Methodology for assessing car service educational material. Managing the quality of services of car service enterprises, taking into account the process of forming consumer assessments, Maxim Olegovich. Recommended list of dissertations

5. Naugolnykh K.A. Calculation of the electric discharge mode in liquid. Kyiv: Naukova Duma. 1971.143 p.

6. V.P. Sevostyanov, Extreme physical impacts in the production technology of sign-synthesizing electronics products: textbook. allowance. Saratov: SGAP, 1999. 228 p.

Yu. A. Zayats, D. S. Golubev


The results of experimental studies using laboratory installation for electrohydraulic discharge in fuel are presented. The influence of starting discharge voltage, condenser capacity and the length of the gap between the electrodes on discharge voltage, created fuel pressure and displaced fuel volume is studied.

Key words: electrohydraulic effect, high voltage discharge, fuel apparatus, fuel feed.

Received 08/17/11

UDC 629.3.082

BEFORE. Lomakin, Ph.D. tech. sciences, associate professor,

8-920-812-33-35, &g8Shoep^[email protected] (Russia, Orel, GUNGZh)


It is proposed to use a complex indicator to assess the level of quality of car service services as a mandatory element of the quality management system for products and services. The main stages are presented comprehensive assessment level of quality of car services. Calculation formulas for determining the complex weighted average indicator of the level of quality of car service services were obtained.

Keywords: car service, service, efficiency, quality, evaluation.

In management, one of the most significant criteria of activity is success, which was philosophically justified by representatives of pragmatism: in particular, W. James: “Truth is created by the successes of our experience.” Therefore, it is necessary to find and highlight that characteristic of activity that would be associated specifically with success. Efficiency began to claim the role of such a characteristic. It is absolutely no coincidence that the creator of praxeology, T. Kotarbiński, used the concept of effectiveness as one of the central ones. In praxeology, efficiency, correctness and success were initially not separated from each other. The success of an activity is determined by Kotarbinski using such criteria as usefulness, accuracy, skill, purity. Wherein

useful from the point of view of a given goal is an action that makes achieving the goal possible or easier to achieve; accuracy is defined as the degree of discrepancy (non-conformance of the product to the sample); skillfulness means taking into account a large number of additional considerations when processing a product or, on the other hand, the versatility of the product; purity is defined as the degree of inconsistency with the main and secondary goals, that is, as a kind of degree of “impurity”.

Thus, efficiency is a multidimensional concept and is determined by various criteria. Any multicriteria requires special ways of coordinating the criteria among themselves, ways of finding a compromise.

The development of performance indicators for car service enterprises (CA) is determined by the needs of real management practice, the need to assess the feasibility of spending Money enterprises.

Assessing the level of effectiveness involves choosing a comparison base. Such a base can be: a) the best or average values ​​of indicators of enterprises in the industry; b) the values ​​of the performance indicators of the same enterprise in the previous period.

The authors of the book “In Search of effective management(experience best companies)" American researchers T. Peters and R. Waterman made their conclusions based on a study of the experience of the best companies. Their conclusion is: “Quality comes first!” At the same time, quality means defect-free (error-free) work, the absence of defects both directly at the stage of the finished product and at all other stages of the production process.

But the increase in the supply of goods and services on the market has led to the fact that consumers stopped buying products with even minor defects, even at reduced prices. Empirical measurements have shown that high-quality products bring about 40% more profit per invested capital than low quality products. Therefore, investors sought to invest funds where the quality of the products was higher, thus stimulating a different attitude towards the presence of defects in manufactured products. After all, it was higher quality that led to increased demand for Japanese goods around the world and ensured Japan's success in competing in the global market for goods and services.

On the other hand, the above content of the concept of “quality” coincides with what Kotarbinski put into the concepts of correctness and efficiency, since they correspond to the criteria he introduced of usefulness, accuracy, skill and purity. Therefore, the concept

qualities that have developed in management become identical to the concept of efficiency introduced by Kotarbiński.

However, the most common point of view regarding the relationship between quality and efficiency in management is the recognition that quality is one of the criteria for efficiency. In management theory, it was formed new approach- “quality management”, the main representatives of which are F.B. Crossby, W.E. Deming, A.V. Feigenbaum, K. Ishikawa, J.M. Juran, J. Harrington, etc. The methodological basis of this approach is the recognition as the fundamental principles of the company's activities are the following two:

1) employees performing the work assigned to them must understand its essence and bear responsibility for the quality of the results of their activities.

2) it is necessary to create a mechanism for monitoring the labor efficiency of each performer with the simultaneous right to make changes in the labor process and providing him with the means to constantly improve the quality of work.

In short, they proclaimed quality and responsibility as the key points of any activity, and they considered responsibility as necessary condition quality assurance.

It is the quality of the elements that fundamentally limits the functioning capabilities of the system synthesized from them. A certain quality of the system as a whole and its individual elements determines the effectiveness of both the system itself and its individual elements. The very possibility of changing the effectiveness of a system depends on changing the quality of its elements or its structure.

Big role when studying quality, the transition to quantitative estimates. It can be noted here that among all the works related to research into efficiency, reliability and quality, the vast majority are devoted specifically to quantitative assessment methods.

Since quality level assessment is a set of operations associated with determining the numerical value of the quality level of objects, quality assessment can be considered as a special type of management function aimed at forming value judgments about the object of assessment.

As a result of the research, a method of comprehensive assessment of the quality level of an object was chosen as the most promising in modern conditions. Based on an algorithm for a comprehensive assessment of the quality level of an object, a methodology for assessing the level of quality of services provided by the PA was developed, consisting of the following stages.

1. Determination of the nomenclature of single indicators of the quality of services provided by the PA. Single indicators of the quality of services provided by PAs were determined in accordance with GOST R 52113-2003 “Services to the public. Nomenclature of quality indicators”, which includes the following groups of quality indicators: a) purpose indicators; b) safety indicators; c) reliability indicators; d) indicators professional level personnel.

2. Determination of the list of relative indicators based on the listed individual indicators. A list of relative indicators of services provided by PA was generated, which in most cases are defined as the ratio of the numerical value of a single indicator of the quality of the assessed object to its standard value.

3. Determination of weighting coefficients for quality indicators of services provided by PA. To determine the weighting coefficients of relative indicators, the latter were assigned to the corresponding PA subsystems. As a result of the system analysis of the PA, five subsystems were identified:

The subsystem of the production and technical base (PTB), which includes the active and inactive parts of the enterprise’s fixed assets;

Personnel subsystem, which includes personnel selection, training and subsequent professional development;

Logistics support subsystem, including supply channels, storage and distribution of spare parts and Supplies;

Maintenance and repair organization subsystem, which includes regulatory, technical and technological support for vehicle maintenance and repair processes;

A management subsystem that implements management functions at the enterprise.

Based on the selected PA subsystems, a tree of systems (TS) was built for PA up to the second level. To determine the weighting coefficients of relative indicators, the contributions of PA subsystems to achieving the overall level of quality of services provided were established. This task was solved in accordance with the principles of the program-target method of managing complex systems, ensuring a reduction in the dimension of the research problem. The essence of this approach is to clearly define the ultimate goal of the system and to combine in the form of a program all types of subsystem activities to achieve this goal. The ultimate goal in this work is formulated as follows: providing the consumer with quality

car services. As a system in this study PA was considered. Next, a diagram of interaction between DC and DS was constructed for the first level, which reflects the contribution of PA subsystems to

achieving the general goal. The contributions or degree of influence of subsystems on subgoals, as well as the contributions of 1st level subgoals to the achievement of the general goal, were determined by the expert method.

The individual contributions of the subgoals C^n to the general goal C° are equal to the following values ​​(with the sum of the contributions equal to 1): r°0i=0.06; r°02=0.19; g°oz=0.08; r°04=0.11; r°o5=0.14; r°06=0.03; r°07=0.22; r008=0.17.

The structural contribution of the C!0p subsystems to the achievement of the general goal C° of the system through its subgoals c"op can be determined by the combination

Є(С1с/Ц10„)=act.g00c, (1)

where act is the contribution of subsystems to the implementation of goals; g°0ts - contribution of subgoals to the implementation of goals.

The results of the calculations of the weights of the PA subsystems in achieving the general goal are presented in Table. 1.

