Social advertising management. Social advertisement. Social advertising topics and its application


Chapter 1. The essence of the phenomenon of social advertising 14

1. Main characteristics of modern commercial and social advertising 14

2. Models of development and functioning of social advertising 47

1. Management social processes in modern society 84

Conclusion 147

References 158

Introduction to the work

Relevance of the research topic

IN modern Russia Political life is stabilizing, economic, administrative and social reforms are being carried out. At the same time, along with positive phenomena, it should be noted that there is a crisis in the social sphere. The depressing demographic situation, sharp stratification of property, and ineffectiveness of social policy measures provoke an increase in social tension, psychological stress, and a decline in moral standards. Russian society.

These circumstances force us to consider various tools for increasing the efficiency of managing social processes in our country. One of these tools is social advertising.

The relevance of considering social advertising in the context of managing social processes is also due to the fact that today in Russia a social program for the development of society is being developed; implementation of national projects in the field of healthcare and education. In this regard, it is necessary to develop a clear moral and legal framework in which Russian society will develop, and maximum self-realization of an individual is possible.

The problem of information and mechanisms for conveying the state development strategy and basic social values ​​to all segments of society is becoming urgent. Their development will become a measure of the formation of self-awareness of society as a whole and the level of maturity of its social, political and government institutions. The following tools can be used to solve this problem: cultural events, the education system, news policy and social advertising.

Social advertising can be defined as a type of advertising communication, the purpose of which is to transmit to society socially significant information aimed at forming and changing public opinion, social norms, and behavior patterns. At the same time, the main task of this communication is to involve members of society in solving social problems, i.e. actual involvement in the process

management. Therefore, the issue of considering the theoretical and methodological foundations of social advertising is extremely relevant.

Information transmitted through social advertising can cover a wide range of problems: the formation of an attractive image of government bodies and public organizations, the fight against AIDS, drug addiction, alcoholism, the formation moral values etc.

The main criteria for choosing topics for social advertising messages are:

Non-commercial, non-religious and non-political nature of the message;

It is important to consider that social information becomes social advertising when it is framed in accordance with the laws marketing activities- has an ultimate goal; creation and placement is carried out on a paid basis; the message is non-personalized and is transmitted on behalf of a non-anonymous advertiser; contains an element of persuasion; information is transferred through intermediaries, i.e. facilities mass media.

This is the Advertising Council. Since 1946, under the British government there has been
Central Office of Information (COI) - independent marketing center, objectives
of which - coordination of the activities of government structures in the field
communications and interaction with advertising agencies.

The situation with social advertising in Russia is critical. The volume of social advertising in Russia is now about 1% of the total market. While in Western countries this figure averages 25%. The current problems of Russian social advertising are: lack of a proper legislative framework; the absence of a body responsible for effective control and organization of social advertising campaigns, as a result of which the campaigns are chaotic and low-budget; disorder

production, distribution and distribution systems; use of social advertising for commercial and political purposes.

Analyzing the process of development and implementation of socially significant advertising campaigns in Russia, we can conclude that developers do not have a clear understanding of the mechanisms of operation of this type of advertising, and the results of the impact of certain messages on society are not predicted.

We also note the lack of systematic scientific research aimed at formulating proposals for a possible way out of the crisis.

In this work, an attempt is made to systematize data on such a phenomenon as social advertising, analyze it as a tool for managing social processes, consider the most well-known models of the functioning of social advertising, and also formulate prospects for the development of social advertising in Russia.

Degree of scientific development of the problem

It should be noted that very few works are devoted to the theory and methodology of social advertising, not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Among Western scientists who covered the problems of social advertising and whose materials were available for review, we can note: K. Bove, W.F. Arens, D. Burstina, J. Sivulku. 1

In Russia, recently there has been a rise in interest in social advertising activities from the scientific community. First of all, we should name Professor V.V. Uchenov and Associate Professor N.V. Starykh - authors of a book on the history of social advertising; Professor, Doctor of Sociological Sciences L.N.

Bove K., Arena U.F. Modern advertising. M.: Publishing House"Dovgan", 1995; Boorstin D. Advertising and American Civilization//Advertising and Society. N.Y., 1974; Sivulka J. Soap, sex and cigarettes. A Cultural History of American Advertising. St. Petersburg, 2002.

Fedotova, touching on the problems of the development of social advertising in her scientific works Oh; researcher of communication problems G.G. Nikolaishvili, who studies the history of global social advertising.

The work of Russian advertising specialist S.E. deserves special attention. Seliverstova, dedicated to the socio-psychological aspects of the influence of social advertising on society, as well as a monograph on the history of social advertising communications in Russia by researcher E.V. Stepanova. 3

Interesting, from the point of view of the development of the institution of social advertising in Russia, are Scientific research young scientists and specialists T.V. Rodnikova, V. Korkina, T.N. Shaporeva. 4

Over the past few years, the issue of social advertising has often been raised on the pages of printed publications of the advertising community and on the Internet. We can highlight the following authors who periodically explore social advertising communications in their works: M.I. Piskunova, T. Evgenieva, A. Fedorova, D. Belikov, S. Ovchinnikova, V. Lyaporov, N.S. Shekova, T. Astakhova, O. Grubin, N. Semina, Y. Borisovsky, A. Kazantseva, N. Evsina, A. Nefedova, E. Panova, S. Yablochkina, G.Sh. Talipova. 5

2 Uchenova V.V., Starykh N.V. Social advertisement. M.: IndexMedia, 2006; Fedotova L.N. Advertising in
communication process. M.: Cameron Publishing House, 2005; Nikolaishvili G.G. Social advertising how
technology of influence in public policy // website; Nikolaishvili G.G. Social advertisement:
theory and practice. M.: Virtual Gallery, 2006.

4 Rodnikova T.V. The role and importance of PR and social advertising in social work practice. Novosibirsk, 2000;
Korkina V. Social Internet advertising as a tool of influence in public policy. M.: 2003; Shaporeva T.N.
Social advertising in social marketing: the evolution of form and content. Barnaul: 2004.

5 Piskunova M.I. Social advertising as a phenomenon of public reflection/Library relations and advertising in
communication system. M., 2004; Evgenieva T., Fedorova A. “Call your parents!” or “Vote for Mr. X!”
//Message. No. 10, 2000; Belikov D. Sorry that we are contacting you // Advertising Industry magazine No. 15, 2005;
Ovchinnikova S. Russian and Foreign experience development of social advertising // website; Lyaporov V.
Public attention. Commercial benefits of social advertising//magazine Business Magazine No. 15, 2003; Shekova
N.S. Social advertising: basic concepts//Marketing in Russia and abroad No. 5, 2003; Astakhova T. Good
ideas are advertised in America // Money and Charity magazine No. 3, 1994; Grubin O. Development trends
social advertising in CLLIA//www. ; Semina N. Call your parents!//Advertising Industry magazine No. 2,
2002; Borisovsky Yu. Well-fed threat//Advertising Industry magazine No. 6, 2005; Kazantseva A. Please pay
taxes//Advertising Industry No. 11, 2003; Evsina N., Nefedova A., Panova E., Yablochkina S. Social advertising as
basis for the development of modern social life//site; Talipova G.Sh. Possibilities
formation of public opinion by mechanisms of social advertising/LZestnik TISBI No. 2,2000.

Analysis of the directions of influence of social advertising on modern society, channels of distribution of social advertising messages, identification of differences between social advertising communications and commercial ones is impossible without considering the theory and methodology of advertising as a whole. Therefore, in this work we used a large number of scientific works of Russian and foreign scientists on problems modern marketing and commercial advertising.

Among the works of Russian scientists devoted to the history of the development of advertising and its theoretical foundations, special mention should be made of the works of A. Romanov, E.V. Romata, I.Ya. Rozhkova, 0.0 Savelyeva, V.L. Muzykanta, E.A. Utkina, A.I. Kochetkova, I.Ya. Rozhkova, O.A. Feofanova. 6

Among Western specialists, it is worth noting the works of the classic modern theory marketing by F. Kotler, who, in particular, concretized the foundations of the theory of socially responsible marketing, as well as D. Cravens, G. Hills, R. Woodroof, J. O Shaughnessy, A. Furnham, B. Gunter. 8

The theory and practice of advertising, the mechanisms of its impact on society were considered by such Western scientists as W. Wells, J. Burnet, S. Moriarty, D. Ogilvy, K. Rotzol, N. Foster, A. Deyan, D. Martin, M. McLuhan , R. Batra, J. Myers, D. Aaker, J. Rossiter, R. Percy, W. Schenert. 9

Romanov A.A. Advertising: between society and marketing: Scientific monograph. M.: “Marketi DS”, 2002; Romat E.V. Advertising. 2nd ed. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006; Rozhkov I.Ya. Advertising: the bar for the “pros”. M.: Yurayt, 1997; Savelyeva O.O. Living history of Russian advertising. M.: Gella-print, 2004; Musician V.L. Advertising and Rg technologies in business, commerce and politics. M.: 2001; Utkin E.A., Kochetkova A.I. Advertising. M., 1997; Feofanov O.A. Advertising: new technologies in Russia. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

Krylov I.V. Marketing (sociology marketing communications). M.: Center, 1998; Maslova T.D., Bozhuk S.G., Kovalik L.N. Marketing. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002; Golubkov E.P. Marketing Basics. M.: Finpress, 1999; Sharkov F.I. Integrated marketing communications. M.: "RIP - Holding", 2004.

8 Kotler F. Fundamentals of Marketing. M.: Progress, 1990; Cravens D.W., Hills G.E., Woodruff R.B. Marketing Management.
Homewood, Illinois: Irwin, 1987; About Shaughnessy J. Competitive Marketing: strategic approach. SPb.Liter 2002;
Furnham A., Gunter B. Types of consumers: Introduction to psychographics. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001.

