Open an apartment cleaning company. Stages of opening a profitable cleaning company. How to open a cleaning company in style

Many large companies, shopping and business centers are increasingly turning to professionals to perform such an important task as ensuring cleanliness in their premises. To clean large areas, it is necessary to employ a whole staff of cleaners, purchase household chemicals and special equipment. In addition, business personnel are usually subject to high turnover, and working with such employees can become a real headache for personnel services organizations. Transferring all these functions to outsourcing allows the company to receive a full range of cleaning services without being distracted by ensuring uninterrupted cleaning of the premises. If cleaning interests you as your own business, read the instructions on how to open a cleaning company.

Competition in the cleaning market is quite high, so entering this business relying only on a flow of one-time orders is a very reckless decision. It’s good if you have a large object in mind with which you can agree on cooperation.

Without a solid foundation in the form of regular large clients, working on small orders does not make much sense. Such an enterprise is unlikely to stay afloat for long. Small offices still prefer to use the services of their own retired cleaners, and individuals We are not yet accustomed to inviting cleaning specialists into our apartments. Although putting things in order after moves and renovations, washing windows and other labor-intensive cleaning jobs are gradually becoming more and more in demand among the population. Specialization in such services can take place when the level of competition is low in regional cities.

Where to begin?

If you have already decided on potential clients, you can start organizing a business. No licenses are required to clean premises. However, the quality of work performed by a cleaning company must comply with GOST. Main normative document for your staff there will be state standard R 51870-2002: “Household services. Cleaning services for buildings and structures."

To officially register your business, select organizational form and tax regime. To work with large customers, it is preferable to open an LLC using the simplified tax system or common system taxation.

After registering the organization and registering it with the tax office and extra-budgetary funds, you can take care of the office, personnel and equipment. The number of employees and choice of equipment will largely depend on the requirements of your main customers.

As for the office, it is nominal in a start-up cleaning company and is a small room (about 20 sq. m.) with rooms for storing equipment and chemicals. It is not worth equipping a representative office with offices and good repairs at first; you can save money on this. Meetings with clients can be held on their premises. If things go well, the office can be expanded, offices can be allocated to managers, and a meeting room can be created.


An employee of a cleaning company is not the usual grandmother waving a mop, but a professional cleaner capable of quickly and efficiently completing a fairly large amount of work. physical work. Modern cleaning is a high-tech process, and it is carried out using special chemicals and equipment. Cleaners must have the appropriate knowledge, so training must be organized for them before starting work. Employees need to be trained to operate cleaning machines and select chemicals depending on the type of contamination and the characteristics of the surface being cleaned.

The number of cleaners hired directly depends on the volume of work. One cleaner should have from 500 to 900 sq.m of cleaned area in large offices or trading floors. Personnel must be provided with special clothing with the symbols of your company.

When starting a cleaning business, you must understand that high staff turnover in this area is inevitable. It is not easy to recruit workers for low-skilled work. It is better if a separate person does this from the very beginning. Find a smart HR manager who will take on the most difficult part of the job. If you plan to staff your staff of cleaners using migrants, do not forget to settle all formalities with the Federal Migration Service: fines and problems with government agencies are of no use to you.

Cleaners can work either on a salary basis or on a piece-rate wage system. When hiring, everyone must sign a liability agreement, since cleaners have access to premises with goods and other valuables of the customer.

Particular attention must be paid to personnel safety training, since cleaning is an activity with a high risk of injury.

When the business gets back on its feet, hire an account manager who will look for additional orders and develop your company. Then it will be possible to transfer the incoming accountant to the staff.

Purchase of equipment

Cleaning as a business requires a responsible approach to purchasing equipment. The quality of cleaning and the speed of work of your employees largely depend on its choice.

You need to purchase professional cleaning equipment:

  • dry vacuum cleaner;
  • disc machine for cleaning carpets;
  • scrubber dryer;
  • washing machine for washing uniforms and cloth napkins;
  • cleaning carts with bucket, garbage bag holder and wringer;
  • mops, buckets, napkins and rags, other equipment;
  • detergents for floors, carpets and textiles, glass, plumbing; stain removers; protective coatings.

If you service one or two large facilities, the equipment can be stored on their territory, otherwise you need to think about transporting equipment and inventory to customers.

How much does it cost to open a cleaning company?

The costs of opening a cleaning company, depending on the volume of work and services provided, range from 500 thousand rubles. up to 1.7 million rubles, including:

  • State registration and office rental - 30 - 40 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of cleaning equipment, inventory, detergents– 500 – 1000 thousand rubles.
  • Additionally, if necessary: ​​office equipment (100 – 150 thousand rubles), purchase of transport (300 – 500 thousand rubles)

Monthly costs (from 260 thousand rubles):

  • on wages personnel, taking into account social contributions - 200-250 thousand rubles;
  • for rent and utility bills - 20-30 thousand rubles;
  • to purchase Supplies and chemistry – from 5 thousand rubles;
  • advertising and other expenses – from 30 thousand rubles.

