Concierge job description. Job description of the concierge of the Sergey Yesenin residential complex. The main responsibilities of a concierge in an apartment building

Due to the fact that the area of ​​interest of this publication is resource conservation, we will consider the main types of services in the field of resource provision, which include:

– power supply;

– heat supply and hot water supply;

– gas supply;

- water supply and sanitation.

These types of services are also called resource supply , highlighting the energy component – energy supply (electricity, heat, gas and hot water supply).

Energy supply for housing and communal services, or municipal energy, is closely connected with other housing and communal services systems, in particular with the housing sector, which has great potential for resource saving. The ultimate goal of communal energy supply this is a constant and uninterrupted provision normal conditions human habitat. This includes hot water supply for residential buildings, heating and lighting. This also includes maintaining human bioenergetic potential production of various consumer goods and food products, creation of working conditions, transport support, etc.

Energy enterprises form the basis of the city’s energy supply power plants and combined heat and power plants (CHP), heating boiler houses, gas production and gas processing facilities, as well as electric, gas and district heating distribution networks serving populated areas. These objects have various forms of ownership and can belong to municipal, regional, federal structures and private individuals. They are part of the housing and communal services complex and have as their main goal the maintenance of all its elements. Municipal energy facilities are directly subordinate to local administrations ( municipal authorities authorities) and are controlled by them. They are directly responsible for the quality and completeness of the services provided. This is funding technical operation, maintenance of facilities in accordance with accepted norms and standards, as well as the quality and volume of services. The efficiency of the functioning of municipal energy is largely determined by the degree of development of the municipal economy, the perfection of its organizational and management structures, especially energy ones.

Based on the above elements of resource supply and brief information about the structure of the urban economy, we can identify the main directions (factors) of resource conservation in housing and communal services. This:

– energy savings;

– heat saving;

– gas savings;

– saving water consumption (hot and cold water);

– improving the structure of urban management.

Thus, unlike construction, resource conservation in housing and communal services is mainly of an energy-saving nature. Only the saving of cold water can be fully classified as material-saving factors. Hot water supply and management innovations, depending on specific conditions, can affect both components of resource conservation to varying degrees.

Interrelation of resource saving problems

In construction and housing and communal services

Construction and housing and communal services are closely interconnected and in the process of resource conservation they practically solve not only the same issues, but also concentrate the solution of these issues on the same objects being built in the process construction production and operated by various housing and communal services structures. This is especially true for energy saving through the implementation of the potential inherent in the construction process. Therefore, when considering the factor of “deferred” energy saving, which is incorporated during the construction of objects, it is necessary to understand that the real return from it falls on the share of the housing and communal services operating these energy-intensive objects, i.e. to the next stage of their life cycle.

4.1. Features of the approach to resource saving

in construction and housing and communal services

As follows from the above, construction and housing and communal services approach the problem of resource saving in almost the same way - through the implementation of its two components. This is the commonality of interests and approach of the industries under consideration.

However, construction and housing and communal services have different priorities and ways to solve the problems they face. They mainly consist in a different sequence of approaches to solving problems. This feature is embedded in the very ideology of the existence and functioning of these industries. The goal of construction management is the construction of buildings and structures, while housing and communal services management, as an element of the municipal management system, has another goal - managing the totality of enterprises, services and facilities serving the city population. Among them, the main share is occupied by the maintenance and operation of housing stock, facilities social sphere and city engineering support.

This difference in goals is the philosophy of the relationship between the construction industry and the housing and communal services sector, which consists in determining priorities by these industries regarding the components of resource saving - energy saving and material saving.

The construction industry, implementing design documentation, constructs facilities that must meet modern requirements for energy conservation and material conservation while complying with other operational and life support requirements. At the same time, as noted above, the energy saving potential of constructed objects is laid through material conservation - through the use of modern construction technologies and materials, i.e. Material saving is primary in this chain, and energy saving is secondary. The builders themselves do not operate the facilities built and handed over to the owners, and, as a result, they cannot realize the inherent energy saving potential. Energy saving in construction during construction work, as noted above, is achieved mainly through the use of modern energy-efficient construction technologies, machinery and equipment.

Housing and communal services departments, authorities municipal government and other owners, acting as developers and customers, are not directly involved in the construction of objects in the city. They carry out their maintenance and operation and, as a result, achieve energy saving in their activities, both due to the potential laid down by the builders and through additional energy-saving measures that were outlined above.


to the decision of the City Council

City Targeted Program "Energy and Resource Saving"
in the city of Krasnoyarsk" for 2002-2005

With changes and additions from:

Program Passport

Name of the Program City Target Program "Energy and Resource Saving in the City of Krasnoyarsk" for 2002-2005 Basis for development Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of September 15, 1999 Program No. 8-463 "On Energy Saving in the Krasnoyarsk Territory", resolution of the city administration dated 15.02 .2001 N 101 “On the implementation of energy and resource saving measures” Customer of the Program City Administration Main developer Krasnoyarsk State Technical University Programs Goals and main objectives The goals of the Program are: Programs - creation of organizational, legal, economic and scientific-technical conditions that ensure the transition of the urban economy on an energy-saving path of development while simultaneously improving the social and living conditions of the population;

- reduction of budget costs in enterprises, organizations financed from the city budget and in housing and communal services, development of energy- and resource-saving environmentally friendly technologies, optimization of energy consumption in Krasnoyarsk Duration of the Program implementation 2002-2005 Volumes and sources Costs of the city budget for the implementation of the financing of the Program amount to 115,000 thousand rubles, incl. financing volumes in 2002 - 12,000 thousand rubles;

2003 - 2000 thousand rubles; 2004 - 1637 thousand rubles;

2005 - Key implementers Office of Energy and Energy Saving City Administration Programs Expected final Cost reduction by reducing losses and results of energy consumption rationalization Programs by enterprises and organizations financed from the city budget, and in housing and communal services within 10-30% of total consumption. Creation of an optimal energy and financial balance of the city in the areas of energy production, transport and consumption of energy resources Monitoring the implementation of the Department of Energy and Energy Saving of the City Administration Programs, working group approved by order of the city administration dated February 15, 2002 N 95-r

Demonstration zone (project) of high energy efficiency is an object where a set of energy-saving projects is being implemented with the creation of favorable conditions for demonstrating the total energy, environmental and economic effect.

Individual heating point- a set of equipment designed to regulate and maintain the specified characteristics of the coolant for an individual facility.

Energy saving event- activities aimed at saving and increasing the efficiency of energy use.

Local fuels- types of fuel (brown and hard coal, firewood and wood waste, oil, natural gas etc.), mined or produced on the territory of the region, the use of which reduces or replaces the consumption of fuel of more expensive or scarce varieties.

Optimization of energy supply schemes- a system of measures aimed at determining the optimal operating mode of power supply schemes according to given parameters.

Energy efficiency indicator- absolute or specific value of consumption or loss of energy resources based on natural indicators (m2 of area, unit of production, etc.)

Consumer - individual or entity, carrying out the use of electrical energy (power) and (or) thermal energy (power).

Automatic control system- a system for developing and implementing control actions on a technological object of regulation in accordance with the accepted regulation (control) criterion.