9 Wells W., Burnet J., Moriarty S. Advertising: principles and practice. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001; Ogilvy D. Ogilvy on advertising.
M.: Eksmo Publishing House, 2003; Sandage I., Freiburger W., Rotzoll K. Advertising: theory and practice. M.: Progress, 1989;
Foster N. Advertising. St. Petersburg: Amphora, 2001; Deyan A. Advertising. M.: Progress, 1993; Martin D. Romancing the brand. NY:
Harper&Row Publishers, 1989; Mcluhan M. The Mechanical Bride. London: Routlege & Kegan Paul, 1967; Batra R.,
Myers J., Aaker D. Advertising management. M., St. Petersburg, K.: Publishing House “William”, 1999; Rossiter, J.
Percy R. Advertising and product promotion. St. Petersburg: Peter 2002; Shenert V. Coming advertising. M., 1999.

In the domestic scientific school, one of the most notable researchers of the principles of managing social processes is V.G. Afanasiev. A great contribution to the study of the system of managing social processes was made by Russian scientists V.N. Ivanov and V.I Patrushev. eleven

Among other Russian management specialists in the social sphere who have studied the history of managing social processes, the structure and features of social resources, and ways to rationalize their use, one can note Yu.A. Afonina, A.P. Zhabina, A.S. Pankratova, V.G. Shchekina, O.L. Kuznetsova, P.G. Kuznetsova, B.E. Bolshakova, P.V. Romanova. 12

On the issues of interest to us within the framework of the study, among Western authors were P. Drucker, J. Sheldrake, M. Woodcock, D. Francis.

In addition to the direct theory of managing social processes, the work examines the basic principles of social policy.

Among the scientific works on this topic, it is necessary to highlight the work of the “father of the German economic miracle” L. Erhard. 14 This paper presents the main mechanisms for implementing effective social policy, implemented in practice in post-war Germany.

It should also be noted the fundamental work of Russian scientists S.N. Smirnova, T.Yu. Sidorina “Social Policy”, which systematizes and describes in detail the theoretical and practical foundations of the implementation of social policy, and describes the history of the emergence of this phenomenon.

10 Afanasiev V.G. Man in the management of society. M., 1977.

11 Social management/Ed. Ivanova V.N., Patrusheva V.I. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional M.: Higher. school, 2002.

12 Afonin Yu.A., Zhabin A.P., Pankratov A.S. Social management. M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 2004; Shchekin V.G. Theory
social management. Kyiv, 1996; Kuznetsov O.L., Kuznetsov P.G., Bolshakov B.E. System "Nature-Society-
Human": sustainable development. M. - Dubna, 2000; Romanov P.V. Sociology of management and organizations. Rostov
n/a: “Phoenix”, 2004.

13 Drucker P. Management: Tasks, Responsobilities, Practice. N.Y.: Harper&Row, 1973; Sheldrake J. Theory
management: from Taylorism to Japaneseization. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001; Woodcock M., Francis D. The liberated manager.
M., 1991.

14 Erhard L. Welfare for all. M.: Delo, 2001.

15 Smirnov S.N., Sidorina T.Yu. Social politics. M.: Publishing House of the State University Higher School of Economics, 2004.

Among other domestic scientists involved in the study of social policy, the works of T.I. are of interest. Zaslavskaya, L.G. Sudas, M.V. Yurasova, V. Paramonov. 16

In addition to literary sources, the work used materials from the following Internet sites: (portal dedicated to social advertising in Russia and abroad), (site dedicated to advertising industry news), (site about advertising and PR), (site of the Union of Social Advertising Creators), ( website of the Public Opinion Foundation), (website of the ROMIR-monitoring holding).

Object of study is social advertising.

Subject of research is the impact of social advertising on the management of social processes.

Purpose of the study: Determine the prospects for using social advertising in managing social processes.

Research objectives:

Determine the main characteristics (types, functions, distribution channels)
commercial and social advertising;

conduct a comparative analysis of the characteristics of social and commercial advertising, identify the main differences between these phenomena;

analyze the main foreign models of development and functioning of social advertising;

conduct a comparative analysis of foreign and Russian models of the functioning of social advertising;

16 Zaslavskaya T.I. Social results of reforms and tasks of social policy//Where is Russia going?. M.: 1998, Sudas L.G., Yurasova M.V. Marketing research in the social sphere. M.: INFRA - M, 2004; Paromonov V.V. Social politics. M.: Publishing house RUDN, 2006.

determine the prospects for the development of social advertising in Russia based on the analysis;

analyze the mechanisms for managing social processes in modern society;

Reveal the prospects for using social advertising in management
social processes based on the analysis of secondary data from a number of
sociological research.

Theoretical and methodological basis The dissertation research was primarily based on general scientific approaches - historical, qualitative, integrated approaches, modern methods system analysis, methods of comparative analysis, basic provisions of the sociology of management, sociology of organizations, sociology of communication systems, theory of marketing and advertising, theory of management of social processes and theory of social policy. The dissertation research is based on the theoretical and methodological developments of such foreign and domestic scientists as F. Kotler, W. Wells, J. Burnet, S. Moriarty, D. Ogilvy, K. Bove, W.F. Arens, D. Burstina, J. Sivulki, A.A. Romanova, E.V. Romata, V.N. Ivanova, V.I Patrusheva, S.N. Smirnova, T.Yu. Sidorina, V.V. Uchenova, N.V. Starykh, L.N. Fedotova, G.G. Nikolaishvili and others.

Empirical basis dissertation research was a comparative analysis of Western and Russian models of the functioning of social advertising, a secondary analysis of materials from a number of sociological studies leading Russian companies, as well as a sociological study conducted in December 2004 by a group of specialist scientists from the Faculty of Sociology of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov under the leadership of the head of the department of sociology of organization and management G.N. Butyrin and head of the Department of Methodology of Sociological Research Yu.P. Averin, in which the author of this work took part.

Scientific novelty:

1. The problem field, functions and main directions of influence are identified
social advertising on modern society.

    The main models of development and functioning of social advertising that have developed in the modern world are identified. The main similarities and differences between Russian and foreign models of social advertising functioning are identified. A model for the development of social advertising in Russia is proposed.

    The dual nature of the use of the social advertising tool in the management of social processes has been revealed: social advertising can act as communication between subjects of managing social processes, or as a social (socio-psychological) method of management.

4. Based on secondary analysis of data from a number of sociological studies
the nature of the influence, efficiency parameters, priority areas have been determined
social advertising.

Theoretical significance of the study

The results of the study contribute to the development of the theory and methodology of managing social processes, which will help improve the efficiency of various government institutions and social organizations of modern Russian society and promote the integration of its spiritual and intellectual forces. The main provisions of the dissertation can serve as a theoretical basis for establishing social advertising activities of subjects of social management.

Provisions for defense:

Social advertising is a type of advertising communication, the purpose of which is to transmit to society socially significant information aimed at forming and changing public opinion, social norms, and behavior patterns. At the same time, the main task of this communication is to involve members of society in solving social problems. Priority directions For

social advertising activities in Russia are: the formation of a fundamentally new image of Russia for Russians, the creation of ideas about today's Russia; explanation of reforms taking place in the country, actions and decisions of authorities state power; promotion of moral and ethical values, norms and behavior patterns.

The most common models of development and functioning of social
advertising was historically formed in the USA and Great Britain. Their main
characteristics is the presence of a coordinating body dealing with
issues of creation, placement, evaluation of the effectiveness of social advertising;
lack of strict legal regulation of social advertising
activities; tendency towards self-regulation of the social advertising market. For
emergence of a full-fledged institution of social advertising communication in
Russia needs to introduce a number of changes to the Federal Law “On Advertising” and tax
legislation; creation of a regulatory body at the state level,
responsible for placement, creation, selection of topics for social advertising messages;
organization of activities at state and public organizations
press services for working with advertising agencies and government
coordinating body.

Sociological methods make it possible to increase the effectiveness of social
advertising campaigns, receive feedback from the audience during their implementation,
and also predict the consequences of such campaigns.

Social advertising is a tool for managing social processes.
The use of this tool in management is dual:
social advertising can act as communication between subjects
management of social processes, or as a social (social
psychological) method of management.

Approbation of work

The main provisions of the dissertation were presented by the author at the conferences “Russia and social changes in the modern world” - Moscow State University (Moscow, 2004), “Russian society and the challenges of globalization” - Moscow State University (Moscow 2004), “Social and cultural space of the city” St. Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg, 2004), “The Future of Russia, Development Strategy” MSU (Moscow 2005), “Lomonosov - 2006” MSU (Moscow, 2006).

Work structure: The work consists of an introduction, 2 chapters, including two paragraphs, a conclusion and a bibliography. The total volume of work is 161 pages.

Main characteristics of modern commercial and social advertising

Over the long paths of its development, society has provided itself with a variety of methods of communication, which ensured the adaptation of members of society to certain opinions and patterns of behavior.

The transformations that occurred in society on the path of its modernization, as well as the political, social, environmental, and technological consequences of industrial revolutions by the beginning of the 20th century. demanded new, more efficient ways of adapting individual members of society to the social problems of modern times.

Changes in habitat during industrial and economic activity human beings, which were recognized by society quite a long time ago, by the middle of the 20th century. led to an ever-increasing sense of anxiety and concern. This happened because all continents by this time had become a platform for intensive industrial production; the rate of “processing” increased natural resources; a connection was discovered between countless industrial accidents and the so-called the latest technologies, as well as testing weapons in the natural environment with harmful consequences for humans. The complex of negative effects of such development has actualized the problems of the physical survival of mankind.

By this time, obvious social consequences macroeconomic changes - population growth, overcrowding of people in megacities, a sharp increase social differentiation, rapid use of non-renewable natural resources, psychological stress of people, quantitative increase in the number of disabled people, homeless people as a result of military operations, etc. A person has a qualitatively more frequent turn to such unsafe methods of achieving psychophysiological comfort as alcohol and drugs.

Not a single form of social consciousness remained aloof from this fundamentally new state of human civilization. Such disciplines as management of social processes and social policy have emerged and become widely used. There are public humanitarian foundations, the sphere of art widely touches on modern social problems, and the church appeals to the masses.

The one that interests us within the framework of this study the phenomenon of social advertising as a way of forming socially approved and socially disapproved actions or opinions.