If you manage to get an 8 thousand square meter facility for maintenance (the area of ​​an average hypermarket), your investment in the business will be returned in about 6 months. These calculations were made based on the average cost of cleaning - 40 rubles per 1 sq. m. m. To work on such an area you will need 9-10 cleaners. Under other conditions, the payback period for a cleaning company can range from 6 months to 2 years.

When drawing up a business plan for a cleaning company, keep in mind that the wider range of services you provide, the faster your investment will pay off. This is due to the fact that long-term cooperation with a large customer, as the basis of business, provides your company with daily employment, but it is also the cheapest. One-time services bring more income due to the high cost, but they are irregular. The same applies to highly specialized work: carpet cleaning, window washing, seasonal cleaning. Therefore, over time, it is advisable for your company to cover all these services.

Rendering various services population, is one of the most profitable types business. By opening his own cleaning company, an entrepreneur does not have to worry about the lack of demand for this type of service. High-tech cleaning of premises will always be in demand, and in order to register and organize this business, does not require huge initial capital and significant time costs.

Target audience for the provision of cleaning services

Regular cleaning of offices, apartments and houses can be delegated to professionals. To do this, the owner of the apartment or the owner of the business just needs to enter into an agreement for the provision of this type of service, and there is no need to worry about the cleanliness of the house or office. These services are also in demand after major renovations in private houses and apartments. Sometimes, only partial cleaning of the premises is required, for example, washing windows.

In this case, a cleaning company can also solve the problem of contamination. It is much more convenient for business to order this type services than to hire an employee who will ensure cleanliness in the office. Among the population, this type of service is also gaining popularity, cleaning is especially in demand among people who do not have free time to clean their house or apartment on their own. Some people are allergic to dust, and it is strictly contraindicated for them to deal with household pollution on their own. Many owners of large cottages simply cannot cope with the cleaning on their own, and therefore are forced to turn to cleaning agencies for help.

Registration of a cleaning company

In order to register a cleaning company, it is enough to personally appear at the tax office at your place of registration. To register a business, you must submit to the tax authority an application for registration, a photocopy of your passport and TIN, as well as a receipt for payment of the state duty. If a cleaning company will work primarily with legal entities, then the most suitable form of doing business would be opening an LLC.

Despite the fact that registering a legal entity will require a significantly larger amount of time, this form of business is necessary when there is a large turnover of services provided, as well as when working with large organizations. If the cleaning business is focused on working with individuals, then it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur. To register a private business activity, you do not need to collect a large number of documents, and registering a business will cost only 800 rubles.

Development of a list of services and targets

This type of business has been in demand for many years, so competition in this area is quite high. Proper development of a business strategy will allow you to get a large number of regular customers. Particularly attractive is the conclusion of contracts for the provision of this type of service to large enterprises and companies. In order to properly organize the work, as well as determine prices for this type of service, you will need to conduct a thorough analysis of this market.

In order to determine the price limits for the services provided, you need to contact cleaning companies under the guise of a client and ask about the prices.

Contact information can be found on the Internet. Each modern cleaning company has its own website with a description of the services provided and contact information. If entrepreneurial activity is registered as an LLC, then cleaning services can be provided to the population and legal entities. In this case, you should not spare money on an advertising campaign. It is important not only the quantity of advertising materials that will be placed in various media, but also their quality. Advertising on television will cost the entrepreneur a decent amount, but this money will pay off within the first months of the cleaning business. Advertising in print media will cost significantly less.

It is best to place advertisements on the front page of the newspaper. Except printed products, you can use cheap and effective method promoting a business using a website. The creation of a website should be entrusted to professionals who will not only create a unique resource and fill it with content, but also install a form on the website for online ordering of this service. To advertise your business, you can use radio advertising.

In the absence of a visual image, such advertising is slightly inferior to television and print advertising, but it will be very useful for brand promotion, because not all people watch local television channels, and radio advertising can work effectively when a person is in a car or turns on the radio at work.

Recruitment and training of personnel

The image of the cleaning company will depend on the quality of the services provided. Positive recommendations from clients, in the future, can work more efficiently than the most expensive advertising, so it is very important to select responsible employees who will fulfill their job responsibilities at the highest level. It is very important for an entrepreneur to independently understand this type of business. To do this, you need to undergo special training, or get a job as a cleaner in an existing cleaning company, in order to comprehend all the intricacies of this type of business. Recruitment can be carried out through special online advertising resources. The most common of which is the Avito website.

