Pashuto organization and rationing of labor. Organization and regulation of labor at the enterprise. Methods for studying working time costs

Goals and objectives of organizing and rationing labor

Labor organization is a set of technical, organizational-economic, ergonomic and physiological-psychological measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of use

Labor organization acts as a comprehensive system for rationalizing the use by workers of tools and objects of labor, and the interaction of workers with each other. The fundamental principle is a certain order of labor operations and compliance with the sequence of the labor process. In total, the organization of labor is aimed at increasing the socio-economic results of the enterprise.

The technical basis of labor organization is labor regulation.

Labor rationing - establishing a measure of labor, or minimum necessary costs time to complete certain tasks.

For effective use labor potential and improve the efficiency of business processes at enterprises, implement standardization measures labor activity in main and auxiliary production processes.

Goals and objectives of the organization and labor rationing are determined by the organizational and technical conditions in which labor activities are carried out at the enterprise.

The purpose of organizing and rationing labor– creation of fair working conditions and labor systems that increase the efficiency of enterprises.

Tasks of organizing and regulating labor

Thus, this area of ​​economic work at the enterprise is focused on increasing the cultural and technical level of workers, including increasing the level of technical knowledge, developing professional skills, training, retraining and advanced training. This also includes ensuring sanitary and hygienic working conditions, work safety, and carrying out preventive measures.

From the point of view of the content of individual production processes, the organization and regulation of labor affects the following aspects:

  • Rational
  • Maintaining a certain level
  • Promotion
  • Promotion

When organizing your work independently, it is of paramount importance.

Thus, the organization and regulation of labor includes 7 elements.

Elements of organization and regulation of labor at an enterprise

Division of labor in an enterprise

The operational and functional division of labor makes it possible to organize a labor process of varying complexity at an enterprise, depending on the nature of the products manufactured, in the following order:

  1. Defining the final goal;
  2. Formation of a list of production operations;
  3. Determining the sequence of necessary labor operations;
  4. Division of all labor operations between employees;
  5. Construction of an organizational structure for production process management;
  6. Adaptation of workplaces for ease of work;
  7. Organization of auxiliary works;
  8. Development of rational techniques and methods of work;
  9. Establishment of labor standards;
  10. Determination of forms of remuneration.

Thus, the division of labor can be represented by a system of related operations on which the organization of labor is based; the output is formed by many subsystems" Workplace".

The "Workplace" subsystem allows you to create finished products and provides the opportunity to monitor production operations.

Thus, the division of labor allows for efficient use.

Principles and methods of labor organization in an enterprise

In accordance with these principles, the following areas of work in this area are being implemented:

  • development of rational forms of division and cooperation of labor;
  • improving the organization and maintenance of workplaces;
  • studying advanced methods and techniques of work;
  • improving training and advanced training of personnel;
  • improving labor standards;
  • improvement of working conditions;
  • comprehensive human development.

The implementation of the principles of labor organization is carried out using two methods:

  1. The empirical method is the introduction of various measures of labor organization into the practice of an enterprise experimentally, the results of which are necessarily monitored and analyzed, or by using the experience of other enterprises or experienced skilled workers in similar labor operations.
  2. Scientific method - uses the economic laws of production development and is based on the results of an analysis of the current situation, the labor process, the cost of working time; specific measures are developed on the basis of calculations and economic justification of the proposed solutions for implementation in production.

Both methods have equal rights of application and can be used by enterprises in combination. In specific cases, the choice of method is made depending on the content of the labor process, the specifics of the production site and the list of tasks that are expected to be solved.

Basic provisions of labor regulation

The justification of labor standards includes technical, operational and outcome justification.

  1. Technical justification is used for the correct placement of workers.
  2. The operational rationale is used to determine the sequence of operations.
  3. The resulting justification means the need to identify time reserves and study best practices by comparing them with the current characteristics of the work process and individual operations.

The scientific justification of standards is the basis for labor regulation.

The concept of labor standardization at an enterprise

Labor rationing allows you to correctly organize labor processes, regulate the implementation of basic production operations, formulate the procedure for performing auxiliary work and determine the rest time regulations. As a result, the organization of the labor process makes it possible to identify reserves of working time, introduce new technologies into work activities, use the experience of other enterprises and improve.

Types of labor cost standards

The organization and regulation of labor at an enterprise is based on three types of labor cost standards that can be technically justified.

Types of labor cost standards

Time standards represent the time period required to produce a unit of product, service or perform a specific job. Also used to determine the time required to complete a specific operation.

Time standards include all categories of working time that are required under normal conditions. Determined by the formula:

Nv = Tpz + To + Tv + Tobs + Totd.l.n.

Nv – standard time

Тп – time for preparatory operations

That is the main time

Tz – time for final operations

TV – auxiliary time

Tobs - time for servicing the workplace

That – time for regulated breaks and rest

Time standards change within the framework of labor organization depending on production conditions and economic processes at the enterprise.

Production standards are calculated as the number of units of products that need to be produced in a separate period of time, hour, shift.

The most commonly used production rate per shift is calculated using the formula:

Nvyr = Tsm / Nv

Nvir – production norm

Tcm – shift duration

Nv – standard time

Workplace maintenance standards is defined as the amount of labor resources (i.e. the number of workers with appropriate qualifications) that is necessary for its fullest use production capabilities a machine or mechanism for performing a given job at a specified time.

Depending on the nature of the application and the goals of labor regulation, enterprises apply several types of standards, which are classified according to different criteria.

Requirements for labor standards

Labor standardization methods

In practice economic activity enterprises use 3 methods of labor standardization:

  1. Analytical method– calculation of the norm is made on the basis of a thorough analysis of the production capabilities of the workplace, technological process, individual operations and components of the labor process.
  2. Statistical method - a standard is established based on the results of numerous measurements during which the same labor operation or a set of such operations is performed.
  3. Empirical method - the norm is established on the basis of the results of experiments and experiments, the purpose of which is to find the optimal option for performing labor operations.