Consideration of such a complex and multifaceted phenomenon as social advertising should begin with a general analysis of the modern characteristics of the advertising phenomenon as a whole. This consideration is necessary to determine theoretical foundations social advertising activities.

The concept of “advertising,” despite the significant role it plays in society and the widespread use of this concept in everyday life, is one of the most controversial in modern scientific literature. Moreover, the category “advertising” is analyzed from many points of view, and each of the approaches is characterized by the ambiguity and heterogeneity of perception of this category and the numerous scientific definitions.

An analysis of scientific sources indicates that the main approaches are: communication, functional, material, sectoral and cultural (see Figure 1 on the next page). It should be noted that all of these approaches are closely interrelated and complement one another. In some cases, it is difficult to draw a line between them, so it would be inappropriate to strictly separate them, much less contrast them with each other. Next, we will consider the main features and characteristics of these approaches.

The primary understanding of advertising was to regard it as one of the forms of commercial communication. Advertising communication is initially aimed at forming interpersonal connections between participants in market relations in the process of selling goods. Marketing communications specialist I. Krylov wrote: “The very etymology of the word “advertising” (from the Latin verb “reclamo” - to shout) emphasizes that its main function is informational (transfer of information) in verbal channels of social information, usually paid for by a specific advertiser and aimed at a specific circle of people (target audience).”

Models of development and functioning of social advertising

In the previous paragraph, we examined the main definitions, functions, types and distribution channels of social advertising. The analysis carried out allows us to move on to a description of the main models of development and functioning of the institution of social advertising. For a comprehensive analysis, we singled out the two most common, in our opinion, models - the USA and the UK. Then we will characterize the main stages in the development of social advertising in Russia.

Many researchers note that for American society the phenomenon of advertising is the most important element in the formation of both a fundamental worldview and current life orientations. With a certain amount of irony, the famous American sociologist D. Boorstin characterizes the first North American settlers who arrived from Britain as people who believed the advertising in the metropolis that convinced them to settle the colonies. He further writes: “And to this day this is the main stream of American civilization - in the settlement of the continent, in the development of the economy, in the creation of the American standard of living. Advertising expresses optimism, a sense of solidarity, the desire for enrichment, which has played such an important role in our civilization.”

The first advertisement created public organization, appeared in 1906: The American Civic Association called for the protection of Niagara Falls from encroachment by electric companies. To do this, this organization bought advertising pages in popular weeklies using voluntary donations. The public initiative was supported by the government, and Congress adopted a corresponding environmental law. At the same time, the National Committee on Issues child labor began a large-scale campaign against the exploitation of children in the workplace.

With the outbreak of World War I, a new stage in the development of social advertising began in America. The Federal Committee was quickly created public information to explain the essence and goals of the war. One of the Committee's most famous campaigns was the creation of the Uncle Sam "I Want You to Join the US Army" posters (1917).

During these same years, the tendency of some advertisers to use social themes in commercial advertising was clearly evident in American advertising. We are talking about declaring the merits of a product of a particular company, which supposedly strengthen the spirit of the army, help preserve the health of soldiers, etc. Characteristic in this regard is the appeal to the audience of the company that produced Ivory soap: She stated that this product “really pleases our boys in the short hours of rest between battles, when they can enjoy a shower and clean linen.”

The period between the two world wars was rich in various economic and social upheavals for the United States. Social advertising in this time period was used as a means of support in the implementation of various administrative programs. On the initiative of the administration of President F. Roosevelt, which developed the so-called New Deal, a number of departments were created to provide social assistance to the population: the Department of Public Works, the National Labor Council, the National Recovery Administration, etc.

The National Recovery Administration (NRA) has been widely publicizing its public and entrepreneurial activity aimed at restoring the American economy. For example, in 1933, this department developed advertising urging consumers not to buy goods produced using child labor. Advertising campaigns were also carried out under the auspices of the Works Progress Administration (WPA). This organization created posters on socially significant topics of overcoming unemployment and maintaining presence of mind in difficult conditions. More than two million copies of visual advertising sheets have been published on 35,000 topics

Managing social processes in modern society

Analysis of the essence of the phenomenon of social advertising allows us to conclude that this phenomenon has the ability to have a targeted control impact on society. Social advertising can motivate people, direct them towards the implementation of certain socially significant goals, and change their behavior patterns. In addition, social advertising communications are capable of forming in individuals a loyal attitude towards the subjects of management, and the subjects of management themselves convey their decisions to society and explain their actions. Thus, it is important to consider social advertising as a tool for managing social processes.

Theory and practice modern management social processes in the conditions of the information revolution are subject to fundamental qualitative changes. Their essence is that the focus of modern management is “human resource”. The social improvement of citizens, the satisfaction of their social needs and the desire to constantly improve the quality of life of the population have long become the norm of state behavior ( welfare state), market relations (socially limited market), relationships between classes and groups (social space). The fact has been realized: a high quality of life for the population is not only a goal social development, but also a modern mechanism for obtaining High Quality and product reliability, effective solution of economic problems.

In today's management practice, not only social priorities are created, but also social technologies(informational, organizational, communication, administrative, regulatory). The social sphere of management (management of social processes) becomes relatively independent, multi-structural and massive, both from the point of view of the object of influence and its subject. In connection with the current situation, the use of social management various means of communication and influence on public opinion,

behavior, motivation of the population or its individual groups. One of these technologies, taking into account the extensive analysis we carried out in the previous chapter, may be the object of our research - social advertising. Next, we will take a closer look at the main characteristics, subject and content of the social process management system, and also dwell in detail on its important component - social policy. In our opinion, it is during the planning and implementation of the latter that the mechanism of social advertising can be fully involved.

Managing social processes as component management science, as well as sociology, studies the system social relations, social processes, the social sphere, social resources and the management and organizational relationships that develop in them, their patterns and principles. This area of ​​management applies a wealth of theoretical and practical experience, accumulated during the evolution of various management schools - from scientific management UGH. Taylor to the School of Human Resources. As a mass phenomenon, the management of social processes arose as a result of the management revolution in the West in the 60-80s. XX century.123 Based on the fundamental knowledge of management science, general principles technologization of social space, it pursues rather pragmatic goals - to obtain the greatest social effect in a given segment of social space at the lowest management costs. Management of social processes is closely linked to the effectiveness of managerial influences in the social sphere and their reverse impact on market structures, economics, finance, management structure, etc.

Modern scientific literature provides quite a lot of scientific definitions of the social sphere of management. Analysis shows that most of them repeat or complement each other.124 In our opinion, the most complete and consistent with the concept of our research is the definition given by Russian scientists Yu.P. Afonin, A.P. Zhabin and A.S. Pankratov:

Management of social processes is an area of ​​management that develops theoretical and practical skills that allow one to effectively influence social processes and influence the creation of a favorable environment for people. social environment, design social organizations, which in turn provides rational use the richest and most unlimited of all resources - human. The main task of this area of ​​management is coordination, harmonization, and direction of society’s activities towards a common goal.

This definition of social process management allows us to trace a close relationship with the goals set for social advertising. Here is what the famous Russian specialist in the field of social advertising D.A. writes about this. Korobkov: “The success of the development of any organization, be it a large concern, a young company or an entire country, depends on two factors. The first is having a clear vision of the goals and development prospects of the organization. The second is how this vision is communicated and conveyed to all participants in the organization. As a rule, economic success is accompanied by high motivation. When a country is going through a period of reforms, social advertising activities to explain goals and objectives are especially important... Social government advertising creates new horizons, new foundations and objectives, it creates the very desired image of the future that the country and society should strive for”126. Ultimately, the ultimate goal of social advertising is to involve the entire society or its individual groups in solving problems identified during communication, in other words, in the management process itself.

Application of social advertising in the management of social processes

As we noted in the previous paragraph, the nature of the use of social advertising in the management of social processes and the effect of it can be more accurately determined with the help of sociological and marketing research. For example, the Advertising Council in the United States constantly conducts public opinion research, both before the start of social advertising campaigns and after their completion. Research helps to assess the scale of the problem and record the results of changes in the consciousness of the audience, its behavior, and, therefore, trace how this or that social advertising influenced the process of social management.

We can highlight the following tools that, in our opinion, help collect the information necessary to assess the effectiveness of social advertising:

1. Statistical information about the state of society or a social problem. This is, first of all, data from state statistical institutes, adjusted by data from independent research centers.

2. Mass quantitative surveys used for a wide range of tasks, such as: checking and detailing statistics, tracking general dynamics (monitoring public opinion), obtaining information about individual aspects of the problem. A special group of studies consists of surveys related directly to social advertising and the impact on public opinion, including the audience’s assessment of media channels and the percentage of recognition or memory of a specific advertising message.

3. Qualitative survey methods. This group of methods is represented primarily by focused group interviews, so-called focus groups. Individual interviews and so-called dyads (interviews in pairs) are also used. Qualitative research aims to understand the motivational aspects of audience behavior.

All methods of collecting information in sociological research can be divided into two large groups: quantitative and qualitative.

Quantitative research is designed to study objective, quantifiable characteristics of people's behavior. Quantitative research is predominantly descriptive.

Information processing in such studies is carried out using ordered procedures that are quantitative in nature. Strict requirements are imposed on sampling in quantitative research, based on probability theory and mathematical statistics. In this regard, it is possible to transfer the conclusions obtained from studying the sample population to the entire population.

Qualitative research is intended to obtain so-called in-depth information using special techniques. Qualitative research can be called interpretive research. Qualitative research allows you to obtain information about the motives of behavior and attitudes of people, that is, to get an answer to the question: “Why?” Strict requirements for sampling and mathematical confirmation of the reliability of the information obtained are not applicable to such studies.

Qualitative research is a process of discovery, whereas quantitative research is a process of proof and confirmation.

In this part of our work, we will consider a number of sociological studies conducted by Russian experts and allowing us to judge the effectiveness of the use of social advertising and the degree of its influence on the management of social processes. In view of the minimal number of similar studies in Russia, we analyzed one of the most successful experiences of Russian social advertising - advertising of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (EMERCOM), and also made an attempt to evaluate the impact of social advertising in a single city (Moscow), using the example of one One of the most common means of transmitting advertising messages is outdoor advertising.