Thermal energy metering system- a set of instruments, equipment and measures designed to account for thermal energy.

Economic effect energy saving- cost indicators reflecting the effectiveness of energy saving measures.

Energy resource- an energy carrier that is currently used or can be used in the future.

Energy survey- systematic, comprehensive and independent inspection of facilities in order to determine their energy efficiency and develop energy saving measures.

Energy saving policy on the territory of Krasnoyarsk- legal, organizational and financial-economic regulation of activities in the field of production, transportation and consumption of fuel and energy resources, carried out by state supervisory authorities and local governments in accordance with their powers.

Energy saving- implementation of legal, organizational, scientific, production, technical and economic measures aimed at the efficient use of energy resources and the involvement of renewable energy sources in economic circulation.

1. Justification for the need to develop and adopt the Program

This Program is based on Federal Law dated 04/03/96 N 28-FZ “On Energy Saving”, Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory dated 09/15/99 N 8-463 “On Energy Conservation in the Krasnoyarsk Territory”, resolution of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Administration dated 10/18/99 No. 664-p "On the concept of energy-saving policy in the Krasnoyarsk Territory."

The development of this Program took into account the experience in creating similar documents accumulated in various regions of Russia (Sverdlovsk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Chelyabinsk, Smolensk and other regions and cities). This Program has been developed taking into account the results obtained from the implementation of the Program "Improving the Efficiency budgetary sphere and housing and communal services in the city of Krasnoyarsk" for 2000.

When forming energy-saving measures, the absence in the current period of an investment mechanism and a mechanism that would stimulate the implementation of energy-saving measures in the production and transport of thermal and electrical energy. Due to the lack of mechanisms for economic incentives for energy saving, only the principles of administrative management and organizational methods implementation of events.

1.1. Energy supply system of Krasnoyarsk

The total volume of thermal energy supplied to Krasnoyarsk in 2000 6 was about 18·10 Gcal.

The existing gap between installed and available capacity (under conditions of approximately 30% deficit in peak power of heat sources) is explained by the following main circumstances:

Low reliability and wear and tear of heat source equipment;

Lack of access of individual heat sources to municipal heat networks and heat networks of OJSC Krasnoyarskenergo;

The lag in the pace of commissioning of thermal capacities from the construction of housing and social facilities;

Low level of quality regulation of modes in centralized heat supply systems.

The following circumstances are typical for city energy supply systems:

Deficit of heating capacity in most areas of the city;

Low efficiency of heat sources, especially municipal ones, for which it does not exceed 65%;

High degree of deterioration of power equipment of sources, distribution networks and energy consumption systems of buildings and structures;

Significant losses of thermal energy and coolant in all elements of heat supply systems;

1- insufficient level of equipment with measuring instruments, including heat meters, and a complete lack of control systems for consumers;

Imperfect and unhydraulically adjustable heat supply systems;

Low quality shut-off and control valves;

Extreme inefficiency in the sphere of electrical energy consumption: unregulated electric drive, uneconomical modes of lighting systems, significant losses in distribution and consumption systems;

Lack of incentives to save energy.

Such conditions, on the one hand, are promising for energy saving, and on the other hand, they require large investments and clear, coordinated action programs.

1.2. Problems of implementing energy saving projects

There are a number of factors that hinder the effective implementation of energy saving projects:

Insufficient responsibility and economic interest in energy efficiency of all subjects of the energy production system, its transport and consumption;

Imperfections of the domestic market of energy-saving technologies;

Imperfection of the regulatory framework at the federal and regional levels in the field of investment in energy saving and incentives for participants in energy saving activities;

Lack of metering and automatic control systems at municipal heat sources and at consumers;

The presence of open heat supply systems in Krasnoyarsk requires large expenses for chemical cleaning and deaeration of make-up water, and since water treatment regimes, as a rule, are not maintained, there is a sharp reduction in the service life of heating networks and heat-consuming installations.

This Program is aimed at identifying the resource saving potential of Krasnoyarsk and its use in the next 4 years.

2. Main goals and objectives, terms and stages of implementation of the Program

2.1. Goals and objectives of the Program

The objectives of this Program are:

Reducing the financial burden on the city budget by reducing payments for fuel, heat and electricity;

Creation of economic, technical and organizational conditions for the efficient use of energy resources by energy producers and consumers;

Creating comfortable conditions in the premises of enterprises and institutions financed from the city budget;

Reducing the environmental load on the city's environment.

The goals of the Program will be achieved through the development of effective financial and economic mechanisms and the introduction of effective technologies for the production, transportation, transformation and consumption of energy resources, the implementation of energy saving measures, the introduction of accounting systems and regulation of energy consumption.

The tasks that need to be solved to achieve the goals can be divided into areas:

Economic sphere:

Drawing up a material and financial balance of energy production and energy consumption;

Reducing the share of budget expenditures on consumed energy resources in enterprises, organizations financed from the city budget and in housing and communal services;

Reducing the specific consumption of energy resources per capita by reducing energy losses;

Carrying out an effective tariff policy.

Production area:

Reducing losses of energy resources in engineering networks;

Increasing the thermal protection of buildings and structures;

Reducing the specific consumption of fuel and energy resources at municipal energy sources;

Scientific and technical sphere:

Establishing a general and achievable energy saving potential for real use in the coming years in Krasnoyarsk;

Optimization of city heat supply schemes;

Increasing the efficiency of using the scientific and technical potential of Krasnoyarsk in terms of energy saving;

Increasing the energy efficiency of existing power plants.

Sphere of ecology:

Reducing emissions into the environment;

Increasing the efficiency of water and other natural resources of the city;

Bringing the quality of air, water, soil into compliance with environmental standards;

Reducing thermal pollution environment.

2.2. Stages of the Program implementation

To implement the stated goals and objectives of the Program it is necessary:

Develop a regulatory, legal and methodological framework for energy saving in the city;

Form economic and financial mechanisms for energy saving;

Carry out priority, highly effective and quickly implemented measures;

To form public consciousness on energy saving issues.

The priority activities under the Program include:

Development of regulations on energy saving;

Implementation of systems for accounting and regulation of thermal and electrical energy;

Determination of the city's energy supply balance;

Optimization of heat and power supply schemes;

Advanced training for management and service personnel consumers;

Creation of a demonstration zone of high energy efficiency on the territory of Krasnoyarsk.

2.3. Timing of the Program implementation

The implementation of the Program’s activities is designed for four years, including in the main areas:

Heat consumption - 2002-2005;

Development of a regulatory and methodological framework for energy saving - 2002-2004;

Energy saving projects - 2002-2005;

Information support of the Program - 2002-2005.

3. Program implementation mechanism

3.1. Program Management

To achieve the set goals, a management system is needed, the structure of which will be developed and optimized during the formation of the regulatory, legal and methodological framework for energy saving in the city.

Planning, control and coordination of the implementation of the Program is carried out by the city administration through the Department of Energy and Energy Saving and the City Council through the commissions on urban management and ecology, budget and property.

The Program management system is aimed at:

Ensuring optimal combination of the work of existing energy sources of OJSC Krasnoyarskenergo, municipal and departmental, with equal opportunities to connect everyone to a “single” citywide system of main pipeline heating networks owned by OJSC Krasnoyarskenergo, the municipality and departments;

Implementation of energy saving in production, transport and energy consumption.

