Sociocultural regional studies. Research work “Here is my village...” On the topic: “Ethnography of a village Ethnic village how to start work

The aggressive environment of megacities is extremely tiring for people, so many city dwellers strive to acquire summer cottages and rural estates, where they go to relax at every opportunity. For those who, for various reasons, cannot afford to buy and maintain a country house, agritourism can be an excellent solution - a relatively new direction that involves living in rural areas away from big cities, with the opportunity to take part in various cultural and leisure events.

Considering rural tourism as a business, it should be noted that it is equally of interest to both vacationers and farmers, who have at their disposal sufficient resources to comfortably accommodate several guests. Moreover, tourists perceive processes familiar to local residents as exotic, and therefore willingly take part in field work, care for animals, rent boats for fishing and pick mushrooms, thereby bringing the owner of a village hotel a good additional income.

Business Features

The main feature of rural tourism is the accommodation conditions: guests are accommodated in old log houses or in antique-style manors, located in areas with untouched nature, far from industrial enterprises and multi-story concrete buildings. With the exception of complexes with complete historical reconstruction, such village hotels provide visitors with amenities at the level of resort apartments: the rooms have bathrooms, air conditioning, televisions and refrigerators, and guests are provided with three meals a day in the dining room.

The main meaning of this type of recreation is to separate residents of megacities from the usual bustle and immerse themselves in a leisurely and measured rural life. In addition, the tours are also educational: many townspeople have never seen an authentic folk costume, sat with a fishing rod at dawn or milked a cow.

In Russia, rural tourism attracts mainly women, whose share in target audience reaches 70%. Living in a village may also be interesting for other residents of megacities - married couples with children and young people who give preference to a healthy lifestyle and a clean environment.

Another fairly broad category of tourists are foreign citizens who want to get acquainted with cultural traditions and folklore. For such guests, the natural environment, national flavor and authenticity of rural life are sometimes more important than the presence of a TV in the room. Considering that foreigners select vacation spots mainly via the Internet, it is necessary to develop your own multilingual website with colorful photographs, descriptions of services and price list, as well as regularly post advertisements on foreign travel forums and social networks.

Collective outdoor trips are also common in the corporate environment: managers of various companies buy such tours for their employees in order to conduct events aimed at strengthening team spirit and developing ways of interaction between employees. Such clients usually rent a hotel for a period from several hours to two or three days and pay significantly more for this than ordinary private visitors.

Finally, the concept of rural tourism development implies close interaction with tour operators: companies interested in cooperation on favorable conditions, will not only post information about the services of a home hotel on their website and in advertising materials, but will also help in developing a high-quality tourism product, organizing transfers and an entertainment program.

Types of rural tourism

Clients of home hotels have different requirements for organizing their holiday: some simply want to spend time in nature, others are interested in hunting and fishing, others come to the village to get acquainted with folklore and folk crafts. In accordance with the list of cultural and leisure activities, several of the most popular rural tourism programs are distinguished:

  1. Medical tourism. Its goal is to study the means and methods of traditional medicine, collect medicinal plants, as well as carry out health procedures that are in demand by people with various diseases;
  2. Historical tourism. It represents a complete immersion in authentic ancient life, including accommodation in reconstructed huts with minimal amenities and meals with dishes of Old Russian cuisine;
  3. Rural ecological tourism. It involves living in a remote village with the telephone turned off, without television or the Internet. Various cultural events contribute to complete immersion in rural life;
  4. Sports tourism. In this case, the countryside is used as a platform for various sports competitions, hiking, orienteering, rock climbing, rafting, and horseback riding;
  5. Educational tourism. This type of rural tourism involves the study of classical folk crafts - pottery, artistic painting, wood carvings, weaving products from wicker, embroidery;
  6. Agricultural tourism. Includes active recreation with the opportunity to take part in basic agricultural processes, including grazing livestock, collecting firewood, field work, haymaking, hunting, fishing, picking mushrooms or berries;
  7. Folklore tourism. Aims to study folk art, rituals, oral tales and songs, visit historical places and museums, as well as festivals and fairs held in rural areas;
  8. International tourism. This type tourism in rural areas may include one or more areas of interest to foreign guests - the study of folklore and folk crafts, history and medicine.

Advantages and disadvantages

An entrepreneur considering how to open a rural tourism business should pay attention to characteristics these activities and take into account their positive or negative impact on the operation of the enterprise as a whole.

The advantages of agritourism include the following factors:

  1. To open a home hotel on a farm, you do not need to obtain a hotel license - just register as a peasant farm or individual entrepreneur;
  2. This direction is considered a priority, thanks to which the entrepreneur has the opportunity to participate in the rural tourism development program;
  3. If you have a subsidiary farm, you can reduce the cost of food for guests by using environmentally friendly products of your own production;
  4. The hotel owner does not have to pay rent;
  5. Using the surrounding natural resources and the potential of the region, you can create an exciting program of cultural and educational events;
  6. At this stage, the industry is characterized by a low level of competition;
  7. To organize rural tourism you do not need to have experience or special knowledge in this field.

At the same time, negative factors can significantly complicate the work of an entrepreneur and lead to additional expenditure of resources aimed at overcoming the consequences of their influence:

  1. Rural areas often lack the infrastructure and resources necessary for tourists to live comfortably;
  2. The activities of home hotels are not regulated by law;
  3. Under the influence of urbanization, villagers quickly forget traditions and lose their identity;
  4. The development of rural tourism in Russia is hampered by the rapid decrease in the number of able-bodied residents of villages and villages.

Required Resources

Of course, not every village will be attractive to tourists: in some settlements there are no attractions or interesting natural resources at all. Therefore, it is advisable to open a home hotel in a region known for its cultural traditions, crafts, architectural monuments and beautiful landscape.

A big advantage will be the presence of a nearby forest and any body of water - a lake, pond or river: visitors will definitely be interested in such active recreation as fishing, swimming, going for mushrooms or berries. Accordingly, the entrepreneur will be able to make money by providing guests with various equipment - boats and catamarans, bicycles, fishing rods, mushroom picking kits.

When choosing where to start rural tourism in such an area, it is necessary to pay attention to the availability of any such resources and evaluate the possibility of using them to develop a program of cultural and leisure activities. In addition, to serve and entertain tourists you can use:

  • The estate. Several rooms are allocated in the house for guests to stay, and the surrounding area is put in order, flower beds and lawns are laid out here, gazebos, barbecues and swings are installed, and parking spaces are arranged;
  • Pets. Maintenance, feeding and herding of chickens, sheep, pigs, cows and horses will be part of entertainment program, and the use of livestock products will provide visitors with fresh milk, meat, eggs;
  • Garden. For urban residents, ordinary agricultural work will become an active and educational holiday - many of them have never seen potatoes, carrots or corn in the natural environment. In addition, dishes made from these vegetables can be served at the table in the evening;
  • Orchard. Gardening, harvesting and processing may also be of interest to tourists. Fresh apples, pears, plums, cherries are eaten or used to prepare various desserts - pies, jams, preserves;
  • Russian bathhouse. Bath procedures are used for health purposes, supplemented with homemade kvass or herbal tea. Fans of extreme relaxation will want to jump from the steam room into a snowdrift or into an ice hole with icy water;
  • Craft, hobby. Various master classes dedicated to wicker weaving, pottery, woodworking, soap making and other works typical of rural life will help attract and interest customers;
  • Special knowledge. The hotel owner needs to learn the art of receiving guests, get acquainted with local historical, architectural and landscape attractions for excursions, master the preparation of national cuisine, and also improve communication skills in foreign languages to serve foreign guests.

Arrangement of rooms and territory

An estate that claims to be a home hotel is subject to fairly high requirements designed to ensure maximum comfort for guests. Therefore, when landscaping the local area, it is necessary:

  1. Remove all debris from the site, repair paths, sow lawns with grass and flowers, if possible, find and install carts, their wheels, and antique agricultural machinery as decorative elements;
  2. Provide parking space for visitors' cars;
  3. Clean and put in order the paths to the well, spring and reservoir;
  4. Avoid proximity to abandoned and dilapidated houses, garbage and manure heaps, livestock farms and other sources of unpleasant odor and noise;
  5. Ensure the availability of telephone communication, satellite television and the Internet (many guests will want to immediately publish photos on social networks);
  6. Install artificial lighting on the site;
  7. Arrange rest areas, install gazebos and garden benches, hang hammocks.