The analytical method, in turn, has two varieties:

  • Analytical-calculation method - operational time is determined by calculations. With this method, the components of the time standard are determined along the chain using appropriate calculations.
  • Analytical-research method - operational time is determined based on the results of special observations. The components of the time norm are determined during observations.

Labor rationing is carried out differentiated by elements of norms and labor operations, which makes it possible to increase the accuracy of calculating specific norms of labor costs by fully taking into account all factors that influence the labor process.

Basic methods of labor standardization:

  • experimental studies of operating modes;
  • timing and photographic recording of production operations;
  • minute-by-minute recording of the labor process;
  • photograph of a working day;
  • physiological studies;
  • study of workplace ergonomics;
  • system analysis of the workplace.

Data processing is carried out using statistical methods(primarily by correlation-regression analysis) and graphic-analytical method.

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2 Federal Agency for Education State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University Ural Branch Russian Academy education T. P. Tikhomirova E. I. Chuchkalova ORGANIZATION, STANDARDING AND PAYMENT OF LABOR AT THE ENTERPRISE Textbook Approved by the Educational and Methodological Association for Vocational Pedagogical Education as a textbook for higher education students educational institutions students studying in the specialty Vocational training (economics and management) Yekaterinburg 2008

3 UDC 331 (075.8) BBK 65.24ya73 T46 Tikhomirova T. P. Organization, rationing and remuneration of labor at the enterprise [Text]: textbook. allowance / T. P. Tikhomirova, E. I. Chuchkalova. Ekaterinburg: Publishing house of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "", p. ISBN B textbook the theoretical foundations of the organization, standardization and remuneration of labor at the enterprise are outlined, the main methodological provisions for organizing labor and ensuring the high-quality development of labor standards, the essence of wages, the content and forms of its organization are considered. Intended for students of the specialty “Professional training (economics and management)”, as well as graduate students and teachers of economic disciplines. Reviewers: Dr. Econ. sciences, prof. A. G. Mokronosov (GOU VPO "Russian State Prof. Pedagogical University"); Ph.D. econ. Sciences, Associate Professor S. I. Kolesnikov (GOU VPO "Ural State Forestry Engineering University"). ISBN State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University", 2008 Tikhomirova T. P., Chuchkalova E. I., 2008

4 Contents Preface... 5 Introduction... 7 Section 1. Labor organization in an enterprise... 12 Chapter 1. Fundamentals of scientific labor organization The essence and significance of labor organization Tasks and main directions of labor organization Principles and methods of labor organization... 17 Chapter 2. Division and cooperation of labor in an enterprise The essence and types of division and cooperation of labor Forms of labor organization in an enterprise Division and cooperation of labor of managers, specialists and employees ... 28 Chapter 3. Organization of workplaces Workplaces, their types and basics of organization Main directions organization of workplaces Certification of workplaces...37 Chapter 4. Organization of the labor process Content of the labor process and principles of its organization Structure of the production and labor process Methods and techniques of labor...54 Chapter 5. Working and rest conditions The essence of working conditions and their types Regimes work and rest...65 Section 2. Labor rationing in an enterprise...72 Chapter 6. Contents and tasks of labor rationing The essence of labor rationing Functions and principles of labor rationing The role of rationing in the organization and remuneration of labor...78 Chapter 7. Study of costs working hours Work time and its classification Methods for studying working time costs...86 Chapter 8. Labor standards Concept and types of labor cost standards Methods of labor standardization

5 8.3. Establishment, replacement and revision of labor standards Organization of labor standardization at the enterprise Assessing the level and intensity of labor standards Section 3. Remuneration at the enterprise Chapter 9. Organization of wages The essence and functions of wages Content and principles of organization of wages Basic elements of the organization of wages Chapter 10. Tariff form of organizing wages at an enterprise Tariff system, its content and purpose Forms and systems of remuneration Organization of bonuses for employees of the enterprise System of bonuses and additional payments Chapter 11. Non-tariff form of organizing wages The essence of a non-tariff form of organizing wages Types of non-tariff systems of organizing wages Chapter 12. Improving the organization of wages Foreign experience organization of wages Analysis of the organization of wages Directions for improving the organization of wages Conclusion Bibliographic list Appendix 1. Standard work and rest schedules Appendix 2. Excerpt from the Labor Code Russian Federation

6 Preface Socio-economic transformations in modern economy Russia caused changes in the organization and remuneration of labor, necessitating a study of the relationship between the organization, regulation and remuneration of labor with the labor market and government regulation labor relations. In a market economy, the importance of matching labor results and material incentives increases, which requires a fairly high level of organization and standardization of labor. With the emergence of enterprises of various forms of ownership and the expansion of their rights, the dependence of workers' wages and the results of enterprise activities on the effective use of production factors has increased. The experience of countries with developed market economies shows that high production efficiency can only be provided on the basis regulatory regulation duration of working hours, expanding the scope of labor regulation, determining the level of intensity of labor standards, and its rational organization. In addition, it is very important to realize that labor standards are designed to provide social protection employees, contribute to the preservation of their normal performance throughout their entire working life. Organization, rationing and remuneration of labor are the most important part of the organization of production and represent an independent area of ​​economic work in an enterprise; they have a special content, scope of research and methods for studying human production and labor activity. Studying the course “Organization, regulation and remuneration of labor in an enterprise” is provided for by the current state educational standard and curriculum vocational training economists-managers specializing in “Economics and Enterprise Management”. It is designed to give future specialists the knowledge and skills required by the modern market, accumulated by best practices in such important areas of organizational, managerial and social labor activity as the rational division and cooperation of labor of various categories of personnel; design of work processes and justification 5