Systems approach when developing this Program, it involves the identification of three subsystems - consumers (primarily enterprises and organizations financed from the city budget, and housing and communal services), transport and energy producers with their subsequent integration.

The complexity of this type of Program is determined by the need to create and implement material-financial, information-analytical and administrative-management infrastructures, adapting them to existing regulations, specifics and features of the energy sector of Krasnoyarsk.

3.2. Regulatory, legal and methodological support
implementation of energy saving

To encourage rational energy consumption and investment in energy conservation, it is necessary to:

1) justification of social norms of consumption by the population various types energy resources;

2) development of a financial and economic mechanism to stimulate energy-saving policies and energy-efficient behavior of subjects of production, transport and consumption of energy resources;

3) the administration of the city of Krasnoyarsk, together with the administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, develop regulations and methodological framework in the following areas:

Assessment of the effective use of energy resources at newly constructed and reconstructed facilities;

Procedure and conditions for heat supply from municipal sources;

The procedure and conditions for the transport of thermal energy through networks that provide heat supply to enterprises and organizations financed from the city budget, and housing and communal services;

Accounting and regulation of consumed thermal energy;

Heat loss through the enclosing structures of buildings and structures.

3.3. Staffing

To implement the Program, a system of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel in the field of energy saving must be created. The objectives of this system should be the retraining and advanced training of specialists in the field of energy saving, the formation of energy-saving consciousness among the population, the analysis and dissemination of the latest achievements in the field of energy saving.

4. Program activities and financing of the Program

One of the main principles of forming a system of energy saving program measures should be the principle of reducing the costs of implementing measures. This principle is implemented by selecting the most effective projects and priority implementation of measures with minimal costs. As an assessment, the unit cost indicator can be used (the ratio of the costs of implementing an event to savings over the entire period of its operation).

The assessment of fuel, thermal and electrical energy savings is carried out on the basis of actually achieved indicators for increasing the efficiency of equipment (according to testing of prototypes, calculations), taking into account the scale of their implementation at heat sources and heating networks, lighting systems and among city consumers.

The implementation of energy-saving projects at enterprises, organizations financed from the city budget, and in housing and communal services is carried out on a competitive basis.

4.1. Program Financing

Currently, the main factors hindering the implementation of energy efficiency work at city facilities are:

Lack of necessary financial resources in the city budget, energy supply organizations and consumers;

Lack of incentives for energy-efficient behavior and, as a consequence, low investment attractiveness of the city’s energy supply sector.

Under these conditions, initial financing of energy efficiency work is provided from the city budget.

The Program is financed from year to year within the limits of funds allocated for its implementation. Funding amounts are approved annually by the City Council when considering the city budget. Financing of the activities of the calendar year Program begins after approval of the report for the work performed in the previous period by the working group approved by order of the city administration dated February 15, 2002 N 95-r.

A feature of energy and resource conservation programs and projects is their potential high profitability (profitability). Energy saving measures for enterprises and organizations financed from the city budget, and housing and communal services are coordinated by the city energy and energy saving department in stages:

1st stage. Project preparation:

Identification of firms to perform design work on a competition basis;

Carrying out design work.

2nd stage. Implementation:

Identification of companies to perform work on a competitive basis;

Funding from the city budget;

Implementation of projects.

The conditions of the competition for work to implement the Program are determined by the regulations on competitions developed by the city administration.

3rd stage. Monitoring the effect of energy saving:

Determination of the actual payback period of projects;

Project implementation report.

4.2. Investment activities in the field of energy saving

Investment activities of Krasnoyarsk are subordinated to the long-term goals of its development and are carried out in accordance with the developed investment policy.

Investment policy is part of the overall financial strategy city ​​and covers the following main stages:

Formation of directions investment activities in energy saving in accordance with the plans for the socio-economic development of the city;

Market research investment market;

Determination of investment objects;

Determining the required volume of investment resources.

5. Expected results

The city's energy and resource conservation program is a unified set of organizational and technical measures aimed at the efficient use of energy resources and is the foundation for a systematic reduction in the cost part of the budget.

The main area of ​​energy saving at the first stage is heat supply. As a result of these measures, heat consumption will decrease budgetary organizations without reducing comfort, energy costs will decrease.

This Program proposes to solve the problem of increasing the efficiency of energy use, primarily through the introduction of energy-saving technologies and equipment.

As a result of the implementation of the Program activities, it is expected to obtain a significant economic and social effect:

you once-
cases 7

Name of events
(million rubles)
in year
pays off

ical effect
1 2 3 4 5
Measures for accounting and regulation of heat consumption

1.1. Installation of metering devices 4.5 0.5-1 Determination of actual
1.3. amount of thermal energy
1.7. facilities financed by consumed heat
1.8. howl of energy from the city budget

1.5. Installation of individual 4.7 1-2 Quality improvement
heating points and reheat supply,
design of central elimination of irrational
heating points. Installed consumption
new thermal energy control systems
niya gii

Development of a regulatory and methodological framework for energy saving

2.1. Development of regulatory and - - Increasing responsibility
2.2. methodological base of energy and economy
state savings
importance in energy
saving everyone
subjects, systems
energy production
gia, its transport
and consumption

Energy saving projects

3.1. Determining the balance - - Work will allow op-
energy supply is limited to actual
the kind of power everyone
heat sources
energy, losses
transport and
connected by load
the wagon that will give
possibility of optimization
create energy circuits
city ​​government supplies

3.2. Optimization of electrical circuits - 0.47 1.7 - Increase in lighting -
supply to the city 2.3 times 2 times
reduction in electrical

3.4. Optimization of heating circuits - 3.59 1.6 More uniform
city ​​supply heat distribution
fishing energy between

3.5. Implementation of control systems 1.5 3.5 Reduction of energy consumption
leniya pumping stations, sleeping at mi-
boiler rooms and central minimum load,
thermal points heat regulation
new networks based on heat network systems
use of frequency
drive regulation

3.7. Certification of the municipality - - - Quality improvement
real housing stock contractual relations
tions of municipal
housing organizations
tions and energy supply
pressing organizations.
Clarification of social
consumption standards

3.6. Balance tests and 2.2 1.5 Improvement of technical
mode optimization economic And
bots of municipal co-ecological
telny for the purpose of reducing municipal
reduction of specific costs of flax boiler houses
fuel and electricity

3.8. Development of a demonstration - 5.32 6 Reduction of consumption
energy thermal energy project
state savings exist, ensuring
the most unfavorable comfortable conditions
comfortable type of buildings in heated areas

Total economic
effect 22.28

6. Information support of the Program

In order to ensure a high-quality solution to the problems provided for by the Energy Saving Program, it is necessary to promote it by all types of means mass media.

For a correct understanding of the directions of the Program, it is necessary to use such forms as publishing brochures, collections, posters, information leaflets, holding meetings.

Information should include answering questions from stakeholders, the public and the press, tracking and promoting positive examples of the implementation of Program activities, and regular contacts with the media.

Information support for the Program includes conducting permanent basis conferences and seminars that highlight reliable results and allow for public discussion of the implementation of the stages of the Program.