Premises intended to accommodate guests must be equipped with ventilation, lighting and heating systems, bathrooms and showers. Of course, some tourists, in pursuit of historical authenticity, will want to live with stove heating, wash from a stream and sleep on beds, but the majority of visitors will prefer a minimal set of amenities:

Living room equipment

Name Qty Price Sum
Bed 9 8 000 72000
Wardrobe for outerwear 3 4500 13500
Linen closet 3 6000 18000
Chair or stool 9 1 000 9000
Dining table 3 2500 7500
Chandelier or wall lights 3 2000 6000
TV 3 9 000 27000
Air conditioner 3 18 000 54000
Router 3 1500 4500
Electric kettle 3 1000 3000
Mini fridge 3 6500 19500
Bedspreads 9 2 000 18000
Pillows 9 500 4500
Blankets 9 2 000 18000
Bed sheets 18 500 9000
Toilet with cistern 3 4 000 12000
Shower cabin 3 12 000 36000
Mirror 3 2 000 6000
Washbasin 3 8 000 24000
Mixer 3 1 000 3000
Boiler 3 5500 16500
Large towel 18 500 9000
Small towel 18 300 5400
Rug 3 500 1500
Clothes dryer 3 1 500 4500
Garden tent 3 3500 10500
Garden furniture set 3 6 000 18000
Brazier 3 700 2100
Set of dishes 3 5 000 15000
Hammock 3 1000 3000
Total: 450000

The area of ​​guest rooms is selected at the rate of at least 6–7 m² per person for double rooms, or 5–6 m² per person for triple rooms.


Three meals a day are included in the basic package of home hotel services. To organize it, it is necessary to equip a small dining room for 10–12 people, in which you can also install a samovar and place sweets on dishes to organize tea drinking at any time of the day. It is possible that this particular place will become a center for guests to communicate and exchange impressions after a busy day.

The basis of the menu for tourists consists of simple and unpretentious village dishes prepared from farm. This may include:

  • Vegetable salads, homemade pickles, fresh herbs;
  • Homemade milk, sour cream, cottage cheese and cheese;
  • Cutlets, meatballs, homemade sausage, dumplings, kebab;
  • Fish and fish dishes;
  • Various porridges, navy pasta;
  • Baked potatoes, boiled with herbs, stewed with mushrooms;
  • Fish soup, cabbage soup, pickles, vegetable and cold soups, borscht;
  • Homemade eggs, omelettes and scrambled eggs;
  • Pies, honey gingerbreads, pancakes, pancakes, homemade jam;
  • Compotes, herbal and fruit teas.

You need to be prepared for the fact that some guests who adhere to a vegetarian or medicinal diet will find the village menu unacceptable and will want to prepare their own dishes from products they brought with them or bought from the farmer. For their convenience, you need to equip a separate kitchen, equipped with all the necessary utensils and household appliances:

Guest kitchen equipment

Name Qty Price Sum
Set of pans 2 3500 7000
Set of frying pans 2 3000 6000
Knife set 2 500 1000
Forks, spoons 2 2900 5800
Gas stove 1 6000 6000
Cutting boards 2 800 1600
Kitchenware 3000 3000
Food processor 1 3000 3000
Fridge 1 15000 15000
Washing 1 600 600
Mixer 1 1000 1000
Total: 50000

Leisure organization

Few guests will be satisfied with the opportunity to simply live away from the noise of the city, swim in a clean river, take a steam bath and look at live cows: usually people interested in agrotourism are attracted by slightly different goals - immersion in rural life, active recreation, participation in agricultural work. In addition, many people buy family tours and bring children to the village who grew up in the city and have never seen wildlife. Therefore, a set of various cultural and leisure activities is being developed for guests, including them in the basic package or offering them as additional services:

Agricultural holidays:

  • Picking berries, vegetables and fruits, working in the fields and gardens;
  • Pumping out honey, excursion to the apiary;
  • Feeding and driving animals to pasture, working as a shepherd;
  • Baking homemade bread;
  • Setting up a smokehouse, smoking meat or fish;
  • Collecting sour cream and whipping butter;
  • Tree felling and firewood preparation.


  • Hunting and fishing;
  • Horseback riding, sleigh rides, excursion to a horse farm;
  • Water procedures, swimming in a river or lake;
  • Hiking and cycling;
  • Bath health treatments;
  • Picnics;
  • Access to recreational equipment - balls, badminton;
  • Conducting photo sessions with pets.

Educational rest:

  • Getting to know local customs, rituals and folklore;
  • Participation in celebrations, invitation of folklore groups;
  • Conducting master classes on folk arts and crafts;
  • Excursions to museums, inspection of architectural and natural monuments.


When developing a business plan for rural tourism, it is necessary to take into account that the work on arranging a home hotel is not limited to repairs in the rooms: to ensure an acceptable level of comfort and organization of leisure time for guests, it will be necessary to put things in order local area, install air conditioners and satellite dishes, purchase equipment. It is also advisable to have at your disposal a small minibus for transporting tourists to their holiday destination and organizing excursion trips.

The list of costs associated with creating a hotel of three triple rooms will include the following items:


Name price, rub. Quantity, pcs. Amount, rub.
SPD registration 2000
Renovation of guest rooms 75000 3 225000
Guest room equipment 150000 3 450000
Kitchen equipment 50000 1 50000
Yard landscaping 150000 1 150000
Installation of a septic tank for 6 m³ 80000 1 80000
Touring bikes 10000 4 40000
Boats 40000 3 120000
Sports equipment 20000
Development of an information site 20000
Transport, minibus 350000 1 350000
Total: 1507000

Unfortunately, farm owners engaged in providing rural tourism services do not physically have enough time to serve guests, care for animals and field work at the same time. Therefore, the company needs to hire several hired assistants:

  • Technical worker for laundry, cleaning rooms, washing dishes;
  • Animator-guide for excursions and master classes;
  • Cooks to work in the kitchen.

Expenses for the year

Name Amount, rub.
Communal payments 36000
Equipment repair 20000
Marketing expenses 30000
Property insurance 10000
Fare 24000
Chef salary 180000
Salary for a tour guide-animator 180000
Cleaning lady salary 180000
Payroll tax 164700
Administrative expenses 24000
Food 369000
Insurance premiums for individual entrepreneurs 27600
Total: 1245300

Revenue and profitability

Agrotourism as a business involves the formation of a tourism product from a whole range of basic and additional services. By default, this includes accommodation in a separate room, three meals a day, the opportunity to contact animals, engage in outdoor activities and agricultural work. During development pricing policy You should take into account the tariffs of similar rural hotels located in the Perm region, Karelia and Altai: here each day of stay costs a tourist 1200–1500 rubles.

⏩ Video on the topic

To increase the competitiveness of an enterprise, it is recommended to reduce the cost of services during periods of falling tourist activity and thereby attract customers who want to save money on their vacation. Thus, taking into account seasonal fluctuations in attendance, a farmer renting out three triple rooms can receive an income of 1.74 million rubles during the year:

Home hotel income

Guests on average Person-days Tariff, rub./day Income, rub.
Summer 80% 7,2 648 1300 842400
Autumn 30% 2,7 243 1000 243000
Winter 40% 3,6 342 1200 410400
Spring 30% 2,7 243 1000 243000
Total: 1738800

Providing a set of paid services, the list of which is formed depending on the resources available in a given area: for example, if there is a horse farm, you can organize horseback riding, and if there is a reservoir, you can rent out boats and fishing rods. When drawing up a business plan for agritourism, it is necessary to analyze all available opportunities, and then develop a price list taking into account depreciation of equipment and the cost of cultural and leisure activities:

Additional income

Thus, the total annual turnover of the home hotel will exceed 2 million rubles. Taking into account current expenses, we can calculate the main economic indicators project and expected payback period:

Calculation of economic indicators


When developing rural tourism, one cannot stop there. In order for visitors to return to the hotel every year, it is necessary to constantly improve the quality of service, landscape the surrounding area, think through new excursions and entertainment activities. However, the most important factor contributing to increasing guest loyalty is the special homely atmosphere that must be created on the farm through the constant display of hospitality, kindness and readiness to provide guests with the necessary assistance at any moment. At the same time, gratitude and enthusiastic reviews from clients will serve as a worthy reward for your efforts.


2016/4(7) 1 Ш) Network scientific peer-reviewed publication ISSN 2411-0582 THE HERITAGE INSTITUTE JOURNAL

Museum studies

Sviridova O.Yu.

Location and some features of existing and planned ethnographic museums, ethnographic reconstruction parks and ethnic villages in the territory Russian Federation

Annotation. The article examines the features of the work of such objects as ethnographic museums, ethnic villages, open-air museums and ethnographic reconstruction parks. Ethnocultural heritage in various federal districts on the territory of the Russian Federation. The emerging system of ethnic villages and museums of national life in Russia, as the infrastructure of the type of tourism developing in the country - ethnocultural tourism.