7 optimal standards for labor costs; connection and coordination work force, means of production and objects of labor in a single labor process; optimization of conditions and normalization of labor intensity in the workplace; motivation and stimulation of highly effective work of all categories of personnel. After studying this course, students will be able to solve many other interrelated problems of organization, regulation and remuneration of labor at enterprises in the conditions of modern market relations. The content of this course includes three sections: labor organization, labor regulation and wage organization. Each section consists of several chapters, which sequentially examine issues of organization, rationing and remuneration of labor on the basis of their relationship and interdependence, taking into account what happened during last years changes in the economy and organization of production and labor in enterprises, as well as in theory and methodology. The textbook is intended primarily for training students of economic universities and faculties, but can be used by graduate students, teachers of economic disciplines, labor economists, and specialists in the field of social and legal relations. 6

8 Introduction Successful development Industrial enterprises in modern economic conditions are determined not only by the level of their technical equipment and the progressiveness of the technologies used, but also by the organization of production and labor. Labor as an active factor of production has always been the focus of attention of both scientists and practitioners. But the greatest interest of researchers in the organization of labor was observed in the second half of the 19th century. It is generally accepted that scientific methods of labor organization were first developed and applied by the American engineer F. Taylor, although research on labor processes on a scientific basis was carried out much earlier. However, F. Taylor was the first to ensure the widespread use of the scientific principles of labor organization in production conditions, formulated the principles of scientific labor organization and developed a system of remuneration. Active research in the field of scientific organization of labor was carried out in Russia in the 30s. XX century Particular attention has been paid to issues of labor activity and remuneration since the mid-20th century. Almost every economic discipline, be it “Economic Theory”, “Labor Economics”, “Enterprise Economics”, “Human Resource Management”, “Organization and Production Planning”, etc., to one degree or another considers issues of organization, regulation and payment labor. Sociological sciences began to show great attention to them, as a result of which “Sociology of Labor” was formed, and later “Economics and Sociology of Labor”. By the end of the 20th century. A new branch of economic science is emerging: organization, regulation and remuneration of labor in an enterprise. As an independent economic science, “Organization, regulation and remuneration of labor in an enterprise” has its own subject and object of study, as well as an appropriate methodology. The object of its study is labor as a purposeful activity of people carried out on manufacturing enterprises and directed to the creation of material goods (production, provision of services); The subject is social and labor relations that develop in an enterprise during the labor process, and a set of methods, methods and techniques used to characterize, change and analyze them. 7

9 The purpose of the discipline is to use scientific foundations, theoretical and methodological principles, as well as practical experience in the field of labor of enterprise personnel in the formation of social economic relations in a market economy. The main tasks determined by this goal are as follows: 1) studying the essence and mechanisms of labor organization at an industrial enterprise, the formation economic conditions growth in productivity and labor efficiency; 2) study of labor standardization as its basis rational organization and payments; 3) study of the content of social and labor relations in the process of labor organization, study of labor motivation and incentives that ensure effective work activity; 4) formation of an effective remuneration mechanism based on its rational organization and standardization. As a social discipline, “Organization, rationing and remuneration of labor in an enterprise” has its own methodology, which is a set of general techniques and methods for studying the state of labor organization in an enterprise, developing solutions to increase labor productivity, improving rationing and remuneration. The basis of the methodology is the dialectical method as the most objective general scientific method of cognition of development social labor and its transformations. It allows you to reveal the essence of the phenomena of the total labor process in development and change, the relationship with other phenomena production activities enterprises, take into account the transformation of the simplest quantitative changes into specific qualitative and historical aspects of the changing social, industrial and economic conditions in Russia, as well as the experience of foreign enterprises in the field of transformation and regulation of social and labor relations in a market economy. The theoretical basis of the methodology under consideration is economic theory, which studies the social-production (economic) relations of people, explores and forms economic laws in the sphere of labor, in the field of production management, distribution of material goods. Cognition and use of these laws, analysis of objects - 8

10 active and subjective factors influencing the mechanism of their action, conditions for improving the organization of work, increasing its productivity and efficiency, and optimal payment. When studying the organization and regulation of specific labor processes in the workplace, private methods of collecting and processing information are used. The fruitfulness of the research is largely determined by systematic approach to the study of any phenomenon. The labor process in any workplace is considered as an element of a complex system of interconnected and interacting specific processes that are constantly changing and improving. Organization, standardization and remuneration of labor on the basis of a systemic method make it possible to develop forms of rational and optimal combination of individual labor processes in a single production and labor process with the most effective use of all elements involved in the labor process at each workplace, to determine their mechanisms financial incentives and payment. Methodology as a set of methods used in the course “Organization, standardization and remuneration of labor in an enterprise” is based on Labor Code RF, a set of Russian state laws (“On Labor”, “On social partnership”, “About wages”, etc.); on regulations, rules, methods of studying specific elements of labor, its organization and payment; methods of accounting and analysis of labor processes and phenomena. The course “Organization, regulation and remuneration of labor in an enterprise” covers a set of issues studied in a certain logical sequence. These include: study of the labor process and its organization in workplaces, areas, workshops and services of the enterprise; standardization of labor processes, development and implementation of labor cost standards in workplaces and areas of an industrial enterprise, assessment of working conditions and identification of ways to improve them; identifying reserves and factors for increasing labor productivity and improving the use of working time; organization of remuneration for employees of the enterprise, assessment of various forms and systems of remuneration, improvement of material optimization of labor. Attention is also paid to the development of labor indicators in the market conditions of enterprises, the regulation of socio-economic relations in the field of organization and remuneration. 9

11 The course “Organization, regulation and remuneration of labor in an enterprise” is interconnected with other scientific disciplines (Fig. 1). This relationship, on the one hand, is methodological basis their development, defines the basic principles, methods, priority areas scientific research, and on the other hand, it allows you to use methods, methods and indicators for high-quality problem solving and achieving the goals of the course “Organization, regulation and remuneration in an enterprise.” Within the framework of the discipline "Organization, regulation and remuneration" a whole range of technical, psychophysiological, organizational, socio-economic issues are studied that cannot be solved without connection with other scientific disciplines. So, the patterns and general principles labor organizations, which are studied in the course “Labor Economics”, are successfully applied in solving specific issues of labor organization in a particular industry. Enterprise economics Personnel management Labor statistics Labor economics Organization, regulation and remuneration of labor in an enterprise Organization and production planning Sociology of labor Technology and organization of production Economics Labor psychology Labor law Physiology of labor Other sciences Fig. 1. The relationship of the course “Organization, standardization and remuneration of labor in an enterprise” with other disciplines (sciences) Organization, standardization and remuneration of labor require knowledge of the features of the technical base of production and technological processes, especially in the conditions of modern automated production, development