Great importance is attached to short-term courses for training public sector specialists in the field of energy saving. These courses allow you to cover a large number of specialists and improve their qualifications.

7. Program activities for 2002-2005

Name of events Customer Execute
2002 2003 2004 2005
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Measures for accounting and regulation of heat consumption
1.1. Installation of metering devices on
facilities financed from
city ​​budget
Physical Committee
culture, sports and tourism
social protection of the population
Department of Culture
energy saving

the basis-
research institute

the basis-
research institute

1.2. Purchase of heat meters,
power supplies, thermometers
resistance, verification and
repair of previously purchased
Equipment verification
Repair of previously purchased
-//- -//-
1.3. Preparation of thermal inputs in
public sector buildings for
installation of metering devices and
regulatory systems
thermal energy with replacement
shut-off valves
Physical Committee
culture, sports and tourism
social protection of the population
-//- -//-
1.4. Installation of systems
heat consumption:
Public sector institutions
Administrative buildings
-//- -//-
1.5. Installation of individual
heating points with
implementation of systems
heat consumption:
customized thermal
main points
education department
-//- -//-
1.6. Implementation of measures for
accounting and regulation
heat consumption in residential
Installation of systems
regulation and accounting
heat consumption
Implementation of systems
apartment heat metering
-//- -//-
1.7. Installation of metering devices
thermal energy per
central heating points
-//- -//-
1.8. Installation of metering devices on
public sector facilities,
located in built-in
premises of residential buildings with
partial reconstruction
heat consumption systems:
Physical Committee
culture, sports and tourism
Department of Culture
-//- -//-
1.9. Installing group nodes
accounting of thermal energy in
residential buildings
-//- -//-
2. Development of a regulatory and methodological framework for energy saving
2.1. Development of a regulatory framework,
ensuring effective
action of the Program
energy saving
-//- -//-
2.2. Development of a methodological base
energy saving by
Municipal sources
heat supply
Thermal transport systems
Modern systems
heat consumption
Modern accounting systems and
thermal regulation
Enclosing structures and
thermal insulation materials
-//- -//-
2.3. Justification of standards
heat consumption
-//- -//-
3. Energy saving projects
3.1. Definition of balance
energy supply of the city:
- definition of available
power of heat sources and
holiday regime analysis
thermal energy;
- analysis of operating modes
heating networks, pumping
stations, central
heating points and thermal
losses in them, heating networks
in two-pipe design;
- definition
attached loads
residential, social buildings
and industrial purposes;
- balance analysis
energy supply by
heat supply areas;
- analysis of the consolidated balance sheet
energy supply of the city
-//- -//-
3.2. Circuit optimization
power supply
- analysis
power supply conditions and
electricity consumption
- algorithm development
power consumption and
development of recommendations;
- development of technical
documentation for
systems reconstruction
electric lighting
-//- -//-
3.3. Project implementation
energy efficient street
electric lighting for one
city ​​district
-//- -//-
3.4. Circuit optimization
heat supply
System State Analysis
heat supply and
heat consumption
Algorithm development
optimization of heat supply and
heat consumption and output
Development of technical
documentation for
systems reconstruction
heat supply of Krasnoyarsk
taking into account redistribution
loads between
heat sources
-//- -//-
3.5. Implementation of management systems
pumping stations, boiler houses
and central heating
heating network points at
usage base
frequency regulation
Survey of municipal
pumping stations, boiler houses
and central heating
city ​​points to choose from
Municipal boiler houses
Municipal central
heating points
Municipal pumping stations
-//- -//-
3.6. Balance tests and
optimization of operating modes
municipal boiler houses with
with the aim of reducing specific
fuel consumption and
Operational and adjustment
boiler testing
Summary analytical report
-//- -//-
3.7. Certification of municipal
housing stock:
Municipal housing stock
-//- -//-
3.8. Development of a demo
energy saving project
existing most
unfavorable type
Development of technical
design assignments
Execution of design work
Installation of metering devices and
Construction and installation
insulation work
enclosing structure on
based on modern technologies
Performing energy
surveys, development
-//- -//-
4. Information support of the Program
4.1. Information and analytical
program support
energy saving:
Publishing collections, brochures,
propaganda posters
Development of recommendations for
based on implementation experience
-//- -//-
4.2. Training, retraining and
specialists in the field
energy saving:
Department of Culture
social protection of the population
Physical Committee
sports and tourism
Employees of others
municipal organizations
-//- -//-
4.3. Preparation and execution
scientific and practical
"Energy saving - problems and
-//- -//-
5. Debt repayment under programs
5.1. Installation program
heat metering devices
energy and energy
certification for
enterprises, institutions
and budgetary organizations
spheres of the city of Krasnoyarsk on
5.2. "Promotion" program
energy resource supply
public sector facilities and
housing and communal services
farms in Krasnoyarsk on
Department of Culture
MUP debt
"Gorteploenergo" for
completed activities:
Modernization of central
heating points
Balance tests
boiler houses and heating networks
Creation of energy efficient
boilers with firebox
fluidized bed
Introduction of slotted
KSTU debt for
development of the Program
"Energy and resource saving
in Krasnoyarsk" on
Payment according to the city target
Energy and
resource saving in
Krasnoyarsk" for 2002-2005
years for work performed in
Installation of metering devices on
headquarters facilities
Preparation of thermal inputs
at management facilities
Leninsky education
Installation of metering devices
at management facilities
Leninsky education



Notes: * implementation of measures is provided;

The implementation of measures is not envisaged";

8. Activities and resource provision of the Program
for 2002

Name of events Customer Executor 2002 Note
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Measures for accounting and
heat regulation
remission 6931.28

1.1 Installation of metering devices Management To be determined 2992.5
at facilities financed - by energy - competitive
from the city budget: teak and basis
- main department of energy saving
development of 79 cutting nodes
- headquarters
health care 43 knots
- physical committee
culture, sports and tu-
rism 1 node
- social management
protection 2 nodes
- culture department
8 knots

1.2 Purchase of heat meters, -"- -"-
verification and repair earlier
purchased equipment
- purchase -
- equipment verification -
133 pcs. 455.28

1.3 Preparation of thermal -"- -"- 1516
inputs in budget buildings
new sphere for installation
metering devices and systems
thermal regulation
energy with replacement of constipation
no fittings:
- main board of education
54 knots
- headquarters
healthcare 55 knots
- committee but physical
culture, sports and tu-
rism 11 knots
- social management
protection of the population
13 knots

1.4 Installation of control systems - -"- -"-
heat consumption
administrative buildings 315

1.5 Installation of individual -"- -"- 482.5
heating points with in-
automation systems
technical regulation
heat consumption:
- individual heat
High points on the main thing
education department

1.6 Implementation of activities -"- -"- 670
on accounting and regulation
heat consumption in residential
- installation of control systems - 420
heat metering and
- implementation of pok-250 systems
apartment heat metering
howl of energy

1.7 Installation of metering devices -"- -"- 500
thermal energy at the center
central heat pumps
tah (municipal property)