Keywords: ethnographic park, ethnic traditions, architectural structures, security measures, ethnographic reconstruction, ethnocultural tourism, historical heritage, cultural tradition.

In world practice, ethnographic parks and open-air museums arose from the need to preserve, conserve and study monuments of folk architecture and life in order to deeply understand the lifestyle of previous generations. Security measures, while organized, made it possible to preserve and restore many objects of folk architecture. Open (or partially open) public access to such objects became possible, increasing interest in them, and in history in general. These objects reflect the distinctiveness of local cultural traditions, serving as a stronghold of local identity. Ethnic villages are essentially a new type of cultural landscape. These objects are also called “ethnographic villages”, “national”, “ecological-ethnic villages”.

When creating ethnovillages, the following goals are pursued:

Preservation of valuable, unique and typical architectural structures traditional for the area;

Demonstration of internal and external planning solutions;

Introducing to local culture and ethnic traditions;

Demonstration of the main economic, commercial and everyday features of the reconstructed settlement;

Holding traditional folk festivals and concerts;

Organization of ethnocultural tourism and cultural leisure.

The functions of such complexes are various - protection of objects of ethnographic heritage, educational, educational and tourist. In the cultural space, this phenomenon is rapidly developing, since the concept of an ethnographic village is inextricably linked with the concept of ethnic tourism. In world practice and on the scale of our country, ethnic and ethnographic tourism is becoming increasingly widespread. It is one of the successfully implemented forms of cultural leisure, one of the varieties of cultural and educational tourism. In ethnographic tourism, there are also two subtypes - ethnic and aboriginal. Ethnic tourism in general is based on interest in the life of peoples living in a particular territory. Aboriginal tourism involves getting to know the indigenous people who originally and still live in a given territory.

In conditions modern level development of society and expansion of the influence of the urban environment, interest in such objects is growing. In megacities and cities, national and cultural traditions and customs have been largely lost. The interethnic characteristics of people living in cities have been erased by globalization and urbanization; in these conditions, ethnic tourism is becoming especially relevant and popular. It helps not only to touch the roots of one’s own national culture, but also to escape from the usual environment and the bustle of the city.

In modern Russian conditions There has been an increase in the number of ethnic villages and ethnographic museums. It is characteristic that they appear in large numbers in multinational regions. Today, ethnic villages are functioning and being built in almost all federal districts. Depending on the geographical location of the districts and their ethnic composition, the number of ethnic villages differs.

Considering the multinationality of our country (more than 190 peoples live on its territory, which also includes indigenous small and autochthonous peoples), this direction can be considered very promising. Along with the already existing open-air ethnographic museums and private commercial ethnoparks, the country plans to build a number of new large-scale projects.

Quantitative ratio of existing and planned facilities in the Federal Districts of the Russian Federation

Central f.o. Southern f.o. North-Western f.o. Far Eastern f.o. Siberian f.o. Ural f.o. Privolzhsky F.O. North Caucasian Crimean f.o. Sevastopol

O 5 10 15 20 25 30

In Russia, the largest number of such facilities are located in the Far Eastern and Volga Federal Districts, followed by the Central and Siberian, followed by the Northwestern, then the Ural, Southern and North Caucasian districts. The Crimean district is in last place on the list. In it, the processes of creating such objects are now in the development stage. This is due to the fact that for more than 20 years the peninsula was under the influence of another state, which left an imprint (largely negative) on all the processes that took place there. There are several ethnic village projects in Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol.

Currently, there are more than ninety, and over forty ethnic villages and ethnographic farmsteads are being designed in various Russian regions.

The Far Eastern Federal District has the largest number of facilities, including those under design. Most of them are in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), in the Kamchatka and Khabarovsk Territories.

Of the operating facilities in Kamchatka, the Itelmen village “Pimchakh”, the ethnocultural complex “Kainyran”, and the Evenk camps “Nulten” and “Menedek” are interesting to visit. They are localized in the southern part of the Region, at a relatively short distance from each other, in particular, the Kainyran complex and the Itelmen village of Pimchakh are located nearby. On the territory of the latter, every year the Alhalalalai holiday is held - a rite of thanksgiving to nature, which ends the summer fishing season.

Ethnocultural complex "Manedek"

Evenki camp /--

Evenki tribal community "Nulten" Evenki camp /-

Ethnocultural complex "Kainyran" village in ethnic style

Ethnocultural complex "Pimchakh" ethnic camp

Location of existing ethnocultural complexes on the territory of the Kamchatka Territory

In Kamchatka, the original culture of the indigenous small peoples of the North has been preserved: Itelmens, Koryaks, Evens and Aleuts, which is an excellent resource for ethnographic tourism. Today, the largest number of planned ethnic farmsteads are located in Kamchatka. These are ethnographic villages (Koryak ethno-village), ethnographic complexes, tourist and ethnographic centers. An important factor is the presence of large vacant land plots of up to several thousand hectares. These areas are sufficient for the implementation of almost any tourism projects. According to the strategy for the development of tourism in the Kamchatka Territory, it is necessary to create conditions for the development of tourism as a priority sector of the region’s economy in long term, increasing the contribution of the tourism industry to the development of the region, preserving and rational use natural-recreational and cultural-historical potential.

In the Volga Federal District, ethnographic villages are located in almost all subjects - but most of them are in the Perm Territory and the Nizhny Novgorod region. The Khokhlovka Architectural and Ethnographic Museum is an example of the long and successful functioning of the facility. This is the first museum in the Urals wooden architecture open air. The museum began to be created in 1969 and was opened in September 1980. It includes 23 monuments of wooden architecture of the late 17th - second half of the 20th centuries, which represent best samples traditional and religious architecture of the peoples of the Kama region. Public events that have become traditional are held here annually - folk calendar holidays, folk music festivals, military-historical and art festivals.

The Central District in this regard is characterized by the presence of projects that differ in concept and execution. Present as large

multinational objects, such as "Ethnomir" in Kaluga region, as well as small objects that popularize the culture and heritage of individual ethnic groups - for example, the culture of Chukotka - the Husky Land ethnocultural complex in the Moscow region. The Moscow region is also characterized by a large number of planned ethnographic villages.

In the Northwestern Federal District also a large number of existing and projected facilities are located in a large and developed formation - in Leningrad region. Also, ethnographic complexes are located on the territory of the Murmansk and Novgorod regions. On the territory of the latter there is the Museum of Folk Wooden Architecture “Vitoslavlitsy” and “Slavic Village of the 10th Century” in the village of Lyubytino. The Vitoslavlitsy Museum contains the best examples of folk wooden architecture of the 13th - early 20th centuries that have survived to this day, and the Slavic Village introduces the history, culture, customs and beliefs of the ancient Slavs.

The Ural District is characterized by the presence of diverse cultural traditions. In the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug there is a large number of ethnographic villages and camps. This is “Chuaneli” - a children's ethno-health center - a school of work and rest. It is located in the Berezovsky district, in the village of Chuaneli. Another unusual object is the ethnic camp - the children's ethno-health center "Man Uskve", located in the Berezovsky district, in the village of Yasunt. It is organized for children from the Mansi people. In essence, this is a children's camp, only the children there live in tents and learn various folk crafts and languages. The objects in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug are very original. For example, a natural-ethnographic complex in the village of Gornoknyazevsk. This is an open-air ethnographic complex located in the Priuralsky region, 12 km from the city of Salekhard. The museum has been operating since 2001 and introduces the history and traditions of the local residents - the Khanty, Nenets and Komi. Traditional village reproduced northern peoples. Seven tents were built, as well as wooden buildings. The exhibition includes more than 400 exhibits - household items of reindeer herders, hunters, and fishermen of the North. Visitors have the opportunity to ride reindeer, try national cuisine (adapted accordingly), and book a tour of the complex with rituals.