In the previous article we looked at, and in this article we will answer the question What are the goals and objectives of social advertising?

Purpose answers the question “what?” – that is, what do we want to do through social advertising?

It is the existence in society of such problems as poverty, environmental pollution, the consequences of natural disasters, orphans, drug addiction, crime, alcoholism, smoking and many others that makes the existence of social advertising possible and assigns it a certain role in solving them. Thus, the purpose of social advertising is expressed quite simply and clearly. Now let’s define the objectives of social advertising.

If the goal answers the question “what?”, then the task answers the question “how?”, that is, how and by what means will the goal be achieved?

  • changing a person’s behavior pattern (for example, to solve the problem of alcoholism, public service advertising can persuade people to a sober lifestyle);
  • promoting useful events (for example, social advertising can help raise money for the construction of an animal shelter, for the treatment of a child, for a matinee in an orphanage);
  • attracting public attention to social problems (for example, illegal logging, disastrous reforms in the education sector, the rapid pollution of Lake Baikal... That is, to such problems, the solution of which requires public outcry, to which, in turn, certain high-ranking officials must react to resolve the issue raised).

It is through these methods that the main goal of social advertising is achieved to solve any social problem.

This concerns the goals and objectives of social advertising as a phenomenon in general. But regarding any specific poster with social advertising, located in a specific place and on a specific advertising medium, it is possible to identify, accordingly, more specific goals and objectives.

For example:

  • Social advertising “Cleanliness is in our hands.” Problem: city pollution. Target- make the city clean. Task– change the behavior pattern of city residents so that they do not litter on the streets. Specific purpose of the poster– reduce the amount of garbage on city streets. Specific task poster– show a person the importance of his role in maintaining cleanliness and order on the city streets.
  • Social advertising “Be an example for children, live soberly.” Problem: high level of alcohol consumption in Russia. Target– the population of the country lives soberly and is not poisoned by alcohol. Task– change people’s behavior patterns so that they stop drinking alcohol and start living soberly. Specific purpose of the poster– reduce the level of alcohol consumption, increase the number of teetotalers. Poster challenge– convince the person who looks at it to make a conscious choice in favor of a sober lifestyle.
  • Social advertising “Everyone who enters is in the hood.” Problem: road traffic accidents. Target– ensure road safety. Task– change the behavior pattern of road users. Specific purpose of the poster– reduce the number of accidents, increase the level of driver responsibility. Specific task poster– convince road users of the dangers of texting while driving.

Thus, we can distinguish one main goal of social advertising (as a phenomenon in general), three main tasks (methods of achieving the goal) and many specific goals and objectives that depend on the content of a particular social advertising.

Tasks mass communication, through which advertising influences a person, are very complex. An advertising specialist deals with a large number of people whom he does not know and cannot control the conditions in which his advertising message will be perceived.

The advertising organizer, using mass media, has the opportunity to use any number of artistic and graphic images to make the appeal attractive. Television advertising often features popular artists, presenters of television programs, celebrities praising the product, catchy melodies are used, etc. Therefore, the advertising specialist, depending on the product, its quality, consumer properties and the likely demand for it, chooses the most effective method advertising.

Human behavior and perception of surrounding information is constantly changing. Momentary behavior is formed from a complex of stimuli at a certain moment. The process of human behavior in the advertising environment is influenced by both external and internal factors.

External factors are everything that is happening around you at a given moment in time. This could be people nearby, weather conditions, etc.

Internal factors are everything that is happening inside you at the same moment. For example, your attitude, your attitude towards various things, state of health, views, beliefs, past experiences, etc.

Understanding such factors and their actions is very important in advertising and information activities. It makes it possible to control the human psyche in the process of targeted exposure to advertising.

These internal and external factors cause a certain psychological attitude, which ultimately manifests itself in a certain behavioral action.

The influence of external and internal factors (stimulants) on human behavior can be represented in the form of a diagram shown in Fig. 6.1.

Rice. 6.1.

Advertising information can be considered as a complex of stimuli. A person is always affected by many stimuli, each of which carries certain information. These irritants include colors, visual forms, contrast, volume and intensity, degree of novelty of the advertising message and etc.

The red light of a traffic light warns a person about danger when crossing the street, the rays of the setting sun - about the end of the day and the onset of evening, an advertising text on the radio reports beneficial properties and the merits of a particular product, etc.

Thus, the information carried by, for example, placed by the road billboard, as it were, enters into competition with other types of information affecting the human nervous system.

To be more competitive and attract the attention of passers-by, this billboard should be brighter and more eye-catching than surrounding billboards. This effect of advertising stimuli is taken into account when creating posters, billboards, and panels. For the same purpose, bright, luminous colors and distinctive original contours are used.

As the market becomes saturated with goods, entrepreneurs face the problem of sales. The consumer value of a product alone is no longer enough. In order to successfully sell a product, it is necessary to create a special attractiveness, symbolic value, the so-called image of the product, through which a person can be persuaded to buy this product. For example, to show that Marlboro cigarettes are not just cigarettes, but cigarettes for real men: Marlboro advertising posters depict a mature, courageous cowboy with a tattoo on his arm. A Mercedes car is not just an expensive car, but a car for “successful” people, etc. In the advertising business, the task of creating special symbols that personify the “image” of goods has arisen. Creating an image has become an obligatory part of the advertising and information business in the United States, not only for goods, but also for promoting political activities, ideas, and public figures. The production of illusions that fuel life experience has become an essential part of advertising business USA. For example, in US car advertising the focus is not on technical specifications car, and its image, i.e. color, shape, interior trim, amenities, emphasizes that the buyer of this car belongs to successful, rich people. Thus, the image of the purchased car in the owner’s mind places it among a privileged social stratum of society.

By creating an environment of motivation for a certain consumption, advertising makes it clear that a person who is at a certain level of the social ladder must reinforce this position with consumption characteristics and use things that confirm the achieved social position.

Additional psychological values ​​are given to the product by the performances of popular actors or good famous people, whose advice is an effective means of suggestion.

For example, artists Leonid Kuravlev, Vakhtang Kikabidze appeared on central television advertising zirconium bracelets to normalize blood pressure, I. Kirillov also advertised on television a means to normalize blood pressure, etc.

The content of an advertising message is the main problem of advertising, because in the process of its influence it influences the opinion and behavior of a person and is accordingly accepted or rejected by him. At the same time, the effectiveness of advertising largely depends on the extent to which it takes into account the characteristics of human mental processes. We are talking about her use of methods of suggestion and persuasion.

Suggestion- a method of influence designed for the uncritical perception of messages in which something is affirmed or denied without evidence. Suggestion involves people's ability to accept information based not on evidence, but on the prestige of sources. A distinction is made between primary (psychomotor) suggestibility, the essence of which boils down to the willingness to agree with information based on uncritical perception, and prestigious suggestibility - a change of opinion under the influence of information received from a highly authoritative source.

The method of persuasion is a more objective method of forming public opinion through mass communication channels. Belief- this is an appeal to rational aspects in a person’s thinking in order to change one or another of his views, relationships or form new ones. Thus, persuasion is a form of direct communication of thought, designed for logical perception, supported by facts and evidence. Advertising through persuasion is more effective the more socially communicative an individual is.

If a person sticks to the old ones, familiar forms judgments, they inhibit the adoption of progressive, new ideas. In this situation, prejudice opposes the choice of a new, better one. The difficulties of directly refuting existing judgments and assessments are associated primarily with the presence in people's minds of so-called stereotypes - special socio-psychological formations that standardize the thinking process and recreate themselves in the presence of appropriate conditions. A direct “attack” of advertising on them is regarded by the consumer as a threat to his “I” and often causes avoidance of advice. In the course of persuasion, a critical attitude towards the proposed arguments and conclusions is inevitably overcome. It develops as a result of a number of reasons. Thus, sometimes the persuasive arguments of advertising seem to contradict common sense - a set of views on life that have developed under the influence of everyday experience. For example, advertising a watch that is not afraid of moisture: an advertising photograph of a watch lying in a glass of water.

Addressing potential consumer, you should not resort to the imperative mood. Most people don't like being ordered around. It is especially important to take this circumstance into account in relation to the so-called indecisive buyers who hesitate for a long time before making a purchasing decision. Advertising must take into account this subjective property.

Compare the imperative advertising slogan “Drink tomato juice” or “Drink Soviet champagne” that set teeth on edge in Soviet times with the persuasive informational and educational advertising text: “Tea is the elixir of health. The substances tannin and caffeine it contains strengthen the walls of blood vessels.”

Purpose of advertising usually, comes down to convincing potential buyers of the usefulness of the product and leading to the idea of ​​​​the need to buy it. In a simplified form, the advertising message boils down to the formula: “If you buy such and such, you will get such and such benefits...”

The power of advertising on a person can also be demonstrated by the following example. Central Television conducted an advertising experiment for viewers. A character actor from one of the Moscow theaters was invited to conduct this experiment. With potatoes carefully washed and packaged in 1 kg nets at a price per kilogram slightly higher than the market average, the artist was placed at the capital's market. With the help of a cardboard advertisement and verbal figurative advertising, the actor began to inform customers that the potatoes were grown in environmentally friendly areas with bioadditives that promote effective hair growth and the elimination of wrinkles on the face. Potatoes began to sell out quickly. Then the actor changed the plot of the advertising appeal - he began to advertise potatoes as a remedy for impotence, which also attracted buyers, and the potatoes were sold in a matter of minutes.

The same actor, skillfully made up to look like a destitute man, is extremely short term in a Moscow underground passage, with the help of a convincing appeal to those passing by, he managed to collect a large sum of money, significantly exceeding the fee agreed upon with television.

This experiment once again convinces us of the power of skillful advertising psychological influence on a person’s consciousness in order to induce him to perform certain actions in the interests of the advertiser. At the same time, the experiments conducted once again show the ineradicable gullibility of people in various advertising messages and slogans.