2. Development of normative and 198.5
methodological base energy
state savings

2.1 Justification of standards -"- -"- 198.5
heat consumption of Kras-

3. Energy saving projects - 1380

3.1 Balance determination -"- -"- 200
energy supply of the state
Development of technical
tasks to complete

3.2 Implementation of the energy project - -"- -"- 980
efficient street
electric lighting for
one district of the city

3.3 Certification of the municipality - -"- -"- 200
flax housing stock:
- municipal residential
city ​​fund

4. Information support - 500
implementation of the Program

4.1 Information analysis Management To be determined 50
technical support for energy tenders
Energy saving programs and
ideas: energy saving
- publication of collections, cutting
brochures, propaganda
- development of recommendations
tions based on experience
implementation of the Program

4.2 Preparation, retraining - -"- -"- 300
forging and increasing qua-
lification of specialists in
energy saving areas
- main directorate of the
- headquarters
- department of culture;
- social management
protection of the population;
- physical committee
culture, sports and tu-
- workers of other mu-
municipal organizations

4.3 Preparation and execution -"- -"- 150
annual scientific and practical
tic conference
"Energy saving -
problems and prospects"

5. Debt repayment 2990.22
by Programs:

5.1 Installation program Financial 69.02
thermal management metering devices
energy and energy administration
passportization at the city precincts
rallies, institutions and
budgetary organizations
spheres of the city of Krasnoyarsk
for 1999:
- headquarters

5.2 Program “Increasing efficiency” 2921.2
efficiency of energy resources
co-provision of facilities
public sector and housing
but-utility owner-
stva in the city of Krasnoyarsk-
ke" for 2000:
- department of culture; 105.2
- headquarters
healthcare; 152.1
- main directorate of the
education 1303.9
Debt of MUP "Gor-
Teploenergo" for the performance
- modernization of central
nal thermal points; 700
- balance tests
boiler houses and heating plants
tey; 350
- creation of energy efficiency
active boilers with
fluidized bed furnace; 150
- introduction of slotted
deaerators 160

Total: 12000

9. Activities and resource support of the Program for 2003


Name of events


thousand roubles.
1 2 3 4 5
1. Measures for accounting and regulation
heat consumption

5 knots

3 knots
information on
ke and
the basis-
research institute


Equipment verification - 50 pcs.
Repair of previously purchased
equipment - 13 pcs.
-"- -"- 349,0


budget sphere for installation
metering devices and control systems
thermal energy with replacement of the shut-off valve
General Directorate of Education
7 knots
General Directorate of Health
3 knots
-"- -"- 157,5


1.4. Installation of heat meters
energy from central heating
points (municipal
Central heating point
microdistrict Vetluzhanka - 2 pcs.
information on
ke and
the basis-
research institute
2. Debt repayment
2.1. Program "Improving Efficiency"
energy resource supply of facilities
budgetary sphere and
housing and communal services in
Krasnoyarsk" for 2000:

for completed activities:

Balance tests of boiler houses and
heating networks
Creation of energy efficient
boiler units with a boiling furnace
Introduction of slot deaerators
Debt of KSTU for development
Energy and
resource saving in the city
Krasnoyarsk" for 2002-2005


Total: 2000,0

10. Activities and resource support of the Program for 2004

N p.

Name of events


thousand roubles.
1 2 3 4 5
1. Measures for accounting and regulation
heat consumption
1.1. ,
financed from the city budget:

area - 6 knots

district - 1 node

- preschool educational
institutions - 6 nodes;
- schools - 6 knots.

6 knots
information on
ke and
the basis-
research institute


1.2. Purchase of heat meters, power supplies,
resistance thermometers, verification and
repair of previously purchased equipment
Verification and repair of previously purchased
equipment - 13 pcs.
Purchase of resistance thermometers -
12 pcs.
Purchase of power supplies - 4 pcs.
-//- -//- 120,903
1.3. Preparation of thermal inputs in buildings
budgetary sphere for installation of devices
heat metering and control systems
energy with replacement of shut-off valves:
Leninsky Education Department
district - 4 pcs.
Department of Education of the Central
district - 1 pc.
Soviet Education Department
- preschool educational
institutions - 6 pcs.
- schools - 6 pcs.
General Directorate of Health -
6 pcs.
-//- -//- 476,1


2. Debt repayment under the Programs: 289,997
2.1. Program "Improving Efficiency"
energy resource supply of facilities
public sector and housing and communal services
farms in Krasnoyarsk" for 2000:
Debt of MUP "Gorteploenergo"
for completed activities:
Modernization of central heating
Payment under the city target Program
"Energy and resource saving in
Krasnoyarsk" for 2002-2005 for
completed work in 2003:
installation of metering devices at sites
General Directorate of Health -
3 pcs.
preparation of thermal inputs for
education department facilities
Leninsky district - 7 pcs.
installation of metering devices at sites
Leninsky Education Department
district - 5 pcs.
Total: 1637,0

11. Allocations from the city budget for the implementation of the Program

Amount of costs (thousand rubles)
Total including by year
2002 2003 2004 2005
tion of the city
3004 8003 397 111040 115000 12000 2000 1637

Shnyakina Yulia Ravilievna

Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Organization and commercial activity",

Analysis of problems of resource saving in housing and communal services of Russian cities

Abstract: The article is devoted to one of the pressing problems of our time - resource conservation in the field of housing and communal services. Only coordinated actions of all participants in the resource saving process (state, regional and local authorities, representatives of the scientific community, suppliers and consumers of housing and utilities) will give a positive result and help office@tolqas. gi to bring the housing and communal services industry out of the crisis.

Togliatti State University service, Tolyatti

Keywords: housing and communal services, resource conservation.

Due to intensive construction in many Russian cities, there is a situation of shortage of thermal and electrical energy capacity. The question is as follows: either build new capacities at the sources, or invest in resource conservation. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to determine the development prospects of the city. And the solution to this issue, of course, should be carried out at the level of local authorities, after which additional allocation of funds from the budget and attraction of investments for the development of clearly defined areas will become justified. In addition, it is necessary to create conditions that encourage consumers to engage in resource conservation, to develop differentiated tariffs that stimulate the saving of fuel and energy resources. Finally, you need to determine where the most energy is wasted and figure out what needs to be saved first. Taking into account the climatic features of Russian cities, we can say that after all highest consumption energy is associated with heating buildings and structures. For example, in the city of Togliatti, water disposal accounts for 17% of the cost of paying for energy resources, electrical energy - 20%, heat supply - 59%, other utilities - 4%. Thermal energy by type it is distributed as follows: heating - 66% of costs, ventilation - 21%, hot water supply - 13%. Thus, one of the priorities in this urban district can be called the task of energy saving related to heating of buildings.

Special attention research and solution of resource saving problems is necessary

can be devoted to the sphere of urban housing and communal services. The characteristic features of the industry at the reform stage are a relatively low level of development, expressed in outdated equipment and technologies, high wear and tear of buildings and equipment, and the use of old materials and structures. A significant share of the country's housing stock (80%) is made up of houses made of prefabricated reinforced concrete, which, according to design data, are the most energy-waste structures. In addition, energy costs per 1 sq.m of housing are 3 times higher than the average European level. As practice shows, energy consumption for heating residential buildings in Russia is about 86 kg of standard fuel per 1 sq. m of total area per year. At the same time, in similar climatic conditions of Canada and Norway, this figure is less than 30 kg per square meter; in Sweden, about 27 kg of fuel equivalent/m2 per year is consumed. Only due to the poor quality of thermal insulation of pipelines, about 20% of heat is lost. To this we can add that 10-15% of heat and water losses are associated with leaks through fistulas and cracks in pipelines. The problem of providing for the population of Russia drinking water, meeting established quality standards and in sufficient quantity, is becoming worse every year; in many regions of the country it has become one of the main social and environmental problems. 60% of treatment facilities are overloaded, many of which have been in operation for more than 30 years and require urgent reconstruction. Therefore, bursts occur in water supply and sewer networks, which not only causes

water shortages and interruptions in water supply, but also pollution of the natural environment and disruption of sanitary conditions. .