Table 1

Weights of PA subsystems in achieving the general goal

No. PA subsystems Weight of the subsystem in achieving the general goal

1 Subsystem for organizing maintenance and repair 0.24

2 Management subsystem 0.27

3 Personnel subsystem 0.18

4 Subsystem of production and technical base 0.17

5 Subsystem of logistics 0.12

Based on the data obtained on the weights of the enterprise subsystems, the weight coefficients of the relative indicators were determined using the expert method (Table 2).

table 2

Weighting coefficients of relative quality indicators

car services

1 Failure rate, KOTC 0.028

2 Area provision coefficient, sq. 0.057

3 Equipment supply factor, kOB 0.085

End of table. 2

No. Relative indicators of the quality of car services Weighting coefficient of the quality indicator

4 Staffing ratio, kPER 0.03

5 Quality factor of spare parts, kg 0.12

6 Safety factor, kBEZ 0.096

7 Relative environmental safety coefficient, kECO 0.048

8 Property safety coefficient, xohr 0.072

9 Technical readiness coefficient, ktg 0.024

10 Service completeness coefficient, kpu 0.27

11 Professional preparedness coefficient, kPROF 0.09

12 Consumer rating coefficient, kpotr 0.06

4. Definition of a complex indicator. To determine the complex indicator, the following dependencies were used:

a) complex weighted average arithmetic indicator (if qi >0.5 is true for all relative indicators):

b) complex weighted average geometric indicator (if for at least one indicator q¡< 0,5):

e=P?‘"> o

where qi is the relative i-th quality indicator; kt - weight coefficient of the r"-th quality indicator;

Substituting the obtained weight values ​​of relative quality indicators into formulas (2) and (3), we obtain:

a) a complex weighted average arithmetic indicator of the level of quality of car services (when qi > 0.5 is true for all indicators):

0^ = 0.096 kBEZ + 0.048 kECO +0.072 xohr + 0.024 ■ k, + 0.27 k +0.03 kPER +

0.09 kPROF + 0.06 kI(UP> + 0.028 kOTK + 0.057 k5 + 0.085 kOB + 0.12 k.,

b) a complex weighted average geometric indicator of the level of quality of car service services (when at least one qi< 0,5):

e - I-0'096 1r°'Ш 1r0'012 ^°>024 b-®'21 I-0'03 1r0'09 1r0'06 ^°'028 b-0'057 ¿.0.085 7 0.12 . /G\


All indicators in equations (4) and (5) are relative, so it is possible to determine which factor has the greatest impact on the level of quality of services (in terms of absolute growth).

To test the hypothesis about the composition of relative indicators as part of a complex indicator of the quality level, statistical data on PA in the city of Orel were collected. As a result of an analysis of the market for services provided by PAs in Orel, five PAs were selected. The selected PAs are official dealers, which, in terms of the volume of services provided for vehicle maintenance and repair, occupy about 60% of the market for services provided by PAs, which determined their choice as objects of research. At the same time, the principle of homogeneity was taken into account to obtain an average industry indicator. For each PA, relative indicators were calculated, as well as a comprehensive indicator of the quality of auto service services.

The values ​​of the complex weighted average arithmetic indicator of the level of service quality are approximately at the same level and average 0.9. Such high values ​​of the indicator are explained primarily by the fact that the enterprises under study belong to the leading segment of the car service market - dealer car centers.

At the next stage, a number of calculated statistical characteristics were obtained (arithmetic mean, dispersion, standard deviation, coefficient of variation) based on the values ​​of relative indicators of the quality of car service services. As a result of the analysis of the values ​​of the coefficient of variation, we can conclude that the greatest reserves for improving the quality of car service services should be identified by the coefficients of professional preparedness kprof (Ux = 17.5%) and the availability of kprof equipment (Ux = 10.2%).

In second place in terms of the values ​​of the coefficient of variation are the coefficients: provision with area k8 (Ux = 3.6%), provision of personnel KpER (Ux = 4.1%), relative environmental safety kEko (Ux = 7.1%), consumer assessment kPotr (Ux = 5.6%).

Such deviations may be the result of a long process of transition to new market conditions, personnel problems and conflicts in enterprises.

The remaining coefficients either have an insignificant value of the coefficient of variation (Vx< 0) (коэффициент отказов котк; коэффициент качества запасных частей кзч; коэффициент сохранности имущества ксохр; коэффициент технической готовности ктг; коэффициент полноты услуг к ну), либо величина коэффициента вариации близка к единице (Ух «1) (коэффициент безопасности кБЕЗ). Это означает, что в существующих условиях по данным факторам все резервы для повышения уровня качества выбраны.

Next, the magnitude of the pairwise correlation coefficients between the relative indicators of the quality level for the five selected PAs was assessed in order to identify the presence of collinearity (linear relationship between two factors) or multicollinearity.

Conclusions. Calculations showed that the factors are non-collinear, that is, there are no linear correlations that satisfy the condition Vx > 0.8. Based on the results of the correlation analysis, we can conclude that the hypothesis about the composition of relative indicators as part of a complex indicator of the level of quality of car service services is confirmed.

The work was carried out within the framework of the Federal Target Program “Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia” for 2009-2013, state contract No. 14.740.11.0983 dated 05/05/2010.


1. Anurag. Development of a system of quality indicators for vehicle maintenance and repair for the purposes of technical regulation: abstract of thesis. dis. Ph.D. tech. Sci. M., 2005. 25 p.

2. Aristov O.V. Quality control. M.: INFRA-M, 2009. 240 p.

3. James W. Pragmatism // The will to believe: trans. from English M., 1997. pp. 208-431.

4. Zorin V.A., Bocharov V.S. Reliability of machines: a textbook for universities. Orel: Orel State Technical University, 2003. 549 p.

5. Kotarbinski T. Treatise on good work. M., 1975.

6. Kuznetsov E.S. Control technical systems. M.: MADI, 2001. 262 p.

7. Moiseeva T.F. Methods and means of expert research. M.: MPSI, 2006.216 p.

8. Peters T., Waterman R. In search of effective management (the experience of the best companies): trans. from English M., 1986.

9. Sarbaev V.I. Theoretical foundations of ensuring environmental safety of road transport: monograph. M.: MGIU, 2003. 144 p.


The paper proposes the use of the complex index to assess the level of quality service car service, as an indispensable element of quality control of products and services is proposed. The main stages of a comprehensive assessment of the level of quality car services. Calculated complex formula for determining the weighted average level of quality service car services is proposed.

480 rub. | 150 UAH | $7.5 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Dissertation - 480 RUR, delivery 10 minutes, around the clock, seven days a week and holidays

240 rub. | 75 UAH | $3.75 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Abstract - 240 rubles, delivery 1-3 hours, from 10-19 (Moscow time), except Sunday

Iskoskov Maxim Olegovich. Managing the quality of services of car service enterprises, taking into account the process of forming consumer assessment: dissertation... Candidate of Technical Sciences: 02/05/23 - Tolyatti, 2006. - 181 pp.: ill. RSL OD, 61 07-5/1224


Chapter 1. State of the issue of service quality management and setting research objectives 9

1.1 Problems of quality and prospects for the development of services in the car service system 9

1.2 Service quality indicators 15

1.3. Maintenance quality management methods 21

1.4 The role of the consumer and perception model in assessing the quality of car service services 31

1.5 Setting research objectives 39

Chapter 2. Development of a model for continuous improvement of service quality 41

2.1 Development of a model for assessing the quality of services 41

2.2 Modeling of quality improvement processes in a car service system 50

2.3 Implementation of the principle of continuous improvement of the quality of car service services 55

Chapter 61 Conclusions

Chapter 3. Managing the quality of car service services taking into account the process of forming consumer assessments 62

3.1 Development of a methodology for assessing customer satisfaction...62

3.2 Methodology of personnel motivation 74

3.3 Methodology for assessing the technical level of a car service enterprise 86

3.4 Analysis of elements of connections of a car service enterprise 106

Chapter 118 Conclusions

Chapter 4. Practical implementation and implementation of work results. calculation of economic effect. 119

4.1 Program for calculating quality indicators of the technical level of a car service enterprise 119

4.2 Quality management of car service services based on organization standards 127

4.3 Economic effect from the implementation of techniques 137

Chapter 141 Conclusions

Conclusion 142

Bibliography 143


Introduction to the work

In accordance with the characteristics of the stages of economic development of advanced countries, the present stage is called post-industrial. It is characterized by the increased complexity of situations in the product market and the absence of clearly defined patterns. Peter Duker, one of the classics modern management, considers it to have no patterns.