A good way to attract unemployed citizens is to place advertisements in various print media. The first thing that should be done after the required number of workers has been recruited is to train the staff to properly handle modern equipment and detergents. If you don’t want to engage in personnel selection and training yourself, you can hire a manager who will hire people, instruct them, and also monitor the performance of employees. To submit applications by telephone, you will need to hire a dispatcher. To do this, it is not necessary to equip workplace for receiving and processing calls.

Modern technologies allow such an employee to work remotely, so it is enough to find a responsible person who will work from home, accept orders, and fill out applications for this service online, through an Internet resource.

Selection of equipment and inventory

In order to provide quality cleaning services, you will need to purchase the following equipment:

  • Scrubber dryer - 170,000.
  • Professional vacuum cleaner - 30,000.
  • Hair dryer for drying carpets - 20,000.
  • Cleaning equipment - 40,000.
  • Car - 300,000.

For a small cleaning company, you will need to purchase equipment worth at least 560,000 rubles. To save money on purchasing a car, you can hire a driver with a personal pickup truck. In addition to the costs of purchasing equipment, a cleaning company cannot do without purchasing detergents and household chemicals. This expense item will depend on the amount of work, and will require monthly expenses in the range: 30,000 - 50,000 rubles.

All household chemicals there should only be highest quality, because in addition to washing floors, a cleaning company can accept orders for cleaning furniture and carpets, the cost of which can be very high, so it is important to use only proven brands of cleaning products. The equipment must also be of the highest quality. You should only purchase devices famous brands, preferably German or Japanese made. This technique is considered the most reliable.

Business plan - make it wisely

Before you start organizing a cleaning business, you need to properly draw up a business plan. In calculations approximate expenses and business income, it is necessary to display everything down to the smallest detail and try to predict the demand for this service. The expenses that an entrepreneur expects include the following:

  • Purchase of equipment - 560,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of detergents - 50,000 rubles.
  • Rent of premises for an office and warehouse - 50,000 rubles.
  • Office furniture and equipment - 100,000 rubles.
  • Staff salary is 50,000 rubles.
  • Payment utilities— 5,000 rubles.
  • Business registration - 1,000 rubles.
  • Payment for fuel and lubricants - 10,000 rubles.
  • Advertising - 5,000 rubles.

The cleaning company's expenses for the first month of operation will be: 831,000 rubles. In subsequent months of work, it will require monthly payment of wages to employees, rent, communal payments.

To maintain this type of business you will need to spend at least 170,000 rubles monthly.

The business plan must also reflect possible income. The cost of cleaning a room, on average, is 25 rubles per 1 m2. With daily cleaning orders of 500 m2, you can count on revenue of 12,500 rubles. Such a business will bring in about 350,000 rubles per month. The net profit of the enterprise for 1 month of operation will be about 200,000 rubles.

With a properly organized cleaning business, you can fully recoup your investment. cash within 6 months. Such profitability cannot be achieved when organizing a business in production areas, so those entrepreneurs who do not want to wait for several years for a return on their invested money should pay attention to the cleaning business, which has no financial crisis is not dangerous, and the cost of services in this market will not decrease under any circumstances.

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If cleaning apartments seems interesting to you and at the same time profitable business, then you should think about how to get rich in such a business. In this article we will tell you how the apartment cleaning business idea works. In addition, we will talk about all the nuances of such a case.

Many modern residents are starting to run their own businesses. Someone opens a serious company, someone begins to develop a certain business niche. Well, some people start their business with something less costly business. If you want to know how to organize an apartment cleaning business, then you need to remember the following. So, general cleaning of an apartment is a serious process that will require a lot of physical strength, desire and patience. But if you are determined to start a similar business, then you should listen to our recommendations.

Apartment cleaning business idea: Develop skills

In order to open a small business in the cleaning industry, you need to remember that in such a business you will have to apply some skills and special qualities. It is worth listing them and telling about them in more detail. So, similar business will require:

  • Good physical fitness. It is worth noting that cleaning any room is active work. Therefore, you must be in good physical fitness. Cleaning will require long and vigorous efforts. Therefore, it is worth working on your endurance.
  • Modern communication skills. Communication with potential clients accompanies any business. And in this case, you also cannot do without competent and communicative communication. You will have to speak well in order to retain old clients and find new customers. Clients should be satisfied not only with high-quality cleaning, but also with competent communication with you.
  • Professional accounting skills. It is worth saying that knowledge in accounting is necessary in order to develop your own daily. To improve your knowledge, you should attend special courses that will tell you how to properly conduct accounting for any business.

Business idea: cleaning apartments: Organizing finances

Apartment cleaning is a popular business that can be implemented in any city. Therefore, now it’s worth talking about how to start such a business. In this part of the article, you need to communicate that every business cannot quickly bring good profits. In order to benefit from the project, you need to spend several months. It follows that funds will be required in order to organize and support your business. To implement this idea, you need to not quit your main job at first. In this case, it is recommended to engage in business only in free time or part-time. If you comply with such conditions, then at first you don’t have to worry about the financial part of any project.