The strength of advertising impact depends on factors such as repeatability of information. To achieve the effect of suggestion, it is not enough to provide information only once. You should strive to ensure that the suggested message is repeated several times, and each time something new is introduced into it, the methods and forms of presenting the content change.

It is known that an advertising message is rarely noticed and read to the end the first time. It is even less common for it to be absorbed and remembered after the first reading or listening. Therefore, at the first meeting with advertising, a person should receive from it such an impulse of psychological impact that would exceed and overcome his existing inertia in receiving information. Otherwise, the process of perceiving the advertising message may be interrupted or stop altogether.

The intensity of the impact of an advertising message is closely related to the so-called “forgetfulness of information.” Human memory has developed specific ways of encoding, processing and storing information. Of the fairly large amount of information processed, only a very limited part remains in memory. A significant part of information is remembered for a short period of time for successful problem solving current activities. This is the so-called RAM. Most often, the message of an advertisement is forgotten immediately after it is perceived. Therefore, in the initial period of advertising, it is necessary to convey a large amount of information per unit of time in an easily digestible emotional form. Subsequently, the intensity of advertising can be reduced to a certain level. optimal level. By studying the memorability of information, scientists have found that those messages that meet the needs and demands of a person are most firmly remembered. The rest of the information partially remains in the subconscious and can subsequently be unconsciously stored in memory for quite a long time.

The advertiser's task is to find such methods of presentation advertising text, which would contribute to his figurative memorization. In addition, information that traces the internal connection between a person’s need and the properties of the advertised product is easily remembered. The more a person discovers these semantic connections in an advertising message, the easier he remembers its content. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the advertising message may not immediately fall into the sphere of a person’s attention. Psychologists' studies show that the first message reaches the attention of 30-50% of recipients. An ad must be published at least three times for it to be noticed by the vast majority of consumers.

A significant role is played by the choice of advertising medium, methods of presenting material, and time of publication. The optimal number of repeated publications of an advertising message is determined depending on the time intervals formed from the moment of the first submission until the end of the entire advertising cycle. Psychologists suggest, for example, using the following ad publication schedule:

second publication - 2 days after the first; third publication - 5 days after the first; fourth publication - 10 days after the first; fifth publication - 20 days after the first; subsequent publications - 20 days after the previous one.

This cyclical nature in publications is explained by the fact that the process of comprehending and memorizing advertising text must take place in stages.

It is also not recommended to repeat an advertising message on the radio too often, much less use the same techniques for presenting this message. It is preferable to transmit messages intermittently, accompanied by music. However, here too it should be borne in mind that the intrusive use of the same sound forms can muffle the reaction of listeners.

Social advertising and its role in the mechanisms of self-regulation of society

Formation of a new image of Russia for Russians - key direction social advertising. Two areas are important here:

The first is the creation of a new image of Russia and the setting of moral and ethical standards of society. Everyone knows what kind of country it was Russian empire what it was Soviet Union. What is Russia today, what are its emotional, rational components? Only by answering these questions can we give impetus to the formation of patriotism in society - the engine of economic development and democratic stability.

The viewer receives positive information only during commercial breaks. Research recently conducted by the ROMIR center demonstrated a very interesting result. Today, practically the only source through which viewers can see successful, smiling people is advertising.

The second task is advertising and information support for specific departments, whose work is directly related to people’s daily lives. For example, the formation of a positive image of the army - by the Ministry of Defense, the fight against drug addiction - by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the formation of the foundations of tolerant consciousness - by the Ministry of Education, payment of taxes - by the Ministry of Taxes. Every ministry and department must have advertising budget to achieve its goals and objectives. Fortunately, in our country one department works excellently in this area and is an example of professionalism - this is the Ministry of Taxes and Duties.

The influence of social advertising on the life of individuals, social groups and society

In the modern world, the media, including TV, has a strong influence on the consciousness of young people. One of the most powerful media today is TV, which has a significant impact on all aspects of human life and on the formation of value orientations among the younger generation. Being a dominant leisure component, TV deserves special attention when analyzing its role in the development of various information by adolescents and young people, because this age period is characterized by intensive formation of worldview, character, and orientation. Much depends on the degree of attractiveness, the form of presentation of information, and the methods of organizing the impact on the viewer. A significant role in the process of perceiving television information is assigned to emotions, namely the mechanism of experience.

In our society now there is a decrease in the birth rate, divorces, cheating, and many bad habits. IN developed countries Social advertising has been effective for a long time life problems society. In our country, a lot more needs to be adopted for this.

Nowadays, Social Advertising is very necessary for a society in which there are a lot of problems of a different nature. The following goals have been set for social advertising: 1. Fostering a caring attitude towards environment. 2. Formation of respectful attitude towards elderly and socially vulnerable citizens, pensioners, veterans. 3. Strengthening and establishing connections between generations. 4. Formation of positive behavioral attitudes (smoking cessation, anti-alcohol propaganda and other elements of a healthy lifestyle) and stereotypes of social behavior. 5.Unification of citizens based on common interests and goals to solve socio-cultural problems.

Photography has become an integral element of social advertising. It gives a feeling of greater authenticity to the text. People have a feeling of involvement in the events depicted in the photograph, empathy for its heroes. A social poster is not only an interesting picture, it is also a powerful tool that affects the people’s psyche. The poster combines photography with text.

Leaflets also have a long history.

During the First World War, leaflets were dropped from airplanes, it was a quick and widely convenient way to distribute social advertising.

The media and the Internet are now a powerful means through which video images and sound can influence the psyche; videos are much more effective than posters.

Ideas and innovations of modern social advertising

Currently advertising agencies faced the problem that outdoor advertising and videos no longer work, do not attract the attention they would like, it’s time to move to interactive technologies.” Mobile technologies have been developed abroad and you can receive useful information through SMS, for example: pregnant women regularly receive SMS messages with useful information about pregnancy, childbirth and newborn care.

The development director of the Social Craft agency told the audience that the penetration of mobile systems into Russian society is still lower than in the United States, but Russian users spend significantly more time on the Internet than Americans, and the creators of social advertising need to take advantage of this advantage.

According to him, there is a group on the VKontak social network that collects funds for various social needs, and the number of this group has doubled from October to December 2010. Social networks quickly respond to problems of society, quickly identify falsifications, young people trust the Internet more than TV and radio. To achieve success on social networks, you need to develop a special strategy, and this is not quick or easy.

Social advertising plays a huge role in the creation and production of moral and spiritual values. Sometimes it spiritually enriches society, awakens in people best qualities. The call to “Call your parents!” can be perceived differently in each family and in each child’s own way. We are talking about the bar of “normality” - both in economic, and in political, and civil, and social terms. Here the possibilities of social advertising are invaluable. Social advertising should become a kind of self-regulator of society, its “conscience” and “common sense”. Taking into account the peculiarities of advertising communication - repetition, mass production, verbal accuracy, emotional richness, the texts of social advertising can serve as a moral catalyst for the state of society and a positive adjustment in its life. An appeal to spiritual values ​​and moral standards can shape the needs of the spiritual plane. Social advertising as psychotherapy that can “improve” social relationships.

Social advertising in Russia - object legal regulation. In accordance with Federal Law Russian Federation“On Advertising” - dated March 13, 2006, social advertising represents public and state interests and is aimed at achieving charitable goals:

2. The free-of-charge activities of legal entities and individuals in the production and distribution of social advertising, transfer of their property, including funds, to other legal entities and individuals for the production and distribution of social advertising are recognized as charitable activities and enjoy the benefits provided by the Law. Charitable activities are also possible from the media, which is most often carried out by posting or broadcasting advertising messages of a social nature on a free or preferential basis.

3. Advertising distributors - media organizations are required to place social advertising presented by the advertiser within 5% of airtime (main print space) per year, used within the limits established for advertising.

change human model behavior, is able to effectively use the ratio of verbal and verbal complexes.

Can be divided into 2 forms of social implementation meaningful idea: factual (in the form of social advertising text) and mental (the result of assimilation of the social advertising text during its reading by the addressee: visual image + (sound) + text = concept).

Unlike commercial advertising, Social Advertising is not directly related to commodity-money exchange, therefore modern researchers do not evaluate it from the standpoint economic efficiency. The object of evaluation is the communicative effectiveness of Social Advertising, the main indicators of which are recognition, memorability, attractiveness and the propaganda power of advertising. These qualitative criteria for communication effectiveness are complemented by quantitative criteria related to the advertising capacity of information dissemination channels. In this regard, Social Advertising is no different from commercial advertising - its result is determined by the time at which the broadcast takes place.

At the same time, it contains facts or statistics confirming the relevance of a certain problem, or describes a separate manifestation of this problem. Such advertising is usually very emotional. Even dry statistics are complemented by bright, memorable visuals. The viewer is required to understand the problem and form his own attitude towards it.

Strategic and tactical goals social advertising

Social advertising, unlike commercial advertising, does not set itself the goal of making a profit. The main goal of social advertising is to attract attention and form a certain attitude of society towards government and social problems. This attitude may in the long term change the behavioral model of society.

In addition, social advertising is intended for a wide target audience, unlike commercial advertising. Social advertising serves as a criterion for the moral health or degradation of society, strives to take a sober look at the world and change it for the better.

Criteria for the psychological effectiveness of social advertising are identified. These include accuracy, information content, memorability, attractiveness, emotional richness and others. The practice of social advertising shows the use of similar tools as commercial advertising. These are various television commercials, print publications, outdoor, transport advertising and other types. There are main categories of social advertising. These include political campaigns, social advertisements created by order of public structures.

Social advertising represents public and state interests and is aimed at achieving charitable goals. Social advertising should not mention commercial organizations and individual entrepreneurs, as well as specific brands.

Advertising distributors - media organizations are required to place social advertising presented by the advertiser within 5% of airtime (main print space) per year, in accordance with the law on advertising.

When placing social advertising, according to experts, it is better to use advertising-attractive social blocks. This trend creates an idea of ​​the fundamental need for social advertising and helps to increase its effectiveness.

Media organizations are required to place social advertising presented by the advertiser within 5% of airtime (main print space) per year, in accordance with the law on advertising.