This feature of the post-industrial stage, ever-increasing competition, the need for constant expansion of the range, which involves meeting new consumer needs, leads to the need for the introduction and continuous development based on the principles of TQM of an enterprise quality management system (QMS). Ensuring the effectiveness of quality management at all stages of the service life cycle is inextricably linked with quality assessment. Not only the effectiveness of management, but also the fate of the company depends on how systematically and reliably quality is assessed. manufacturing enterprise generally. The stage of determining quality indicators that are significant for the future consumer, their quantitative values ​​and weight, which requires the use of forecast data of a technical and economic nature, is especially important.

The theoretical source for assessing quality is a relatively new direction of science - qualimetry. The pace of updating knowledge in the field of qualimetry is quite high. Significant contributions to this area of ​​research were made by domestic scientists and specialists: Adler Yu.P., Barvinok V.A., Belobragin V.Ya., Boytsov V.V., Boytsov B.V., Borodachev N.A., Vasiliev V. A.A., Versan V.G., Glichev A.V., Gludkin O.P., Gorlenko O.A., Danilov I.P., Kosmachev D.I., Subetto A.I., Shlykov G.P. . Shchipanov V.V. and others, as well as famous foreign scientists: Deming E., Juran D., Zeithaml, Parasuraman, Feigenbaum A. and others.

As a result of the emergence of qualimetry as a science, many methods and regulations are often revised and changed, and additions are systematically made to them. A striking example is the definition of the concept of quality international standard ISO 9000 series. This indicates that the assessment problem is complex and multifaceted, and that there are currently no quality assessment methods that cover and address all aspects of quality. At the same time, it should be noted that in qualimetry the general concept of the quality assessment system and methodological approaches to its numerical determination.

Relevance of the problem

Currently, enterprises producing complex products Special attention began to pay attention to customer service, believing that customer service is its face, a reflection of the production culture. But in most cases, enterprise service departments turn out to be uncompetitive with individual entrepreneurs. And here we cannot do without an in-depth analysis of the problems of competitiveness of service departments of enterprises.

The dissertation work proposes a solution to the problem of managing the quality of services of a car service enterprise, taking into account the process of forming consumer assessments.

The analysis of regulatory documents, scientific and technical literature and, in particular, dissertation research on the issues of service quality management shows that this area has not yet been developed theoretically and practically. Limited information about existing systems management does not prove the systematicity, scientific validity and effectiveness of the applied service management methods.

It is obvious that the theoretical justification of methods for managing the quality of car service services, taking into account the process of forming consumer assessments, is relevant.

Literary analysis and the actual state of the issue made it possible to identify a number of contradictions between:

The requirement of the service market for the competitiveness of a car service enterprise and the lack of assessment methods and scientifically based means of increasing it;

The need to implement the basic principle of the QMS “customer orientation” and the lack of organization methodology at car service enterprises feedback with consumers;

The need to collect data on customer satisfaction and the lack of ways to obtain information that would allow the manager to make decisions based on reliable facts;

The need to monitor consumer satisfaction and the lack of methods for measuring and analyzing the information received.

From these contradictions, the problem can be formulated:

What should be the scientifically based methods for managing the quality of services of a car service enterprise and the means for increasing competitiveness, based on taking into account the process of forming consumer assessments.

The object of the study is the processes of service quality management and the formation of consumer assessment.

The subject of the study is to identify relationships and the possibility of joint management of service quality management processes and the formation of consumer assessment.

The goal of the work is to increase the competitiveness of car service enterprises through joint management of the processes of ensuring the quality of services and the processes of forming consumer assessments that occur simultaneously with them.

Scientific novelty

1. A model of joint management of the processes of ensuring the quality of services and the formation of consumer assessment, which makes it possible to increase the competitiveness of a car service enterprise.

2. Methodology for assessing consumer satisfaction with the results and processes of service provision, which allows you to make informed decisions on the quality of consumer service.

3. Methodology and software assessment of the technical level of a car service enterprise, focused on managing the processes of forming consumer assessments.

Practical significance

1. The developed model of joint management of the processes of ensuring the quality of services and the formation of consumer assessments helps to increase consumer satisfaction and thereby makes it possible to increase the competitiveness of a car service enterprise.

2. The developed methodology for assessing consumer satisfaction, based on the logic of fuzzy antonyms, allows the enterprise to monitor information about consumer satisfaction and, based on the data obtained, develop measures to meet the needs and expectations of consumers.

3. The developed methodology for assessing the technical level of a car service enterprise is focused on managing the process of forming a consumer assessment by increasing consumer awareness of the range and quality of services provided by a specific enterprise.

4. The developed recommendations for motivating personnel to participate in the processes of forming consumer assessments ensure a reduction in discrepancies in the assessments of process owners and Consumers and contribute to increasing Consumer satisfaction.

The role of the consumer and perception models in assessing the quality of car service services

Research in the field of determining consumer response began relatively recently, but quickly gained intensive development. The task of any manufacturer in modern conditions is to attract attention to their products. In most cases, consumers do not always know what they want, and their choice can be influenced by various means. In order to find out the orientations and wishes of consumers, special studies are organized based on assessing consumer impressions of the characteristics of the proposed product.

The basic principle of a competitive market is that the desired end product is determined by the consumer. It is the modern market that is pushing the enterprise to implement one of the TQM principles proclaimed in the ISO 9000 series standards - “Customer Focus”.

In accordance with clause 5.2. “Customer focus” of the GOST R ISO 9001-2001 standard, top management must ensure the identification and implementation of customer requirements to increase their satisfaction. Expanding on this provision, the GOST R ISO 9004-2001 standard states that in order to meet the needs and expectations of consumers and end users, the organization's management should: understand the needs and expectations of consumers, including potential ones; establish the main characteristics of the service intended for its consumers; determine and evaluate the competitive situation in the market.

The ISO 9000 series of standards establish a number of requirements and recommendations for an organization's customer-related activities. These documents once again emphasize that an enterprise cannot operate successfully and make high profits without satisfying the wishes of consumers. In this regard, organizations should develop systems of action to identify and study both existing and future needs, and find ways to best meet them. Only with this approach can an enterprise ensure the success of its products.

The first and main principle of TQM is focusing on the customer. This means meeting and exceeding the client's requirements and expectations both the first time and subsequently. This principle should be adhered to by all employees and should be part of organizational culture. This requires systematic and ongoing research into what customers want, as their requirements and expectations change all the time.

The basic principle of a competitive market is that the desired end services are determined by the consumer. It is the modern market that is pushing the enterprise to implement one of the TQM principles proclaimed in the ISO 9000 series standards - “Customer Focus”.

Since the consumer is the main evaluator of the quality of the service provided to him, and the service company is in direct contact with its clients, consumers determine how, when and where to satisfy their needs. Therefore, an enterprise providing technical services needs to develop, document, implement and maintain a feedback mechanism with consumers, which would allow measuring customer satisfaction, identifying shortcomings in order to develop measures to improve the quality of the services provided, and, consequently, the entire activity of the service enterprise .

The highly competitive conditions that have developed in the modern global market force organizations to actively look for new ways to create and add customer value, because their demands and competence are constantly increasing.

In today's market, where customers see fewer and fewer technical differences between competing offerings, there is a need to create advantages through added value. At the same time, the main source of such added value is customer service (Figure 1.4).

Ideally, customers will be satisfied if they get what they need, where they need it, in the way they need it. Reading the same in the language of, for example, managers transport company will be next. Consumers using the services of this company expect that the products are completely safe, i.e. in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications, in the required volume specified in the contract, will be delivered to the consumer in compliance with delivery deadlines, to a given location and with a maximum reduction in the share of the transport component in the cost of the cargo.

There are many different models that describe consumer perception of the quality of services provided. The most famous include: the Parasuraman-Zeithaml-Barry model of service quality; the concept of "neutral zones" by C. Bernard; typology of efficiency of service elements by E. Kedogt and N. Turgeon; theory of attractive quality according to N. Kano. L. Parasuraman, V. Zeithaml and J1. Berry developed a model of service quality, which reflected the basic requirements for the expected quality of services (Figure 1.5).

The model describes five gaps that cause consumer dissatisfaction with the services provided

Modeling of quality improvement processes in a car service system

The presentation of services at a car service enterprise was presented in the form of a diagram of interconnected processes (Figure 2.3).