Apartment cleaning as a business: Decoration

Apartment cleaning as a business is suitable mainly for women. However, in order to engage in such a business legally, you must register your activities. In this case, you first need to give your business a loud and specialized name. This name will be the face of your business. Therefore, in order to find the perfect name, you need to think for several days.

Firms that plan to engage in such a business must insure themselves against unscrupulous cleaners and useless customer claims. To avoid conflict situations With clients, you should conclude an agreement in which all the terms of cooperation will be written down. In particular, in this paper it is worth mentioning the quality of work and its volume. It is also necessary to indicate the criteria by which the work will be performed.

At the mutual request of the client and your company, you can make an inventory of the property located in the apartment. This must be done in order to avoid theft and damage.

To operate your business legally, you should also insure it and obtain a license for it.

Think about your inventory

Business idea: apartment cleaning cannot exist without special equipment and professional detergents. To purchase such items and products, you need to familiarize yourself with the assortment of numerous stores. To get excellent results from cleaning, you need to choose expensive products and high-quality equipment.
Currently, natural cleaning products that have pleasant aromas are especially popular. Therefore, if you decide to bypass your customers, then take note of this and buy special cleaning products natural origin. For good interaction with clients and to attract new customers, you need to make business cards and take care of having a phone number.

How to advertise your business

In any business, getting your first customers is quite difficult. The apartment cleaning business is no exception. Advertising plays here too big role. In order to find customers for apartment cleaning, you need to make leaflets, which then need to be posted on poles in a certain area where this activity is planned to be carried out. You can also find clients in some offices. To attract customers, you should print business cards with information and phone number. Business cards with information should be left in crowded places in your city or town.

Apartment cleaning how to start a business: How to provide your services

The popularity of the apartment cleaning business is growing daily. Therefore, every entrepreneur has the opportunity to develop such a business if they conduct a competent advertising campaign. You can place your first orders yourself. But when the client base expands, you can think about hiring people.
To attract a large number of clients at once and bypass other similar companies, you need to offer for customers profitable services and some discounts on them. Pay attention to other little things too. In particular, to successfully develop your business, you need to monitor your competitors and compare their activities with your personal business.


Undoubtedly, own business It is not only beneficial to have, but also very pleasant. In this case, you can work according to your own schedule and get good money for providing any services in a certain city or town.

New trends come into our lives, and with them new opportunities for starting a business.

Cleaning companies began to appear quite recently, and so far their implementation is not going at a very fast pace, despite a relatively inexpensive start. There is a lack of understanding of the advantages of the services of these companies over regular cleaning, in which office employees take part.

Benefits of starting a cleaning company

In some cases, offices are cleaned centrally by a full-time cleaner, who is armed with a mop and a broom, even an advanced one. But she has to clean so many rooms per day that thoroughness is out of the question.

The result is superficial cleaning, which over time leads to various illnesses among employees. And there is a way out of this situation - the services of a cleaning company.

This is, or approximately this, and preferably much better, a company representative will have to talk to potential clients when he has to promote its services. And the advantages of creating a cleaning company are obvious:

  1. Inexpensive entry into this business.
  2. An unfilled niche in the market.

You can start in this business with small investment. The main costs will be equipment, and if you take it on credit or lease, or rent it, you can start almost from scratch. As for the unfilled niche, this is most likely due to poor awareness of citizens. There is no awareness among the masses that ordinary cleaning cannot replace thorough cleaning with professional equipment.

How to create a company from scratch, what is needed for this?

To create a cleaning company from scratch, you need to obtain all permits, purchase or rent necessary equipment and hire qualified specialists. We need qualified specialists who can perform the task assigned to them.

That is, you are not selling cleaning services, but trying to make your clients healthier. From this perspective, the activities of a cleaning company look different.

Required permits and documents

No special permits are required to open a company. Register as individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company with some bright name and act.

After registration, you can find a premises, enter into a lease agreement, borrow equipment, and start an advertising campaign.

Equipment, specialists

You should immediately discard ordinary equipment for apartments. It is not intended for cleaning commercial purposes, works much worse and quickly fails.

Moreover, your clients who will be watching the cleaning process will not be happy if they see that the cleaning company is using the same or weaker equipment than what they have at home. And their attitude will be completely different if they see a miracle device in the hands of workers. The specialist talks about other important aspects of business in the following video:

The face of a company is not only its employees, but also the equipment they come with. Please take this into account. Therefore, immediately get ready to purchase professional vacuum cleaners and other devices. You will need:

  • a vacuum cleaner that will cost around 35–40 thousand rubles;
  • a machine for washing work clothes and cleaning materials, at the same cost as a vacuum cleaner;
  • a disc-shaped machine used for intensive deep cleaning of carpets; its cost can reach up to 120-150 thousand rubles;
  • a special cart, which has a wringer and a net for containers, where the solution with a garbage bag is placed; its cost is within 10 - 12 thousand rubles;
  • a set for wiping office equipment and washing windows, costing 8–10 thousand rubles;
  • a flat mop instead of a broom and mop, costing 2 thousand rubles.