Production and placement is free of charge, in some cases on a preferential tax basis.

International Campaign to Ban Landmines and Protect Nature and Wildlife.

The first social advertising appeared abroad. During the First World War, leaflets were scattered and posters were put up. It was something in the spirit of patriotism for the population. Such advertising helped mobilize the army and improved conscription.

In the USSR, social advertising appeared well during the 2nd World War, most often these were posters, which to this day are very creative and effective, well thought out and meaningful. The main calls were to work, to a healthy lifestyle, to help the sick and hungry.

There were also ideological posters that praised communist values.

Its carriers were: leaflets, photographs, posters.

The main calls were: to work, to a healthy lifestyle, to help the sick and hungry. It raised a sense of patriotism, such advertising helped mobilize the army and improve conscription during the war years. In Soviet times, the government sought to formulate the “correct” views of society, to “encourage” people to take bold activities that were needed by society, for example, resettlement to undeveloped lands.

In the late 50s, with the weakening of the regime, the type of social advertising changed somewhat, it became less ideological, and there was a shift in meaning towards meeting the needs of citizens, and not just the party. There is more and more non-political advertising. Topics relate to physical education and sports, healthy lifestyle.

The problems of modern society are directly reflected in social advertising.

AIDS, smoking, alcohol, drugs, abortion, prevention of personal safety of citizens, civil rights and responsibilities.

In addition to problems, she sets national goals to improve the situation in sports, a healthy lifestyle, attitude towards nature and the environment.

Social advertising - promotes social values, protects and defends the interests of vulnerable segments of the population (children, elderly people, disabled people), society as a whole, associated with life-support systems (environmental protection, animal protection).

Political advertising is a form of political communication in conditions of choice, targeting groups in a memorable form. Political advertising reflects the essence of a political party or person, incites voters to support them, forms and introduces into the mass consciousness a certain idea about the nature of these political forces, and creates the desired psychological attitude towards voting.

Political advertising can also use the motives of social advertising, but a completely different goal is pursued - not transforming the world for the better and drawing attention to the problem, but to show that a specific leader or party can change the world and solve pressing problems.

When analyzing social and commercial advertising, it was found that social advertising is intended to form basic moral values ​​in society. Commercial advertising only purposefully promotes a specific type of product or service. The different approach to behavioral model in society is due to the economic or social point of view of each advertisement.

The main goal of social advertising is to attract attention and form a certain attitude of society towards government and social problems. This attitude may in the long term change the behavioral model of society. The purpose of commercial advertising is to generate interest and attention, the attitude of the target audience towards specific product or service, encouraging the purchase of an advertised product or service.

In addition, social advertising is intended for a wide target audience, while commercial advertising affects the interests of a small marketing group. Social advertising serves as a criterion for the moral health or degradation of society, strives to take a sober look at the world and change it for the better.

Criteria for the psychological effectiveness of social advertising are identified. These include accuracy, information content, memorability, attractiveness, emotional richness and others. The practice of social advertising shows the use of similar tools as commercial advertising. These are various television commercials, print publications, outdoor, transport advertising and other types.

Modern Russian society is currently still in the process of active transformation. Therefore, the task of improving all aspects of social life, primarily the nature of interaction between the individual and society, the stability of social institutions, value priorities and guidelines in the mass consciousness, is especially acute. It is during transitional periods of social development that this type of influence on a mass audience, such as social advertising, is of particular importance - one of the most important communication channels for managing the process of formation of a fundamentally different system of values ​​in the mass consciousness.

Social advertising as a form of public reflection has wide possibilities for disseminating spiritual, aesthetic, moral and social values. In combination with other instruments of influence, it can work to implement national projects, modernize Russian society, establish a national ideology, and overcome social destruction. In no case should we neglect the transformative capabilities of social advertising in the field of overcoming social pathologies and socially significant deviant and dependent forms of behavior.

Addictive behavior is a problem that is relevant for a very large number of people, especially this problem affects young people. It is the actualization of social advertising that makes it possible to best prevent the risk of drug addiction among young people.

Taking into account the relevance of the above, the purpose of the work has been determined - to characterize social advertising technologies for the prevention of addictive behavior.

In the course of the work, the following tasks were solved: firstly, to identify the role and essence of social advertising in modern society; secondly, consider the characteristics of addictive behavior as a special personality trait; thirdly, to study the practice of organizing an advertising campaign with a social orientation; fourthly, analyze the practice of organizing an advertising campaign using a specific example, in particular the work of a photo exhibition.

1.1 The concept of the role and essence of social advertising in society

The concept of “social advertising” does not have an unambiguous interpretation in scientific, special, journalistic literature, as well as in regulatory documents. First of all, it should be noted that the term “social advertising” is used only in Russia. Throughout the world, it corresponds to the concepts of “non-commercial advertising” and “public advertising”. Let's look at the definitions.

· Public (social) advertising conveys a message promoting some positive phenomenon. Professionals create it for free (it would be more correct to talk about the ethical position of non-profit), space and time in the media are also provided on a non-commercial basis.

Social advertising is public communication using advertising tools and methods and PR organizations that act as subjects of promoting such a “product” in society. mass demand, as a certain social policy. Moreover, social policy is truly a “goods of mass demand”, since every citizen needs a social policy that would be fair to him and would ensure the demand for social security.

Advertising itself fulfills a social mission, being an effective communication technology. This fact makes it necessary to consider social advertising as specialized type professional communication activities, which, unlike other types of advertising, would work not with a narrow consumer, but with a civil mass audience, sending them proposals that affect the interests of every citizen - his physical health, material, spiritual, moral and social well-being.

Social advertising is advertising that encourages us not to make purchases, but to act. For example, don’t smoke - you don’t have time for that, call your parents, take care of nature, etc. Such advertising, of course, does not provide any economic benefit. The emergence and development of social advertising in the Russian advertising market was due to objective reasons. Destruction of the established system of social connections, permanent political and economic crises in the country, rampant crime led to demoralization of public communications, gave rise to new order relationships, based primarily on the priority of material values. Social vulnerability of the population, lack of support from the state and various public institutions contributed to the aggravation of existing and the emergence of new social problems. There is a clear need to change public social policy, one of the tools of which is social advertising.

The main feature of social advertising. If there is a carefully developed social or charitable policy of a corporation producing goods and services, it forms a special and increasingly significant element of its image - social utility. This criterion, when evaluating and choosing a product and service by a consumer, is becoming increasingly higher in the ranking of consumer criteria

A special direction is occupied social programs initiated or actively supported by government and municipal authorities. Here, businesses have ample opportunities to both build sustainable positive relationships with various government agencies and enter the market as a partner organization in the implementation of public policy.

Social advertising represents public and state interests and is aimed at achieving charitable goals. Its main task is to attract public attention to socially significant problems that are relevant in a given period of time.

Sponsorship is a type of commercial investment in social projects, designed to enhance the company's image and value. This is not altruism, not philanthropy, not patronage; rather, sponsorship can be classified as one of the PR technologies.

Sponsorship in social advertising – Part 4 of Article 10 of the “Advertising Law” allows the indication of a name in social advertising legal entity(last name, first name, patronymic of an individual) who is a sponsor of social advertising, without mentioning specific brands (models, articles) of goods produced by him, trademarks, service marks and other means of their individualization.

· information about social services;

· formation of public opinion;

· drawing attention to current problems of public life;

· formation of new behavioral attitudes (anti-alcohol propaganda, smoking cessation, etc.);

· creating a positive image public services And non-profit organizations;

· formation of a positive attitude towards government agencies;

· demonstration social responsibility business;

· strengthening socially significant institutions of civil society;

· formation of new types of social relations;

· changing the behavioral model of society.

· the object of social advertising is what is advertised (values ​​- for example, universal, cultural, religious, patriotic, family, individual, etc.; socially approved models of behavior - for example, a healthy lifestyle, respect for elders, maintaining cleanliness and order);

· concentration on the target audience (selective - addressed to a specific social group and mass - aimed at the general population);

Basic functions of social advertising. Let us dwell on the main functions of social advertising, bearing in mind that at this stage of its development they are not fully realized and it is currently not possible to talk about dysfunctions or obvious and latent functions.

Information function. It consists of drawing attention to current social problems, informing about ways to solve and prevent them, as well as about the activities of non-profit organizations or government agencies and the social services they provide.

Ideological function. The implementation of the ideological function of social advertising is relevant due to a number of circumstances:

– a significant part of the modern world, including Russia, has been affected by the development of globalization processes, which leads to the erosion of national limitations in a number of spheres of modern society: economics, politics, culture;

– the situation is aggravated by the crisis of national identity that arose during the transformation of Russian society, which began in the 90s of the last century.

The essence of the ideological function is:

– in the possibility of forming, through social advertising, a new image of Russia and setting the moral and ethical standards of society, forming a position of “civic responsibility” and attracting citizens to participate in social life;

So, social advertising, like any other, lives and works in three-dimensional space - the space of formation of ideas, relationships and actions. But, unlike other examples of the advertising industry, it forms an idea not of a product, but of a very specific, social problem, of ways to solve it, of socially useful and socially safe behavior. And, accordingly, it contributes to the formation of a very definite attitude towards this problem, as well as towards options and methods for solving it. And quite naturally it contains motivation to perform a necessary, desired action, but not aimed at satisfying a person’s private needs, but a socially useful action. The practice of social advertising increasingly includes such aspects of commercial interest as the promotion of corporate values ​​and possible background penetration into the commercial advertising market, an example of which is the organization of political advertising

1.2 The problem of state policy in the field of social advertising

For now the legislative framework Russian social advertising includes:

Federal Law of July 18, 1995 No. 108-FZ “On Advertising” (in its latest version Federal Law dated March 13, 2006 No. 38-FZ);

Federal Law of August 11, 1995 No. 135-FZ “On charitable activities and charitable organizations";

Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

In Russia, a special law on social advertising has not yet been adopted. Over the past ten years, drafts of such a law have been repeatedly developed and edited by various initiative groups, but were not heard or discussed at meetings of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Let's consider one significant point: the Law “On Advertising” does not mention that the placer of social advertising does not pay taxes for the 5% quota provided. Thus, the media not only give up airtime and space for social advertising (they operate at a loss), but also pay taxes for it. In addition, according to the law, the advertiser has the right to demand remuneration for placing social advertising, but practice shows that such advertising is placed free of charge.

