of a legal entity;

Articles of association;

A copy of the license;

Card with samples of signatures and seal impressions;

Copies of documents confirming the powers of persons;

A copy of the Certificate of registration with the tax authority of a legal entity;

Extract from the United state register legal entities or a copy thereof;

A copy of the document confirming its presence in the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations (USRPO);

A copy of the identity document of the person authorized to sign 1 or 2 times;

Bank account agreement;

- Information about the Client.

The account will be opened within 3-5 calendar days from the date of submission of all necessary documents. The cost of this service is 1100 rubles.

Approximate costs for registering an LLC are given in

table No. 4:

Table No. 4

Production plan

At the initial stage, it is planned to rent premises in the city center, located on the street. Permskaya, 34 with a total area of ​​20 sq.m. on the first floor of an office building. The location of the consultation center is presented below.

The rented area is in good condition and does not require repairs.

The premises have:

Desk (2 pcs.)

Chair (4 pcs.)

Wardrobe (2 pcs.)

To work, you need to purchase the following fixed assets:

No. Name Quantity (pcs) Price, rub) Provider Deadlines (days) Total (RUB)
Computer "El Dorado"
Laptop "El Dorado"
Printer "El Dorado"
Fax "El Dorado"
Landline telephone "El Dorado"
Calculator "El Dorado"
Table lamp "El Dorado"
USB flash drive "El Dorado"
Water cooler "Aqua-service"
Trash can "Office Planet"

Production plan

Calculation full cost services

Index 1m. 2 m. 3m. I quarter 4 m. 5 m. 6 m. II quarter 7 m. 8 m. 9 m. III quarter 10 m. 11 m. 12 m. IV quarter Total:
Social Security contributions
Fixed assets:
- computer 1641,5 1641,5 1641,5 4924,5 1641,5 1641,5 1641,5 4924,5 1641,5 1641,5 1641,5 4924,5 1641,5 1641,5 1641,5 4924,5
- laptop 1090,8 1090,8 1090,8 3272,3 1090,8 1090,8 1090,8 3272,3 1090,8 1090,8 1090,8 3272,3 1090,8 1090,8 1090,8 3272,3
- water cooler
- Printer 631,5 631,5 631,5 1894,5 631,5 631,5 631,5 1894,5 631,5 631,5 631,5 1894,5 631,5 631,5 631,5 1894,5
- Fax 299,1 299,1 299,1 897,3 299,1 299,1 299,1 897,3 299,1 299,1 299,1 897,3 299,1 299,1 299,1 897,3
- telephone 148,3 148,3 148,3 444,9 148,3 148,3 148,3 444,9 148,3 148,3 148,3 444,9 148,3 148,3 148,3 444,9
- calculator
- table lamp
- USB flash drive 39,8 39,8 39,8 119,4 39,8 39,8 39,8 119,4 39,8 39,8 39,8 119,4 39,8 39,8 39,8 119,4
- trash can
Intangible assets:
-Operating system "Microsoft Windows" SPK
-Consultant Accountant 833,3 833,3 833,3 833,3 833,3 833,3 833,3 833,3 833,3 833,3 833,3 833,3
-Consultant Lawyer 633,3 633,3 633,3 633,3 633,3 633,3 633,3 633,3 633,3 633,3 633,3 633,3
- Windows Server CAL Rus license
- Program 1C version 7.7
- SBIS+ software
- ESET Antivirus for 2 users
Other including:
- rent
- stationery costs
- marketing costs
- Refilling cartridges 66,7 66,7 66,7 66,7 66,7 66,7 66,7 66,7 66,7 66,7 66,7 66,7
- communication services
- Internet

Financial plan

Initial costs for opening a counseling center (Table 6).