The presence of such a set of equipment allows for thorough cleaning both in office premises, and in apartments of residential buildings, in private houses.

But please note that at first, profits should be directed to advertising and the purchase of new, more powerful equipment, the cost of which is several times different from the above. This will not only increase the range of services that the company can provide, but will allow it to noticeably distance itself from its competitors.

When it comes to recruiting specialists, take this very seriously. Needed responsible employees who will not be afraid of this work. At the same time, they must be as tactful as possible.

If a woman with the habits of a cleaning lady from the housing office comes into the office and starts ordering everyone around and telling everyone where to go, then this will be her first and last visit to the customer. And with it, the customer says goodbye to the company. Such employees can be recruited through agencies that will bear some kind of responsibility. financial liability for their candidates.

Assessing competition and profitability

How much profit can you expect from the company's activities? To calculate it, you need to start from the prices for the services provided in the cleaning business. Let's look not at the prices in the capital, but at cities like Kazan or Rostov. The cleaning costs there are as follows:

In this case, conditions are set that the minimum cleaned area is no less than 40–60 square meters. And if the cleaning area exceeds 150 square meters, then transport services at the expense of the company. Otherwise, the customer will have to pay shipping costs as well.

Specialists and owners of cleaning companies estimate the profitability of this activity very high - from 25 to 40%, if we take individual species cleaning work.

Possible risks

There are also considerable risks in this type of business. Firstly, company owners are faced with pronounced seasonality in demand for their services. The only way out of this situation is that this type of business was conducted in parallel with another.

Secondly, there is a sharp decrease in demand for cleaning services during crises. When entrepreneurs are under pressure, they begin to save on everything they can. They cut bonuses for their employees, optimize their staff, and switch from expensive services to cheaper ones. And they refuse services such as cleaning the premises altogether, entrusting the process itself to their employees.

Where to start?

After registering an enterprise, purchasing equipment and hiring staff, begin to promote your business and acquire regular customers who would cover the current expenses of the newly formed company. Until you develop yourself, you will have to take on a number of functions.

But definitely you need to hire the cleaners and driver themselves, who will have a car to transport staff to fulfill orders. You will have to pay extra for using the car, but it is much cheaper than buying a company car right away.

You can find regular customers not only in office centers. Create a competent Commercial offer and go to the offices of lawyers, notaries, and dentists. As a rule, they do not have a full-time cleaner, so they will be glad to have the opportunity to use the services of professionals.

Place banners and banners in public areas as much as your budget allows. Take a collection of addresses and telephone numbers of enterprises in your city, select certain categories of potential customers and start calling them. You can send a specially prepared SMS message.

Pay special attention to your promotional materials. Spend some money on professionals who will prepare a good one for you advertising text, make an attractive picture and draw up a correct commercial offer according to all the rules of a selling text.

Calculation of approximate costs for starting a business

Registration of an enterprise will cost from 1800 to 5000 rubles. The equipment will cost another 200 thousand rubles, but these costs can be reduced at first if you take out the equipment on credit or lease. There are no special requirements for the premises, since it is not the clients who will come to you, but you who will come to them to determine the amount of work on site. Therefore, renting a room can cost 15–20 thousand rubles. The staff salary for the first time will be:

  • driver – 25 thousand rubles;
  • cleaners - 4 people for 18 thousand rubles.

When starting a company, focus on regular customers to eliminate the seasonality of your activities. Pay attention to individuals who need high-quality cleaning in apartments and houses. After all, their asthma caused by indoor dirt costs them more than regular cleaning.

How to open a cleaning company in Russia: a brief overview of the market + necessary equipment + personnel search + initial investments + ways to advertise a business + useful tips.

Cleanliness is the key to health. Professional approach to ensuring cleanliness is the key to success in this area of ​​business.

Grandmother cleaners are gradually becoming a thing of the past...

There seems to be demand in Russia, even if it is dormant, because how to open a cleaning company on their own, more and more people are thinking about it. Let's figure this out today.

What do you need to know before opening a cleaning company?

Firstly, we need to understand the very concept of “cleaning”, which in Russia still sounds unusual and different people put different meanings into it. It's not just cleaning anymore.

Some people perceive a cleaning company as the same grandmother-cleaner who has taken certain courses and can meaningfully, but without a system and modern equipment, sweep or mop the floor. Yes, there is also demand for such services in the lower price segment.

In 2014, the market froze, but in 2018, according to experts, it will begin to grow again. Conclusion: To be successful tomorrow, you need to prepare for increased demand today. This means it’s time to think about how to open a cleaning company.