12 tiya and implementation computer technology into production management processes. Without taking into account such scientific disciplines as “Labor Psychology”, “Economics”, “Labor Physiology”, optimization of labor processes is impossible. The social aspect of the organization, rationing and remuneration of labor is manifested not only directly in work activity, its optimal organization, but also in resolving issues of fair wages, ensuring a certain quality and standard of living. The discipline “Sociology of Labor” allows you to understand the social problems of labor organization. To make objectively justified and competent decisions in the field of organization and remuneration, it is necessary to take into account the basic provisions of personnel management and labor legislation, which is ensured by studying the courses “Human Resources Management” and “Labor Law”. Organization, standardization and remuneration are also associated with statistics, which is used as a scientific tool in the study of labor processes. Thus, the discipline being studied is based on related disciplines, using them in the study of the patterns of interaction of living labor with its means and objects, the characteristics of social and labor relations in the development of forms of labor organization for enterprise personnel and their payment in the conditions of market transformation of the economy. eleven

13 Section 1. ORGANIZATION OF LABOR IN THE ENTERPRISE Chapter 1. Fundamentals of the scientific organization of labor Basic concepts: the essence of labor organization, the main elements of labor organization, tasks of labor organization, direction of labor organization in the enterprise, principles of labor organization, methods of labor organization The essence and significance of labor organization Activities modern industrial enterprises are characterized not only by the use complex technology and various technologies, but also the formation of many intra-production connections and information flows, which determines the use of joint labor large quantity people based on their respective organization. Labor organization in general is specific forms and methods of connecting people and equipment in the labor process in order to achieve a beneficial effect of labor activity 1. At the enterprise level, the organization of labor is considered as a system of rational interaction of workers with the means of labor and with each other, based on a certain order of construction and sequence of implementation of the labor process, aimed at obtaining high final socio-economic results. The main elements characterizing the content of labor organization include (Fig. 2): selection, training, retraining and advanced training of personnel; safe conditions and labor protection; division of labor; labor cooperation; organization of workplaces; reasonable standards of labor costs; labor discipline. 1 Ostapenko Yu.M. Labor Economics [Text]: textbook. allowance / Yu. M. Ostapenko. M., S

14 The organization of labor at workplaces, sites and workshops differs in the number of elements and their scale. If at the level of an enterprise, workshop, or site, it is of fundamental importance to determine the correct proportions of workers according to the functions performed, the choice of appropriate forms of division, cooperation and organization of labor, and the placement of personnel, then at the level of workplaces, the important issues are the reasonable organization of the labor process: equipment, maintenance and layout work places; creation of favorable and safe working conditions; rationalization of techniques and methods for studying working time costs; establishing labor cost standards; ensuring the equipment is fully loaded. Organization of labor at the enterprise Selection, training, retraining Division of labor: functional technological professional qualification Labor cooperation: inter-shop intra-shop intra-site intra-team Organization of workplaces: maintenance of workplaces equipment of workplaces layout of workplaces organization of remuneration Conditions (psychophysiological, sanitary-hygienic, sanitary-psychological) and labor protection Cost standards: production time maintenance number Discipline labor production technological planned financial Fig. 2. Basic elements of labor organization Labor organization is integral part organization of production, therefore there is a close relationship between the elements of the organization of labor and production. The equipment, technologies, and objects of labor used at the enterprise determine the use of various forms, methods and methods of organizing production, which, in turn, determines the content and nature of labor processes. The development of technology as a result of technological progress changes the nature of labor itself. Yes, 13

15 mechanization and automation of production processes lead to changes in the content of technological operations: manual and machine-manual operations are reduced or eliminated; equipment adjustment and maintenance work is being supplemented and expanded; types of work related to automated operations management are emerging. At the same time, the organization of labor influences the development of scientific and technological progress. The introduction of new forms and methods of labor organization requires new technical and technological solutions, changes in the design of equipment, equipment and tools, as well as clarification or changes in the content of production operations and technological processes. Particularly high demands are placed on the reliability of equipment and its ergonomic characteristics, which makes it possible to improve working conditions for workers. Labor organization makes it possible to harmonize and coordinate the individual actions of workers on the basis of division and cooperation of labor and therefore acts as a function of personnel management. Implementation of measures to improve labor organization, as a rule, requires changes in the organization of management, planning and accounting. However existing system management of both personnel and enterprise influences the organization of work. Measures to improve the organization of labor ensure the desired effect only if they are carried out in conjunction with measures to improve technology and organization of production. The importance of organizing production increases with the creation and development of market relations that contribute to the revival of competition. In these conditions, labor productivity becomes of great importance, ensuring an increase in production efficiency. Tasks and main directions of labor organization. Labor organization is aimed at achieving the goals of the enterprise with the least labor costs. In an enterprise environment, it allows you to solve the following problems: economic ones consist of ensuring an increase in labor productivity, improving the use of labor resources and working time, saving all types of resources, improving product quality and production efficiency. The main thing is that both labor and social labor 14