In Russia, the most developed central heating system is, which, despite fairly efficient heat sources (high efficiency, lower cost per unit of power), is generally ineffective due to large losses in heating networks, lack of regulation of power consumption, and high operating costs. In addition, more than 80% of the country's heating networks are pipelines with an exceeded service life. In Russia on modern stage no more than 0.5-1% of the total length of heating networks is replaced. The costs of transporting heat in networks exceed 40% of its cost. The number of accidents on heating mains has increased 510 times over the past ten years.

Of particular importance is resolving issues rational use gas in the country. Research on gas conservation issues, including in the housing and communal services sector, conducted by the Union of Shareholders of OJSC Gazprom has shown that more than 100 billion cubic meters of gas are irrationally burned in Russia every year. The main problems of resource saving regarding gas supply can be called the following:

There is no legislative normative base, capable of regulating the energy saving and energy consumption system;

Effective economic mechanisms for resource conservation have not been created;

Low responsibility of managers at all levels for maintaining the normal operation of the engineering networks in their operation.

An important question reform of the housing and communal services sector, the question remains of maintaining labor resources. The shortage of highly qualified personnel is a limiting factor in the re-equipment of industry enterprises and the modification of outdated equipment. To deal with issues of resource conservation and create viable programs, we need literate personnel specially trained in this work. In addition, the industry maintains the lowest wage level. So, the average accrued wage housing and communal services workers in Tolyatti for 2005 amounted to 6,000 rubles.

The problem of major repairs remains open, which is usually attributed to

most of the budget funds. After repairs, the housing stock does not change qualitatively, and only some are restored specifications. The previous approach to organizing capital repairs should be replaced by a comprehensive modernization of the housing stock. As a result of this, housing should turn into energy-efficient, low-cost, with controlled volumes of consumed resources. Moreover, investments or budgetary funds invested in modernization must be returnable. Repayment should be ensured through savings on the maintenance of modernized housing. Refunds must be used in part or in full to upgrade other homes.

One of the limiting factors in reforming the local housing and communal services complex from the point of view of increasing the efficiency of its operation and reducing operating costs is the lack of an effective owner and manager of housing. Business is slowly mastering this area of ​​activity. The pace of creation of homeowners' associations is low. Existing legislation in the housing sector, civil legislation does not contribute to the maintenance and development of municipal and private management companies. Resolving issues requires the use of generalized experience, adjustment or creation of a regulatory framework for the transfer of housing stock to an effective owner, determination of the rules of its work, conditions of financing and remuneration, development and approval by the Government of the Russian Federation of a package of documents on this issue.

Reforming housing and communal services is an important and complex task. The main thing is that ways to solve it must be worked out, first of all, in the direction of saving water, heat, gas, electricity, and labor resources. Namely, resource conservation should become the economic basis for reforming the housing and communal services.

The process of resource conservation in the housing and communal services of Russian cities is undergoing difficulties. Many utility companies do not have data on the actual volumes of production and sales of services, since in most cases the quantity of services supplied and received is recorded according to general resource consumption standards that have not been adjusted for decades.

Resource saving in the housing sector

public utilities is the process of optimizing the system of accounting, control and rational use of energy, water and other resources in the housing and communal services sector, carrying out work to reduce losses, as well as introducing resource-saving technologies in order to solve anti-crisis problems and reorganize the industry. The ultimate goals of resource saving are to reduce production costs and the cost of services of housing and communal services enterprises, to soften the process of reforming the system of payment for housing and utilities for the population during the transition of the industry to a break-even operating mode.

The main tasks of all participants in the process of resource saving and resource consumption are:

Improving relationships between resource supply organizations and resource consumers;

Introduction of resource-saving technologies;

Improving the quality of services provided to the population, their compliance with accepted standards.

Not a single problem in the housing and communal services sector can be solved without implementing an effective policy to save industry resources. In most cities, policies for resource conservation and control over program implementation are entrusted to specially created structural units administration. However, problems associated with resource conservation in the industry are not decreasing. When pursuing a targeted resource-saving policy, it must be remembered that the problems of resource saving are closely intertwined and are components problems of the entire housing and communal services complex, namely:

At the present stage, housing and communal services reform comes down solely to increasing the share of payments by the population for utility services. The main problem is that the program for increasing the share of services does not take into account the level of growth in household incomes; as a result, the growth rate of the share of household payments for services is much higher than the growth rate of household incomes.

The existing system of setting tariffs for housing and communal services is carried out practically without taking into account the real conditions of financing the industry. Tariffs for municipal housing and communal services enterprises, as well as norms

Consumption rates and payment rates for services for the population are established by local governments. Tariffs in many cities are set at a level that does not allow housing and

utilities to cover their costs. As a result, accounts payable accumulate. On the other hand, this situation leads to uncontrolled actions of resource-supplying monopolistic enterprises in the expenditure of financial and material resources, since in the absence of a link between tariff policy and real financing, contracts for the supply of resources practically do not apply.

Lack of a system of economic incentives in the sector. For a significant period of time, the accumulation of accounts payable did not pose a real threat to public utilities: supplies of resources continued, enterprises were not declared bankrupt, which ultimately led to a decrease in financial discipline.

One of the most acute problems there remains the presence of cross-subsidies in the housing and communal services sector, which consists in the fact that different groups consumers receive the same type of utility services at different prices. The cross-subsidization system does not encourage utilities to effective use of their working capital.

Insufficient control over the quality of services provided and the level of efficiency of utility companies on the part of municipalities. The lack of clearly formalized contractual relations between municipalities and utility companies, as well as between them and consumers of services, aggravates the situation, which ultimately leads to an increase in the burden on the consumer without a guarantee of improved quality of utility services.

Currently, there are no industry standards for cost accounting and planning at housing and communal services enterprises. There are no metering devices, calculations are made according to standards. This leads to the use

showing the real picture of costs does not allow analyzing the costs per unit of service, which in turn reduces the possibility of impact on housing and

utility sector in order to reduce costs and allows you to quite freely transfer funds from one item to another.

The cost-normative method, based on the understanding of the tariff as the sum of established cost norms and profitability norms, only stimulates the growth of tariffs.

When developing a resource conservation policy, it is important to first determine the goals and directions for achieving them. The ultimate goals of resource-saving policy in the housing and communal services of the Russian Federation, in our opinion, are:

Creation of organizational, legal, economic and technological conditions that ensure increased energy efficiency in the housing and communal services industry;

Improving financial, economic and technical condition utility companies;

1. Reducing production costs and the cost of services of housing and communal services enterprises and, accordingly, easing for the population the process of reforming the system of payment for housing and utilities during the transition of the industry to a break-even operating mode.