Thus, in 2014, the Russian cleaning services market was estimated at $200 million. Moreover, 150 of them were in Moscow and the Moscow region. Another up to 30 million will go to St. Petersburg, and the rest will go to other regions.

Since then, professional cleaning has also become known in the periphery, so the market has begun to gradually level out, which opens up new prospects in the event economic growth all around Russia.

Selecting the target audience for a cleaning company

Having figured out the region where we are going to open a cleaning company, we need to understand what kind of client we should do this for. Roughly speaking, the client can be either corporate or private. Corporate ones are divided into offices and premises with large crowds of people (shopping malls, theaters, cafes, etc.).

This “cheat sheet” will help you understand which client to target, which shows who spends the most on cleaning premises in Russia:

As you can see, apartment cleaning takes up no more than 3% of the market, together with theaters and restaurants, which cope with cleaning procedures on their own.

Hence the conclusion: you can open a cleaning company exclusively with a focus on corporate clients, and servicing individuals should be developed as an auxiliary area.

Having figured out the target audience, you should estimate the range of services that you will provide. Your entire business will depend on this, since all this requires personnel, equipment and consumables.

From the infographics it follows that opening a cleaning company that deals only with cleaning premises and territory is not very profitable - most people combine this activity with something else.

The reason is that the Russian market is still just emerging, and you cannot rely on any one segment; it is better to take 2-3 areas and develop them in parallel.

How to open a “modest” cleaning company: a sample business plan

You can open a cleaning company if you have a well-thought-out business plan.

That's why we have prepared examples for you. Then we compare the performance of a small company providing dry and wet cleaning services with large company so that all the differences can be clearly seen.

So, in order to open a small cleaning company of modest scale, which does not provide any exotic services such as vehicle fleet supervision, but only deals with cleaning premises, you need to be “in the know” yourself.

If you are already an expert in this matter, then you will not need courses, otherwise you will have to spend up to 20,000 rubles on them.

After completing the courses, the first thing you will have to do is officially register your business.

If you want to work as an individual entrepreneur, that’s up to you, but it is believed that real profit in the cleaning business can only be obtained if you open a cleaning company (using a simplified taxation system) with 1-2 employees in addition to you.

This will allow more flexibility to work with the state, while maintaining the benefits of small businesses, such as lower tax rates, government grants, reduced rental costs, etc.

Cleaning is good because, according to Russian laws, this activity does not require any certification. Before opening a cleaning company, you need to study GOST R 51870-2002.

Initial investment in a cleaning company

It all depends on the scale of your future activities and the market segment that you have chosen for yourself. In general, 290-350,000 rubles are enough for a mediocre cleaning company in the LLC format. starting capital. For individual entrepreneurs – 70-90,000 rubles.

It is believed that in Moscow such a volume of investment pays off in 8-10 months. That is, in less than a year. For a full-fledged cleaning company that provides a full range of services, you will need 2-3,000,000 rubles, and the payback if there are regular customers will be about a year.

You need to understand that cleaning as a business is too heterogeneous. Companies working in conjunction with five-star hotels receive a very serious income, but their cleaning services are also of the highest quality.

Supermarket employees have low qualifications, while average business center employees have average qualifications. All this must be taken into account in advance when calculating the level of initial capitalization.

Where to start a cleaning business in Russia?

Before opening a cleaning company, experts recommend testing the waters by talking to local businesses: do they need cleaning, what kind of cleaning do they need, how much are they willing to pay, etc.

Otherwise, you may not succeed, because demand is not consolidated. Such is the specificity of the cleaning business that “ word of mouth“And personal acquaintances always come first here.

The most important expense item for a small cleaning company is the office, although at the initial stage you can do without it altogether. Modern level technology development allows you to work in a “home office” mode, and go to the client for cleaning.

If the cleaning “office” is very small, consisting of one person, then you can simply answer on your own mobile phone without stopping from cleaning. It is easiest to open a cleaning company in this format. However, if you plan to enter the cleaning business for a long time, then you cannot do without an office.

An optimal office should have the following premises: a director’s office (you can also meet clients there), a room for staff (primarily managers), a warehouse for equipment and work clothes, as well as a separate room for washing machines and drying drum.

Even if you do not intend to provide dry cleaning services, you will have to wash your work clothes constantly, especially after each dirty cleaning, as required by GOST and common sense - who will hire a cleaner who looks like a scumbag herself?

Thus, for a modest office an office with an area of ​​15-20 square meters will be sufficient. m. According to market participants, one should focus on premises with a price of 1,000 rubles per square meter (that is, 15-20,000 rubles per month).

You shouldn’t look for an office in the city center, you can do it on the outskirts - you go to clients for cleaning, and not they come to you. This means that you can sacrifice your own convenience for the sake of saving.