16 business relations at the enterprise must ensure the receipt of tangible results of labor (products, services, work) at the lowest cost of both living and social labor; psychophysiological ones are aimed at ensuring high and long-term performance of a person without compromising his health. They provide for saving his vital energy, limiting the intensity and severity of work, harmonizing physical and psychological stress, creating favorable and safe working conditions, and reducing neuropsychic tension. To solve these problems, it is necessary to develop and apply physiologically based work and rest regimes, optimize labor intensity and rationalize the execution of labor process operations, establish reasonable standards for labor costs, and create workplace normal conditions labor and the formation of a favorable psychological climate in work collectives; social ones are designed to ensure meaningfulness, attractiveness, variety and prestige of work, fair and adequate remuneration, fostering mutual understanding and cooperation in the team, awareness of the importance of work and its role in improving the well-being of workers, and high labor discipline. Since the organization of labor is closely interconnected with the organization of production and is its integral part, then, in addition to the tasks listed above, it solves various technical and technological problems, consisting in improving the structure of the enterprise, choosing optimal options implementation of equipment and technological processes, and is designed to ensure the rational use of labor and working time. All the considered problems are interconnected and are solved in a comprehensive manner in the conditions of a particular enterprise. The set of basic elements that characterize the content of labor organization and the tasks it solves determine the following directions of labor organization at the enterprise: 1. Division and cooperation of labor consist in delimiting the activities of workers in the process of joint labor and at the same time unifying various types works and labor processes to obtain the results of labor activity. While dividing labor, they simultaneously provide for ways of its cooperation. 15

17 2. Organization of workplaces includes an appropriate layout of workplaces, ensuring the use of rational methods and techniques of work, as well as comfortable and safe working conditions; equipping the workplace with tools and objects of labor; rational, efficient service, which is generally aimed at increasing the productivity of each employee. Improvement of labor organization is carried out, as a rule, on the basis of certification of workplaces, which is a periodic recording and comprehensive assessment of them for compliance with modern requirements. 3. Improving working conditions and labor protection involves analyzing working conditions in the workplace and developing rational work and rest regimes for workers, choosing and justifying comfortable working conditions at each workplace, ensuring the preservation of long-term sustainable performance and health of workers. 4. The organization of the labor process involves the construction of any labor process on the basis of techniques and methods of work that ensure maximum savings in working time with the least expenditure of physical and psychological energy. 5. Staffing of the labor process consists of improving the skills of workers, training new personnel, retraining and training workers in second professions, organizing vocational guidance and personnel selection, analysis of the company’s personnel supply necessary professions and relevant qualifications. 6. Strengthening labor discipline is expressed in creating conditions that ensure that employees comply with established work and rest schedules, internal rules labor regulations, professional and functional requirements, safety and labor protection requirements, as well as the development of labor activity and a creative attitude to work. 7. Labor standardization is the basis of its organization and consists of developing standards for labor costs and standards for the number of personnel, improving the quality of development of standards based on a study of labor operations and working time costs, rational ways of organizing labor in the workplace, and ensuring uniform and interconnected work. These areas of labor organization are inextricably linked and reveal its content, clarifying and implementing it in practice 16

18 its functions such as labor-saving, optimizing, labor-saving, educational, activating, etc. Principles and methods of labor organization The most important principles of labor organization in an enterprise are dynamism, specificity, optimality, complexity and efficiency. The dynamism of labor organization is due to continuous scientific and technological progress, as a result of which enterprises implement new technology and more advanced technology, improve the technology and organization of production, which requires new forms and methods of labor. Naturally, each level of technology and production organization requires an appropriate organization of labor, therefore changes in the means of production, technological processes and their organization affect the organization of labor, the state and level of which largely determines the efficiency of production. The specificity of the organization of labor is manifested in the fact that the methods, methods and forms of labor organization used at specific workplaces are determined by the content of the labor process and labor operations being performed, the means and objects used there. The equipment, maintenance and layout of specific workplaces are organized in the same way. The optimality of labor organization lies in the fact that it is based decisions made in all cases, there is a choice and design of an option that ensures the most efficient use of material and labor resources and corresponds to the content of the assigned tasks. The complexity of labor organization is based on the relationship not only of labor organization and production organization, but also of labor operations, labor processes and jobs. Each workplace uses a certain form of work organization. However, when making decisions about the organization of labor at a particular workplace, they take into account that it is only a link in the production and labor process. These links must work harmoniously and synchronously, which can be achieved with a comprehensive solution to issues of labor organization throughout the entire chain of workplaces. The complexity of labor organization increases the efficiency of work at each workplace and helps improve the performance of the entire enterprise. Improving labor organization is due to 17

19 improving the organization of production. Modern production cannot develop without comprehensive solution problems related to the improvement of equipment and technology, organization of production and its management. How better organization production, the more advanced the equipment and technology, the more efficient the organization of labor, and vice versa. The effectiveness of labor organization lies in the objective need to develop and use such methods, methods and forms of labor organization that ensure the achievement of high production results with minimal costs of human and social labor, rational use working hours and normal working conditions. To implement the considered principles in the practice of labor organization at enterprises, two methods are used: empirical and scientific. As a rule, these methods are used simultaneously and in conjunction, complementing and clarifying the decisions made on their basis. The empirical method involves the use of various forms and directions of labor organization, either through their implementation experimentally with mandatory control of action and subsequent clarification and justification, or by using the experience of other enterprises in organizing labor in similar labor operations or the experience of qualified workers, or by the strong-willed decision of managers. The scientific method is based on the economic laws of production development and provides for an analysis of the state of labor organization and the current situation, a study of the content of the labor process and the cost of working time, performing relevant calculations and economic justification applied solutions and proposed measures for organizing labor at specific workplaces and production areas. The enterprise chooses the method of organizing labor independently, depending on the content of the labor process, the production area and the range of tasks to be solved. To develop a progressive labor organization, a scientific method is used, which requires time not only to collect and process reporting and regulatory information, but also to carry out research, calculation and analytical work with the involvement of qualified specialists, as well as to justify the activities being developed. However, these costs quickly pay off due to increased labor efficiency in the workplace. 18

20 Questions for self-control 1. What is the essence of labor organization? 2. What main elements characterize the content of labor organization in an enterprise? 3. What is the importance of labor organization? 4. What problems does labor organization solve? What are they? 5. In what directions is the organization of labor developing at the enterprise? Reveal their content and purpose. 6. What principles underlie the organization of work? What are they? 7. What methods are used in the practice of labor organization at the enterprise? What is their content and purpose? 19