The provision of a service begins with a marketing research process, the input data of which is General requirements market and consumer expectations, and the result of the activity is information about consumer expectations, which will be the input of the process of planning the range of services provided, which takes place within the planning and dispatch department, and to manage this process it is proposed to use the developed methodology for assessing the technical level of a car service enterprise, which allows employees organization to assess in detail the technical level of the enterprise and more correctly draw up a list of services provided, which in turn will help to rank the enterprise for the consumer regarding its ability to satisfy his specific requirements.

The outputs of this process will be the input and control of two other processes. The list of equipment required for procurement will be an input to the equipment procurement process, and the list of services provided will be the management of the process of analyzing the requirements of a specific consumer, together with the developed methodology for assessing consumer satisfaction and the algorithm for working with consumer complaints.

The effectiveness of the service range planning process is proposed to be assessed as a percentage of the provided range of services to the total range of services provided, as a comparison of technical equipment in a certain period of time with technical equipment for a similar period last year and as the ratio of the use of purchased equipment for a certain period of time.

The next process in this value chain for the consumer is the process of providing the service itself, the input data of which is an order form and a consumer with a faulty vehicle. The resources of the process under consideration will be qualified and motivated personnel through the implementation of the “methodology of employee motivation”, which in turn is the output of the auxiliary process of personnel management and infrastructure that meets certain requirements, which is formed through the outputs of auxiliary processes for managing the production environment, equipment repair and procurement.

The effectiveness of this process is measured as the ratio of repaired vehicles to the total number of vehicles registered at the collection point, taking into account the time the service was provided. The service provision process is aimed at a technical solution to the consumer’s needs and has several outputs: a serviceable vehicle and the consumer, who in turn is sent to the customer service department.

Further, in the business process of providing the service, the process of analyzing the requirements of a specific consumer is again involved in order to establish the presence of claims to the quality of service and assess satisfaction using developed methods, after which the processed data, which is regularly assessed in terms of the ratio of satisfied consumers to their total number, the number of claims to the total number of customers and comparison of the number of claims over certain periods of time, which are sent as input to the service delivery management process for analysis by enterprise management.

The data sent to senior management serves as a source of information about customer satisfaction and based on system analysis, which is the management of this process, it is possible to determine the cause of a complaint or low satisfaction, if any.

Based on the data obtained, the management of the enterprise makes a decision to carry out corrective and preventive actions in the form of orders and instructions for all processes that will be aimed at minimizing discrepancies between the consumer and the service provider and, as a result, improving the quality of the services provided.

The effectiveness of this process is the ratio of the number of satisfied claims to the total number of received claims.

Process maps were developed for the described processes (Appendix 3). Assessing the quality of production services and consumer satisfaction We noted that we propose to measure the quality of the services provided by the size of the discrepancies between the assessments of the processes by their owners and Consumers (Table 2), but there is one circumstance that makes it difficult to measure the discrepancies: it is necessary to determine at what stage of service provision they may arise discussed disagreements. Observation of the functioning of the identified and described processes of providing services by a car service company made it possible to determine the stages of formation of discrepancies. A discrepancy arising from differences between Consumer expectations and managers' perceptions of these expectations, the main reasons for which are not deep enough, superficial or incorrectly carried out marketing research is formed in the process of “Analysis of the requirements of a specific consumer.” The next identified discrepancy occurs because managers are afraid to take on high obligations and underestimate their ability to achieve High Quality services and therefore lower standards and do not set the right goals, is formed among Consumers during the process of “Provision of technical services,” that is, directly during the repair of a vehicle. The third discrepancy, which arises due to the employee’s incompatibility with the workplace he occupies, inappropriate technology, and inappropriate labor control and evaluation systems, is formed in the process of planning the range of services provided.

Methodology for assessing the technical level of a car service enterprise

The value of any organizational and technical system, for example a service enterprise, is determined by what needs it satisfies and to what extent. The desire to most fully satisfy these needs is its intended purpose. It is believed that one system is better than another only when it is more consistent with its intended purpose. The difficulty of choosing the best alternative is greatly increased by the fact that it is practically unacceptable to evaluate any alternative using a single criterion. Correct comparison of options leads to the need to evaluate them not by one, but by several criteria that are qualitatively different from each other. IN practical activities very rarely there are situations when in a certain set of options there is an alternative that has the highest values ​​of all criteria. Therefore, the problem of developing methods for multicriteria analysis is relevant.

For a comprehensive assessment of a car service enterprise, a set of criteria is proposed that characterizes both quantitative and qualitative aspects of the enterprise’s activities.

The set of proposed criteria ultimately makes it possible to assess the technical level of a car service enterprise and predict it economic indicators in a competitive environment.

One of the approaches to solving this problem is to transform a multi-criteria problem into a single-criteria one. The main stages of this approach are: selection of evaluation criteria, determination of criteria values, determination of a generalized criterion. It should be noted that the task of these stages is not completely formalized. The most difficult task in this case is the choice of a decision rule for determining the value of preference when comparing the systems being evaluated. To implement this transformation, many methods have been developed.

An alternative solution for measuring the quality of the technical level of a car service enterprise is the process decomposition method, for each of which quality indicators are determined that characterize the processes and the level of technical equipment. In this case, the assessment of the technical level is constructed as the sum of assessments of the component processes, where the nature and content of the processes are of great importance.

To evaluate individual processes, various quality indicators can be used, the allocation of which in most cases depends on the degree of their importance from the point of view of the performer. Thus, it is possible to obtain a set of quality indicators of the technical level of a car service enterprise, for which consumers and performers provide their requirements and by which they can evaluate the technical level of the enterprise.

The developed methodology is based on the assessment principle, based on the formation of a representative sample of quality indicators of the technical level of the enterprise.

The essence of the technique is the hierarchical decomposition of the system into simpler components and is a way to solve a multicriteria problem with hierarchical structures; it combines an analytical approach based on the algebraic theory of matrices with expert procedures. Hierarchical structure indicators of the technical level of a car service enterprise is shown in Figures 3.4-3. The decision-making algorithm on the quality of the technical level of a car service enterprise is aimed at implementing the proposed methodology and consists of five main parts: 1. Assignment of quality indicators and their classification by levels; 2. Selection of experts, determining the number of experts in the group to achieve the accuracy of the group assessment. 3. Mathematical calculation of weight coefficients for assigned quality indicators and their standardization. 4. Checking the consistency of experts. 5. Conclusion about the technical level of the enterprise. Stage 1: Assignment of quality indicators. For a comprehensive assessment of the technical level of a service enterprise, a set of quality indicators is assigned, characterizing both quantitative and qualitative aspects of the service enterprise’s activities. 4 main groups of indicators were selected in accordance with GOST R 52113 "Services to the public. Nomenclature of quality indicators" such as purpose, safety, reliability and personnel. These quality indicators were decomposed into levels. The result of the decomposition is presented in Table 3.2.

Quality management of car service services based on organizational standards

The methodology for assessing the level of consumer satisfaction with the quality of services provided allows not only to make informed decisions aimed at meeting the requirements and demands of consumers, but also to draw conclusions about the competitiveness of the enterprise. To implement the methodology for assessing consumer satisfaction, the following have been developed: 1. Organizational standard “System for collecting and processing data for assessing the level of consumer satisfaction with the work of a service enterprise”; 2. Instructions for working with complaints and wishes of consumers. The proposed methodology describes the procedure for collecting and processing data to assess the level of consumer satisfaction, as well as the procedure for working with consumer complaints. To measure discrepancies (deviations) between the consumer and the service provider, the instruction “Measuring the discrepancy between the consumer and the service provider” was developed. Development of a draft organizational standard “Data collection and processing system for assessing the level of consumer satisfaction with the work of a car service enterprise” The algorithm for collecting and processing data for assessing the level of consumer satisfaction is presented in Figure 4.11. At the first stage, the criteria for measuring overall satisfaction are determined, that is, those by which the assessment will be carried out. Typically, such criteria are general quality indicators, types of work provided, cooperation with the organization, etc. At the second stage, the properties of previously defined measurement criteria are highlighted. Properties are those qualities or parameters of a given criterion that are important primarily for the consumer when receiving any service. The third stage involves conducting a survey among consumers and identifying the most significant properties and measurement criteria for them. The number of respondents must be at least 100 people. The survey data is analyzed and, based on the information received, weighting coefficients (p) are assigned for each of the properties and criteria.