1) Equipment for a cleaning company

This is one of the most problematic moments when starting a cleaning company in Russia. Some advise buying only new equipment, while others recommend limiting yourself to used equipment to begin with, they say, the main thing here is the quality of the personnel and consumables, and not the equipment.

Choose what is closest to you, but still mops and rags must be clean, otherwise the client will be dissatisfied.

Consumables and simple equipment Russian production available in a wide range.

The required set of equipment for a small company in Russia is as follows:

NameCosts (estimated)
1. Flat MOP (mop)1,500 rubles
2. Professional cart with a spin function, a mesh for solutions and cleaning compounds, and a garbage bag.

From 6,500 rubles
3. Scraper

500 rubles
4. Dry wipes

200 rubles
5. Vacuum cleaner with wet cleaning function

20,000 rubles
6. Window cleaning kit2,000-3,000 rubles
7. Optional: scrubber dryer (instead of a vacuum cleaner with wet cleaning function, replaces 1-2 employees)

70,000-500,000 rubles

Total: 31,700 rubles (without scrubber dryer). When buying a cheaper vacuum cleaner, you can spend 30,000 rubles.

You can wash your workwear yourself at home. If you have a car, then the issue is resolved, but if not, then you will have to cooperate with someone.

Many people organize this business specifically for one customer - for example, a business center, where they themselves rent a small room or receive permission to store equipment in a utility room with the consent of the building owner.

2) We select personnel for a cleaning company

If you are just starting out and intend to do the cleaning alone, then you don’t even have to read this paragraph. Otherwise, you will need to hire 1-2 cleaners. Most likely, you will have to pay for training for beginners, which will cost 4,000-25,000 rubles. Consulting services are provided by large cleaning companies.

The course includes both training in operating equipment and basic safety precautions when working with toxic substances.

In addition, employees will be trained on how to properly clean according to the system, what types of cleaning there are, how wet cleaning differs from dry cleaning using a vacuum cleaner or scrubber, etc.

That is, at the end you will get a full-fledged cleaner - an expert in cleaning of any type.

The work of an ordinary cleaner is considered low-skilled, and therefore is not paid very highly, although the shortage of personnel in Russia means that real specialists with work experience can be expensive.

To start a business, you can focus on employees who are ready to work for 10-15 thousand rubles per month + bonuses.

You can find someone for the minimum wage, but then, most likely, the quality of cleaning will suffer, because only the same grandmothers, who are often poorly versed in technology, will pay for such a salary, and they will have to work with technologically advanced and modern equipment.

To understand whether it’s time for you to expand, there is a formula according to which one cleaner is able to efficiently clean an area of ​​9,000 square meters. m. In 8 hours of a working day, an employee can clean about 800 sq. m. m (in office centers – 500 sq. m).

By calculating the area of ​​"run" of employees, you can find out whether you have enough hands. If there are fewer people than required, the quality of cleaning will suffer.

3) We are looking for clients for our cleaning company

The best option is if you have found a client in advance for whom you will create your business, and only then will you scale it by hiring new employees and purchasing additional equipment for other types of cleaning.

Market players claim that best option for small cleaning companies – word of mouth or “presentations”: go around offices and see where it’s dirtiest, offer them to do the cleaning for free or at half price, subject to a review (video review) on your website or on specialized resources.

You can also leave your handouts near the entrances to business centers or shopping malls.

Although this does not give a high conversion rate, it is free (until competitors rip them off). More thorough advertising campaign will cost too much.

Many are trying to master promotion of cleaning services on social networks, but how effective it is is still difficult to say.

It is considered much more justifiable contextual advertising , which is shown target audience: if a person is looking for a cleaning company by entering the request “premises cleaning Moscow”, then your ad will be shown to him.

Paid ways to promote cleaning services will cost from 10,000 rubles per month.

Do not forget to record all agreements with the customer in advance, down to the smallest detail. Here it is advisable to describe not only the types of cleaning, but also the recording of property rights, so that you are not later accused of stealing personal belongings.

Therefore, prepare contract forms in advance indicating the list of your services and deadlines. The contract is usually signed for a quarter or a year, but there are also one-time payments.

*Example standard contract for the provision of cleaning services

What is the return on investment for a micro cleaning business?

The price for 1 square meter of professional cleaning in Moscow starts from 50 rubles per square meter. m, although semi-professional cleaning can be found cheaper. In large business centers the price can even be 100 rubles/sq.m. m and above, but you shouldn’t count on this, because such clients are served only by well-known large brands.

...First we will have to dump, otherwise there will be no orders. So it’s worth focusing on 30-40 rubles / sq. m. m.

Minimum expenses: 30,000 (cleaning equipment) + 15,000 (office) + 20,000 (staff: 1 cleaner + outsourced accountant) + 10,000 (online advertising) = 75,000 rubles in the first month and 40-50 thousand rubles monthly.