The legislation regulates this issue as follows:

according to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, cash donated to charitable purposes are not subject to taxation. Consequently, the collection is illegal and the collected taxes must be returned through the court.

In this situation, a problem arises: who will control the entire taxation process, determining for what percentage of advertising taxes should be taken and for which - not. As an alternative, when placing social advertising, it is proposed to enter the mark “as a social advertising”. In this case, the antimonopoly committee could monitor advertising under such a mark for its compliance with the norms and concepts of social advertising. However, for this it is necessary to create an expert organization - a body that would classify and examine products placed as social advertising, control the entry of social advertising into the market and monitor the standard for the use of that same 5 percent limit.

So, at the moment the main problems , that producers and advertisers of social advertising face due to imperfections Russian legislation, - This:

inaccuracy in basic terms and evaluation criteria;

disorder of the system of production, distribution and dissemination of social advertising;

the absence of both sanctions for refusing to place social advertising and incentives for the active dissemination of effective social advertising;

Let's consider possible solutions to these problems:

replacement or clarification of the term “social advertising”;

development normative act, explaining the enforcement of existing laws;

2. Technologies and forms of social advertising for the prevention of addictive behavior

2.1 Dependent behavior as a personality trait, its varieties

Man is a social being and constantly strives to interact with other people, in particular to establish friendships and love relationships, and create a family. But for some people, attachment to another person can become excessive and painful. The need for another person in this case becomes all-consuming, close person becomes the main and only meaning of life, overshadowing all other areas of life. Most often, such dependent behavior manifests itself in romantic relationships, but often such painful relationships arise between close relatives. It is almost impossible to build constructive relationships on the basis of addiction, which makes both suffer. The addict constantly demands from the other confirmation of his significance, importance and necessity; this kind of confirmation is never enough. Because of this, a feeling of resentment arises and a contradictory attitude towards the object of addiction (a combination of love and hatred) is formed. Another option is to completely subordinate one’s plans, goals, and interests to the object of dependence. Parting with the object of addiction, in such a relationship, can cause severe emotional states in the addict: depression, anxiety, and possibly even suicidal thoughts. The reason for this dependence is the person’s belief that he is not competent enough, is not able to cope with life’s difficulties on his own, and therefore constantly needs someone nearby. That is, addiction in this case is a personal trait of the addict, which can and should be worked with.

Addictive behavior a type of deviant behavior characterized by an irresistible subordination of one’s own interests to the interests of another person or group, excessive and prolonged fixation of attention on certain types of activities or objects that become overvalued, a decrease or impairment of the ability to control one’s involvement in any activity, as well as the inability to be independent and free in choosing behavior.

However, no matter what the object of addiction is, it always leads to negative changes in life: social connections are disrupted, the range of interests is narrowed, health and emotional state deteriorate.

Let's look at different types of dependencies in more detail.

Dependence on the use of surfactants. One of the most destructive types of addiction is addiction to psychoactive substances (PAS). Substance abuse means drug addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism, smoking, that is, abuse of substances that affect the functioning of the nervous system.

At the physiological level, substances that the body produced independently are gradually replaced by surfactant components. As a result, a person is no longer able to enjoy and relax without using surfactants. And if it is impossible to take a surfactant, withdrawal syndrome occurs, which includes both unpleasant and even painful physical sensations and emotional disorders, such as depression and increased anxiety. In addition, these substances have a toxic effect on the entire body, which leads to disruption of various body systems. But the occurrence of addiction is not limited to physiology.

It is very important to understand that there are always psychological reasons behind addictive behavior. Substance addiction can be a way to attract attention, play the role of a victim, or an escape from problems. Sometimes this method looks like a way out difficult situation, but in fact this only makes the problems worse. A situational temporary improvement occurs, which allows you to mistakenly think that something has really changed for the better. In this case, this method of “solving” problems or coping with stress can become established as effective and develop into addiction. An example of this is the use of alcohol or drugs in stressful situations, in order to distract and relax, which over time develops into systematic abuse.

Currently in Russia, more than 3 million patients with alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse are under dispensary observation in narcological institutions in Russia, most of whom are patients with alcoholism. In Moscow alone, about 30 thousand drug addicts and about 100 thousand alcoholics are registered, and every year the number of people dependent on psychoactive substances is increasing. It is important to note that these are predominantly people aged 16 to 30 years. According to statistics, mortality due to surfactant poisoning in Moscow is more than 500 people per year. It should be borne in mind that not all those suffering from addictions seek medical help, so statistical data cannot show us the real picture.

Gaming addiction has many varieties, among which one of the most common is addiction to slot machines. It is human nature to want everything at once, and this cannot be called something abnormal, as long as one maintains a realistic attitude towards one’s desires and control over them. Slot machines are perceived by many as harmless entertainment, one of the ways to have fun and relax, but the excitement and attractiveness of “easy” money quickly captivates people. In the beginning, a person occasionally visits slot machines, makes small bets, and when he wins, he calmly leaves, realizing the minimal probability of winning again. Losing discourages frequent visits. Some people stop at this stage. But some go further and begin to play more often and longer, but the desire has not yet turned into a habit and stopping the game is still possible. Gradually, the person notices that it is difficult for him to stop, he begins to get nervous when he loses, and when he wins, he throws the entire amount back into the machine. With each loss, the illusion of imminent success grows, and its own systems of number combinations, superstitions and rituals appear. Anxious anticipation of the desired gain is an alarming sign of addiction. If desires become noticeable and difficult to overcome, then perhaps treatment for gambling addiction has become relevant for you. Do not forget that gaming addiction leads not only to obsessive thoughts about the game, increased anxiety and destruction of relationships with loved ones, but also to significant financial losses.

Computer addiction (Internet addiction, gaming addiction) is a relatively “young” and at the same time especially relevant type of addiction in our time. Computer addiction is dangerous primarily because it leads to a significant disruption of adaptation in society (inability to work or study, inability to start a family or even take care of oneself). A person suffering from computer addiction transfers all his desires, needs, and ambitions into virtual space and gradually replaces real life with virtual life. In the life of any person important has communication with other people, and dating and subsequent communication is often easier to establish in the online space. This becomes a problem when, with an abundance of virtual acquaintances, real life all social connections are destroyed: relationships with acquaintances, friends, and relatives deteriorate. In the modern world, a large number of people spend significant time at the computer. Work, study, searching for information, entertainment - for many, a computer, including the use of the Internet, is a necessity. However, if you spend most of your free time at the computer, if online games attract more than real life entertainment, if you want to check email or your page on a social networking site appears several times a day and becomes an obsession; if communicating with friends and acquaintances online is more interesting than communicating in reality, then these are the first signs of computer addiction.

It is necessary to take into account that any form of addictive behavior is not a problem of one person, it also affects those close to the addict. Often a person is unable to control behavior because he denies or devalues ​​the problem, blames others for everything, and rationalizes his own behavior. Such protective mechanisms do not allow you to adequately and soberly assess and control your own condition and understand the scale of the problem. Almost always, the behavior of an addict not only destroys his contact with loved ones, but also brings many problems into their lives. Relatives, as a rule, experience anxiety and concern for the addict, a feeling of guilt because they did not prevent addictive behavior or because they cannot help. Often relatives give up their own lives in order to control the behavior and condition of the addict and try to help him. An example of this is a father of a family suffering from alcoholism, who causes scandals, spends the family budget on alcohol, or even beats up family members. Another example is a young man of working age who spends all his time at the computer, but does not work or study, forcing his parents to take care of him and provide him financially.

Often a person suffering from addiction refuses the help of specialists or agrees under pressure from loved ones, but this does not bring results. The problem is that until a person himself wants to cope with addiction and understands the reasons for its occurrence, treatment cannot be effective. An addicted person is responsible for his own recovery and excessive care from loved ones can have the opposite effect, so social advertising can provide active help here.

Thus, we can say that behavioral addiction is a problem not only of an individual, but also of society; social advertising can be one of the means of its prevention; the technology of its organization will be discussed in more detail in the next chapter.

Advertising campaign (AC) is the main tool for the customer to implement his advertising strategy, one of the elements tactical planning advertising activities. Control of the advertiser’s advertising activities will be effective if it is properly organized during advertising campaigns. Such a multifaceted approach to the same concept is not surprising. After all, an advertising campaign organically contains all the elements of an advertising management system: planning, organization, control, and Information Support. Moreover, during an advertising campaign, to achieve the goal, techniques and methods of other forms of marketing communications are often used: public relations, sales promotion, exhibitions, etc.

An advertising campaign is a set of interrelated advertising activities covering a certain period of time and aimed at achieving a specific advertiser marketing goal. The duration of an advertising campaign depends on the goal, the characteristics of the object of advertising, and the scale of the campaign. Conducting a social advertising campaign requires careful preparation. It begins with justification of the need and feasibility of its implementation.

(1) situational analysis;

(2) determination of the goals of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

(3) identification of the target audience;

(4) formation of the budget of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

(7)implementation of the RC;

(8) assessment of the effectiveness of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Let's consider an example of the organization and work of a photo exhibition on the subject of prevention, addictive behavior, and the initiative of the youth association “Young Health Patrol” was the organization of a photo exhibition and a charity event to promote a healthy lifestyle “Time is Present. I don’t smoke because...” (photo project by Vladimir Glynin).

Justification of the project. Currently, many social problems have become more acute in Russia, in particular, there has been a trend toward an increase in the number of young people smoking, which is especially pronounced in the age group of 16–23 years. One of the ways to influence this target group is the development of social advertising campaigns, including the organization of photo exhibitions, the effectiveness of which on the target group can be assessed through comprehensive research.

The goal of the project was to influence the target group through a PR campaign and selection of creative advertising materials with a social orientation.

The target group in this case will be young people (smokers).