The resulting weighting coefficients remain constant for all consumers. A questionnaire for consumers is compiled at the fourth stage. The questionnaire should contain previously identified measurement criteria, their properties, weighting coefficients, as well as a list of ratings (five-point scale) with their brief description(0 points means absolute consumer dissatisfaction, 4 points means absolute satisfaction). At the fifth stage, the logical connections between measurement criteria and their properties are determined. IN this technique There are two types of bonds: strong (y-bond) and weak (/3-bond). The measurement criteria and service properties will be interconnected by a y-connection if among the properties there is at least one absolutely dissatisfied property (0 points absolute dissatisfaction), which leads to general consumer dissatisfaction with the measurement criterion (0 points), i.e. Each property of a criterion is necessarily considered depending on the other properties of the same criterion. /3-connection is made if the properties do not depend on each other and are considered separately, and absolute consumer dissatisfaction (0 points) in any of these properties does not lead to absolute dissatisfaction with the measurement criterion (0 points) The sixth stage involves calculation standard, which is produced by substituting the value “4” as the initial data - absolute consumer satisfaction for all properties, taking into account the types of logical connections. The value of this standard is considered 100% consumer satisfaction. After preparing the basis for assessing satisfaction, questionnaires are sent either by mail or handed over to consumers when the service is provided for completion. At the seventh stage, a satisfaction score is calculated for each criterion based on data obtained from questionnaires filled out by consumers. The assessment is made depending on the type of logical connections. For measurement criteria and their properties, interconnected by a 7" connection, according to the LA methodology, the assessment of satisfaction with the criterion is calculated according to the following formula: where H, H - assessments of measurement criteria and properties, respectively, p\,n - weight coefficient of the i-th properties/ measurement criterion. For measurement criteria and their properties interconnected /3-connection, according to the LA methodology, the assessment of consumer satisfaction with the criterion is calculated using the formula: The eighth stage includes an assessment of the overall level of satisfaction. The assessment is also made taking into account the types of logical connection with using formulas 4.1-4.2. At the next stage, the resulting assessment of the overall level of satisfaction is expressed as a percentage in relation to a previously determined standard, and appropriate conclusions are drawn about consumer satisfaction.


1 WORK PROGRAM OF DISCIPLINE B3.V.OD.6 Examination and diagnostics of service objects and systems Recommended for the direction of training () “Service” profile: “Vehicle Service” Form of study: full-time Qualification (degree) of graduate: Bachelor Pskov 2014

3 1. Goals and objectives of the discipline: The purpose of studying the discipline “Examination and diagnostics of service objects and systems” is to prepare students in the field of examination, based on a thorough analysis of the quality of goods and services, to determine their consumer value, i.e. social efficiency, usefulness, ease of use and aesthetic perfection. As an element of the product quality management system, examination is intended to become a barrier on the way to consumers of low-quality, obsolete, uncompetitive goods, as well as low-quality services. The main objectives of the discipline: - providing the client with high-quality goods and services; - displacing competitors from certain areas of car service by improving the quality of their own services; - providing clients with services in the field of assessing cars intended for purchase and sale, as well as assessing the quality of services or goods provided to the population by other service or trade enterprises. The discipline “Examination and diagnostics of service objects and systems” is one of the disciplines that forms engineering and technical training in the specialty () “Service” profile: “Vehicle Service”, opened on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation from (ed. from) “On approval and the introduction into force of the federal educational standard of higher education vocational education in the field of preparation Service (qualification (degree) “bachelor”)” (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation), the period of validity of the edition is from to Place of the discipline in the structure of the educational program: The discipline “Examination and diagnostics of service objects and systems” refers to the professional cycle. According to the curriculum, the work program of the course is implemented in the 8th semester of full-time study. The basic disciplines for studying the course are: mathematics, computer science, mechanics, natural science fundamentals of service, service science, service activities, type of rolling stock and vehicle design, operational properties of vehicles, vehicle maintenance and repair, etc. 3. Requirements for the results of mastering the discipline : The process of studying the discipline is aimed at developing the following competencies: - strive for constant personal development and increase professional excellence; with the help of colleagues, critically evaluate your strengths and weaknesses, draw the necessary conclusions (OK-15); - readiness to conduct examination and (or) diagnostics of objects

4 services (PC-3); - readiness to justify and develop service process technology, select resources and technical means for its implementation (PC-9); - readiness to carry out end-to-end quality control of the service process, parameters of technological processes used material resources(PC-6); - willingness to develop and use regulatory documents on quality, standardization and certification of work and services (PC-8). As a result of studying the discipline, the student must: Know: - the legislative and regulatory framework of car service facilities and systems; - organization of examination and diagnostics of car service facilities; - principles and methods for assessing vehicles; - requirements for training experts in the field of car service; - assessment of the market value of vehicles and the cost of their repair; - theoretical foundations of reliability and diagnostics of vehicles. Be able to: - apply the principles, methods and means of examination and diagnostics of objects and car service systems; - apply mathematical and statistical methods for expert assessments of car service facilities; - carry out examinations of the quality of automotive goods and car service services; - carry out technical diagnostics of the vehicle, its systems and components; - prepare expert and diagnostic documentation. Know: - safety rules when working on different classes of vehicles; - skills in working with educational and reference literature on the examination and diagnostics of service objects and systems. 4. Scope of the discipline and types of academic work Full-time education The total labor intensity of the discipline is 4 credit units Type of academic work Total hours Semester Classroom classes (total) 54 8 Including: Lectures 18 8 Practical classes (PL), of which: 18 8 Seminars (WITH) - -

5 Laboratory work (LR) 18 8 Independent work(total) 54 8 Including: Course project (work) - - Calculation and graphic work - - Abstract - - Other types of independent work (essays, tests, homework, etc.) 36 8 Type of intermediate certification Exam 8 Total labor intensity hour/hour. units 144/ Contents of the discipline 5.1. Contents of the modules of the discipline Introduction The purpose and content of the discipline, the sequence of studying topics, connection with other disciplines in the direction of the training profile. The importance of discipline in training in the field of vehicle service. Topic 1 general characteristics and classification of car service enterprises General characteristics and classification of car service enterprises in the market system “manufacturer goods consumer”. Legislative and regulatory framework for service facilities and systems. General characteristics of goods in the car service system. Product as an object commercial activities. Classification of commercial products and services in car service centers. Consumer properties of goods and indicators of their quality. Consumer performance properties of cars. Product competitiveness. - classification of car service enterprises; - legislative and regulatory framework of service facilities and systems; - evaluate the consumer and performance properties of goods. Topic 2 Expertise of products and services Basic concepts and definitions of technical diagnostics and expertise

6 car service facilities Theoretical and methodological foundations of the examination. Mathematical and statistical methods of expert assessments. Fundamentals of assessment of motor vehicles (ATS). Organization of examination of objects and service systems. Terms and Definitions. The role and place of diagnostics in the maintenance system technical condition motor vehicles (ATS) ensuring traffic safety. Types of diagnostics and monitoring of the technical condition of vehicles. - methods of expert assessments; - types of diagnostics and monitoring of the technical condition of the vehicle; - assess the technical condition of the vehicle using diagnostics and provide an expert assessment. Topic 3 Fundamentals of vehicle reliability Basic concepts and definitions of the theory of vehicle reliability. Reliability properties: reliability, durability, maintainability, storage. Types of states of technical objects. Types and classification of failures. Reliability indicators for non-repairable and refurbishable products. Laws of distribution of developments. Physical foundations of machine reliability. Analysis of transport accidents arising due to deficiencies in the technical condition of the vehicle. - reliability properties; - physical basis of machine reliability; - determine the causes of transport accidents that arise due to deficiencies in the technical condition of the vehicle. Topic 4 Methodological and organizational foundations of technical diagnostics and examination of car service systems A car as an object of diagnosis. Contents of technical diagnostics of automatic telephone exchange. Diagnostic parameters and standards. Diagnostic methodology. Classification of methods and means for measuring diagnostic parameters. Classification of methods and means for diagnosing vehicles, their units and systems. Design and operation of diagnostic equipment.

7 - diagnostic methodology; - device of diagnostic equipment; - use diagnostic equipment and determine diagnostic parameters. Topic 5 Types of examination of goods and their characteristics Environmental assessment. Environmental properties of goods. Economic expertise. Research conducted by an expert based on specialized knowledge in the field of economics. Economic methods for analyzing the organization of production, labor, etc. - methodology for conducting relevant examinations; - carry out environmental and economic analyzes. Topic 6 Methods of examination of goods Structure of matter and physical and chemical characteristics determined by instrumental methods. Chemical composition and the physical structure of the object under study. The concept of instrumental methods of analysis. - technology of instrumental methods of analysis; - carry out analysis using instrumental methods. Topic 7 Main stages of examination and diagnostics Preparatory stage, main stage, final stage. Organization of diagnostics and monitoring of the technical condition of vehicles at car service stations. Technological principles for diagnosing vehicles at car service stations. Monitoring the technical condition of vehicles during state technical inspection. Organization of sections and lines for diagnostics and control of vehicles at car service stations.