In the Southern Federal District, functioning ethnographic parks are consolidated mainly in the Krasnodar Territory. A large number of projects are planned to be implemented there. IN Rostov region there is a unique object - the Starocherkassk Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve, located in the village of Starocherkasskaya. The museum includes a conservation area

Ethno-cultural complex "Husky Land" in the Leninsky district of the Moscow region. Performance by a folk group

the territory of the former city of Cherkassk (the center of the village) with an area of ​​62.88 hectares with more than 100 monuments of civil and religious architecture. The museum's holdings include about 50,000 exhibits. The village is known as the capital of the Don Cossacks and the birthplace of General Matvey Platov and many Don heroes. Holidays, exhibitions and cultural and educational events are held, and a folk ensemble performs. The museum was founded on December 30, 1970 on the initiative of M. A. Sholokhov on the basis of historical and architectural monuments of the village, which dates back to 1570. It is located on a historical site. Architectural monuments of the 15th-19th centuries are concentrated in the former courtyard of the Efremov atamans. The Ataman Palace is interesting, built on the model of the capital's aristocratic houses. In its final form, the palace has 21 rooms, and its total area is more than 1000 m2. On-site and exchange exhibitions are held on the territory of the museum, including a project dedicated to the history of the Nekrasov Cossacks - “Nekrasov Cossacks. Newly found Motherland." These are the descendants of the participants in the uprising of Kondraty Bulavin, they got their name from the name of Ataman Ignat Nekrasov, who, after the suppression of the uprising, took several thousand Cossacks to the Kuban, who then moved to Turkey. Living in a foreign land in a unique Cossack way of life, the Nekrasovites preserved their national identity, language, customs, folklore, and the main elements of Cossack clothing that existed on the Don in the 17th - early 18th centuries.

There is also an increase in projects in the North Caucasus District. In the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, this is the project of the ethno-village “Alan-Shakhar” (“Honey Falls”). They intend to decorate the village in the Caucasian style of the 17th-19th centuries; it will represent the culture of not only the Karachays, but also other peoples of the republic. It is planned to hold cultural events, ethnographic holidays, and festivals on the basis of the ethnocomplex. Two operating ethno-villages are located in the Chechen Republic. This is the ethnographic village “Shira-kotar” - translated into Russian - “Old Farm” (Vainakh village) and the ethnographic museum “Dondi-Yurt” (open-air museum) in the city of Urus-Martan.

It is becoming increasingly popular, despite its extreme nature, “Jailoo tourism” is one of the new types of tourism. This is one of promising directions active recreation, a branch of ecotourism, in which travel is made to places on the planet that are practically untouched by modern civilization. This type of holiday appeared in the late 1990s, when tour operators offered their clients from developed countries live for some time with the shepherds of Kyrgyzstan. The lack of benefits of civilization was fully compensated by clean air, walks in the mountains, and immersion in local traditions and culture. The results of such an experiment exceeded all expectations, and many travel companies around the world began to include this type of recreation in their list of services. It is often possible to combine such a holiday with exploring interesting natural attractions.

Tours are organized in hard-to-reach places inhabited by indigenous peoples, where there is often no electricity and mobile connection. Thanks to this, city residents have the opportunity to live for some time in medieval or even primitive conditions. This type of tourism is finding more and more new directions. Extreme tourists travel in the Siberian taiga, subarctic tundra, deserts, and mountainous regions of Southeast Asia.

Previously, Europeans lived and worked among the primitive tribes of Africa, Indochina and South America as zoologists, ethnographers and researchers in other fields of science, collecting necessary information for scientific works.

Today, this type of tourism does not require its participants to study and classify local customs, rituals and way of life. They are given the opportunity to immerse themselves in the surrounding reality and feel like members of a primitive society, together with the inhabitants of the tribe, collect edible plants, make primitive weapons, and participate in the hunting process. Part of the cultural program is singing and dancing to the sound of drums along with the entire tribe. In the Amazon forests, for example, tribes still do not know iron and live in a primitive communal system. Tours to the Chernobyl exclusion zone can be considered a type of this type of tourism. Quite a lot of time has passed since the man-made disaster, the level of radiation has noticeably decreased, and the popularity of tours to the Chernobyl zone is constantly growing.

Lovers of ecotourism visit special villages and settlements intended for living and recreation. They are located in natural areas relatively untouched by anthropogenic influence. At such sites, the traditional way of life is recreated, based on subsistence farming, it is suggested to eat only environmentally friendly products. While staying in such settlements, visitors have the opportunity to take part in the traditional activities of the population - gathering, hunting and fishing, and practice horse riding.

In different regions, the features and problems associated with the construction and operation of facilities are different. For example, in the Ethnomir complex, located in the Kaluga region, the emphasis is not on any specific ethnic group, but the cultures of many countries around the world are represented. Well-developed infrastructure with cafes, restaurants, souvenir shops, sports grounds and hotels in ethnic style allows you to immerse yourself in the culture of many nations at the same time. This is due to the scale of the project and its location.

Ethnovillages in the regions - both private and created as part of tourism programs, in addition to developing exhibitions and holding master classes, are forced to focus on business - holding festivals, holidays, organizing celebrations in order to extract benefits - funds for development. Such a cultural complex in Orenburg, which is a park with 10 different ethnic farmsteads in which cafes operate, even had a beneficial effect on the situation in the area. According to some reports, after its opening, real estate prices increased there.

Another feature of the design of such facilities is the leveling of claims of neighboring states on the territory. For example, in Primorsky Krai there is a historical and theme park “Emerald Valley”. There they reconstruct the houses of residents of the Ussuri region of different historical eras - from the Paleolithic to Russian forts. The initiator of the project found it necessary to establish himself in his native land. The park is in the process of development, and the local population has been positive about the project as a whole

Historical and theme park “Emerald Dopina”. Main entrance


The Russian Arctic National Park was formed according to the same principle. The objectives of the park are to preserve cultural, historical and natural heritage Western sector of the Russian Arctic, development of ecological tourism, as well as measures to preserve biological diversity and maintain protected natural complexes in their natural state. The cultural heritage of the national park is unique: there are places and objects associated with the history of the discovery and development of the Russian Arctic since the 16th century, in particular, those associated with the activities of Russian polar explorers, the sites of the Dutch navigator Willem Barents, who discovered these lands for Western Europeans, and Russian Pomors who had been there long before him.

Large ethnographic complexes are a tourist product designed for entertainment services with an ethnic flavor. Such objects are imitative cultural landscapes, initially designed as a system of developmental, educational and entertainment clusters. Local cultural traditions during their creation, as

are usually not taken into account.

“Ethnomir”, located in the vicinity of the city of Borovsk, Kaluga region, is a vivid example of a commercially large-scale tourism project. Today it is the largest ethnographic park in Russia. On its territory there are ethno-yards imitating the life and way of life of various peoples. The large exhibition complex is a continuous row of pavilions with a total length of 1.5 kilometers. Each of them is conceived as a reflection of the culture and traditions of different regions of the world: Europe, East, Asia, Africa, Australia and Oceania and the countries of the New World - North and Latin America.

The so-called “regional” ethno-villages located in national republics ah, reflect the traditional ethnic cultural landscape. In their spatial organization and operating principles, they are close to museums of wooden architecture. The most interesting

Ethno-villages of this type are located in Chuvashia (Ibresinsky Open Air Ethnographic Museum), Buryatia (Ethnographic Museum of the Peoples of Transbaikalia), in the Mari-El Republic (Open Air Ethnographic Museum in Kozmodemyansk) and many others.

Ethnic villages of “local cultural tradition” and small peoples of Russia are created on private initiative or on the initiative of local authorities. They imitate the landscapes of local cultural groups. Such objects, for example, include the Pomeranian “Tonya Tetrina”. This is an ecological ethnographic

complex in the Murmansk region, which is

museumified fishing camp. The museum is organized on the Tersky coast of the White Sea, on the site of a historically existing tony, and reconstructs the life of the Pomeranian tony of the 20s of the twentieth century. The living hut, cookhouse, barn, bathhouse, glacier, and net hangers were restored. The museum offers educational tours. Its creators permanently live on the territory of the complex; they are engaged in traditional Pomeranian crafts, in which ethno-tourists can also take part. Household items - antique scales, samovar, cast iron pots, boilers, gramophone are themselves museum exhibits. This is an example of a living cultural landscape, a full-fledged landscape imitation, adaptation to a bygone, but historically attractive cultural tradition. And they themselves are very interesting. The very concept of Tonya (in the northern dialects of Tonya) is a place on a river or reservoir where fishing is carried out with a seine. The size of the tony varies greatly, sometimes up to 2 km.

Paintings and lithographs allow you to create a visual representation of the processes taking place. Visuals are no less important than literary sources for recreating the everyday life and way of life of complexes.

Some projects are created specifically for representatives of a certain people; their activities have a pronounced ecological, cultural, protective nature. In places of traditional residence of indigenous peoples, so-called ethnic camps are created. Their main difference from parks is that the ethnic object is usually a museum exhibit or a cultural tradition of one people. The ethnic camp "Man Uskve" functions as a children's camp, where people live in traditional dwellings, learn languages ​​and various folk crafts.