2. Improving the quality of services provided.

3. Creating conditions under which utility companies will be interested in reducing their own costs and implementing resource-saving measures.

4. Creating conditions for attracting private investment for financing, reconstruction and development of communal infrastructure.

5. Reducing resource losses during production and transportation.

6. Optimization of consumption of utility resources, involvement of unused energy sources and resources.

7. Stable and systematic development of the housing and communal services industry as a whole.

Thus, an integrated approach to the implementation of resource saving measures in the housing and communal services sector should be prepared in the form of several important aspects, where resource saving is considered as:

A resource for returning investments in the development of housing and communal services;

Improving the quality of services provided to the population, their compliance with accepted standards;

Creation of a resource accounting system that makes it possible to clearly determine the volume of consumption of fuel and energy resources and the level of losses along the entire technological chain from producer to consumer;

Introduction of energy-saving technologies, reduction of irrational consumption of resources;

Improving relationships between service providers and their consumers;

Mitigation of social tension due to the transition to full payment of utility services by the population.


1. Chekalin V. S. Economics of urban management / V. S. Chekalin. - St. Petersburg: SPbGIEA, 1999. -P.23.

2. Shapiro, M.D. Effective management housing stock: monitoring and quality assessment / M. D. Shapiro, E. F. Petrova. - M.: Institute of Urban Economics Foundation, 2002. - P.87

3. Shebarshina, E. N. Development of forms of housing management / E. N. Shebarshina // Journal of the manager and chief accountant of housing and communal services. - 2003. - No. 12. - P.32


Article is dedicated to one of the pressing problems of our time and resource in the field of housing and communal services. Only concerted action by all participants in the resource (state, regional and local authorities, academics, suppliers and consumers of housing services) will give a positive result and will help bring the industry of housing and communal services of the crisis. Keywords: housing and utilities, resource.

Exhibition Modern City. Energy. Resource saving. Ecology 2016 is held from August 10 to 12 in Belgorod, Russia.

You can see the exhibited products and sections of the exhibition below, in the block “ Additional Information». Full list participants Modern city. Energy. Resource saving. Ecology 2016 is posted on the official website of the exhibition and is constantly updated. You can also find exhibitors from the previous year there. Business program Modern City. Energy. Resource saving. Ecology 2016 is usually published closer to the start of the event.

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Resource conservation is the basis of a prosperous Russian economy in the 21st century

“Today we need to save resources

and invest money, stimulate,

create appropriate conditions"

V.V. Putin

Modern industrial production requires involvement in economic turnover huge quantities material, energy, natural resources. World consumption of natural resources has reached a value commensurate with mineral reserves. What was created by nature over geological epochs measured in millions of years is now consumed by humanity in a few decades. And at the same time, only about 5% of the raw materials entering production go into industrial products, the rest ends up in waste, which, by polluting the environment, disrupts the ecological balance. The situation with landfills is well known. The total volume of waste doubles every decade and, as a rule, outpaces its growth GDP.

Conservation of resources in Russia is at an extremely low level. With the transition of the economy to market relations government regulation the economic segment in question practically ceased, and the outdated regulatory framework continued to operate, hindering the development of the market. Due to the low profitability of the function of collecting secondary resources, the level of waste use has sharply decreased. Nowadays, the majority of previously used valuable secondary resources are disposed of in landfills and pollute the natural environment.

In the coming years, Western countries may limit the import of products from Russia's processing industries into their territory due to the failure of a WTO member country to fulfill its obligation to stop dumping unrecycled waste in landfills. The loss of markets for competitive goods is a significant obstacle to the preservation of industrial potential. Most of the damage can be prevented if a resource conservation development program is immediately implemented.

Soviet experience

In the Soviet Union in the 70-80s, the management of waste collection, recycling, and resource conservation in general was the prerogative of special units of the State Planning Committee and the State Supply Committee, which carried out their activities on an all-Union scale. It was also carried out Information Support government controlled through detailed statistical reporting both overall and by different categories of waste. A departmental statistical reporting in terms of the volume of generation and use of large-tonnage waste from mining and mineral processing.

Then program-target planning and standardization of the level of collection and processing found application. the most important species secondary raw materials with the help of state all-Union, republican, and industry programs for secondary material resources. A powerful special production infrastructure was created for the collection and industrial processing of the main types of secondary raw materials throughout the USSR. The high level of costs for collecting and processing “unprofitable” industrial waste was compensated by the established practice at that time of including these costs in the cost of the main products of the relevant industries.

Since 1986 it was introduced general position, according to which “the organization responsible for the development of new types of materials or products must simultaneously develop technology for their reuse or recycling after the end of their service life or operation, providing for the creation of appropriate capacities simultaneously with the creation of capacities for the production of materials or products” To solve engineering problems waste processing, special scientific and technical programs were created within the framework of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR and line ministries. Dozens of research institutes were involved in the development of appropriate technologies and equipment. In 1975, the All-Union Research Design and Technological Institute of Secondary Resources (VIVR) of the USSR State Supply Committee was established specifically for these purposes. By 1990, the country's institutes had created and implemented many technological lines for processing waste paper, textile, polymer and wood waste, used tires, cullet, waste petroleum products, mercury-containing lamps and galvanic cells, metallurgical and thermal power slag, galvanic sludge and other waste.

In the 1980s, the collection and processing of the main large-tonnage types of waste was given industrial scale. The procurement and preparation for production of certain types of waste in a number of material-intensive industries were essentially separated into independent sub-sectors.

In accordance with the Comprehensive Program scientific and technological progress In the USSR, by 2010, the level of processing of most types of large-tonnage waste should have increased significantly and for some types of waste even approached 100%.

During the economic transformation of the 1990s, the instruments created in the 1970s and 1980s public policy in the field of secondary material resources were abolished.

Today's day

the federal law“On production and consumption waste” was adopted in 1998. During this time, significant changes have occurred. Both in the development of international legislation in this area, and in approaches to waste management strategies and their use as secondary raw materials. All this needs to be reflected in normative legal acts. In accordance with international environmental legislation, the law should enshrine the priority of waste disposal over its disposal, the principle of responsibility of manufacturers for the disposal of their products at the end of their life cycle. There is no legislative regulation of the issue of determining the owners of waste from bankrupt enterprises.

Legislative problems are not the only ones in the field of waste management. Financial and economic regulation raises many questions. There is an urgent need to develop a federal targeted waste management program.

Administrative methods, as it were, outline the scope of application of economic mechanisms, since the introduction of environmental payments is possible only with a strictly regulated system of state standards, which needs to be improved. It is also necessary to update many regulatory and methodological documents to determine indicators (ecological and economic damage from environmental pollution, economic efficiency environmental measures, etc.) that form the basis for establishing environmental payments, volumes of environmental financing, and investments in the environmental sector.

The problem of identifying the authorities specifically responsible for waste management issues, and not just for control and supervisory activities in this area, also requires an urgent solution, since today the responsibilities and powers of federal, regional and municipal authorities on relevant issues are legislatively divided unsatisfactorily.