8 - technological principles for diagnosing vehicles at car service stations; - organization of sections and lines for diagnostics and control of vehicles at car service stations. Topic 8 Examination procedure Objects and goals of cost forensics. Objects of damage examination. Independent damage assessment. Objects of cost examination. Independent cost assessment. A reasoned request from one of the parties to conduct an examination. Issuance by the court of a ruling on the appointment of a cost forensic examination. The ruling enters into legal force after 10 days from the date of issuance. Depositing funds into a deposit account to pay for the examination or signing an agreement between an independent expert organization and the party at whose expense the assessment will be carried out. Familiarization of the expert appraiser with the case materials and inspection of the appraisal object. Drawing up and submitting an expert report to the court. - main stages of the examination; - be able to draw up an expert opinion. Topic 9 Regulatory and legal framework for examination the federal law RF "On state forensic activities in Russian Federation". Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses. Participants in proceedings in cases of administrative offenses, their rights and obligations. Subject of proof. Evidence. Evaluation of evidence Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. Evidence in criminal proceedings. Forensic examination Judicial investigation Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. Evidence and proof. Legal costs. Arbitration Procedural Code of the Russian Federation. Evidence and proof. Legal costs. Tax Code

9 of the Russian Federation, part one. Other documents related to extrajudicial expert activities. basic documents of the regulatory framework of the examination. Topic 10 Types of car valuation Theoretical foundations for assessing the value of machinery, equipment and vehicles. Types of cost. Methodological principles used in the process of cost assessment of technical devices. Approaches to valuation and the process of determining the value of valuation objects. Methods for estimating the cost of machinery, equipment and vehicles. Methods for calculating the cost of machinery and equipment based on the property (cost) approach to valuation. Methods for calculating the cost of machinery and equipment based on a comparative (market) approach to valuation. Methods for calculating the cost of machinery and equipment based on the income approach to valuation. Methods for estimating the cost of vehicles. - main types of cost and methods of their calculations; - carry out calculations of the cost of machinery, equipment and vehicles Discipline modules and types of classes Full-time education pp. 1 2 Name of modules and topics of the discipline Volume by type of classes, hour. Total Lk PZ LR S SRS hour. Introduction Topic 1 General characteristics and classification of car service enterprises Topic 2 Expertise of products and services

10 3 4 5 Topic 3 Fundamentals of vehicle reliability Topic 4 Methodological and organizational foundations of technical diagnostics and examination of car service systems Topic 5 Types of examination of goods and their characteristics Topic 6 Methods of examination of goods Topic 7 Main stages of examination and diagnostics Topic 8 Examination procedure Topic 9 Regulatory -legal basis of examination Topic 10 Types of car assessment Total Laboratory workshop p.p. Topics of the discipline Name laboratory work Labor intensity (hour) 1 4 Design and operation 6 of diagnostic equipment 2 6 Chemical composition and physical 6 structure of the object under study 3 7 Monitoring the technical condition of the vehicle 6 p.p. 7. Practical lessons of the topic Name practical classes disciplines 1 5 Environmental properties of goods Instrumental methods of analysis Examination procedure Documents related to expert activities 5 10 Methods for assessing the cost of machinery, equipment and vehicles Labor intensity (hour) 4 4

11 8. Approximate topics tests 1. Methodological problems of expert activity in establishing the value of vehicles. 2. Methodology for independent technical examination of a vehicle. 3. Organization and conduct of an independent technical examination of the vehicle. 4. Methodological aspects of calculating the amount of insurance payment based on the results of an independent technical examination of the vehicle. 5. Expert assessment of the activities of participants in road accidents 6. Consumer properties of goods (products). Methods of examination of goods. Main stages of the examination. 7. Examination procedure. Regulatory and legal framework of examination. 8. Characteristics of the main stages of the valuation of an object. Characteristics of the main types of cost. 9. The method of discounting cash flows and production situations in which it is applied. 10. Correlation analysis in the procedure for determining the market value of technical devices. 11. Accurate analysis in determining the market value of technical devices. 9. Educational, methodological and information support of the discipline a) basic literature 1. Sapronov, Yu.G. Examination and diagnostics of objects and service systems: textbook. manual for universities / Yu.G. Sapronov Shakhty: YURGUES Publishing House, p. 2. Car service: Car service stations: Textbook / Gribut I.E., Artyushenko V.M., Mazaeva N.P., Vinogradova M.V., Panina Z.I., etc./ ed. V.S. Shuplyakova, Yu.P. Sviridenko.- M.: Alfa-M: INFRA M, p. b) additional literature 1. Chava I.I. Forensic automotive technical examination. Study of the circumstances of road accidents. Educational and methodological manual. - Expert Library Moscow, 2007, 98 p. 2. Andrianov, Yu.V. Examination of motor vehicles under compulsory motor liability insurance / Yu.V. Andrianov. M.: RIO MAOK, p. 3. Life safety: Industrial safety and labor protection at car service enterprises: tutorial for higher education students educational institutions/ Yu.G. Sapronov-M.: Publishing center "Academy" p. 4. Puchkin V.A. Fundamentals of expert analysis of road accidents: Databases. Expert technology. Methods of solution. - Rostov n/a IPO PI SFU, p. 5. Examination of vehicles under compulsory motor liability insurance / Yuri Andrianov. M.:

12 International Academy of Valuation and Consulting, p. 6. Zvorykina T.I., Platonova N.A. Technical regulation: service sector. Textbook.-M.: Alpha-M: INTRA-M, p. c) information support for the discipline (Internet sites and portals) 1. SDO USPU Logistics support for the discipline Laboratory of car design, engine and vehicle maintenance, operating materials. City car service enterprises. eleven. Guidelines on organizing the study of the discipline Methodological instructions for teachers When conducting classes, pay special attention to knowledge of: - legislative - regulatory framework car service facilities and systems; - organizing examination and diagnostics of car service facilities; - principles and methods for assessing vehicles; - requirements for training experts in the field of car service; - assessment of the market value of vehicles and the cost of their repair; - theoretical foundations reliability and diagnostics of vehicles. Methodological instructions for students 1. To consolidate the studied material, especially practical material, it should be repeated at home. 2. It is recommended, if possible, to use Internet information resources to obtain additional information about the subject being studied Questions submitted for the exam 1. The place and role of a car service enterprise in the market system “producer-consumer” of material goods and services. 2. Classification and characteristics of car service enterprises. 3. Classification and characteristics regulatory bases of the car service system at the state level and at the enterprise level. 4. Quality of material goods and services (the concept of the properties and quality of goods; quality level; characteristics of the requirements for goods; certification of goods; assessment of the quality of goods). 5. Competitiveness of material goods and services, assessment

13 competitiveness; ways to increase the competitiveness of material goods and services. 6. Consumer properties passenger cars as objects of functional operation: capacity, traction and speed properties, fuel efficiency. 7. Consumer properties of passenger cars as objects of functional operation: active, passive, post-accident, environmental safety. 8. Consumer properties of passenger cars as objects of functional operation: ergonomics, ease of use, reliability. 9. Classification and characteristics of types of examination. 10. Characteristics of methods of examination of goods and stages of examination. 11. Detailed description of methods for determining the consumer properties of goods. 12. Sequence (procedure) of conducting a two-stage examination (analysis and assessment). 13. Detailed description of the stage of product examination “comparative analysis of consumer properties of products.” 14. Characteristics of the main elements of the examination of material goods and services. 15. Detailed description of the “expert assessment” stage of product examination. 16. Essence direct method(method of statistical cost research) valuation of vehicles. 17. The essence of the indirect method for estimating the cost of vehicles. 18. The essence of assessing the market value of used vehicles, taking into account their technical condition. 19. Laws of distribution of product operating time in reliability theory. 20. Characteristics of types of systems in reliability theory. 21. Classification and characteristics of types of diagnosing the technical condition of a car. 22. Concepts and terms of technical diagnostics: diagnosis, structural parameter, input parameter, output parameter, diagnostic parameter. 23. Characteristics of methods for measuring and assessing diagnostic parameters when diagnosing a car. 24. Classification and characteristics of vehicle diagnostic tools. 25. Characteristics of the organizational and technological principles of organizing car diagnostics at service stations. 26. Monitoring the technical condition of cars during state technical inspection. 27. Characteristics of valuation principles based on the views of the property owner associated with the market environment, associated with