N.A. Sergeev. Tonya on the Dnieper. 1889

Solovki. Malaya Muksalma Island Lit. V. Cherepanova, 1884

In general, the activities of such ethno-villages of small peoples are focused on promoting spiritual culture, familiarization with elements of material culture, and ideological aspects of relationships with nature. Examples of this are the “Bakaldyn”, “Us Khatyn” and others complexes in Yakutia, the Ethnographic complex in the village of Gornoknyazevsk in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

It is impossible not to note that there is a problem for the indigenous peoples of the North - the loss of traditions and cultural identification. Intensive industrial development natural resources northern territories has also significantly reduced the possibility of maintaining traditional species economic activity small peoples. There is also the problem of interaction between the indigenous population and tourists. Representatives of the Khanty and Mansi peoples voiced their fears that the development of ethnotourism could have a detrimental effect on their traditional way of life: tourists engage in hunting and fishing, picking berries and mushrooms, that is, they disrupt the ecosystem and compete with the aborigines who live in such trades. In places specially recreated for visitors, there is no need to fear this.

An ethnic village is a new type of cultural landscape - an imitation cultural landscape, that is, artificially recreated. It acts as a figurative stylization of the traditional village landscape when creating an ethno-village based on a real settlement. The process of modeling material and spiritual components is taking place. During the construction of objects, material components are modeled - the natural landscape, architecture, and the village is planned using elements of traditional economic and fishing activities. On the basis of ethno-villages, folklore festivals, festive ritual events are held, weddings are celebrated according to ethnic patterns - that is, the process of modeling spiritual culture takes place.

The emergence of ethno-villages in

multinational regions is a global trend. For example, China is one of the most

multinational states - there are officially 56 ethnic groups, of which 55 are usually called national minorities.

Travelers are attracted not only by bustling cities with the largest

Yunnan National Village

skyscrapers, but also historical sights, as well as getting to know the “true”, non-tourist China. Tourists are interested in visiting remote villages of national minorities. Tourism has begun to penetrate the traditional settlements of ethnic groups; it is not yet of a mass nature, that is, it does not violate the cultural integrity of the local ethnic group. Local residents are to a certain extent interested in attracting tourists, so in peasant houses you can find family hotels with the necessary amenities. Residents in such villages continue to lead a traditional way of life, engaging in manual labor and folk crafts.

Often ethnic villages are created in such a way that they combine several cultural directions. An example of this is the ethnic village of Lesedi. It is located in South Africa, 40 kilometers from Johannesburg. This village provides a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the traditional life and way of life of the five indigenous peoples of South Africa: Zulu, Pedi, Xhosa, Ndbele and Basotho. This village originally belonged to the Zulu tribe. In 1993, according to the idea of ​​Kingsley Holgate, a famous explorer of Africa, five tribes were united in the village.

Directly on site, visitors are “immersed in the era” and traditions of each people. The excursions are conducted by a local guide, who is also the leader of one of the tribes. Here tourists have the opportunity to try on the national clothes of Africans, visit their homes and see the life of the villagers from the inside. After the tour, they are invited to a Boma, a thatched house, where they put on a show with ethnic music and dances from the indigenous tribes of Africa. Guests are offered a dinner consisting of local dishes.

In Russia, the practice of creating such complexes appeared during the Soviet period - in the 1960-70s, mainly in the form of museums of wooden architecture. To preserve unique and traditional village buildings - temples, residential buildings, utility buildings, certain techniques have been developed. The activities of the museum-reserves themselves were dominated by protective and educational functions. Typical of this period are open-air museums - the Arkhangelsk Museum "Malye Korely" and the Novgorod "Vitoslavitsy" Museum. As a result of this activity, by the 1980s of the 20th century, full-fledged cultural and landscape complexes were created in many regions, reflecting the architectural, planning, decorative and other features of the regional cultural tradition. Over the course of two decades - in the 1980-90s, museum reserves focused on supporting traditional crafts, organizing fairs, and reviving traditional holidays with the participation of folk groups. Centers of regional cultural life were consolidated in museum reserves. A difficult situation in the country in the 90s, to some extent, suspended this activity.

Lesedi ethnic village

In the 2000s, new directions of development appeared in museums, including the development of ethno-villages as independent objects. New types of ethno-villages, new subtypes of “ethno-village cultural landscapes” are emerging - national villages, regional ethno-villages of national republics, local ethno-villages, including ethno-villages of small peoples of Russia, and ethno-camps. The development of such objects is associated with the processes of establishing regional and local identity, the development of domestic tourism and with global processes occurring in national politics.

Ethnographic parks developing on the basis of museums have the greatest scientific value. An example of this is the Perm Ethnographic Park of the History of the Chusovaya River, founded in 1981. The park preserves unique buildings of the 19th century, collected from different villages. Objects such as a blacksmith shop, a village shop, a fire station, peasant huts, a refectory, and a church were transliterated. The example of the Kostroma Museum of Folk Architecture and Life is also typical. It originated in 1955. Now there are about 30 exhibit buildings there: churches, huts, barns and baths. Such museums conduct excursions and master classes, present game and information programs, organize holidays, “corporate meetings” and weddings in folk traditions.

Often the concept of “ethno-village” is used as a tourist site, specially allocated (equipped) for the development of ethnic tourism, and in some cases it is “linked” to historical places.

An example of the creation of such an ethnographic village is the Cossack village “Ataman”, located in the village of Taman, Temryuk district Krasnodar region. The exhibition complex was created on the initiative of the Governor of the Krasnodar Territory A. N. Tkachev and is located on the shore of the Taman Bay. On the territory of the complex, the life of the Cossack village was recreated, and a historical reconstruction was carried out (the complex is tied to a historical place). The farmsteads of the village are a kind of mini-image that each farmstead gives visitors an idea of ​​a theme related to the life, material culture, crafts, and folklore of the Kuban Cossacks. The huts were built using modern construction technologies, but externally they were stylized as Cossack huts of the late XVNI-early XX centuries. When creating the village, original documents, photographs, tools, and household items of the late 15th and early 20th centuries, donated by the residents of Kuban specifically for the opening of the complex, were used.

Part of the museum exhibitions of the complex is dedicated to the history of the Taman Peninsula as a whole. It reflects such topics as the “Valley of the Scythians,” the historical park “Hermonassa,” the Great Silk Road trail, and a copy of the world-famous Tmutarakan stone, found by the Cossacks at the end of the 18th century. during the dismantling of the old fortress in Taman, and currently stored in

Ethnographic complex “Cossack village Ataman”;

museums. The complex is designed this way

State Hermitage. The Ataman exhibition complex carries educational functions, part of the territory is dedicated to organizing leisure and recreation, ethnic folklore festivals are held, and the rituals of the Kuban Cossacks are being reconstructed.

Ethnic villages popularize the culture of the local ethnic group. Ethnicity refers to the properties of an ethnic community, denoting its special differences from other communities. Ethnicity in ethno-villages manifests itself both as a museum exhibit and as a living cultural tradition in its various manifestations - from folklore to national cuisine.

From the perspective of ethnography, such complexes are objects that have preserved their “ethnic type” and have features characteristic of the traditional culture of a given ethnic group. Since ethnicity itself is a form public organization cultural communities, very important has a common historical memory. Common elements of culture, the possession of one or more common names, and the idea of ​​a common origin lead to a sense of group solidarity. The definition of ethnicity is also based on the cultural self-identification of an ethnic community in relation to other communities (ethnic, social, political) with which it has fundamental connections.

At the current stage of development of such complexes in Russia, the regional principle of organization has received a new impetus. It manifests itself in the promotion of initiatives of regional administrations in relation to national villages (for example, national villages of the peoples of the Saratov and Orenburg regions). Their creation is considered as an element of national policy in a multinational region. The buildings in such complexes are figurative stylizations of different ethno-architectural styles; often authenticity is not of great importance. In such complexes, ethnographic exhibitions, museums, ethnic clubs, traveling exhibitions, folklore groups, and petting zoos are created.

The currently emerging system of ethnic villages and museums of national life in Russia can be considered as the infrastructure of the type of tourism developing in the country - ethnocultural tourism. Its goal is to introduce people to the ethnocultural heritage, and it is very promising for Russia. The country has a rich and diverse ethnocultural heritage, a unique combination of various ethnocultural complexes.

Along with nurturing a tolerant, respectful attitude towards the “other”, towards another culture, which is especially important in the situation of multi-ethnic Russia, ethnic villages contribute to the preservation of diverse cultural traditions, increased ethnic self-awareness, as well as the formation of an image of regions that can attract tourists both from Russia and and from abroad. In general, the development trend in this area is positive. It should be noted that in Russia there are quite a lot of private ethnic objects, and the compliance of one’s enterprise with the stated theme and ethnographic sources is not regulated, which can lead to a distortion of historical reality. That is, on the one hand, cultural value and historical authenticity may suffer from the need to attract tourists, on the other hand, people “on the ground” are interested in preserving their heritage, popularizing culture and making profit.