The essence and types of division and cooperation of labor Division and cooperation of labor are the basis of its organization. They determine the place of each employee in the labor process at the enterprise, his functions and responsibilities,

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Materials for labor standardization. Temporary norms are established for a period of up to three months and after this period they are replaced by permanent norms. replacement and revision of labor standards is necessary and natural

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Execution Planning Improvement and optimization of the management system Information Technology LABOR ORGANIZATION Lyudmila Vlasova Labor organization of various categories of workers requires close attention

Explanatory note The study of the discipline “Labor Economics” requires a total of 216 hours, including 8 hours of lectures and 14 hours seminars, 185 hours independent work, including execution

The replacement of norms is a necessary natural process that requires organization and control, explained by the employer’s desire to increase the efficiency of using the labor potential of employees, to find reserves,

List of example test questions and tasks for independent work. 1. What are the features of modern labor regulation, labor organization and NOT? 2. What functions does organization and regulation perform?

Source: description/job_description_master_of_well_repair_major_underground with the ability to download a standard form in PDF format (Adobe Reader).

Managerial work is a type of labor activity to perform management functions in an organization, aimed at ensuring coordinated and effective activities labor collective by decision of those standing

Topic 10. Labor and its effectiveness Plan 1. Organizational personnel: essence, structure, classification and characteristics. 2. Planning the number of employees in the organization. 3. Analysis of the movement of enterprise personnel.

1 PROJECT Professional standard“Rating and organization of labor” 1. General provisions 1. The professional standard “Rating and organizing labor” is intended for the formation of educational programs,

Analysis and design of the workplace Lyubov Petrovna Khrapylina, Doctor of Economics, Professor Article 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation Workplace is the place where the employee must be or where he needs to arrive in connection with his

LABOR RESOURCES OF THE ENTERPRISE AND THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THEIR USE Chernova E.I. Labor resources are the main resource of each enterprise, the quality of selection and the efficiency of its use in

* Organization production process at an electrical engineering enterprise * *Concept and types of production processes *Organization of the production process in time *Organization of production

The concept of “social market economy” contains the following provisions: 1) government regulation in all areas of business; 2) responsibility of each employee for performance results

Industrial production and its organization The enterprise is the basic primary economic unit in economic system, which, by producing and selling products and services, ensures the achievement

List of questions for credit-module control of knowledge in the discipline “Labor Economics and Social-Labor Relations” for full-time and part-time students in the field of study 6.030504 Economics

6. Labor standards are production standards, time standards, number standards and other standards - established in accordance with the achieved level of technology, technology, organization of production and labor. 7. Approbation


APPROVED by order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection Russian Federation from 2018 PROFESSIONAL STANDARD Specialist in organization, regulation, payment and incentives for department labor

1. General provisions 1.1. This regulation on the labor standardization system for employees of the municipal preschool educational institution of the Child Development Center of kindergarten 21 “Malyshok” in the city of Novoaltaysk

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University" Institute of Management and Territorial Development APPROVED 2011 Discipline program

5. The labor standardization system in the Institution is considered as component personnel management system is a set of measures for organizing and managing the labor standardization process,

MODEL OF COMPETITIVE MANAGEMENT OF FARM FARMING ENTERPRISES Evdokimovich Vasily Vladimirovich Gomel, Belarusian Trade and Economic University consumer cooperation Formation of market

Standards for labor costs in order to increase overall productivity and improve the efficiency of use of labor resources. The purpose of labor standardization in an educational institution is to create a standardization system

D.M. Potenko Organization of labor at an enterprise as a condition for stimulating workers In a market economy, the importance of various factors that affect production efficiency increases,

Production process and types of production The production process is a set of purposeful actions by enterprise personnel to transform raw materials into finished products.

REGULATIONS on the labor standardization system in the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution " Kindergarten 2 “Sunny” 1. General provisions 1.1. This Regulation establishes a system of standards

1 1. Goals and objectives of the discipline, its place in the educational process, requirements for the level of mastery of the content of the discipline 1.1. Goals and objectives of studying the discipline Goals of teaching the discipline “Organization of Labor”

B A K A L A V R I A T A.I. Rofe Labor Economics Recommended by the Educational Institution of Russian Universities for education in the field of national economics and labor economics as a textbook for students of higher educational institutions,

Ostapenko Yu.M. Labor Economics: Textbook. M.: INFRA-M, 2003. 268 p. (Series “Higher Education”). ISBN 5-16-001335-0 The textbook discusses issues of labor economics in an organic relationship,

Place of the discipline in the structure of the educational program The discipline “Organization and regulation of personnel labor” is a discipline of the basic part. Working programm compiled in accordance with the requirements

Educational institution “Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after I.P. Shamyakin” APPROVED by Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs N.A. Lebedev 2010 Registration UD-/base. ORGANIZATION AND RATING


Production and organizational structure enterprises. Types of production and their characteristics An enterprise is an independent subject of economic activity that is established in accordance with the current

2. Terms and definitions The Regulations use the following terms with corresponding definitions: 2.1. Approbation is the process of introducing for a limited (test) period the results of the work carried out (regulatory

2 1. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE DISCIPLINE The goal of the discipline “Organization and planning of production at an enterprise” is to study the patterns of organizing production processes at enterprises and develop

Limited Liability Company "PROGRESS-Siberia" I APPROVED CEO Goncharenko Yu.V. 20 g. Additional professional program(advanced training program) on the topic of Novosibirsk,

Autonomous educational non-profit organization Higher education Institute of Management, Marketing and Finance Lipetsk branch Department of Management EDUCATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL COMPLEX in the discipline “Organization”

2 1. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PROGRAM 1.1. The purpose of the program is to ensure the effective functioning of the personnel management system to achieve the goals of the organization: - formation of professional skills among students

1 PROFESSIONAL STANDARD SPECIALIST IN PREPARATION PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES (name) I. General information Technological support for procurement production at machine-building enterprises

UDC 331.103.3 PROBLEMS OF LABOR STANDARDING AT ENGINEERING COMPLEX ENTERPRISES Metlyaeva I.E. Scientific supervisor: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Raznova N.V. Siberian Federal University A necessary condition

INTRODUCTION These Regulations have been developed in accordance with and on the basis of the following regulations: Labor Code of the Russian Federation; Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 11, 2002

292 CONTENTS Introduction.. 3 Section 1. Short story development of the science of enterprise management... 4 Chapter 1. Analysis of theories of production management... 4 1.1. The concept of indicative management... 4 1.2.