14 exploitation of property. 28. The main stages of the valuation of an object. Main types of cost. 29. Discounted cash flow method. Industrial situations in which it is applied. 30. Expand the content of the trend method for calculating forecast profit. 31. Adjustments for technical comparability when using the direct sales comparison method. 32. The main stages of calculating retrospective profit. 33. The method of an equally effective analogue when estimating the cost of technical devices. 34. Problems in assessment work, solved with the help cost analysis. 35. Main sections of the report on the evaluation results of technical devices and their content Evaluation criteria educational activities students “5” (excellent) - for deep and complete mastery of the content of educational material, in which the student can easily navigate the conceptual apparatus, for the ability to connect theory with practice, solve practical problems, express and justify their judgments. An excellent assessment presupposes a competent, logical presentation of the answer (both orally and in writing), and high-quality external design. “4” (good) - if the student has fully mastered educational material, masters the conceptual apparatus, is oriented in the studied material, consciously applies knowledge to solve practical problems, competently presents the answer, but the content and form of the answer have some inaccuracies. “3” (satisfactory) if the student demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the main provisions of the educational material, but presents it incompletely, inconsistently, makes inaccuracies in defining concepts, in applying knowledge to solve practical problems, and is unable to substantiate his judgments with evidence. “2” (unsatisfactory) if the student has scattered, unsystematic knowledge, does not know how to distinguish between the main and the secondary, makes mistakes in defining concepts, distorts their meaning, presents the material in a disorderly and uncertain manner, and cannot apply knowledge to solve practical problems.

WORK PROGRAM OF DISCIPLINE B1.V.OD.17 Examination and diagnostics of service objects and systems Recommended for training direction 43.03.01 “Service” profile: “Vehicle servicing” Form of training:

VOLUME OF HOURS FOR STUDYING THE DISCIPLINE AND TYPES OF STUDIES (full-time study) Types of classes 5 Total (study work) semester Lectures 30 30 Laboratory classes 30 30 Total classroom 60 60 classes Preparation

WORK PROGRAM OF DISCIPLINE B3.V.DV.3.2 Maintenance and repair of automobiles Recommended for training direction 43.03.01 (100100.62) “Service” profile: “Vehicle servicing” Form

WORK PROGRAM OF DISCIPLINE B3.V.DV.3.1 Performance properties of automobiles Recommended for training direction 43.03.01 (100100.62) “Service” profile: “Vehicle servicing” Form of training:


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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RF FSBEI HPE "Bryansk State Technical University" Faculty of Energy and Electronics Department of "Electronic, radio-electronic and electrical systems"



State educational institution of higher professional education "Lipetsk State Technical University" "APPROVED" Dean of the Faculty S.A. Lyapin 20 WORKING PROGRAM OF DISCIPLINE

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Far Eastern Federal University" Agreed

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "UFA STATE AVIATION TECHNICAL

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FIRST HIGHER TECHNICAL INSTITUTION OF RUSSIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education


Methods for assessing machinery and equipment.

When determining the value of an object, three basic approaches are used: cost, market and income.

Cost-effective approach

The cost approach is based on determining the cost of production and sale of an exact copy or equivalent replacement of an object as new at current prices and determining the loss of value due to physical, functional and economic wear and tear.

The cost method is used when estimating:

Machines and equipment for special purposes;

Objects made to order.

Objects that have no analogues on the market.

The cost approach is implemented in the following methods:

Calculation based on the price of a homogeneous object

Index valuation method

Method of element-by-element calculation.

Calculation based on the price of a homogeneous object.

This method is based on the assumption that the cost of manufacturing a homogeneous object is close to the cost of the object being evaluated, if they are similar in design, materials used and manufacturing technology.

If a homogeneous object is in demand on the market and its price is known, then we can assume that the total cost of manufacturing a homogeneous object (including production costs) will be equal to:

where C od is the price of a homogeneous object;

N ds, N pr – tax rate on value added and profit, respectively;

K r – indicator of product profitability, ᴛ.ᴇ. share of net profit and trade margin in relation to the price.

When determining K p, you can use the following recommendations:

k p = 0.25 – 0.35 – for products in high demand,

k p = 0.1.- 0.25 – for products with average demand,

k p = 0.05. – 0.1 – for products with low demand.

The total cost of the assessed object (C p), taking into account the difference in the mass of the structure, is determined by the following formula:

where G and G od are the mass of the structure of the evaluated and homogeneous objects, respectively.

Index method of assessment.

This method allows you to reduce the base cost of an object to modern level prices using corrective indices using the following formula:

C = C 0 * I, where

C – the required value of the object;

C 0 – base cost of the object;

I – index of price changes for the corresponding group of machinery and equipment for the period between the valuation date and the starting point.

The replacement cost can be used as the base cost of the object. The coefficients of the Agency for Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as general and industrial inflation indices, and exchange rates can be used as price change indices.

Method of element-by-element calculation.

This method is applicable in cases where the object being assessed can be assembled from several components.

The sequence of work with this method is as follows:

The structure of the object is analyzed and a list of its basic parts (devices, blocks, units) is compiled, which can be purchased separately.

Price information is collected for each part of the object. If the price refers to different points in time, they are indexed.

The cost of the object (C) is calculated using the formula:

with n = (1 + k sob) * a j * T j , (10.4)

where a j is the number of component parts of type j

T j – market value of one part of type j

to own – coefficient taking into account the manufacturer’s own costs.

Determine the replacement cost S in

where n pr is the income tax rate,

k p – indicator of product profitability (see method of calculation based on the price of a homogeneous object).

Calculation according to consolidated standards

This method involves the use of cost standards calculated in advance for several objects similar to the one being assessed in terms of manufacturing technology, materials used and production organization. Cost standards are specific indicators that determine the consumption of a resource per unit of an influencing factor.

Determination of wear and tear of machinery and equipment.

Wear and tear of machinery and equipment means the loss of value of an object during its operation or long-term storage, the scientific and technical process and the economic situation as a whole. For this reason, when assessing machinery and equipment using the cost method, physical wear, functional and economic obsolescence are taken into account.

Physical deterioration.

To determine the value physical wear and tear The following methods are used:

effective return method

condition examination method,

element-by-element calculation method

direct method.

Effective age method.

Appraiser using an expert method, taking into account the actual condition

machine, based on its appearance, operating conditions and other factors determine the remaining service life (T rest). Having determined from technical documentation effective age from the expression:

Teff = Tn – Tost, (10.6)

where Tn is the standard service life.

Physical wear and tear F is determined by the formula:

Condition examination method.

This method allows you to determine physical wear and tear in accordance with the developed rating scale. To increase the degree of reliability, several experts are involved.

Physical wear and tear is determined from the relationship:

Ф и = Ф и j * а j, where

Ф and j - wear value, according to the opinion of the jth expert;

and j is the weight of the opinion of the jth expert;

The weight of expert opinions is determined from the condition Σ a j = 1

Method of element-by-element calculation.

This method is based on determining wear and tear for individual elements of machinery and equipment in the total cost of the facility. Then the physical wear and tear of the object as a whole is determined using the formula:

where f i is the physical wear of the i-th element͵

C i, is the cost of the i-th element and the object as a whole, respectively.

– standard service life of the i-th element and the object as a whole, respectively.

Direct method.

This method is used in cases where the costs of new machinery and equipment (Cn) and costs (Z) are known, which are extremely important to produce in order to bring the object to a new state.

In this case, wear is determined from the expression:

The choice of method for determining physical wear and tear when assessing a specific object depends on the reliability, availability of initial information and the qualifications of the appraiser's expert.

Functional obsolescence.

Functional obsolescence is the loss of value caused by the emergence of new products and technologies. Two categories of functional obsolescence are considered:

Functional obsolescence caused by excess capital costs,

Functional obsolescence caused by excessive operating costs.

Functional obsolescence caused by excess capital costs occurs when the operational productivity of machinery and equipment due to technical or technological conditions is less than the calculated one, that is, the facility is underutilized.

The amount of impairment (W) can be determined using the following relationship:

where W is impairment from underutilization;

Р, р – real and calculated productivity, respectively;

Functional obsolescence, caused by excessive operating costs, is characterized by an increased, compared to new, need for existing equipment in energy and material costs, higher labor intensity of maintenance and repair, etc.