The sanctions adopted by state control and supervisory authorities often do not correspond to the degree of public danger and the prevalence of offenses when handling waste. On a voluntary basis, fines are not paid, and on a compulsory basis, state supervisory authorities collect them extremely rarely. In a number of subjects of the Federation, questions about compensation for damage in judicial procedure don't rise at all.

In the Russian Federation, seventy million people live in large settlements and suburbs. This population annually accumulates about thirty million tons of solid household waste, including: seven million tons of paper, two million tons of polymers, textiles and glass, one million tons of metal, twelve million tons of wet organic matter.

From municipal waste it is possible, through integrated resource conservation technology, to obtain:

  • 7.5 million tons of alternative fuel (equivalent to 3.5 billion m3 of natural gas);
  • 6 million tons of secondary raw materials (scrap metal, polymers, waste paper);
  • 12 million tons of technogenic soil and compost.

After extracting valuable resources from the total mass of waste, no more than a quarter of neutralized, inert waste will remain in landfills. The key point is that it is not waste recycling that needs to be developed, but resource conservation through waste recycling. It is resource conservation that is in the best possible way reducing the negative impact of mixed and discarded resources on the environment. It is enough to build two hundred automated sorting complexes (ASCs), organize logistics and incentives within the framework of vertically integrated associations, and the problem will be solved. Construction is possible and desirable to be carried out primarily on federal lands in order to avoid red tape with the registration of the territory.

Measures aimed at reducing the negative impact of waste on the environment are included in the list of measures to ensure the safety of the population. They cannot be sufficiently paid solely from funds received from the sale of secondary raw materials. It costs about 1,500 rubles to process one ton of waste. To subsidize the processing of thirty million tons of solid waste, about 45 billion rubles will be required. annually. About one hundred billion are required to build capacity. Taking into account additional costs, this is the money that the country can collect in five years from packers and importers of packaged products. Funds intended for processing packaging waste must be collected in a state fund and divided into two parts: the first part - funds for investing in projects for the construction of waste processing facilities, for example, MSC facilities; the second part is funds intended to pay for processing.

In order to organize and regulate waste management processes and their resource fractions, it is necessary to develop a number of national standards. There is a vision of the content of these documents. Investments are made on the terms of joint financing of the project by its participants. Give priority to vertically integrated associations of companies serving all stages of waste management when submitting recommendations from a member organization National Association, which these participants belong to. By issuing a recommendation, the organization must assume the obligation to control, at the expense of the applicants, the waste management process and coordinate reports on the work done on the project.

Private and municipal recyclers should be allowed to enter into direct contracts with packers for the collection and recycling of packaging waste. Such agreements will allow entrepreneurs to quickly optimize and reduce costs in a competitive environment. This procedure can be regulated by Government Decree.

Resource efficiency the most important indicator economic development. Taking into account the aging and decommissioning of the capacities of the extractive industries, the depletion of currently used deposits, the sharp increase in costs for the exploration of new mineral reserves and the development of remote deposits, in order to ensure an acceptable level of resource security, resource conservation has no alternative.

Restoring the resource potential of raw materials is the basis of a modern waste management strategy. Municipalities of settlements in Western countries, which have organized a closed-cycle waste management system, have reached a situation in which only a few percent of the original volume of municipal waste remains for disposal at landfills. The rest is successfully used to provide resources for the industry. A similar strategy should be adopted and implemented in Russia.

Moreover, Scientific research indicate that countries that have not organized a recycling resource cycle before 2015 will lose economic stability. The pace of development of processing and use of solid household and industrial waste in the Russian Federation is not sufficient to meet the growing needs of residents and industry.

Development of highly efficient resource management systems and the latest transport logistics will dramatically reduce the need for fossil raw materials, reduce the material intensity of the national product, emissions of pollutants, improve the health of the territory, and gain recognition and political support from the population. This option is possible if the country is ready for development. The country's membership in the World trade organization doesn't leave Russian entrepreneurship There is no other way out than accelerated development. Accession to the WTO is, in a way, the starting point from which the restructuring of the economy will begin, if we focus on the need to integrate into the global economy and use this integration to increase efficiency. Therefore, we formulate the main question “what should we do with ourselves who have joined the WTO”, and not only and not so much the government, but also every participant in the economic process, be it an enterprise, industry, entrepreneur, manager, employee, official or legislator.

The development of standards in the field of industrial and consumer waste management is not only advisable, but also vitally necessary, as one of necessary conditions full functioning of Russia in the WTO and as a measure to reduce state control over the economy.

Due to the fact that in Western countries For resource and energy saving, outdated combustion technologies are currently used, Russia, using Newest technologies automated sorting, in fact, in five years, can acquire the status of a world leader in the field of resource conservation, significantly increasing the gross national product; the problem of the negative impact of waste on the environment will be eliminated at the lowest cost; the regions will not fall into “neocolonial” dependence on Western pseudo-investors and the corrupt bureaucracy that attracts them; Waste disposal tariffs for residents and businesses will not increase. The danger of losing markets for Russian industry will be eliminated at the lowest cost and in the shortest possible time.

Russia will actually become a leader in resource conservation.

However, funds from the sale of secondary raw materials are not enough to cover the costs of the complexes. To process one ton of waste, an additional cost of 1,500 rubles is required. Consequently, up to 90 billion rubles will be required to subsidize the processing of 60 million tons of solid waste in the first four years. annually. These are exactly the funds that the country plans to collect from packers and importers of packaged products. To date Russian Federation loses about 2.5 billion euros only because in Russia there is no authorized body for working with the European Union and with other countries that have introduced manufacturer responsibility for the disposal of goods produced by them. These financial resources end up in Europe and do not allow for the development of this type of industry in the Russian Federation. In terms of its functions, this could also be the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

If the long-term state policy in this direction is determined, then the processing industry can follow the normal option. IN administrative documents Governments, for example, determine the price of disposal of products produced by enterprises based on the time frame, and rank the recycling percentage by year.

Money intended for recycling packaging waste must be collected in a state extra-budgetary fund and divided into two parts:

  • the first part is funds for investing in projects for the construction of waste processing facilities, for example, VMSK facilities,
  • the second part is funds intended to pay for processing.

To organize and regulate processes, it is necessary to develop a number of national standards. An entrepreneur-recycler should not knock on the threshold of the regional office of Roprirodnadzor on every trivial issue, but understand what is expected of him, how and to whom to report in order to receive money for services for processing packaging waste.

An approximate list of standards and issues that need to be regulated was developed by the National Association "RUSRECYCLING". The development of performance standards and the control system must be transferred to the level of the National Association.

It is advisable to invest in a subject if a vertically integrated complex of companies is organized in the region, combining all stages of waste management. Thus, in five years the problem of the negative impact of waste on the environment and the task of developing resource and energy saving can be solved.

Successful solution of environmental problems is possible only through consolidated actions of the state, business and society. Solving environmental problems is also impossible without the competent and constructive activities of non-governmental organizations and public associations, the media, whose intellectual and practical potential, experience of interaction with the population, authorities and business must be used.

Elena Esina,

President of the National Association of Organizations

operators in the field of waste management "RUSRECYCLING",

expert on environmental rights of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation

on the development of civil society and human rights,

Candidate of Economic Sciences