Objectives of the activity

– developing in people an understanding of the need for positive changes in lifestyle and supporting their aspirations for such changes,

– promotion of appropriate motivations in relation to one’s health, development of skills and habits of a healthy lifestyle;

– promotion of a healthy and decent lifestyle, high culture of behavior, instilling in young people a rejection of bad habits, foul language, and a desire to follow a healthy and decent lifestyle.

– teach teenagers to overcome the bad habit of smoking.

Conceptual part. All photographs are combined into a single emotional story. Each one makes you feel, see, think. Realize how much depends on one decision: whether to light a cigarette or put it out forever. The heroes of the project are people who consciously and openly say “no” to smoking.

The first period involves the introduction of the ideology of a healthy lifestyle among the population and the formation of behavioral models that correspond to a healthy lifestyle, the formation of criteria for assessing a healthy lifestyle. Here, a significant role is given to the media: regular publications in the media, television and radio programs devoted to the topic of health, special pages in the Youth Newspaper, etc.

The second period is the formation of a healthy lifestyle of the population in the “pilot” (new) territories, with the subsequent dissemination of experience.

The mission of the photo exhibition project is to increase the responsibility of young people for maintaining their health. More than 5,000 young people will be involved in the implementation of the project, who will become participants in preventive activities. The main motto of the project was the words “My health is a contribution to the development of my country.”

The motto of organizing the photo exhibition is “Let’s extend our life without nicotine.”

The goal of the project: to provide conditions for preventing smoking among adolescents and reducing the number of new smokers in educational institutions - “Russia is a smoking-free territory.”

Characteristics of the implementation of the goals of the photo exhibition “Time is Present. I don't smoke because":

· voluntariness of participation in the event;

· demonstration and promotion of positive economic and social results in the implementation of their activities, in protecting the physical and spiritual health of adolescents

· creation of a public information network on working with the younger generation

· informing citizens through the media about the state and capabilities of the entire health care sector, including medicine, pharmacy, spa treatment, sports and recreational activities, etc., about the availability of services in medical and other institutions in the field of public health care;

· dissemination of information about positive examples of a healthy and highly moral lifestyle.

Let's consider the main stages of organizing a photo exhibition.

1. What stands out is a series of works that are exhibited in galleries, united into one common idea.

2. The number of works is determined. The number of photographs allowed is about 7–10, on one wall, that is, about 50 in total, and 15 works for decorating the foyer.

3. Organization of preview work. To assess the correspondence of the photo to the general concept of the exhibition, a commission gathers to select the works, taking into account the composition, theme, creative idea, etc.

4 . Decor. After approval, the work is prepared for display, several trial versions are printed, inserted into a frame, a mat is selected if necessary, and information about the title and author of the work is carefully attached.

5 . The duration of the exhibition is 1 month.

6 . Analysis of preliminary results.

As a work plan for an external PR consultant when working at a photo exhibition, we can offer the following option, consisting of two stages.

Stage 1 – preparatory (3 weeks – month) Includes following works:

· Determining the goals and objectives of the PR company

· Determining the target audience of events

· Collection and accumulation of information required for carrying out PR events: statistical, internal, personal, etc.

· Development of a unified information policy for the company

· Preparation of a plan for specific events: press conferences, presentations, participation in exhibitions and conferences, publication of articles

· Preparation financial plan events

· Preliminary acquaintance of company employees with media representatives

· Preparation of plans for placing materials in the media

· Assistance in preparing various information materials: press releases, etc.

· Assistance in preparing basic articles for all occasions

· System development " feedback» – monitoring the results of the activities carried out

Stage 2 – main (support for 2–3 months)

· Assistance in carrying out promotions and events according to the approved plan

· Placement of information materials according to the approved plan

· Identification and use additional features for posting information

· Assistance in quickly solving assigned tasks - consulting on current issues

· Preparation of necessary information materials

· Development of new ideas and topics

· Assist in controlling the output of materials

· If necessary, consulting on advertising policy issues in general

Based on the results of the 2nd stage, with the consent of the parties, it is possible to conduct negotiations on further joint work to promote the company. This option of work allows, at the first stage, to fully prepare the corresponding service of the company for further functioning from a theoretical point of view. And on the second, monitor the practical actions of its employees.

Features of advertising support for the exhibition

– audience coverage;

– the nature of the audience;

– channel of influence (visual, auditory, visual-auditory);

– profitability

Main promotion channels: organization of youth events, exhibitions, performances (action art), concerts, festivals, clubs, information portals, forums, etc.

- an all-Russian television channel on which the time of advertising breaks is allocated to regional advertising blocks.

The duration of the video is 20–30 seconds, there may be a shortened version lasting 5–10 seconds. (possibly in the form of a screensaver).

Radio advertising is used to ensure the duration and continuity of advertising impact due to lower prices compared to television. It has an auditory effect and is used to reinforce the visual.

2. The duration of the posted audio clip is 20–30 seconds.

4. Posting frequency – 8–12 times a day (in total on 2 radio stations), with at least 4 broadcasts in prime time on each radio station (2 broadcasts in morning prime time, 2 in evening prime time).

6. It is also advisable to use radio to announce competitions held by the newspaper. Wherein detailed information contained in the newspaper publication, and radio is used as a means of attracting attention.

Press advertising is used at the initial and final stages of an advertising campaign, when the intensity of advertising impact decreases. The business press is used to influence potential advertisers.

4. Placement of line information in telephone directories that have a large circulation and a distribution system covering wide sections of the population ( retail, free distribution at exhibitions, at enterprises in the region.)

5. In publications that provide high-quality image reproduction, in modular advertising layouts, you can use a newspaper photograph to influence visual memory and stimulate visiting the exhibition.

– Allows you to solve the problem of fixing attention on the name of the photo exhibition - the charity event “Time is Present. I don’t smoke because…” is a way of conveying information to the general public.

The use of billboards is of an image nature, ensuring the presence of the newspaper’s image as a reminder of advertising.

External orientation system near the editorial office:

- signboard.

– panel-bracket.

During the period of the advertising campaign on television, a supporting advertising campaign should begin on radio, transport, and outdoor advertising should be used. After the end of advertising on television, an intensive advertising campaign on radio, transport, and outdoor advertising should be ensured.

The main criteria for the psychological effectiveness of the impact of social advertising are:

· ability to attract attention, clarity, information content, memorization, originality of the advertising message, etc. – for the cognitive component;

· the affective component evaluates the emotions evoked by the advertising message: friendly, irritating, attractive, calming, exciting, etc.;

In conclusion, it can be emphasized that today social advertising is an integral part of the infrastructure of European social organizations, and the technology of its work is actively used by domestic specialists. Now the need to attract funds from businesses, foundations and individuals is felt stronger than ever, and this is evidenced by a number of successful projects.

Thus, we can draw the following conclusion: participation in a photo exhibition requires a special organizational approach. In order for the promotion process to be sufficiently effective, a complete analysis of it is necessary. organizational structure, output strategic planning, to promote a specific type of advertising product to the market, only under such conditions can the effectiveness and success of an advertising exhibition campaign be achieved.


Modern advertising is a structural component of culture and a tool of spiritual production . The functionality of advertising in modern society is determined in several directions. The primary function of advertising is to ensure the socialization of a person in a complex, changeable, unstable environment; adapt it to new social roles and values, ways of regulating one’s behavior and activities in a diverse environment. Turning to everyday spheres of behavior, advertising affirms understandable and stereotypical ideas about human relationships, without requiring a person to make efforts to overcome himself - it appeals to life instincts that work as a condition for constant life support.

One of the main directions of development modern economy over the past two decades has been rapidly developing social sphere. Problems of the social environment and the functioning of society have at all times been the focus of attention of progressive and social thought, progressive politicians and scientists, from ancient philosophers to modern reformers. Today, the development and implementation of comprehensive programs that help solve social problems is becoming vitally important; one of such means, of course, can be social advertising.

The modern methodology of social advertising is a manifestation of the good will of society, its principled position regarding socially significant values, which was originally intended to be the high mission of social advertising. At the current pace of evolution and development of society, this type of advertising is becoming a larger type of communication, which can be conditionally called social PR. In developed countries, there are many government and non-government programs that involve social advertising. However, in Russia this process follows its own, individual path.

Due to the imperfection of Russian legislation, manufacturers and advertisers face various problems, such problems as: inaccuracy in basic terms and evaluation criteria; disorder of the system of production, distribution and dissemination of social advertising; the absence of sanctions for refusing to place social advertising and the lack of incentives for the active dissemination of effective social advertising; non-use of social advertising for commercial and political purposes.

At the moment, a large number of people suffer from one kind of addiction or another; these people often refuse the help of specialists, and even if they agree under pressure from loved ones, it does not bring results. After all, the problem is that until a person himself wants to cope with addiction and understands the reasons for its occurrence, treatment will not be effective. An addicted person is responsible for his own recovery and excessive care from loved ones can have the opposite effect, so social advertising can provide active help here.

Addiction is, first of all, a loss of freedom and control over one’s life. A dependent person's desires, values, and goals are subordinated to the influence of the object of dependence. A variety of behaviors from different areas of a person’s life can lead to addiction. The most common types of addiction are: substance addiction, computer addiction, gaming addiction, emotional addiction, sexual addiction.

While political and commercial advertising has become an integral part of society and is effectively used in marketing as a tool for influencing and achieving goals, social advertising is still not seriously considered as one of the real ways solving the assigned problems. Finally, in society the very concept of social advertising is completely blurred and has no clear conceptual boundaries. Summing up the analysis of the development of social advertising, I would like to note that the trends that modern science and journalism are called post-industrial, globalization, and are gradually becoming part of life in Russia. Therefore, the features of Russian social advertising discussed above are now gradually changing. There is an understanding that social advertising should and can be carried out not only by the state, but also by business and society. A civil society is being formed, and there is every reason to believe that Russia will be able to catch up and keep pace with modern Western trends.

Nevertheless, the need for it is high, and interest is gradually growing, both from the population and from government agencies. Developing, social advertising is mastering different areas of the information space and naturally becoming one of the newest tools for influencing groups in society, including in the prevention of addictive behavior.

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