Of course, it should be noted that the development trend of ethnotourism indicates an increase in the level of cultural and ethnic self-awareness of citizens. Domestic tour operators, in search of new types of leisure, paid attention to ethnic activists and local historians. It is their joint activities that influence the development of interest in their ethnic roots and the cultivation of patriotism among citizens of multinational Russia, but this cannot be accomplished without the adoption of local regional programs.


Kalutskov V.N. Fundamentals of ethnocultural landscape studies: Tutorial. - M.: Moscow State University Publishing House. 2000.

Butuzov A.G. State and prospects for the development of ethnocultural tourism in the Russian Federation, 2009.

Registry investment projects tourist complexes and investment sites, 2008.

Register of rural tourism objects of the Russian Federation, 2008.

Register of tourist routes in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2008.

Kalutskov V.N., Latysheva A.Yu. "Ethnic village" is a new type of cultural landscape. Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow. Theory and practice of cultural landscape planning: materials of Vseros. scientific-practical Conf., Saransk, Nov. 2010 - URL: Saransk: Mordov Publishing House. University, 2010, p. 715. - URL:

Eco-ethnic villages. - URL:

Museums of Russia. - URL:

Review of ethnoparks in Russia. - URL:

Exhibition complex "Ataman". - URL:

Ethnoworld-ethnographic park-museum. - URL:

Ethnoparks of Russia. - URL: httpY/ethnoparkirossii.rf.

Jailoo tourism: history and geography. - URL:

National Minority Village, Sanya. URL:

Lesedi ethnic village. - URL:

Lesedi ethnic village in Johannesburg (South Africa). - URL:

Ethno-cultural complex "Husky Land". - URL:

Strategy for the development of tourism in the Kamchatka Territory until 2025. - URL:

Tonya. - URL:

© Sviridova O.Yu., 2016. The article was received by the editor on December 7, 2016.

Sviridova Olga Yurievna,

Senior Researcher,

Russian Research Institute

cultural and natural heritage named after D.S. Likhacheva (Moscow),

e-mail: olgasvirid [email protected]

The location and some features of the existing and planned ethnographic museums, parks ethnographic reconstruction and ethnic villages on the territory of the Russian Federation

Annotation. The article describes the features of the objects, such as the ethnographic museum, ethnic village, the open-air ethnographic museums and parks reconstruction. Ethnic and cultural heritage in different federal districts of the Russian Federation. The emerging system of ethnic villages and national life museums in Russia, as the infrastructure of the developing country type of tourism - ethno-cultural tourism.

Key words: ethnographic park, ethnic traditions, architecture, security measures, the reconstruction of ethnographic, ethno-cultural tourism, historical heritage, cultural tradition.

Sviridova Olga Yurievna,

senior researcher, Russian Scientific Sesearch Institute of cultural and natural heritage named after D. Likhachev (Moscow), e-mail: olgasvirid [email protected]

“Ethno-village”, “ethnic village” is a rapidly developing phenomenon in the cultural and tourism space of Russia. The term "ethnic village" itself is not established; in relation to such objects the terms “ethnographic”, “national” and even “international” are also used.

Currently, there are about fifty, and over twenty ethnic villages are being designed in different Russian regions - from the Smolensk region to Kamchatka. In many ways, the creation of ethno-villages is associated with the development of tourism (ethnic tourism). There are other reasons.

The concept of an ethno-village can be viewed from different perspectives. From the perspective of ethnography, an ethno-village is presented as a settlement that has preserved its so-called “ethnic type”, with a system of characteristics characterizing the traditional culture of the ethnos. In the field of tourism, the concept of “ethno-village” is interpreted as a tourist facility, a specially equipped place (complex) for the development of ethnic tourism, as well as in combination with agro- and ecotourism.

From the position of ethnocultural landscape science, an ethnovillage is considered as a new type of cultural landscape, a cultural landscape of the 21st century. In principle, an ethno-village is a simulated cultural landscape. Even in cases where an ethno-village is created on the basis of a real village, the “ethno-village cultural landscape” acts as a model, replica, imitation, and sometimes figurative stylization of a traditional village landscape with all its connecting components (Kalutskov, 2000). It is obvious that the material components of the cultural landscape are better suited to modeling - the natural landscape, architecture, village layout, elements of traditional economic activities, agricultural and fishing. However, considerable experience has already been accumulated in modeling spiritual culture. On the basis of ethno-villages, folklore festivals, festive ritual events are held, weddings are celebrated according to ethnic patterns, etc.

Ethnic villages differ in their purpose, functions and specifics. The following goals for creating ethno-villages can be distinguished: preservation of valuable, unique and typical architectural structures traditional for a given area; demonstration of planning and spatial-organizational ethnic traditions; demonstration of the main economic and fishing characteristics of the ethnic group; holding traditional folk festivals; organization of ethnocultural tourism.

Among the functions of ethno-villages, the following stand out: the function of protecting objects of ethnographic heritage; educational, educational and educational; recreational and tourist.

Let's consider the origins, formation and current state ethnovillages in our country from the position of ethnocultural landscape studies, as a new type of cultural landscape, dynamically developing in the context of globalization.

In Russia, the creation of ethno-villages in the form of museums of wooden architecture dates back to the 1960-70s. This stage of development of ethno-villages is characterized by a focus on preserving traditional village buildings that are unique and typical for a given region - temples, residential buildings, and utility buildings. The activities of the museum-reserves themselves were dominated by protective and educational functions. Open-air museums in Arkhangelsk "Malye Korely" and Novgorod "Vitoslavitsy" can be called typical for this period.

Implementation of these principles in a planned situation state support gave its results. Already by the 1980s. In many regions, full-fledged cultural and landscape complexes were created that well reflect the architectural, planning, decorative and other features of the regional cultural tradition.

On the one hand, the crisis of the 1990s suspended the systematic activities of wooden architecture museums for a long time. For this reason, for example, in the Arkhangelsk museum of wooden architecture "Malye Korely" there is still no sector of Pomeranian culture - the "nuclear" culture for this regional tradition ("We didn't have time!"). But, on the other hand, there are also positive aspects. Already in the 1980-90s. the revitalization of the architectural landscape of museum-reserves occurs through the support of traditional crafts with the organization of fairs on their territory, and subsequently master classes, the revival of traditional holidays with the invitation of folk groups, folk craftsmen, musicians, singers, holding folk festivals and competitions. Museum-reserves are becoming centers of regional cultural life and are beginning to work more actively with external tourist flows.

In the 2000s. In the situation with ethno-villages, new directions of development have emerged. The active movement to create more and more ethnic villages turned out to be connected not only with the requirements of the tourism sector, but also with global processes, with the national policies of the Federation Subjects, with the processes of development of regional and local identity. New types of ethno-villages are emerging, new subtypes of “ethno-village cultural landscapes” - national villages, regional ethno-villages of national republics, local ethno-villages, including ethno-villages of small peoples of Russia, as well as world (global) ethno-villages.

In the new situation, the regional principle of organizing ethno-villages received new content. This is manifested in the creation, on the initiative of regional administrations, of so-called national villages (for example, national villages of the peoples of the Saratov and Orenburg regions). Their creation by the administration is seen as an element of national policy in a multinational region. Architectural authenticity in this case is no longer of great importance. The buildings in such ethno-villages are figurative stylizations of different ethno-architectural styles. On the basis of such ethno-villages, ethnographic exhibitions, museums, ethnic clubs, and folklore groups are created. This supports different ethnocultural identities in the regions.

“Regional ethno-villages” of national republics, reflecting the traditional ethnic cultural landscape of the republic, are similar in their spatial organization and operating principles to museums of wooden architecture. The most interesting ethno-villages of this type are located in Chuvashia, the Ibresinsky Open Air Ethnographic Museum, and Buryatia. Ethnographic Museum of the Peoples of Transbaikalia in the village of Verkhnyaya Berezovka, in the Mari-El Republic, Ethnographic Open Air Museum in Kozmodemyansk.

Activities based on the ethno-villages of small peoples of Russia have a pronounced ecological, cultural, protective nature. In this regard, children's ethno-health centers in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug are interesting, for example, the ethnic camp "Man Uskve", created specifically for children of small peoples of this territory in order to preserve their culture, peculiarities of their worldview, language and methods of farming, as well as the improvement of children's health. The activities of other ethnic villages of small peoples are focused on promoting spiritual culture, familiarization with elements of material culture, ideological aspects of relationships with nature (the Bakaldyn, Us Khatyn and others complexes in Yakutia; Itelmen village, Menedek in the Kamchatka Territory; ethnographic complex in the village of Gornoknyazevsk, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug).