Preface DEVELOPED by the Director of the MAOU "Kindergarten "Rucheyok" By order of the director dated November 20, 2015 190 APPROVED ACCOUNTING THE OPINIONS of the General Meeting of the staff dated November 19, 2015 7, the representative body of the organization

Stroiteleva T. G. Fundamentals personnel policy industrial enterprises in modern conditions Purpose modern concept personnel policy is the creation of a personnel management system based mainly

SAMPLE TOPIC OF GRADUATE QUALIFICATIONAL WORKS, direction of bachelor's degree 080400.62 “Personnel Management”, profile “Personnel Management of an Organization” Human resources labor activity

BALANCE AS A SYSTEM APPROACH TO MANAGEMENT Lidiya Odintsova, Ph.D. n. The balance sheet planning method helps managers conduct a comprehensive analysis of goals and ways to achieve them. Revealing imbalances in

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIA Federal state budgetary educational institution higher education"Ukhta State Technical University" Industrial Institute (secondary vocational

Terms; intensity indicator is the ratio of the required time to the established norm or actual time spent. 3.6 standard service time: The amount of working time established

Labor potential 1 Labor potential: concept, components and its relationship with labor resources. 2 Main characteristics of labor potential. 3 Methodological approaches to assessing labor potential.

LECTURE 5 LABOR ORGANIZATION 1. Tasks of labor organization 2. Factors influencing the complexity of labor 3. Objects of labor planning 4. Efficiency of labor organization 5. Advanced training at energy enterprises.

PROFESSIONAL STANDARD Human resource management specialist I. General information Organizational personnel management (name of type professional activity) The main goal of the type of professional activity:

CHARACTERISTICS OF IN-FLOW AND NON-FLOW PRODUCTION METHODS Teacher: Anastasia Viktorovna Sushko Key Points: 1. Organization of production at industrial enterprises 2. Characteristics of the in-line

“Agreed” at the general meeting of the labor collective Minutes of 2014 “Approved” Director of MBOU secondary school s. Grunin Vorgol P.V. Popov Order of 2014 REGULATIONS ON THE SYSTEM OF LABOR STANDARDING IN MBOU OOSH p.

AGREED Chairman general meeting employees of MBOU DO ChVSh named after. P.M. Mironova GO, Ufa, Republic of Belarus / G.Yu. Kirillova / January 11, 2017 APPROVED by the Director of the MBOU DO CHVS named after. P.M. Mironova GO, Ufa, Republic of Belarus /I.G. Tarasov/

Name: Organization of rationing and remuneration at the enterprise.

The methodological foundations of labor organization, the processes of its division and cooperation, issues of organization, maintenance, certification and rationalization of jobs are considered. The content of the labor process, methods and techniques of work are analyzed. Much attention is paid to labor standards, in particular the methodology for calculating labor standards. Labor incentive systems are described. Numerous practical examples are provided.

Preface. 7
Chapter 1. Methodological principles of labor organization
1.1. The essence and content of labor organization. 9
1.2. Objectives and directions of labor organization. 13
1.3. Theoretical basis labor organization. 15
Chapter 2. Division and cooperation of labor
2.1. The essence and significance of division and cooperation of labor. 19
2.2. Collective forms of labor organization. 24
2.3. Combination of professions and functions. 27
2.4. Multi-machine service. 29
2.5. Division of labor of managers, specialists and employees and forms of their cooperation. 37
Chapter 3. Organization and maintenance of workplaces
3.1. Workplaces, their types and requirements for the organization. 41
3.2. Specialization and equipment of workplaces. 43
3.3. Workplace layout. 46
3.4. Organization of workplace maintenance. 50
3.5. Integrated design of organization and maintenance of workplaces. 55
Chapter 4. Certification and rationalization of jobs
4.1. The essence, goals and objectives of certification and rationalization of jobs. 70
4.2. Accounting, certification and rationalization of jobs. 76
Chapter 5. Contents of the labor process
5.1. The labor process, its content and requirements for the organization. 79
5.2. A production operation as a separate part of the production process. 83
Chapter 6. Methods and techniques of work
6.1. Working methods and techniques: general provisions. 86
6.2. Principles of economy of movements. 87
6.3. Rationalization of techniques and methods of work. 89
Chapter 7. Working and rest conditions
7.1. Working conditions and factors that determine them. 94
7.2. Assessment of working conditions. 95
7.3. Certification of workplaces according to working conditions. 98
7.4. Work and rest modes. 105
Chapter 8. Contents and tasks of labor regulation
8.1. The essence and content of labor regulation. 113
8.2. Functions of labor regulation. 116
8.3. Types of labor standards and their characteristics. 119
8.4. The structure of a technically based time standard. 121
Chapter 9. Study of working time costs
9.1. Classification of working time costs. 124
9.2. Methods for studying working time costs. 129
9.2.1. Photo of working hours. 129
9.2.2. Self photography. 147
9.2.3. Timing. 148
Chapter 10. Methodology for calculating labor standards
10.1. Analytical method of labor standardization. 158
10.2. Microelement labor rationing. 161
10.3. Standardization methods used in foreign countries. 175
Chapter 11. Regulatory materials for labor standards
11.1. Essence and variety regulatory materials. 182
11.2. Basic requirements for regulatory materials. 185
11.3. Methodological provisions for the development of regulatory materials. 186
Chapter 12. Standardization methodology individual species works
12.1. Standardization of work on metal-cutting machines. 193
12.2. Standardization of metalwork and assembly work. 197
12.3. Calculation of the standard piece time for assembly work performed on a conveyor. 202
12.4. Labor rationing for multi-machine maintenance. 206
12.5. Rationing of work for production lines mechanical processing. 210
12.6. Labor regulation in automated production conditions. 216
12.7. Standardization of work performed on machines with numerical control. 219
12.8. Labor regulation in flexible conditions production systems(GPS). 223
12.9. Labor rationing during the development of production new products. 226
12.10. Peculiarities of rationing in conditions of brigade organization of work. 229
12.11. Labor rationing for auxiliary workers. 230
12.12. Labor standards for managers, specialists and employees. 235
Chapter 13. Organization of work on labor standardization at the enterprise
13.1. Work on organizing and rationing labor at an enterprise. 242
13.2. Assessment of the level and intensity of labor standards. 247
13.3. Analysis of the state of labor organization at the enterprise. 251
13.4. Analysis of the state of labor regulation. 253
13.5. Implementation, replacement and revision of labor standards. 259
13.6. Grade economic efficiency measures to improve the organization and regulation of labor. 261
Chapter 14. Material incentives for the labor of enterprise employees
14.1. The essence of wages and incentive systems in market economy. 270
14.2. Functions of wages and principles of its organization. 273
14.3. System of organizing wages at the enterprise. 275
14.4. Tariff system and its elements. 276
14.5. Forms and systems of remuneration. 280
14.6. Tariff-free wage system. 287
14.6.1. Remuneration system using points for labor contribution. 288
14.6.2. Remuneration based on pay ratios of varying quality. 292
14.6.3. A payment system that ensures the application of the 1st category tariff rate at the level living wage. 295
14.6.4 Collective-share wage system. 297
14.6.5. A payment system based on an assessment of the employee’s labor contribution to the overall results of the team’s work. 299
14.7. Remuneration of managers, specialists and employees. 302
14.8. Premium system. 306
14.9. Mechanism of additional payments, allowances and compensations. 310