The procedure for calculating this impairment is:

determination of annual operating costs for the assessed facility.

Determination of annual operating costs for the operation of modern similar equipment.

Determination of the difference in operating costs.

Accounting for the impact of taxes.

Determining the lagging economic life of an object or the time to eliminate deficiencies.

Calculation of the present value of annual future losses for the remaining life of the asset at the appropriate discount rate.

Economic obsolescence.

Economic obsolescence is a loss of value caused by the influence of external factors.

The appraiser must deeply understand the situation at the enterprise, in complex branches of technology, and take into account regional and local features. Economic obsolescence can be caused by general economic and intra-industry changes, a reduction in demand for a certain type of product, a reduction in supply or a deterioration in the quality of raw materials, work force, support systems, facilities and communications, as well as legal changes, municipal regulations and administrative orders.

When calculating economic obsolescence, the principle of substitution is used, ᴛ.ᴇ. taking into account the utility of the object.

The loss of value of an object for economic reasons (I e) is determined through underuse:

where Р,р – real and calculated productivity of the object, respectively;

n – the value of the “savings on size” factor.

Market approach.

The market approach is based on determining the reasonable market price of an object similar to the object being valued.

When using this method, the comparison is carried out:

with an exact analogue sold on the secondary market;

with an approximate analogue sold on the secondary market, with the introduction of corrective amendments in the absence of an exact analogue;

with new similar equipment with adjustments for wear and tear in the absence of a secondary market.

Information Support assessment activities. When conducting an assessment, the appraiser uses the following information:

real prices of known purchase and sale transactions of new and used equipment;

Manufacturers' or dealers' price lists;

bid prices obtained as a result of written or oral inquiries;

price indices;

The sources of information for this are:

personal connections;

press and specialized publications;

written or oral request;

general economic and industry publications.

The indicator (P) is calculated taking into account the priority of the technical characteristics that affect the cost of the compared objects using the following formula:

P = a 1 e1*. . . * a n en , (10.12)

where, if the j-th characteristic is considered increasing.

If the jth characteristic is considered decreasing.

R o j - value of the jth characteristic of the object being assessed

R a j – value of the j –th characteristic of the analogue,

e j - weighting coefficients determined by experts.

The candidate analogue for which the difference module (P -1) has the smallest value is selected as an analogue.

Determination of amendments and adjustments. After determining the analogue, the appraiser must make adjustments to the value of the analogue. All amendments are made to the analogue, and not to the object of evaluation.

Differences in technical specifications are taken into account by the integral indicator of the degree of similarity P, a correction factor P can be added, taking into account the total influence of unaccounted characteristics.

The discrepancy between the valuation date and the dates of determining the prices of analogues should be taken into account using known price indices, inflation indices or the dollar exchange rate.

Calculation of the cost of machinery and equipment using the market method.

The estimated cost of machinery and equipment using the market comparison method is determined using the following formula:

C = C a * P * I * p, (10.13)

where C a is the market price of the selected analogue;

I – index of price changes for the period between the valuation date and the date of determination of the market value;

p – correction factor taking into account the total influence of unaccounted characteristics.

Next income approach.

The income approach is based on determining the market price based on the income that can be received from the operation of the facility in the future.

Application of the income approach requires forecasting future income over several years of operation of the enterprise. At the same time, it is difficult to determine the part of income related to machinery and equipment, since income is created by the entire production system, all its assets.

This method includes the discounted cash flow method and the direct income capitalization method.

Method of direct capitalization of income.

This method involves determining the value of an object based on net income for a certain period of time and capitalization rate and includes the following steps:

determination of net income from the use of an object

determining the capitalization rate acceptable for the investor,

determining the value of an object based on net income and capitalization rate.

Determination of net income.

Net income is defined as the difference between gross income, ᴛ.ᴇ. revenue from sales, and the amount of costs for production and sales of products. At the same time, the amount of costs does not include depreciation charges.

Determination of capitalization rate.

The capitalization rate can be determined based on an analysis of data collected on the market on net income and the value of the property based on past sales.

The capitalization rate (r) can also be determined by the formula

where is the discount rate,

– depreciation coefficient

The discount rate includes the average bank interest rate on capital for Kazakhstan, risk premiums and low liquidity. The values ​​of these indicators are determined by conditions on the financial market and the characteristics of the market for manufactured products.

The depreciation coefficient for machinery and equipment is determined from the compensation fund model:

where T is the standard service life of machinery and equipment.

Calculation of the value of an object using the direct capitalization method.

The value of the valuation object is determined by the formula:

where D is net income

r-capitalization rate

If there are investments in improving the object in the amount of K, the following dependence is applied:

Net income discounting method.

This method makes it possible to determine the market value of an enterprise more accurately than others, but practical use it is complicated by the problems that arise in making sufficiently accurate forecasts. When implementing the net income discounting method for valuing machinery and equipment, the following composition and sequence of actions are observed:

Determination of net income from operation

production system, identifying the machine complex that needs to be assessed. Net income is defined as the difference between gross income and the amount of costs for production and sales of products. At the same time, the amount of costs does not include depreciation charges.

Calculation of the current cost of a production system.

The current cost of the production system is determined by the ratio:

where D is the net income received from the operation of the entire system

i – discount rate

C M - residual value assets of the production system by the end last year machine complex services.

The discount rate is determined when using equity and borrowed capital, determined from the expression:

i=Ei e +Mi m , (10.19)

where E is the share of equity in the company’s capital,

M im – share of borrowed capital

i e, i m – rate of return on equity and borrowed capital, respectively.

Determination of the cost of the machine complex.

The cost of the machine complex Cmash is determined by subtracting the cost of land, buildings and structures from the cost of the entire system:

S mash = S-S ground -S building, (10.20)

where C land is the cost of land

C building – the cost of buildings and structures.

Determining the cost of a unit of equipment

If you need to determine the cost of a unit of equipment as part of a machine complex, this is done using a fractional coefficient:

C unit = C mash *B unit, (10.21)

where B unit is the share coefficient for the evaluated unit of machinery and equipment. In units is equal to the share of the book value of a unit in the cost of the machine complex as a whole.

Coordination of assessment results and preparation of the report.

At this stage, the appraiser makes the final decision on the estimated value, which was determined in the assessment assignment. The appraiser must analyze the results obtained, find out the reasons that led to the discrepancy, and based on the results of such an analysis, and perhaps additional research, make a final decision on the value of the appraised value.

The appraisal report that the appraiser provides to the client is the final result of the research, analysis and calculations. The form and sequence of the report are not regulated.

The assessment report must contain:


Valuation date

Definition of evaluation terms and concepts

Description of the property being valued

Description of the production process

Evaluation methodology

Conclusions and Conclusions

Assumptions and Limiting Conditions Made

Date of writing the report


Control tests:

1. An expert appraiser determined the value of the car using three methods. By cost-based approach it turned out to be 2800 cu, according to the income one 3200 cu, for the comparative one 3600 cu. Which of the three values ​​should be taken into account, provided that the assessment was carried out for the purpose of renting out the car:

A) 3200 USD;

B) 2800.u.u.;

E) there is no correct answer among the given answers.

2. What is the amount of annual depreciation payments if the cost of the equipment is 1000 cu, service life is 10 years using the straight-line depreciation method:

A) 100 USD\ year;

B) 50 USD\ year;

C) 200 USD\ year;

D) 1000 USD\ year;

3. What is the amount of monthly depreciation payments, if the cost of equipment for installing tanks is 12,000 USD, the development of the technological resource occurs in 25 years, using the uniform method:

A) 40 USD per month;

B) 480 USD per month;

C) 200 USD per month;

D) 80 USD per month;

E) there is no correct answer among the given answers.

4. How will the market value of the car change if an improvement is introduced that improves the functionality of the car, but is not “native” for this type of property:

A) reduces;

B) increases;

C) does not affect market value;

D) affects in exceptional cases;

E) there is no correct answer among the given answers.

5. Who is the consumer of the appraiser’s services?

A) customer;

B) performer;

C) defendant;

D) boss;

E) there is no correct answer among the given answers.

6. The method based on the analysis of purchase and sale prices currently prevailing in the primary and secondary markets is usually called:

A) comparative;

B) expensive;

C) profitable;

D) combined;

E) there is no correct answer among the given answers.

Chapter 11. Features of vehicle assessment