World (global) ethnovillages are a tourism product designed for entertainment services with an ethnic connotation. Local cultural traditions are usually not taken into account when creating them. "Ethnomir", located in the vicinity of the city of Borovsk, Kaluga region, is a vivid example of a commercially large-scale tourism project. It is planned to place about 100 ethnic courtyards on its territory, imitating the life and way of life of the peoples of about 270 countries. Russia as a multinational country will be represented by 12 ethnic yards (peoples of the Caucasus, Volga region, Urals, Far East, Siberia). The houses will house workshops, retail shops, hotels ("ethnic homes" with all amenities) and restaurants serving national cuisines. A smaller-scale project is the ethnographic complex "Tram" in the Krasnodar Territory (Fadeevo village). It features an eclectically various cultures: elements of European medieval culture (Scandinavian castle, English tower, European mill), Circassian buildings, yurts, and the entrance gates are completely made in chinese style. In addition, the complex has a zoo, which is stylized as a livestock farm, and also contains a stable.

The ethnic village belongs to the globalization cultural landscapes, representing one of the new types of cultural landscapes of the 21st century - an imitative cultural landscape. At the same time, some ethno-village cultural landscapes are immediately projected as imitatively global (“world village”), while others reflect the originality of the local cultural tradition, sometimes acting as the last stronghold of local identity.

Ethnicity in ethno-villages can be defined both as a museum exhibit and as a living cultural tradition in its various manifestations - from folklore to national cuisine.

The emerging system of ethnic villages in Russia can be considered as the infrastructure of a new type of tourism for the country - ethnocultural tourism (Butuzov, 2009). Tourism, the purpose of which is familiarization with the ethnocultural heritage, is promising for Russia. The country has a rich and diverse ethnocultural heritage, a unique combination of various ethnocultural complexes.

Along with fostering a tolerant, respectful attitude towards the “other”, towards another culture, which is especially important in the situation of multi-ethnic Russia, ethnic villages contribute to the preservation of diverse cultural traditions, increased ethnic self-awareness, as well as the formation of an image of regions that can attract tourists both from Russia and from abroad.

Let's consider what ecotourism is (or, as it is also called, ethno- or rural tourism), how to start your own business in this direction, prospects, difficulties and other issues related to it.

Basic concept of ecotourism

This type of tourism involves immersing city residents in an environment that is radically different from their normal life. What is a common pastime or work for villagers is exotic and entertainment for office workers. Most of them have never lit a stove, milked a cow, chopped wood, etc. and so on.

The best vacation, as you know, is a radical change of activity and place of residence. This is exactly what you will have to offer them. But at the same time there should not be a complete separation from the outside world, there should be no problems with the road to the vacation spot and, preferably, with satellite communications.
Searching and selecting a place is perhaps the most the main task. And, if there is an opportunity to invest, then it is best to choose a village yourself and buy a house there.

Business organization

The very first thing you need to do is decide on a place. At a minimum, it should be one house in the village. It’s good if there is a river and a forest nearby. It is desirable that the place be as uncivilized as possible. That is, there should be electricity, but running water, gas and other benefits of civilization are useless. If not you, then your friends and acquaintances will definitely have such a house.

But even if you don’t find such “real estate” in your immediate surroundings, then nothing bad will happen; just drive around the villages and you will receive a lot of offers from local residents who will rent out, if not a house, then at least rooms for guests. You can even get by with separate beds. This is not as convenient and will slightly increase the cost, but it is convenient because you do not have to invest in cosmetic repairs to the house before starting work.

The next question to be resolved is transport. At the moment, hiring the same minibus will not be difficult. If there is such an opportunity, then part of the journey can be done in carts or on a sleigh - this will add a certain note of exoticism on the way to the vacation spot.

Required in advance solve the food problem. The easiest way is to negotiate with local residents. In this case, you don’t have to worry about creating a menu and preparing food. The only thing that you will most likely have to take on is the purchase of products. And there is no doubt that many people will respond to such an offer; there is little work in the villages, so many do not mind receiving additional income. Perhaps in this part you can launch the related one.

What to do with clients

What can interest you potential clients? After all, they won’t just come to look at the village; guests need to be occupied with something that might be interesting to them.

As mentioned above, first of all, you can occupy them with ordinary village life. This could be anything: driving cows out to pasture, chopping wood and lighting a stove, even some garden work - everything that is impossible to do in the city. Drawing water from a well for a bath (in which you will then take a steam bath), milking a cow and tasting real fresh milk for the first time is truly exotic for people who spend their lives among the “concrete jungle”.

When drawing up a sample program, you need to focus on what interesting things the local residents themselves can offer. For example, if there are horses in the village, you can offer sleigh rides in winter or cart rides in summer. Or pumping out honey under the guidance of a local beekeeper.
It can be a very good idea to hold social evenings with local residents.

One has only to make such an offer, and it turns out that they love to sing here and have their own accordion player. Such evenings will become entertainment not only for tourists, but also for the host party, so the events will be practically free, except for the cost of a small feast.

Naturally, the program should include traditional types of recreation:

  • fishing;
  • picking berries and mushrooms;
  • bathing;
  • Russian bath.

It’s very nice if you can dress your guests in traditional Russian costumes, then getting into the character will become much more complete.

In general, as you can see, the village will be able to provide great amount activities, even a potato bed can become an object if you approach it wisely. What exactly you will use depends on the area, the availability of equipment and the time of year.

Where to find clients for ecotours?

It is clear that the main consumers of such a service are residents of megacities. But the peculiarity of this business is that most in demand It is currently used not in our country, but abroad - this trend is very fashionable there. Foreigners most often search for vacation spots using the Internet. You just need to place announcements in different languages ​​on thematic foreign forums.

Second option - search corporate clients . Nowadays, outdoor trips with the whole team are common, and you can offer something original. In this case, you can agree not even on a few days, but on a certain amount hours.

And one more way to promote services (quite simple and effective) - arrangement With . If the terms of partnership that you offer are interesting, then they themselves will begin to advertise them, include them in booklets and offer them during personal meetings with clients.

Advantages of business in organizing environmental tours

  1. Virtually no initial investment is required, payment on the spot is made from funds received from the client’s prepayment;
  2. There is an opportunity for village residents to start their own business - they have their own home, farm and knowledge of local conditions; there is no need to search or invent anything on purpose;
  3. There are no mandatory costs for rent, advertising and other payments necessary for any other type of business.
  4. Anyone can start doing ecotourism, regardless of their experience in this field.
  5. The niche is practically unoccupied, there is no competition. This type of tourism is still too poorly developed in our country.
  6. Does not require licensing, so there is no need to register entity. Just register as individual entrepreneur, which can use a simplified taxation system.


The tourism project “Ethnographic Village of Preserved Rituals of Belarus” is being developed not only for tourism purposes - the creation of a national tourism product and the development of cultural and educational tourism in Belarus. It also carries significant cultural and educational potential: popularization and preservation of the intangible heritage of Belarus, increasing the interest of the Belarusian people in studying their own traditions, instilling in the younger generation respect and a sense of prestige of Belarusian culture. It should be noted that this project does not include all surviving Belarusian rituals, but only those that have the greatest tourism potential and which are included in the State List of Historical and Cultural Values. At the same time, the possibility of discovering “new” surviving rituals of Belarus that would be interesting from a tourist point of view and could be subsequently included in this ethnographic village is not excluded.

For of this project The principle of authenticity is very important, so the surviving Belarusian rituals were taken as a basis: observation and recording of these rituals in the natural environment and direct transmission from their bearers greatly increase the possibility of their authentic reproduction. In addition, one should take into account the fact that before implementing this tourism project serious work must be carried out scientific work to study the proposed surviving rituals of Belarus, ethnographic expeditions should be made to the places where they took place.

Description of the ethnographic village

The ethnographic village of preserved rituals of Belarus includes the following objects (see Figure 2.1 below):

1) five Belarusian huts (1-5), in each of which the preserved Belarusian ritual will be shown in a theatrical form;

2) rental point folk costumes(A);

3) cafe (B), offering Belarusian national cuisine;

4) Belarusian souvenir shop (C);

5) a small hotel for 15-20 people. (D);

6) scientific department on the study of Belarusian ethnography (E).

Thus, this complex should include all the necessary tourist infrastructure (cafe, hotel, souvenir shop).