The essence and significance of division and cooperation of labor.
Modern production is characterized by the isolation of individual processes and work, which makes it possible to specialize tools and workers, shorten the production cycle, and increase labor productivity. However, the work of all workers at enterprises is collective work. Its results depend on the extent to which compliance with the necessary quantitative and qualitative proportions in the distribution of labor among individual production units and jobs and the cooperation of labor between individual performers and primary production teams is ensured.

The separation of processes and work presupposes, first of all, the division of labor. The division of labor in an enterprise means the differentiation of the activities of workers in the process of joint labor, as well as their specialization in performing a certain part of the joint work.

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The methodological foundations of labor organization, the processes of its division and cooperation, issues of organization, maintenance, certification and rationalization of jobs are considered. The content of the labor process, methods and techniques of work are analyzed. Much attention is paid to labor standards, in particular the methodology for calculating labor standards. Labor incentive systems are described. Numerous practical examples are provided. For undergraduates, graduate students and university teachers, as well as for economists, accountants, and managers.

For efficient work modern production, based on the use of complex equipment and technologies, characterized by a large number of intra-production connections and information flows in the field of management, requires a clear organization of the labor process, progressive norms and standards, effective systems of material incentives for highly productive labor as the basis not only for the organization of labor in the workplace, but also planning, organizing production processes and production management. The conformity of the forms of labor organization, the quality of its regulation and the presence of effective material incentives corresponding to the level of development of technology and technology, as well as the level of social economic relations, are the main conditions for achieving high production efficiency. Being an important part of the organization of the production process, the organization and payment of labor as an independent area of ​​economic work in an enterprise has a special content, scope of research and methods for studying human production activity. The science of labor organization, which emerged at the intersection of many scientific disciplines, is based on the use of mathematics, physiology and psychology of work, and the social aspects of work activity. This allows, on the one hand, a comprehensive approach to the selection of optimal options for human interaction with technical means production, on the other hand, dividing complex phenomena into simple ones, studying them comprehensively and, through modeling, finding the most effective solutions. Thus, all decisions in the field of labor organization are made on the basis of comprehensive analysis, accurate accounting, and scientifically based methods.
In a market economy, there is an objective need to increase the role of organization and standardization of labor, to more closely link the results of labor with its material incentives. In a market economy there is not and cannot be effective system wages without a high level of labor standardization. Labor for pay is, first of all, an assessment of labor costs and labor results from the perspective of their compliance with labor standards. Low quality of labor regulation means a decrease in the level of organization of labor and production, consequently, a decrease in labor productivity and a decrease in material interest in work. With the emergence of enterprises of various forms of ownership and the expansion of their rights, the effectiveness of their activities and the wages of workers directly depend on the effective use of production factors. And this can only be achieved by using modern methods organization and regulation of labor and adequate forms and systems of remuneration. This is the most expedient way that does not require significant costs. According to practice, reducing labor costs, as a rule, ensures a simultaneous reduction in unit costs. As a result, a reduction in production costs is achieved even at enterprises with a low share of wages in its composition. To do this, it is necessary that the organization and regulation of labor fully fulfill their functions. Therefore, when establishing labor standards, first of all, organizational and technical conditions that ensure the effective use of equipment, technology and working time should be taken into account.
Subject academic discipline“Organization, standardization and remuneration of labor in an enterprise” is the study of the principles and methods of constructing labor processes, establishing labor standards for various categories of workers in various forms of production organization, and the use of various forms and systems of remuneration. The educational and practical manual reveals all areas of organization, standardization and remuneration of labor, taking into account the changes that have occurred in recent years in the economy and the organization of production at industrial enterprises, as well as in theory and methodology. This course provides an integrated approach to the study of theoretical and practical problems of organizing and rationing labor, forms and systems of payment. This course is intended primarily for preparing students of economic universities and departments. Therefore, it sets out not only the theoretical and methodological foundations, but also practical aspects organization, regulation and remuneration of labor of various categories of workers, examples of practical solutions to specific problems are given.