Income: 50,000 (30 rubles per 1 sq. m of cleaning = 1667 - this is exactly how many square meters you need to clean per month to pay for yourself and one assistant). This does not include taxes.

If you intend to work more thoroughly and are ready to spend money on high-quality equipment (for example, a scrubber dryer), renting a car, expanding your staff, and engaging in full-fledged self-promotion, then start-up capital 300-350,000 rubles will pay off from approximately 5,000 sq. m of cleaning per month.

Considering the scale of business centers and retail space, then this figure looks quite acceptable, but your competitors may already be working there, so it’s better to prepare to fight for the client.

The standard margin in the cleaning business is 25-35%, depending on the services provided: one-time general cleanings are expensive, but they are rarely ordered in Russia, and weekly cleanings provide a small but regular income.

Thus, regular cleaning of a three-room apartment in Moscow will cost 4,000 rubles, and general cleaning after renovation is almost twice as much - 7-7,500 rubles. In general, the average cleaning company pays for itself in 9 months, taking into account the crisis.

How to open a cleaning company with style?

As promised, the performance of a tiny cleaning company is comparable to an industry giant, which buys its own cars right from the start, has a large staff and is ready to provide cleaning services of any complexity.

How to open such a large company in Russia? The principles are the same as before, so we won’t repeat them, but the costs are higher. Such companies are usually created to help hoteliers or companies that service large housing complexes and shopping centers.

To open a cleaning company in this segment, the staff will be at least 12 people:

Imported equipment for wet and dry cleaning of all types to open a cleaning company of this level will also cost a pretty penny:

TOTAL COSTS: RUB 1,628,000
Cleaning equipment
wide range of services
Name Price Qty Cost in rub.
Battery scrubber dryers
for dry and wet cleaning
180 000 1 180 000
Cable scrubber dryer for
dry and wet cleaning
34 000 5 170 000
Corded scrubber dryer for dry
and wet cleaning
105 000 2 210 000
Industrial vacuum cleaner for dry and
wet cleaning
25 000 10 250 000
Polisher30 000 2 60 000
Professional hair dryer for
carpet drying
20 000 3 30 000
Cleaning carts and buckets on
wheels for dry and wet cleaning
20 000
Cleaning equipment for dry and
wet cleaning
30 000
Detergents, household chemicals 50 000
TOTAL: 1,000,000 rub.
Computers, office equipment, furniture
Name Price Qty Price
Laptops- - 60 000
mini-PBX (4 handsets)- - 15 000
MFP (printer+scanner+fax)- - 15 000
Furniture (tables, chairs, sofa)- - 38 000
TOTAL: 128,000 rub.
Name Price Qty Price
Car "Sable" 2008 1 300 000
VAZ 2104 2011 1 200 000
TOTAL: 500,000 rub.

Taking into account the costs of advertising, business registration, depreciation of equipment for dry and wet cleaning, etc., without which it is impossible to open a large cleaning company in Russia, the final estimate will look something like this:

Cost item for a cleaning companyAmount in rub.
Total:RUB 2,200,000
Registration of activities with the Federal Tax Service12 000
Purchase of equipment for dry
and wet cleaning, computers and
office equipment, office furniture,
detergents, vehicles
1 628 000
Recruitment (advertising)10 000
Working capital (financing
activities before reaching payback)
450 000
Conducting an advertising campaign100 000

Adjusted for inflation and devaluation, purchasing equipment for dry and wet cleaning and hiring personnel can cost up to 3,000,000 rubles.

With a projected payback of the project of 550,000 rubles per month, it is necessary to service about 15-20 corporate clients(this is approximately 100 orders for dry and wet cleaning monthly).

In this video you will learn how to create a successful

cleaning company with an income of $3,000-7,000:

Let's summarize the features of opening a cleaning company

Investments in a small cleaning company can be repaid in a couple of months with an average cleaning profitability of 35%, for an average company - in 8-10 months with a profitability of 25-30%, and in the case of a large office great luck A return of 20-25% and 12-15 months for payback are considered.

In fact, this market is very unstable. If you are lucky enough to receive a large order for dry and wet cleaning, for example, from a large government agency, then even a large cleaning company can pay for itself very quickly - literally in a couple of months.

But the opposite result is also possible – small orders at high costs. The most important thing is a preliminary analysis of demand in the segment and locality where you intend to work.

So find the answer to the question " How to open a cleaning company? not that difficult. It is much more difficult to correctly calculate everything in advance, analyze the “dormant” demand for dry and wet cleaning, and determine the optimal advertising channels etc.

The cleaning itself in this case is far from the most difficult task. But if all this is done correctly, the result will not be long in coming: in this area the payback is one of the fastest, therefore in the USA and Europe it is considered one of the most attractive for investments.

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