The following Belarusian rituals will be presented in the ethnographic village:

1) ritual “Carol Kings” in the village of Semezhevo, Kopyl district (Minsk region);

2) the “Shchadrets” ritual of the village of Rog, Soligorsk district (Minsk region);

3) ritual game “Zhanitsba Tsiareshki”, Lepel district, Vitebsk region;

4) the ritual “Vadzhenne i pahavanne strala” of the village of Kazatskie Balsuny, Vetkovsky district (Gomel region);

5) the “Vyaselny loaf” ritual in the village of Motol, Ivanovo district (Brest region).

Now let's look at each ritual separately:

1. Belarusian ritual “Carol Kings”

The “Carol Kings” ritual is held on Generous Evening (January 13), on the eve of the old New Year, and is a distinctive manifestation of the local cultural tradition of the village of Semezhevo, Kopyl district, Minsk region.

In this village at the end of the 18th century there was a garrison of stationed soldiers and officers of the Russian tsarist army. According to legend, before the New Year, soldiers and officers of this garrison went to the houses of local residents, showed scenes and received gifts for this. After the soldiers were redeployed to another location, the tradition was continued by local young people who dressed in costumes reminiscent of military uniforms. There are usually seven such mummers, they began to be called “kings”, they received the names Tsar Maximilian, Tsar Mamai and others. The costume consists of white pants and a shirt, a belt with a traditional geometric pattern, red belts with a cross across the chest, black boots and tall paper shako hats with multi-colored ribbons. The kings at the festival are accompanied by the comic characters “grandfather” (performed by a girl in a ragged men's clothing) and “women” (performed by a painted guy in women’s clothing).

In the evening, seven slender cavalier soldiers march from house to house in a solemn march, with lit torches, accompanied by the beating of drums and a cheerful crowd. In every house, the “kings” act out theatrical scenes based on the folk drama “Tsar Maximilian”: a meeting of the kings, a quarrel, a fight. The performance is filled with folk humor and cheerful props. The visit of the “kings” and their retinue ends with cheerful songs, dances, and good wishes.

At the end of the round, all participants in the festive procession will be treated to a generous treat: the owners thank the “kings” for their cheerful congratulations with traditional culinary gifts - village sausage, pies and other sweets.

In 2009, the ritual “Carol Kings” was included in the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage as an object in need of urgent protection. To date, this is the only Belarusian rite included in the UNESCO List.

2. Belarusian rite “Shchadrets”

The “Shchadrets” ritual, which is held on Generous Evening, is a vivid manifestation of the cultural tradition of the village of Rog, Soligorsk district, Minsk region. The village is located in the area of ​​Red Lake - a territory that researchers of traditional culture highlight as a place for preserving exclusively ancient and unique phenomena of the calendar-song culture.

In the encyclopedia “Ethnography of Belarus” the “Shchadrets” ritual is defined as a carol game and is described as follows: “The main thing in the game was “Shchadrets”, for whose role they chose an overweight guy. He was dressed as an old man (with a mask on his face, a hump on his back, clothes hung with bells, colored rags, ribbons, on his head a hat made of shiny paper, from under which hair made of hemp or flax hung) or a soldier in appropriate clothing. “Shchadrets” walked with people dressed as animals - “goat”, “mare”, “bear” - and generous children (their round dance consisted of a leader, choruses, singers, pickers, musicians). In the evening, on New Year's Eve, the crowd went to give generously, which was a theatrical scene with music, singing, dancing, and dialogue. The counselor went into the owner’s house for permission to give generously, and at that time the crowd sang under the windows. Having received consent, the generous people entered the house. To the music, “Shchadrets” with guys dressed as animals came out into the middle of the hut, they danced, and the lead singers and choruses sang. Played out humorous skits, there was a humorous dialogue between “Shchadrac”, generous people and spectators. After completing the game, the participants received treats and put them in the bags of the takers.” .

It should be noted that the “Shchadrets” ritual is carried out with the participation of traditional mask characters: both zoomorphic ones - a goat, a crane, a horse, and anthropomorphic ones - a grandfather, a woman, a gypsy and a gypsy woman with a child (doll) in a stroller. The goat mask (very ancient, pre-Christian), the pantomime of which in the ritual is usually accompanied by a carol song related to it, was considered the main symbol of fertility and vital energy. The most unique character in the band of generous people in the village of Rog is the grandfather and his birch bark mask, which has no analogues anywhere else in Belarus. The mask was made from a single piece of birch bark, in which holes were cut out for the eyes, nose and mouth. The mask was made not in the form of a face covering, which was occasionally seen in other places in Belarus, but in the form of a hat, in which birch bark was joined in a special way (“in cloves”). It was secured on top crosswise with two strips of birch bark.

3. Belarusian ritual game “Zhanitsba Tsiareshki”

The ritual game “Zhanitsba Tsiareshki” is one of the most interesting Christmas customs that has been preserved in the Vitebsk region, especially in the Lepel region. The ceremony is held every year in different villages during the Christmas period. The action takes place in a big house. The youth invites the most respectable participants - “father” and “uterus”. The beginning is an ordinary dance party: polka, krakowiak, get some sleep... At some point it is announced: “Why don’t we give Tsiareshka a pazhanic?” “Mother” leads the game, “father” helps, and pairs are selected. The symbolic “marriage” of the newlyweds is carried out one by one during a special dance-ritual.

Participants must secretly inform the “matts” about their likes before the game, otherwise there is a danger of getting an unwanted partner. “Matka” takes the guy by the hand, “father” takes the girl, while singing, they bring the chosen couple into a circle and “twist” them together in a ritual dance. This couple is symbolically “married”; they become “dziadulkai” and “granny”. Then they choose the next couple, then the next... The most emotional and fun part of the custom is the games and tests that the “young” go through (“stream”, “kisses”, etc.). The fun ends with a traditional holiday treat.

In 2009, the ritual was included in the State List of Historical and Cultural Values ​​of the Republic of Belarus and is one of the candidates for inclusion in the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

4. Belarusian ritual “Vadzhenne i pahavanne strala”

The ritual “Vadzhenne i pahavanne strala” is held in the village of Kazatskie Balsuny, Vetkovsky district, Gomel region. It is timed to coincide with the Ascension, which is celebrated on the fortieth day after Easter.

In terms of the variety of songs and round dances, the theatricalization of ceremonial rituals as responses to the appeasement of the most terrifying natural element for ancient man - the lightning arrow - “Vadzhenne i pahavanne strala” has no equal. Children are full and sometimes the most active participants in the ceremony. During this ritual, children run around the field laughing and singing and lie around - gaining health on the young winter shoots.

Ritual actions, songs and round dances are based on protective magic against lightning. The singers themselves say: “Zastseragchy hell malanki, zakapat ya.” But later on this was layered the promotion of the growth of bread: “Let’s cut kalas for nebyas.”

The ritual “Vadzhenne i pahavanne strala” consists of singing incantatory songs about an arrow, marching in a line through the streets of the village, leading round dances in a magical form - a circle, going out to a rye field, swinging across it, burying various objects (“arrows”) in the ground. Children were sitting in a rye field, between whom the women danced like a snake, after which they took the children in their arms and threw them up so that the rye grew high. Burying coins, beads, etc., each participant in the ritual made a wish with the hope that it would come true. The ritual “Vadzhenne i pahavanne strala” symbolizes the end of spring and the beginning of summer: after it it was no longer possible to sing spring songs.

5. Belarusian ritual “Vyaselny loaf”

“Vyaselny loaf” is baked in Polesie - in the village of Motol, Ivanovo district, Brest region. Here, baking a loaf is a ritual. From ancient times to the present day, a Polesie wedding begins with baking a loaf, which is a symbol of the wealth and well-being of a young family. For each wedding, two loaves are baked - one for the groom, the second for the bride. The loaves are decorated with the same pattern: both are surrounded by a braid woven from dough, which symbolizes the unification of two families. The loaf ritual includes a number of honorable and important moments - “chynou”. They are called: “raschynenne”, “kneading a loaf”, “gіbanne loaf”, “sajanne ў pech”, “kavali” and “redemption of a loaf”. The ritual is accompanied by songs that replace one another. At the end of the ritual, the loaf is decorated with so-called “cones”. “Cones” are branched sticks, always made from fruit trees (apple trees, pears), onto which dough is specially rolled and baked in the oven. Each “cone” about half a meter high is decorated with flowers and periwinkle branches during songs, and then stuck into a loaf and tied with a symbolic red thread.

The loaf ritual exists in various villages and regions of Belarus, but in Polesie it is especially expressive. In the village of Motol, local residents carefully treat their spiritual culture and rituals and pass them on to new generations. The Motol Folk Art Museum also contributes to this to a large extent. Today, the “Vyaselny Loaf” ritual is a candidate for inclusion in the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage.